Sunetal.CellDeathandDisease (2018) 9:122 DOI10.1038/s41419-017-0133-1 Cell Death & Disease ARTICLE Open Access Primed atypical ductal hyperplasia- fi associated broblasts promote cell growth and polarity changes of transformed epithelium-like breast cancer MCF-7 cells β via miR-200b/c-IKK signaling Yan Sun1,2, Dan Yang1, Lei Xi1, Yanlin Chen1, Lixin Fu1, Kexin Sun1, Jiali Yin1, Xiaotian Li3, Shuiqing Liu1, Yilu Qin1, Manran Liu1 and Yixuan Hou1,4 Abstract Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) support tumorigenesis by stimulating cancer cell proliferation, and invasion, but how the premalignant stromal fibroblasts trigger epithelial changes remain unclear. We demonstrate that atypical ductal hyperplasia-associated fibroblasts (AHFs) are one kind of activated fibroblasts and stimulate cell growth and polaritychangeofepithelium-liketumorcellMCF-7asCAFs-likefibroblasts.MicroarrayshowsmiR-200bandmiR-200c aredownregulatedduringAHFsandCAFs,andcontributetostromalfibroblastactivity.Additionally,miR-200b/cwith target gene IKKβ (inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase β) control PAI-1 (plasminogen activator inhibitor-1) expressiontoregulategrowthandpolaritychangesofMCF-7cellsthroughNF-κBpathway.Exploringthedifferenceof AHFs in premalignant transformation is crucial for understanding the pathobiology of breast cancer progression. Introduction in situ); and, ultimately, invasive breast cancer (IBC)2–4. Benign breast disease is an important risk factor for Although considerable progress has been made in eluci- breast cancer1. The currently working hypothesis of dating the genetic events in noninvasive and IBC, the breastcancerinitiationsuggeststhatbreastcancerevolves relationship between premalignant and in situ lesions is in a linear progression through sequential stages of not completely established5. As the ductal type lesions hyperplastic benign breast lesions; atypical hyperplasia encompass almost 80% of all diagnosed breast cancers6, (AH, including atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) and/or ADH are derived from outgrowths of luminal epithelial atypical lobular hyperplasia); carcinoma in situ (e.g., cells and are morphologically related to low-grade DCIS. ductalcarcinomainsitu(DCIS)and/orlobularcarcinoma Accordingly, ADH is a good model to simulate breast carcinoma initiation7. However, it remains unclear what drives malignant transformation of ADH and what is the potential molecular mechanism. Correspondence:YixuanHou([email protected]) 1KeyLaboratoryofLaboratoryMedicalDiagnostics,ChineseMinistryof Itisestablishedthatmosttumorsfollowtheactivationof Education,ChongqingMedicalUniversity,#1Yi-Xue-YuanRoad,400016 tumor microenvironment remodeling, and reactive micro- Chongqing,Yu-zhongDistrict,China 2DepartmentofCellBiologyandMedicalGenetics,BasicMedicalSchool, environment induces the malignant cells to proliferate, ChongqingMedicalUniversity,#1Yi-Xue-YuanRoad,400016Chongqing, migrate, and invade8,9. Fibroblasts are a major cell type of Yu-zhongDistrict,China microenvironmentandcancer-associatedfibroblasts(CAFs) Fulllistofauthorinformationisavailableattheendofthearticle YanSunandDanYangcontributedequallytothiswork. EditedbyR.Aqeilan ©TheAuthor(s)2018 OpenAccessThisarticleislicensedunderaCreativeCommonsAttribution4.0InternationalLicense,whichpermitsuse,sharing,adaptation,distributionandreproduction