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Preview Present Rules of Practice Before the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences in Ex Parte Appeals

Thursday, August 12, 2004 Part II Department of Commerce Patent and Control Office 37 CFR Parts 1, 5, 10, 11, and 41 Rules of Practice Before the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences; Final Rule 49960 Federal Register / Vol. 69, No. 155 / Thursday, August 12, 2004 / Rules and Regulations DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE change cross-references to Board Rule 191 is amended to direct proceedings. appellants under 35 U.S.C. 134(a) or (b) Patent and Trademark Office Rules 17(b)–(d) and (h) are revised to to part 41. remove the Board fees, which will be Rules 192–196 are removed and 37 CFR Parts 1, 5, 10, 11, and 41 relocated to § 41.20. reserved. Rule 197 is amended by changing its RIN 0651–AB32 Rules 48(a)–(c) and (i) are revised, and title to ‘‘Return of jurisdiction from the Rule 48(j) added, to consolidate the Board of Patent Appeals and Rules of Practice Before the Board of cross-reference correction of Interferences; termination of Patent Appeals and Interferences inventorship for applications in proceedings’’ to reflect the two contested cases before the Board. AGENCY: United States Patent and remaining paragraphs of this section. Trademark Office, Commerce. Rules 55(a)(3) and (a)(4), and 136(b) The subject matter of paragraph (b) is ACTION: Final rule. are revised to eliminate the cross- moved to § 41.52 and the subject matter references to Board rules. of paragraph (c) is moved to paragraph SUMMARY: The Under Secretary of Rule 116 is amended to limit (b) of Rule 197. Paragraph (a) is Commerce for Intellectual Property and amendments after a final rejection or amended to return of jurisdiction of the Director of the United States Patent and other final action (Rule 113) in an involved application or patent under ex Trademark Office consolidates and application or in an ex parte parte reexamination proceeding to the simplifies the rules governing practice reexamination filed under Rule 510, or examiner. Rule 41(d)(2), Fed. R. App. before the Board of Patent Appeals and after an action closing prosecution (Rule Procedure, controls when the mandate Interferences to reflect developments in 949) in an inter partes reexamination of the Court of Appeals will issue in the case law, legislation, and administrative filed under Rule 913, to such event that a party filed a petition for practice. amendments filed before or with any writ of certiorari to the United States DATES: Effective date: September 13, appeal to the Board under § 41.31 or Supreme Court. Unless a party 2004. § 41.61. Amendments after appeal petitioning for a writ of certiorari seeks currently treated under Rule 116 are and obtains a stay of the appellate FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: moved to §§ 41.33 and 41.63. Pursuant court’s mandate, proceedings will be Appeals: Jeffrey V. Nase or William F. to § 41.33(a), amendments filed after considered terminated with the issuance Smith, 703–308–9797. appeal and prior to the filing of the of the mandate, as noted in Rule Otherwise: Richard Torczon, 703– appeal brief will be treated under the 197(b)(2). 308–9797. same standard as Rule 116. The section Rule 198 is amended by changing its SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: title is revised to reflect the scope of the title to ‘‘Reopening after a final decision Background rule more accurately. of the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences’’ to reflect the substance of Rule 116(d) is amended to permit The Board of Patent Appeals and the section and to clarify that it applies only an amendment canceling claims, Interferences (Board) has significantly when a decision by the Board of Patent where such cancellation does not affect overhauled its operations to address Appeals and Interferences on appeal has the scope of any other pending claim in concerns about the duration of become final for judicial review. the proceeding, to be made in an inter proceedings before the Board. This final Rule 324(a) and (c) are revised, and partes reexamination proceeding after rule reflects these new procedures. A Rule 324(d) added, to consolidate cross- the right of appeal notice has issued notice of proposed rule making on this references to correction of inventorship under Rule 953, except as provided in topic was published in the Federal for patents in contested cases before the Rule 981 or as permitted by Register (68 FR 66648, Nov. 26, 2003) Board. §41.77(b)(1). and in the Official Gazette of the United Rule 959 is revised to direct inter States Patent and Trademark Office Rule 116(e) is added to set forth a partes reexamination participants to (1277 OG 139, Dec. 23, 2003). Seventeen standard for treatment of an affidavit or part 41 for information about appeals in comments have been received in other evidence submitted after a final such proceedings. response to that notice. rejection or other final action (Rule 113) Rules 961–977 are removed to in an application or in an ex parte consolidate inter partes reexamination Explanation of changes reexamination filed under Rule 510, or appeal information in part 41. In keeping with long-standing patent in an action closing prosecution (Rule Rule 979 is amended by changing its practice, rules in title 37, part 1, of the 949) in an inter partes reexamination title to ‘‘Return of Jurisdiction from the Code of Federal Regulations are filed under Rule 913, but before or with Board of Patent Appeals and denominated ‘‘Rule x’’ in this any appeal (§ 41.31 or § 41.61). The Interferences; termination of supplementary information. standard would be that such an affidavit proceedings’’ to reflect the two Rules 1(a)(1)(iii), 5(e), and or other evidence could be admitted paragraphs of this section. Most of the 8(a)(2)(i)(B), and subpart E of part 1, are upon a showing of good and sufficient subject matter of current paragraphs (a)– removed to consolidate interference reasons why the affidavit or other (g) is moved to §§ 41.79, 41.81 and information in part 41, subparts D and evidence is necessary and was not 41.83. Paragraph (a) is amended to recite E. earlier presented. This standard is that jurisdiction over an inter partes Rules 1(a)(1)(ii); 4(a)(2); 6(d)(9); currently in effect under Rule 195 for an reexamination proceeding passes to the 8(a)(2)(i)(C); 9(g); 11(e); 17(b); 36; affidavit or other evidence submitted examiner after a decision by the Board 59(a)(1); 103(g); 112; 113(a); 114(d); after appeal. of Patent Appeals and Interferences 131(a)(1); 136(a)(1) and (a)(2); 181(a)(3); Rule 116(f) is added to prohibit upon transmittal of the file to the 191; 248(c); 292(a) and (c); 295(b); affidavits and other evidence in an inter examiner, subject to each appellant’s 302(b); 303(c); 304(a)(1) and (a)(2); partes reexamination proceeding after right of appeal or other review, for such 322(a)(3); 323; 324; 565(e); 701(c)(2)(ii); the right of appeal notice under Rule further action as the condition of the 703(a)(4), (b)(3)(ii), (b)(4), (d)(2), and (e); 953, except as provided in Rule 981 or inter partes reexamination proceeding 704(c)(9); 959; and 993 are revised to as permitted by § 41.77(b)(1). may require, to carry into effect the Federal Register / Vol. 69, No. 155 / Thursday, August 12, 2004 / Rules and Regulations 49961 decision of the Board of Patent Appeals The definition of ‘‘Board member’’ providing rules for extensions of time and Interferences. Paragraph (b) is follows the definition in 35 U.S.C. 6(a), and for acceptance of untimely papers. amended to state that upon decision on under which the Under Secretary of Section 41.4(c) points parties to the appeal before the Board of Patent Commerce for Intellectual Property and timeliness rules that are related to Board Appeals and Interferences, if no further Director of the United States Patent and proceedings, but not within the scope of appeal has been taken (Rule 983), the Trademark Office, the Deputy Under the Board rules. inter partes reexamination proceeding Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Section 41.5 provides a limited will be terminated and the Director will Property and Deputy Director of the delegation to the Board under 35 U.S.C. issue a certificate under Rule 997. United States Patent and Trademark 2(b)(2) and 32 to