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Pressure enhanced thermoelectric properties in Mg Sn 2 San-Dong Guo and Jian-Li Wang Department of Physics, School of Sciences, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, Jiangsu, China Pressure dependence of electronic structures and thermoelectric properties of Mg2Sn are inves- tigated by using a modified Becke and Johnson (mBJ) exchange potential, including spin-orbit coupling (SOC). The corresponding value of spin-orbit splitting at Γ point is 0.47 eV, which is in goodagreementwiththeexperimentalvalue0.48eV.Withthepressureincreasing,theenergyband gapfirstincreases, andthendecreases. Incertaindopingrange,thepowerfactor forn-typehasthe 6 same trend with energy band gap, when the pressure increases. Calculated results show that the 1 pressurecanleadtosignificantlyenhancedpowerfactorinn-typedopingbelowthecriticalpressure, 0 and the corresponding lattice thermal conductivity near the critical pressure shows the relatively 2 smallvalue. TheseresultsmakeusbelievethatthermoelectricpropertiesofMg2Sncanbeimproved n in n-typedoping by pressure. a J PACSnumbers: 72.15.Jf,71.20.-b,71.70.Ej,79.10.-n 9 Keywords: Spin-orbitcoupling;Pressure;Powerfactor,Latticethermalconductivity ] i Thermoelectric material by using the Seebeck effect 4.0 c 3.0 s can convert waste heat directly to electricity to solve 2.0 0.30 0.53 - energy problems. The performance of thermoelectric l 1.0 0.27 0.52 .mtr moTf,atmκereeiraiatl[n1cd,an2κ]L,beZacrThear=tahcetSeS2riσezeTebd/e(cκbkye c+doiemκffiLecn)i,seinowtn,hleeesrlseecfiStgr,iucσrae,l Energy (eV) --012...000 EF Gap (eV)000...122814 000...455901 (eV)so at conductivity, absolute temperature, the electronic and -3.0 0.15 0.48 m lattice thermal conductivities, respectively. Bismuth- --45..00 0.12 00..4467 - tellurium systems[3, 4], silicon-germanium alloys[5, 6], -6.0W L Λ Γ ∆ X Z W K 0 2 4 6Pres8sure10 (GP12a)14 16 18 d lead chalcogenides[7, 8] and skutterudites[9, 10] have n FIG. 1. (Color online) Left: The energy band structures by been identified as excellent thermoelectric material for o using mBJ (Red lines) and mBJ+SOC (Black lines). Right: c thermoelectric devices. For thermoelectric research, the Theenergybandgap (Gap)andthevalueofspin-orbitsplit- [ main objective is to searchfor high ZT materials,which ting at Γ point (∆so) as a function of pressure by using 1 has proven to be interesting and challenging. mBJ+SOC. v The thermoelectric material Mg2X(X = Si, Ge, Sn) 9 composed of abundant, low-cost elements and their al- 7 0 loys have attracted much recent attention[11–13], and shall present our main calculated results and analysis. 2 various doping strategies have been adopted to attain Finally, we shall give our discussion and conclusion. 0 highZT[14–16]. Pressureby tuning the electronicstruc- We use a full-potential linearized augmented-plane- 1. tures of materials can accomplish many interesting phe- waves method within the density functional theory 0 nomenonslikerecentpressure-inducedhigh-Tcsupercon- (DFT)[20],asimplementedinthepackageWIEN2k[21]. 6 ductivityin(H2S)2H2[17,18]. Here,weusefirst-principle We use Tran and Blaha’s mBJ exchange potential plus 1 calculations and Boltzmann transport theory to address : local-density approximation (LDA) correlationpotential v the pressure dependence of thermoelectric properties in fortheexchange-correlationpotential[22]todoourmain Xi the Mg2Sn. Calculated results show that the pressure DFT calculations. The full relativistic effects are cal- dependence of energy band gap with mBJ+SOC is con- r culated with the Dirac equations for core states, and a sistent with one with mBJ[19], and first increases, and the scalar relativistic approximation is used for valence thendecreases. Pressurecansignificantlyimprovepower states [23–25]. The SOC was included self-consistently factor in n-type doping below the critical pressure. It by solving the radial Dirac equation for the core elec- is found that pressure can reduce the lattice thermal trons and evaluated by the second-variationmethod[26]. conductivity in certain pressure range. These lead to We use 6000 k-points in the first Brillouin zone for the enhanced ZT, and make Mg2Sn become more efficient self-consistent calculation. We make harmonic expan- for thermoelectric application in n-type doping by pres- sion up to lmax =10 in each of the atomic spheres, and sure. So,pressuretuningoffersaveryeffectivemethodto set