Compressive Acquisition of Dynamic Scenes Authors: Aswin Sankaranarayanan, Pavan Turaga, Rama Chellappa and Richard Baraniuk ECCV 2010, Journal Submission Presented by: Ajit Rajwade (May 21, 2012) Basic Goal of the Paper • Compressive acquisition of video datasets • How can you make use of shared information across frames? • Challenges: Video data are high-dimensional. Video data are ephemeral (sudden, non- smooth changes). Problem Definition • To sense a time-varying scene using compressive measurements of the form z y t t t Measurements Sensing matrices Original frames • Given compressive measurements, to reconstruct the original video frames. Two Divergent Approaches: (1) Programmable Pixel Camera (PPC) • Use full-frame sensory array – during each exposure of the sensor array, the code at each pixel is temporally modulated, i.e. addition of full coded frames across time. • High temporal multiplexing, but low (or no!) spatial multiplexing • References: “Video from a single coded exposure photograph using a learned overcomplete dictionary”, Hitomi et al, ICCV 2011. Two Divergent Approaches: (2) Single Pixel Camera • Single Pixel Camera (SPC): a photo-detector obtains a single (or small number of) measurement(s) per time- frame, of the form Measurement vector (random) T z y t t t • High spatial multiplexing, no temporal multiplexing • SPC is considered more efficient than PPC in cases where building full-frame sensor array is expensive (e.g.: infrared wavelengths) • This paper follows the SPC model. Video as Linear Dynamical System (LDS) •LDS parameterized by matrix pair (C,A) and state sequence. C and A are time-invariant. •Choice of C and state sequence unique only up to invertible d x d linear transformations. •In this paper, d is much less than N. LDS for compressive sensing: CS-LDS • Compressive measurements of the form: z y Cx t t t t t • Recover C and state sequence given the measurements. Measurement Model Time-varying Time-invariant (Common) measurements measurements (Innovation) Two sets of measurements at each time instant t Solving for LDS Parameters Two Step Procedure: (1) Estimate the state sequence using common measurements, i.e. (2) Given state sequence, estimate observation matrix C using innovations, i.e. (1) Estimating State Sequence {y },1 t T LDS for t defined by (C, A) LDS for 1 t T defined by