ZoologicalResearch 33(E3−4):E47−E56 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1141.2012.E03-04E47 Preliminary analysis of the mitochondrial genome evolutionary pattern in primates LiangZHAO1,2,XingtaoZHANG1,XingkuiTAO1,WeiweiWANG1,MingLI2,* 1.FacultyofBiology,SuzhouUniversity,SuzhouAnhui 234000,China; 2.InstituteofZoology,theChineseAcademyofSciences,Beijing 100101,China Abstract:Sincethebirthofmolecularevolutionaryanalysis,primateshavebeenacentralfocusofstudyandmitochondrialDNAis well suited to these endeavors because of its unique features. Surprisingly, to date no comprehensive evaluation of the nucleotide substitutionpatternshasbeenconductedonthemitochondrialgenomeofprimates.Here,weanalyzedtheevolutionarypatternsand evaluatedselectionandrecombinationinthemitochondrialgenomesof44PrimatesspeciesdownloadedfromGenBank.Theresults revealedthatastrongrateheterogeneityoccurredamongsitesandgenesinallcomparisons.Likewise,anobviousdeclineinprimate nucleotidediversitywasnotedinthesubunitrRNAsandtRNAsascomparedtotheprotein-codinggenes.Within13protein-coding genes, the pattern of nonsynonymous divergence was similar to that of overall nucleotide divergence, while synonymous changes differedonlyforindividualgenes,indicatingthattherateheterogeneitymayresultfromtherateofchangeatnonsynonymoussites. Codonusageanalysisrevealedthattherewasintermediatecodonusagebiasinprimateprotein-codinggenes,andsupportedtheidea thatGCmutationpressuremightdeterminecodonusageandthatpositiveselectionisnotthedrivingforceforthecodonusagebias. Neutralitytestsusingsite-specificpositiveselectionfromaBayesianframeworkindicatednositeswereunderpositiveselectionfor any gene, consistent with near neutrality. Recombination tests based on the pairwise homoplasy test statistic supported complete linkage even for much olderdivergentprimate species.Thus, with theexceptionof rate heterogeneityamong mitochondrial genes, evaluating the validity assumed complete linkage and selective neutrality in primates prior to phylogenetic or phylogeographic analysisseemsunnecessary. Keywords:Mitochondrialgenome;Evolutionarypattern;Codonusagebias;Completelinkage;Evolutionneutrality;Primates The mitochondrial genome of vertebrates exhibits molecule is adaptive. Nonetheless, of the numerous several peculiar features including maternal inheritance, single mtDNA gene studies and several complete the presence of single-copy orthologous genes, a lack of mitochondrial genome comparisons published over the recombination, evolutionary neutrality, and a high past two decades, very few have been able to reject mutationrate—characteristicsthatmakeitwellsuitedfor neutrality in favor of positive Darwinian selection evolutionary studies (Pesole et al, 1999; Saccone et al, (García-Martínez et al, 1998; Rand et al, 1994). Indeed, 2000).Among all the characteristics and assumptions of previous studies on vertebrates indicated that different the mitochondrial genome, the two most important levels of variability are attributable to1functional aspects for explaining the evolutionary process are the constraints and/or slightly deleterious polymorphisms, a presumed freedom from positive Darwinian (adaptive) natural selection and lack of recombination. Mitochondrial proteins are central to the cellular Received:19January2012;Accepted:27June2012 oxidative phosphorylation pathway and are functionally Foundationitems:ThisprojectwassupportedbytheNational Basic conservedacrossmetazoanphyla(Grayetal, 1999).The Research Program of China (973 Program: 2007CB411600), the importance of these mtDNA protein products supports NaturalScienceFoundationofChina(30630016;30570292) the hypothesis that some variation in the mtDNA *Correspondingauthor,E-mail:[email protected] SciencePress Volume33 IssuesE3−4 E48 ZHAO,etal. pattern consistent with near neutrality (Nachman et al, 1 MaterialsandMethods 1996;Templeton,1996). 