JMEPEG (2017)26:5741–5752 (cid:2)The Author(s). Thisarticle isanopenaccesspublication 1059-9495/$19.00 Preliminary Investigation of the Corrosion Behavior of Proprietary Micro-alloyed Steels in Aerated and Deaerated Brine Solutions LawrenceOnyeji and GirishKale (Submitted June28,2017;in revised formSeptember 7,2017;published online October27, 2017) The corrosion performance of fairly new generation of micro-alloyed steels was compared in different concentrations of aerated and deaerated brines. Electrochemical polarization, weight loss and surface analysestechniqueswereemployed.Theresultsshowedathresholdofcorrosionrateat3.5wt.%NaClin both aerated and deaerated solutions. The average corrosion current density for steel B, for example, increased from 1.3lAcm22 in 1 wt.% NaCl to 1.5lAcm22 in 3.5wt.% NaCl, but decreased to 1.4lAcm22in10wt.%deaeratedNaClsolutions.Theaeratedsolutionsexhibitedanaverageofover80% increase in corrosion current density in the respective concentrations when compared with the deaerated solution. These results can be attributed to the effects of dissolved oxygen (DO) which has a maximum solubility in 3.5wt.% NaCl. DO as a depolarizer and electron acceptor in cathodic reactions accelerates anodic metal dissolution. The difference in carbon content and microstructures occasioned by thermo- mechanical treatment contributed to the witnessed variation in corrosion performance of the steels. Specifically, the results of the various corrosion techniques corroborated each other and showed that the corrosionrateof themicro-alloyedsteels canberankedas CR <CR <CR <CR . Steel A X65 Steel B Steel C development of new materials with high corrosion resistance Keywords aeratedsolutions,brine,corrosionbehavior,deaerated atlowcostasthemosteffectiveoptiontotacklethemenaceof solution, electrochemical techniques, micro-alloy steels corrosion in oil and gas industry. Dissolved oxygen (DO) is one of the major corrosion enhancing components in crude oil. Liu et al. (Ref 1), Ismail and Adan (Ref 20) and Jung et al. (Ref 21) reported that the corrosioneffectofdissolvedoxygenismoreprevalentthanall 1. Introduction other impurities present in crude oil. Liu et al. (Ref 1) studied theeffectsofchlorides,temperature,pH,carbondioxide(CO ) 2 and dissolved oxygen (DO) on the corrosion-induced leakage Corrosion attack of oil and gas facilities is one of the of the inner wall of crude oil pipeline. These studies showed greatest challenges to the operators in the industry. Therefore, that the effect of DO on the corrosion rate of the pipeline was assessingtheimpactofcorrosionisofimmediateconcerns.The dominantwhencomparedwithCO corrosion.IsmailandAdan effects of corrosion if not controlled can affect production, 2 (Ref20)investigatedthecorrosionbehaviorofAISI1040steel cause economic loss and create ecological problems with the in NaCl with different sulfate and chloride contents in the attendant security risks to life and properties (Ref 1, 2). Crude presence and absence of oxygen. The results revealed that the oil and its products are mixtures of hydrocarbon which by corrosion rate was higher in solutions containing oxygen than themselvesarenotcorrosive.However,theybecomecorrosive inallotherdeoxygenatedsolutions.Jungetal.(Ref21)afteran in the presence of impurities and other components such as extensive laboratory experiments observed that the corrosion water, chloride salts, carbon dioxide (CO ), hydrogen sulfide 2 rates for galvanized steel pipe (GSP), carbon steel pipe (CSP) (H S), elemental sulfur, dissolved oxygen, organic acids and 2 andductilecast-ironpipe(DCIP)decreasedto72,75and91%, sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) (Ref 1, 3-5). Tremendous respectively,whenDOconcentrationwasreducedfrom9±0.5 efforts have been made to mitigate and control the effects of to2±0.5 mg/L.Theseresultsareinagreementwiththereports corrosion.Someoftheseeffortshaveledtothedevelopmentof of Islam and Farhat (Ref 22), Chilingar et al. (Ref 23) and various corrosion control techniques such as the use of Popoola et al. (Ref 24) that DO is a depolarizer and electron composite materials (Ref 6, 7); various corrosion resistance acceptor in cathodic reaction and therefore accelerates the steels (CRS) (Ref 8, 9), inhibitors (Ref 10), electrochemical anodic dissolution of metals. Also confirming this statement, protection (Ref 11, 12) and coating techniques (Ref 13-17). Yari(Ref2)reportedthatinabasicorneutralsolution,oxygen These techniques are either too expensive for effective reductionreactioninEq 1isthepredominantcathodicreaction deployment or too difficult to sustain and therefore have not in competition with hydrogen