Prehistoric Rock Art Research in the Western Desert of Egypt Heiko Riemer, University of Cologne, Germany Introduction During the most recent past there has been an enormous increase in the discovery of new rock art sites in the Western Desert, The following paper will focus on two aspects: which goes along with the growing tourism First, it will argue from the most recent de- in this area. However, in contrast to this, velopment as to why rock art research in the Egyptian rock art in the Western Desert has Western Desert is a desideratum and therefore not been properly recognized as a rich and most pressing in any future perspectives of important archive by specialists in the field professional archaeological work in this area. of rock art research. This does not mean This aspect is the major conclusion of the pa- that surveys on rock art do not exist from per, but stands at the beginning, as it introdu- the area west of the Nile, but the Western ces the state of art that forms the basis of any Desert rock art is generally less well-studied overview in the fi eld of rock art research. Se- than the vivid rock paintings of the central cond, the paper will introduce what we know Sahara or the depictions of the Eastern De- about Western Desert rock art viewed from ar- sert and the Nubian Nile Valley. What can chaeological research that aims at the recons- be summarized about the present state in truction of cultural chronologies and socio- rock art research is a frame of reference, in economic developments during the Holocene. particular in chronology, evidenced from This is not an overview sensu stricto, as it is pri- investigations in the climatic development marily based on the results of two long-lasting and settlement history of the Western De- research projects of the University of Cologne sert during the past decades. The intention namely, B.O.S. from the 1980s (“Settlement his- of this paper is, however, not only to present tory of the Eastern Sahara”) and the ACACIA a brief overview of this groundwork, but to sub-project “Settlement history and climatic stress the urgent need of professional and development between the Nile Valley and the systematic studies in rock art research. Central Sahara” between 1995 and 2007. Res- tricting this paper to only these two large-scale projects ultimately could have led to the dan- n°19 - janvier 2009 ● ARCHÉO-NIL 31 Heiko Riemer ger of subjectivism, by possibly ignoring other starting with Kemal el Din during his 1925 and valuable projects that conducted research in 1926 campaigns. The highest peaks of discove- the Western Desert. However, the approach of red sites per year are to be found in years where B.O.S. and ACACIA was to view the Western the earliest expeditions devoted to archaeology Desert settlement history as a whole, focussing set off to the Gilf Kebir and Ouenat: the DIAFE on a large geographical area, and referring to 11 in 1933 (German Central-African Research rock art as being part of a more extended cor- expedition) by Frobenius, Rhotert, and Almásy pus of cultural expressions. This should be a (Rhotert 1952); and the Sir Robert Mond De- good starting point for an evaluation of the sert Expedition in 1938 by Bagnold, Myers, and potential and need in any further research. Winkler (Winkler 1938; 1939). After the heyday of desert exploration during the 1930s, rock art research stagnated during the decades after Why rock art research is World War II, with the notable exception of the needed in the Western Desert Belgian Mission to Ouenat in 1968/69 which led to the discovery of a substantial number of As it is not intended here to give an introduc- new sites (Van Noten 1978). tion to the history of rock art discovery and Since the beginning of the 21st century, the research in the Western Desert, interested number of known rock art sites has been more readers are referred to competently written than doubled (Zboray’s work closes with the overviews given in Huyge 2003, Le Quellec publication in 2005; for following years see et al. 2005, Le Quellec & Huyge 2008, and in Zboray 2008 and others in past issues of Sahara Zboray 2005. This paper will stress the very journal). During only three years, from 2002 recent development of rock art discoveries, until 2004, more than 100 sites were discovered as it illustrates a serious problem which rock per annum. This exponential increase in the art research currently has to deal with. number of sites resulted from discoveries of de- The majority of known rock art sites go back sert enthusiasts, a development which ultima- to the discoveries of amateurs. This is not the tely went along with the opening of