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PRENATAL DIAGNOSIS (Prenat. diagn.) CONTENTS VOLUME 13, ISSUE Nos. 1-12 Issue No. 1, January Fetal Blood Sampling and Cytogenetic Abnormalities: J.-D. Liou, C.-P. Chen, W. R. Breg, J. C. Hobbins, M. J. Mahoney and T. L. Yang-Feng An Association Berween Fetal Abdominal Wall Defects ond Elevated Levels of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin in Mid-Trimester: D. Schmidt, E. Rose and F. Greenberg. Prenatal Diagnosis of Syndromes Associating Albinism ond immune Deficiencies (Chediak-Higashi Syndrome and Variant): A. Durandy, J. Breton-Gorius, D. Guy-Grand, C. Dumez and C. Griscelli Early Genetic Amniocentesis—4 Years’ Experience: S. Kerber and K. R. Held Prospective Maternal Serum Humen Chorionic Genadowepin Scrveen- ing for the Risk of Fetal Chromosome Anomalies and of Subsequent Fetal and Neonatal Deaths: F. Muller, P. Aegerter and A. Boue Detection of Both the Normal and Mutant Alleles in Single Cells of Individuals Heterozygous for the Sickle Cell Mutation—Prelude to Preimplantation — M. Monk, M.-R. ee and S. Mohadjerani Association of Goneusiined Dystrophic Raidennshale Bulieee with Positive Acetylcholinesterase and Markedly Elevated Maternal Serum and Amniotic Fluid Alpha- aman H. N. Bass, C. Miranda, R. Oei and B.F. Crandall . Umbilical Cord Haemangioma Associated with an Eestive Cosmnesue Haemangioma in a Female Infant: L. K. Weyerts, M. C. Jones, M. Grafe and A. L. Scioscia Prenatal Diagnosis of Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid Lung Malformation: A Report of Seven Cases: A. aeteenneee P. A. Stewart, J. W. Wiadimiroff and F.J.Los . : SHORT COMMUNICATION Prenatal Sonographic Diagnosis of Metastatic Neuroblastoma: Report of a Case and Review of the Literature: A. J. Jaffa, A. Many, J. Hartoov, M. J. Kupferminc and M. R. Peyser Issue No. 2, February Prenatal Diagnosis of Trisomy 9 Mosaic Presenting as a Case of Dandy-Walker Malformation: Y.-A. Bureau, W. Fraser and B. Fouquet ; Prenatal Diagnosis of Dandy- Walker Malformation ii na Family Dis- playing X-Linked Inheritance: 7. Cowles, P. Furman and/ . Wilkins . A Comparison of Amniotic Fluid Alpha-Fetoprotein and Acetyl- cholinesterase in the Prenatal Diagnosis of Open Neural Tube Defects and Anterior Abdominal Wall Defects: A. G. A. Loft, E. Hoagdall, S. O. Larsen and B. Nergaard-Pedersen ; ; PRENATAL DIAGNOSIS (Prenat. diagn.) CONTENTS VOLUME 13, ISSUE Nos. 1-12 Issue No. 1, January Fetal Blood Sampling and Cytogenetic Abnormalities: J.-D. Liou, C.-P. Chen, W. R. Breg, J. C. Hobbins, M. J. Mahoney and T. L. Yang-Feng An Association Berween Fetal Abdominal Wall Defects ond Elevated Levels of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin in Mid-Trimester: D. Schmidt, E. Rose and F. Greenberg. Prenatal Diagnosis of Syndromes Associating Albinism ond immune Deficiencies (Chediak-Higashi Syndrome and Variant): A. Durandy, J. Breton-Gorius, D. Guy-Grand, C. Dumez and C. Griscelli Early Genetic Amniocentesis—4 Years’ Experience: S. Kerber and K. R. Held Prospective Maternal Serum Humen Chorionic Genadowepin Scrveen- ing for the Risk of Fetal Chromosome Anomalies and of Subsequent Fetal and Neonatal Deaths: F. Muller, P. Aegerter and A. Boue Detection of Both the Normal and Mutant Alleles in Single Cells of Individuals Heterozygous for the Sickle Cell Mutation—Prelude to Preimplantation — M. Monk, M.