Journal ofthe Bombay Natural HistorySociety, 105 (3), Sep-Dec 2008 255-263 PREY SELECTION BY TIGERS PANTHERA TIGRIS (LINNAEUS 1758) IN THE SUNDARBANS EAST WILDLIFE SANCTUARY OF BANGLADESH M. MonirulH. Khan1 'WildlifeResearchGroup,DepartmentofAnatomy,UniversityofCambridge,DowningStreet,CambridgeCB23DY,UK. PresentAddress:DepartmentofZoology,JahangirnagarUniversity,Savar,Dhaka1342,Bangladesh.Email:[email protected] This study was conducted to determine prey selection by Tigers Panthera tigris in the Sundarbans East Wildlife SanctuaryofBangladesh.Atotalof145 scatswereanalysedand78killswerestudied.Thefrequencyofoccurrenceof differentprey speciesin scatsandkillswassignificantlydifferent. On an average, the Spotted DeerAxisaxiswasthe mostfrequent prey in scats and kills (78%). Most Spotted Deerkills were adult animals and were in good condition before they were killed. The frequency ofoccurrence in scats was converted to the relative number ofkills, which showedthattheSpottedDeerwasstill themostfrequentprey(29.9%). OtherthantheSpottedDeer,tigersalsopreyed on Wild Boar Sus scrofa Rhesus Macaque Macaca mulatto and Lesser Adjutant Leptoptilosjavanicus. Soil and , , sungrassbladeswerefoundinscats asnon-fooditems. Scats with soil were moreavailable in winterthan in summer. Ingeneral, thetrendofpreyselectionappearedtofollowpreysizeandabundance,butWild BoarandLesserAdjutant were two mosthigh-rankingprey species, because theirselectivity was higherin comparison totheirabundance. Key words: mangroves, tigerfoodhabit, tigerkills, tigerscats, spotteddeer INTRODUCTION MATERIAL AND METHODS The acquisition offood is a fundamental component Study area of every predator’s daily existence. Hence, knowledge of The study was conducted in a part ofthe Sundarbans. food selection is critical to understanding life history The entire Sundarbans is an area ofabout 10,000 sq. km in strategies and developing sound conservation the Ganges-BrahmaputradeltaofBangladesh and India, but recommendations(Miquelleetal. 1996). Predatorystrategies roughly60%ofthisforestliesinthesouth-westofBangladesh are shaped and refined by natural selection to maximise and the rest 40% is in the south-east of the Indian state of nutrient intake within the bounds of a wide range of West Bengal. The monthly mean temperature and relative biologically relevant ecological constraints (Clutton-Brock humidity normally varies from 23 °C (during December- andHarvey 1983; SunquistandSunquist 1989). Carnivores January) to35 °C (during May-June) andfrom 70% to 80%, often regulate or limit the numbers of their prey, thereby respectively. There are three wildlife sanctuaries in the altering the structure and function of entire ecosystems BangladeshSundarbansthattogetherformaUNESCOWorld (Schaller 1972; Smuts 1978; Berger et al. 2001; Terborgh HeritageSite.TheSundarbansEastWildlifeSanctuary(WS) et al. 2002). The role Tigers Panthera tigris play as top (312 sq. km) is one of these three sanctuaries where this predators is vital to regulating and perpetuating ecological research was concentrated (Fig. 1)- Geographically the area processesandsystems(Sunquistetal. 1999;Terborgh 1999). is locatedbetween 21° 47'-22° 03' N and 89° 44’-89° 56' E. The analysis of food habits provides practical and immediately useful information for the management of a Scat analysis particular species, and occasionally aids law enforcement The scat samples were collected from the field, on a and management needs (Korschgen 1971). monthly basis, for 18 months (September 2001 to February The general objective in this research is to identify 2003). Since the Tiger is the only large carnivore in the whether Tigers in the Sundarbans have any preference for Sundarbans, Tiger scats could be identified without any prey in terms of species, availability, age and health. The confusion. The samples were sun-dried whenever necessary, specific questions are; 1) What are the proportions of preserved in a tagged polythene bag, and brought to the different prey species in Tiger scats andkills? 