inanymediumorformat,aslongasyougiveappropriatecredittotheoriginalauthor(s)andthesource,providealinktotheCreativeCommonslicense,andindicateif changesweremade.Theimagesorotherthirdpartymaterialinthisarticleareincludedinthearticle’sCreativeCommonslicense,unlessindicatedotherwiseinacreditlinetothematerial.If materialisnotincludedinthearticle’sCreativeCommonslicenseandyourintendeduseisnotpermittedbystatutoryregulationorexceedsthepermitteduse,youwillneedtoobtain permissiondirectlyfromthecopyrightholder.Toviewacopyofthislicense,visit OfficialjournaloftheCellDeathDifferentiationAssociation Sunetal.CellDeathandDisease (2018) 9:122 Page2of14 are thought to favor tumor progression, including breast precancerous tissues, a set of mammary histopathologic tumor progression10. CAFs differ from normal fibroblasts frozentissues,including21normalbreasttissues(normal), (NFs) in phenotypic properties, the expression of growth 37ADH,and35DCISwerevalidatedbyHematoxylinand factors, and the molecule synthesis of the extracellular eosin (HE) staining for histopathologic grade and Immu- matrix (ECM)11. When CAFs mixed with mammary epi- nohistochemistry (IHC) staining to identify the activated thelial cells, they can induce a faster tumor growth than fibroblasts using their biomarkers of α-smooth muscle NFs12. Whereas, at a critical time during premalignant actin (α-SMA), fibroblast specific protein-1 (FSP1). Inter- transformation,whetherthepremalignantfibroblaststrigger estingly, we detected an amount of α-SMA- and FSP1- epithelial changes “priming” or provoking the premalignant positive fibroblasts in ADH (we called AH fibroblasts, tumor are intriguing for understanding the pathobiology of AHFs),whicharenegativeinNFsandmorestrongstaining cancer progression, but these questions are not well in CAFs of DCIS (Fig. 1a and b). These findings were understood12,13. ADH as a good model of premalignant further confirmed by immunofluorescence staining in the breasttumor,fibroblastsinADH(AHFs)mayplayaspecific freshly isolated NFs, AHFs, and CAFs (Fig. 1c and d). roleinthepremalignantprogression.However,whetherthe In our previous studies, we found that CAFs from AHFs exist between CAFs and NFs and whether AHFs tumor tissues possess strong cell growth and invasion trigger epithelial changes during cell transformation of abilities than that of NFs11,19,20. Thus, we wondered to malignancy process are unclear. know the biology characteristics of AHFs. As shown in MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small noncoding RNAs that Fig. 1e–g, AHFs acquire more significant growth pre- suppress the translation of target messenger RNA dominance than NFs, but notably inferior than CAFs (mRNA) depending on the complementarity between (Fig. 1e and f). Similar invasive features were revealed miRNAandthe3′-untranslatedregion(3′-UTR)oftarget (Fig. 1g). These data suggest that AHFs are one kind of mRNA14. Our previous studies have showed down- activated fibroblasts and have independent biological regulated miR-200 family in CAFs contribute to breast characteristics between CAFs and NFs. cancer cell invasion and ECM remodeling9,15. Although extensivemiRNAsresearchhasbeenconductedonCAFs, AHFsstimulatecellgrowth andpolaritychangeof few works are known about the miRNA functions in the epithelium-liketumorcellMCF-7underco-culturecondition fibroblasts of premalignant lesions. Previous studies have shown that CAFs can promote Inthisstudy,itwasexaminedwhetherAHFscontribute tumor cell growth and invasion in tumor