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Premise® 2 PDF

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For use by individuals/firms licensed or registered by the state to apply termiticide products. States may have more restrictive requirements regarding Premise 2 qualifications of persons using this product. ® Consult the structural pest control regulatory agency of your state prior to use of this product. Insecticide For prevention or control of subterranean ter- mites, drywood termites, dampwood termites, carpenter ants, and other wood-infesting insects. ACTIVEINGREDIENT: PARA EL USUARIO: Si usted no lee o entiende Imidacloprid,1-[(6-Chloro-3-pyridinyl) inglés, no use este producto hasta que le hayan methyl]-N-nitro-2-imidazolidinimine ...........21.4% explicado completamente las instrucciones que fig- INERTINGREDIENTS: ...............................78.6% uran en la etiqueta. (TO THE USER: If you cannot read or understand English, do not use this product Total: 100.0% until the label has been fully explained to you.) Contains2poundsofimidaclopridpergallon. Shakewellbeforeusing. FIRST AID EPAReg.No.432-1331 EPAEst.indicatedby2nd If • Call a poison control center or and3rddigitsofthebatchnumberonthispackage. (99)=11556-KS-1 (01,03,09,14or19)=3125-MO-1 Swallowed: doctor immediately for (25)=264-MO-02 (65)=432-TX-1 treatment advice. Stop - Read the label before use. • Have person sip a glass of Keep out of reach of children. water if able to swallow. CAUTION • Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so by a poison RefertoattachedleafletforcompleteDirections control center or doctor. ForUseandPrecautionaryStatements. • Do not give anything by mouth NETCONTENTS to an unconscious person. 8.12FLOZ(240ML) 2 2584607 3549368 070719A FIRST AID (Cont) PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS HAZARDS TO HUMANS If on Skin • Take off contaminated clothing. AND DOMESTIC ANIMALS or Clothing: • Rinse skin immediately with CAUTION: Harmful if swallowed, inhaled, or plenty of soap and water for absorbed through skin. Avoid contact with skin, 15 to 20 minutes. eyes, or clothing. Wash thoroughly with soap and • Call a poison control center or water after handling. Remove contaminated cloth- doctor for treatment advice. ing and wash before reuse. Keep children or pets If in Eyes: • Hold eyelids open and rinse away from treated area until dry. slowly and gently with water When treating adjacent to an existing structure, the for 15 to 20 minutes. applicator must check the area to be treated, and • Remove contact lenses, if immediately adjacent areas of the structure, for vis- present, after the first 5 ible and accessible cracks and holes to prevent any minutes, then continue rinsing leaks or significant exposures to persons occupy- eye. ing the structure. People present or residing in the • Call a poison control center or structure during application must be advised to doctor for treatment advice. remove their pets and themselves from the struc- ture if they see any signs of leakage. After applica- HOT LINE NUMBER tion, the applicator is required to check for leaks. All Have the product container or label with you leaks resulting in the deposition of termiticide in when calling a poison control center or doctor, locations other than those prescribed on this label or going for treatment. You may also contact 1- must be cleaned up prior to leaving the application 800-334-7577 for emergency medical treatment. site. Do not allow people or pets to contact contam- NOTE TO PHYSICIAN inated areas or to reoccupy contaminated areas of the structure until the clean up is completed. No specific antidote is available. Treat patient symptomatically. 3 4 Personal Protective Equipment DIRECTIONS FOR USE All pesticide handlers (mixers, loaders, and applica- It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in tors) must wear long-sleeved shirt and long pants, amanner inconsistent with its labeling. socks, shoes, and chemical-resistant gloves made Structures that contain wells or cisterns within the of waterproof material such as barrier laminate, foundation of the structure can only be treated butyl rubber, nitrile rubber, neoprene rubber, poly- using the treated backfill method described in the ethylene, polyvinyl chloride or viton. After the treatment around wells and cisterns section of this product is diluted in accordance with label direc- label. Consult state and local specifications for rec- tions for use, shirt, pants, socks, shoes must be ommended distances of wells from treated area, or worn. In addition: all pesticide handlers must wear if such regulations do not exist, refer to Federal protective eyewear when working in a non-ventilat- Housing Administration Specifications (H.U.D.) for ed space or when applying termiticide by rodding guidance. or sub-slab injection. Do not formulate this product into other end-use products. ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS MIXING: Refer to Mixing Table for proper amount This product is highly toxic to aquatic invertebrates. of PREMISE®2Insecticide to be used. Do not apply directly to water, to areas where sur- Mix the termiticide use dilution in the following face water is present or to intertidal areas below the manner. Fill tank 1/4 to 1/3 full. If using large mean high water mark. Do not contaminate water sprayer, start pump to begin bypass agitation and when disposing of equipment washwaters. Apply place end of treating tool in tank to allow circulation this product only as specified on this label. Extreme through hose. Add appropriate amount of PREMISE care must be taken to avoid runoff. Apply only to 2 Insecticide. Add remaining amount of water. Let soil or other fill substrate that will accept the solu- pump run and allow recirculation through the hose tion at the specified rate. Do not treat soil that is for 2 to 3 minutes. watersaturated or frozen or in any conditions where run-off or movement from the treatment area (site) is likely to occur. 5 6 described in the PREMISE 2 Insecticide "DIREC- MIXING TABLE FOR TIONS FOR USE" be used whenever possible. PREMISE 2 INSECTICIDE However, where soil conditions will not accept GALLONS application of 4 gallons of PREMISE 2 Insecticide WATER 0.05% 0.1% per 10 linear feet, twice the PREMISE 2 Insecticide 10 80 mL 160 mL concentration may be applied in 2 gallons of solu- tion per 10 linear feet. For example, if 0.05% is the 5 PLUS 40 mL 80 mL correct use rate to be applied in 4 gallons of water, 2 16 mL 32 mL then 2 gallons of 0.1% dilution may be used per 10 1 8 mL 16 mL linear feet to deliver an equivalent amount of PREMISE 2 Insecticide per unit of soil. PROPORTIONAL INJECTOR MIXING TABLE CONTROL – GENERAL FOR PREMISE 2 INSECTICIDE Treatment standards for subterranean termite con- INJECTOR CONCENTRATION trol may vary due to regulations, treatment proce- VOLUME (fl oz/gal) (%) dures, soil types, construction practices and other 0.3 0.05 factors. The purpose of chemical soil treatment for termite control is to establish a continuous chemi- 0.6 0.10 cal treated zone (horizontal and/or vertical as need- IN-LINE-INJECTION: For the desired application ed) between the wood and other cellulose material rate, use the proportional injector mixing table to in the structure and the termite colonies in the soil. determine the amount of PREMISE 2 Insecticide for Follow all federal, state, and local regulations and agiven injection volume of finished emulsion. treatment standards for protection of a structure CONVERSION KEY: 128 fl oz = 1 gal, 16 fl oz= 1 from termites. In some instances where an aerial pint, 8 pints = 1 gal, 1 fl oz = 29.5 mL or above ground colony is established, supplemen- tal treatments to control the termites, landscape APPLICATION VOLUME modifications, and/or structural repairs may be It is recommended that application volumes 7 8 needed to deprive termites of a moisture source. of 1.5 gallons or sufficient volume of solution, to Use a 0.05% to 0.1% dilution based on local rec- accurately and uniformly cover 10 square feet. In ommendations. Generally a 0.05% dilution is used addition, apply 4 gallons of solution (see APPLICA- for typical control situations. Where severe or per- TION VOLUME) per 10 linear feet to provide a uni- sistent infestations occur, a 0.1% dilution may be form treated zone in soil at critical areas such as used. along the inside of foundation walls, and around plumbing, bath traps, utility services, and other fea- PRE-CONSTRUCTION TREATMENT tures that will penetrate the slab. Do not apply at a lower dosage and/or concentra- After completion of grading, make an application by tion than specified on this label for application prior trenching or trenching and rodding around the slab to installation of the finished grade. or foundation perimeter. Rodding may be done Prior to each application, applicators must notify from the bottom of a shallow trench. When rod- the general contractor, construction superintend- ding, rod holes must be spaced in a manner that ent, or similar responsible party, of the intended will allow for a continuous chemical treated zone, termiticide application and intended sites of appli- not to exceed 12 inches, to be deposited along the cation and instruct the responsible person to notify treated area. Rod holes should not