-R. ee and S. Mohadjerani Association of Goneusiined Dystrophic Raidennshale Bulieee with Positive Acetylcholinesterase and Markedly Elevated Maternal Serum and Amniotic Fluid Alpha- aman H. N. Bass, C. Miranda, R. Oei and B.F. Crandall . Umbilical Cord Haemangioma Associated with an Eestive Cosmnesue Haemangioma in a Female Infant: L. K. Weyerts, M. C. Jones, M. Grafe and A. L. Scioscia Prenatal Diagnosis of Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid Lung Malformation: A Report of Seven Cases: A. aeteenneee P. A. Stewart, J. W. Wiadimiroff and F.J.Los . : SHORT COMMUNICATION Prenatal Sonographic Diagnosis of Metastatic Neuroblastoma: Report of a Case and Review of the Literature: A. J. Jaffa, A. Many, J. Hartoov, M. J. Kupferminc and M. R. Peyser Issue No. 2, February Prenatal Diagnosis of Trisomy 9 Mosaic Presenting as a Case of Dandy-Walker Malformation: Y.-A. Bureau, W. Fraser and B. Fouquet ; Prenatal Diagnosis of Dandy- Walker Malformation ii na Family Dis- playing X-Linked Inheritance: 7. Cowles, P. Furman and/ . Wilkins . A Comparison of Amniotic Fluid Alpha-Fetoprotein and Acetyl- cholinesterase in the Prenatal Diagnosis of Open Neural Tube Defects and Anterior Abdominal Wall Defects: A. G. A. Loft, E. Hoagdall, S. O. Larsen and B. Nergaard-Pedersen ; ; VOLUME CONTENTS Prenatal Diagnosis and Management of Anterior Abdominal Wall Defects in the West of Scotland: A. J. Morrow, M. J. Whittle, M. B. McNay, P. A. M. Raine, A. A. M. Gibson and J. Crossley. Low-Dose Sulprostone for Pregnancy Termination in Cases of Fetal Abnormality: H. H. H. Kanhai and M. J. N. C. Keirse Adjustment Formulae for Maternal Serum Alpha-Fetoprotein, eenan Chorionic Gonadotropin, and Unconjugated Oestriol to Maternal Weight and Smoking: /. Bartels, B. peeseaetiaaiiane B. Bockel, S. Herold andJ . Caesar Prenatal Diagnosis of Casnentetne (CMV) indeation: A Prelimi- nary Report: W. A. Hogge, G. J. Buffone andJ . S. Hogge SHORT COMMUNICATIONS Unusual Segregation for 11q;22q Parental Translocation in a Triplet Pregnancy: Prenatal Diagnosis in Chorionic Villi and Amniotic Fluid: A. Soler, A. Carrio, M. T. Perez-Vidal, A. Borrell and A. Fortuny Prenatal Diagnosis of Hb H Diseases yn to» Conmeund Netwreevee- sity for South-East Asian Deletion and Hb Constant Spring by Polymerase Chain Reaction: 7.-M. Ko, L.-H.a sieadsF .-J. Hsieh and T.