regulate the conduct of Rule 981 is amended by changing its Office, the Commissioner for Patents, counsel in Board proceedings. Section title to ‘‘Reopening after a final decision and the Commissioner for Trademarks 41.5(b) delegates to the Board the of the Board of Patent Appeals and are ex officio members of the Board. authority to conduct counsel Interferences’’ to better reflect the The phrase ‘‘contested case’’ includes disqualification proceedings while the substance of the section and to clarify patent interferences (35 U.S.C. 135(a)) Board has jurisdiction over a that it applies when a decision by the and proceedings with interference-based proceeding. Board of Patent Appeals and procedures (42 U.S.C. 2182 and Section 41.6(a) relocates into part 41 Interferences on appeal has become 2457(d)). the portions of Rule 14(e) that apply to final for judicial review. The term ‘‘final’’ is defined pursuant the Board. Under § 41.6(a)(1) publicly Under 37 CFR 5.3, no interference to 5 U.S.C. 704 to assist parties in available materials continue to be will be declared with an application determining when a Board action is ripe publicly available. Section 41.6(a)(2) under a national secrecy order. for judicial review. sets forth the basis for making a In the enrollment and discipline The definition of ‘‘hearing’’ reflects determination under 35 U.S.C. 122(a) rules, 37 CFR 10.23(c)(7) and 11.6(d) are the holding of In re Bose Corp., 772 F.2d that special circumstances justify the amended to change the cross-references 866, 869, 227 USPQ 1, 4 (Fed. Cir. 1985) publication of a Board action. to the interference rules. that a party is entitled to judicial Section 41.6(b) generalizes to all A new part 41 consolidates rules consideration of properly raised issues, Board proceedings the practice under relating to Board practice and simplifies but is not entitled to an oral argument Rule 11(e) of making the record of most reference to such practices. The Board or consideration of improperly raised interference proceedings publicly will continue the practice used in part issues. available eventually, although that 1 of this title of citing sections without The definitions of ‘‘panel’’ and ‘‘panel availability might not occur until an the part number. In proceedings before proceeding’’ reflects the minimum involved patent application becomes the Board, a party may cite ‘‘§ 41.x’’ as quorum established in 35 U.S.C. 6(b), available. ‘‘Board Rule x’’. which reserves action on patentability Section 41.7 recodifies the current Subpart A states policies, practices, and priority to panels. 35 U.S.C. 6(b). practice of Rule 618 regarding duplicate and definitions common to all The term ‘‘party’’ sets forth a generic papers and the expunging of papers, but proceedings before the Board. term for entities acting in a Board generalizes it to all Board proceedings. Section 41.1 sets forth general proceeding. Section 41.8(a) reflects the practice principles for part 41. Section 41.1(a) The delegation of petition authority to under Rules 192(c)(1) and 602 regarding defines the scope of rules. Section the Chief Administrative Patent Judge in disclosure of the real parties-in-interest. 41.1(b) mandates that the Board’s rules § 41.3(a) is new as a rule, but follows a Section 41.8(b) requires parties to be construed to achieve just, speedy, delegation already published in the provide notice of related proceedings. and inexpensive resolutions of all Board Manual of Patent Examining Procedure Section 41.9 follows Rule 643 proceedings, following the model of (MPEP) at § 1002.02(f). regarding action by an assignee to the Rule 601 and Federal Rule of Civil Under § 41.3(b)(1) decisions exclusion of an inventor, but generalizes Procedure 1. Section 41.1(c) explicitly committed by statute to the Board are it to all Board proceedings. extends the requirement for decorum not subject to petitions for supervisory Section 41.10 adds correspondence under Rule 3 to Board proceedings, review. Review of such decisions come addresses for Board proceedings. including dealings with opposing through a request for rehearing or Section 41.11 codifies existing parties. through judicial review. The provision interference practice prohibiting ex Section 41.2 sets forth definitions for in § 41.3(b)(2) for petitions in contested parte communications about a contested Board proceedings under part 41. The cases to be decided by other officials case with an official actually conducting preamble to § 41.2 is based on the reflects the MPEP’s designation of other the proceeding, but generalizes the preamble of Rule 601, which cautions actions typical in the ordinary course of practice to include inter partes that context may give a defined word a Board proceedings as ‘‘petitions’’. See reexamination appeals as well. different meaning. MPEP § 1002.02(g) (various procedural Section 41.12 codifies existing The definition of ‘‘Board’’ covers decisions in interferences). interference practice regarding the three distinct situations. First, for the Section 41.3(c) reflects current citation of authority but generalizes the purposes of a final agency action practice in requiring payment of a practice to all Board proceedings. committed to a panel of Board members, standard petition fee. Section 41.20 consolidates the rules the definition is identical in scope to 35 Section 41.3(d) reflects the current on fees associated with Board practice. U.S.C. 6(b). Second, the definition practice of not staying any action for a Rules 22, 23, and 25–28, which govern includes action by the Chief petition for supervisory review in Rule fee practice before the Office generally, Administrative Patent Judge in matters 181(f). continue to apply in Board proceedings. delegated in these rules to the Chief Section 41.3(e) sets times for filing Section 41.20(a) sets forth the petition Administrative Patent Judge. Third, the petitions. As with Rule 181(f), failure to fee, while paragraph (b) sets forth definition recognizes that non-final file a timely petition is sufficient basis appeals-related fees. actions are often performed by officials for dismissing or denying a motion. Subpart B is added to set forth rules other than a panel or the Chief Section 41.4(a) and (b) follow the for the ex parte appeal under 35 U.S.C. Administrative Patent Judge. requirements of Rules 136(b) and 645 in 134 of a rejection in either a national 49962 Federal Register / Vol. 69, No. 155 / Thursday, August 12, 2004 / Rules and Regulations application for a patent, an application of filing a brief pursuant to § 41.37 may (5) In paragraph (c)(1)(ii), for reissue of a patent, or an ex parte be admitted if the examiner determines identification is required of all other reexamination proceeding to the Board. that the affidavits or other evidence prior and pending appeals, interferences Section 41.30 sets forth definitions for overcomes all rejections under appeal or judicial proceedings known to Board proceedings under subpart B of and that there is a showing of good and appellant, the appellant’s legal part 41. The preamble to § 41.30 is sufficient reasons why the affidavit or representative, or assignee which may based on a similar provision in the other evidence is necessary and was not be related to, directly affect or be preamble of former Rule 601. The term earlier presented. Paragraph (d)(2) directly affected by or have a bearing on ‘‘proceeding’’ sets forth a generic term provides that all other affidavits or other the Board’s decision in the pending for a national application for a patent, evidence filed after the date of filing an appeal, as well as to set forth a an application for reissue of a patent, appeal pursuant to § 41.31(a)(1)–(a)(3) mechanism for complying with § 41.8(b) and an ex parte reexamination will not be admitted except as permitted in an appeal to the Board. proceeding. The term ‘‘applicant’’ sets by §§ 41.39(b)(1), 41.50(a)(2)(i) and (6) In paragraph (c)(1)(iii), both a forth a generic term for either the 41.50(b)(1). Paragraph (d) replaces the statement of the status of all the claims applicant in a national application for a former practice of permitting such in the proceeding (e.g., rejected, allowed patent or the applicant in an application evidence based on a showing of good or confirmed, withdrawn, objected to, for reissue of a patent. The term and sufficient reasons why such canceled) and an identification of those ‘‘owner’’ sets forth a shorthand