the Western crucial point, as recordings made by some ama- Desert for off-road tourism. teurs have archived valuable information, but it For other Western Desert regions we are less stands in sharp contrast to the number of syste- well-informed; but the change that Ouenat and matic investigations in this fi eld. We are not in- Gilf Kebir have seen during the past years may formed yet about the exact number of known be a good example for the entire Western De- sites, nor are there any fi nal results published sert, though the development appears to be not from the very few recent projects that have been fully identical in other regions. The increase of carried out more detailed studies. visits at the Djara Cave, evidenced by the en- Thanks to the fi ne compilation by Zboray tries of visiting groups in the guest book of the (2005), which has claim to being a complete cave between its discovery in 1989 and the close list of the known rock art sites discovered in the of the statistic in 2000, indicate a tendency that Ouenat and Gilf Kebir region, a good overview appears to be congruent with the development about the number of sites and their history of in Egypt’s southwest (fi g. 1). discovery for this part of the Western Desert Despite the growing exploration, none of the is at our disposal. It illustrates the dilemma in sites discovered in the past years has seen any which rock art research became stuck during groundwork in complete documentation, sys- the past decades. tematic examination, or dating, a fact that is, Zboray (2005) has listed nearly 600 rock art likewise, connected to the general lack of well sites that have been discovered in the Ouenat/ assessed scientifi c research in the fi eld of rock Gilf Kebir region since Hassanein Bey reached art. It is, however, not only the unbalanced rela- Jebel Ouenat and made the fi rst discoveries of tion between scientifi c studies and amateur dis- rock art on this mountain (fi g. 1) in 1923. The coveries and the resulting growth of speculative following peaks of discoveries are connected interpretations of some images, which makes to the early exploration of the Western Desert scientifi c research pressing; even more serious 32 ARCHÉO-NIL ● n°19 - janvier 2009 Prehistoric Rock Art Research in the Western Desert of Egypt Fig. 1 is the ongoing destruction of rock art sites du- meaning of individual depictions are nume- Discoveries (or ring the past years. They suffer whenever there rous, as well as comparisons of similar images in fi rst reports) of rock art sites per are increased numbers of visitors, in particular distant regions, which often led to postulations year in the Gilf at unprotected sites in the desert areas. Althou- of far ranging cultural contacts over hundreds Kebir/Ouenat region (in columns) gh vandalism and criminal destruction exist, of kilometres. The latter applies, in particular, to illustrating the much damage is caused without intention; the popular view that features of Saharan rock results of the most important research nevertheless it occurs. Modern carvings and art can be attributed to Egyptian iconography expeditions and inscriptions are added to the images; water and pointing to hypothetical infl uences of desert the increase of discoveries during oil have been spread on the paintings to make cultures onto Predynastic, Early Dynastic or the most recent them visible; moreover, trampling and artefact Pharaonic Egypt or vice versa. This kind of of- past (source: collecting destroys the prehistoric habitation si- ten poorly assessed and highly subjective inter- Zboray 2005; the statistic closes with tes in the surrounding area. pretation creates an atmosphere of indifference the publication of Recently, a number of attempts have been made, to careful groundwork in rock art research, im- Zboray’s DVD in 2005). The line which claimed to better protect the sites in the plying that dating, recording and interpretation gives the tendency Western Desert. Among them are activities of of rock art in the Western Desert had fully been of visits of groups at Djara Cave tour-operators and non-governmental initia- archived. In fact, the identifi cation and cultu- (after a statistic by tives, as well as governmental support, both ral affi liation of rock depictions in the Western Kindermann based on entries in the from the Egyptian side and foreign countries. Desert suffer from serious problems in dating, guest book posted The declaration of the Gilf Kebir-Ouenat Park which cannot be resolved by typological means in the cave after by the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency alone. Direct dating or stratigraphical methods