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PRICING INSURANCE DRAWDOWN-TYPE CONTRACTS WITH UNDERLYING LE´VY ASSETS ZBIGNIEWPALMOWSKIANDJOANNATUMILEWICZ Abstract. In this paper we consider some insurance policies related with drawdown and drawup eventsoflog-returnsforanunderlyingassetmodeledbyaspectrallynegativegeometricL´evyprocess. We consider four contracts among which three were introduced in [16] for a geometric Brownian motion. Thefirstoneisaninsurancecontractwhereprotectionbuyerpaysaconstantpremiumuntil thedrawdownoffixedsizeoflog-returnsoccurs. Inreturnhe/shereceivescertaininsuredamountat 7 thedrawdownepoch. Nextinsurancecontractprovidesprotectionfromanyspecifieddrawdownwith 1 adrawupcontingency. Thiscontractexpiresearlyifcertainfixeddrawupeventoccurspriortofixed 0 drawdown. Thelasttwocontractsareextensionsofthepreviousonesbyadditionalcancellablefeature 2 whichallowsaninvestortoterminatethecontractearlier. Wefocusontwoproblems: calculatingthe fairpremiumpforthebasiccontractsandidentifyingtheoptimalstoppingruleforthepoliceswith n cancellablefeature. Todothiswesolvesometwo-sidedexitproblemsrelatedwiththedrawdownand a thedrawupofspectrallynegativeL´evyprocesseswhichisofownscientificinterest. Wealsoheavily J relyonatheoryofoptimalstopping. 7 Keywords. insurance contract (cid:63) fair valuation (cid:63) drawdown (cid:63) drawup (cid:63) L´evy process (cid:63) optimal ] stopping. R P . n i f - q [ 1 Contents v 1 1. Introduction 2 9 2. Preliminaries 3 8 1 3. Drawdown insurance contract 4 0 3.1. Fair premium 4 . 3.2. Cancellable feature 6 1 0 4. Incorporating drawup cotingency 8 7 4.1. Fair premium 8 1 4.2. Cancellable feature 10 : v 4.3. Striking simple case when a=b 12 i 5. Numerical analysis 13 X 5.1. Fair premium for drawdown insurance 14 r a 5.2. Cancellable drawdown insurance 15 5.3. Fair premium for drawup contingency when a>b 16 5.4. Fair premium for drawup contingency when a=b 18 5.5. Cancellable drawup contingency for a>b 19 5.6. Cancellable drawup contingency for a=b 19 6. Conclusions 19 References 20 Date:January10,2017. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. C61,G01,G13,G22. ThisworkispartiallysupportedbyNationalScienceCentreGrantNo. 2015/17/B/ST1/01102(2016-2019). 1 2 Z.Palmowski—J.Tumilewicz 1. Introduction The drawdown of a given process is the distance of the current value away from the maximum value it has attained to date. Similarly, the drawup of a given process is defined as the current rise of the present value over the running minimum. Both of them have been customarily used as dynamic risk measures. In fact, drawdown process does not only provide dynamic measures of risk, but can also be viewed as measures of relative regret. Similarly drawup process can be viewed as measures of relative satisfaction. Thus, a drawdown or a drawup of a certain number may signal the time when investor may choose to change his/her investment position, which depends on his/her perception of future moves of the market and his/her risk aversion. The interest in drawdown asset has been strongly raised by recent financial crisis. Large market drawdown may bring portfolio losses, liquidity shocks and even future recessions. Therefore risk management of drawdown has become so important among practitioners; see e.g. [2] for portfolio optimization under constraints on the drawdown process, [1, 5] for the distribution of the maximum drawdownofdriftedBrownianmotionandtime-adjustedmeasureofperformanceknownastheCalmar ratioand[11,13,14]fordrawdownprocessasdynamicmeasureofrisk. Foranoverviewoftheexisting techniques for analysis of market