Rmt∗kmax =8. The self-consistent calculations are search for materials with enhanced thermoelectric prop- considered to be converged when the integration of the erties. absolutecharge-densitydifferencebetweentheinputand The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Firstly, outputelectrondensityis lessthan0.0001|e|performula we shall give our computational details. Secondly, we unit, where e is the electron charge. Transport calcula- 2 200 12 V/K)11505000 mmBBJJ+SOC /ms)108 mmBBJJ+SOC 2 w/cmKs)1250 S ( 0 6 10 -50 mBJ 4 5 mBJ+SOC -100 2 2 S -150 0 -200 0 -0.09 -0.06 -0.03 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.09 -0.09 -0.06 -0.03 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.09 -0.09 -0.06 -0.03 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.09 N N N FIG. 2. (Color online) At temperature of 300 K, transport coefficients as a function of doping levels (electrons [minus value] or holes [positive value] per unit cell): Seebeck coefficient S (Left), electrical conductivity with respect to scattering time σ/τ (Middle)andpowerfactorwithrespecttoscatteringtimeS2σ/τ (Right)calculatedwithmBJ(Blacksolidline)andmBJ+SOC (Red dotted line). 200 14 28 0.9 V/K)11505000 03581....29066.5 /ms)11028 03581....29066.5 2 w/cmKs)122604 35811...27066..52 S ( 0 17.2 17.2 -50 6 12 -100 4 2 S 8 -150 2 4 -200 0 0 -0.09 -0.06 -0.03 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.09 -0.09 -0.06 -0.03 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.09 -0.09 -0.06 -0.03 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.09 N N N FIG.3. Attemperatureof300K,transportcoefficientsasafunctionofdopinglevels(electrons[minusvalue]orholes[positive value]perunitcell): SeebeckcoefficientS(Left),electricalconductivitywithrespecttoscatteringtimeσ/τ (Middle)andpower factorwithrespecttoscatteringtimeS2σ/τ (Right)withpressurebeing0.9,3.0,5.6,8.6,12.5and17.2(unit: GPa)calculated by using mBJ+SOC. tionsareperformedthroughsolvingBoltzmanntransport expected, the SOC reduces the energy band gap due to equationswithintheconstantscatteringtimeapproxima- the conduction band minimum (CBM) moving toward tionasimplementedinBoltzTrap[27],whichhasbeenap- lower energy. The energy band gap and value of spin- plied successfully to several materials[28–30]. To obtain orbit splitting at Γ point as a function of pressure by accurate transport coefficients, we use 200000 k-points using mBJ+SOC are present in Figure 1. The trend of in the first Brillouin zone for the energy band calcula- energy band gap with mBJ+SOC is consistent with one tion. The lattice thermal conductivities are calculated with mBJ[19], and first increases, and then decreases by using Phono3py+VASP codes[31–34]. For the third- with increasing pressure. The explanation of trend of orderforceconstants,2×2×2supercellsarebuilt,andre- energy band gap can be found in ref.[19]. But, the spin- ciprocal spaces of the supercells are sampled by 2×2×2 orbit splitting monotonically increases. meshes. To compute lattice thermal conductivities, the reciprocalspacesofthe primitive cells are sampledusing Mg2Sn based thermoelectric materials are considered the 13×13×13meshes. as potential candidates for efficient thermoelectricity. The pressure dependence of the semi-classic transport The electronic structures, optical properties and ther- coefficients as a function of doping level is investigated moelectric properties of Mg2Sn at hydrostatic pressure within constant scattering time approximation Boltz- have been investigated by mBJ exchange-potential[19]. mann theory. We firstly consider the SOC effects on the However, SOC is very important for power fac- SeebeckcoefficientS,electricalconductivitywithrespect tor calculations[35]. Here, we investigate the elec- to scattering time σ/τ and power factor with respect to tronic structures and thermoelectric properties by using scattering time S2σ/τ, and they as a function of dop- mBJ+SOC. First, the energy band structures of Mg2Sn inglevelsatthetemperatureof300KbyusingmBJand with mBJ and mBJ+SOC are shown in Figure 1. It is mBJ+SOCarepresentinFigure2. Itisclearlyseenthat found that the SOC has little effect on the conduction the negativedoping levels(n-type doping)showthe neg- bands, and has obvious influence on valence bands. The ative Seebeck coefficient, and the positive doping levels SOC splits the valence band at Γ point, and the corre- (p-type doping) imply the positive Seebeck coefficient. sponding value