its re-discovery by Bergmann in (EEAA) to protect the natural and cultural he- have not been applied to Western Desert parie- 1989). ritage of the area is the most outstanding result tal art as of yet; studies on the basis of long-las- in terms of public response that can be listed ting recordings and statistically suffi cient cor- (Kuper 2007). Nevertheless, how to protect ar- puses have not been carried out yet, although, chaeological sites effi ciently in remote desert a small number of valuable studies presented in regions remains an unsolved problem. this volume point to a beginning in this fi eld. The rock art of the Western Desert of Egypt has What currently exists is not more than what is not received much professional study compa- known about the distribution of a number of red to rock art in other regions of the Sahara, sites and some careful assumptions that can be although the corpus of rock art sites between made about styles and techniques. the Nile Valley and the Central Sahara probably In contrast to the rock art research, the past de- numbers nearly one thousand known sites. An cades have seen a growth in knowledge in the overview of what is known in the fi eld of rock settlement history and the climatic and envi- art research is ultimately limited by the poor ronmental development of the Western Desert knowledge about the dating and interpretation during the last 12,000 years, derived from the of the rock art. Speculations referring to the intensive study of habitation sites with pot- n°19 - janvier 2009 ● ARCHÉO-NIL 33 Heiko Riemer tery and lithic material through a number of migrational shift of the desert dwellers into the large-scale excavation projects. More than 500 remaining refuges and to the Nile Valley is an 14C-dates were archived for the Holocene pre- important factor for the formation of the early history and provide a formidable background Predynastic cultures along the river Nile during of the dating and chronology of the cultural the 5th millennium calBC (Riemer & Kinder- and environmental change (Kuper & Kröpelin mann 2008). 2006). It is therefore the intension of this paper Although the general trend of the climatic de- to start from this groundwork in climatic and velopment was that towards hyper-aridity, it cultural history to view aspects of distribution, needed thousands of years to complete. Conse- chronology, and economic relevance of the quently, in some desert refuges, the occupation Western Desert rock art. history lasted until the decrease of settlement activities, somewhat longer than in other areas. This step-like retreat of the rains forms the ba- Rock art research sis to estimate when rock depictions could have in the light of climatic change been created in specifi c regions of the Western Desert. and settlement history During the Holocene humid phase there was green grass on sand dunes, and shallow water Increased rainfall during the so-called Holo- pools dotted the landscape when downpours cene humid phase, which lasted approximately had set on during the rainy season. The vegeta- from 9,000 to 5,000 calBC, turned the Sahara tion attracted game such as gazelles, antelopes, into a dry savannah-like environment with and ostriches, and to some extent, also giraffes acacia trees and tamarisks (Kuper & Kröpelin (Van Neer & Uerpmann 1989), and in turn 2006). The humid phase was associated with an hunters and gatherers set off from the oases intensifi cation of the African Monsoon caused and the Nile Valley to the savannah for hunting by greater northern hemisphere summer insu- activity and the exploitation of plants and wild lation, a process that was not only due to war- grass seeds. To some minor extent, herding of ming but also to a substantial upset in effective sheep, goat or cattle represented an additional moisture in North Africa. element of their economy, but did not tend to The human occupational history of the Wes- dominate the subsistence until the drying trend tern Desert, archived by more than 500 14C- was under way during the 5th millennium calBC dates and related archaeological sites, currently (Riemer 2007b). As a consequence, desert areas forms the best source to exemplify the clima- which turned dry during the earliest stages of tic development during the Holocene (Ku- the drying process at the end of the 6th millen- per & Kröpelin 2006). The onset of the early nium and the fi rst half of the 5th millennium Holocene warming and increase of humidity have never seen full pastoral subsistence. There- around 9,000 calBC coincides with the earliest fore, pastoral elements, both in archaeozoology dates of human presence in the Western Desert