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Prepaid Electricity Monitoring System Amanraj Singh Tomar Anshul Sahu Aniruddha Mate Department of Electronics Department of Electronics Department of Electronics Medi-caps University Medi-caps University Medi-caps University Indore, India Indore, India Indore, India [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 9 Abstract—This paper is about a prepaid electricity monitoring II. LITERATURE SURVEY 3 5 system using the internet of things, which monitors electricity 532 consumption and provides feedback on power usage. The con- In recent years, research into saving energy has been in- 1.9 ventional electricity meters are not easily accessible and lack in creasing in view of dealing with environmental problems and 2 0 record of electricity consumption daily. This paper represents a using energy resources to its fullest. Research about electric 2 4. system that tracks electricity usage and stores the data on a cloud meter design has been done by [1] and [2-4]. Three phase 4 89 server and thus can be accessed from anywhere in the world. The electric power meter is a meter that measures power on a three- 4 W system will give notification on reaching a predefined limit and 1C will also generate the bill of total electricity being used. As this phase power system. Research done by [1] implements the /2 is a prepaid electricity monitoring system the user has to feed a single-chip application with digital optocoupler as the isolation 9 10 particular amount as per the requirement and that amount gets between the microcontroller circuit and the measurement unit. 1 0. deducted as per the electricity consumption of the household. The method proposed by [2] depends on the AT89S52 chip 1 OI: to calculate power. However, it has no data logging feature. D Keywords—electricity monitoring, notification, generate the bill, E | prepaid system Approach taken by [4] is more on data logging which uses the E GSM network to log the power measurement data. However, E 1 I I. INTRODUCTION it is limited to a single-phase application. This paper proposes 2 0 2 the design of Electricity monitoring and controlling system © 0 Most of the conventional power meters currently installed using IOT which is different from the conventional power 0 1. in households only display the real-time usage of its power meters. 3 /$ and the amount of electricity consumed. There is no other 1 /2 way to see what the day’s, week’s or month’s consump- III. PROPOSED SOLUTION 1 84- tion was on these meters and also sometimes these power In this paper, we made a Prepaid Electricity Monitoring 3 1-5 meters are placed in an inappropriate location which makes System using the ESP8266 Wi-Fi module which can not only 28 regular monitoring somewhat difficult. These power meters send you an SMS/Email of your electricity Bill but also you 7 1- are also not capable of monitoring appliances individually; can monitor the energy uses anytime and from anywhere 8- 97 thus hiding vital information. In this paper, we present a within the world. Here we have used a Current Sensor | W) prepaid electricity monitoring system based on the internet ACS712(clamp sensor) to measure the energy consumption. C of things. According to researchers, “The Internet of Things We took the help of the Zapier platform to link our Wi-Fi 1 2 y ( is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and to SMS/E-mail notifications. We also used the concept of a ntur digital machines, objects, animals, or people that are provided website that helps us to make the online payment/recharge. Ce with unique identifiers and the ability to transfer data over It contains a registration page, login page, dashboard, and a 1st a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to- recharge page. This will help the user to do all the things at 2 e computer interaction” [5]. This paper aims to implement a a single destination. This paper also keeps a regular check h n t system that can monitor the consumption of electricity using on the energy usage and warns about the peak hours where ner i IoT technology. It can also notify about the consumed power maximum energy is being used. e Wi units via email/SMS and store the data on a cloud server ert database which can be accessed anytime from anywhere. IV. METHODOLOGY b or The system comprises a dashboard android application for In this paper, a prepaid electricity monitoring system is N n electricity bill and power unit monitoring, a cloud server proposed, based on IoT, which is linked to home automation o e database, an automatic email/SMS trigger along with other systems and hence a smart system is obtained. This system c n e hardware components. without challenging the comfort level of the customer takes er nf precise decisions of its own. Various features like recharging o E C and emergency demand in need are made available to cus- EE 978-1-7281-5384-1/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE tomers by logging into a web portal. Also it cut-off the power 1 I 2 0 2 Authorized licensed use limited to: Universidad de Concepcion. Downloaded on October 04,2021 at 22:11:34 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. if either the balance gets out of order or expires or if your b) ESP 8266 Wifi-Module: NodeMCU is an open-source energy unit bucket gets empty. IoT platform. It is interactive, simple and smart, programmable and Wi Fi enabled. It includes firmware that runs on the ESP8266 WiFi SoC from Espressif Systems, and hardware which is predicted on the ESP-12 module. The ESP 8266 Wi- Fi module is a low-cost component with which manufacturers are making wirelessly networkable microcontroller modules. ESP 8266 WiFi module is a system-on-a-chip with capabilities for 2.4 GHz. It provides a 32 bit RISC CPU running at 80 MHz. NodeMCU is based on the TCP/IP (Transfer control protocol). It is the most important component in the system as it performs the IoT operation. It has 96 kb data RAM, 64 kb instruction RAM, 64 kb boot ROM. ESP8266 has an operating voltage range of 3V to 3.6V and it comes with an LDO voltage regulator to keep the voltage steady at 3.3V. Fig. 1. Circuit Diagram. A. Hardware The hardware aspect of this project needs a variety of com- ponents that had to be tested before ordering and implementing them into the system. A small programmable microcontroller (ESP8266), was used because of familiarity, cost-effectiveness and its capabilities for all aspects of this project. We also attached different external components for current sensing (ACS712 30A Hall Current Sensor) and 220V AC – 5V