-Y. Lee ; : ; LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Prenatal Diagnosis for Cystic Fibrosis Using SSCP Analysis: M. Desgeorges, P. Boulot, P. Kjellberg, G. Lefort, M. Rolland, J. Demaille and M. Ciaustres Prenatal Diagnosis of Zellweger Seadene u4 sing ‘DNA poarerm N. Shimozawa, Y. Suzuki, T. Orii, T. Tsukamoto and Y. Fujiki Prenatal Detection of Succinic a Dehydrogenase Deficiency (4-Hydroxybutyric Aciduria): C. Jakobs, H. — D. Rabier and K. M. Gibson . Genomic Imprinting, Human Chorionic Genedewegin, ond Triploidy: D. Haig ; Prenatal Diagnosis of Tetrasomy 12p (Pallister- Killian Senden: J. H. Priest Maternal Serum Sereening Risk for Down Syndrome ii s Considered Positive if a Triple-marker-derived Risk Exceeds the Age- Specific Risk: Use of this Definition for Women — 35 and Over: J. Fitzgerald, K. Streets and J. Priest ; ANNOUNCEMENT . Issue No. 3, March Preterm Delivery Rate and Fetal Outcome in Structurally Affected Twin Pregnancies: A Retrospective Matched Control Study: A. Heydanus, J. G. Santema, P. A. Stewart, P. G. H. Mulder and J. W. Wladimiroff Prenatal Detection of Monsen 21 Mosaicism: A. Ghidini. S. Fallet, J. Robinowitz, C. J. Lockwood, R. Dische andJ . Willner Heteroduplex Formation: A Potential Source of Genotyping Error hom PCR Products: S. L. S. Hatcher, Q. a Lambert, R. L. a and J. R. Carlson vi VOLUME CONTENTS Mosaicism in Chorionic Villus Sampling: An Analysis of Incidence and Chromosomes Involved in 2612 Consecutive Cases: 8B. B. 7. Wang, C. H. Rubin and J. Williams II/ Racial Differences in Maternal Serum omen, Chndesie Guano tropin and Unconjugated Oestriol Levels: P. Ku/ch, S. Keener, M. Matsumoto and B. F. Crandall Risk Evaluation of CVS: A. M. Kuliev, B. Modell, L. Jecheon, J L. Simpson, B. Brambati, G. Rhoads, U. Froster, Y. Verlinsky, S. Smidt-Jensen, W. oo N. — P. Ammala and Y. Dumez ; SHORT COMMUNICATIONS Complex Mosaicism Associated with Trisomy 9: /. S. Smo/eniec, T. Davies, P. Lunt, P. J. Berry andD . James . First- Trimester Alpha-Fetoprotein Screening for Down Syadbeme: W. Fuhrmann, K. Altland, V. Jovanovic, W. a P. — D. Wenger and R. Rauskolb . LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Direct Prenatal Diagnosis of Friedreich’s Disease: A. Richter, J. Poirier, J.M ercier andS . B. Melancon . Poor Pregnancy Outcome Associated with Elevated Maternal Serum Alpha-Fetoprotein in Combination with Increased Risk for Down Syndrome: C. P. Walters Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein A as a Marker fer Dew Syndrome in the Second Trimester of Pregnancy: G. J. Knight, G. E. Palomaki, J. E. Haddow, W. Miller, N. A. inet and H. Schneider Low Maternal Serum Oestriol and Chorionic Genadewesia in the Prediction of Adverse Pregnancy Outcome: G. Mason, S. Lindow, C. Ramsden, H. Cuckle andS . Holding Vaginosonography and Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS): G. Ghirardini andL . W. Popp A Further Case of Prenatally Detected Mosaic eshunnnenenn 204: C. Cooper, A. Fifer and K. Ocraft . 3 Alpha-Fetoprotein and Acetylicholinesterase are not Predictors ot Fetal Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa, Herlitz Variant: L. P. Shulman, S. Elias, J. L. Simpson, K. A. Holbrook, L. T. Smith and J.