microenviron- distinctive microenvironment influences on breast tumor ment11,21. We want to know whether AHFs could con- cells and miRNA in AHFs and CAFs plays a role for tribute to tumor initiation, thus a co-culture system was malignanttransformation.OurdatashowthatAHFsarea employed to unravel the interaction crosstalk between kind of activated fibroblasts in ADH, which have a dis- AHFs and tumor cells (Fig. 2a). In contrast to MCF-7 tinctive biological potential to stimulate cell growth and alone (MCF-7) or MCF-7 co-cultured with NFs (MCF-7/ polarity changes for epithelium-like breast cancer cells. NFs), MCF-7 co-cultured withAHFs (MCF-7/AHFs) had Furthermore, the downregulated miR-200b/c in AHFs stronger proliferation potential than that of MCF-7 and and CAFs contribute to the activation of fibroblasts by MCF-7/NFs, although it was weaker than that of MCF-7 targetingIKKβ(inhibitorofnuclearfactorkappa-Bkinase co-cultured with CAFs (MCF-7/CAFs) tested by cell β) and stimulating NF-κB pathway. PAI-1 (plasminogen number (Fig. 2b) and cell cycle analysis (Fig. 2c). More- activatorInhibitor-1),thedownstreamtargetofNF-κBin over,MCF-7co-culturedwithAHFsfor2weekshadacell AHFsandCAFs,actsasacoreintriggingcellgrowthand polaritychangedtosomeextent.Forexample,E-cadherin, polarity changes of epithelium-like tumor cell MCF-7. the epithelial biomarker, was decreased; and Vimentin, Therefore, our works provide a novelty insight into our the mesenchymal biomarker, was increased detected by knowledge for fibroblasts in premalignant to promote western blotting (Fig. 2d) and immunofluorescence malignant transformation of mammary epithelium. staining(Fig.2eandf).AndtheMCF-7acquiredstronger invasion ability in MCF-7/AHFs than these in culture Result alone or in MCF-7/NFs (Fig. 2g). In addition, the mice Activated fibroblasts exist in mammary atypical injectedwithMCF-7incombinationwithAHFs(MCF-7/ hyperplasia tissues AHFs)hadabiggertumorthanthemiceinjectedMCF-7 These evidences have suggested CAFs, an activated alone (MCF-7) or MCF-7 mixed with NFs (MCF-7/NFs); fibroblastsintumormicroenvironment,actcriticalrolesto interestingly, it was obviously smaller than the tumor tumorgrowthanddevelopment16,17.Onlya fewofstudies generating from injection of MCF-7 mixed with CAFs indicatethataberrantfibroblastsmayexistinprecancerous (MCF-7/CAFs) (Fig. 2h and Supplementary Fig. 1). lesion tissues in some of tumors18. To answer whether a Tumor cells proliferation was assessed by Ki67 staining. kind of activated fibroblasts in human mammary SimilartothefindingsofAHFsandCAFspromotingcell OfficialjournaloftheCellDeathDifferentiationAssociation Sunetal.CellDeathandDisease (2018) 9:122 Page3of14 Fig.1AHFsareonekindofactivatedmyofibroblastsinmammaryatypicalhyperplasiatissuesandpossessessentialbiological characteristicstoCAFsandNFs.a,bIHCstaining(a)andquantitation(b)ofα-SMAandFSP1expressionsinhumannormalmammarytissues(normal), breastatypicalductalhyperplasia(ADH),andbreastductalcarcinomainsitu(DCIS).Theblackarrowsindicatedistinctlystainedfibroblastcellsinthe representativetissues.Scalebars,100μm.c,dImmunofluorescencestaining(c)andquantitation(d)ofα-SMAandFSP1expressionsinprimaryfibroblasts derivedfromnormalmammarytissues(NFs),mammaryatypicalhyperplasia(AHFs),andbreastductalcarcinomainsitu(CAFs).eCellproliferationdetermined byMTTassayforNFs,AHFs,andCAFs.fThepercentagesofS-phasecellsincellcycleareshownbyhistogramforNFs,AHFs,andCAFs.gTranswellchamber