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Presentation to European Gold Forum PDF

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Preview Presentation to European Gold Forum

ASX Release / 4 April 2017              Presentation to analysts and investors attending European Gold Forum   Attached is a presentation by Bob Vassie, Managing Director and CEO, to analysts and investors  attending European Gold Forum this week.         Investor Relations  Mr Rowan Cole  Company Secretary +61 3 8660 1900 Media Relations  Mr Tim Duncan  Hinton& Associates +61 3 9600 1979 St Barbara Limited   Level 10, 432 St Kilda Road, Melbourne VIC 3004  T +61 3 8660 1900  F +61 3 8660 1999   ACN 009 165 066  Locked Bag 9, Collins Street East, Melbourne VIC 8003  W www.stbarbara.com.au BOB VASSIE, MANAGING DIRECTOR & CEO 4 to 6 April 2017 European Gold Forum St Barbara – ASX 200 Australia / Pacific Gold Producer Forward statements ThispresentationhasbeenpreparedbyStBarbaraLimited(“theCompany”).Thematerial ThispresentationhasbeenpreparedbytheCompanybasedoninformationavailabletoit containedinthispresentationisforinformationpurposesonly.Thispresentationisnotan and has not been independently verified. No representation or warranty, express or offer or invitation for subscription or purchase of, or a recommendation in relation to, implied, is made as to the fairness, accuracy, completeness or correctness of the securitiesintheCompanyandneitherthispresentationnoranythingcontainedinitshall information, opinions and conclusions contained in this presentation. To the maximum formthebasisofanycontractorcommitment.Thispresentationisnotafinancialproduct extent permitted by law, none of the Company or its subsidiaries or affiliates or the or investment advice. It does not take into account the investment objectives, financial directors,employees,agents,representativesoradvisersofanysuchparty,noranyother situationorparticularneedsofanyinvestor.BeforemakinganinvestmentintheCompany, person accepts any liability for any loss arising from the use of this presentation or its an investor or prospective investor should read this document in its entirety, consider contentsorotherwisearisinginconnectionwithit,includingwithoutlimitation,anyliability whethersuchaninvestmentisappropriatetotheirparticularinvestmentneeds,objectives arisingfromfaultornegligenceonthepartoftheCompanyoritssubsidiariesoraffiliatesor andfinancialcircumstances,seeklegalandtaxationadviceappropriatetotheirjurisdiction thedirectors,employees,agents,representativesoradvisersofanysuchparty. andconsultafinancialadviserifnecessary.TheCompanyisnotlicensedtoprovidefinancial TheCompanyestimatesitsOreReservesandMineralResourcesinaccordancewithThe productadviceinrespectoftheCompany’ssecurities. AustralasianCodeforReportingofExplorationResults,MineralResourcesandOreReserves Thispresentationmaycontainforward-lookingstatementsthataresubjecttoriskfactors 2012Edition("JORC Code"), whichgovernssuchdisclosuresby companies listedonthe associated with exploring for, developing, mining, processing, sale of gold, as well as AustralianSecuritiesExchange.TheJORCCodediffersinseveralsignificantrespectsfrom financing,hedgingandsovereignriskmatters.Forward-lookingstatementsincludethose IndustryGuide7 oftheUS SecuritiesandExchangeCommission(“SEC”),whichgoverns containingsuchwordsasanticipate,estimates,forecasts,guidance,outlook,should,will, disclosuresofmineralreservesinregistrationstatementsandreportsfiledwiththeSEC.In expects,plansorsimilarexpressions.Suchforward-lookingstatementsarenotguarantees particular, Industry Guide 7 does not recognise classifications other than Proved and offutureperformanceandinvolveknownandunknownrisks,uncertainties,assumptions Probable Reserves, and the SEC does not permit mining companies to disclose Mineral andotherimportantfactors,manyofwhicharebeyondthecontroloftheCompany.Itis ResourcesinSECfilings. believedthattheexpectationsreflectedinthesestatementsarereasonablebuttheymay beaffectedbyarangeofvariablesandchangesinunderlyingassumptionswhichcould FinancialfiguresareinAustraliandollarsunlessotherwisestated. TheCompany’sfiscalyear(‘FY’)is 1Julyto30June. causeactualresultsortrendstodiffermaterially.Nothinginthisdocumentisapromiseor As at 15 Mar 2017, A$1.00 = US$0.7574, US$1 .00 = A$1.32 (www.rba.gov.au) representation as to the future. Actual results may vary from the information in this US$ in this presentation converted from previously published A$ results using FX rates presentationandanyvariationmaybematerial.Pastperformanceisnotanindicationof used in preparation of financial statements: futureperformance.Statementsorassumptionsinthispresentationastofuturematters Spot: 31 Dec 2016 = 0.7217, 30 Jun 2016 = 0.7452, 30 Jun 2015 = 0.7713, Average: 1HFY17 = 0.7546, FY16 = 0.7281, FY15 = 0.8319, FY14 = 0.9178 (Reuters). mayprovetobeincorrectandanydifferencesmaybematerial.TheCompanydoesnot This presentation published Tuesday 4 April 2017. makeanyrepresentationorwarrantyastotheaccuracyofsuchstatementsorassumptions. Investorsarecautionednottoplaceunduerelianceonsuchstatements. 