-D. Fine First Trimester penniacentesia Sevanen the Seventh ond 13th Weeks: Evaluation of the Earliest Possible Genetic Diagnosis: N. C. Wathen, D. J. Campbell and T. Chard. ; Authors’ Reply: /. Kennerknecht, D. Grab and R. —— ANNOUNCEMENT . Issue No. 4, April Rapid Detection of Aneuploidy in Uncultured Chorionic Villus Cells Using Fluorescence in situ Hybridization: P. N. Rao, R. —- K. Cox, F. Grass and M. J. Pettenati ‘Late’ Chorionic Villus Sampling: Cregenstic hapeue L Dalpra, G. Nocera, M. G. Tibiletti, E. Martinoli, A. Oldrini, S. — and P. G. Crosignani VOLUME CONTENTS Evaluation of Amniotic Fluid Cell Filtration: An Experimental Ap- proach to Early Amniocentesis:/ .K ennerknecht, S. Kramer, D. Grab and R. Terinde. A Prospective Cytogenetic Study of Third- Thimenter Plesentes in Small-for-Date But Otherwise Normal Newborns: /. Kennerknecht, S. Kramer, D. Grab, R. Terinde and W. Vogel Second-Trimester Unconjugated Oestriol Levels in Maternal Serum From Chromosomally Abnormal Pregnancies Using an a Assay: J. A. Crossley, D. A. Aitken and J.M . Connor Economic Assessment of Maternal Serum Screening for Down's Syn- drome Using Human Chorionic Gonadotropin: V. Seror, F. Muller, J. P. Moatti, C. Le Gales andA . Boue Erythroid-Specific Antibodies Enhance Detection of Fetal Nucleated Erythrocytesi n Maternal Blood: D. W. Bianchi, G. K. Zickwolf, M. C. Yih, A. F. Flint, O. H. Geifman, M. S. Erikson and J. M. Williams SHORT COMMUNICATION Evidence of a Second Gamete Fusion After the First Cleavage of the Zygote in a 47,XX, +18/70,XXX, +18 Mosaic. A Remarkable Diploid-Triploid Discrepancy After CVS: J. H. A. M. a A. S. P. M. Breed, R. Vosters and G. J. P. A. Anders LETTER TO THE EDITOR Trisomy 15 in Chorionic Villi and Prader-Willi Syndrome at Birth: N. Morichon-Delvallez, P. Mussat, Y. Dumez and M. Vekemans . ERRATUM Issue No. 5, May Cytogenetic Analysis of Human Oocytes After Subzonal !nsemination: J. Selva, J. P. Wolf, P. Rince, D. en R. a and P. Jouannet : Dystrophin Gene Analysis ond Pronnal Diagnosis of ashes Muscular Dystrophy in Russia: V. S. Baranov, V. N. Gorbunova, O. V. Malysheva, O. V. Artemyeva, T. K. Kascheeva, O. V. Evgrafov, A. V. Polyakov, V. M. Lebedev, T. V. Kuznetzova, S. N. — A. V. Mikhailov and V. G. Vakharlovsky Applicability of DNA Isolated from Synertawenhatinn Vestine to Gene Amplification and Molecular Analysis: G. Co/ucci, E. Pesenti, E. Molteni, A. Lobbiani, C. De Andreis, S. Pariani, F. Rossella, A. E. SempriniandG. Simoni . Grief and Mid-Trimester Fetal Loss: M. Seller, C. Sesaen s. pn T. Barby and P. Cowmeadow Rapid Karyotyping in Ectopic Pregnancies: D. Cohen, /. Denes, C. Berta, M. Fodor, E. Alonso, C. Nasio, L. Kreiman and R. Pineda Characterization of i(18p) in Prenatal Diagnosis by Fluorescence in situ Hybridization: L.-C. Yu, J. Williams //1, B. B. T. Wang, M. eee H.-U. G. Weier, M. Sakamoto and K.