crashes as well as a collection of empirical studies of the drawdown process and the maximum drawdown process, please refer to Sornette [12]. Itisthennaturalthatfundmanagershavestrongincentivetoseekinsuranceagainstdrawdown. In fact, as works of [1, 13, 14] argue, some market-traded contracts, such as vanilla and look-back puts, have only limited ability to insure the market drawdown. Therefore the drawdown protection can be useful also for individual investors. In this paper we follow Zhang et al. [16] pricing some insurance contracts against drawdown (and drawup) events of log-returns of stock price modeled by exponential L´evy process and identifying the optimal stopping rules. We also identify for these contracts so-called fair premium rates for which contracts prices equal zero. Initssimplestform,thefirstdrawdowninsurancecontractinvolvesacontinuouspremiumpayment by the investor (protection buyer) to insure a drawdown of log-returns of the underlying asset over a pre-specified level. Possible buyer of this insurance contract might think that it is unlikely to get largedrawdownandhe/shemightwanttostoppayingthepremium. Thereforeweexpandthesimplest contractbyaddingcancellablefeature. Inthiscase,theinvestorreceivesrighttoterminatethecontract earlierandinthiscasehe/shepaypenaltyfordoingso. Weshowthattheinvestor’soptimalcancellable time is based on the first passage time of the drawdown of log-return process. Moreover,wealsoconsiderarelatedinsurancecontractthatprotectstheinvestorfromadrawdown of log-return of the asset price preceding a drawup related with it. In other words, the insurance contract expires early if a drawup event occurs prior to a drawdown. From the investors perspective, when a drawup is realized, there is little need to insure against a drawdown. Therefore, this drawup contingency automatically stops the premium payment and it is an attractive feature that could po- tentially reduce the cost of the drawdown insurance. Finally, we also added cancellable feature to this contract. Zhangetal. [16]consideredonlyariskyassetmodeledbythegeometricBrownianmotion. However, inrecentyears,empiricalstudyoffinancialdatarevealsthefactthatthedistributionofthelog-return of stock price exhibits features which cannot be captured by the normal distribution such as heavy tailsandasymmetry. Forthepurposeofreplicatingmoreeffectivelythesefeaturesandforreproducing a wide variety of implied volatility skews and smiles, there has been a general shift in the literature to modeling a risky asset with an exponential L´evy process as an alternative to exponential of a linear Brownianmotion;seeKyprianou[3]andØksendalandSulem[8]foroverviews. Thereforelookingfora betterfittingoftheevolutionofthestockpriceprocesstotherealdata,inthispaperwepricederivative securities in market by a general geometric spectrally negative L´evy process. That is, logarithm of a risky asset in our case will be a process with stationary and independent increments with no positive jumps. Thelastcontractanalyzedinthispapertakingintoaccountdrawdownanddrawupwithcancellable feature is considered for the first time in literature. At the same, although it is the most complex one, it produces very interesting and surprising results. In particular, we discover new phenomenon for optimal stopping contract rule in this contract. In the phenomenon, the investor’s stopping rule is also at a first passage time of the drawdown of log-returns process, similarly like it is for the second PricinginsuranceLe´vy-drawdown-typecontracts 3 contract without drawup contingency. Still, the level of termination is different taking