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Pressure Effects on Magnetically-Driven Electronic Nematic States in Iron-Pnictides PDF

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Preview Pressure Effects on Magnetically-Driven Electronic Nematic States in Iron-Pnictides

Pressure Effects on Magnetically-Driven Electronic Nematic States in Iron-Pnictides Jiangping Hu,1,2 Chandan Setty,2 and Steve Kivelson3 1Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China 2Department of Physics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, USA 3Department of Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 In a magnetically driven electronic nematic state, an externally applied uniaxial strain rounds the nematic transition and increases the magnetic transition temperature. We study both effects in a simple classical model of the iron-pnictides expressed in terms of local SO(N) spins (with N =3) which we solve to leading order in 1/N. The magnetic transition temperature is shown to 2 increaselinearlyinresponsetoanexternalstrainwhileasharpcrossover,whichisaremnantofthe 1 nematic transition, can only be identified for extremely small strain. We show that these results 0 can reasonably account for recent neutron experimental data in BaFe As by C. Dhital et al [1]. 2 2 2 n a Undoped and under-doped iron-pnictides universally rate character of the ordering rules out a picture of the J exhibit colinear antiferromagnetic ground states (C-AF) ordered state based on a weak-coupling description and 5 with ordering wavevectors (0,±π) or (±π,0) with re- Fermi-surface nesting. It is also open to debate the ex- 2 spect to the tetragonal iron lattice. The C-AF order tent to which lattice effects (e.g. electron-phonon cou- ] is necessarily accompanied by an orthorhombic lattice pling) and orbital ordering are essential drivers of the n distortion[2, 3]. The magnetic transition temperature physics. For instance, a small but evident difference in o T and the structural or “nematic” transition temper- occupancy of the d and d in the nematic state has c AF xz yz - ature T are closely related; T is either equal to or been observed by ARPES[15, 16] in de-twinned samples N N r p slightly greater than TAF, TN ≥ TAF[2, 3]. The ne- under strain. However, it follows from symmetry that u matic distortion breaks the C rotational symmetry of any correlation function which transforms like the ne- 4 s the tetragonal lattice.[4] The fact that the C-AF state matic order parameter will develop a non-zero expecta- . t also breaks the same C symmetry suggests the driv- tion value in the nematic state, whether it is essential to a 4 m ing force of symmetry breaking may be the magnetism, themechanism,orsimplyrespondingparasiticallytothe itself[5–7], i.e. the broken symmetry state should be broken symmetry. - d thought of as an electronic nematic[8]. Recent neutron scattering data from BaFe As by C. 2 2 n A number of striking experimental observations have Dhital et al[1] show that the C-AF magnetic transition o been successfully interpreted in this light. Trans- can be affected by relatively small strain fields. In this c [ port measurements reveal the existence of a large, paper, we adopt the most economical model which pos- intrinsic anisotropy in the in-plane resistivity above sessestherequisiteorderedphasesconsistingofclassical, 1 T [9, 10]. Similar anisotropies of various physical localized,SO(N)spins(withN =3correspondingtothe v AF quantities have been observed in scanning tunneling physically relevant Heisenberg case) residing on the Fe 4 7 microscopy(STM)[11], magnetic neutron scattering[12, lattice with appropriately chosen antiferromagnetic cou- 1 13], optical reflectivity measurements [14] and angle re- plings. We solve this problem to leading order in 1/N in 5 solved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) [15, 16] in the large N limit, including the effects of a small, exter- . 