-L. Ying . False-Positive Amniotic Fluid Acetylicholinesterase Anaivele in the Third Trimester: S. F. Suchy and M. T. Yeager . First-Trimester Diagnosis of Duodenal Stenosis pasociated with Oesophageal Atresia: G. L. Tsukerman, G. A. —_— and| . A. Kirillova , . Vili VOLUME CONTENTS A Large Retinoblastoma Detected in a Fetus at 21 Weeks of Gestation: J. A. Maat-Kievit, D.O epkes, N. G. Hartwig, C. a Keers, /. L. Van Kamp and J. J. P. Van de Kamp Molecular Cytogenetic Characterization of on Chee Found at Prenatal Diagnosis: M. R. Verschraegen- nomN . Van a A. De Perdigo, A. De Paepe andF .S peleman . SHORT COMMUNICATIONS Ultrasonographic Features in a Case of Heterozygous Achondro- plasia at 25 Weeks’ Gestation: M. Cordone, M. Lituania, G. Bocchino, U. Passamonti, P. Tomé andG . Camera Prenatal Diagnosis of Isolated Bilateral Microphthelmia with Confirmation by Evaluation of Products of Conception Obtained by Dilation and Evacuation: L. P. Shu/man, P. L. Gordon, D. S. Emerson, R. S. Wilroy andS . Elias Early Prenatal Sonographic Diagnosis of enmnniide hatte gryposis Multiplex Congenita with Osseous Heterotopia: F. Gullino, M. Abrate, E. Zerbino, G. Bricchi and P. D. Rattazzi Prenatal Diagnosis of Exencephaly: M. Casel/las, M. Ferrer, M. Rovira, F. Pla, M. A. Martinez and L. Cabero : ; ; LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Elevated Maternal Serum Alpha-fetoprotein, Very Low Unconju- gated Oestriol, and Very Low Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Associated with Recent Fetal Death: C. P. Walters and W. C. McKinnon Turner Syndrome po with ane w D. N.S aller Sr. J. V. Dailey, D. L. Doyle, S. R. Carr, J. A. Canick and B. B. Rogers Issue No. 6, June B-Glucuronidase Deficiency: Identification of an Affected Fetus with Simultaneous Sampling of Chorionic Villus and Amniotic Fluid: A. Chabas and A. Guardiola Prenatal Exclusion of X-Linked Reteneneien: eek of the Aqueduct of Syivius Sequence Using Closely Linked DNA Markers: F. Serville, P. Benit, P. Saugier, M. Vibert, G. — A. Pelet, M. Chery, A. Munnich and S. Lyonnet. Prenatal Diagnosis of Ornithine eee a Results in SPF*S" Mice: K. Monastiri, D. Rabier and P. Kamoun . Short Femur Length Associated with Severe Intrauterine Growth Retardation: 8. Bromley, D. L. Brown and B. R. Benacerraf Evaluation of Prenatal Diagnosis of Congenital Heart Disease: C. Sto//, Y. Alembik, B. Dott, P. M. Roth and B. De Geeter Antenatal Thrombocytopenia in Three Patients with TAR _— cytopenia with Absent Radii) Syndrome: Ph. Labrune, J. C. Pons, M. Khalil, V. Mirlesse, M. C. Imbert, M. Odievre, F. Daffos, G. Tchernia and R. Frydman Maternal Serum Biochemical Markers in —— with ‘Fetal —™ B19 Infection: D. N. Saller Jr., B. Barton — A. anick VOLUME CONTENTS Quantification of Human Amniotic Fluid Constituents by High Resol- ution Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy: C. J. Sims, D. T. Fujito, D. R. Burholt, J.D adok, H. R. Giles and D. Allan Wilkinson Follow-up of Pane Complicated o Placental on Diagnosed by Chorionic Villus Sampling: J. S. royeune, M. S. Dimaio, T. L. Yang-Feng and M. J. Mahoney. : Disappearing Lung Echogenicity in Fetal Ricteaeenbennes. Mal- formations: A Reassuring Sign?: S. E. Meagher, N. M. Fisk, J. G. Harvey, G. F. Watson and A. Boogert , . Sonographic Diagnosis of Fetal Congenital Cataracts: —. Z. Zimmer, M. Bronshtein, E. — |. Meizner, R. Auslender, G. Groisman and H. Meyer. SHORT COMMUNICATIONS Ultrasound