into account drawup event. Our approach is based on the classical fluctuation theory for the spectrally negative L´evy processes (related with so-called scale functions) and some new exit identities for reflected L´evy processes. The latter ones identify two-sided exit problems for drawup and drawdown first passage times. A key elementofourapproachispathanalysisandusingsomeresultsofMijatovi´candPistorius[6]. Wealso heavily use optimal stopping theory. In a market where the underlying dynamics for the stock price process is driven by the exponential of a linear Brownian motion the valuation is transformed into a free boundary problem. However, by allowing jumps to appear in the sample paths of the underlying dynamics of the stock price process, this idea breaks down. To tackle these infinite horizon problem we use the so-called ,,guess and verify” method. For this method, one guesses what the optimal value functionandoptimalstoppingshouldbeand thentriestoverifythat this candidatesolutionisindeed the optimal one by putting it through a verification theorem. What is meant by the latter is that the value function identified by guessed stopping rule applied to the log-return price process constructs a smallest, in some sense, discounted supermartingale. In this paper we also analyze many particular examples and give extensive numerical analysis showing the dependence of the contract and stopping time on the model’s parameters. We focus mainly on the case when logarithm of the asset price is a linear Brownian motion or drift minus compound Poisson process (so-called Cram´er-Lundberg risk process). The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we introduce main definitions, notations and main fluctuation identities. We analyze insurance contracts based on drawdown and additional drawup in Sections 3 and 4, respectively. We finish our paper by the numerical analysis performed in Section 5 and Conclusions in Section 6. 2. Preliminaries We work on complete filtered probability space (Ω,F,P) satisfying the usual conditions. We model a logarithm of the underlying risky asset price logS by a spectrally negative L´evy process X , that is t t S =exp{X } is a geometric L´evy process. This means that X is a stationary stochastic process with t t t independent increments, right-continuous paths with left limits and has only negative jumps. Manyidentitieswillbegivenintermsofso-calledscalefunctionswhicharedefinedinfollowingway. We start from defining so-called Laplace exponent of X : t (1) ψ(φ)=logE[eφX1] which is well defined for φ≥0 due to the absence of positive jumps. Recall that by L´evy-Khintchine theorem: (2) ψ(φ)=µφ+ 1σ2φ2+(cid:90) (cid:0)e−φu−1+φu1 (cid:1)Π(du), 2 (u<1) (0,∞) whichisanalyticforIm(φ)≤0,whereµandσ ≥0arerealandΠisso-calledL´evymeasure. Itiseasy to observe that ψ is zero at the origin, tends to infinity at infinity and is strictly convex. We denote by Φ:[0,∞)→[0,∞) the right continuous inverse of ψ so that it satisfies the following: Φ(r)=sup{φ>0:ψ(φ)=r} and ψ(Φ(r))=r for all r ≥0. For r ≥ 0 we define a continuous and strictly increasing function W(r) on [0,∞) with the Laplace transform given by: (cid:90) ∞ 1 (3) e−φuW(r)(u)du= , ψ(φ)−r 0 where ψ is a Laplace exponent of X given in (1). It is so-called the first scale function. The second t one is related with the first one via the following relationship: (cid:90) u (4) Z(r)(u)=1+r W(r)(φ)dφ. 0 In this paper we will assume that (5) W(r) ∈C1(R ) + 4 Z.Palmowski—J.Tumilewicz forR =[0,∞). ThisassumptionissatisfiedwhentheprocessX hasnon-trivialgaussiancomponent + t or it is of unbounded variation