1.1 Sequences Recombination breaks down the correlation in 54Mitogenomicsequencesfrom44primate species genealogical history between different regions of a were downloaded from GenBank (Table 1). All 54 genome, which may be the incorrect inference of sequences were aligned, edited, and compared using the evolutionary history (Schierup & Hein, 2000). The issue Sequencher 4.5 (Gene Codes Corporation, Ann Arbor, of whether recombination occurs in the human MI). We excluded all gaps and ambiguous alignment mitochondrial genome remains controversial as the sites, resulting in 14,764 bp of sequence from the 13 necessary enzymes for recombination are in fact present protein-coding, 2 rRNA, and 21 of the 22 tRNA genes. in the mitochondria, and a few paternal mitochondria do Protein-coding sequences from the L-strand-encoded penetrate the egg during fertilization (Thyagarajan et al, genes (ND6 and 8 tRNA genes) were converted into 1996),providingevidencethatsuggestsrecombinationis complementary strand sequences. The tRNA-Glu gene possible, at least in humans. Recent broad surveys of and the Control Region were not included because the animal mitochondrial genomes have also concluded that alignments ofthosesequences aredifficultdueto a large recombination is widespread (Piganeau et al, 2004; numberofhighlyvariablesites,insertions,anddeletions. Tsaousis et al, 2005). Another interesting issue about 1.2 Phylogeneticanalysesandsequencediversity evolutionary patterns of the mitochondrial genome is the The genealogical relationships between the codon usage bias in its protein-coding genes. Many mitochondrial genomes were analyzed by parsimony studies have analyzed the differences in codon usage usingPAUP*(Swofford,2002).Bootstrapping(Felsenstein, betweendifferentorganismsandbetweenproteinswithin 1985) was used to test monophyly. For this study, 1,000 the same organism (Bulmer, 1991; Kanaya et al, 2001; pseudosamples were generated to estimate the bootstrap Sharp et al, 1995) and one of their main conclusions is proportions. that there are strong correlations between codon usage Nucleotide diversity (π) was calculated for all 13 andgenomicGCcontent.Moreover,humancodonusage protein-coding, 2 rRNA, and 21 concatenated tRNA may be determined solely by GC content and its genes. Measures of sequence diversity were also isochores composition (Kanaya et al, 2001). Despite calculated by the sliding window method using the suggestive evidence and hypothesis, the relationships DnaSP 4.10 (Rozas et al, 2003). A window (500 bp in between codon usage and the underlying evolutionary length)wasmovedalongthesequencesinstepsof50bp. constraintsarestillnotfullyunderstood(Pratetal,2009). Patterns of nucleotide diversity for all positions as well Since the birth of molecular evolutionary analysis, as patterns of synonymous and nonsynonymous theevolutionaryrelationshipsofourownorder,primates, nucleotidevariationwerecalculatedineachwindow,and havebeenofcentralinterest.Strangely,nocomprehensive the value was assigned to the nucleotide at the midpoint and accurate evaluation for the nucleotide substitution of the window. The gamma parameter alpha (α), which pattern(s) of the various mtDNA genes (i.e., tRNA and represents the extent of rate heterogeneity among sites, rRNAgenes, synonymous andnonsynonymous positions was estimated from the individual data sets with TREE- of protein-coding genes) have been conducted to date. PUZZLE5.2(Schmidtetal,2002)usingthe8-categories