Screening for Chromosomal Anomalies in the First Tri- mester of Pregnancy: G. Savo/delli, F. Binkert, J.A chermann and W. Schmid . ; Prenatal Transvaginal re of the Seneteante, Seutened Dysplasia, Cleft Palate mente —— M. Bronshtein and R. Gershoni-Baruch . Achondrogenesis Type 2 —_— by emeniieel vo at 12 Weeks’ Gestation: P. W. Soothill, C. Vuthiwong and H. Rees . First Report of Prenatal Diagnosis of Long-chain 3-Hydroxyacyl- CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency in a Pregnancy at Risk: C. Perez-Cerda, B. Merinero, A. Jimenez, M. J. Garcia, P. Sanz, L. Iilst, R. J. A.W anders and M. Ugarte A Comparison of Total and Free 8- HCG Assays in —_— Saban Screening: S. Stone, R. Henley, T. Reynolds and R. John Myasthenia Gravis with Polyhydramnios in the Fetus of an Asymp- tomatic Mother: E. Verspyck, L. Mandelbrot, M.D ommergues, C. Huon, F. Woimant, C. Baumann and B. Vernet-Der Garabedian . LETTER TO THE EDITOR Improvement of rDNA-based PCR Assay to Detect eepemeaten J. Cazenave, A. Cheyrou andJ . Begueret ‘ ERRATUM Issue No. 7, July Fetal Renal Artery Flow Velocity Waveforms in the Presence of Con- genital Renal Tract Anomalies: J. W. Wladimiroff, R. — P.A. Stewart, T. E.C ohen-Overbeek and Ch. Brezinka The Diagnostic Potential of Fetal Renal Biopsy: P. Greco, G. panei G. Caruso, R. Clemente and L. Selvaggi . ; First-Trimester Free Beta (hCG) Screening for Down enn J. N. Macri, K. Spencer, D. Aitken, K. Garver, P. D. Buchanan, F. Muller andA . Boue First- Trimester Maternal as Sema Protein 1 (SP1) in Pregnancies Associated with Chromosomal Anomalies: M. C. M. Macintosh, 8B. Brambati, T. Chard and J. G. Grudzinskas x VOLUME CONTENTS A Rare Inherited Euchromatic Heteromorphism on Chromosome 1: A. L. Zaslav, D. Blumenthal, J. E. Fox, K. A. Thomson, R. ane and M. W. Weinstein Walker-Warburg Syndrome: a uwensund Findings: N. Vohra, A. Ghidini, M. Alvarez andC . Lockwood . Prenatal Diagnosis by jn situ Hybridization on Uneutened fuasio cytes: Reduced Sensitivity and Potential Risk of Misdiagnosis in Blood-Stained Samples: 8B. Christensen, T. Bryndorf, J. Philip, Y. Xiang and W. Hansen First- Trimester Prenatal Diagnosis of Ocnsogonesis ipartacte hee r by DNA Analysis and Sonography: M. S. Dimaio, R. Barth, K. E. Koprivnikar, B. L. Sussman, J. A. Copel, M. J. Mahoney, P. H. Byers and D. H. Cohn Transvaginal Sonographic Detection ofS keletal Anomalies! in the First and Early Second Trimesters: M. Bronshtein, D. Keret, M. Deutsch, A. Liberson and| .B ar Chava Emotional Reactions in Women in Late rensenee (24 Weeks or Longer) Following the Ultrasound Diagnosis of a Severe or Lethal Fetal Malformation: J. A. M. Hunfeld, J. W. Wladimiroff, J. Passchier, M. U. Venema-Van Uden, P. G. Frets and F. Verhage Attitudes of Women of Childbearing Age Towards Prenatal Diagnosis in Southeastern France: C. Julian-Reynier, G. Macquart-Moulin, J.