or the jumps have the density; see [4, Lem. 2.4]. The scale functions are used in two-sided exit formulas: (cid:104) (cid:105) W(r)(x) (6) Ex e−rτa+;τa+ <τ0− = W(r)(a), (cid:104) (cid:105) W(r)(x) (7) Ex e−rτ0−;τ0− <τa+ =Z(r)(x)−Z(r)(a)W(r)(a), where x≤a, r ≥0 and (8) τ+ =inf{t≥0:X ≥a}, τ− =inf{t≥0:X ≤a} a t a t are the first passage times. We also used the following notational convention: E[· 1 ] = E[·;A] for {A} any event A. Let us denote: X =supX , X = infX . t s t s s≤t s≤t Inthispaper,weanalyzesomeinsurancecontractsrelatedwiththedrawdownanddrawupprocessesof log-returnoftheassetpriceS ,thatis,withthedrawdownanddrawupprocessesofX . Thedrawdown t t is the difference between running maximum of the underlying process and its current value and the drawup is difference between process current value and its running minimum. Here, we additionally assumethatthedrawdownanddrawupprocessesstartfromsomepointsy >0andz >0,respectively. That is, (9) D =X ∨y−X , U =X −X ∧(−z). t t t t t t Above the values y and −z can be interpreted as historical maximum and historical minimum of process X. The crucial for further work are the following first passage times of the drawdown process and the drawup process, respectively: (10) τ+(a)=inf{t≥0:D ≥a}, τ−(a)=inf{t≥0:D ≤a}, D t D t (11) τ+(a)=inf{t≥0:U ≥a}, τ−(a)=inf{t≥0:U ≤a}. U t U t Later, we will use the following notational convention: P [·]:=P[·|D =y], P [·]:=P[·|D =y,U =z], P [·]:=P[·|X =x,D =y,U =z]. |y 0 |y|z 0 0 x|y|z 0 0 0 Finally, we denote P [·]:=P[·|X =x] with P=P and E ,E ,E ,E ,E are the corresponding x 0 0 |y |y|z x|y|z x expectations to above measures. We finish this section with two main formulas (the fist one is given in Mijatovi´c and Pistorius [6, Thm.4] and the second one follows from (6)) that identify the joint laws of {τ+,X , X } and {τ−(θ), X }: U τ+ τ+ D τ−(θ) U U D E(cid:20)e−rτU+(b)+uXτU+(b);XτU+(b) <v(cid:21)=eub11++(r(r−−ψψ(u(u))))(cid:82)0(cid:82)b−bve−e−uyuWyW(r()r()y(y)d)ydy 0 W(r)(b−v) (12) −e−u(b−v) , W(r)(b) (cid:104) (cid:105) (cid:104) (cid:105) W(r)(x) (13) E|y e−rτD−(θ);XτD−(θ) >−x =Ex e−rτy+−θ+x;τy+−θ+x <τ0− = W(r)(y−θ+x). 3. Drawdown insurance contract 3.1. Fair premium. In this section, we consider the insurance contract in which protection buyer pays a constant premium p ≥ 0 continuously until the drawdown of log-returns of the asset price of size a > 0 occurs. In return she/he receives the insured amount α ≥ 0 at the drawdown epoch. Let r ≥ 0 be the risk-free interest rate. The contract price is equal to the discounted value of the future cash-flows: (cid:34) (cid:90) τ+(a) (cid:35) (14) f(y,p)=E|y − D e−rtpdt+αe−rτD+(a) . 0 PricinginsuranceLe´vy-drawdown-typecontracts 5 Note that in this contract the investor wants to protect herself/himself from the asset price St =eXt falling down from the previous maximum more than fixed level ea for some a > 0. In other words, she/he believes that even if the price will go up again after the first drawdown of size ea it will not bring her/him sufficient profit. Therefore, she/he is ready to take this type of contract to reduce loss by getting α>0 at the drawdown epoch. Note that (cid:16)p (cid:17) p (15) f(y,p)= +α ξ(y)− , r r where (cid:104) (cid:105) (16) ξ(y):=E|y e−rτD+(a) is the conditional Laplace transform of τ+(a) given that D = y ∈ (0,a). To price the contract (14) D 0 we start from identifying the crucial function ξ. Proposition 1. The conditional Laplace transform ξ(·) is given by W(r)(a) (17) ξ(y)=Z(r)(a−y)−rW(r)(a−y) . W(cid:48)(r)(a) Proof. Note that τ−(0) is the first time that the drawdown process D pass the level 0, which