evolution reaction of Eq 2. adequately solved the problem of corrosion in the oil and gas industries. Choi et al. (Ref 18, 19) have proposed the Neutral=basic solutions: O þ2H O þ4e(cid:2) !4OH(cid:2) 2ðgÞ 2 ðlÞ ðaqÞ ðEq 1Þ LawrenceOnyejiandGirishKale,SchoolofChemicalandProcess Engineering, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK. Contact e-mails:[email protected] Journal of Materials Engineeringand Performance Volume26(12)December 2017—5741 extract Tafel corrosion parameters such as corrosion current In hydrogen revolution:2HþðaqÞþ2e(cid:2) !H2ðgÞ ðEq 2Þ density(iCorr),corrosionpotentials(ECorr)andanodic(bA)and cathodic (b ) constants. The corrosion rate of the steels was The effect of DO on the corrosion of oil and gas facilities is C calculated by inserting the values of corrosion current density significantlyinfluencedbythepresenceofothercomponentsof (i )obtainedfromTafelextrapolationtechniquesinEq 3 crudeoilstreamssuchaschloridesalts.Accordingtoresearch- Corr ers (Ref 2, 25-28), the concentration of chloride can influence 3:27(cid:3)10(cid:2)3(cid:3)i (cid:3)E:W: CR¼ Corr ; ðEq 3Þ thesolubilityofoxygeninproducedwater.Yari(Ref2)specifi- q cally reported that the maximum oxygen concentration in sea- water is obtained in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution. This work where CR = corrosion rate (mm year(cid:2)1), iCorr = corrosion thereforeisaimedatinvestigatingtheelectrochemicalbehavior current density (lA cm(cid:2)2), E.W. = equivalent weight (g) and of three fairly new class of micro-alloyed steels, whose corro- q = density of the sample (g cm(cid:2)3). sion behavior has not been fully investigated, in differentcon- Attheendofthepolarization,thespecimenswerecarefully centrationsofaeratedanddeaeratedbrinesolutions. removed from the cell, rinsed with deionized water and dried with nitrogen gas. Carl Zeiss EVO MA15 Scanning Electron Microscopy/Energy-Dispersed X-ray (SEM/EDAX) was used to characterize the corroded surfaces so as to identify their 2. Experimentals morphology and elemental composition. 2.1 Materials and Material Preparations 2.3 Weight Loss Three micro-alloyed steels designated as Steel A, Steel B The corrosion rates of the steels were also assessed by andSteelCwithchemicalcompositionslistedinTable 1were weightlosstechnique.ThesteelswerewetgrindeduptoP1200 usedinthiswork.Thesesteelswhicharemeantforproduction grit with silicon carbide paper, washed with distilled water, ofpipesarefairlynewinthefamilyofmicro-alloyedsteels,and ultrasonically cleaned in acetone for 4 min and dried in warm their corrosion propensity has not been satisfactorily under- air. This was followed by careful measurements of the surface stood. A fourth material, API 5L X65 whose corrosion dimensionswithwhichthesurfaceareaofthespecimenswere performance in different media has been investigated and computed. The specimens were weighed using Adam PW124 adjudged as the most widely used pipeline material, was used analyticalprecisionweighingbalance,andtheweightrecorded as reference specimen (Ref 29-31). The specimens were wet as W1. Each of the three specimens were prepared. The grinded using MetaServ 250 Grinder-Polisher. Silicon carbide specimenswerethenhunginsideabeakercontaining3.5 wt.% papers of different fineness up to P1200 grit were used. Each NaCl at ambient temperature. One of the specimens was steel specimen after grinding was rinsed with distilled water, removed from the beaker after 24, 48 and 72 h, respectively. degreasedwithacetone,driedwithcompressedairandkeptina The corrosion products on the specimens were chemically desiccator briefly until corrosion setup was ready. The speci- cleaned in specific solution (500 mL of HCl + 500 mL of mens for OM and SEM/EDX analyses were further polished deionized water + 5 g of hexamethylenetetramine) with vigor- using 5, 3, and 1 lm abrasive diamond slurry, degreased with ous stirring for 10 min, rinsed with deionized water, dried in acetone, rinsed with distilled water and dried with compressed warm air and reweighed (W ). The weight loss of the samples 2 air. The final polished surfaces were etched with 2% nital and duetoimmersionfortherespectivetimewasthencalculatedas analyzed using Zeiss AxioCam MRc 5 Optical Microscopy (W (cid:2)W ), and the corrosion rate computed using Eq 4, 1 2 (OM) and Carl Zeiss EVO MA15 Scanning Electron Micro- 8:76(cid:3)104(cid:3)ðW (cid:2)W Þ scopy/Energy-Dispersed X-ray (SEM/EDAX). CR¼ 1 2 ; ðEq 4Þ qAt 2.2 Experimental Setups and Conditions where CR = corrosion rate (mm/year), q = density (g/cm3), The experimental setup and conditions are summarized in A= surface are of the sample (cm2) and t = immersion time Table 2. To ensure reproducibility, each of the four steels was (hours). polarized in triplicate using the parameters in Table 2. The anodic and cathodic branches of Tafel plots were conducted separately starting with the cathodic scan, followed by 15-min 3. Results and Discussion open-circuitpotentialbeforetheanodicsweep.Thiswastoavoid surfacealterationandelectrolytecontaminationasaresultofiron 3.1 Microstructural Characteristics of the Samples dissolutionduringanodicsweep(Ref32,33).Theguidelinesin ASTMG102-89(Ref34)andTait(Ref35)wereusedtomerge The optical and SEM micrographs of the as-received steels the branches. Tafel extrapolation technique was employed to areshowninFig. 