extend below construction workers and other individuals to leave the footing. Apply 4 gallons of solution (see APPLI- the area to be treated during application and until CATION VOLUME) per 10 linear feet, per foot of the termiticide is absorbed into the soil. depth to provide a uniform treated zone. When CONCRETE SLAB-ON-GROUND OR BASEMENTS: trenching, the trench along the outside foundation Apply an overall treatment to the entire surface of should be about 6 inches in width and 6 inches in soil or other substrate to be covered by the slab depth. Use a low pressure spray (not to exceed 25 including areas to be under carports, porches, psi at the treatment tool when the valve is open) to basement floor and entrance platforms. Apply at treat soil which will be placed in the trench after the rate of 1 gallon of solution to accurately and rodding. Mix the spray solution with soil as it is uniformly cover 10 square feet. If fill under slab is being placed in the trench. When treating voids in gravel or other coarse aggregate, apply at the rate hollow masonry units, use 2 gallons of solution per 9 10 10 linear feet of wall. Apply solution so it will reach of solution (see APPLICATION VOLUME) per 10 lin- the footing by injecting into the lower areas of the ear feet, per foot of depth to provide a uniform wall, just above the floor or footing. treated zone. Rodding may be done from the bot- When treating foundations deeper than 4 feet, apply tom of a shallow trench to top of the footing or a the termiticide as the backfill is being replaced, or if minimum of 4 feet. When rodding, rod holes must the construction contractor fails to notify the appli- be spaced in a manner that will allow for a continu- cator to permit this, treat the foundation to a mini- ous chemical treated zone to be deposited along the mum depth of 4 feet after the backfill has been treated area. Rod holes should not extend below installed. The applicator must trench and rod into the footing. When trenching, the trench should be the trench or trench along the foundation walls and about 6 inches wide and 6 inches deep. Use a low around pillars and other foundation elements, at the pressure spray to treat soil which will be placed in rate prescribed from grade to a minimum depth of the trench, mixing the spray solution with soil as it 4feet. When the top of the footing is exposed, the is being placed in the trench. applicator must treat the soil adjacent to the footing HOLLOW BLOCK FOUNDATIONS OR VOIDS: to a depth not to exceed the bottom of the footing. Hollow block foundations or voids in masonryrest- However, in no case should a structure be treated ing on the footing may be treated to provide a con- below the footing. tinuous chemical treated zone in the voids at the Rodding in trench followed by flooding of trench footing. Apply 2 gallons of solution per 10 linear and treatment of backfill may provide a better feet to the lower part of the void so that it reaches opportunity to achieve a continuous chemical treat- the top of the footing or soil. ed zone than using soil rodding alone to establish a Treatment of voids in block or rubble foundation vertical termiticide treated zone. walls must be closely examined. Applicators must CRAWL SPACES: Application must be made by inspect areas of possible runoff as a precaution trenching or trenching and rodding downward against application leakage in the treated areas. along the inside and outside of foundation walls, Some areas may not be treatable or may require around piers, interior supports in contact with the mechanical alteration prior to treatment. soil, plumbing, and utility services. Apply 4 gallons All leaks resulting in the deposition of termiticide in 11 12 locations other than those prescribed on this label covered by an impervious, non-cellulose material. must be cleaned up prior to leaving the application An application should be made by trenching or site (refer to Precautionary Statements). Do not trenching and rodding around the outside of the allow people or pets to contact or to reoccupy the foundation wall. Apply 4 gallons of solution (see contaminated areas of the structure until the clean APPLICATION VOLUME) per 10 linear feet per foot upis completed. of depth to provide a uniform treated zone. When trenching, the trench along the outside foundation POST-CONSTRUCTION TREATMENT should be about 6 inches wide and 6 inches deep. CONCRETE SLAB-ON-GROUND: To apply a treat- Use a low pressure spray to treat soil as it is being ment under the slab, including attached porches, placed in the trench. carports, entrance platforms, garages and similar Rodding can be done from the bottom of a