means D t that the the process X attains its historical maximum. It is done in a continuous way by assumed t spectralnegativityofL´evyprocessX. BythestrongMarkovpropertyofprocessD atτ−(0)wehave t D that (cid:104) (cid:105) ξ(y)=E|y e−rτD+(a) (cid:104) (cid:105) (cid:104) (cid:105) =E|y e−rτD+(a);τD+(a)<τD−(0) +E|y| e−rτD−(0);τD−(0)<τD+(a) ξ(0) (cid:104) (cid:105) (cid:104) (cid:105) =Ea−y e−rτ0−;τ0− <τa+ +Ea−y e−rτa+;τa+ <τ0− ξ(0) W(r)(a−y) W(r)(a−y) (18) =Z(r)(a−y)−Z(r)(a) + ξ(0), W(r)(a) W(r)(a) where the third equation follows from the two-sided exit formulas given in (6) - (7). Therefore the problem of finding ξ is reduced to identifying ξ(0). The latter one can be obtained from [10, Prop. 2(ii), p. 191]: W(r)(a) (19) ξ(0)=Z(r)(a)−rW(r)(a) . W(cid:48)(r)(a) This completes the proof. (cid:3) Thus we have the following theorem. Theorem 1. The value of the contract (14) is given in (15) for ξ identified in (17). The fair situation for both sides, the insurance company and investor, is when contract price at conclusion moment equals 0. We say then that the premium p∗ is fair when f(y,p∗)=0. From (15) using Proposition 1 we derive the following theorem. Theorem 2. For the contract (14) the fair premium equals: rαξ(y) (20) p∗ = . 1−ξ(y) 6 Z.Palmowski—J.Tumilewicz 3.2. Cancellable feature. We now extend the previous contract by cancellable feature. In other words, we give the investor right to terminate the contract by paying fixed fee c≥0 at any time prior to a pre-specifies drawdown of log-return of the asset price of size a > 0. This contract is addressed to the investors who are not willing to pay premium any longer after they stopped to believe that a large drawdown of the asset price may happen. The contract value equals then: (cid:34) (cid:90) τ+(a)∧τ (cid:35) (21) F(y,p)= supE|y − D e−rtpdt−ce−rτ1(τ<τ+(a))+αe−rτD+(a)1(τ+(a)≤τ) , τ∈T 0 D D where T is a family of all F -stopping times. t Oneofthemaingoalsofthispaperistoidentifytheoptimalstoppingruleτ∗ thatrealizestheprice F(y,p). We start from the simple observation. Proposition 2. The cancellable drawdown insurance value admits the following decomposition: (22) F(y,p)=f(y,p)+G(y,p), where (23) G(y,p):= supg (y,p), τ τ∈T (24) f˜(y,p):=−f(y,p)−c for (cid:104) (cid:105) (25) g (y,p):=E e−rτf˜(D ,p);τ <τ+(a) τ |y τ D and f(·,·) is defined in (14). Proof. Using 1 =1−1 in (21) we obtain: (τ≥τ+(a)) (τ<τ+(a)) D D (cid:34) (cid:90) τ+(a) (cid:35) F(y,p)=E|y − D e−rtpdt+αe−rτD+(a) 0 (cid:34)(cid:90) τ+(a) (cid:35) +supE|y D e−rtpdt−αe−rτD+(a)1(τ<τ+(a))−ce−rτ1(τ<τ+(a)) . τ∈T τ∧τ+(a) D D D Notethatthefirsttermdoesnotdependonτ. Thesecondtermdependsonτ onlythroughτ <τ+(a). D Then by strong Markov property we get: F(y,p)=f(y,p) (cid:34)(cid:90) τ+(a) (cid:35) +supE|y D e−rtpdt−αe−rτD+(a)1(τ<τ+(a))−ce−rτ1(τ<τ+(a)) τ∈T τ D D (cid:34) (cid:32)(cid:90) τ+(a) (cid:33) (cid:35) =f(y,p)+supE|y e−rτE|Dτ D e−rtpdt−αe−rτD+(a)−c ; τ <τD+(a) . τ∈T 0 This completes the proof. (cid:3) Observe now that f˜(y,p) in (24) is a decreasing function with respect to y. Thus, if f˜(0+,p) < 0, then the optimal stopping strategy for the investor is to never terminate the contract, that is τ =∞. To eliminate this trivial case we assume from now that (26) f˜(0+,p)>0 which is equivalent to saying that p (cid:16)p (cid:17) (27) −c> +α ξ(0+)≥0. r r In order to determine the optimal cancellation strategy for our contract it is sufficient to solve the optimal stopping problem represented by second term in (22), that is to identify G(y,p). We will use the ,,guess and verify” approach. This means that we first guess the candidate stopping rule and then