2) DoTigers laboratory for analysis. At first, each of the dried scats was sometimes ingestnon-food items? 3) Does prey abundance classified accordingtotherelative volume, weighedusing the have any effect on prey selection? 4) What are the LarkJPT-2 (range: 0.1-200gm) beambalance(big scatswere proportions of kills in different age and health classes? weighed in sections), and were classified according to their 5) Does the abundance of the Spotted Deer Axis axis in wejght.Theneachscatwasbrokenandcarefullysoakedinwater different age classes have any effect on its selection? to separate prey remains, such as hair, bones, hooves, teeth. PREY SELECTION BYTIGERS IN THE SUNDARBANS EASTWILDLIFE SANCTUARY Fig. 1: The Sundarbans of Bangladesh and Indiashowing the Sundarbans EastWildlife Sanctuary feathers. The separated items were studied with the unaided this study), the frequency of occurrence can considerably eye and with a magnifying glass, as well as under a light distort the relative numbers ofdifferent prey species in the microscope,ifnecessary,andwereidentifiedbycomparingwith diet (Panwar 1990; Karanth and Sunquist 1995). However, areferencecollection (fromdifferentspeciesofkillsand from the frequency ofoccurrence ofdifferent prey species in the captive animals) using features such as structure, colour, and scats of Tigers can be converted to relative numbers and medullaryconfigurationtoidentifypreyspecies(Koppikarand biomass ofdifferent prey taken, which represents the actual Sabnis 1976; Amerasinghe 1983; Kitsos et al. 1995; selectivity pattern (Floyd etal. 1978;Ackermanetal. 1984; Ramakrishnanetal. 1999).Theremainsofonepreyspeciesin Karanth and Sunquist 1995). In the light of the previous onescatwereconsideredasfrequencyone.Iftherewereremains approaches (Schaller 1967; Johnsingh 1983; Putman 1984; oftwopreyspeciesinascat(whichwasararecase;foundonly Emmons 1987; Karanth and Sunquist 1995), the method inafewscats),thefrequencywasdividedinto0.5foreachprey developed by Ackerman et al. (1984) for Puma Puma species. The non-food items were recorded when the item concolor,toconvertthefrequenciesofoccurrenceintorelative formed more than 50% of the scat volume (Schaller 1967; numbers and biomass of individuals killed, was used. Johnsingh 1983),butthesewereexcludedwhileestimatingdiet Assumingthatthedigestivesystemandthedegreeofcarcass compositionandthebiomassoffoodconsumed(Reynoldsand use of the Tiger is comparable to that of the Puma, the Aebischer 1991).ReynoldsandAebischer(1991)definednon- following regression was used to relate live weight ofprey food itemsin the scats asremains ofingestathathave little or killed (A) to the weightofthatpreyrepresentedinonefield- - nonutritivebenefit(i.e., soil andsungrass inthis study). collectableTigerscat (Y) Todetermine whetherthe scat sample size issufficient, the method was followed from Mukherjee etal. (1994), who Y= 1.980+0.035 X studiedtheeffectofscatsamplesizeonfrequencyofoccurrence in scats of a given prey species and identified the minimum The average number of collectable scats produced reliablesamplesize(MRSS)asthatwhichdoesnotcauseany by a Tiger from an individual animal of each prey species furtherchange in aprey with increase in sample size. (X. = X/Y),andtherelative numbersofeachpreykilledwere Although the frequency ofoccurrence ofprey species computedfromthe aboveequations(Ackermanetal. 1984). incarnivorescatsisacommonly-usedparameterinthestudy Therelativenumberswerethenconvertedtorelativebiomass ofcarnivore food habits, ifprey size is highly variable (as in by multiplying with the minimumadult weight. 