shallow slab structures, it may be necessary to drill through trench. When rodding, rod holes should be spaced the slab or exterior foundation. Drill holes should in a manner that will allow for a continuous chemi- be spaced in a manner that will allow for application cal treated zone, not to exceed 12 inches, to be of a continuous chemical treated zone. Treat all deposited along the treated area. Rod hole depth existing cracks and cold, construction or expansion should not extend below the footing. joints. Also, treat around bath traps, plumbing and BATH TRAPS:Exposed soil or soil covered with tar utility services which penetrate the slab. Apply 4 or a similar type sealant beneath and around gallons of solution (see APPLICATION VOLUME) plumbing and/or drain pipe entry areas should be per 10 linear feet per foot of depth to provide a uni- treated with 3 gallons of solution per square foot. form treated zone. DO NOT MAKE TREATMENT An access door or inspection vent should be cut UNTIL LOCATION OF HEAT OR AIR CONDITIONING and installed, if not already present. After inspec- DUCTS AND VENTS ARE KNOWN AND IDENTIFIED. tion and removal of any wood or cellulose debris, USE EXTREME CAUTION TO AVOID CONTAMINA- the soil can be treated by rodding or drenching the TION OF DUCTS AND VENTS. Plug and fill all drilled soil. holes in commonly occupied areas with a suitable CRAWL SPACES: When there is insufficient clear- sealant. Plugs must be of non-cellulose material or ance between floor joists and ground surfaces to 13 14 allow applicator access, excavate, if possible, and product may be applied. Remove all cellulose treat according to crawl spaces (refer to Pre- debris before application. Apply 1 gallon of solu- Construction Treatment). If unable to excavate, tion (see APPLICATION VOLUME) per 10 square crawl space soil and wood treatment may be used feet to provide a uniform chemical treated zone. to prevent surface access by termites. Apply 1 gal- SHALLOW FOUNDATIONS: For shallow founda- lon of solution (see APPLICATION VOLUME) per 10 tions, one foot or less in depth, dig a narrow trench square feet to provide a uniform chemical treated approximately 6 inches wide and deep along the zone. Use a very coarse spray at a pressure not outside and inside of the foundation walls, being exceeding 25 psi at the treatment tool when the careful not to dig below the bottom of the footings. valve is open. For foundations with exposed footings, dig a trench Where a crawl space cannot be reached with the alongside the footing taking care not to undermine application wand, use extension wands or other the footing. Apply 4 gallons of solution (see APPLI- suitable equipment to apply a coarse spray on the CATION VOLUME) per 10 linear feet to the top of soil, wood and structural members contacting the footer to provide a uniform treated zone. The dilu- soil at the above rates. Do not apply to inaccessible tion should be applied to the trench and mixed with crawl space areas using pressures greater than 25 the soil as it is placed in the trench. psi at the treatment tool when the valve is open. BASEMENTS - OUTSIDE PERIMETER: Along the Treatment may also be made by drilling through the outside of the exterior walls, an application must be foundation wall or through the floor above and made by trenching or rodding within the trench. treating the soil perimeter at a rate of 1 gallon of Rodding depth should be to the top of the footer, or solution per 10 square feet. Drill spacing must be at to a minimum of 4 feet or according to state or local intervals not to exceed 16 inches. Many states regulations. When rodding through a trench, dig a have smaller intervals so check state regulations narrow trench about 6 inches wide and 6 inches which may apply. deep. Apply 4 gallons of solution (see APPLICA- To prevent subterranean termites from construct- TION VOLUME) per 10 linear feet, per foot of depth ing mudtubes between soil and crawl space wood to provide a uniform treated zone by rodding members above, an overall soil treatment of this through the trench. Use a low pressure spray to 15 16 treat soil which will be placed into the trench after Treatment of voids in block or rubble foundation rodding. Mix spray solution with the soil as it is walls must be closely examined. Applicators must being placed in the trench. inspect areas of possible runoff as a precaution BASEMENTS - INSIDE PERIMETER: If necessary, against application leakage in the treated areas. treat by drilling along the perimeter of the interior Some areas may not be treatable or may require walls. Applications also may be necessary around mechanical alteration prior to treatment. sewer