Most primate studies demonstrated mtDNAevolutionary option. neutrality and no recombination, and generally reported 1.3Codonusagebias mtDNA still evolves about 5- to 10-fold more rapidly Several parameters related to codon usage bias, than single-copy nuclear DNA (nDNA) (Brown et al, such as the codon bias index (Morton, 1993), the 1982)atanoverallnucleotidesubstitutionrateof1%per effective number of codons (Wright, 1990), and G +C millionyears(Brownetal,1979;Wilsonetal,1985). content at second and third positions as well as overall As large libraries of whole-mtDNA genome wereestimatedforeach primatemitochondrialprotein- sequences from primates accumulate, we are able to coding genes using DnaSP 4.10 (Rozas et al, 2003). conduct more sophisticated genome-wide analyses to Furthermore, to determine whether the compositional obtain solid information on the pattern of whole-mtDNA changes of the nucleotide content in the primate genomeevolutioninprimates whilealsodeterminingthe mitochondrial protein-coding genes are caused by relative evolutionary rate of each mitochondrial directional mutation pressure or a result of positive component. Here, we report on the rates and patterns of selection, we performed a correlation analysis. If the mtDNA sequence variation and the codon usage in nucleotide bias affects both the synonymous and primates and describe the results of tests conducted to nonsynonymous sites in protein-coding genes, positive detectrecombinationandselection.Theseresultswillnot selection could not solely explain this phenomenon, only be of interest in their own right but will also have because positive selection should not affect silent implications for the use of mtDNA in evolutionary nucleotide positions. The correlation analysis of GC studiesofprimates. content at the second codon position (nonsynonymous ZoologicalResearch www.zoores.ac.cn Preliminaryanalysisofthemitochondrialgenomeevolutionarypatterninprimates E49 Table1 PrimatetaxaandGenBankaccessionnumbersformitochondriagenomegenes. GenBank GenBank Family Taxon Family Taxon AccessionNo. AccessionNo. Galagidae Galagosenegalensis AB371092 Presbytismelalophos DQ355299 Otolemurcrassicaudatus AB371093 Pygathrixnemaeus DQ355302 Lorisidae Nycticebuscoucang AJ309867 Pygathrixroxellana DQ355300 Loristardigradus AB371094 Nasalislarvatus DQ355298 Perodicticuspotto AB371095 Chlorocebuspygerythrus1 EF597501 Daubentoniidae Daubentoniamadagascariensis1 AM905039 Chlorocebuspygerythrus2 EF597500 Daubentoniamadagascariensis2 AB371085 Cercopithecusaethiopssabaeus DQ069713 Indriidae Propithecusverreauxi AB286049 Papiohamadryas Y18001 Lemuridae Vareciavariegata AB371089 Theropithecusgelada FJ785426 Lemurcatta AJ421451 Macacasylvanus AJ309865 Eulemurmacaco AB371088 Macacathibetana EU294187 Eulemurmongoz AM905040 Macacamulatta AY612638 Eulemurfulvusmayottensis AB371087 Macacafascicularis FJ906803 Eulemurfulvusfulvus AB371086 Hylobatidae Hylobateslar X99256 Tarsiidae Tarsiussyrichta AB371090 Pongopygmaeus D38115 Tarsiusbancanus AF348159 Pongoabelii X97707 Cebidae Saguinusoedipus FJ785424 Gorillagorilla1 D38114 Cebusalbifrons AJ309866 Gorillagorilla2 X93347 Aotidae Aotuslemurinus FJ785421 Pantroglodytes1 EU095335 Atelidae Atelesbelzebuth FJ785422 Pantroglodytes2 D38113 Pitheciidae Callicebusdonacophilus FJ785423 Pantroglodytes3 X93335 Cebidae Saimirisciureus1 AB371091 Panpaniscus D38116 Saimirisciureus2 FJ785425 Homosapiens1 AM948965 Cercopithecidae Procolobusbadius DQ355301 Homosapiens2 X93334 Colobusguereza AY863427 Homosapiens3 D38112 Semnopithecusentellus DQ355297 Homosapiens4 AM711903 Trachypithecusobscurus AY863425 Homosapiens5 AF346992 mutations related, GC ) and