256 J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 105 (3), Sep-Dec 2008 ; PREY SELECTION BYTIGERS IN THE SUNDARBANS EASTWILDLIFE SANCTUARY Preyselectivityindex SelectivityoftheTigerpredationforageclassesofthe The selectivity index (S) (Sourd 1983; Julliot 1996), Spotted Deer was assessed by Ivlev’s selectivity index (D) used to compare the abundance ofeach edible prey species (Okarmaetal. 1997; Khorozyan and Malkhasyan 2002)- in the habitat and its proportion in the Tiger diet, was D = (ffi- fL)/(fE + fL - 2fEfL) calculated by using the equation mentioned below - Here fE= fraction ofagiven age class among Spotted Deer eaten by Tigers (adult = 0.765, yearling = 0.176 and S = (PC -PA )/(PC + PA fawn = 0.059; ages identified on the basis of the eruption ' sp sp7 v sp sp') ofthe teeth (Table 5), and fL is the fraction of a given age Here PC = proportion ofone particularprey species class in the habitat (adult = 0.722, yearling = 0.205 and sp intheTigerdietasapercentageoftherelativenumberofthat fawn=0.073; Khan2004).Thepositiveornegativevalueof prey speciesintheTigerdiet(SpottedDeerAxisaxis=43.4, D for a certain age class means that the individuals of that Wild Boar Sus scrofa = 8.5, Rhesus Macaque Macaca ageclass were positively ornegatively selected. mulatto =22.2,LesserAdjutantLeptoptilosjavanicus= 8.5, RedJunglefowlGallusgallus- 17.4,WaterMonitorVaranus RESULTS salvator=0; Table 3), and PA =proportionofthesameprey speciesavailablein Scat volume and weight, and minimum sample size the habitat as a percentage ofthe individual density ofthat In terms ofrelative volume, there were no significant prey species in total prey population (Spotted Deer = 48.2, differenceinthefrequenciesofsmall,mediumandlargescats Wild Boar = 1.1, Rhesus Macaque = 15.0, Lesser (yp — 0.68, df = 2, p - 0.713), but medium-sized scats Adjutant= 1.4,RedJunglefowl= 16.1,WaterMonitor= 18.2; were the commonest (36.6%). On the other hand, classes Khan 2004). based on dry weight show that there were significant The species wasthenconsideredas: a) ahigh-ranking differencesinthefrequenciesofscatsinthreedifferentweight species, when S > 0.3 (PC at least double than PA ); classes (y2 = 25.00, df = 2, p < 0.001), but relatively light b) a middle-ranking species, when S lies between -0.3 and weight (<100 gm) scats were the commonest (51.0%) 0.3 (PCsp similar to PA ); c) a low-ranking species, when (Table 1). The mean weight of dried scats was 124.9 gm S < -0.3 (vPCspat least half than PAsp7); and d)7 an uneaten (n = 145, range = 10.6-406.6 gm, sd = 94.8). species, when S = -1 (PC = 0, non-used edible species). The results ofthe testforminimum sample size ofthe p scats, required for actual presentation ofthe proportion ofa Killstudy prey species in the scats is illustrated in Fig. 2. It is evident Crows and vultures are good advertisers ofTigerkills that even 34 samples are sufficient to represent adequately in most of the Tiger ranges of the Indian subcontinent the occurrence ofthe Spotted Deer in the Tiger diet, which (Schaller 1972;Johnsingh 1983;KaranthandSunquist 1995), stays virtually steady-state regardless of the larger sample butthedensevegetation,andtherarityofcrowsandvultures size. intheSundarbans,forcedmetodependmainlyonodourand draggingsigns.Inadditiontothespeciesofpreykilled,ifthe Preyselection killwasrelativelyintact,theageclassandhealthofthekilled The frequency ofoccurrence ofdifferent prey species individual was recorded on the basis ofthe size, colour and inscatsandkills (Table2) showsthatexcludingzerovalues, overallconditionoftheanimal.Wheneverpossible,thecolour the frequencies ofdifferent prey species were significantly and texture offemur marrow fat were examined in order to different (in scats: yj = 545.71, df = 7, p < 0.001; in kills: record the health condition of the kill more accurately yj- 316.15, df=6,p<0.001). On an average. SpottedDeer (Schaller 1967;SinclairandDuncan 1972;Riney 1982).The lowerjaws were