1and2,respectively.Thesefiguresshowthat Table 1 Elemental specifications of the steels (%) Steels C Si Mn P S Cr V Ti Nb Mo Cu Fe A 0.12 0.18 1.27 0.008 0.002 0.11 0.057 0.001 0.054 0.17 0.12 Balance B 0.22 0.032 1.4 0.012 0.001 0.25 0.005 0.023 0.002 0.07 0.03 Balance B 0.25 0.26 0.54 0.01 0.001 0.99 0.005 0.008 0.022 0.46 0.098 Balance X65 0.12 0.18 1.27 0.008 0.002 0.11 0.057 0.001 0.054 0.17 0.12 Balance 5742—Volume26(12) December 2017 Journal of MaterialsEngineering andPerformance Table 2 Experimental parameters and corrosion conditions Descriptionofitems Parameters Electrode(working)materials A,B,CandX65 Counterelectrode Platinummesh Referenceelectrode Silver/silverchloride(Ag/AgCl)-(Sat.KCl) Workingelectrodesurfacearea,cm2 1 Electrolytes,wt.% NaCl:1.0,3.5,and10.0 Corrosioncell EG&GprincetonappliedresearchmodelK0235flatcell Electrolytevolumepertest,mL 250 Electrolyteenvironmentalconditions Aeratedanddeaerated Testpressure,bar 1 Temperature,(cid:3)C Ambient SolutionpH Unbuffered TestperiodforLPR,h 6 Potentiostat SolartronanalyticalSI1287electrochemicalinterface Analyticalsoftware CorewareandCoreView Electrochemicalmeasurements Potentiodynamicpolarization(LPR,TafelPlot) LPRsweeprangeversusOCP,mV ±15 LPRsweeprate,mV/S 0.25 Tafelplotscanrange,mV ±250 Tafelplotscanrate,mV/S 0.5 Fig.1 Opticalmicrographsofas-receivedsteels(a)SteelA,(b)SteelBand(c)SteelCand(d)X65 Journal of Materials Engineering andPerformance Volume26(12)December 2017—5743 Fig.2 SEMmicrographsofas-receivedsamples(a)SteelA,(b)SteelBand(c)SteelCand(d)X65 Steels A, B and X65 consist of light and dark zones which in were obtained from carbon steel with the same chemical the optical micrographs are ferrite and pearlite phases, respec- compositionandviceversadependingonheattreatmentroute. tively.InSEMmicrographs,thesezonesarecoloniesofpearlite These authors have reported that the precipitation, volumetric withintheferritematrix.Thelamellaestructuresofthepearlite fraction,uniformityanddistributionofpearliteincarbonsteels phaseareclearlyvisibleinFig. 2(a).Anotherdistinctivefeature can be attributed to carbon content and thermo-mechanical of the micrographs of these three specimens is their grain processes (heat treatment routes). Ochoa et al. (Ref 40) (phase) sizes which within each sample are the same and obtained different microstructures of API 5L X42 using three uniformly distributed. However, the grain sizes of the steels differentheattreatmentrouteswitheachofthemicrostructures differ from each other. exhibiting variant corrosion behavior in CO - saturated 0.5 M 2 Thedifference in thegrain sizeof thesespecimens is made NaClsolution.Asiful(Ref43)throughrepeatedquenchingalso more evident by Fiji-ImageJ analysis and ASTM grain size impacted different microstructures on E34 micro-alloyed steel number computed according to ASTM E112-12 standard (Ref which showed different corrosion rates in 3.5 wt.% NaCl 36).TheseareshowninTable 3.Thesmallgrainsizenumbers solution. Thus, although Steel A and X65 have the same of the steels can be attributed to the presence of alloying chemical composition (Table 1), their different microstructural elements such as Nb, Ti and V which researchers (Ref 29, 37, behaviors (Fig. 2) could be linked to heat treatment processes 38) have observed are good grain refiners. The ferrite–pearlite used. ratio of Steels A, B and X65 can be ranked as Steel The optical and SEM micrographs of Steel C shown in B<X65<Steel A as indicated in Table 3. This difference Fig. 1(c)and2(c),respectively,revealedbainiticstructurewith in microstructures and grain size is linked to the chemical evenly distributed acicular ferrites (Ref 29). Literatures composition of the steels (Ref 39, 40) and the thermo- revealed that bainitic structures are formed when the decom- mechanical processes involved in their production (Ref 10, positionofaustenitetoferriteandpearlitesisrestrainedbythe 40, 41). presence of micro-alloying elements (Ref 29, 37, 41, 44, 45). Steel A and X65 as indicated in Table 1 have the same Kermani and Morshed (Ref 46) and Kermani et al. (Ref 38) chemical composition, butFig. 