evidence was not earlier presented set claims that are being appealed is reference to the owner of the patent forth in former Rule 195. The Office required. undergoing ex parte reexamination believes that prosecution should occur (7) In paragraph (c)(1)(v), a concise under Rule 510. before the examiner prior to an appeal explanation of the invention is required Section 41.31 is added to generally being filed, not after the case has been for each of the independent claims incorporate the requirements of former appealed pursuant to § 41.31(a)(1)– involved in the appeal, which Rule 191(a)–(d). Paragraph (a) is (a)(3). explanation shall refer to the subdivided into three parts to improve Section 41.35 is added to generally specification by page and line number, readability. Paragraph (d) is amended to incorporate the requirements of former and to the drawings, if any, by reference refer only to the time periods referred to Rule 191(e). In addition, this section characters. For each independent claim in paragraphs (a)(1)–(a)(3) of this makes clear that jurisdiction over an involved in the appeal and for each section, while the current extension of application may be relinquished by the dependent claim argued separately time requirements for Rules 192, 193, Board and the application returned to under the provisions of paragraph 194, 196 and 197, formerly provided in the examining operation to permit (c)(1)(vii) of this section, every means Rule 191(e), is relocated to §§ 41.37, processing to be completed by the plus function and step plus function as 41.41, 41.47, 41.50 and 41.52. examining operation before the Board permitted by 35 U.S.C. 112, sixth Section 41.33 is added to replace the takes up the appeal for decision. This is paragraph, must be identified and the requirements of former Rules 116 and consistent with the present practice of structure, material, or acts described in 195. Paragraph (a) provides that returning an appealed application to the the specification as corresponding to amendments filed after the date of filing examining operation where some matter each claimed function be set forth with an appeal pursuant to § 41.31(a)(1)– requiring attention has been identified reference to the specification by page (a)(3) and prior to the date a brief is filed prior to assignment of the appeal and line number, and to the drawing, if pursuant to § 41.37 may be admitted as number and docketing of the appeal. In any, by reference characters. The former provided in § 1.116. Thus, amendments addition, the Board is permitted to take requirement of Rule 192(c)(5) to set after final but prior to appeal and other appropriate action to complete the forth a concise explanation of the amendments filed after appeal but prior file. invention defined in the claims to the date the brief is filed will be Section 41.37 is added to generally involved in the appeal by reference to treated under the same standard (i.e, incorporate the requirements of former the specification by page and line § 1.116). Paragraph (b) provides that Rule 192. In addition, the following number, and to the drawings, if any, by amendments filed on or after the date of changes have been made: reference characters was not being filing a brief pursuant to § 41.37 may be (1) The title of the section has been followed in a great number of briefs admitted: (1) to cancel claims, where changed from ‘‘Appellant’s brief’’ to before the Board. such cancellation does not affect the ‘‘Appeal brief’’. (8) In paragraph (c)(1)(vi), a concise scope of any other pending claim in the (2) In paragraph (a), one copy of the statement listing each ground of proceeding, or (2) to rewrite dependent brief is required rather than three copies rejection presented for review is claims into independent form. A consistent with the Office’s move to an required rather than issues for review. dependent claim is rewritten into electronic file wrapper. An example of a concise statement is independent form by including all of (3) In paragraph (a), the brief is ‘‘Claims 1 to 10 stand rejected under 35 the limitations of the base claim and any required to be filed within two months U.S.C. 102(b) as being anticipated by intervening claims. Thus, no limitation from the date of the notice of appeal U.S. Patent No. X.’’ of a dependent claim can be excluded under § 41.31 even if the time allowed (9) The grouping of claims in rewriting that claim into independent for reply to the action from which the requirement set forth in former Rule form. Paragraph (c) provides that all appeal was taken is later, which overall 192(c)(7) is removed. The general other amendments filed after the date of simplifies docketing of the due date. purpose served by former Rule 192(c)(7) filing an appeal pursuant to (4) In paragraph (c)(1)(i), a statement is addressed in § 41.37(c)(1)(viii). The § 41.31(a)(1)–(a)(3) will not be admitted is required in the brief identifying by existing grouping of claims requirement except as permitted by §§ 41.39(b)(1), name the real party in interest even if has led to many problems such as (i) 41.50(a)(2)(i), 41.50(b)(1) and 41.50(c). the party named in the caption of the Grouping of claims across multiple Paragraph (d)(1) provides that affidavits brief is the real party in interest. This rejections (e.g., claims 1–9 rejected or other evidence filed after the date of provides appellant the necessary under 35 U.S.C. 102 over A while filing an appeal pursuant to mechanism for complying with § 41.8(a) claims 10–15 are rejected under 35 § 41.31(a)(1)–(a)(3) and prior to the date in an appeal to the Board. U.S.C. 103 over A and the appellant Federal Register / Vol. 69, No. 155 / Thursday, August 12, 2004 / Rules and Regulations 49963 states that claims 1–15 are grouped optional subheadings would be Claim 1, of rejection in the examiner’s answer). together); (ii) Claims being grouped Claim 2, and Claim 3. Under each Because the current appeal rules only together but argued separately (e.g., subheading the appellant would present allow the examiner to make a new claims 1–9 rejected under 35 U.S.C. the argument for patentability of that ground by reopening prosecution, some § 102 over A, the appellant groups claim. examiners have allowed cases to go claims 1–9 together but then argues the (11) Paragraph (c)(1)(vii) states that forward to the Board without addressing patentability of claims 1 and 5 ‘‘Merely pointing out differences in the new arguments. Thus, the revision separately); and (iii) examiners what the claims cover is not an would improve the quality of disagreeing with the appellant’s argument as to why the claims are examiner’s answers and reduce grouping of claims. separately patentable’’, a statement in pendency by providing for the inclusion slightly different form appeared in of the new ground of rejection in an (10) In paragraph (c)(1)(vii), any former Rule 192(c)(7). examiner’s answer without having to arguments or authorities not included in (12) Paragraph (c)(1)(vii) eliminates reopen prosecution. By permitting the brief or a reply brief filed pursuant subparagraphs (i) through (v) of former examiners to include a new ground of to § 41.41 will be refused consideration Rule 192(c)(8) which related to the rejection in an examiner’s answer, by the Board, unless good cause is manner in which arguments were to be newly presented arguments can now be shown (requirement found in former made. Although they provided useful addressed by a new ground of rejection Rule 192(a)), and a separate heading is advice as to what an effective argument in the examiner’s answer when required for each ground of rejection in ought to include, these provisions have appropriate. Furthermore, if new place of the previous grouping of claims often been ignored by appellants and, arguments can now be addressed by the section of the brief. For each ground of for the most part, have not been examiner by incorporating a new rejection applying to two or more enforced as set forth in paragraph (d) of ground of rejection in the examiner’s claims, the claims may be argued that rule. answer, the new arguments may be able separately or as a group. When an (13) Paragraph (c)(1)(ix) is added to to be addressed without reopening appellant argues as a group multiple require appellant to include an evidence prosecution and thereby decreasing claims subject to the same ground of appendix of any evidence relied upon pendency. rejection, the Board may select