collected wheneveravailable, and taken to thelaboratorywherethetotallengthanddiastemalengthwere Table 1: Scat size oftheTigeron the basis ofvolumeand weight measured,andusedtoclassifythekillsintoagecategoriesas adult, yearling/juvenile and fawn/young on the basis of Relativevolume Weight (gm) eruptionandwearofpremolarandmolarteeth(Schaller 1967 % % Riney 1982;vanLavieren 1983).Ialsotriedtodeterminethe Class No. Class No. age of kills by counting tooth cement rings (Ashby and Small 46 31.7 <100 74 51.0 Santiapillai 1986; Ballard et al. 1995; Landon et al. 1998), Medium 53 36.6 100+to200 46 31.7 but no distinct annuli were found. Large 46 31.7 200+ 25 17.3 J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 105 (3), Sep-Dec 2008 257 PREYSELECTION BYTIGERS IN THE SUNDARBANS EASTWILDLIFE SANCTUARY Unidentified Fig. 2: Relationship betweenthe sample size ofTigerscatsand percentage ofthefrequencyofoccurrence ofthe Spotted Deer in scats in the Sundarbans EastWildlife Sanctuary wasthemostfrequent(78%),butTigersalsoconsumedWild Boar, Rhesus Macaque, Porcupine (Indian Crested Hystrix indica or Brush-tailed Atherurus macrourus Leopard Cat ), Prionailurus bengalensis Irrawaddy Dolphin Orcaella , brevirostris(diedinthe fishingnet, which was thrown away andfloatedtothebank,andfinallyeatenbythetiger).Lesser Adjutant,RedJunglefowl,MudCrabScyllaserrataandWater Monitor Varanus salvator which together form the rest of , thefrequencypercentage(Table2).Sincethepreysizesvaried considerably, the frequency ofoccurrence was converted to Fig.3: Proportionsoftherelativebiomassofdifferentpreyspecies therelativenumbersofpreyanimalskilled, anditwasfound consumed byTigers in the Sundarbans EastWildlife Sanctuary that Spotted Deer was still the most frequently consumed were also found in a number of scats, but only one scat (29.9%) (Table 3). When relative numbers ofdifferent prey (collected in January 2002) had sungrass more than 50% of animals consumed by Tigers were converted to the relative the volume. In almost all cases the soil was very hard in the biomass,itshowsthattheSpottedDeerformsthebulkofthe scat, probably due to contraction in the intestine. The diet(80%)andWildBoaristhesecond-mostconsumed(11%) occurrence of scat samples with more than 50% soil in (Fig. 3). These are the two species on which Tigers in the different periods of the months was significantly different Sundarbans are thriving. (yp = 27.19, df= 8,p = 0.001). More than 80% ofthe scats with soilwerefound in winter/dry season (October-March), Non-food items in scats with the peak in November-December (c. 15%), which Other than the prey animal remains, 74 (51%) scat indicates a strong seasonality in soil ingestion by Tigers samples had large quantities of soil (more than 50% ofthe (Fig. 4). Notably, the monthly total collection ofscats was volume). Sungrass (Imperata sp.) blades, and rarely leaves. almostequallyproportionalindifferentseasons.Thepresence Table 2: Occurrenceofdifferentprey species in scats and killsofTigers % % % Preyspecies Frequency in scats frequency in scats Frequencyin kills frequency in kills total frequency in scatsand kills Spotted Deer 108 74.5 66 84.6 78.0 Wild Boar 16 11.0 2 2.6 8.1 Rhesus Macaque 8 5.5 1 1.3 4.0 Porcupine 2 1.4 0 0.0 0.9 LeopardCat 1 0.7 0 0.0 0.5 IrrawaddyDolphin (strandedcarcase) 0 0.0 1 1.3 0.5 LesserAdjutant 3 2.1 5 6.4 3.6 RedJunglefowl 1 0.7 1 1.3 0.9 Mud Crab 1 0.7 0 0.0 0.4 Water Monitor 0 0.0 2 2.5 0.9 Unidentified 5 3.4 0 0.0 2.2 258 J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 105 (3), Sep-Dec 2008 00 PREYSELECTION BYTIGERS IN THE SUNDARBANS EASTWILDLIFE SANCTUARY Table3: Estimated average numberofcollectable scats producedfrom individual prey animalsand relative numbersofdifferent preyspecies killed byTigers in the Sundarbans EastWildlife Sanctuary Preyspecies Weight (kg) Frequencyof No. ofcollectable Total no. of animals Relative no. of occurrence in scats scats produced/kill eaten to provide preyanimals killed (%) collected-scats Spotted Deer 47. 