-P. Moatti, A. Loundou, Y. Aurran, F. ChabalandS.Aymé . Prenatal Diagnosis of Gastrointestinal Obstruction: A Correlation Between Prenatal Ultrasonic Findings and Postnatal Operative Findings: C. A. Del/ —— V. Tomaselli, E. Teruzzi, B. Tadiniand A. G. Coran . SHORT COMMUNICATIONS Serum PAPP-A Levels are Depressed in Women with Fetal Down Syndromei n Early Pregnancy: F. Muller, H. Cuckle, B. Teisner and J. G. Grudzinskas 46,XY/47,.XY,+17p+ Mosaiciem i2n Amnlenpes Associated with Fetal Abnormalities Despite Normal Fetal Blood Karyotype: H. M. Kingston, U. Nicolini, J.H aslam and T. Andrews . Prenatal Diagnosis of the Acute Form of Proximal Spinal Museuter Atrophy: Experience on the Acceptance of Linkage Analyses by the Families: J.H uschenbett, R. Hanke, L. Pfeifer and A. Speer Successful DNA-Based Prenatal Exclusion of Juvenile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis: P. Uvebrant, E. Bjorck, N. Conradi, K.-H. Hokegard, T. Martinsson and J. Wahlstrom. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Bilateral Pleural Effusion at 8-5 Weeks’ Gestation with Down Syn- drome and Turner Syndrome: A. Cadkin and E. Pergament . Prenatal Diagnosis of Huntington's disease: D. Wa//erstein Issue No. 8, August Fluorescent in situ Hybridization (FISH): A New Application in the Delineation of True vs Pseudomosaicism in Prenatal Diagnosis: S. Schwartz and J. Leana-Cox . ‘ : : 7 VOLUME CONTENTS Molecular Cytogenetic Analysis of Term Placentae Suspected of Mosaicism Using Fluorescence jin situ Hybridization: G. H. Schuring-Blom, M. Keijzer, M. E. Jakobs, D. M. van den Brande, H. M. Visser, J. Wiegant, J. M. N. Hoovers and N. J. Leschot . First- Trimester Biochemical Screening for Fetal Chromosome Abnor- malities and Neural Tube Defects: D. A. Aitken, G. McCaw, J. A. Crossley, E. Berry, J.M . Connor, K. Spencer and J.N. Macri . is Selective Abortion for a Genetic Disease an Issue for the Medical Profession? A Comparative Study of Quebec and France: M. Renaud, L. Bouchard, O. aes L. Dallaire, J. F. Labadie, J. Bisson and A. Trugeon Attitudes Toward Abortion ns Fetal paamiate'i n ‘the Seemed vs Third Trimester: A Survey of Parisian Obstetricians: G. Geller, E. S. Tambor and E. Papiernik Cytogenetic Analysis of 2928 cvs Reet and 1075 hannieneenues From Randomized Studies: S. Smidt-Jensen, A.-M. Lind, M. Permin, J. M. Zachary, C. Lundsteen and J. Philip. Women’s Opinions on the Offer and Use of Maternal Serum ——- ing: E. E. C. Roelofsen, L. |. Kamerbeek, TJ. —— J. R. Beekhuis and A. Mantingh : Measurement of the Fetal Mandible—Feasibility _ — aea Centile Chart: L. S. Chitty, S. Campbell and D. G. Altman SHORT COMMUNICATIONS Verification of Carrier Status for Becker Muscular Dystrophy From Analysis of a — Ovum: S. D. Wilton, J. Goldblatt and N.G. Laing . ; On the Parental Origin of the X's in a — Seneneid 49,XXXXX Syndrome: G. Martini, G. Carillo, F. Catizone, A. Notarangelo, R. Mingarelli and B. Dallapiccola LETTERS TO THE EDITOR How Accurate Does Rapid Fetal Karyotyping Need to be? Case of Unbalanced t(13;18): J. Jackson, L. Robson, S. — G. Watson and A. Smith Fetal Karyotype from Cystic Retenn Fluid: Diploid/Tetraploid Mosaicism: C. Piquet, M. Gamerre, A. a. C. Scheiner and N. Philip : First-Trimester Prenatal neuer - Non- Ketotic Hyperglycinae- mia by a Micro Assay of Glycine a — M. O. Rolland, G. Mandon and M. Mathieu Prenatal Diagnosis of Spina Bifida — — First-h ese Valproate Exposure: S. Guibaud, E. Robert, A. saieaiis Cc. Boisson, C. Francannet and M.