1 de-twinned and (even at T >T ) strained samples. nally imposed uniaxial strain. We find that in response N 0 However, the origin of the nematic state remains con- to a small uniform strain of magnitude A , the magnetic 0 2 troversial. As these materials are all metallic, some ap- ordering temperature shifts [17] according to 1 proaches emphasize the role of itinerant electrons, but v: the “bad metal” character of the conducting state, the ∆T ∼(cid:26)|A0|1/γ if TN =TAF (1) i AF χ A if T >T X small size of the Fermi pockets, and the relatively high 0 N AF scale of the ordering temperatures T and T suggest r AF N where the susceptibility exponent γ =2+O(1/N) , and a that a description in terms of localized classical spins χ∼(T −T )−γ asT →T . SolongasT >T , (or possibly orbital moments), which neglects the itiner- N AF N AF N AF the rounding of the nematic transition occurs on a scale ant electrons, may be sufficient to capture the essential physics. (Astheorderingtemperaturesaretunedtoward ∆T ∼|A |x (2) N 0 T = 0, where quantum effects become increasingly im- portant and RKKY-like induced interactions become in- where, again for N → ∞, x = 1+O(1/N). That we creasingly long-ranged, it certainly becomes increasingly obtainresultsthatsatisfactorilyaccountfortheobserva- problematic to ignore the effects of itineracy.) At a min- tions of Dhital et al supports the notion that this mini- imum, the large size of the ordered moments (which can malmodelcapturesmuchoftheessentialphysicsofmag- exceed 1µ at low T), and the persistently commensu- netism and nematicity in these materials. B 2 Model: We start with the previously considered J − where λα((cid:126)r) are the Lagrange multiplierfields which en- 1 n J2−Jz−K model of magnetism in iron-pncitides: force the normalization of φ(cid:126) and σn((cid:126)r) is the Hubbard- Stratonovich fields. For this action, the nematic order is H = (cid:88) [J1S(cid:126)(cid:126)r,n·S(cid:126)(cid:126)r+δ1,n−K(S(cid:126)(cid:126)r,n·S(cid:126)(cid:126)r+δ1,n)2] given as (cid:104)σn(cid:105) = NgT(cid:104)φ(cid:126)(n1) ·φ(cid:126)(n2)(cid:105) and the magnetic order n,(cid:126)r,δ1 parameter by (cid:104)φ(cid:126)(1)(cid:105)=[sign((cid:104)σ (cid:105))](cid:104)φ(2)(cid:105). +J2 (cid:88) S(cid:126)(cid:126)r,n·S(cid:126)(cid:126)r+δ2,n+Jz(cid:88)S(cid:126)(cid:126)r,n·S(cid:126)(cid:126)r,n+1 The layered nanture of the mnaterialns is reflected in the n,(cid:126)r,δ2 n,(cid:126)r factthatwewillalwaysassumeρ(cid:29)ρz (inunitsinwhich thespacingbetweenplanesis1),andwewillshortlytake in which S is a spin S operator on the site (cid:126)r in plane (cid:126)r,n the fact that the C-AF phase is most stable for J (cid:29)J nandδ andδ arethefirstandsecondnearestneighbor 2 1 1 2 to justify neglecting the effects of the gradient coupling lattice vectors in the Fe plane. J and J are the in- 1 2 between the two sublattices, we will set η = 0.[20] The plane nearest neighbor (NN) and next nearest neighbor coupling constant g determines the extent of separation (NNN) magnetic couplings respectively, J is the cou- z betweenT andT ,whichempiricallyissmallimplying pling between layers along c axis and K is the NN bi- N AF that g, too, can be considered to be small. To make this quadratic coupling.The C-AF groundstate arises for J 2 problem tractable, we will treat 1/N = 1/3 as a small sufficiently large compared to J . (This condition re- 1 parameter,i.e. wewillreportexplicitresultsinthelimit duces to J > J /2 in the limit S → ∞.) The origin of 2 1 N → ∞. Generally, N = 3 is large enough