1 108 13.1 8.2 29.9 Wild Boar 32. 1 16 10.3 1.6 5.8 RhesusMacaque 4.0' 8 1.9 4.2 15.3 Porcupine 8.02 2 3.5 0.6 2.2 LeopardCat 3.03 1 1.4 0.7 2.6 LesserAdjutant 4.04 3 1.9 1.6 5.8 RedJunglefowl 0.6s 1 0.3 3.3 12.1 Mud Crab 0.36 1 0.2 5.0 18.3 Unidentified 5.07 5 2.3 2.2 8.0 N.B. Mainlythe minimum adultweightsofthe preyspecieswereconsidered. 'Source: Karanth & Sunquist(1992);2Source: Karanth & Sunquist (1995); 3Sourcei: Prater (1971); “Sources:; 5Source:; 6Source: local crabcollectors; 7Source: arbitrarilyassumed, as in Karanth & Sunquist (1995) of a large amount of soil proves that these were not lengths of these two specimens were 20.5 and 21.7 cm, accidentallyingested. andthediastemalengthinbothcaseswas0.5cm.Mostofthe kills were adult animals (based on freshkills-56.5%, based Prey abundanceversus preyselection on eruption of teeth - 76.5%) (Table 5), and were in good Theselectivityindex(S)forsixpotential preyspecies condition before they were killed (78.8%) (Table6). shows that Wild Boar and Lesser Adjutant were high ranked; SpottedDeer,RhesusMacaqueandRedJunglefowl AbundanceandselectionofSpottedDeerindifferentage were middle ranked; and Water Monitor was a non-used classes species (Table 4). It is notable that the two least-available Based on Ivlev’s selectivity index, the values of D prey species were highest in the ranking, i.e., rates oftheir foradult, yearlingandfawn ageclassesofthe Spotted Deer selectivity by Tigers were highest in comparison to their werecalculatedat0.112,-0.094and-0.113,respectively.Since abundance. thevalueispositiveonly foradultageclassandnegativefor yearling and fawn classes, it can be concluded thatthe adult Age and health ofkills Spotted Deerwere positively selected, whereas the yearling The mean lengths oflowerjaw bone and diastema of and fawn Spotted Deer were negatively selected. In other theSpottedDeerwere 18.7cm(n=34,range= 12.0-21.7cm, words,thepredationwashigherthantheabundanceofadults, sd = 2.1) and 5.0 cm (n = 34, range = 3.2-6.3 cm, but lowerthan the abundance ofyearling and fawn. sd=0.8),respectively. Otherthanthe SpottedDeer,onlytwo intact lowerjaws of Wild Boar were found. The lowerjaw DISCUSSION Preyselection 14 The preference for large prey species (Spotted Deer), as found in this study, supports the hypotheses related to 10 10 Q foraging theory (Stephens and Krebs 1987), which suggest Table4: Preyspecies ranking based on selectivity index 2 2 i LI U Preyspecies Selectivity index (S) Rankofthepreyspecies S-0 N-D J-F M-A M-J J-A S-0 N-D J-F 2001 2002 2003 Spotted Deer -0.05 Middle Collectionmonths Wild Boar 0.77 High RhesusMacaque 0.19 Middle LesserAdjutant 0.72 High Fig. 4: Bi-monthlyoccurrenceofTigerscatswith soil consisting of morethan 50% ofthe volume in the Sundarbans East RedJunglefowl 0.04 Middle Water Monitor -1.00 Non-used WildlifeSanctuary J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 105 (3), Sep-Dec 2008 259 PREYSELECTION BYTIGERS INTHE SUNDARBANS EASTWILDLIFE SANCTUARY that predators may select species containing the most (Koppikar and Sabnis 1979; Gogate and Chundawat 1997; 'profitable’ prey, as measured by the ratio ofenergy gain to Bagchietal. 2003).InHuaiKhaKheng,Thailand,theBarking handlingtime(MacArthurandPianka 1966;Schoener 1971; Deer is the main prey species (Rabinowitz 1989). In the Charnov 1976; Scheel 1993; Karanth and Sunquist 1995). Russian Far East, Elk Cervus elaphus and Wild Boar were For large felids the mostprofitable prey type would seem to consistently the two key components of the Tiger diet be the largest available prey that could be safely killed, but (Abramov 1962;Miquelleetal. 