analysistodeterminecellinvasionabilitiesofNFs,AHFs,andCAFs.Thedatawereshownasmean±SDforN≥3separateexperiments,*p<0.05 proliferation of MCF-7 in vitro, the tumor injected with Stromal miR-200b and miR-200c are downregulated MCF-7/AHFsandMCF-7/CAFshadanenhancedKi67in duringmammaryepitheliummalignancyandcontributeto the xenografts (Fig. 2i). These data indicate that AHFs fibroblast activity playaroleinpromotingproliferationandpolaritychange To uncover the potential roles of miRNAs to fibroblast for MCF-7, and act as oncogenic function for tumor activity during mammary epithelium malignancy, we per- initiation in the early tumor microenvironment, although formed miRNA microarray to investigate miRNAs these functions are weaker than CAFs. expression profiles of NFs, AHFs, and CAFs. Compared OfficialjournaloftheCellDeathDifferentiationAssociation Sunetal.CellDeathandDisease (2018) 9:122 Page4of14 Fig.2AHFsstimulatecellgrowthandpolaritychangeofMCF-7underco-cultureconditions.aAsketchtodepictthe3Dco-culturedsystemof fibroblastsandMCF-7.bCellproliferationofMCF-7wasdeterminedbycellscountunderco-culturesystemwithstromalfibroblasts(NFs,AHFs,orCAFs). cThepercentageofS-phasecellsincellcyclewasshownforMCF-7aloneorMCF-7co-culturedwithNFs,AHFs,orCAFs.dWesternblottinganalysisto determinetheE-CadherinandVimentinexpressioninMCF-7orMCF-7co-culturedwithNFs,AHFs,orCAFs;GAPDHwasusedasaloadingcontrol. e,fImmunofluorescencestaining(e)andquantitation(f)ofE-cadherinandVimentinexpressioninMCF-7orMCF-7co-culturedwithNFs,AHFs,orCAFs. gTranswellchamberanalysistodetecttheinvadedcellsforMCF-7orMCF-7co-culturedwithNFs,AHFs,orCAFs(magnification×200).hIndicatingtumor sizeinmiceinjectedwithMCF-7cellsaloneorMCF-7cellsmixedwiththeindicatedstromalfibroblasts.iKi-67staininginthexenograftsamples.Thewhite arrowsindicatedistinctlystainedcellsintherepresentativexenografttissues.Scalebars,100μm.Thedatawereshownasmean±SDforN≥3separate experiments,*p<0.05 OfficialjournaloftheCellDeathDifferentiationAssociation Sunetal.CellDeathandDisease (2018) 9:122 Page5of14 Fig.3DecreasedmiR-200b/cinduceactivationofstromalfibroblasts.aThedifferentmiRNAsamongNFs,AHFs,andCAFswereidentifiedby miRNAarrayanalysis.bTheexpressionsofmiR-200b/cidentifiedbymiRNAarraywereconfirmedusingqRT-PCRinNFs,AHFs,andCAFs.U6wasused asaninternalcontrol.cWesternblotsofα-SMAandFSP1expressionsareshownintheindicatedengineeredCAFsorNFs;GAPDHwasusedasa loadingcontrol.d,eThecellcount(d)andthepercentagesofS-phasecellsincellcycle(e)areshownbyhistogramintheindicatedengineered CAFsorNFs.f,gTranswellchamberanalysistotestthecellinvasionpotentialoftheindicatedengineeredCAFsorNFs(magnification×200).The invadedcellsareshownbyhistogram(g).Thedatawereshownasmean±SDforN≥3separateexperiments,*p<0.05 withthemiRNAsexpressioninNFs,nineupregulatedand 200b/cwerefurthercorroboratedinNFs,AHFs,andCAFs five downregulated miRNAs were identified in AHFs and freshly isolated from normal mammary tissues, ADH, and CAFs (p<0.05, q=0) (Fig. 3a). Among these aberrant DCIS (Fig. 3b), suggesting that miR-200b/c may be the miRNAs, the downregulated miR-200b and miR-200c important regulators in fibroblasts activity. Next, engi- (miR-200b/c) have been reported to involve in cell differ- neered CAFs with ectopic miR-200b/c and NFs with spe- entiation and epithelium malignancy in cancer9,22. To cific short hairpin shRNA (shRNA) against miR-200b/c confirmthesefindings,thegradualdownregulationofmiR- were established (Supplementary Fig. 2a