DC Power supply. a) ACS712 Current Sensor: This module works on the principle of Hall-effect. This principle is named for physi- Fig. 3. NodeMCU ESP8266. cist Edwin Hall. In 1879 Edwin Hall discovered that when a semiconductor or conductor with current flowing in one B. Software direction was introduced perpendicular to a magnetic field The system is controlled using a Website which is based a voltage could be measured at right angles to the current on the IoT platform. The Graphical User Interface of the Web path. The measurements will be in millivolts which is called Page is shown in Fig. 4. the hall-voltage. This measured hall-voltage is proportional to the current that is flowing through the conductor. The primary benefit of using ACS712 Current Sensor is that it can measure both AC and DC current and it also isolates the load (AC/DC load) and measuring unit (microcontroller portion). As depicted in the picture there are three pins on the module which are ground, Vout and Vcc respectively. Fig. 4. Website. Firstly, users have to sign up themselves to the online portal of the prepaid electricity monitoring system for their online registration. while registering users have to enter the electricity meter number which is unique for all. After registering each user gets a unique ID and then they are directed to a login Fig. 2. ACS712 AC current sensor. portal, where the user has to enter the Name and Password for login. Authorized licensed use limited to: Universidad de Concepcion. Downloaded on October 04,2021 at 22:11:34 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. In the Dashboard, we are displaying Power Units Remain- VII. RESULTS ing, Peak Hours(Max. power used during that period), Balance Remaining, Expected date of expiry of power units. There is In this paper, we used IoT technology to introduce a device a recharge form present on the dashboard, where each user that can track electricity consumption. It will send an email has to add some amount according to the tariff plans and then notification about the amount of power used and store the power units can be credited to individual users. Each user can information on a cloud server database that can be accessed have different power unit credits. Once the credit is finished from anywhere at any time. A dashboard android software for it auto cuts the supply to that house. monitoring energy bills and power units is also included in this framework. V. FLOW TABLE Conventional Electricity Prepaid Electricity Meters Meters Reasonably cheap and reliable More expensive electronic tech- and can be calibrated from time nology and is calibrated only to time. once. Life expectancy of up to 30 years. Life expectancy is about 10 years. Monthly readings and accounts Daily, Weekly and Monthly read- are according to usage. ings can be recorded and en- ergy is purchased beforehand by recharging. Meter reading errors are possible. No faulty meter readings occur. Meter is installed on the erf Meter installed at erf boundary boundary (readings not accessi- and it can be accessed from any- ble). where. In case of non-payment the Meter unleashes power auto- provider cuts off the power. matically when energy reading reaches zero. Deposit applicable when contract No deposit is applicable. is signed and before the power is switched on. VIII. FUTURE SCOPE VI. CONCLUSION This paper is focused on the government’s plan to turn the Prepaid Electricity Monitoring System helps the consumer major cities (including Indore) of the country into smart cities. to pay for their energy consumption before they actually use It provides the entire energy readings at one’s fingertips. The it. In this way it helps the consumer to keep a track of the units project can be further extended to detect the energy meter consumed by him as well as he can estimate the no. of days tampering i.e. energy theft. A smart application can be created before he actually expires all his units. As soon as the available to provide various alerts based on the readings from the device. units get consumed, a notification is sent to the consumer A unified platform can be provided to the customers for via SMS/E-mail and the electricity supply is cut off using viewing the energy usage as well as to pay the bill online relay. This system will reduce the burden of energy provided following the digital India initiative. The service provider can by establishing the connection easily and power theft will be also evaluate the bills which are not paid and can disconnect nullified. New growing world requires new technologies. As the energy connection remotely. A GPS location can be sent the first prepaid mobile recharge system was developed on the to the electricity board where the energy meter tapering can principle of PAYG ( pay as you go ) and on the same principle be detected. An alarm can also be installed when the energy this prepaid electricity monitoring system is made. unit bucket is about to get emptied. Authorized licensed use limited to: Universidad de Concepcion. Downloaded on October 04,2021 at 22:11:34 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. IX. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We would like to pay special thanks and appreciation to our guide Mr. Natwar Bhootda, who made our project successful and assisted us at every point. We are also immensely grateful to Dr. Ankit Saxena for their comments on an earlier version of the manuscript, although any errors are our own and should not tarnish the reputations of these esteemed persons. REFERENCES [1] Jishun Jiang and Lanlan Yu, ”Design of a New Three-phase Multi-rate Wall-hour Meter Based on AT89S52, ” ISID, 2009 Second International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design, vol. I, pp. 416- 419, 2009. [2] Pasdar, A. and Mirzakuchaki, s. ”Three phase power line balancing based on smart energy meters,” EUROCON 2009, EUROCON ’09. IEEE, vol. , no., pp.1876-1878, 18-23 May 2009. [3] Saadat, H. (2002). Power System Analysis (2nd ed., ch. 2, pp. 14-42). McGraw Hill Primis Custom Publishing. [4] Zheng Wenzheng ”Design and implementation on wireless power meter system based on GSM network,” Computer, Mechatronics, Control and Electronic Engineering (CMCE), 2010 International Conference on, vol. 2, no. , pp.76- 79, 24-26 Aug. 2010. [5] Rouse, M. and Wigmore, I. (2018). What is the Internet of Things (IoT)? [Online] IoT Agenda. Authorized licensed use limited to: Universidad de Concepcion. Downloaded on October 04,2021 at 22:11:34 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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