a single by appellant in the appeal with a It is envisioned that new grounds of claim from that group of claims and statement setting forth where that rejection in examiner’s answers would treat its disposition of a ground of evidence was entered in the record by be rare, rather than a routine rejection of that claim as applying to the the examiner so that the Board will be occurrence. The Office plans to issue disposition of that ground of rejection of able to easily reference such evidence instructions that will be incorporated all claims in the group of claims. during consideration of the appeal. into the MPEP requiring that any new Notwithstanding any other provision of (14) Paragraph (c)(1)(x) is added to ground of rejection made by an this paragraph, an appellant’s failure to require appellant to include a related examiner in an answer must be argue separately claims that the proceedings appendix containing copies personally approved by a Technology appellant has grouped together of decisions rendered by a court or the Center Director or designee and that any constitutes a waiver of any argument Board in any proceeding identified new ground of rejection made in an that the Board must consider the pursuant to paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of this answer be prominently identified as patentability of any grouped claim section so that the Board can take into such. It is the further intent of the Office separately. See In re McDaniel, 293 F.3d consideration such decisions. to provide guidance to examiners that 1379, 1384, 63 USPQ2d 1462, 1465–66 (15) Paragraph (c)(2) is added to will also be incorporated into the MPEP (Fed. Cir. 2002) (interpreting former exclude any new or non-admitted as to what circumstances, e.g., Rule 192(c)(7) to require separate amendment, affidavit or other evidence responding to a new argument or new treatment of separately rejected claims). from being included in the brief. evidence submitted prior to appeal, Any claim argued separately should be (16) Paragraph (d) is added to provide would be appropriate for entry of a new placed under a subheading identifying that appellants will be notified of ground of rejection in an examiner’s the claim by number and claims argued reasons for non-compliance and given a answer rather than the reopening of as a group should be placed under a period of time to file an amended brief. prosecution. Where, for example, a new subheading identifying the claims by (17) Paragraph (e) is added to provide argument(s) or new evidence cannot be number. For example, if Claims 1 to 5 notice that the periods set forth in this addressed by the examiner based on the stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. 102(b) as section are extendable under the information then of record, the being anticipated by U.S. Patent No. Y provisions of Rule 136 for patent examiner may need to reopen and appellant is only going to argue the applications and Rule 550(c) for ex parte prosecution rather than apply a new limitations of independent claim 1, and reexamination proceedings. This ground of rejection in an examiner’s thereby group dependent claims 2 to 5 provision appeared in former Rule answer to address the new argument(s) to stand or fall with independent claim 191(d). or new evidence. 1, then one possible heading as required Section 41.39 is added to generally Paragraph (b) of § 41.39 is added to set by this subsection could be Rejection incorporate requirements found in forth the responses an appellant may under 35 U.S.C. 102(b) over U.S. Patent former Rule 193(a). make when an examiner’s answer sets No. Y and the optional subheading Section 41.39(a)(2) is added to permit forth a new ground of rejection. would be Claims 1 to 5. As another a new ground of rejection to be included Appellant is required within two example, where claims 1 to 3 stand in an examiner’s answer eliminating the months from the date of the examiner’s rejected under 35 U.S.C. 102(b) as being former prohibition of new grounds of answer containing a new ground of anticipated by U.S. Patent No. Z and the rejection in examiner’s answers. Many rejection either: appellant wishes to argue separately the appellants are making new arguments (1) To request that prosecution be patentability of each claim, a possible for the first time in their appeal brief reopened by filing a reply under Rule heading as required by this subsection (apparently stimulated by a former 111 with or without amendment or could be Rejection under 35 U.S.C. change to the appeal process that submission of affidavits (Rules 130, 131 102(b) over U.S. Patent No. Z, and the inserted the prohibition on new grounds or 132) or other evidence, which would 49964 Federal Register / Vol. 69, No. 155 / Thursday, August 12, 2004 / Rules and Regulations result in prosecution being reopened a Technology Center Director or supervisory patent examiner as before the examiner, or designee. A supplemental examiner’s currently set forth in MPEP 1208.02. (2) To file a reply brief under § 41.41, answer may not include a new ground Paragraph (b) of § 41.43 permits which would act as a request that the of rejection. If a supplemental appellant to file a supplemental reply appeal be maintained. Such a reply brief examiner’s answer is furnished by the brief in response to a supplemental could not be accompanied by any examiner, the appellant is permitted to examiner’s answer within two months amendment, affidavit (Rules 130, 131, or file another reply brief under § 41.41 from the date of the supplemental 132) or other evidence. If such a reply within two months from the date of the examiner’s answer. That two-month brief were accompanied by any supplemental examiner’s answer. time period may be extended under the amendment or evidence, it would be The former prohibition against a provisions of Rule 136(b) for patent treated as a request that prosecution be supplemental examiner’s answer in applications and Rule 550(c) for ex parte reopened before the examiner under other than a remand situation is reexamination proceedings as set forth paragraph (b)(1) of this section. Any removed to permit use of supplemental in § 41.43(c). reply brief would have to specify the examiner’s answers where the examiner Section 41.47 is added to generally error in each new ground of rejection as is responding only to new issues raised incorporate the requirements of former set forth in § 41.37(c)(1)(viii) and should in the reply brief. As a consequence, the Rule 194. In addition: generally follow the other requirements requirements pertaining to appellants (1) Paragraph (b) requires the separate of a brief set forth in § 41.37(c). when prosecution is reopened under paper requesting the oral hearing to be If in response to the examiner’s captioned ‘‘REQUEST FOR ORAL former Rule 193(b)(2) are removed. answer containing a new ground of HEARING’’ and sets forth that such a Section 41.43(a)(1) permits the rejection, appellant decides to reopen request can be filed within two months examiner to furnish a supplemental prosecution of the application before the from the date of the examiner’s answer examiner’s answer to respond to any examiner, the Office will treat the or supplemental examiner’s answer. new issue raised in a reply brief. It decision to reopen prosecution also as a (2) Paragraph (d) is added to set forth should be noted that an indication of a request to withdraw the appeal. If the procedure for handling the request change in status of claims (e.g., that appellant fails to exercise one of the two for oral hearing when an appellant has certain rejections have been withdrawn options within two months from the complied with all the requirements of as a result of a reply brief) is not a date of the examiner’s answer, the paragraph (b) of this section. Since supplemental examiner’s answer and appeal will be sua sponte dismissed notice to the primary examiner is a therefore would not give appellant the (i.e., terminated) as to the claims subject matter internal to the Office, the right to file a reply brief. Such an to the new ground of rejection. requirement for notice to the primary indication of a change in status may be Paragraph (c) of § 41.39 is added to examiner has been removed from the made on form PTOL–90. The Office will provide notice that the period set forth rule. It is anticipated that the primary develop examples to help the examiner in paragraph (b) of this section is