1and2 showedthatthey have identified Cr and Mo as alloying elements that retard decom- different microstructures. Similar cases have been reported in positionofmartensiteoraustenitetoferritesandcarbides.Steel the literatures (Ref 40, 42, 43) where different microstructures C as shown in Table 1 contains more Cr (0.99 wt.%) and Mo 5744—Volume26(12) December 2017 Journal of MaterialsEngineering andPerformance Table 3 ASTM grain size number and ferrite/pearlite ratio (%) for the samples Samples A X65 B C ASTMgrainsizeno 3.9 4.5 5.6 5.8 Ferrite/pearlite,% 63.6 57.5 48.2 Averagegrainsize,lm 68.5 46.6 20.6 14.7 (0.46 wt.%)thantheothersteels.Thiscouldhavenecessitated of the specimens hindered increase in corrosion rate (Ref 35, its bainitic structure. 52). A closer observation of Fig. 3(d-f) shows that the corrosionrateofthesteelsinthedeaeratedsolutionshasbegun 3.2 Electrochemical Tests to stabilize within the 6-h test. Vera et al. (Ref 29) and El DesoukyandAboeldahab(Ref53)alsoattributedthedecrease Linearpolarizationresistance(LPR)andTafelextrapolation in corrosion rate to the formation of corrosion products on the techniques were used to assess the corrosion behavior of the surface of the specimens. steelsinbothaeratedanddeaeratedaqueoussolutionsofNaCl The plots of the average corrosion rate for the respective at ambient temperature. LPRwasconductedfor6 h,whilethe steels in 1.0, 3.5 and 10.0 wt.% NaCl solutions at ambient potentiodynamic polarization was performed after 6 h LPR. temperature and for 6 h are compared in Fig. 4(a) aerated and This is because LPR technique generally uses only minor 4(b)deaerated.Thesefiguresshowthatthecorrosionattackfor perturbation around OCP ((cid:4)15mVinthiscaseÞ and so does all the four specimens was more severe in 3.5 wt.% NaCl notsignificantlyaffectthesurfaceofspecimen.Thatiswhyitis solution for both aerated and deaerated solutions than in the used for assessing long time corrosion propensity of metals other two concentrations (1.0 and 10.0 wt.%). This is in (Ref 47). Also, the alternating potential measurement helps to agreementwiththereportsofYari(Ref2)andFangetal.(Ref stabilize the OCP after each LPR scan. The solutions were 25). Dissolved oxygen (DO) as an electron acceptor (Ref 21- stirred throughout the period of the tests. This was to ensure 24)inredoxreactionsandadepolarizer(Ref23)acceleratesthe thatthesurfaceconcentrationofthespecieswasapproximately dissolution of metals in chloride environment. The witnessed equaltothebulkconcentrationandthusminimizestheeffectof decreaseincorrosionratewithincreaseinNaClconcentration, diffusion polarization (Ref 47-50). Three different concentra- accordingtoEliyanetal.(Ref27),canalsobeattributedtothe tions of NaCl namely 1.0, 3.5 and 10.0 wt.% were used. For decrease in the solubility of oxygen with increase in NaCl LPR measurements, the specimens were polarized within the concentration. Fang et al. (Ref 25) also reported that the range of±15 mV versus OCP and at a scan rate of adsorptionofchlorideonthesurfaceofthesteelscontributedto 0.25 mV s(cid:2)1 for 6 h. For the potentiodynamic polarization, the reduction in corrosion rate with increase in salt concentra- the Tafel cathodic and anodic branches were scanned sepa- tion. rately. However, the effective scan range for the two sweeps The reports of these authors elucidate the decrease in was±250 mVversusOCPandatascanrateof0.5 mV/s.The corrosion rate in 10 wt.% NaCl solution as shown in Fig. 4. ohmicdropoftheexperimentalsetupwascalculatedtoensure However,theeffectofoxygencontentonthecorrosionofsteel itistoominuteandsowasneglected.Thiswasachievedusing inaqueoussolutionofNaClhasnotbeenclearlyunderstoodas Eq 5 as reported by Oelssner et al. (Ref 49) some authors presented divergence results. For instance, El Z Desouky and Aboeldahab (Ref 53) studied the effect of R ¼ ; ðEq 5Þ U 2KA different concentration of NaCl (0.1–2 M) on maraging steel and reported a continuous increase in corrosion rate with where Z = the gap between the working electrode and the ref- increaseinNaClconcentration.InagreementwithElDesouky erence electrode (mm), K = the electrical conductivity of and Aboeldahab (Ref 53), Liu et al. (Ref 1) categorized the 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution (mS/cm) (Ref 51) and A= the area effect of chloride ion on corrosion of carbon steels as smooth of the working electrode (mm2). invariant stage, slow rise stage and the rapid rise stage. The estimated ohmic drop was about 0.1 lX. This is very To further buttress the effect of NaCl concentration on the negligible and hence was neglected in all the tests. corrosion behavior of the steels, the corrosion rates in both 3.2.1 Linear Polarization Resistance Techniques. Fig- media were plotted against NaCl concentrations as shown in ure 3 shows the plots of average LPR corrosion rate against Fig. 5.Thisfigureclearlyshowedthattheseverityofcorrosion time for the four specimens in three different concentrations attackwashighestforallthesteelsin3.5 wt.