that no K term has been discussed in [7, 18, 19]. qualitativeerrors,andonlysmallquantitativeerrors(i.e. Tounderstandthefinitetemperaturepropertiesofthis in values of the critical exponents) are expected. model analytically, we take the continuum limit and de- For a constant strain field A((cid:126)r) = A, in the N → ∞ rive an effective classical field theory which captures the limit, the nematic order can be obtained by finding the low energy physics of the above Hamiltonian[5] saddle point of the above Lagrangian, resulting in the  following self-consistent equations for λ and σ: H=N(cid:90) d2r(cid:88)ρ |∇φ(cid:126)(α) |2 −ρz (cid:88) φ(cid:126)(α)·φ(cid:126)(α) g (cid:90) Λ (cid:90) Λ (cid:90) 2π n,α 2 n 2 n,(α) n n+1 σ = (2π)3 dkx dky dkzG12(kx,ky,kz) −Λ −Λ 0 (cid:41) −N2g (cid:88)(cid:16)φ(cid:126)(n1)·φ(cid:126)(n2)(cid:17)2− η2 (cid:88)(cid:16)∂xφ(cid:126)(n1)(cid:17)·(cid:16)∂yφ(cid:126)(n2)(cid:17) 1= (2Tπ)3 (cid:90) Λ dkx(cid:90) Λ dky(cid:90) 2πdkzG11(kx,ky,kz) n n −Λ −Λ 0 where φ(cid:126)(nα) is a real N = 3 component vector field of where Λ is momentum cutoff, and unit norm [φ(cid:126) ((cid:126)r)·φ(cid:126) ((cid:126)r) = 1] representing the local ori- n n entation of the staggered magnetization on plane n and G−1 = sublattice α = 1,2 as defined in ref.[5]. Here the cou- (cid:18)ρk2+ρ cos(k )+2λT −(2Tσ+2A +2ηk k )(cid:19) plings are related to those in the Hamiltonian according z z 0 x y −(Tσ+2A ηk k ) ρk2+ρ cos(k )+2λT to ρ ∝ J ,η ∝ J , ρ ∝ J and g ∝ K +∆K, where 0 x y z z 2 1 z z ∆K ∼ 0.13 J2/SJ [1+O(1/S)] is generated by quan- 1 2 Tosimplifythecalculations[20],wesetη =0,inwhich tum fluctuations of the spin. An external strain fields case the integrals can be evaluated to yield A ((cid:126)r) induces a coupling between the sublattices: n  (cid:113)  (cid:90) 8πρσ ρ˜+λ−σ(cid:48)+ (ρ˜+λ−σ(cid:48))2−(ρ˜z)2 H →H −N d2r(cid:88) A ((cid:126)r)φ(cid:126)(1)((cid:126)r).φ(cid:126)(2)((cid:126)r) (3) =ln (cid:113)  n n n g λ−σ(cid:48)+ (λ−σ(cid:48))2−(ρ˜ )2 n z  (cid:113)  As a final step, we decouple the quardic term so that ρ˜+λ+σ(cid:48)+ (ρ˜+λ+σ(cid:48))2−(ρ˜ )2 z −ln (cid:113) , (cid:90) (cid:34) (cid:90) (cid:35) λ+σ(cid:48)+ (λ+σ(cid:48))2−(ρ˜ )2 (cid:88) z Z = DλDφexp −N d2r L (4) n  (cid:113)  n 8πρ ρ˜+λ−σ(cid:48)+ (ρ˜+λ−σ(cid:48))2−(ρ˜z)2 =ln (cid:113)  where the Lagrangian for each plane is given by T λ−σ(cid:48)+ (λ−σ(cid:48))2−(ρ˜ )2 z Ln =(cid:88)iλ(nα)(cid:16)|φ(cid:126)(nα) |2 −1(cid:17)−(cid:20)σn+ AT(cid:21)(cid:16)φ(cid:126)(n1)·φ(cid:126)(n2)(cid:17) +lnρ˜+λ+σ(cid:48)+(cid:112)(cid:113)(ρ˜+λ+σ(cid:48))2−(ρ˜z)2 α λ+σ(cid:48)+ (λ+σ(cid:48))2−(ρ˜ )2 +ρ (cid:88)|∇φ(cid:126)(α) |2 −ρz (cid:88)φ(cid:126)(α)·φ(cid:126)(α) z T n T n n+1 where the σ(cid:48) =σ+A /T, ρ˜=ρΛ2/T and ρ˜ =ρ /T. α α 0 z z η (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) T Solutions: IntheabsenceofA ,foranyg (cid:54)=0thereare − ∂ φ(cid:126)(1) · ∂ φ(cid:126)(2) + σ2 0 2T x n y n 2Ng n twotransitiontemperaturesasshownin[5]. Thenematic 3 transition temperature T is determined by the discon- sition T , which is determined by the following equa- N AF tinuity of the function dσ and the magnetic transition tions, dT temperatureT isdeterminedbyλ=σ+ρ˜ . However, AF z  (cid:113)  bwehceanusAe0t(cid:54)=he0e,xttheerrneailssntroadinisficoelndtianlurietaydiynbtrheeafkusntchteiornotddaTσ- σAF = 1 ln2σA(cid:48) FTAF +ρz+2 (σA(cid:48) FTAF)2+σA(cid:48) Fρz g 8πρ ρ tional symmetry[21]. Typical plots σ and dσ as a func- z dT tion of T for different values of A0 are shown in Fig.1 σAF = 1 ln2ρ − 1 and Fig.2. When A is small, a crossover temperature g 4πρ ρ T 0 z AF T∗ can still be identified as the inflection point temper- atNure at which ddTσ has a maximum. When A0 is