verify if this is truly the optimal stopping rule using the Verification Lemma given below. PricinginsuranceLe´vy-drawdown-typecontracts 7 Lemma 3.1. Let Υ be a right-continuous process living in some Borel state space B killed at some t FΥ-stopping time τ , where FΥ is a right-continuous natural filtration of Υ. Consider the following t 0 t stopping problem: (28) v(φ)= sup E(cid:2)e−rτV(Υ )|Υ =φ(cid:3) τ 0 τ∈TΥ for some function V and the family FΥ-stopping times TΥ. Assume that t (29) P(lim e−rtV(Υ )<∞|Υ =φ)=1. t 0 t→∞ The pair (v∗,τ∗) is a solution of stopping problem (28), that is (cid:104) (cid:105) v∗(φ):=E e−rτ∗V(Υ )|Υ =φ , τ∗ 0 if the following conditions are satisfied: i) v∗(φ)≥V(φ) for all φ∈B, ii) the process e−rtv∗(Υ ) is right continuous supermartingale. t Proof. The proof follows the same arguments as the proof of [3, Lem. 9.1, p. 240]; see also [9, Th. 2.2, p. 29]. (cid:3) Using above Verification Lemma 3.1 we will prove that the first passage time of the drawdown process D below some level θ is the optimal stopping time for (23) (hence also for (22)). That is, we t will prove that (30) τ∗ =τ−(θ)∈T D for an appropriate chosen θ ∈[0,a). For the stopping rule (30) and for y >θ we will compute explicitly g (y,p) given in (25). Note τ−(θ) D that, if y >θ, then (cid:104) (cid:105) W(r)(a−y) (31) g(y,p,θ):=gτD−(θ)(y,p)=f˜(θ,p)E|y e−rτD−(θ);τD−(θ)<τD+(a) =f˜(θ,p)W(r)(a−θ). Furthermore, if y ≤θ then the investor will terminate contract immediately: (cid:104) (cid:105) (32) g(y,p,θ)=E|y e−rτD−(θ)f˜(Dτ−(θ),p);τD−(θ)<τD+(a) =f˜(y,p). D Thus, for θ ∈[0,y] we have: F(y,p,θ)=f(y,p)+g(y,p,θ) (cid:16)p (cid:17) (cid:16)p (cid:17)W(r)(a−y) (cid:16)p (cid:17) W(r)(a−y) p (33) = +α Z(r)(a−y)+ −c − +α Z(r)(a−θ) − . r r W(r)(a−θ) r W(r)(a−θ) r Recall that by (22) the optimal level θ∗ maximizes both value functions F(y,p) and G(y,p). Thus (cid:26) (cid:27) ∂ (34) θ∗ =inf θ ∈[0,a): g(y,p,θ)=0 and for all ς ≥0 g(y,p,ς)≤g(y,p,θ) . ∂θ Note that θ∗ >0 because g(y,p,θ) increases at θ =0. Indeed, (cid:20) ∂ (cid:21) W(r)(a−y) W(r)(a−y)W(cid:48)(r)(a) g(y,p,θ) =f˜(cid:48)(0) +f˜(0) >0, ∂θ W(r)(a) (W(r)(a))2 |θ=0 where the last inequality follows from assumption (26) and fact that f˜(cid:48)(0) = −(p +α)ξ(cid:48)(0) = 0. We r will verify now that (30) indeed holds true, that is, τ−(θ∗) is an optimal stopping rule. D Theorem 3. Assume that (27) holds. The stopping time τ−(θ∗), with θ∗ defined in (34), is the D optimal stopping rule for the stopping problems (23) and (21). Moreover, the price of the drawdown insurance contract with cancellable feature equals F(y,p)=f(y,p)+g(y,p,θ∗). Proof. Basedontheoptimalstoppingproblem(23)itissufficienttocheckthatτ∗ =τ−(θ∗)fulfillstwo D conditions presented in Verification Lemma 3.1 with Υ = D , B = R , τ = τ+(a), V(x) = f˜(x,p). t t + 0 D Note that in this case the assumption (29) is clearly satisfied. In order to prove (i) of Verification 8 Z.Palmowski—J.Tumilewicz Lemma 3.1 it suffices to show that g(y,p,θ)−f˜(y,p) ≥ 0 for some θ. Observe that taking θ = y for y ∈(0,a) produces: (cid:104) (cid:105) (35) g(y,p,a)−f˜(y,p)=E|y e−rτD−(y)f˜(Dτ−(y),p);τD−(y)<τD+(a) −f˜(y,p)=0, D where f˜(y,p) is given in (24). Thus condition (i) of Verification Lemma 3.1 follows from the fact that θ∗ maximizes the function g(y,p,·). To prove condition (ii) of Verification Lemma 3.1 note that by the strong Markov property the process e−r(t∧τD+(a)∧τD−(θ∗))g(Dt∧τ+(a)∧τ−(θ∗),p,θ∗)=E|y[e−rsg(Ds,p,θ∗)|Ft∧τ+(a)∧τ−(θ∗)] D D D D is a martingale. Hence A g(y,p,θ∗)−rg(y,p,θ∗)=0 D for y ∈(θ∗,a) and for the full generator A of the process D. Moreover, from (32) we