%Naclsolutionof (1.0, 3.5 and 10.0 wt.%) of aerated and deaerated NaCl both conditions. A sharp increase in corrosion rate can be solutionsatambienttemperatureandfor6 h.Itcanbeobserved observedastheconcentrationincreasedfrom1.0 wt.%NaClto fromFig. 3(a-c)thattheplotsofcorrosionrateversustimefor 3.5 wt.% NaCl, while a mild decrease was observed as NaCl allthefourspecimensinaeratedmediaincreasedwithtime,but concentration increased from 3.5 wt.% NaCl to 10.0 wt.% forsteelsinFig. 3(c).Thisincreaseincorrosionrateaccording Nacl. This is in corroboration with the profiles of the results to Davis (Ref 52) and Taits (Ref 35) can be ascribed to the shown in Fig. 4. porosity of the air-formed oxide film on the surface of the AccordingtoHanet al.(Ref 54),NaCl concentrationsplay specimens which could not protect the steels from corrosion. three major roles in corrosion kinetics of carbon steels which Ontheotherhand,Fig. 3(d-f)showeddecreasingcorrosionrate includeacceleratingthecorrosionprocessbyforminginterme- withtimeforallthesteelsinthedeaeratedmedia.Thissignified diate corrosion species, decreasing the solution pH which also that thedissolutionoftheair-formed oxidefilm onthesurface acceleratesthecorrosionprocessandreducingthesolubilityof Journal of Materials Engineering andPerformance Volume26(12)December 2017—5745 Fig.3 Average LPRcorrosion ratesof the steels in aeratedand deaerated brine solutions atambient temperature andfor 6h: (a)1.0wt.% aer- ated,(b)3.5wt.%aerated,(c)10.0wt.%aerated,(d)1wt.%deaerated,(e)3.5wt.%deaerated,(f)10wt.%deaerated Fig.4 Average LPR corrosion rates of steels in different concentration NaCl solutions: (a) deaerated and (b) aerated at ambient temperature andfor6h the dissolved oxygen with the attendant decrease in corrosion rate. The net effect of increase in NaCl concentration is the Anodic reaction: FeðsÞ !Feð2aþqÞþ2e(cid:2) ðEq 6Þ reduction in corrosion rate. This means that the effect of reductioninDOsolubility(saltingout)dominatestheothertwo Cathodic reaction:O2ðgÞþ2H2OðlÞþ4e(cid:2) !4OH(cid:2)ðaqÞ ðEq 7Þ competingeffects.ThiswasalsoreportedbyYari(Ref2)thatin a basic or neutral solution, oxygen reduction reaction is the Total reaction: 2Fe þO þ2H O !2Fe2þ þ4OH(cid:2) ðsÞ 2ðgÞ 2 ðlÞ ðaqÞ ðaqÞ predominant cathodic reaction in competition with the hydro- ðEq 8Þ genevolutionreaction.Caceresetal.(Ref55)alsoreportedthat themajorreactiongoverningcorrosioninmostpracticaloilfield Fe2þ þ2OH(cid:2) !FeðOHÞ ðEq 9Þ application is the reduction reaction of oxygen present in ðaqÞ ðaqÞ 2ðsÞ solution. Vera et al. (Ref 29) summarized the electrochemical 4FeðOHÞ þO þ2H O !4FeðOHÞ ðEq 10Þ and chemical reactions that occur during metal dissolution in 3ðsÞ 2ðgÞ 2 ðlÞ 3ðsÞ aqueous solutions as shown in Eq 6-11. 5746—Volume26(12) December 2017 Journal of MaterialsEngineering andPerformance Fig.5 AverageLPRcorrosion ratesvs.aeratedanddeaeratedNaCl Fig.7 Corrosion rate by weight loss of specimens in 3.5wt.% concentrationatambienttemperatureandfor6h NaClatambienttemperature siveness of sodium chloride solution with aerated condition being the most corrosive. This is attributed to the effect of sodium chloride concentration on the solubility of oxygen in aqueous solution, which is reported to be highest at 3.5 wt.% NaCl (Ref 2, 25). 3.2.2 Weight Loss. The results of the weight loss exper- imentsareshowninFig. 7.Thisfigurerevealedthattherewasa decrease in corrosion rate with immersion time. Like in the LPR experiments, this is due to the accumulation of corrosion products that partially block the surface of the steels with increase in immersion time (Ref 40, 57). The steels also exhibited the same trend of behavior as observed in the LPR experiments attesting to the fact that the corrosion rate of the steels with ferrite–pearlite microstructures is lower than the Steel C with bainitic structure (Ref 40, 58). 3.2.3 Potentiodynamic Polarization (Tafel Plots). Po- Fig.6 Comparison of corrosion rates of steels in aerated and tentiodynamic polarization measurements were conducted in deaeratedNaClsolutionsatambienttemperatureandfor6h bothaeratedanddeaerated1.0 wt.%NaCl,3.5 wt.%NaCland 10.0 wt.