as well as in rock art can be used as a temporal after the hyperarid Pleistocene. Increase in the marker for the dating of rock art. number of 14C-dates and related archaeologi- During the climatic optimum, the Eastern Sa- cal sites at 7,500 calBC obviously followed the hara was far from being a paradise. The amount stabilization of maximal humid conditions, of annual rainfall, estimated to a maximum of approximately lasting until the return of dryer 100 mm during the Holocene humid phase conditions around 5,000 calBC. Earliest signals (Neumann 1989) or slightly higher in moun- of the desiccation process are already indicated tainous regions, such as the Gilf Kebir (Linstäd- at 5,300 calBC in the core areas of the Western ter & Kröpelin 2004), indicate a dry savannah Desert, outside the oases and mountainous with episodic rains and a patchy and unpredic- refuges, since there was no independent water table availability of surface water and related resource to buffer aridity if rains had held off resources such as vegetation and wild animals. (fi g. 2). The resulting loss of most parts of the These factors created living conditions of high Western Desert to human subsistence, and the risk and stress for the foragers of the Eastern 34 ARCHÉO-NIL ● n°19 - janvier 2009 Sahara. Highly variable spatial and temporal logistical and residential mobility patterns are likely to be adaptive expressions of risk mini- mization in the Western Desert. During the dry season when the rains had stopped, the water pools dried up and the prehistoric groups were forced to return to the wells and spring mounds of the oases. The rains were, however, highly va- ried in their temporal and spatial distribution, which is a general characteristic of arid regions. The prehistoric adaptation to the risk of fi n- ding water was a strategy of high mobility and fl exibility of seasonal movements that could cover several hundreds of kilometres during the course of the year for which archaeological evidence is given in the distribution of pottery, exotic raw materials, mollusc shells and the like (Riemer 2007b). The spatial distribution of the artefact tradi- tions resulting from the seasonal macro-moves of the prehistoric groups strongly suggests that they basically represent territories of identity in the material culture that divides the Western Desert into a northern and a southern hemis- phere. The traditions in the material culture are best represented during the mid-Holocene (ca. 6,600-5,000 calBC) by pottery with deco- rations in Khartoum style and microlithic ele- Fig. 2 (cid:127) Distribution map of rock at sites in the Western Desert showing the ments in southern Egypt, while the oases and major clusters of rock art. The shift of the climatic drying trend and the resulting loss of desert regions to human subsistence are illustrated by contour lines of northern Egypt are dominated by undecorated synchronous depopulation on the basis of 14C-dates from prehistoric sites (Kuper thin-walled pottery and bifacial lithic techno- & Kröpelin 2006). They can be used as a frame of reference for the chronological affi liation of the rock art in the different regions of the Western Desert. logy (phase Gilf B after Linstädter 2005). In the southernmost regions the artefact traditions lasted somewhat longer, until ca. 4,400 calBC, Distribution of rock art sites because of the slowly progressing retreat of the summer rains. This is evidenced by 14C-dates It appears from the distribution map that from sites in Wadis of the Gilf Kebir. There, rock art sites cluster in two areas of the Wes- and in Ouenat, a fundamental change can be tern Desert (fi g. 2). The fi rst cluster is con- observed in the lithic and ceramic material by centrated in the Gilf Kebir and Jebel Ouenat ca. 4,400 calBC when most other desert regions region, the border triangle of the modern were abandoned. The most signifi cant new states of Egypt, Libya, and Sudan. The se- elements of Gilf C (ca. 4,400-3,500 cd BC) are cond cluster is represented by the oases of the introduction of thin-walled pottery often Dakhla and Kharga and their vicinity. There decorated with fi ne impressed or incised de- are rock art sites in the deep desert, but they corations and the disappearance of microlithic are rare. The Ouenat and Gilf Kebir region arrow heads (Linstädter 2005). These traditions generally contrasts from the other desert in the archaeological culture have to be taken regions in its occurrence of painted rock into consideration if one starts to debate the art and the high amount of pastoral ele- distribution of styles, their chronology, or pat- ments. While Ouenat and Gilf Kebir