GC content at third position also employed the pairwise homoplasy test (Φ ), a 2 W (synonymous mutations related, GC ) with CG content relatively new and robust statistical estimator of s3 of all protein codon genes (GCc) were implemented recombination (Bruen et al, 2006) that is a coalescent- usingR2.6.2(Ihaka&Gentleman,1996). based estimator of the genealogical correlation or 1.4 Testsofneutrality compatibility amongsites,which is negativelycorrelated To investigate protein evolution, we first calculated to recombination. The estimator was calculated, and its d /d ratios among the set of 54 primate data and tested significance was estimated via a permutation test using N S their significance using Z-tests (Nei & Kumar, 2000) for Splitstree4.10(Huson&Bryant,2006). each of the 13 protein-coding genes as implemented by MEGA4.0 (Tamura et al, 2007). We also tested for site- 2 Results specific positive selection with Bayesian posterior probabilities under the Ny98 fitness regime (0<ω <1, 2.1 Phylogeneticanalysesandsequencediversity 1 ω =1, and ω >1) (Nielsen & Yang, 1998) as described The parsimony tree for primates, based on the 2 3 and implemented by MrBayes 3.1.2 (Huelsenbeck & mitochondrial genome, is shown in Figure 1. Each Ronquist,2001;Ronquist&Huelsenbeck,2003). internalnodewassupportedbymorethan80%bootstrap 1.5 Testsofrecombination (data not shown). The mtDNApolymorphism data and We calculated the Kelly (1997) measure of linkage estimates of nucleotide divergence are summarized in disequilibrium (ZnS); ZnS being the average of R2(Hill Table 2, and the distributions of sequence diversity & Robertson, 1968) over all pairwise comparisons. We acrossthemitochondrialgenomearepresentedinFigure KunmingInstituteofZoology(CAS),China ZoologicalSociety Volume33 IssuesE3−4 E50 ZHAO,etal. Figure1 Parsimonytreeof54primatesbasedonmitochondrialgenome(H~H wereselectednodesforrecombinationtests) 1 6 2.Anobviousdeclineinprimatenucleotidediversitywas acrosstheprimatemitochondrialgenome. notedin the subunit rRNAs and tRNAs as compared to 2.2 Codonusage theprotein-codinggenes.Amongthe13protein-coding Severalparametersrelatedtocodonusagebiaswere genes,ATP8-ATP6andtheNADHdehydrogenase(ND) estimated to check whether synonymous mutations are complex (with the exception of ND1) showed higher selectively neutral. The codon bias index (CBI) is a rates of sequence diversity, while the cytochrome measure of the deviation from the equal use of oxidase(COX)complexexhibitedlowerdiversitywithin synonymouscodonswithvaluesrangingfrom0(uniform Primates.Notably,thenonsynonymousdivergenceplots useofsynonymouscodons)to1(maximumcodonbias). weresimilartothoseobtainedfromthetotalnucleotide CBIvalueswereintermediateinourstudy,rangingfrom divergence,butthetrendwasnotobservedinthesliding- 0.354to0.504(Table3).Theeffectivenumberofcodons window plot of synonymous divergence.Although the (ENC), which may range from 20 (only one codon is COX complex exhibited an obvious decline in total used for each amino acid; i.e., the codon bias is nucleotidedivergenceandnonsynonymous divergence, maximum)to61(allsynonymouscodonsforeachamino these genes had higher rates of synonymous diversity. acidareequallyused;i.e.,nocodonbias),werelikewise Basedontheestimatedgammaparameteralpha(α),the intermediate in the primates mitochondrial protein rate heterogeneity among sites was not even, but the condoning genes (Table 3). GC content at the second pattern of heterogeneity among sites was distributed position(GC )rangedfrom38.0%to40.4%,GCcontent 2 ZoologicalResearch www.zoores.ac.cn Preliminaryanalysisofthemitochondrialgenomeevolutionarypatterninprimates E51 Table2 