know that for D y ∈(0,θ∗) we have g(y,p,θ∗)=f˜(y,p). Therefore, for y ∈(0,θ∗), A g(y,p,θ∗)−rg(y,p,θ∗)=A f˜(y,p)−rf˜(y,p) D D =−A f(y,p)+rf(y,p)+rc D (cid:16)p (cid:17) (cid:16)p (cid:17) =− +α [A ξ(y)−rξ(y)]−r −c . r D r Now, the strong Markov property of the process Dt implies that process e−rt∧τD+(a)ξ(Dt∧τ+(a)) = E [e−rsξ(D )|F ] is a martingale. Hence A ξ(y)−rξ(y)=0 for y ∈(0,θ∗) since θ∗ <aD. |y s t∧τ+(a) D D Thus the process e−rt∧τD+(a)g(Dt∧τ+(a),p,θ∗) is a supermartingale because for y ∈(0,θ∗) we have: D (cid:16)p (cid:17) A g(y,p,θ∗)−rg(y,p,θ∗)=−r −c ≤0, D r where the last inequality follows from the assumption (27). This completes the proof. (cid:3) 4. Incorporating drawup cotingency 4.1. Fair premium. The investor might like to buy a contract which has some maturity conditions. This means that this contract would end when these conditions are fulfilled. Therefore in this paper we also consider the insurance contract which provides protection from any specified drawdown of log-return of the asset price with certain drawup contingency. In particular, this contract may expire earlier if a fixed drawup event of log-return of the stock price occurs prior to some fixed drawdown of it. Choosing the drawup event is very natural since it corresponds to some market upward trend and thereforetheinvestormaywanttostoppayingpremiumwhenthiseventhappens. Underarisk-neutral measure the value of this contract equals: (cid:34) (cid:90) τ+(a)∧τ+(b) (cid:35) (36) k(y,z,p):=E|y|z − D U e−rtpdt+αe−rτD+(a)1(τ+(a)≤τ+(b)) , 0 D U for some fixed a > b > 0. At the beginning we will find this value function and then we identify the fair premium p∗ under which (37) k(y,z,p∗)=0. Note that (cid:16)p (cid:17) p p (38) k(y,z,p)= +α ν(y,z)+ λ(y,z)− , r r r where (cid:104) (cid:105) ν(y,z):=E|y|z e−rτD+(a); τD+(a)≤τU+(b) , (cid:104) (cid:105) λ(y,z):=E|y|z e−rτU+(b); τU+(b)<τD+(a) . To get the formulas for ν and λ we have to make some additional observations. PricinginsuranceLe´vy-drawdown-typecontracts 9 Proposition 3. Let y and z denote starting position for drawdown and drawup processes, respectively. For a>b≥0 the following events are equivalent: (cid:8)τ+(b)<τ+(a), D =y, U =z(cid:9)={τ+ <τ− } U D 0 0 b−z (y−a)∨(−z) (cid:110) (cid:111) (39) ∪ X ∨y−X <a, X ≤−z , τ+(b) τ+(b) τ+(b) U U U (cid:8)τ+(a)<τ+(b), D =y, U =z(cid:9)={τ− <τ+ , y−a≥−z} D U 0 0 y−a (b−z) (cid:110) (cid:111) (40) ∪ X ∨y−X ≥a, X ≤−z, X ≤b−z, y−a<−z . τ+(b) τ+(b) τ+(b) τ+(b) U U U U Proof. The proof of this proposition follows from the geometric path arguments. To prove (39) note that (cid:8)τ+(b)<τ+(a), D =y, U =z(cid:9)=(cid:110)τ+(b)<τ+(a), X >−z, D =y, U =z(cid:111) U D 0 0 U D τ+(b) 0 0 U (cid:110) (cid:111) ∪ τ+(b)<τ+(a), X ≤−z, D =y . U D τ+(b) 0 U The event {X > −z, U = z} is equivalent to the requirement that X = b−z and that the τ+(b) 0 τ+(b) U U underlying process X cannot cross y−a level before τ+(b). Therefore, t U (cid:110) (cid:111) (cid:110) (cid:111) (41) τ+(b)<τ+(a), X >−z, D =y, U =y = τ+ <τ− . U D τ+(b) 0 0 b−z (y−a)∨(−z) U Moreover, when X ≤ −z we have X = b−X . Using now the fact that the drawdown τ+(b) τ+(b) τ+(b) U U U occurs after drawup, we can conclude that D <a−b. Thus τ+(b) U (cid:110) (cid:111) (cid:110) (cid:111) (42) τ+(b)<τ+(a), X ≤−z, D =y = X ∨y−X <a, X ≤−z . U D τ+(b) 0 τ+(b) τ+(b) τ+(b) U U U U Observations (41) and (42) complete the proof of (39). To prove (40) we again consider two scenarios: (cid:8)τ+(a)<τ+(b), D =y, U =z(cid:9)=(cid:8)τ+(a)<τ+(b), D =y, U =z, y−a<−z(cid:9) D U 0 0 D U 0 0 ∪(cid:8)τ+(a)<τ+(b), D =y, U =z, y−a≥−z(cid:9). D U 0 0 The case y −a > −z together