and b). The OfficialjournaloftheCellDeathDifferentiationAssociation Sunetal.CellDeathandDisease (2018) 9:122 Page6of14 Fig.4(Seelegendonnextpage.) OfficialjournaloftheCellDeathDifferentiationAssociation Sunetal.CellDeathandDisease (2018) 9:122 Page7of14 (seefigureonpreviouspage) Fig.4miR-200b/candtheirtargetIKKβinduceNF-κBactivationinstromalfibroblasts.aLuciferaseassaywasusedtotestrelativeluciferase activitiesofIKKβin293Tcellsco-transfectedwiththeindicatedmiR-200b/corcontrolvectorwithcorrespondingreports.bWesternblottinganalysis tochecktheproteinlevelsofIKKβ,IκBα,p-IκBα,andnuclearP65intheindicatedengineeredCAFsorNFs.GAPDHorhistone3(H3)wasusedasa loadingcontrol.cImmunofluorescencestainingofnucleartranslocationofP65intheindicatedengineeredCAFsorNFs(magnification×200). dELISA-basedmeasurementofP65activitytoshowNF-κBfunctionintheindicatedengineeredCAFsorNFs.eWesternblottinganalysisofIKKβ, IκBα,p-IκBα,andnuclearP65proteinexpressionsintheNFs,NFs/IKKβwithorwithoutmiR-200b/cencodingvector.GAPDHorhistone3(H3)was usedasaloadingcontrol.fImmunofluorescencestainingtoshownucleartranslocationofP65intheNFs,NFs/IKKβwithorwithoutmiR-200b/c expressionvector(magnification×200).gELISA-basedmeasurementofP65activitytodetectNF-κBfunctionintheNFs,NFs/IKKβwithorwithout miR-200b/c.Thedatawereshownasmean±SDforN≥3separateexperiments,*p<0.05 expressions of α-SMA and FSP1 were attenuated after expression in CAFs, and increased in NFs after knock- overexpressionofmiR-200b/cinCAFs(Fig.3c).Whereas, downofmiR-200bb/cexpression(SupplementaryFig.4b α-SMA and FSP1 expressions were increased in NFs andFig.4b).Thus,IKKβisdirectlyregulatedbymiR-200b which knock down of miR-200b/c (Fig. 3c). To disclose and miR-200c in fibroblasts. the functional effects of miR-200b/c on activated fibro- The IKKβ is critical to NF-κB activity via phosphor- blasts, the cell growth, proliferation, and invasion were ylating IκBα in translocation of P65 into the nucleus23, evaluated. As shown in Fig. 3d–g, knockdown of miR- indicating that loss of miR-200b/c in fibroblasts during 200b/c in NFs endowed fibroblasts with vigorous pro- the process of breast tumor initiation may be accom- liferative potential, such as more growth rate, more paniedwithactivationofNF-κB.Indeed,blockageofmiR- S-phasecellsincellcycle(Fig.3dande,leftpanel),active 200b/c expression in NFs resulted in increased p-IκBα mobility, and invasion (Fig. 3f, left panel; and Fig. 3g, top and nuclear P65 protein levels (Fig. 4b, left panel). panel). However, overexpression of miR-200b/c in CAFs Accordingly, overexpression of miR-200b/c significantly led to reduce of cell proliferation (Fig. 3d and e, right decreased p-IκBα in CAFs, which accompanied with the panel), and caused a marked drop of cell mobility and reduced nuclear P65 levels (Fig. 4b, right panel). Further, invasion (Fig. 3f, right panel; Fig. 3g, bottom panel). IKKβ, p-IκBα, and nuclear P65 protein levels in AHFs Further, the functional effects of miR-200b/c on AHFs were upregulated by knockdown of miR-200b/c (Supple- activity were examined. Knockdown of miR-200b/c in mentary Fig. 5a, left panel), whereas were declined when AHFs endowed AHFs a stronger proliferative potential miR200b/c were overexpressed in AHFs (Supplementary (Supplementary Fig. 3a, left panel) and invasive ability Fig. 5a, right panel). The miR-200b/c regulated nuclear (SupplementaryFig.3b,leftpanel;SupplementaryFig.3c, translocationofP65inCAFs,AHFs,andNFswasproved top