have tern in iconographic infl uences from on region received great attention due to the colourful to another or through time. paintings, though engravings exist as well, n°19 - janvier 2009 ● ARCHÉO-NIL 35 Heiko Riemer engraved depictions clearly dominate the between Asyut and Farafra, during ACACIA’s rest of Egypt’s Western Desert – ignoring here fi eld work between 1998 and 2002 (Classen et the paintings of the “Wadi el-Obeiyd Cave” al. this volume). To the south and southwest at Farafra (Barich 1998) and the “Cave of the of Dakhla Oasis, there are further sites, most hands” between Kharga and the Nile (Dar- which are unpublished due to the very spora- nell 2002: 160-161), both of which are unique dic recordings of rock art sites during the B.O.S. among the Western Desert sites. As will be de- and ACACIA missions, such as the rock depic- monstrated in the following chapters, a number tions at Mudpans (tracings in 1985), Eastpans of general assumptions on type, distribution (survey in 1995/96), Meri and Jaqub (survey and dating of the rock art can be made. and tracings in 2002 and 2006). Finally there is the region around the 4th dynasty pharaonic desert outpost at the Chufu hill (“Radjedef’s Rock art between the Nile [water] mountain” or Chufu 01/1) some 80 km and the Ouenat/Gilf Kebir southwest of Dakhla, which has yielded more than 100 prehistoric rock art sites (pers. comm. The core zone of the desert Peter Schönfeld). These sites are currently un- Most known rock art sites between the Nile Val- der study by a team from the University of Co- ley and the Ouenat/Gilf Kebir region in Egypt’s logne, which is focusing especially on the docu- Fig. 3 southwest have been discovered within the oa- mentation and interpretation of the rock art. Two antelopes marked by their ses’ depressions or in their immediate vicinities, In light of the relatively poor documentation, it horn forms as Oryx such as along the escarpment of the Abu Tartur is hard to extract overall trends in the rock art gazella dammah Plateau between Dakhla and Kharga (Winkler of the Western Desert outside the oases. Car- (“scimitar-horned oryx”) and Addax 1938; 1939). The number of known sites in ving and pecking are the favoured techniques nasomaculatus considerable distance to the oases and the Nile often combined in the same fi gures. Moreover, (spirally twisted) at Abu Tartur 02/29. Valley is very small. The famous “pottery hill” one quickly comes to the conclusion that wild The rectangular or “Abu Ballas” was the only Western Desert fauna is the central feature, though other ele- frame enclosing oryx is a most destination with rock art between Dakhla and ments such as zigzags or wavy lines (often inter- recent application the Gilf Kebir known for a long time. Ironically, preted as snakes) or simple anthropomorphic made by treasure hunters to cut out it has turned out that none of the depictions on stick-fi gures exist. Indeed, it is the cosmos of decorated blocks this hill can be affi liated to prehistoric activity typical desert or dry savannah animals which for the antiquities with much certainty, but many to the Late Old dominates the depictions at rock art sites of market. Kingdom/First Intermediate Period desert ope- prehistoric age. Even if most of the species de- Fig. 4 rations of pharaonic Egypt (Förster 2007). picted are extinct from the Sahara nowadays, Ostrich from the On the one hand, the low density of rock art archaeozoology has evidenced that the same eastern panel at Abu Tartur 02/29. sites outside the oases may be a result of the re- latively limited period of time during which the 4 3 desert regions received higher humidity and occupation became possible. Moreover, there is a highly mobile subsistence of prehistoric groups and the low population density in the remote desert regions that has to be taken into account as possible reasons. On the other hand, the distribution displays where archaeological investigations have taken place. What can be reported from the very few regions under study is not more than what occasionally came up during survey campaigns, represented by a very poor level of rock art documentation. There are, however, a number of considerable exceptions, such as the complete recording of the depictions within the Djara cave, halfway 36 ARCHÉO-NIL ● n°19 - janvier 2009 Prehistoric Rock Art Research in the Western Desert of Egypt animals depicted in rock art are to be found in 5 6 excavations of prehistoric camp sites dating to the Holocene humid period. There are various forms of gazelle (Gazella dorcas, Gazella leptoce- ros, Gazella dama) and antelope (Oryx gazella dammah, Addax nasomaculatus, Alcelaphus