large, wρh,etrheeσmA(cid:48) Fag=netσiAcFtr+anTsAiAt0Fio.nFtoermApe0r=atu0reanTd∗ρΛis2a>ppgro>x>i- dσ increases smoothly as the temperature is lowered, so z AF dT mately a well defined crossover temperature cannot be identi- fied. From the numerical data, we see that A0 ∼ 10−3ρ T∗ ≈T0 + (TA0F)2 (cid:20)ln4g +ln(cid:18)TA0Fln4g(cid:19)(cid:21) (5) is sufficiently large to eliminate the inflection point. AF AF 8πρ ρ 8πρ ρ z z where T0 = 4πρ . For small external strain field, FIG. 1. Plot of the nematic order parameter (σ) vs. AF ln2ρ ρz temperature for different values of external field A0 = 0 A0 << g, the shift in the magnetic ordering tempera- (red), 0.001 (green),0.01 (blue). The parameters chosen are ture, ∆T =T (A )−T∗ , to linear order is AF AF 0 AF ρΛ2 =1,g=0.3 and ρ =0.01. z T∗ ∆T = AF A . (6) AF (8πρ−T∗ )σ −g 0 AF AF Since σ ∼ g, the coefficient in the right side of the AF above equation goes as ∼ 1/g for small g. The above results can be extended even in the limit of g → 0. It is easy to show that in this limit, T − T ∼ g1/2. N AF Plugging this into Eq.6, we obtain the expression below Eq. 1. Eq. 1 can be further checked in the case of g =0. For g = 0, the change of magnetic transition temperature is given by J (cid:113) ∆T = z T0 |A | (7) AF 4πρ( Jz )3/2 AF 0 T0 AF consistentwiththeexpectationsofscalingtheory,Eq. 1. Comparison with experiment: Fig. 3 shows the com- parison of our theoretical results with experimental ob- FIG.2. Plotofthederivativeofthenematicorderparameter servations of Dhital et al for the magnetic transition and vs. temperature for different external fields A0(10−3). The nematic crossover as a function of uniaxial strain. The parameters used are ρ =0.01,g=0.3,ρ=Λ=1. z parameters used to generate the theoretical results, rep- resentedbythelinesinthefigure,arepresentedinthefig- ure caption. The upper curve, representing the nematic crossover, is solid where there is a well-defined inflection point associated with the crossover, and a dashed line where the crossover has become so smooth that there is no local maximum in the temperature derivative of the nematic order parameter. The lower line indicates the theoretical magnetic ordering temperature. Fig. 4 shows the variation of the nematic transition with A 0 from which Fig. 3 was obtained. The close correspon- dence between the theoretical and experimental curves supportstheconjecturethatthestartingmodelcaptures the essential physics, although the comparison involves too many empirically determined parameters to make this conclusion inescapable. In order to match the ex- Takingλ=σ +ρ /T,wecanderivethemagnetictran- perimentaltransitiontemperature,thevalueofρusedin a z 4 grant # AC02-76SF00515 at Stanford (S. A. K.). FIG. 3. Comparison of the external field, A , variation 0 of Magnetic Ordering Temperature and Nematic transition temperaturewithexperiment.Theparameterschosenareρ = z 0.06ρ,g=0.3ρ,ρ∼71K. [1] Dhital C, Z. Yamani, Wei Tian, J. Zeretsky, A. S. Sefat, Ziqiang Wang, R. J. Birgeneau and Stephen D. Wilson, arXiv:1111.2326 (2011). [2] C. de la Cruz, Q. Huang, J. W. Lynn, J. Li, W. R. 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The experimental 2 2 [20] So long as η is not too large, the large N approach can results strongly support the notion of the magnetically- be straightforwardly extended to include the effects of driven nematicity in iron-pnictides. non-zero η, but it has little effect on the results. Acknowledgement: The work is supported in part by [21] Undersomecircumstances,therecouldbeametanematic theMinistryofScienceandTechnologyofChina973pro- transition, even for A > 0, but this does not seem to 0 gram(2012CV821400) and NSFC-1190024, and by DOE occur in the N →∞ limit.

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