1996).KaranthandSunquist the importance of search time, encounter rates, and the (1995) reported that in Nagarhole, India, the biomass ofthe energeticcostsofcapture forvariousprey typesalsoneedto SpottedDeer,Sambar,GaurBosfrontalis.WildBoar,Barking be considered (Sunquist and Sunquist 1989). Tiger and DeerandCommonLangurSemnopithecusentelluscomprised Leopard Panthera pcirdus usually catch the kill when it is 97.6% of the biomass killed by Tigers. In contrast, I have largeenoughtoaffordmorethanonemeal(Johnsingh 1983). foundthatthe SpottedDeeralonewas 80.1% ofthebiomass It has been reported that Tigers prefer to hunt larger consumed by Tigers in the Sundarbans. prey species (>176 kg), especially when there are other carnivoreslikeLeopardsandAsiaticWildDogsCuonalpinus Non-food items in scats in the same habitat (Schaller 1972; Karanth and Sunquist Otherthantypicalfooditems, soilandsungrassblades 1995, 2000; Bagchi et al. 2003). In the Sundarbans, Tigers have been reported in Tiger scat samples (Powell 1957; mainlyhuntthelargestavailablepreyspecies,i.e.,theSpotted Schaller 1967; Johnsingh 1983; Reza et al. 2001). During Deer, despite the fact that there is no Leopardoverthere. thisstudy, soil wasfoundinlargequantities(morethan 50% % Rezaetal. (2001) reported that in the Sundarbans East ofthevolume)in51 ofthescatsamples,whichisthehighest WS the average percentage by weight ofSpotted Deer, Wild proportion of soil-containing scats ever reported. Schaller Boarand RhesusMacaquehair, and unidentifiedanimalparts (1967)reportedthatscatswithsoilandgrass(morethan50% andsolublematerialwere69, 15,5,4and6,respectively.Their of the volume) represented 3.8% and 2.3% of all types of methods were questionable, because the weight, size and items eaten byTigers in Kanha, India. He foundmost ofthe densityofhairsofthesethreespecieswerenotuniform.Hence, soil-containing scats during October-December, i.e., early therelative weights ofhairsamplesin scatsdonotaccurately winter, and suggested a seasonal incidence of soil-eating. representeitherrelativebiomassorrelativenumbersofdifferent A similartrend was found in this study, in which more than prey speciesconsumed.They have found the mean weightof 80% ofthe soil-containing (more than 50% ofthe volume) scatas 122gmandtheSpottedDeerastheprincipalprey,which scats were found in winter (October-March), with the peak wasgenerally the same as in thisstudy. inNovember-December(c. 15%).InBandipur,India,Johnsingh AccordingtoTamang 1993), the principal prey ofthe (1983)foundthatoutof36scats,threecontained soilandtwo ( TigerintheSundarbansareSpottedDeerandWildBoar,but contained grass (more than 50% of the volume). Reza et al. Tigers are opportunist feeders and there are records of (2001) mentioned the occurrenceofan average 6% weightof predation of Rhesus Macaque, Barking Deer Muntiacus scatscomposedofsoilintheSundarbans,butinthisstudy,soil muntjak, otters, small carnivores, birds (mainly Red wasfoundtoconstitutemorethanhalfofthevolumeof51%of Junglefowl),lizards(Varanusspp.),otherreptiles,frogs,fish, scat samples. This meansthat the percentage ofweightofsoil crabs,andoccasionallyhumans. Myfindingsgenerallyagree was definitely much higher than 6%. Other than soil, I have with this. found significant amount ofsungrass blades in one scat. The In India, the SpottedDeeristhe main prey ofthe tiger ingestion ofsoil and sungrass blades byTigers is probably to inKanha,BandipurandNagarhole(Schaller 1967;Johnsingh meetmineralrequirements,forbetterdigestionand/ortoscour 1983; Karanth and Sunquist 1995), but it is the second or thedigestivesystemforinternalparasites.InKanha,India,one third main prey in Ranthambhore, Panna and Melghat grass-blade-richTigerscathadatapeworm(Schaller 1967). Table 5: Age ofSpotted Deer kills based on observation of kills and on the eruption ofteeth inthe lowerjaw Table 6: Condition of Spotted Deerkills Age based on kills Age based on eruption ofteeth Condition Class No. % Class