2/ European Gold Forum | 4 to 6 April 2017 Outline > Introduction & overview > Recent history > Operations > Gwalia Mine, WA > Simberi Mine, PNG > Growth & exploration > Conclusion > Appendices 865 mbs Gwalia mine, 2017 (Scott Thomas) 3/ European Gold Forum | 4 to 6 April 2017 An introduction to St Barbara A$1.2 billion (US$0.9 billion)1 Production & AISC ASX 200 gold producer and explorer US$/oz 1230 • Debt free6 • FCF Yield 24%2 838 • Positioned to grow 750 680 Production FY16A 387 koz @ AISC US$680/oz (first half) FY17F3 360 koz @ AISC US$750/oz koz 368 377 387 360 Assets Gwalia mine, Western Australia (86%5) (& profit • High grade (8.3 g/t Au4), contribution5) • high margin (AISC US$630/oz3) Simberi mine, Papua New Guinea (14%5) FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17F 1. Market Cap at 29 March 2017 @ A$2.46/share, A$=0.7644. 2. ‘FCF Yield’ as at 29 March 2017 when SBM = A$2.46/share. FCF Yield is a Non-IFRS measure, refer corresponding slide in appendix. 3. Midpoint of guidance, refer ASX release 18 January 2017. 4. Reserve grade as at 30 June 2016, refer ‘Ore Reserves and Mineral 4/ European Gold Forum | 4 to 6 April 2017 Resources Statements 30 June 2016’ released 23 August 2016. 5. Relative percentage of segment profit for year to 30 June 2016. 6. No interest bearing borrowings, except for equipment leases amounting to less than A$1 M. Corporate Overview Papua New Guinea ASX 200 (ASX: SBM), est. 1969 Simberi Commodity Gold (Au) Market cap2 US$935 M @ US$1.88/sh (A$1.2B @ A$2.46/sh) Shares2 497 M Liquidity5 6 M/day (1.3%) Australia EPS6 US$0.25 Leonora Cash8 US$75 M (Gwalia mine) Debt Nil7 Ore Reserves (JORC)1 4.0 Moz Mineral Resources1 9.1 Moz Consolidated Gwalia Simberi FY16A 387 koz @ AISC US$680/oz9 267 koz @ AISC US$570/oz 110 koz @ AISC US $941/oz FY17F3 360 koz @ AISC US$750/oz 260 koz @ AISC US$630/oz 100 koz @ AISC US$1,064/oz 1. Refer ASX announcement 23 August 2016 titled ‘Ore Reserves and Mineral Resources Statements 30 June 2016’. Mineral ResourcesarereportedinclusiveofOreReserves.2.Asatclose29March2017,A$2.46ea@A$0.7644. 3.FY17Fismidpointof guidancerevised18Jan2017inQ2Dec2016QuarterlyReport.4.NonIFRSmeasure,refercorrespondingslideinAppendix.5.3 5/ European Gold Forum | 4 to 6 April 2017 monthsto9Mar2017,perIRESS.6.EPSforFY16. 7.Nointerestbearingborrowings,exceptforequipmentleasesamountingtoless thanA$1million.8.Cashat31March2017.9.IncludesKingoftheHillsmine9koz(soldOct2015). Continued safety success Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate1 Safety 9.0 > Record FY16 TRIFR of 2.1 > Record safety performance of 6.0 1.8 TRIFR1 in H1 FY17 5.0 > Overall winners for the second 4.1 year running in Western Australia 2.1 1.8 Underground Mine Emergency Response Competition2 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 FY 16 Dec-16 1. Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (12 month average) 6/ European Gold Forum | 4 to 6 April 2017 2. The Chamber of Minerals and Energy Western Australia Underground Mine Emergency Response Competition, November 2016, Kalgoorlie St Barbara vs Comparators FCF Yield & EV/Reserves EV/Reserve oz (US$/oz) 0 St Barbara New Gold 200 Iam Gold Oceana Gold Resolute Acacia 400 Saracen Evolution Regis B2 Gold 600 800 Northern Star Bubble size = estimated production rate (koz p.a.) 1,000 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% FCF Yield (FCF/EV) Source: Bell Potter 3 March 2017 (with permission) + public reports for US/Canadian miners, when SBM = A$2.38/share, EV = US$895M, spot gold = US$1,235/oz. EV = Market cap + net debt. AISC margin = US$ spot gold less reported AISC (SBM = 7/ European Gold Forum | 4 to 6 April 2017 US$572 /oz Q2 Dec 2016). Production is gold ounces only, by-product credits are accounted for in AISC. Implied free cash flow = AISC margin x estimated annualised production, and is an estimate only. St Barbara share price vs US$ gold - June 2013 to present, % change 600% Join ASX 200 500% 400% Join ASX 300 ASX: SBM % 300% 200% Exit ASX 200 Exit ASX 300 100% US$ Gold % 0% US$325 M debt repaid Simberi cashflow +ve Gold Ridge sold Source: IRESS to close 15 Mar 2017 8/ European Gold Forum | 4 to 6 April 2017 Consolidated production & costs, FY14 to present AISC1 1,230 (US$2/oz) 838 (Guidance 750 mid point) 680 Production (koz) 387 368 377 9 Full Year 46 50 110 370 Guidance 350 range 80 70 267 45 248 215 53 138 First half 0 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 Gwalia Simberi King of the Hills Gold Ridge Forecast 1. Non IFRS measure, refer slide in appendix. 9/ European Gold Forum | 4 to 6 April 2017 2. US$/A$ exchange rates average for the financial year per Reuters, see slide 2

AISC margin = US$ spot gold less reported AISC (SBM = US$572 /oz Q2 Dec 2016). Production is gold ounces only, by-product credits are accounted for in AISC. Implied free cash flow = AISC margin x estimated annualised production, and is an estimate only. European Gold Forum | 4 to 6 April 2017
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