pipes, floor drains, conduits, expansion All leaks resulting in the deposition of termiticide in joints or any cracks or holes in the basement floor. locations other than those prescribed on this label Apply 4 gallons of solution (see APPLICATION must be cleaned up prior to leaving the application VOLUME) per 10 linear feet to provide a uniform site (refer to Precautionary Statements). Do not treated zone. allow people or pets to contact or to reoccupy the Drill holes should be spaced in a manner that will contaminated areas of the structure until the clean allow for application of a continuous chemical upis completed. treated zone. Plug and fill all drill holes in common- PLENUMS:For plenum-type structures which use a ly occupied areas of the building with a suitable sealed underfloor space to circulate heated and/or sealant. Plugs must be of non-cellulose material or cooled air throughout the structure, apply the dilu- covered by an impervious, non-cellulose material. tion at the rate of 4 gallons of solution (see APPLI- HOLLOW BLOCK FOUNDATION OR VOIDS: CATION VOLUME) per 10 linear feet, per foot of Hollow block foundations or voids in masonry rest- depth of soil to provide a uniform treated zone adja- ing on the footing may be treated to provide a con- cent to both sides of foundation walls, supporting tinuous chemical treated zone in the voids at the piers, plumbing and conduits. The soil should be footing. Apply 2 gallons of solution per 10 linear treated by trenching to a depth of 6 inches or feet to the lower part of the void so that it reaches trenching and rodding (where conditions permit) or the top of the footing or soil. Drill spacing must be to the top of the footing. When conditions will not at intervals not to exceed 16 inches. Many states permit trenching or rodding, a surface application have smaller intervals so check state regulations adjacent to interior foundation walls may be made, which may apply. butthe treated strip shall not exceed a width of 18 17 18 inches, horizontally, from the foundation walls, tion per 10 linear feet per foot of depth of the piers or pipes. The surface application will be made trench, or 1 gallon per 1.0 cubic feet of soil. at a rate of 1.5 gallons of solution per 10 square Mix thoroughly into the soil taking care to feet as a very coarse spray under low pressure (not contain the liquid and prevent runoff or to exceed 25 psi when measured at the treating tool spillage. when valve is on). c) After the treated soil has absorbed the solu- When treating plenums, turn off the air circulation tion, replace the soil into the trench. system of the structure until application has been 2. Treat infested and/or damaged wood in place completed and all termiticide has been absorbed by using an injection technique such as described the soil. in the “Control of Wood Infesting Pests” section TREATMENT AROUND WELLS OR CISTERNS:Do of this label. not contaminate wells or cisterns. Structures With Adjacent Wells/Cisterns and/or Structures With Wells/Cisterns Inside Other Water Bodies: Applicators must inspect all Foundations: Structures that contain wells or cis- structures with nearby water sources such as wells, terns within the foundation of a structure can only cisterns, surface ponds, streams, and other bodies be treated using the following techniques: of water and evaluate, at a minimum, the treatment 1. Do not apply within 5 feet of any well or cistern recommendations listed below prior to making an by rodding and/or trenching or by the backfill application. method. Treat soil between 5 and 10 feet from 1. Prior to treatment, if feasible, expose the water the well or cistern by the backfill method only. pipe(s) coming from the well to the structure, if Treatment of soil adjacent to water pipes within the pipe(s) enter the structure within 3 feet of 3feet of grade should only be done by the back- grade. fill method. 2. Prior to treatment, applicators are advised to a) Trench and remove soil to be treated onto take precautions to limit the risk of applying the heavy plastic sheeting or similar material or termiticide into subsurface drains that could into a wheelbarrow. empty into any bodies of water. These precau- b)Treat the soil at the rate of 4 gallons of solu- tions include evaluating whether application of 19 20

PREMISE 2 Insecticide per unit of soil. factors. The purpose of chemical soil treatment for . Plug and fill all drill holes in common- .. der post beetles, old house borers, wharf borers, or ambrosia . Do not contaminate water, food, or feed by storage Pesticide Disposal: Wastes resulting from th
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