Characteristicsforeachgenedatasetinthe54 Table3 Summaryofcodonusageindexof13concatenated Mitogenomicsequencesfrom44primatespecies protein genes from 44 Primates species Mitogenomicsequences Genedataset N πtotal πsyn. πnonsyn. α Proteingenes Organism ENC CBI GC2 GC3s GCc ND1 954 0.22594 0.56062 0.10797 0.6400 Galagosenegalensis 44.147 0.406 0.393 0.390 0.412 ND2 1032 0.28488 0.55369 0.19488 0.6829 Otolemurcrassicaudatus 43.363 0.428 0.399 0.449 0.441 COX1 1533 0.19501 0.65372 0.04446 0.6678 Nycticebuscoucang 41.565 0.470 0.397 0.400 0.423 COX2 678 0.24309 0.62540 0.11977 0.6908 Loristardigradus 46.337 0.363 0.394 0.386 0.413 Perodicticuspotto 42.444 0.461 0.390 0.348 0.394 ATP8-ATP6 834 0.28099 0.59298 0.17451 0.8017 Daubentoniamadagascariensis1 44.075 0.399 0.383 0.363 0.402 COX3 783 0.21378 0.60615 0.08494 0.7019 Propithecusverreauxi 43.910 0.406 0.399 0.417 0.420 ND3 342 0.26373 0.58340 0.15246 0.9531 Vareciavariegata 44.723 0.389 0.389 0.327 0.388 ND4L 294 0.25770 0.61033 0.13563 0.6112 Lemurcatta 45.347 0.383 0.394 0.373 0.407 ND4 1359 0.25191 0.56225 0.14085 0.6478 Eulemurmacaco 44.925 0.383 0.393 0.381 0.410 ND5 1788 0.25525 0.56755 0.14766 0.7309 Eulemurmongoz 45.215 0.380 0.394 0.382 0.410 ND6 486 0.25715 0.50608 0.17487 0.6829 Eulemurfulvusmayottensis 45.045 0.396 0.391 0.331 0.388 Cytb 1134 0.22837 0.57817 0.11319 0.7729 Eulemurfulvusfulvus 43.987 0.406 0.390 0.346 0.392 13concatenated Tarsiussyrichta 45.321 0.395 0.392 0.348 0.399 11217 0.24287 0.58072 0.13166 0.7410 proteingenes Tarsiusbancanus 45.541 0.364 0.388 0.338 0.393 RNAgenes Saguinusoedipus 42.664 0.409 0.383 0.339 0.389 12srRNA 864 0.15497 0.6910 Cebusalbifrons 42.905 0.398 0.385 0.307 0.379 16srRNA 1424 0.16676 0.6700 Aotuslemurinus 44.815 0.367 0.385 0.334 0.390 21concatenatedtRNA Atelesbelzebuth 44.227 0.385 0.385 0.325 0.388 genes(excluding 1259 0.13533 0.5689 lysinetRNA) Callicebusdonacophilus 44.608 0.367 0.387 0.331 0.391 Allgenes 14764 0.22121 0.7229 Saimirisciureus1 44.552 0.368 0.387 0.331 0.390 N:Numberofsites;πtotal:nucleotidediversityforallsites;πsyn.:nucleotide Procolobusbadius 45.041 0.420 0.401 0.458 0.441 diversityforsynonymoussites;πnonsyn.:nucleotidediversityfornonsynonymous Colobusguereza 44.081 0.427 0.397 0.447 0.434 sites;α:rateheterogeneityindex/Gammaparameter. Semnopithecusentellus 44.262 0.415 0.403 0.428 0.429 Trachypithecusobscurus 46.006 0.394 0.382 0.328 0.388 at third codon position (GC ) ranged from 30.7% to s3 Presbytismelalophos 46.065 0.357 0.389 0.379 0.407 50.4%, and overall CG content of the protein codon Pygathrixnemaeus 46.553 0.373 0.387 0.321 0.384 genes (GCc) ranged from 37.4% to 46.5%. Correlation Pygathrixroxellana 46.949 0.354 0.387 0.333 0.387 analysisindicatesthatthenucleotidebiasaffectsboththe Nasalislarvatus 45.514 0.394 0.384 0.311 0.380 synonymous and nonsynonymous sites in protein-coding Chlorocebuspygerythrus1 44.783 0.415 0.400 0.434 0.431 genes. Likewise, there is a highly significant correlation between the GC3s and GCc (R2 =0.9932, P﹤0.001; Cercopithecusaethiopssabaeus 44.474 0.426 0.399 0.439 0.436 Figure3 A). The correlation between GC and GCc is Papiohamadryas 44.504 0.425 0.396 0.440 0.434 2 alsohighlysignificant(R2=0.7772,P﹤0.001;Figure3B). Theropithecusgelada 44.556 0.426 0.400 0.442 0.436 2.3 NeutralityTests Macacasylvanus 44.741 0.434 0.400 0.438 0.434 Asaconservativemeasureofselection,Z-testswere Macacathibetana 45.325 0.375 0.387 0.338 0.389 conducted for each protein-coding gene in all species. In Macacamulatta 45.586 0.377 0.380 0.307 0.374 allcases,d <d washighlysignificant(P=0),consistent N S Macacafascicularis 46.576 0.374 0.387 0.324 0.385 withstrongpurifyingselectionofmitochondrialgenesin