bu- selaphus), which are most frequent among the bone material, but can also be identifi ed in the images (fi g. 3). The existence of ostriches, thou- gh rare in bone material, is well attested in the many egg shells at nearly all larger habitation sites and appears as well in great number in the rock art (fi g. 4). Giraffes have also been depicted (fi g. 5). Althou- gh a typical savannah animal, it often penetra- tes the desert in good years, as it can feed on the foliage of trees which are beyond reach of other Fig. 5 browsers (cf. Le Quellec et al. 2005, 160-161). historic groups were hunters well experienced Giraffe at Mudpans Although rare, there is some evidence of giraffe in observation and reception of specifi c beha- 85/50-20. from bone records, such as in the Gilf Kebir, viour, emphasis was neither laid on displaying Fig. 6 and even farther northeast at Mudpans halfway behaviour in postures or even dynamic repre- A group of giraffes between Dakhla and the Gilf Kebir (Van Neer sentations, nor do we see scenic constellations with tufted tails at Meri 06/12. & Uerpmann 1989). that refer to some kind of interaction between Therefore, it is not going too far to say that pre- the fi gures (Only very few images show human historic people in the Western Desert depicted stick-fi gures connected to animals which may the wild fauna they virtually saw and hun- point to hunting activity). Exceptions are clus- ted, implying the dominance hunting played ters of animals, often of the same species, which during the Holocene humid period (Riemer might refer to the representation of herds. Wha- 2007b). The hunter’s intimate knowledge of tever the meaning of this always static represen- 7b the animals can also be deduced from the way tation was, it is obvious that neither the hunt distinct species of game have been depicted in itself nor the behaviour of the animals were the rock art. Emphasis has been put on characteris- feature of the rock art. tic attributes which nowadays help to identify the animals. Although hooves and tails were 7a often depicted, the horns of mammals are the most prominent physical attribute that allows further subdivision, often down to the species level, such as in antelope: oryx is shown by the typical pair of elongated horns, while addax is marked by its long twisted horns (fi g. 3). The long neck and the tufted tail are attributes found in giraffe depictions (fi g. 6); but it is of- ten only the typical silhouette of the head with four short lines representing the ears and the skin-covered short frontal horns which point to giraffe (fi g. 7). Yet for all this, normally there is no further dif- ferentiation. Body and legs are rather stereotype representations of quadrupeds in side view and Fig. 7 (cid:127) a. Antelopes and giraffes on a sandstone block at site Jaqub 00/22. Four strokes upon the head (the ears and the short horns) designate giraffe; often do not have the correct proportions in b. How to mark a giraffe with minimal effort? A Kalahari hunter signals that he has body measure. Although judging that the pre- sighted a giraffe spoor (after a picture in Lewis-Wiliams & Bannister 1991: 44). n°19 - janvier 2009 ● ARCHÉO-NIL 37 tunately, we do not know how many animals were applied to a surface during the same stay at a site. It cannot be excluded that larger pa- nels showing great numbers of animals are the result of repeated events, even if archaeological evidence of multiply occupied habitation sites in the surrounding exist. Superimpositions of fi gures occur, but they are rare. In many cases it has been observed that the ani- mal bodies, drawn exclusively in side view, face the same direction, regardless if the animals Fig. 8 belong to the same or different species. A good Group of ostriches As mentioned above, the rock art comprises the example is a wadi that deeply cut into the foot and antelopes cosmos of the wild fauna that factually existed ridges of the Abu Tartur Plateau escarpment exclusively facing in the dry savannah environment during the between Dakhla and Kharga. The wadi that right on the eastern panel of humid phase; but it is not a one-by-one copy of once drained down the plateau in southerly Abu Tartur 02/29. what can be found in the bone records at camp direction yielded two panels of animal depic- Two blocks of unknown sites. The fi rst restriction is with respect to the tions positioned just opposite along the rock depictions were smaller animals hunted, such as fennec, sand faces of both wadi fl anks (listed as site 02/29). cut out from the rock face by fox, and hare that are found in great numbers The eastern surface comprises a 20 m