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Preliminary Studies for the Translation of Cationic Exchange to Mineral Processing PDF

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Preview Preliminary Studies for the Translation of Cationic Exchange to Mineral Processing

PIUaiLSIJARY STUDIES FOR THE TRcOISLAi'IOIJ OF C^IIOIJIC £XCIiAiJGL TO illl'ffili.L PROCESSING ROBERT R. K.UPFER 22002 ' . • ' A.Thesis Submitted to the Department of Mineral Dressing in Partial"Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Llineral Dressing Engineering tftwwf • %mmm mm BUTTE, MONTANA ::c:ii';.:iii S:HOOL OF IXLAEH ButteJ Montana June 5, 1950 UMI Number: EP33455 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent on the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. Dissertation Publishing UMI EP33455 Copyright 2012 by ProQuest LLC. All rights reserved. This edition of the work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code. ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106-1346 X --3LE OF CONTENTS P^GE i. INANCDNCTION 1 ii. IIIJTUR; OF IO:I I^XCINANGE 2 III. INLQRY OF IO:; EXCHANGE 6 Siliceous Exchangers 7 Jenny's Adsorption Isotherm 7 Vageler's Empirical Equation 10 Jenny and Niegner Empirical Equation 10 Freunulich Adsorption Isotherm 11 Resinous Exchangers ..... 13 General Considerations of Resinous Exchangers . 13 Lav/ of Mfss Action 18 Carbonaceous Exchangers*. . 25 The Influence of Exchanging Cations 26 IV. CLASSIFICATION nil) PRE PARETIC!* OF ION EXCHANGERS . 28 Classification of Ion Exchangers 28 Processing of Exchanger Materials 30 V. ION EXCHANGE OFi-R^TIOU 31 Exhaustion 32 glution . . . .. 33 Regeneration 34 Rinsir.0, 35 u, iVVi. _>rixi -ZJ-.J-JT^JU i AV.^JII-'LI AJI •-••-> lie the. of Investigation 36 37 .t; * J. i." LV.BLE OF CO_?lLi7Z3 P:.GE Calibration of Coluan 39 Exchangers 39 Re^ener^nts 40 Flow RatPS 41 Influents 42 Sur^e/ of I^in^ °"^ Hill ,7?ters 43 3'Jiik^T Hill Mill and Fine Jeter ^4 Butte "ine '.Vaters 46 Influents 46 Results and Discussion 47 L-d *7 Silver ." , 49 Zinc 5£ Lcac* or>d Zinc 54 Adsorption Tests of Butte Iline r/cter 59 So.ramar;' 76 VII. conclusions 78 Ion Exchange in Recovering Valuable Metal Cations . 79 Ion Exchange and 3trean Contamination 79 III. PROPOSED ADDITIONAL REOELRCH ol IX. BIBLIOGRAPHY . 35 .:. --.c._ic.;ii]DG.2;iiT3 as XI. tiFILIIDIX ' 39 Tn tTu .>•> Table I. Types of Resinous Exchangers 13 Taole II. Classification of Excnangers <39 lanle III. Analysis of 3unl:er Hill nine and I.Iill .luitrs 45 Table IV. Analrsis of Anaconua Precipitation Plant Tailings 46 FIC^REo Fig. 1. Cleavage otractjre of Muscovite o Fig. ^. Conaensaticn Reaction of m-pnenolsulfonic ucia 16 Fig. 3. Cross-linl:ed Etractare of in-pnenolsulfonic acid resin 16 Fig. 4. Structure of Resin Particle 17 Fig. 5. Donnan Equilibrium ^2 Fig. 6. extraction vs. Capacity of Lead 43 Fi_. 7. Extraction-vs. Capacity of oilv^r 5w Fig. 3. Extraction vs. Capacity of Line 53 Fig. 9. Extraction vs. Capacity of Le-d and ^inc . .. 56 Fi ^. 1C. Extr ction vs. Capacity of Iron and ^iiic . . . 6C Fig. 11. Effluent Analysis of Test lo 61 Fi_. lc. Extr_ction vs. Capacity of Iron and ^inc . . . u3 Fig. 13. ^ffloent analysis of Test 14 o4 Fig. 1-. Extraction vs. Cc p<ucit„ of Iroj- ana ^inc . .. 65 Fig. 15. affluent analysis of T^st 15 57 Fi^. 1C. Extr c.icn vs. Cpaci^ oi' Iron o.na z,inc . .. 59 Flu. i\ti3 Fig. 17. Effluent Analysis of 'I^st IC 7C Fi^. 1-. £::-C:L\-e-ion vs. C^p-ci-y of Iron, ^inc , and Go peer 73 Fig. 19. Effluent Analysis of fest 17 74 Plate I. DiLgran of Ion Exchange apparatus o3 ; ; I * imiODUCTio;: The development of ion excnangers possessing ^.roper- tie- : at eai be utilize! in the extraction of metallic ions from solutions le: d.s TO the possibility of applying ion ex- caange to mineral oeneficiation. The reversible interchange bet" een metallic ions in solution ana ions on a solid with the ultimate elation and recovery of the metal certainly nerits an evaluation of ion exchange in terms of its mineral processing potentialities. Identified with water softening for many years, ion exchange involves the reversible exchange between ions in solation and an insoluble solid or oase with no percep tible change in the ^structure of the solid. Upon saturation ox the exchanger ".vith adsorbed ion, or after a predetermined eiiMuinu, the exchanging solid is regenerated to its former condition by treatment with a solution containing ion ori- 0 gi"ollv on. txie exchanger. The base excaanger can tnen oe used in another adsorption cycle, ^ven from this brief dis cussion of ion exchange, the possibilities of using this process for th^ recovery of metallic ions in various phtses of mineral processing are most attractive. The investigation reported herein is a preliminary stu dy uf t^e translation 'of cationic exchange to mineral pro- cesoirj. Initially, it ya.