panel). Meanwhile, proliferative potential (Supple- by immunofluorescence staining (Fig. 4c and Supple- mentary Fig. 3a, right panel) and invasive ability (Sup- mentary Fig. 5b), and NF-κB in CAFs, AHFs, and NFs plementary Fig. 3b, right panel; Supplementary Fig. 3c, activity was certified by enzyme-linked immunosorbent bottom panel) of AHFs were blunted when over- assay (ELISA) assay (Fig. 4d and Supplementary Fig. 5c). expressing miR-200b/c in AHFs. Collectively, these data To address whether IKKβ involving in miR-200b/c suggest that progressive loss of miR-200b/c induces the regulated NF-κB activation in stomal fibroblasts, the activation of fibroblasts, and facilitates their proliferation engineered NFs with ectopic IKKβ (Supplementary and invasion potentials. Fig. 4c) was used to detect translocation of P65. As expectedly, stable expression of IKKβ enhanced p-IκBα IKKβ is a critical target in miR-200b/c-mediated NF-κB andnuclearP65levelsinNFs,whereasmiR-200bormiR- activation of fibroblasts 200c mimics repressed p-IκBα and nuclear P65 proteins In order to find the miR-200b/c targets associated with in the engineered NFs/IKKβ cells (Fig. 4e). Similarly, fibroblasts activation, bioinformatics analyses (Target Immunofluorescence staining and ELISA assay also Scan, miRanda, and DIANA-microT) were performed. strengthened that IKKβ is a key mediator in miR-200b/c The 3′-UTR of IKKβ was complementary conserved regulatedNF-κBactivation(Fig.4fandg).Together,these sequences within the “seed sequences” of miR-200b/c datashowthatIKKβisindispensableforthemiR-200b/c- (Supplementary Fig. 4a). Using luciferase assay, the 3′- mediated NF-κB activation in fibroblasts. UTR of IKKβ was consolidated to be suppressed by miR- 200b/candmutationofthebindingsitesinthe3′-UTRof NF-κB activity plays a core role in fibroblasts activation IKKβimpairedtheresponsivenessofIKKβtomiR-200b/c Next, we asked whether NF-κB is a key promoting (Fig. 4a). Furthermore, the mRNA and protein levels of factor to fibroblasts activation during the process of IKKβ were decreased after rescue of miR-200b/c breast tumor initiation. Thus, the expressions of IKKβ, OfficialjournaloftheCellDeathDifferentiationAssociation Sunetal.CellDeathandDisease (2018) 9:122 Page8of14 IκBα, p-IκBα, and P65 were detected in normal, ADH, tissues to ADH and DCIS (Fig. 5b). Activation of NF-κB and DCIS tissues by immunohistochemistry staining in NFs stimulated by adding exogenous TNF-α (tumor (Fig. 5a). As expectedly, the levels of IKKβ, p-IκBα and necrosisfactor-α, one ofthe known activator to NF-κB), nuclear P65 were progressively increased from normal α-SMA, and FSP1 expressions of NFs were increased Fig.5NF-κBenhancesstromalfibroblastsactivation.a,bIHCstaining(a)andquantitation(b)ofIKKβ,IκBα,p-IκBα,andnuclearP65proteinlevels inhumannormalmammarytissues(normal),breastatypicalductalhyperplasia(ADH),andbreastductalcarcinomainsitu(DCIS).Theblackarrows indicatedistinctlystainedfibroblastsintherepresentativetumortissues.Scalebars,100μm.cWesternblottinganalysisofα-SMAandFSP1 expressionsinNFstreatedwithorwithoutTNF-αandCAPE.GAPDHwasusedasaloadingcontrol.dandeThecellcount(d)andthepercentagesof S-phasecellsincellcycle(e)wereshownbyhistograminNFstreatedwithorwithoutTNF-αandCAPE.fTranswellchamberanalysisfordetectionof thecellinvasionofNFstreatedwithorwithoutTNF-αandCAPE.Thedatawereshownasmean±SDforN≥3separateexperiments,*p<0.05.TNF-α tumornecrosisfactor-α,CAPEcaffeicacidphenethylester,NF-κBinhibitor