Hylobateslar 43.281 0.457 0.397 0.498 0.461 these comparisons. The d /d ratios differed among N S Pongopygmaeus 43.111 0.436 0.397 0.455 0.442 genes(Figure4)andthesedifferencesmaypotentiallybe Pongoabelii 43.123 0.435 0.398 0.454 0.443 attributable to positive selection or variation in levels of functionalconstraintamonggenes.TheATP8,ND2,and Gorillagorilla1 43.177 0.435 0.398 0.454 0.442 ND6 genes were characterized by a dN/dS ratio well Pantroglodytes1 44.396 0.427 0.394 0.456 0.443 above the average, while the COX1 gene ratios were the Panpaniscus 41.489 0.504 0.404 0.504 0.465 lowestamongthespecies.Site-specificpositiveselection Homosapiens1 42.622 0.457 0.397 0.474 0.451 inferred from Bayesian posterior probabilities indicated ENC:Effectivenumberofcodons(Wright,1990);CBI:Codonbiasindex that no sites were under positive selection for any gene (Morton,1993);GC2:GCcontentatthesecondposition;GCs3:GCcontent ofanyofthespecies. atthirdcodonposition;GCc:overallCGcontent. KunmingInstituteofZoology(CAS),China ZoologicalSociety Volume33 IssuesE3−4 E52 ZHAO,etal. Figure3 CorrelationofGCcontentatthethirdcodonposition (GC ),andGCcontentatthesecondposition(GC) s3 2 withoverallCGcontent(GCc) (A) Correlation of GCs3and GCc of coding sequences; (B) CorrelationofGC2andGCcofcodingsequences. test, but the Φ test statistic provided no evidence of W Figure2 Sequencediversityofthemitochondrialgenomeby recombination for each individual data set. Based on our nucleotideposition data sets, the assumption of complete linkage of the Diversitymeasurewascalculatedforaslidingwindowof500 mtDNA genome appears to be justified only between bpwithastepsizeof50bp.(A)Patternsoftotal nucleotide morerecentlydivergentspecies. diversity ( π total) for all positions; (B) patterns of nonsynonymousnucleotidediversity(πnonsyn.)forconcatenated 3 Discussion protein genes; (C) patterns of synonymous nucleotide diversity (πsyn.)forconcatenatedproteingenes. Primate mitochondrial genomes exhibit striking patterns of both polymorphism and substitution rate 2.4 TestsofRecombination heterogeneity among sites and genes, as evidenced by The measures of linkage disequilibrium are sliding-window estimates of sequence diversity, summarized in Table 3. The average R2 (Hill & nonsynonymous and synonymous divergence, and the Robertson1968)acrossallpairwisecomparisons(ZnS) estimatedgammaparameteralpha(α)(Table2,Figure2). foreachindividualdatasetandthepooleddataprovided Less primate nucleotide diversity was observed in the evidence of recombination between relatively distant subunit rRNAs and tRNAs than that in the protein- divergent species but not for more recent divergent coding genes.Among the 13 coding genes, rates were species.The pairwise homoplasy test statistic (Φ )for higher in the ND genes and theATP8-ATP6 gene and W thepooleddataalsoprovidedsimilarresultstotheZnS- lower in the COX complex genes, consistent with the ZoologicalResearch www.zoores.ac.cn Preliminaryanalysisofthemitochondrialgenomeevolutionarypatterninprimates E53 Figure4 Ratiosofnonsynonymous/synonymousratepergeneinthemitochondrialgenomesof54primates. Dottedlineindicatestheaverageratio. Table4 Recombinationtestforprimatemitochondrialgenomes. Internalsubclades(node) Recombin- Gene ationtest H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 ZnS 0.0405** 0.0458** 0.0588** 0.0770** 0.2884 0.7266 ND1 ΦW 1.2488 1.0927 0.8219 0.6476 0.1496 0.0659 ZnS 0.0489** 0.0566** 0.0699** 0.0810* 0.2874 0.7251 ND2 ΦW 1.4217 1.2213 0.9230 0.7143 0.1779 0.0579 ZaS 0.0424** 0.0487** 0.0611** 0.0784** 0.2823 0.7544 COX1 ΦW 1.6117 1.4236 1.1128 0.8265 0.1662 0.0345 ZnS 0.0795** 0.0874** 0.1147 0.0947* 0.2966 0.7880 COX2 ΦW 1.3825 