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Тренировочные примеры по английскому языку: Present Continuous (Present Progressive) PDF

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Preview Тренировочные примеры по английскому языку: Present Continuous (Present Progressive)

E. A. 5apawKoea (Present Progressive) A rPAMMATVl4ECK~~ cnPAB04HVIK V .Qil~ PO.QVITEilEVI COAEP>KAHME Yn PA>KH EH 111.sl ................................................................................. 1§)1 • ing-cpopMa rJiaroJioB ..................................................................................... 1-2 • I'JiaroJI-CBR3Ka be ........................................................................................... 3 • Present Continuous. YTBep,D;HTeJihHhie rrpe,n;JiomeHH.H ........................................ 4- 12 • Present Continuous / Present Simple .......................................................... 13-15 • Present Continuous. OTpm.1,aTeJihHhie rrpe,n;JiomeHH.H ....................................... 16- 17 • BorrpochI 06III,11e ...................................................................................... 18-21 • Borrpochr crre:u;11aJihHhre .............................................................................. 22- 23 • Tpy,n;HOCTM yrroTpe6JieHMH rnaroJIOB to rain 11 to snow ....................................... 23 • Borrpochr aJihTepttaTHBHhre .............................................................................. 23 • YrrpamHeHM.H Ha rroBTopeHHe .....................................•..................................... 24 HA BKJlA.QKE: CTPAHllll.IKlll .Q/1.sl PO.QlllTE/lEH ............................ I rpaMMaTH"leCK~H cnpaeo"IHHK . : ........................................................... 1- 8 . l<ntO"IH : ......................................................... 9- 16 Y)J.K 373:811.111 IJIJK 8 I .2Attr.1-2 624 Ibo6paiKeHJUI y<1e6Hl!KOB npHBe.:reHbl Ha 06,1oiKKe .:raHHOro HJ.]aHHSI HCK.1104HTe.1bHO B K34CCTBC H.LllOCTpaHIBHOfO ~ia­ TepHa.1a (cT. 1274 n. 1 l.JaCTH l.JeTBepTOH fpa)fC!aHCKoro KO.JeKca PocCHHCKOH ©e.:repau1111). Eapaurn:osa E. A. E24 Tpem1poso'lttb1e np11Mepb1 no attr.nHHCKO~ry 5!3brKy: Present Continuous (Present Progressive). <DfOC I E. A. EapawKosa. - M.: Ih::i.aTeJJhCTBO «3K3aMCH», 2015. - 32 c. (Cepm1 «5000 3a.na"I») ISB 978-5-3 77-08997-1 Ilam1oe noco611e no.11IOCTbIO coornercrnyer cjic.:rcpaJJbH0~1y rocy.:rapcrseHH0~1y o6paJoBaTe.lbHO\ry cratt.1apry (sroporo nm:o.1eHHS1). Cepml «Tpem1pOBO'lllbJe np1mepbl no rpa~1~1an!KC aHL11lilCKOro ll3b!Ka» COCTOl!T 113 KHHr: • r.1aro.1b1 be. ha,·e. can. must • Pre ent Simple (Present Indefinite) • Mee 1011\lett1n1. KoHCTµ)'KlllHI There is There are • Present Continuous (Present Progressi\'e) • Future Simple (Future Indefinite). 3a.:raimsi 06ecneq11sa1or ycsoe1111e 11 3aKpen.1ett11e npasu.1 rpa~1~1an1K11. KOTOpb1e 113yqat0TCS1 B WK0.1e. XapaKrep ynpa;i.;1Ie1mil no:SBO.Ult:T Bblll0.1!UITb llX ~laKCIDla.lbHO 6hICTpO. '!TO 1KOHO\IHT CJLlbl II Bpe~!ll y'lalUl!XCll II nmwraeT B KOpOTKm: cpOKJI .1061lTbCll xopowero 311a!llfll rpa~1~1aTl1KH. IToco611e BK.1IO'larT (TµaHll'IKH .1.lll po_i111e:1eil. B KOTOpb!X .:raeTCll rpa\l\laTlf'!eCKHH cnpaBO'IHllK H K.1t0Y11 KO Rce,1 3a;:iattHS1\1. Il-1ll )"IalllllXCll Ha4a1bHOil II cpe.:itteil WKOJlbl. 1nyqat0w11x aHr.111ilCKHil ll3b!K. If HX po.:r11Te.1eii. Op11Ka30~l x~ 729 Mmrncrepcrna o6pa30BaHHll H HayK11 PocculkKoil <l>e.'.lepau1111 yye6Hble noco611S1 11uaTe.lbCTBa «3K3a~teH>> ,J,On)'U.lel!bl K llCTI0.1b30Ba1rn10 B 06Uleo6pa3oBaTC.1bHblX opraHll'.!aUllJIX. ISBN 978-5-377-08997-1 f:i EapawKosa E. A .. 2015 ~ l1uare.lbCTBO «3K3AMEH», 2015 1 HanMWMTe ing-ct>opMy rnaronoa. (§ 1) reading skating read- skate- 1. clean ............................ . 16. close ............................ .. 31. bring ............................ . 2. jump ............................ . 17. make ............................ . 32. buy .............................. .. 3. watch .......................... .. 18. dance .......................... .. 33. eat ................................ . 4. count ........................... . 19. come ............................ . 34. cook ............................. . 5. open .............................. 20. ride ............................... 35. fly ................................ . 6. play............................... 21. skate ............................. 36. do ................................. . 7. read ............................. . 22. give ............................. .. 37. go ................................ .. 8. wash ............................ . 23. smile ............................ . 38. teach ............................ . 9. draw ........................... .. 24. show ............................ . 39. say ............................... . 10. sing............................... 25. see................................. 40. learn ........................... .. 11. meet .............................. 26. have .............................. 41. ski ............................... .. 12. look............................... 27. live................................ 42. talk ............................. .. 13. drink............................. 28. take .............................. . 43. sleep ............................ . 14. listen ............................ 29. write ............................ . 44. speak ........................... . 15. help............................... 30. work ............................ . 45. stand ............................ . ·------------------------------------------------------------------~- HanMWMTe. i n~-cl>opMy rnaronoa. (§ 1) ~ sit-Sitting cry-Crying ~ 46. celebrate ........................ 61. get .. .............................. 76. shine .. ........................... 47. find ................................ 62. run .. .............................. 77. switch . .......................... 48. knock .. .......................... 63. swim .. ............................ 78. remember .. ................... ............................... 49. know ····························· 64. stop 79. tell ································ 50. thank .. .......................... 65. hop .. .............................. 80. repeat .. ......................... 51. climb ............................. 66. begin .. ........................... 81. boast .. ........................... 52. visit .............................. 67. forget .. ......................... 82. cry .. .............................. 53. walk .............................. 68. put .. .............................. 83. try .. ............................... 54. think ............................. 69. sit .. ............................... 84 . enjoy .. ........................... 55. complete ....................... 70. skip .. ............................. 85. carry .. ........................... 56. want .. .. . . . . . . . ... .. . .. .. ... .. . . .. 71. follow .. ......................... 86 . fall .. .............................. 57. use ................................ 72. fill .. ............................... 87. join .. ............................. 58. send .............................. 73. translate .. ..................... 88 . roller-skate .. ................. 59. hide ............................... 74. match ··························· 89 . shake ............................ 60. dream ........................... 75. hear .. ............................ 90 . stay .. ............................. 1 2 ~ BbtnMWMTe rnaronbl, B KOTOpblX npM o6pa30B8HMM ing-<1>opMbl KOHe"IHa.R ~: cornacHaR YABaHaaeTcR. (§ 1) begin bring buy carry clean close come cook count I dance do draw drink fly forget get give go J!iave help hop jump learn listen live look make meet open play put read ride run say see show sing sit skate ski skip sleep smile speak stand stop swim take talk teach wash watch work write 91. 96. 92. ..,.. ........................................................... . 97. 93. 98. 94. ··r··························································· 99. 95. ···; ···························································· 100. · -~---- r -------------------------------------------------------------· ~ COCTaBbTe rnaron M3 6yKB B CK06Kax, HanMWMTe ero. PRAOM HanMWMTe ero ~ ~ng-<1>opMy. EcnH KOHe"IHaR cornacHaR YABaMaaeTcR, nOA"lepKHMTe ee. (§ 1) come -coming swim - swimming <ore,m&)- (i,w,~.m)- 101. (a,1,w,k) .................................................. .. 116. (y,e,s) ..................................................... . I 102. (uln,r) ...................................................... . 117. (a,y,l,n) ................................................ .. 103. (ate,t,k,.§) ................................................. . 118. (a,y,§.,t) .................................................. . 104. (o r,k,w} .................................................. . 119. (y,r,~) ...................................................... . 105. (a,_ ,m,k) .................................................. . 120. (y,1,r) ...................................................... . 106. (eJ,g) ...................................................... . 121. (e,i,.Q,g,n) ................................................ . I (i,1; 107. ,t) ....................................................... . 122. (o,p,§,t) .................................................. .. 108. (e, ,r,t,w) ................................................. . 123. (a,e,v,h) ................................................... . 109. (y, ,g) ..................................................... . 124. (i,k,.§,p) .................................................... . 110. (r,i~n.g,Q) ................................................. . 125. (a,e,c,h,1) ................................................. . 111. (u,t,g) ...................................................... . 126. (e,a,k,p,§) ................................................ . 112. (a,i.'k,1) ................................................... . 127. (e,i,d,r) ................................................... .. 113. (o,f) ........................................................ . 128. (i,k,§) ...................................................... . 114. (y,1r1> ....................................................... . 129. (i,e,m,1,§) ................................................. . 115. (i,n1g,§) .................................................... . 130. (a,h,s,w) ................................................. .. 2 3 CocraBbTe npeAJlO>KeHM.A, Mcnonb3Y.A l'aHHble cnoea. 06paTMTe BHMMaHMe Ha rnaron-CB.A3Ky. YTBepm,D;eHHe 131. l/athome 132. you/ at school I am late 133. she I in the garden 134. he/ at the zoo we are late you are late 135. they / in the box they are late 136. it I funny 137. I / ready he is late 138. she/ nine she is late 139. he/ cold it is late 140. I/ a pupil 141.1 it/ on the table ..................................... . 146. we/ hot ..................................................... . 142. we/ in the bus ....................................... . 147. she/ cold ................................................... . 143. they/ little ............................................ . 148. it/ cold ...................................................... . 144. I/ happy ................................................ . 149. he/ in the car ............................................ . i 45. she/ kind ............................................. .. 150. I/ at the stadium ...................................... . 1 3a,n;aHJUI, Bhl,D;eJieHHhie KYPCHBOM, BhlIIOJIH.HIOTCSI YCTHO. ----------------------------------------------------------------@- -- -~- HanMWMTe no-aHrnMMCKlll. 06paTMTe BHMMaHMe Ha rnaron-CB.A3Ky. ~1 ~~'(-;<~ If:&> 151. H B IIIKOJie. ............................................................................................................ fS ~.t.~2'ti". 152. 0Ha,D;OMa. '"i::J f;ll;~, 153. Mhl B 3oorrapKe. $~1. -';Jelxi ~~ill ltfE~ 154. OHM B Mara3MHe. wi~::~., ~, 155. OHM cqacTJIMBhI. ~i 156. MM XOJIO,Zl;HO. 157. OH 6oJieH. 158. EMy ,D;eCHTh JieT. .. ............................................................................................................ 159. Eli II.ffTh JieT. 160. 0Ha MaJieHbKaH. 161.1 Ero co6aKa 3JiaH. 166. Mhl B KOMHaTe. 162. Ee KOTeHOK sa6aBHbIH. 167. HaMmapKo. 163. Tb! YMHbIH. 168. MHemap1w. 164. Bbl YMHbie. 169. Te6e ceMh JieT. 165. 3Ta KHMra MHTepecHaSI. 170. EMy qeT1>1pe ro,D;a. 1 3a,n;aHHSI, BhI,D;eJieHHhle KYPCHBOM, BhIIIOJIH.HJOTC.H YCTHO. 3 4 ~ HanMWMTe, KTO 'ITO ceiii'lac AenaeT. nocrasbTe rnaro.nb1 s Present Continuous. ~\ 06seA111Te scnoMoraTeJlbHbli/1 r11aro11 vi OKOH4aHvie -ing CMblCJlOsoro rnaro11a. (§§ 1-2) 171. I/jump ............................................................................. . TBepm,Z1;emrn 172. I/ sing drinking 173. I/ draw we re drinking 174. he/work yoJ are drinking 175. she/ listen ! the; are drinking 176. it/eat 177. we/ talk he i drinking she · s drinking 178. you/ look it i drinking 179. they/ help 180. she/ sleep I 181. I/ clean 186. she /count 191. he/read 182. y u/watch 187. we/ do 192. she /buy 183. s e/wash 188. I/ go 193. it/ drink 184. 189. she/ play 194. they / teach 185. t ey /work 190. you/ sing 195. I/ stand -~---- ~ ------------------------------------------------------------- - ~ ~anMWMTe, KTO 'ITO ceM'laC AenaeT. ~ ~ocrasbTe rnaro11b1 s Present Continuous. (§§ 1-2) 196. ytju /translate 197. they/ carry ' 198. shr /cry 199. yo\ / try 200. shf /sit 201. shf I skip 202. hel/ sleep 203. Llida/ swim 204. th 1 boy/ run 2 0 5. th lesson / begin 206. I/ limb 211. he/use 216. the man / stay 207. he Ys end 212. you/switch 217. the men/ follow I 208. she/ roller-skate 213. you/ boast 218. the teacher/ write 209. I/ tell 214. she/ repeat 219. the doctors / work 210. they/ hide 215. they /match 220. the babies / sleep 4 5 Han111w111Te, KTO 'fTO cett'fac AenaeT." nocTaBbTe rnaronb1 a Present Continuous~ -e \;:f' 06pan1Te BHvtMaHvte: KOHe4Ha.R B 1ng-Q:>opMe He n1i1weTc.s:1. 