OfficialjournaloftheCellDeathDifferentiationAssociation Sunetal.CellDeathandDisease (2018) 9:122 Page9of14 (Fig. 5c). Correspondingly, the cell proliferation (Fig. 5d expressionbythespecificshRNAinCAFs(Supplementary and e) and invasion abilities (Fig. 5f), the representative Fig. 6b), MCF-7 in the co-culture system acquired a biologic characteristics of activated fibroblasts, were powerful proliferation potential by PAI-1 or clearly increased in response to NF-κB activation stimulated by reduced their proliferation ability after loss of PAI-1 or TNF-α. However, inhibition of NF-κBsignaling in CAFs inhibition of PAI-1 activation in CAFs (Fig. 6d and e), using CAPE, an inhibitor of NF-κB, α-SMA, and FSP1 respectively. Furthermore, adding recombinant PAI-1 into protein levels were decreased (Fig. 5c) in CAFs. Cell the supernatant of AHFs stimulated cell proliferation proliferation (Fig. 5d and e) and invasion (Fig. 5f) of MCF-7; silencing PAI-1 expression or inhibition of PAI-1 CAFs were severely blunted after losing NF-κB activa- activation using shRNA or tiplaxtinin obviously declined tion.These datasupportthatNF-κBactivityinducesthe proliferation of MCF-7 in the co-culture system (Supple- activated fibroblasts in the process of breast tumor mentaryFig.7bandc).ThecellpolarityofMCF-7wasalso initiation. changed revealed by western blotting analysis and immu- nofluorescence staining. Compared to the control super- PAI-1 mediates the crosstalk between the activated natant, addition of PAI-1 to the supernatant from NFs fibroblasts and epithelium-like tumor cell MCF-7 to resulted in decreased E-cadherin and enhanced Vimentin promote tumor cell proliferation and cell polarity change levels in MCF-7 (Fig. 6f, left panel, Fig. 6g, upper panel), CAFs have been suggested to promote cancer cell andconferredMCF-7aninvasiveadvantage(Fig.6h,upper progressionbysecretingcytokinesandchemokines24.We panel).Ontheotherhand,lossofPAI-1(usingshRNA)or sought to determine whether the activated fibroblasts inhibition of PAI-1 activity (using tiplaxtinin) in super- could influence MCF-7 proliferation and cell polarity. natant from CAFs increased E-cadherin and mitigated After analyzing the database of NF-κB target genes (NF- Vimentin expression in MCF-7 (Fig. 6f, middle and right κB Transcription Factors Database, Boston University)25 panels, Fig. 6g, middle and bottom panels), thus receded andtheaberrantgenesinourpreviousmicroarraydataof MCF-7 invasive ability in co-cultured with CAFs (Fig. 6h, CAFs11, 16 of interesting targets, including PAI-1 and middleandbottompanels).Similarly,additionofPAI-1to MMP9 (Matrix metalloproteinase 9), which could induce the supernatant from AHFs destroyed the cell polarity cells growth and invasion26,27, were founded (Fig. 6a and of MCF-7 and promoted invasion of MFC-7; and loss of Supplementary Table 3). After confirmation of these PAI-1 or inhibition of PAI-1 activity in supernatant from target expressions in NFs, AHFs, and CAFs using quan- AHFshadabenefittomaintainthecellpolarityofMCF-7 titative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) and ELISA, PAI-1 was and reduced its cell invasion (Supplementary Fig. 7d–f). revealed to be progressively increased from NFs to AHFs These results suggest that PAI-1 mediates the crosstalk and CAFs (Supplementary Fig. 6a and Fig. 6b). Further- between activated fibroblasts and epithelium-like tumor more, secreting PAI-1 was significantly