-. ^ecessary to appraise and to become familiar -;ith the principles and operational techni- ae - presently used in ion exchange. .nfter accomplishing t ese initial studies, an experimental procedure v.'ut, level- - 1 - ope 1 for ap;Iyin^ ion eiicii-n-e to the actual recovery ^rd co"&e'iUeni removal ol metallic ions contained ir several ui-e liscn-.rje latere xeaov-il and recovery ul metallic ions iron mine discharge \m_tero is onl^ one application amon^ several-J/ wmch ion e:;chc.n;e may prove to je useiui anl economically valuable to iae mineral industries. In a sense, tne tr^ 'Slstion of cationie excn&nje for txie recovery of metallic ionb from mine discharge v.aters offers a-1 uruoually interesting possible application because stream contamina tion and pollution are ^eccmin^ increasingly critical from tne standpoint of water conservation. In the mine \*ater sti died , zinc, copper, and to some extent, lead ^ere found to :e tne most valuable metallic ions contained therein. Initial studies involve'"1 tlie extraction of zinc, lead, and silver from solutions under idealized'conditions. Subse quent te^t- of actual ai"e discnarje utters \ ere . ade , a"d. ti.e lat<_ obtained were interpreted on tne oasis oz ion ex- c..^n,-'e i" tne recovery -01 metallic ions, and ion excxr^e as c n«r•& jf alieviati- stream contamination. additionally, 0 the ^ouoiuilities of ".pplyinj ion excu^rije tu otner onases of mineral processing were considered from the standpoint ox t e experience acquired in tuis preliminary investija- iX u J. O "^ . EISfVHY '_? KIT JZGILJT'iJ Credit for tne discovery of ion exenan^e is riven to ifo.ps)^O ^ j_r, - period 1845-1852 found thai certain j no nc soils exhibited ion exc^arje. Tnompsor -"^ted t..at a" e^rtn - 2 - filter completely extracted the ammonia from solutions of ai.imonia salts and gave up lime to the solution. \7ay°5, dur- in i the sane period, showed that the exchange was due to the presence of complex silicates in the soil. Unable to identify'the active constituents, "..ay prepared a synthetic sodium aluminosilicate that exhibited properties of ion ex- "J r7 enange. In 1858, Hichhorn found that contrary to the opin ion of 7,'ay, ion exchange was reversible. An addition of a solution containing the ion initially on the exchanger re sulted in the regeneration of the exchanger to its original condition. The reaction appeared to be one of mass action, since considerably more regenerant was required than neces sary on the basis of chemical equivalents. The first appli- cation of ion exchange is attributed to Gans , who in 1906, was able to produce a granular exchanger and suggested wa ter softening as an application. Before 1950, the field of ion exchangers was restricted to the so-called zeolites—natural or synthetic siliceous exchangers. Examples are the'greensands or modified glau- co.nites, clays, and natural or synthetic aluminosilicates. In 1931, the patent of Borrowman disclosed the use of coal as a material for exchange adsorption. In 1940, Vaughn00 treated humic material with acid and produced an ion ex changer. Subsequent developments in the use of modified, natural-occurring organic materials resulted in the prep- aration of base exchangers from tannins-1-, peat and v:ooiioi-J ) a>xi coal and lignite27. In 1935, .-.dans and holmes1 found that polyhydric phenols, - 'o - yiier condensed v;ith formaldehyde, produced a resin with pro nounced cationic exchange properties. Continued research led to che development of resinous exchangers possessing a diversity of chemical properties. Sarluiii carbonate^, zinc oxide^O, dolomite^, iron ox- ides , and aluminum oxide , have been suggested for the re moval of -acids from solution. In a strict sense, the re actions involved are not anionic exchange, but a chemical neutralization of the acid with the formation of an insol uble metal double salt. Chlorinated coal , activated char coal , alkali-treated asphalt4 , horn, wool, silk, and leather^ have been mentioned in patents as anion exchangers. IXirrell-^ has suggested the use of cane sugar, pine sawdust, a~d wood extracts as ion exchangers. The literature contains no direct reference to the use of ion exchange in the mineral industry. Hussey^ reported considerable success in the use of an anion exchanger in conjunction v;ith cyanidation in the recovery of gold and silver from, a- ore containing a large amount of slimes. The ore, Uiich assayed 0.12 ounces per ton of gold and 1.6 ounces i;er ton of silver, contained approximately two-thirds slimes when ground to minus 100-mesh and was very difficult to thick en. Cyanide leach extraction showed a recovery of 78„4 per- cer- of the gold and 51.5 percent of the silver. A counter- current system of a cyanide leach followed by four adsorp- tio- cycles with an anion exchanger yielded a total recovery of 95.4 percent of the gold and 79.0 percent of tne silver.

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