% NaCl at ambient temperature. Figure 8 shows the Tafelplotsoftheexperimentinaeratedanddeaerated3.5 wt.% 2FeðOHÞ !Fe O (cid:5)H O þ2H O ðEq 11Þ 3ðsÞ 2 3 2 ðsÞ 2 ðlÞ NaCl solutions, respectively. The Tafel extrapolation parame- The results of this work also showed that the rate of corro- ters for all the steels in aerated and deaerated solution for the sion of the specimens was more severe in aerated solutions three NaCl concentrations are listed in Table 4 than in deaerated solutions as is clearly shown in Fig. 6. This It can be observed from Fig. 8 that the anodic current means that all the specimens exhibited higher susceptibility to increasedcontinuouslywithincreaseincorrosionpotentialsfor corrosion attack in aerated solutions than in deaerated solu- all the specimens in aerated and deaerated 3.5 wt.% NaCl tions. Many researchers (Ref 1, 2, 20, 21, 54-56) have ob- solutions. This signified a continuous dissolution of iron in served similar results concerning the corrosion effect of agreement with the trend of the LPR results. Also, the anodic dissolved oxygen in crude oil. The decrease in corrosion rate branchesshowsharpincreaseinslopesexhibitingwell-defined of the specimens in deaerated solutions when compared with Tafelian regions within the low over-potentials. This is an the aerated solutions was about 89% in 1.0 wt.% NaCl, 93% indication that passive films were not formed (Ref 40). The in 3.5 wt.% NaCl and 92% in 10.0 wt.% NaCl. This is in cathodic branch for all the steels in the aerated solutions agreement with the report of Jung et al. (Ref 21) who re- showed a mixed charge and mass transfer control reactions ported a decrease of 91% when the concentration of dissolved depicting well-pronounced current plateaus. This can be oxygen was decreased from 9 to 2 mg/L. ascribed to the mass-transport limitations of oxygen reduction Theeffectofdissolvedoxygen(DO)onthecorrosionofoil reactionssincereductionindissolvedoxygenasshowninEq 1 and gas facilities is significantly influenced by the presence of is the dominant reaction in aerated conditions (Ref 2, 29, 57). other components of crude oil streams. One of such compo- On the other hand, under deaerated condition, the cathodic nentsischloridesalts.Mamengetal.(Ref56)investigatedthe reduction reaction shown in Eq 1 with a corresponding small effectsofpHandoxygenonthecorrosionresistanceofcarbon rate of hydrogen evolution is the main reaction. This low steel in highly concentrated sodium chloride and reported that hydrogen evolution resulted to the witnessed low corrosion oxygen content is an important factor influencing the corro- rate. Journal of Materials Engineering andPerformance Volume26(12)December 2017—5747 Fig.8 Tafelplotsofspecimensinaeratedanddeaerated3.5wt.%NaClsolutionsatambienttemperature Table 4 Tafel extrapolation parameters of the specimens in aerated and deaerated solutions of three NaCl concentrations NaCl(wt.%) Sample E ;mV i ,lA/cm2 b ,mV/dec b ,mV/dec Corr Corr a c 1.0Aerated SteelA (cid:2)637 6.00 38 145 SteelB (cid:2)656 7.50 60 175 SteelC (cid:2)502 11.00 38 120 X65 (cid:2)611 6.50 65 120 1.0Aerated SteelA (cid:2)733 1.19 54 94 SteelB (cid:2)732 1.25 53 96 SteelC (cid:2)726 1.37 57 122 X65 (cid:2)730 1.22 49 105 3.5Aerated SteelA (cid:2)590 21.00 65 449 SteelB (cid:2)591 24.00 69 411 SteelC (cid:2)581 28.00 55 530 X65 (cid:2)580 21.50 64 450 3.5Deaerated SteelA (cid:2)742 1.40 53 99 SteelB (cid:2)740 1.50 55 117 SteelC (cid:2)738 1.60 55 108 X65 (cid:2)738 1.40 53 111 10.0Deaerated SteelA (cid:2)607 17.00 40 80 SteelB (cid:2)634 20.00 65 265 SteelC (cid:2)600 23.00 55 155 X65 (cid:2)621 18.00 50 120 10.0Deaerated SteelA (cid:2)758 0.90 54 86 SteelB (cid:2)741 1.35 51 90 SteelC (cid:2)742 1.4 56 101 X65 (cid:2)731 1.16 40 64 solution to (cid:2) 758 mV in deaerated 10% NaCl solution. This O þH O þ4e(cid:2) !4OH(cid:2) ðEq 12Þ 2ðgÞ 2 ðlÞ ðaqÞ cathodic shift in corrosion potential is an indication that the corrosionprocesswasmainlyacceleratedbycathodicreactions 2H2OðlÞþ2e(cid:2) !H2ðgÞþ2OH(cid:2)ðaqÞ ðEq 13Þ (Ref 59). This gave a corresponding decrease in corrosion current density from 17 lA cm(cid:2)2 in the aerated solutions to The Tafel plots for other environmental conditions (aerated 1 0.9 lA cm(cid:2)2 in the deaerated solutions of Steel A. These and 10.0 wt.% and deaerated 1.0 and 10.0 wt.%) displayed values are comparable with the report of other authors (Ref 3, similar profiles, but with a mild current plateaus in the deaer- 30, 31). Since corrosion current density i is proportionally ated solutions which is due to virtually absence of DO. Corr relatedtocorrosionrate(CR)(Ref59,60)andfromthevalues TheTafel plotsoftheexperiments inaerated anddeaerated of i in Tables 4, the corrosion rates of the steels in both 1.0 wt.