examiner will be sent notice of the determine what would or would not be extendable under the provisions of Rule hearing time and date by e-mail. 136(b) for patent applications and Rule considered a new issue warranting a (3) Paragraph (e)(1) is added to 550(c) for ex parte reexamination supplemental examiner’s answer. An specifically provide that at the oral proceedings. This provision appeared in appellant who disagrees with an hearing (i) appellant may only rely on former Rule 191(d). examiner’s decision that a supplemental evidence that has been previously Section 41.41 is added to generally examiner’s answer is permitted under considered by the primary examiner and incorporate requirements found in this rule may petition for review of the present argument that has been relied former Rule 193(b). In addition: decision under Rule 181. Examples of upon in the brief or reply brief except (1) Paragraph (a)(2) is added to make new issues raised in a reply brief as permitted by paragraph (e)(2) of this explicit that a reply brief cannot include include the following: section; (ii) the primary examiner may any new or non-admitted amendment, Example 1: The rejection is under 35 only rely on argument and evidence affidavit or other evidence. U.S.C. 103 over A in view of B. The raised in the answer or a supplemental (2) Paragraph (b) is added to make brief argues that element 4 of reference answer except as permitted by clear that a reply brief not in B cannot be combined with reference A paragraph (e)(2) of this section; and (iii) compliance with paragraph (a) would as it would destroy the function that appellant opens and concludes the not be considered. The examiner would performed by reference A. The reply argument (i.e., the order of the argument notify the appellant in this event. brief argues that B is nonanalogous art at the hearing is: Appellant opens, then (3) Paragraph (c) is added to provide and therefore the two references cannot the primary examiner argues, then the notice that the period set forth in this be combined. appellant concludes presuming that section would be extendable under the Example 2: Same rejection as in appellant has reserved some time for a provisions of Rule 136(b) for patent Example 1. The brief argues only that concluding argument). applications and Rule 550(c) for ex parte the pump means of claim 1 is not taught (4) Paragraph (e)(2) is added to reexamination proceedings. This in the applied prior art. The reply brief specifically provide that upon a provision appeared in former Rule argues that the particular retaining showing of good cause, appellant and/ 191(d). means of claim 1 is not taught in the or the primary examiner may rely on a Section 41.43 is added to permit the applied prior art. new argument based upon a recent examiner to furnish a supplemental Paragraph (a)(1) of § 41.43 also sets relevant decision of either the Board or examiner’s answer to respond to any forth the ability of the examiner to a Federal Court. new issue raised in the reply brief. This withdraw the final rejection and reopen (5) Paragraph (f) is added to would dispense with the need for the prosecution as an alternative to the use incorporate the substance found in Board to remand the proceeding to the of a supplemental examiner’s answer. former Rule 194. Exemplary situations examiner to treat any new issue raised The primary examiner’s decision to where the Board may decide no hearing in the reply brief. The MPEP will withdraw the final rejection and reopen is necessary include those where the provide that each supplemental prosecution to enter a new ground of Board has become convinced, prior to examiner’s answer must be approved by rejection requires approval from the hearing, that an application must be Federal Register / Vol. 69, No. 155 / Thursday, August 12, 2004 / Rules and Regulations 49965 remanded for further consideration a specific rejection and that when the Section 41.60 sets forth definitions for prior to evaluating the merits of the opinion of the Board included such a Board proceedings under subpart C of appeal or that the examiner’s position statement, appellant would have the part 41. The preamble to § 41.60 is cannot be sustained in any event. right to amend in conformity therewith. based on a similar provision in the (6) Paragraph (g) is added to provide Such an amendment in conformity with preamble of former Rule 601. The term notice that the periods set forth in this such statement would overcome the ‘‘proceeding’’ provides a shorthand section are extendable under the specific rejection, but an examiner reference to an inter partes provisions of Rule 136(b) for patent could still reject a claim so-amended, reexamination proceeding. The term applications and Rule 550(c) for ex parte provided that the rejection constituted a ‘‘owner’’ provides a shorthand reference reexamination proceedings. This new ground of rejection. to the owner of the patent undergoing provision appeared in former Rule (5) Paragraph (d) provides that inter partes reexamination under Rule 191(d). appellant’s failure to timely respond to 915. The term ‘‘requester’’ provides a Section 41.50 is added to generally an order of the Board of Patent Appeals generic term to describe each party incorporate the requirements of former and Interferences could result in the other than the owner who requested that Rule 196. In addition: dismissal of the appeal. the patent undergo inter partes (1) Paragraph (a)(1) explicitly (6) Paragraph (f) is added to provide reexamination under Rule 915. The term provides that the Board, in its principal notice that the periods set forth in this ‘‘appellant’’ provides a generic term for role under 35 U.S.C. 6(b) of reviewing section are extendable under the any party, whether the owner or a adverse decisions of examiners, may in provisions of Rule 136(b) for patent requester, filing a notice of appeal or its decision affirm or reverse the applications and Rule 550(c) for ex parte cross appeal under § 41.61. If more than decision of the examiner in whole or in reexamination proceedings. This one party appeals or cross appeals, each part on the grounds and on the claims provision appeared in former Rule appealing or cross appealing party is an specified by the examiner. The 191(d). appellant with respect to the claims to affirmance of the rejection of a claim on Section 41.52 is added to generally which his or her appeal or cross appeal any of the grounds specified constitutes incorporate the requirements of former is directed. The term ‘‘respondent’’ a general affirmance of the decision of Rule 197(b). In addition, paragraph provides a generic term for any the examiner on that claim, except as to (a)(1) incorporates the matter from requester responding under § 41.68 to any ground specifically reversed. The former Rule 196(b)(2) relating to the the appellant’s brief of the owner, or the Board may also remand an application request that the application or patent owner responding under § 41.68 to the to the examiner. under ex parte reexamination be appellant’s brief of any requester. No (2) Paragraph (a)(2) is added to require reheard. Arguments not raised in the requester may be a respondent to the appellant to respond to any briefs before the Board and evidence not appellant brief of any other requester. supplemental examiner’s answer issued previously relied upon in the brief and The terms ‘‘appellant’’ and in response to a remand from the Board any reply brief(s) are not permitted in ‘‘respondent’’ were defined in former to the examiner for further the request for rehearing except as Rule 962. The definition of the term consideration of a rejection to avoid sua permitted by paragraphs (a)(2) and (a)(3) ‘‘filing’’ provides a generic requirement sponte dismissal of the appeal as to the of this section. In addition, the rule that any document filed in the claims subject to the rejection for which would permit the Board to simply deny proceeding by any party must include a the Board has remanded the proceeding. a request for rehearing in appropriate certificate indicating service of the Appellant must exercise one of the cases rather than rendering a new document to all other parties to the following two options to avoid such sua opinion and decision on the request for proceeding as required by Rule 903. sponte dismissal of the appeal as to the rehearing. Paragraph (a)(2) provides that Section 41.61 is added to generally claims