06se,&HTe scnoMoraTenbHbl~ rnaron H OKOH4aHvte -ing CMb1cnosoro rnarona. (§§ 1-2) Y TBepm,n;eHHe 221. I/ close I am dancing 222. I/ write 223. she/ smile we are dancing 224. it/ dance you are dancing they are dancing 225. they /make 226. it I fly he is dancing 227. I/ say she is dancing 228. you/ go it is dancing 229. it/ take 230. we/ come 231. I/ride 236. she/ go 241. Mr Green/ smile 232. they/ read 237. she/ work 242. the woman/ meet 233. she/ skate 238. I/ learn 243. I/make 234. you/ show 239. we/ sing 244. the puppy/ eat 235. they/ buy 240. they/ fly 245. the puppies/ eat ---------- - --------------------------------------------------------~- f!.·· HanMWMTe, KTO 1.no ceM'faC AenaeT. PacKpoi1Te CK06KH. ~ nocraBbTe rnaronb1 a Present Continuous.(§§ 1-2) ~ I 246. (i,e,d,h) he .................................................................................................................... . ~ Mf•.J .· t'':' 247. (i,e,§,h,n) the sun ............................................................................................................ . ~.;.·~ • 248. (a,e,g,n,c) the girls .......................................................................................................... . !(~':" ~$W .:.~. ~ 249. (y&,r) they ................................................................................................................ . t~ 250. (a,y,§,t) I ...................................................................................................................... . 251. (y,1,r) we ................................................................................................................... . 252. (a,y&,r,r) it ..................................................................................................................... . 253. (i,p,.§,k) they ................................................................................................................ . 254. (u,n,r) it ..................................................................................................................... . 255. (i,§,W,m) we ................................................................................................................... . 256. (a,1,w,k) I 261. ( o,p,h) they 266. (o,r,w,k) the farmer 257. (i,~,1,m,b) they 262. (e,i,Q,n,g) she 267. (i,e,1,s,t,n) I 258. (e,a,.d_,r,m) I 263. (a,y,Q,1) the boys 268. (i,e,r,d) she 259. (a,e,.§,h,k) she 264. (a,.d_,r,w) the girls 269. (i,e,w,r,t) Mr Grey 260. (e,e,a,r,p,t) you 265. (i,§,n,g) the child 270. (e,a,1,c,h) Mrs Brown 5 6 ~ Hy>t<HO nM YABaMaaTb 6yKay a ing-<1>opMe rnaronoe? I ~! B~aebTe e~e OAHY 6yKBY TaM, rAe 3To Heo6XOA"1M~. (§§ 1-2) ,"·•. 271. ~ ce:aqac "t!HTa10. 281. 0Ha ce:a-qac cn:aT. ~l:z am read_ing· She is sleep_ing. -"" 272. ce:B:-qac rro10. 282. OH ce:H-qac npblraeT. ~ ~am sing_ing. He is hop_ing. ;~ 273. ~ ce:H'Iac pa6oTaIO. 283. Om1 celi-qac rrphlraIOT qepea cRaRaJIO"tlKy. ~am work_ing. They are skip_ing. 274. jjl ce:H-qac CTOIO. 284. fl ce:H:qac rroMoraro eMy. I am stand_ing. I am help_ing him. .» 275 . ce:iiqac nJiaaaio. 285. fl ce:iiqac rrphlra10. Itam swim_ing. I am jump_ing. 276. ~ ce:B:qac y6:aparo ROMHaTy. 286. 0HH ce:iiqac c:a.u;.a:T. 1'am clean_ing the room. They are sit_ing. 277 . .H ce:iiqac 6eraio. 287 . .H ce:ii-qac cTaBJIIO aTo Ha rrapTy. I am run_ing. I am put_ing it on the desk. 278 . .SI ce:H:'!ac Y'IY cJioea. 288. 0Ha ce:H-qac CtIHTaeT. I am learn_ing words. She is count_ing. 2 79. ~ ce:ii'!ac oTRpbrnaro xopo6Ky. 289. 0Ha ce:B:qac ecTaeT. _ __ _:I fim o pen_ing a box. ____ She is get_ing up. 280. ~:I ceii'Iac Ha'IHHaeM ypoR. 290. OH ceii'Iac nHmeT. ____________________ . ~ (;~~:~~:: ~~ ~:!~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~: ~s-~r~~- =-~~g~ ~ *noTpefo1Te Present Continuous. (§§ 1-2) I 291. Mt l H,ZJ;eM nemKOM 292. H fOMOralO 293. o:e! pHcyeT 294. TblI CTOHIDb I 295. B CTOHTe 296. 297. H ,ZJ;y 298. 299. TblH,ZJ;emb "±OK CIIllT 300. 301. M IHrpaeM 302. 303. 304. OH 305. Hr TOBJIIO 6 7 HanMWMTe, KTO 'ITO ceti'lac AenaeT. PacKpo.:1Te cKo6K'11. YnoTpe6'11Te r.naronb1 e Present Continuous. 06paT'11Te BH"1MaH1o1e Ha y,aeoeH~e 6yKB B ing-q:mpMe HeKOTOpblX r.naronoe. {§§ 1-2) Y TBepm,n;emrn 306. (u,n,r) I ................................................................................... lam running 307. (e,a,r,d) we ............................................................................... . 308. (i,n,g,.§.) they ............................................................................ . we are running 309. (i,w,m,§) it ................................................................................ .. you are running they are running 310. (o,t,.§,p) I ................................................................................... 311. ( o,p,h) they ............................................................................ . he is running. 312. (i,p,k,.§) we ............................................................................... . she is running. it is running. 313. (u,m,p,i) I ................................................................................... 314. (e,e,l,p&) he ................................................................................ . 315. (e,l,p,h) we ............................................................................... . 316. (e,g,t) I ............................................... . 321. (u,t,Q) I ..................................................... .. 317. (o,u&,n,t) she ..................................... 322. (o,g) it ........................................................ . 318. (e,e,m,t) we ...................................... .. 323. (o,g) she .................................................... .. 319. (a,s,h,w) they ..................................... 324. (i,.§,t) we ................................................... .. 320. (e,i,n,g,]2) you ................................... . 325. (i,k,.§.) she ................................................. .. -------------------------------------------------------------------~- HanMWMTe, KTO 'ITO ceiii'lac AenaeT. ~ YnoTpe6'11Te rnaro11b1 e Present Continuous. (§§ 1-2) ~ 326. H nJiaBa10 327. OHa IIJiaBaeT 328. OHa6eraeT 329. OHCH,ll;HT 330. OHHCH,ll;HT 331. OH c"(rn:TaeT 332. H c;rymaro 333. Mhl nphlraeM qepe3 cKaKaJIKY 334. OH HeceT 335. OH IIJiaqeT .................................................................................................. 336. OHa Ilh!TaeTCH .................................................................................................... 337. Bbl HaqHHaeTe .................................................................................................. 338. ThI HaqHHaemb .................................................................................................. 339. SI HaqHHaIO .................................................................................................. 340. cPHJibM HaqHHaeTCSI .. ............................................................................................... . 7 8 HanMWMTe rnaronb1 a Present Continuous. (§ 2 ./3) HE BCE rJIArOJihl YIIOTPEBJUIIOTCH B PRESENT CONTINUOUS. he is reading e/read He ynoTpe6115leTC5I e /know /wash ................................ . 356. I/ see ................................ . e/want ................................ . 357. I/ have a bike ................................ . you/like ................................ . 358. she/ ski ................................ . 344. he / listen ................................ . 359. we/ ride ................................ . 345. /come ................................ . 360. it/ go ................................ . 346. i /take ................................ . 361. he/ have a new game ................................ . 347. t ey /know ................................ . 362. we/ learn ................................ . 348. she /bring ................................ . 363. she I eat ............................... .. 349. ~pu / sing ................................ . 364. I/ cook ................................ . 350. I want ................................ . 365. you/ make ................................ . 351. h /watch ................................ . 366. I / have a CD ................................ . 352. y u /know................................. 367. we/ have a garden ................................ . 353. y~u /ski................................. 368. we I know ............................... .. 354. s e /know................................. 369. they/ like ................................ . ~355. w /like................................. 370. it/want ................................ . -~----~------------------------------------------------------------- ~ f;r;~~~;~:;~;o~~';;':;!~~~~n:;~~~~;~ONTINUOUS. they are writing they /write He ynoTpe6115teTC5I I like 371. I /look at 374. sh /see 375. I/ ind 376. I/; ook for 1 377. I/ hink he is busy 378. I/ hink about it 379. he think you are right 380. he think about you 381. yo /forg et I J 382. he know ' 383. they /want 384. we l think about the plan 385. we i think the plan is bad 8

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