long treasure hunters. in the archaeozoological records, but have ne- panel with more than hundred depictions of ver been found depicted. And second, there is animals among which antelope, giraffe and os- an artifi cial ranking in the number of depicted trich are dominant (fi g. 8). With only very few animals which contrast to the numbers as evi- exceptions, they all face to the right hand side denced from the bone material. Archaeozoo- (direction south). On the western rock face of logy has shown that small gazelles dominate the wadi, there is a group of ostriches heading the bone material among the mammals. Larger left (again towards south). If the artists’ aim was species, such as addax and oryx are less frequent not astronomic orientation, which appears ra- among the animal remains, while giraffe is very ther unlikely by the many differing orientations rare. The opposite appears in the images where at rock art sites elsewhere, the orientation of antelope and giraffe rank fi rst among the spe- the rock art could point to the specifi c lands- cies depicted. This might have something to do cape orientation of the wadi, which drained with the peculiar role larger and rarer animals southwards. This is the direction in which the played for the hunting community in terms of animals climbed down the plateau towards the story telling, status or religious concerns. episodic water pools that existed in the southern Some assumptions can be made on the compo- periphery of the plateau after the rains had set sitions of panels if more than one animal was in. Orientation patterns can also be observed at depicted. The number of animals applied to an many isolated rocks and hills in the rather plain individual site or panel may vary from one to landscapes of the Nubian Sandstone south and dozens or even hundreds of individuals. Unfor- southwest of the oases (fi g. 9), but here it is hard Fig. 9 Jaqub 02/120 or “giraffes hill” is a typical rock art site on the Nubian Sandstone: a prominent isolated hill (left) bearing suffi cient rocky surfaces above the rubble slopes. 38 ARCHÉO-NIL ● n°19 - janvier 2009 Prehistoric Rock Art Research in the Western Desert of Egypt to detect any certain connection to individual Referring fi nally to the dating of the deep desert landscape formations without any detailed stu- depictions, the occupational history of the de- dies of the sites and their landscape. sert regions offers a fi rst approach to mark the Rock art in the Western Desert was carried out period during which the rock depictions could on bare surfaces often on prominent rocks and have been created. The climatically induced hills well visible from the surroundings (the ending of regular rainfall at 5,300 calBC (Fig. 2 Djara cave is a notable exception from this & 10) especially affected the core zones of the rule), displaying nothing of what has been ter- desert far away of any groundwater supply. In med as “private art” (fi g. 9). As habitation sites these areas, rock art is mainly represented by are nearly exclusively open air sites, there is no the wild fauna as described above. direct association with the rock art; but in most areas they can be found in the proximity of rock art. This is why it appears expedient to de- termine which artefact material is dominant in an area were rock art can be found (McDonald 1990, 43) and to investigate the cultural affi lia- tion and dating of the imagery, given that there are considerable numbers of both rock art and habitation sites. Most of the rock art sites outside the oases’ de- pressions were found in the Nubian Sandstone formation, whereas there are hardly any on the Limestone Plateau (fi g. 2). The only exception is the Djara cave (Classen et al. this volume). However, here it is the rare case of a well-pro- tected position inside a dripstone cave, where depictions were found in several places. Out- side the cave, rock art did not remain, or it had never been applied to the rocks, as open- air parietal art neither exists at Djara nor in any other study area on the plateau, although camp sites have been found in great numbers. From the rock art on the Nubian Sandstone, Fig. 10 (cid:127) 14C sequences given in calibrated cumulative histograms indicate the occupational history between Dakhla Oasis and Egypt’s southwest. It is evident it appears that the existence of suffi cient rock from the curves that core desert areas (study areas Mudpans and Regenfeld) surfaces greatly infl uenced where rock art was became unsuitable for human existence due to the climatic change by ca. 5,300 calBC, while the vicinity of the oases (Ain Dalla; Abu Minqar; Eastpans; applied. Although only