No. % Class No. % Adult 26 56.5 Adult 26 76.5 Good 52 78.8 Yearling 11 23.9 Yearling 6 17.6 Moderate 14 21.2 Fawn 9 19.6 Fawn 2 5.9 Bad 0 0 260 J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 105 (3), Sep-Dec 2008 PREY SELECTION BYTIGERS IN THE SUNDARBANS EASTWILDLIFE SANCTUARY Prey abundanceversus prey selection Although the Water Monitor was common, it has been In Nagarhole, India, Karanth and Sunquist (1995) identified as a non-used species (there was no trace of it in studied prey selection by Tiger, Leopard and Asiatic Wild scats) probably because of its smaller size and aquatic Dog. They concluded that all three predators selected prey habitation, and like most mammalian species. Tigers might species non-randomly, which was mainly based on the prey be reluctant to hunt such areptile. sizeandencounterprobability. IntheSundarbans,Ihavealso foundthatTigersnon-randomlyselectedthepreyspeciesand Selectivityforageclasses thelargestandcommonestavailableungulate(SpottedDeer) Predators may preferentially select substandard forms the bulk ofthe diet. (juvenilesandyoung)animals,becausetheyarelessadapted In Bandipur, India,Tiger scat and kill data reveal that toescape(Homocker 1970;Mech 1970;Schaller 1972;Curio proportionately fewer Spotted Deer were killed than were 1976; Vitale 1989). Karanth and Sunquist (1995), and present in the population (Johnsingh 1983, 1993). This can Miquelle et al. (1996) reported that although Tigers be attributed to the anti-predator behaviour of the Spotted predominantlykilladultprey,theyoungorsubstandardprey Deer,whichassembleinopenareastospendthenight,where is killed in relatively high proportions. they are relatively less vulnerable to Tiger predation. The In mystudy mostoftheTigerkillswereadultanimals, Spotted Deer was virtually the only large prey in the whichdonotagreewiththeabove-mentionedfindings.There Sundarbans,soitisdifficulttocomparemyconclusionswith wasnotendencytopreferyoungorsubstandardprey,probably thoseofJohnsingh(1983, 1993).Ingeneral,preysizetogether becauseitmaynotbe ‘profitable’ tohuntyoungSpottedDeer with the abundance is the most important factordriving the instead ofthe adult because ofsize. The adult Spotted Deer prey consumption. However, there are many other factors is not too big to pose any challenge to the Tiger and in the that might be involved in Tiger predation, such as anti- Sundarbans there is enough cover for the Tiger to ambush. predatorbehaviour, detectability, and ‘profitability’ in terms My findings from Tigerkills and theirjaws, however, could ofenergy gain. be adult-biased, because young and juvenile animals are Basedonpreyselectivityincomparisontoabundance, smaller and they are more commonly eaten completely by theindexofselectivityofthesixpotentialpreyspeciesinthe predators (Schaller 1967; Sunquist 1981; Johnsingh et al. WS SundarbansEast identifiedWildBoarandLesserAdjutant 1991). Moreover, the kill detectability by the researcher is as the two highest-ranking species. These two species, normally large-animal-biased (Ruggiero 1991). however,contributelittleinbiomassabundanceandbiomass ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS consumed by Tigers in the Sundarbans, so highest-ranking species should not be confused with commonly-preyed species.SincebothWildBoarandLesserAdjutantarelargely I gratefully acknowledge Dr. David J. Chivers forthe WWF solitary, they are more vulnerable to Tiger predation. supervision, and Commonwealth Scholarship (UK), Accordingto van Orsdol (1981), Lion Panthera leohunting Prince Bernhard Scholarship for Nature Conservation successvaried withthe sizeofprey group; single andpaired (Switzerland), and Cambridge Commonwealth Trust (UK) prey were more easily caught than those in larger groups. for the financial support, which made this study successful. 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