enhanced in the cellMCF-7andpromotestumorcellproliferationandcell supernatant from the NFs which miR-200b/c were polarity change. silenced by specific shRNAs or NF-κB was stimulated by TNF-α;andreducedinthesupernatantfromCAFswhich Discussion miR-200b/c were rescued by overexpression or NF-κB During breast tumor initiation and progression, the was blocked using inhibitor CAPE (Fig. 6c); the expres- mammary microenvironment undergoes a number of sion levels of PAI-1 in AHFs were also regulated by dynamicandregulatedalterationsthatoccurinparallelto altering miR-200b/c levels or NF-κB activation (Supple- transformation13. Previous studies reported that CAFs mentaryFig.7a).ThesedatasuggestthatmiR-200b/cand contribute to breast cancer development, but CAFs are NF-κB closely regulate PAI-1 expression in the activated hardly explained by the dynamic process of primed fibroblasts. fibroblasts in premalignant microenvironment. In this Our above findings disclosed that activated fibroblasts study,AHFsareidentifiedandisolatedfromADH,should could endow MCF-7 with strong cell proliferation poten- beabetterevidencefordiscussingthedynamicchangesof tial and induce cell polarity change under co-culture sys- fibroblastsinpremalignanttransformation.Weshowthat tem (Fig. 2), we wondered whether PAI-1 involved in the expressions of CAFs markers, α-SMA, and FSP1, are crosstalk between fibroblasts and MCF-7 and plays a cri- increased in AHFs and CAFs. More significantly, the tical role to biologic changes of tumor cells. As shown in growth and invasion abilities of AHFs are falling in Fig. 6d, compared with the MCF-7 alone, addition of the between NFs and CAFs. In premalignant microenviron- recombinantPAI-1intothesupernatantofMCF-7(MCF- ment, AHFs may be a kind of activating fibroblasts (or 7/PAI-1)couldnotablyincreasecellproliferationofMCF- early stage of CAFs), which is different from quiescent 7;similarly,applicationoftherecombinantPAI-1intothe NFs and activated CAFs. Thus, these activating AHFs supernatant of NFs, or PAI-1 inhibitor tiplaxtinin (Tipla) havetheiruniquebiologicalcharacteristicsbetweenCAFs into the supernatant of CAFs, or knockdown of PAI-1 and NFs. OfficialjournaloftheCellDeathDifferentiationAssociation Sunetal.CellDeathandDisease (2018) 9:122 Page10of14 Fig.6PAI-1derivedfromactivatedstromalfibroblastspromotestumorcellproliferationandcellpolaritychangeofMCF-7.aVenndiagram toshowtheidentifiedtargetgenesandthecytokinesregulatedbyNF-κBinourpublishedmicroarraydata.b,cELISAanalysistodeterminethesecreting proteinlevelsofMMP9andPAI-1inNFs,AHFs,andCAFs(b),orPAI-1intheindicatedfibroblasts(c).dMCF-7cellswereculturedaloneorco-culturedwith supernatantderivedfromNFsorCAFsundertreatmentasshown.TheMCF-7cellamountsareshownbyhistogram.TheusedconcentrationofPAI-1:50µM; tiplaxtinin(Tipla):30µM.eHistogramtoshowthepercentagesofS-phasecellsincellcycleforMCF-7co-culturedwithsupernatantderivedfromNFsor CAFsunderthetreatmentasshown.TheusedconcentrationofPAI-1andtiplaxtininareasind.f–hCellcultureandtreatmentsofMCF-7cellsareassame asdescribedine.Westernblottinganalysis(f)andImmunofluorescentstaining(g)todetectE-CadherinandVimentinexpressionsinMCF-7.Cellinvasionof MCF-7(h)wasanalyzedbyTranswellchamberanalysis(magnification×200).Thedatawereshownasmean±SDforN≥3separateexperiments,*p<0.05. MMP9matrixmetalloproteinase9,PAI-1plasminogenactivatorinhibitor-1,Tiplaxtinin(Tipla)PAI-1inhibitor OfficialjournaloftheCellDeathDifferentiationAssociation