% NaCl, 3.5 wt.% NaCl and 10.0 wt.% NaCl solutions Corr aerated and deaerated solutions can be ranked as shown in Fig. 9 vividly revealed that the corrosion current CR <CR <CR <CR . This trend of corrosion density in aerated media is more than in the deaerated media. SteelA X65 SteelB SteelC rate corroborated the linear polarization resistance results and This is in corroboration with the results of LPR experiments canbeattributedtothechemicalcompositionsandmicrostruc- and with the report of Jung (Ref 21). tures of the samples. It is evident from Fig. 9 and Table 4 that there was a Figure 10 shows the SEM micrographs of the specimens cathodicshift(i.e.,inthenegativedirection),whichforSteelA corroded in aerated and deaerated 1 wt.% NaCl. A closer (for instance) increased from (cid:2) 607 mVin aerated 10% NaCl 5748—Volume26(12) December 2017 Journal of MaterialsEngineering andPerformance Fig.9 Comparison of Tafel plots of specimens in aerated (a) and deaerated (DA) (a) 1wt.% NaCl, (b) 3.5wt.% NaCl and (c) 10wt.% NaCl solutions Fig.10 SEM micrographs of the samples corroded in 1wt.% aerated and deaerated brine solutions at ambient temperature: (a) Steel A in aer- ated,(b)SteelAindeaerated,(c)SteelBinaerated,(d)SteelBindeaerated,(e)SteelCinaerated,(f)SteelCindeaerated,(g)X65inaerated, (h)X65indeaerated examination of this figure showed that the steels corroded in corrosion rate. Figure 2 reveals that Steels A and X65 have aerated condition exhibited more severe attack than those ferrite–pearlite microstructures with Steel A having more corroded in deaerated solution as reported by Jung et al. (Ref ferritic phase and larger grain size (Table 3). On the other 21).The presence, amount and distribution of various hand, X65 has more pearlites and smaller grain sizes. microstructural phases have considerable influence on the This difference in microstructure is dependent on the corrosion behavior of steels offering significant protective and chemical composition and the thermo-mechanical processes adherent properties to the corrosion product. The variation in involvedinproduction.Thishasbeenreportedintheliteratures pearlite/ferrite ratio and the grain size of the specimens shown (Ref 40, 42) that carbon steels with the same chemical in Table 2 could have contributed to the witnessed trend in composition can exhibit different microstructures and vice Journal of Materials Engineering andPerformance Volume26(12)December 2017—5749 versadependingonheattreatmentroute.Thiscansignificantly carbon content formed carbides with Cr (Ref 38, 66–68) affect the corrosion behavior (protective and adherent proper- leading to increased cathodic site and therefore increased tiesofcorrosionfilm)ofcarbonsteel.Whenafreshlypolished corrosion rate (Ref 29, 41). carbon and low-alloyed steel with ferrite–pearlite microstruc- The work of Kermani et al. (Ref 38) also showed that tures is immersed inan electrolyte, selective dissolution ofthe vanadium (V) had a major beneficial effect in reducing ferrite phase takes place leaving the pearlite unaffected. The corrosion rate and that Vin the excess of 50% stoichiometric undissolved pearlite forms cementite platelets. The adherence ratio of carbon is needed to obtain the best combination of andprotectivenessofthecorrosionproductfilmisrelatedtothe corrosion resistance. Thus, using simple charge/mass balance presence of these cementite platelets which strengthen and calculation,onlyabout 0.005 wt.% Cisrequired to precipitate anchor the films to the metal substrate (Ref 42, 45). Some as carbide with the available V in Steel C (Table 1). Conse- authors (Ref 32, 41, 42, 61) have also reported that cementite quently,theexcess/balanceCcontentwillprecipitatewithCras acts as cathode, while the ferrite acts as the anode in ferrite– chromiumcarbide.Thisalsocontributedtoincreasedcorrosion pearlite microstructures. It follows that the specimen with rate of Steel C. higher cathode–anode (pearlite–ferrite) ratio should be more susceptible to corrosion attack (Ref 23, 24, 60). Pearlite phase hasalsobeenobservedtoincreasewithcarboncontent(Ref62, 4. Conclusion 63). Therefore, the specimen with higher carbon content has morepearlitephaseandconsequentlygreatercathodetoanode Thecorrosionbehaviorofthreefairlynewgenerationsteels ratio resulting in higher corrosion rate. This phenomenon was in the family of micro-alloyed steel with varying chemical exhibited by the three steels with ferrite–pearlite microstruc- compositions and microstructures and whose corrosion char- tures (Steels A, B and X65) used in this work. acteristics have not been properly understood