-H. Patouraux Second-Trimester CA 125 and Down’s Syndrome: K. Sew Issue No. 9, September Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Fetus: A Study of 20 Cases Performed Without Curarization: M. P. Revel, J. C. Pons, C. Lelaidier, P. Fournet, M. Vial, D. Musset, M. Labrune and R. Frydman . xii VOLUME CONTENTS Cytogenetic Analysis of 1375 Amniotic Fluid Specimens from Preg- nancies with Gestational Age Less Than 14 Weeks: D. H. Lockwood andR.L.Neu . Prenatal Cystic Fibrosis Carrier Screening: Fectors in a - Woman'ss Decision to Decline Testing: M. E. Mennie, A. Gilfillan, M. E. Compton, W. A. Liston and D. J. H. Brock Rapid Detection of Numerical Aberrations of Cheemenemee 13, 18 and 21 in Chorionic Mesenchymal Cells: 7. — B. Christensen, Y. Xiang, A-M. Lind and J. Philip : Application of Fluorescent jn situ Hybridization for ‘de novo’ Anomalies in Prenatal Diagnosis: D. Van Opstal, H. J. Eussen, J. O. Van Hemel and E. S. Sachs Fetal Tissue Involvement in the Late Infantile — of a Coroid Lipofuscinosis: C. W. Chow, J. Borg, V. R. Billson and B. D. Lake . Expanding Multiple Marker Screening for Down's Syndrome to Include Edward's Syndrome: G. Barkai, B. Goldman, L. Ries, R. Chaki, T. Zer and H. Cuckle Prenatal Diagnosis of Gall Bladder Anomalies ~ - Report of 17 Cases: M. Bronshtein, Z. Weiner, H. Abramovici, S. Filmar, Y. Erlik and Z. Blumenfeld A The Early Diagnosis of Neural Tube Defects: Z. Blumenfeld, E. Siegler and M. Bronshtein . Polymerase Chain Reaction peahain of the Cystic Plasesie AF508 Mutation in Human Blastomeres Following Oocyte Injection of a Single Sperm from a Carrier: J. Liu, W. Lissens, P. eens A. Van Steirteghem and| . Liebaers SHORT COMMUNICATION Prenatal Diagnosis of DHPR Deficiency by Direct Detection of Mutation: P. M. Smooker, R. G. H. Cotton and A. Lipson LETTERS TO THE EDITOR A Triploid Fetus with a Diploid Placenta: Proposal of a Mechanism: /. Kennerknecht, W. Just and W. Vogel Calculating Amniotic Fluid Alpha-fetoprotein Median Values in the First Trimester: G. E. Palomaki, G. J. Knight andJ . E. Haddow Unusual aie for soa Parental Translocation: J. E. Allanson Authors’ Reply: A. Soler, A. Carié, M. T. Pérez- Vidal, A. Senet and A. Fortuny. : Issue No. 10, October Familial Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: Prenatal Diagnosis, Man- agement, and Outcome: H. Narayan, R. de Chazal, M. Barrow, P. McKeever and E. Neale Serum PAPP-A Measurements in First- Trleneater Sercening for Down Syndrome: P. A. Hurley, R. H. T. Ward, B. Teisner, R. K. Iles, M. Lucas andJ . G. Grudzinskas Preaxial Ray Reduction Defects as Part of Valproic Acid ~—— fetopathy: AR. Sharony, A. Garber, D. Viskochil, R. Schreck, L. D. Platt, R. Ward, B. A. Buehler and J.M . Graham, Jr .

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