1.1986 0.9053 0.8271 0.1300 0.0000 ZnS 0.0479** 0.0558** 0.0696** 0.0845** 0.3012 0.6755 ATP8-ATP6 ΦW 1.4795 1.2841 0.9917 0.8155 0.1424 0.0772 ZnS 0.0407** 0.0553** 0.0575** 0.0730** 0.2273 0.7828 COX3 ΦW 1.4295 1.2397 0.9946 0.7820 0.2722 0.0029 ZnS 0.0375** 0.0493** 0.0610** 0.0790* 0.2893 0.7436 ND3 ΦW 1.5716 1.3769 0.9752 0.7419 0.2004 0.0751 ZnS 0.0406** 0.0489** 0.0628** 0.0676** 0.2877 0.7621 ND4L ΦW 1.3633 1.2171 0.9726 0.7554 0.1937 0.0811 ZnS 0.0445** 0.0513** 0.0579** 0.0787* 0.2811 0.7561 ND4 ΦW 1.4206 1.2099 0.9199 0.7240 0.1476 0.0101 ZnS 0.0401** 0.0458** 0.0608** 0.0770** 0.2812 0.7088 ND5 ΦW 1.3903 1.2037 0.9311 0.7230* 0.1596 0.0472 ZnS 0.0644* 0.0726* 0.0815* 0.0750** 0.2754 0.7926 ND6 ΦW 1.264 1.1078 0.9061 0.7237 0.1910 0.0163 ZnS 0.0381** 0.0430** 0.0545** 0.0683* 0.2680 0.7586 CYTB ΦW 1.3633 1.2238 0.9792 0.7067 0.2383 0.0398* ZnS 0.0442** 0.0504** 0.0640** 0.0770** 0.2835 0.7394 All-Pro. ΦW 1.2291** 1.0311** 0.9620** 0.7483 0.1691 0.0411 *indicatesp<0.05;**indicatesp<0.01 results from various mammals (Kumazawa et al, 2004). mitochondrialgenomeevolutionattheintraspecificlevel Mostnotably, thenonsynonymous divergenceplots were in humans (Elson et al, 2004) and both the inter- and similartothoseobtainedfromthepooleddatanucleotide intraspecific levels in Drosophila lard (Ballard, 2000), divergence, while the synonymous changes were only where the synonymous distribution was more slightly different between individual genes of mtDNA homogeneous and the nonsynonymous distribution was (Figure 2). Accordingly, rate heterogeneity may result more heterogeneous. Additionally, the results obtained fromtherateofchangeatnonsynonymoussites. here differed from the inter- and intraspecific studies The observed pattern of heterogeneity across the basedonwholegenomeinGadusmorhuaanditsrelative mitochondrial genome was similar to the pattern of species (Marshall et al, 2009). Interestingly, all KunmingInstituteofZoology(CAS),China ZoologicalSociety Volume33 IssuesE3−4 E54 ZHAO,etal. mitochondrial genome comparisons mentioned above Figure 3A) and the correlation between GC and GCc is 2 showed significant rate heterogeneity and site specific also highly significant (R2 =0.7772, Figure 3B). Because hyper-mutability. Possible explanations for rate positive selection should not affect silent nucleotide heterogeneity in the mitochondrial genome include positions, our results support the idea that adaptive selection pressure, variation in the mutation rate of each evolution is not the driving force for the codon usage gene (involving base composition bias and properties of bias, indicating that GC mutation pressure may the L-strand during mtDNA replication) (Marshall et al, determine codon usage in mitochondrial genomes of 2009), and the consequence of neutral mutational effects differentprimatespecies. (Galtier et al, 2006). The detected evolutionary patterns Using a conservative measure of selection, Z-tests ofthemitochondrialgenomewillinfluencethechoiceof indicated that d <d was highly significant (P = 0) in all N S mtDNA regions used for phylogeographic studies, since cases; this result is consistent with purifying selection of the more variable regions of the genome harbor excess mitochondrial genes. A similar result was first found homoplasy relative to the more slowly evolving regions duringanalysisofthemitochondrialgenomesofhumans, (Galtier et al, 2006). Marshall et al (2009) proposed that chimpanzees, and gorillas (Hasegawa et al, 1998) and the more variable regions of the mitochondrial genome also reported in additional studies on fruit flies, humans harbor excess homoplasy relative to the more slowly and Atlantic