were compared Another distinctive characteristic of these micro-alloyed with API 5L X65 carbon steel in different concentrations of steels is their grain size as shown in Table 3. Asiful et al. aerated and deaerated brine solutions using linear polarization (Ref 43) noted that small grain microstructures have more resistance, potentiodynamic polarization and weight loss tech- surface area and so are more prone to corrosion attack. It niques.Thecorrosionproductsonthesurfaceofthesteelswere then means that the combine effect of these two factors characterized using SEM/EDAX analysis. From the results of (cathode–anode ratio and grain size) majorly contributed to the experiments, the following conclusions can be drawn: Steel A exhibiting a better corrosion performance than X65. The three fairly new class of micro-alloyed steels exhibited Thus, although Steel A and X65 have the same chemical comparablecorrosionpropertiesofmicro-alloyedsteelshaving composition (Table 1), their different microstructural behav- presented similar corrosion characteristics with the reference iors (Fig. 2) could be due to heat treatment processes used. specimen (API 5L X65). The potentiodynamic polarization This in turn contributed to the witnessed variation in their plotsofthesesteelsshowedawell-definedanodicTafelregion, corrosion performance. Steel B also consist of ferrite–pearlite but the cathodic behavior indicated a mixed charge and mass phase with finer grain size and globular structure leading to transfer control reactions with a more pronounced limiting porous and flaky corrosion film with poor adhesion as shown currentplateausintheaeratedsolution.Thiswasascribedtothe in Fig. 10(c) and (d) and hence exhibiting a much lower mass-transport limitations of oxygen reduction reactions occa- corrosion resistance than Steel A and X65. This corroborated sioned by the presence of dissolved oxygen in the aerated the report of Islam and Farhat (Ref 22). The protruding solutionsleadingtoabout80%highercorrosionratethaninthe laminar cementite can be clearly seen in Fig. 10 for steels A deaerated solutions. The corrosion rate of these proprietary (Fig. 10a and b) and X65 (Fig. 10g and h), suggesting that steelsincreasedwithincreaseinNaClconcentrationdisplaying the ferrite phases have suffered dissolution, while the a threshold in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solutions due to decrease in the cementite appeared unaffected (Ref 64). solubilityofoxygen(saltingout)andtheadsorptionofchloride SteelCconsistsofbainiticstructureswithdispersedacicular on the surface of the steels. Also, the specimens demonstrated ferrite. This formed a sludge-like corrosion product which variationsincorrosionratewhich waslinkedtotheirchemical according to Zhao (Ref 39) renders the specimen unprotected composition and microstructures whereby the specimens with against corrosion attack. These sludge-like corrosion products ferrite–pearlitemicrostructuresaswellassmallergrainsizeand allowtheingressofcorrosionspeciestothesubstrateleadingto lesscarboncontentpresentedbettercorrosionresistanceinboth severecorrosionspallation(Ref64)asshowninFig. 10(e)and aerated and deaerated solutions. In general, the results of the (f). Steel C also has high Cr and Mo content. These elements variouscorrosiontechniquesandthesurfaceanalysisemployed improvecorrosionresistancebyfavoringpassivity(Ref29,38, corroborated each other and showed that the corrosion rate 41,46,65).Kermanietal.(Ref38)andKermaniandMorshed (CR) of the specimens can be ranked as CR <CR < SteelA X65 (Ref 46) observed that an optimum Cr content, which is CR <CR . Thus, within the limit of experimental SteelB SteelC subjectedtootheralloyingconstituentsandheattreatment,had error,onlySteelAshowedabettercorrosionperformancethan a significant beneficial role on the CO2 corrosion performance the reference specimen (API 5L X65). ofthesteels.Uedaetal.(Ref65)showedthatbelow60 (cid:3)C,the effect of Cr addition in enhancing corrosion performance was effectivewithCrcontentmorethan1 wt.%.Otherauthors(Ref Acknowledgment 62, 63) have equally reported that the corrosion resistance of carbon steels deceases with increasing carbon content. It then Wewishtoacknowledgeandappreciatethesponsorshipofthis means that due to high carbon content and low Cr content work by Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF), (< 1 wt.%), the effect of Cr in enhancing corrosion perfor- Abuja, Nigeria. For supplying the micro-alloyed steels used in manceofsteelCwasnotpronounced.Thisisbecausethehigh thiswork,we say thankyouto ProfessorB. Kermani. 5750—Volume26(12) December 2017 Journal of MaterialsEngineering andPerformance