subject to the rejection for which upon a showing of good cause, incorporate the requirements of former the Board has remanded the proceeding: appellant may present a new argument Rule 959. (i) Request that prosecution be reopened based upon a recent relevant decision of Sections 41.63(a) and (b) are added to before the examiner by filing a reply either the Board or a Federal Court. replace the requirements of former Rule under Rule 111 with or without Paragraph (a)(3) provides that new 116 with a prohibition of amendments amendment or submission of affidavits arguments responding to a new ground submitted after the date the proceeding (Rules 130, 131 or 132) or other of rejection made pursuant to § 41.50(b) has been appealed pursuant to § 41.61, evidence, or (ii) request that the appeal are permitted. Paragraph (b) is added to except for amendments permitted by be maintained by filing a reply brief as provide notice that the period set forth § 41.77(b)(1) and amendments canceling provided in § 41.41. If such a reply brief in this section is extendable under the claims where such cancellation does not is accompanied by any amendment, provisions of Rule 136(b) for patent affect the scope of any other pending affidavit or other evidence, it shall be applications and Rule 550(c) for ex parte claim in the proceeding. Section treated as a request that prosecution be reexamination proceedings. This 41.63(c) replaces the requirements of reopened before the examiner under provision appeared in former Rule former Rule 975 with a prohibition on § 41.50(a)(2)(i). Any request that 191(d). the admission of affidavits and other prosecution be reopened under this Section 41.54 is added to generally evidence submitted after the case has paragraph would be treated as a request incorporate the requirements of former been appealed pursuant to § 41.61 to withdraw the appeal. Rule 197(a). except as permitted by § 41.77(b)(1). (3) Paragraph (b)(2) eliminates the Subpart C is added to provide rules This replaces the current practice of provision relating to requests that the for the inter partes appeal under 35 permitting such evidence based on a application or patent under ex parte U.S.C. 315 of a rejection in an inter showing of good and sufficient reasons reexamination be reheard, since that partes reexamination proceeding to the why such evidence was not earlier provision is included in § 41.52(a). Board. This subpart does not apply to presented. The Office believes that (4) Paragraph (c) provides that the any other Board proceeding and is prosecution of an application should opinion of the Board may include an strictly limited to appeals in inter partes occur before the examiner prior to an explicit statement how a claim on reexamination proceedings filed under appeal being filed, not after the case has appeal could be amended to overcome 35 U.S.C. 311. been appealed pursuant to § 41.61. 49966 Federal Register / Vol. 69, No. 155 / Thursday, August 12, 2004 / Rules and Regulations Section 41.64 is added to generally presented for review. An example of a (11) Paragraph (c)(1)(ix) is added to incorporate the requirements of former concise statement is claims 1 to 10 stand require appellant to include an evidence Rule 961, but would make clear that rejected under 35 U.S.C. 102(b) as being appendix of any evidence relied upon jurisdiction over a proceeding may be anticipated by U.S. Patent No. X. by appellant in the appeal with a relinquished and the proceeding (7) The grouping of claims statement setting forth where that returned to the examining operation to requirement set forth in former Rule evidence was entered in the record by permit processing to be completed 965(c)(7) is removed. The general the examiner so that the Board would be before the Board takes up the appeal for purpose served by former Rule 965(c)(7) able to reference such evidence easily decision. is addressed in § 41.67(c)(1)(viii). The during their consideration of the appeal. Section 41.66 is added to generally existing grouping of claims requirement (12) Paragraph (c)(1)(x) is added to incorporate the requirements of former has led to many problems as set forth require appellant to include a related Rule 963. above in the discussion of § 41.37. proceedings appendix containing copies Section 41.67 is added to generally (8) In paragraph (c)(1)(vii), any of decisions rendered by a court or the incorporate the requirements of former arguments or authorities not included in Board in any proceeding identified Rule 965. In addition: a brief permitted in this section or filed pursuant to § 41.67(c)(1)(ii) so that the (1) In paragraph (a), one copy of the pursuant to §§ 41.68 and 41.71 will be Board can take into consideration such brief is required rather than three copies refused consideration by the Board, decisions. consistent with the Office’s move to an (13) Paragraph (c)(2) is added to unless good cause is shown, and a electronic file wrapper. exclude any new or non-admitted separate heading is required for each (2) In paragraph (c)(1)(i), a statement amendment, affidavit or other evidence ground of rejection in place of the in the brief is required identifying by from being included in an appellant’s previous grouping of claims section of name the real party in interest even if brief. the brief. For each ground of rejection the party named in the caption of the Section 41.68 is added to generally applying to two or more claims, the brief is the real party in interest. This incorporate requirements found in claims may be argued separately or as a provides appellant the necessary former Rule 967 and changes similar to group. When an appellant argues as a mechanism of complying with § 41.8(a) those in § 41.67. In addition, paragraph group multiple claims subject to the in an appeal to the Board; (b)(2) excludes any new or non-admitted same ground of rejection, the Board may (3) In paragraph (c)(1)(ii), clear amendment, affidavit or other evidence select a single claim from that group of identification is required of all other from being included in a respondent’s claims and treat its disposition of a prior and pending appeals, interferences brief. ground of rejection of that claim as or judicial proceedings known to Section 41.69 is added to generally applying to the disposition of that appellant, the appellant’s legal incorporate requirements found in ground of rejection of all claims in the representative, or assignee which may former Rule 969. group of claims. Notwithstanding any be related to, directly affect or be Section 41.71 is added to generally other provision of this paragraph, an directly affected by or have a bearing on incorporate requirements found in appellant’s failure to argue separately the Board’s decision in the pending former Rule 971. claims that appellant has grouped appeal, as well as to provide a Section 41.73 is added to generally together would constitute a waiver of mechanism of complying with § 41.8(b) incorporate the requirements of former any argument that the Board must in an appeal to the Board. Rule 973. In addition: (4) In paragraph (c)(1)(iii), both a consider the patentability of any (1) Paragraph (b) requires the separate statement of the status of all the claims grouped claim separately. See In re paper requesting the oral hearing to be in the proceeding (e.g., rejected, allowed McDaniel, 293 F.3d 1379, 1384, 63 captioned ‘‘REQUEST FOR ORAL or confirmed, withdrawn, objected to, USPQ2d 1462, 1465–66 (Fed. Cir. 2002) HEARING’’ and that such a request can canceled) and an identification of those (interpreting analogous former Rule be filed within two months from the claims that are being appealed is 192(c)(7) to require separate treatment of date of the examiner’s answer. required. separately rejected claims). Any claim (2) Paragraph (d) is added to provide (5) In paragraph (c)(1)(v), a concise argued separately should be placed the procedure for handling the request explanation is required of the subject under a subheading identifying the for oral hearing in which a party has matter defined in each of the claim by number and that claims argued complied with all the requirements of independent claims involved in the as a group should be placed under a paragraph (b) of this section. Since appeal and which concise explanation subheading identifying the claims by notice to the primary examiner is a shall refer to the specification by page number. matter internal to the Office, the and line number, and to the drawings, (9) Paragraph (c)(1)(vii) states that requirement for notice to the primary if any, by reference characters. For each ‘‘Merely pointing out differences in examiner has been removed from the independent claim involved in the what the claims cover is not an rule. It is anticipated that the primary appeal and each dependent claim argument as to why the claims are examiner will be sent notice of the argued separately under the provisions separately patentable.’’ This statement hearing time and date by e-mail. of paragraph (c)(1)(vii) of this section, in slightly different form appeared in (3) Paragraph (e)(1) is added to every means plus function and step plus former Rule 965(c)(7). specifically provide that at the oral function as permitted by 35 U.S.C. 112, (10) Paragraph (c)(1)(vii) eliminates hearing (i) parties may only rely on sixth paragraph, must be identified and subparagraphs (i) through (v) of former evidence that has been previously the structure, material, or acts described Rule 965(c)(8) which related to the considered by the primary examiner and in the specification as corresponding to manner in which arguments were to be present argument that has been relied each claimed function be set forth with made. Although providing useful advice upon in the briefs except as permitted reference to the specification by page as to what an effective argument ought by paragraph (e)(2) of this section; (ii) and line number, and to the drawing, if to include, these provisions have often the primary examiner may only rely on any, by reference characters. been ignored by appellants and, for the argument and evidence relied upon in (6) In paragraph (c)(1)(vi), a concise most part, have not been enforced as the answer except as permitted by statement is required listing each issue provided in former Rule 965(d). paragraph (e)(2) of this section; and (iii) Federal Register / Vol. 69, No. 155 / Thursday, August 12, 2004 / Rules and Regulations 49967 that the Board will determine the order is implicitly defined in Rule 601(f) (for combination of papers minimizes the of the arguments presented at the oral claims) and in Rule 601(l) (for chance that an argument will be hearing. applications), but is not explicitly overlooked and reduces abuses that (4) Paragraph (e)(2) is added to defined in the current rules. The rule arise from incorporation and specifically provide that upon a expressly defines ‘‘involved’’ as combination. showing of good cause, appellant, designating any patent application, Section 41.106(c) requires the filing of respondent and/or the primary patent, or claim that is the subject of the a working copy for the Board official examiner may rely on a new argument contested case. administering the proceeding. based upon a recent relevant decision of Section 41.101 follows the practice in Section 41.106(d) provides additional either the Board or a Federal Court. Rule 611(a) and (b) for notifying parties guidance for special modes of filing. (5) Paragraph (f) is added to of a contested case. As a courtesy, the Section 41.106(d)(1) encourages the use incorporate the substance found in Board will make reasonable efforts to of the EXPRESS MAIL service of the former Rule 194. Exemplary situations provide notice to all parties. Failure to United States Postal Service. Section where the Board might decide no maintain a current correspondence 41.106(d)(2) permits other modes of hearing is necessary include those address may result in adverse filing. where the Board has become convinced, consequences. prior to hearing, that the proceeding Section 41.102 requires completion of Section 41.106(e)(1) requires papers to must be remanded for further examination for most applications (and be served when they are filed if they consideration prior to evaluating the of reexamination for most patents) have not already been served. Section merits of the appeal. before the Board will institute a 41.106(e)(3) provides for expedited Section 41.77 is added to generally contested case. service. incorporate the requirements of former Section 41.103 follows the file Section 41.106(f) provides rules for Rule 977. jurisdiction practice in Rules 614 and certificates of service. Section Section 41.79 is added to generally 615 except to generalize the temporary 41.106(f)(1) requires the certificate to be incorporate the requirements of former transfer of jurisdiction to include parts incorporated into each paper other than Rule 979 concerning rehearing before of the Office other than the examining exhibits. When the exhibits are filed at the Board. Paragraph (b) generally corps, including, for example, the Office the same time, the certificate may be incorporates the requirements of former of Public Records. Such transfers of incorporated into the exhibit list. See Rule 979(d). Arguments not raised in jurisdiction will generally be for short §41.154(d). the briefs before the Board and evidence periods and for limited purposes. Section 41.108 requires each party to not previously relied upon in the briefs Section 41.104(a) follows the practice identify its counsel, if any. The rule also are not permitted in the request for of Rule 610(e), which permits an follows Rule 613(a), which permitted rehearing except as permitted by administrative patent judge wide the Board to require the appointment of paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(3) of this latitude in administering interferences. a lead counsel. section. Paragraph (b)(2) provides that The decision to waive a procedural Section 41.109 follows Rule 612 in upon a showing of good cause, requirement is committed to the permitting parties to obtain copies of appellant and/or respondent may discretion of the administrative patent certain Office files directly related to the present a new argument based upon a judge. contested case. Section 41.109(c) recent relevant decision of either the Section 41.104(c) clarifies that any requires a party that has not received Board or a Federal Court. Paragraph default times set by rule may be copies of a requested file to notify the (b)(3) provides that new arguments changed by order. ‘‘Times’’ in paragraph Board of the problem promptly. responding to a new ground of rejection (c) includes both dates and durations. Section 41.110(a) requires a single made pursuant to § 41.77(b) are Section 41.106 provides guidance for clean set of the claims, analogous to the permitted. Paragraph (c) generally the filing and service of papers. Under requirement for amendments ‘‘in clean incorporates the requirements of former § 41.106(a), papers to be filed are form’’ in Rule 121. Rule 979(b). Paragraph (d) generally required to meet standards very similar incorporates the requirements of former to those required in patent prosecution, Section 41.120 provides for notice of Rule 979(c). Paragraph (e) generally Rule 52(a), and in filings in the Court of requested relief and the basis for that incorporates the requirements of former Appeals for the Federal Circuit, Fed. R. relief in contested cases. Rule 979(g). App. P. 32. Section 41.106(a)(1) would Section 41.121(a)(1) redefines motions Section 41.81 is added to generally permit a party to file papers in either A4 practice under Rule 633(a), (b), (c)(2), incorporate the requirements of former format or 81⁄2-inch × 11-inch format, but (c)(3), (c)(4), (f) and (g) to focus more Rule 979(e). not to alternate between formats. At specifically on the central issue in the Subpart D provides rules for contested present, the Board prefers papers to be contested case. Section 41.121(a)(1)(iii) cases before the Board. Contested cases filed in 81⁄2-inch × 11-inch format permits a motion for judgment in the are predominantly patent interferences because the present filing system is best contest, which can include an attack on under 35 U.S.C. 135(a), but also include adapted to this paper format. standing as well as a motion for relief United States Government ownership Section 41.106(b) provides guidance on the central issue of the contest. contests under 42 U.S.C. 2182(3) and specific to papers other than exhibits. Section 41.121(a)(2) and (a)(3) modifies 2457(d). Section 41.106(b)(1) codifies current the responsive motion and Section 41.100 defines two terms. The practices for the cover sheet of a paper. miscellaneous motion practice under term ‘‘business day’’ is defined in a Section 41.106(b)(2) requires holes at Rules 633(i) and (j), 634, and 635 to manner consistent with 35 U.S.C. 21(b) the top of the paper consistent with ensure that the proceeding remains to exclude Saturday, Sunday, and Local Civil Rule 5.1(f) (1999) of the focused. Section 41.121(a)(3) provides Federal holidays, when the closure of United States District Court for the for miscellaneous motions, which the Board may affect the Board’s, or a District of Columbia to facilitate entry of would offer a mechanism for requesting party’s, ability to perform an action. the paper in the administrative record. relief on procedural issues and other The term ‘‘involved’’ appears in 35 The bar in § 41.106(b)(3) against issues tangential to patentability and U.S.C. 135(a) with respect to claims and incorporation by reference and priority. 