very few areas of the Chufu; Meri) were depopulated by ca. 4,500 calBC, and the sequences of the Gilf Nubian Sandstone desert have been systema- Kebir Wadis lasted until ca. 3,500 calBC. Ticks on the x-scale represent individual dates. The regional cultural sequences based on pottery and lithic traditions are tically surveyed, it turns out that the pattern marked in grey. Sources of date series are given in the fi gure. Date series are of rock art distribution in the Western Desert calibrated and arranged using group calibration of CALPAL 2005 ( corresponds to the availability of rock surfa- ces. This might be the major reason why rock The oases and their vicinity art sites often cluster in areas which feature The oases, in particular Dakhla and Kharga, rocky hills, while other areas dominated by and their vicinities have yielded a great number sandsheets, dunes, serir, hamada, or gravel- of rock art sites. The fi rst systematic recording sunken hills are void of rock art. There are goes back to the work of Winkler (1939), and quite a lot of preferable rocks and hills in va- even his basic typology, including the prehisto- rious patches along the Abu Ballas Scarp-land, ric styles of “Earliest Hunters” and “Early Oasis which connects Dakhla and Kharga with the Dwellers”, have survived until now. The Polish Gilf Kebir; and these are the areas where rock rock art branch of the Dakhleh Oasis Project art sites have a considerable percentage among (DOP) under the direction of Lech Krzy˝aniak the prehistoric remains. started new work at Dakhla in 1985 (Krzy˝aniak n°19 - janvier 2009 ● ARCHÉO-NIL 39 Heiko Riemer 1990; Krzy˝aniak & Kroeper 1990). Unfor- summed up wild animals and hunting elements tunately, he passed away before fi nal results among the “Earliest Hunters” style. could have been published, but work has most Winkler’s “pregnant women” are another oasis recently been continued by Kobusiewicz and element (Winkler 1939: 27; Krzy˝aniak 1987). the former team. The fi gures are characterised by breasts and As with most parts of the Western Desert, the obese bodies or voluminous skirts often deco- oases’ rock art is dominated by engravings. rated with geometric designs. They constitute Winkler’s “Earliest Hunters” style comprises the Winkler’s style of the “Early Oasis Dwellers”. wild fauna as can be found outside the oases. It This story becomes even more interesting constitutes a great proportion of the oases’ rock since “pregnant women” have been found at art, but there are some additional elements to some places in the wider vicinity of the oases be found here. This is factually a result of the during the recent years, such as at the so-cal- settlement continuation in the oases after the led “Ladies Hill” (listed as site Meri 99/36; climatically induced end of the desert occupa- Riemer 2006: 500) (fi g. 12) and at numerous tions, primarily based on the fact that the oases hills in the Chufu area, both which are situated receive underground water from the Nubian between 50 and 80 km southwest of Dakhla. Aquifer. Depictions of “historical” age are fre- This may point to a dating of these elements quent among the corpus of rock art in the in the later prehistory when the core zones of oases beginning with the pharaonic occupation the desert where lost to human subsistence, during the Old Kingdom. This long-lasting but environmental conditions had not yet ful- history makes the cultural and chronological ly reached the present level of hyper-aridity. In affi liation of the oases’ rock art even harder, as terms of absolute chronology the fi rst drying images of different styles and age often occur spell at 5,300 calBC may form the terminus in close proximity. Nevertheless, there are also post quem for the rock art. It is of importance some features of obviously later prehistoric age that, in contrast to other regions, the area of that can be found in the oases, but not in the Chufu and Meri has yielded some dates and deep desert. An important element to be found artefacts from the late prehistory (fi g. 10). Two in the oases are stick-fi gures designated as hun- dates on charcoal from the open air camp site ters with attributes, such as bows, spears, sticks, 02/17 centring at 4,700 calBC (Riemer 2006) or lassoes; and animals, in particular giraffes, can be paralleled to the Bashendi B unit in that have been roped up (fi g. 11). Winkler has Dakhla (McDonald 2001). There are also Fig. 11 Fig. 12 Part of the eastern Female fi gures (Winkler’s “pregnant panel at Abu Tartur women”), together with giraffe at 02/29 showing the “Ladies Hill” (Meri 99/36). “lassoed giraffe”. 40 ARCHÉO-NIL ● n°19 - janvier 2009