cod (Ballard, 2000; Elson et al, 2004; evolving regions, so choosing to examine more slowly Marshall et al, 2009). However, site-specific positive evolvingregionsforevolutionaryanalysisamongspecies, selection from a Bayesian perspective indicates that no andevenwithinspecies,withanincreaseinthesequence sites are under positive selection for any gene of any of lengthmaybewiser.Basedontheprimatemitochondrial the species, indicating that most mutations are nearly genome comparison in this study, we suggest that the neutral or slightly deleterious, a pattern consistent with subunit rRNAs genes, tRNAs genes, and the COX the nearly neutral theory of molecular evolution complex genes may be promising sites for future proposed by Ohta (1973). Our results therefore indicate investigationsofprimatephylogeography. that the evolutionary pattern of primate mitochondrial CBIs estimated in this studyrevealed thattherewas genomes and each single mitochondrial gene did not intermediate codon usage bias in primate protein-coding severelydeviatefromevolutionaryneutrality. genes (Table.3). Several evolutionary processes have A presumed absence of recombination is another been postulated as the major factors that determine key feature of mtDNA that makes it a useful codonusage.Foranumberofdifferentorganisms,itwas phylogeographic molecule (Marshall et al, 2009). The suggested that codon usage was best explained by uniparental inheritance of mtDNA indicates that selection for tRNA abundance, gene expression levels, recombination should be rare or absent, but a broad and translational optimization (Duret, 2000). In other survey of 267 published animal mtDNA data sets by cases, the codon usage was explained by mutation rate, Piganeau et al(2004) provided indirect evidence of mutation preference (Powell & Moriyama, 1997), recombination in more than 14% of cases. Based on the environmental conditions (Goodarzi et al, 2008), pairwise comparisons (ZnS) and the pairwise homoplasy generationtime(Subramanian,2008),andrecombination test statistic (Φ ) for the 13 concatenated protein genes, W rates (Meunier & Duret, 2004). Although the the assumption of complete linkage of the mtDNA relationships between codon usage and the underlying genome appears to be justified only between more evolutionary constraints are still not fully understood, recently divergent species. However, no evidence of twomajorparadigms ofcodon usagehavebeenfoundin recombination among the individual genes was detected most species (Prat et al, 2009). Natural selection is with the pairwise homoplasy test statistic (Φ ) even W expected to yield a correlation with codon bias in more among the more divergent species, indicating that highly expressed genes. Alternatively, codon bias could recombination is perhaps a result of substitution rate be generated by strictly neutral processes, such as heterogeneity in the primate mtDNA genomes. mutational biases, where some mutations occur more Additionally, as the lineage divergence increases, the than others across the genome by local variations in the divergence of each individual gene may produce base composition (Duret, 2002). Correlation analysis artificial significant ZnS values based on all pairwise indicates that the nucleotide bias affects both the comparisons from the pooled data and may lead to false synonymous and nonsynonymous sites in primate detection of recombination. Thus, it appears unnecessary protein-coding genes. There is a highly significant to consider the effects of recombination on the evolution correlation between the GC3s and GCc (R2 =0.9932, ofmtDNAinprimates. 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