49968 Federal Register / Vol. 69, No. 155 / Thursday, August 12, 2004 / Rules and Regulations Section 41.121(b) places the burden of list of sanctions provided in Rule 616, testimony. The time period for cross- proof on the moving party, following but adds a terminal disclaimer examination set in § 41.157(c)(2) follows Rule 637(a) (2003). requirement as a sanction. the current practice and sets a norm for Section 41.121(c)(1) follows Rule Section 41.150(a) restates the present the conference held under 637(a) regarding the general contents of policy of limited discovery, consistent § 41.157(c)(1). Section 41.157(c)(3) motions, but would also codify the with the goal of providing contested clarifies the practice of providing current practice of requiring a separate proceedings that are fast, inexpensive, documents in advance by limiting the paper for each motion. The numbered and fair. Section 41.150(b) provides for practice to direct testimony. Since direct paragraphs stating material facts in automatic discovery of materials cited testimony is generally in the form of a § 41.121(c)(1)(ii) should be short, ideally in the specification of an involved or declaration, the circumstance in which just a sentence or two, to permit the benefit disclosure. Section 41.150(c) § 41.157(c)(3) would apply should rarely opposing party to admit or deny each restates existing practice under Rule 687 occur apart from compelled testimony. fact readily. Under § 41.121(c)(1)(iii), regarding additional testimony. Section 41.157(d) codifies the existing sloppy motion drafting is held against Section 41.151 continues the practice requirement for a conference before a the moving party. Section 41.121(c)(2) under Rule 671(i) of making failure to deposition with an interpreter. requires the movant to make showings comply with the rules a basis for Section 41.157(e) adopts ‘‘officer’’, the ordinarily required for the requested challenging admissibility. term used in 35 U.S.C. 23, to refer to the relief in other parts of the Office. Section 41.152 continues the current person qualified to administer Section 41.121(d) allows the Board to practice of using the Federal Rules of testimony. The certification of raise questions of patentability. Evidence in contested cases. Section § 41.157(e)(6)(vi) substantially adopts Section 41.122 codifies the present 41.152(d) permits reliance on official the standard of Rule 674 for practice regarding new arguments in notice and hearsay to determine the disqualifying an officer from replies. scope and effect of foreign law. administering a deposition. Section Section 41.123(a) sets default times Section 41.153 restates the practice 41.157(e)(7) requires the proponent of for filing motions. Section 41.123(b) under Rule 671(d) of admitting Office the testimony to file the transcript of the provides requirements for records that are available to all parties testimony. miscellaneous motions. without certification. Under § 41.154(a), Section 41.157(f) codifies the existing A party may request an oral argument each Office record cited as evidence practice of requiring the proponent of under § 41.124(a), but requests would would have to be submitted as an testimony to pay the reasonable costs not be automatically granted. Section exhibit. associated with making the witness 41.124(b), requires the parties to file Section 41.154(a) restates Rule 671(a), available for cross examination, three working copies of the papers to be which sets the form of evidence, and including the costs of the reporter and considered for the panel if the hearing codifies the existing practice that all transcript. is set for a panel. Section 41.124(c) evidence must be submitted as an Section 41.158 codifies the current provides a default time of 20 minutes exhibit. Section 41.154(b) restates Rule practice regarding expert testimony and per party for oral arguments at the Board 647 regarding translation of foreign scientific tests and data. because they are not evidentiary language evidence. Section 41.154(c) Subpart E provides rules specific to hearings. Section 41.124(d) permits the sets forth additional formal patent interferences. Section 41.200(a) use of demonstrative exhibits. Section requirements for exhibits consistent would specifically identify patent 41.124(e) permits the transcription of with current practice. An exhibit list is interferences as contested cases subject the argument. required under § 41.154(d). to the rules in subpart D. Section 41.125(a) maintains the Section 41.155 sets forth rules for Section 41.200(b) continues the discretion under current practice to objecting to evidence and responding to practice under Rule 633(a) of looking at address issues in an order that is both objections. Under § 41.155(b)(1), the the applicant’s specification to fair and efficient. Section 41.125(b) default time for serving an objection to determine the meaning of a copied clarifies the current practice that a evidence other than testimony is five claim, not the specification from which decision short of judgment is not final. business days. Section 41.155(b)(2) the claim was copied. Section 41.125(c) recodifies the time for permits a party that submitted evidence Section 41.200(c) sets forth the policy requesting rehearing from Rule 640(c) ten business days after service of the now found in Rule 610(c) setting two and the procedural requirements of the objection to cure any defect in the years as the maximum normal pendency last two sentences of Rule 655(a). evidence. (Standing Order ¶ 14.2 for patent interferences. Section 41.126 recodifies the current provides two weeks.) The Board would Section 41.201 sets forth definitions arbitration practice. not ordinarily address an objection specific to patent interferences. The Section 41.127(a)(1) recodifies the unless the objecting party filed a motion phrase ‘‘accorded benefit’’ is defined as existing estoppel provision for to exclude under § 41.155(c). Section the Board’s designation of an interferences. Section 41.127(a)(2) 41.155(d) provides for a motion in application as providing a proper restates the final disposal provision of limine for a ruling on admissibility. constructive reduction to practice for a Rule 663. Section 41.127(b) restates the Section 41.156(a) requires a party party. conditions in Rule 662 under which the seeking a subpoena to first obtain A definition is set forth for the phrase Board infers a concession of the contest. authorization from the Board. Section ‘‘constructive reduction to practice’’ Section 41.127(c) restates the 41.156(b) imposes additional because this phrase is used in the rules recommendation provision of Rule 659. requirements on a party seeking instead of ‘‘earliest effective filing date’’ Section 41.127(d) provides a time for testimony or production outside the to explain more precisely how benefit is requesting a rehearing. United States because the use of foreign accorded for the purpose of determining Section 41.128(a) restates Rule 616 on testimony generally increases the cost priority. sanctions, but adds the examples of and complexity of the proceeding for The term ‘‘count’’ is redefined to misleading arguments and dilatory both the parties and the Board. emphasize the relationship of the count tactics to the list of reasons for Section 41.157 restates existing to admissible proofs of priority under sanctions. Section 41.128(b) restates the practice regarding the taking of §102(g).

49960. Federal Register / Vol. 69, No. 155 / Thursday, August 12, 2004 / Rules and Regulations. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE. Patent and
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