with the assumption b ≤ a imply that b−a < y. This means that the event when drawdown occurs before drawup is the same as the one when process X crosses y−a before it hits b−z. That is, (cid:8)τ+(a)<τ+(b), D =y, U =z, y−a≥−z(cid:9)=(cid:110)τ− <τ+ , y−a≥−z(cid:111). D U 0 0 y−a (b−z) If y−a≤−z then the process X is crossing −z before the drawdown event occurs. Additionally, the underlying process X can cross level y but it cannot cross level b−z, because otherwise the drawup would occur. Thus, (cid:8)τ+(a)<τ+(b), D =y, U =z, y−a<−z(cid:9) D U 0 0 (cid:110) (cid:111) = X ∨y−X >a, X ≤−z, X ≤b−z, y−a<−z . τ+(b) τ+(b) τ+(b) τ+(b) U U U U This completes the proof of (40). (cid:3) Note that, for b<a, we have (cid:104) (cid:105) (cid:104) (cid:105) (cid:104) (cid:105) E|y|z e−rτU+(b); τD+(a)<τU+(b) =E|y|z e−rτD+(a); τD+(a)<τU+(b) E e−rτU+(b) Proposition 3 and above observation produce the following crucial corollary. Corollary 4. For a>b we have: (cid:104) (cid:105) ν(y,z)=E e−rτy−−a;τy−−a <τ(+b−z) 1(y+z≥a) (cid:104) (cid:105) 1 +E e−rτU+(b);XτU+(b)∨y−XτU+(b) ≥a,XτU+(b) ≤−z, XτU+(b) ≤b−z E(cid:104)e(y−+rzτ<U+a(b))(cid:105) and (cid:104) (cid:105) λ(y,z)=E e−rτb+−z;τ+ <τ− b−z (y−a)∨(−z) (cid:104) (cid:105) +E e−rτU+(b);Xτ+(b)∨y−Xτ+(b) <a, Xτ+(b) ≤−z . U U U 10 Z.Palmowski—J.Tumilewicz Both functions λ and ν can be now calculated by taking inverse Laplace transform of (12). Theorem 5. The price of the contract (36) is given in (38) with λ and ν identified in Corollary 4. From (38) if follows the following theorem. Theorem 6. For the contract (36) the fair premium defined in (37) equals: rαν(y,z) (43) p∗ = , 1−λ(y,z)−ν(y,z) where functions λ and ν are given in Corollary 4. 4.2. Cancellable feature. We will also consider additional possibility of terminating the previous contract. Now, the protection buyer can terminate the position by paying fee c≥0 for doing it. The value of this contract equals then (cid:34) (cid:90) τ+(a)∧τ+(b)∧τ K(y,z,p):=supE − D U e−rtpdt |y|z τ∈T 0 (cid:35) (44) +αe−rτD+(a)1(τ+(a)<τ+(b)∧τ)−ce−rτ1(τ<τ+(a)∧τ+(b)) . D U D U Similarlylikeinthecaseofcancellabledrawdowncontractwecanrepresentthecontractvaluefunction as the sum of two parts: one without cancellable feature and one that depends on a stopping time τ. Proposition 4. The cancellable drawup insurance value admits the decomposition: (45) K(y,z,p)=k(y,z,p)+H(y,z,p), where (46) H(y,z,p):= suph (y,z,p), τ τ∈T (cid:104) (cid:105) (47) h (y,z,p):=E e−rτk˜(D ,U ,p); τ <τ+(a)∧τ+(b) , τ |y|z τ τ D U (48) k˜(y,z,p):=−k(y,z,p)−c and k is given in (38). Proof. The proof follows from the following equality: (cid:34) (cid:90) τ+(a)∧τ+(b) (cid:35) K(y,z,p)=E|y|z − D U e−rtpdt+αe−rτD+(a)1(τ+(a)<τ+(b)) 0 D U +supE (cid:34)e−rτ1 E (cid:104)(cid:90) τD+(a)∧τU+(b)e−rtpdt(cid:105) τ∈T |y|z (τ<τD+(a)∧τU+(b)) |Dτ|Uτ 0 (cid:35) (49) −αe−rτD+(a)1(τ<τ+(a)<τ+(b))−ce−rτ1(τ<τ+(a)∧τ+(b)) . D U D U (cid:3) At the beginning note that, if k˜(D ,U ) < 0 for all θ, then it is not optimal to terminate τ−(θ) τ−(θ) D D the contract and hence τ = ∞. For avoiding this case we assume from this point, that there exist θ 0 for which k˜(D ,U )>0. We can rewrite this assumption as follows: τD−(θ0) τD−(θ0) p (cid:16)p (cid:17) p (50) −c> +α ν(θ ,y+z−θ )+ λ(θ ,y+z−θ )≥0 r r 0 0 r 0 0 for y+z ≥a and p (cid:16)p (cid:17) p (51) −c> +α ν(θ ,y−x −θ )+ λ(θ ,y−x −θ )≥0 r r 0 0 0 r 0 0 0 for y+z <a, where x satisfies k˜(θ ,y−x −θ )= min k˜(θ ,y−x−θ ). Additionally, because 0 0 0 0 0 0 x∈(y−a,−z) of the presence of indicator in (47) without loss of generality we can assume that b−z >y−θ.

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