of spin-orbit splitting 0.47 eV is in good Calculated results show that SOC has a detrimental in- agreement with the experimental value 0.48 eV[36]. As fluenceonS,σ/τ andS2σ/τ inp-typedoping,buthasa 3 90 30 2 w/cmKs) 56780000 03581....29066.5 W/mK) 2205 035811....279066..52 17.2 ( 15 40 30 10 2 S 20 5 10 0 0 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 T T FIG. 6. (Color online) The lattice thermal conductivities κ FIG. 4. (Color online) Power factor with respect to scatter- ing time S2σ/τ as a function of temperature for n-type with asafunctionoftemperaturewithpressurebeing0.9,3.0,5.6, pressurebeing0.9,3.0,5.6,8.6,12.5and17.2(unit: GPa)cal- 8.6, 12.5 and 17.2 (unit: GPa) calculated by using GGA. culatedbyusingmBJ+SOCwiththedopingconcentrationof 1×1020cm−3. dependence for S2σ/τ. The strong pressure dependence for S2σ/τ in n-type doping shows that the Mg2Sn under 0.5 pressure may become more efficient thermoelectric ma- terial. To clearly see interesting pressure dependence in s State 0.4 035...906 wn-ittyhptehdeodpoinpgin,gthceonSc2eσn/trτataisonaoffun1c×tio1n02o0fcmte−m3paerreatduirse- of 0.3 8.6 playedinFigure4. Intheconsideredtemperaturerange, y 12.5 sit 17.2 the power factor always has the same trend with energy en 0.2 band gap. D To explain interesting pressure dependence of power 0.1 factor in n-type doping, the total density of states with pressure being 0.9, 3.0, 5.6, 8.6, 12.5 and 17.2 (unit: 0.0 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 GPa) calculated by using mBJ+SOC are displayed in Energy (eV) Figure 5. Calculatedresults imply that the slope ofden- sity of states of the conduction bands near the energy FIG. 5. (Color online) The total density of states with pres- bandgapfirstincreaseswiththepressureincreasing,and surebeing 0.9, 3.0, 5.6, 8.6, 12.5 and 17.2 (unit: GPa) calcu- lated by using mBJ+SOC. The Fermi level is defined at the then decreases. The critical pressure happens to be the conduction bandminimum (CBM). critical one for power factor. The large slope of density ofstatesneartheenergygapmayinduce alargeSeebeck coefficient in narrow-gap semiconductors[37], leading to negligibleeffectinn-typedoping. Thesecanbeexplained large power factor, which gives rise to the corresponding by that SOC has larger influences on the valence bands pressure dependence of power factor in n-type doping. thanontheconductionbands. WhenSOCisabsent,the Finally, the lattice thermal conductivities κ as a func- best p-type power factor is larger than the best n-type tionoftemperaturewithpressurebeing0.9,3.0,5.6,8.6, one. However,includingSOC,thepowerfactorinn-type 12.5and17.2calculatedbyusingGGAareshowninFig- doping is larger than one in p type doping in considered ure 6. The lattice thermal conductivity is generally con- dopingrange,whichagreeswiththeexperimentalresults sidered to be independent of doping, and typically goes reporting high ZT values for n-type than for p-type[14]. as 1/T. At high T , it can reach the so-called minimum The pressure dependence of S, σ/τ and S2σ/τ with thermal conductivity. Calculated results show that the pressurebeing0.9,3.0,5.6,8.6,12.5and17.2(unit: GPa) κ near the critical pressure of energy band gap has the calculated by using mBJ+SOC at temperature of 300 K relatively small value, and the corresponding power fac- are shown in Figure 3. It is interesting that S (absolute tor in n-type doping has the relatively large one. These value), σ/τ and S2σ/τ have the same trend with energy results imply that pressure can induce larger ZT by re- band gap in certain doping range for n-type with the in- ducinglatticethermalconductivityandenhancingpower creasingpressure. Whenthepressurereachesthecritical factor for n-type. value of energy band gap, the S, σ/τ and S2σ/τ attain IthasbeenprovedthatmBJgapvalueagreeswellwith thecorrespondingextremum. Forp-type,theσ/τ hasob- experimentalvalue 0.3 eV[19], but mBJ+SOC gapvalue vious dependence on pressure, but the S has very weak is less than experimental one. However, the mBJ+SOC dependence on pressure, which leads to weak pressure is more satisfactory than usual GGA or LDA+SOC in 4 calculating electronic structure of Mg2Sn. It is very im- Zhang, Adv.Mater. Res. 66, 33 (2009). portant for power factor calculations to consider SOC [13] M.Yang,W.Luo,Q.Shen,H.JiangandL.Zhang,Adv. for MgSn, especially for p-type doping. When SOC is Mater. Res. 66, 17 (2009). 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