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Predictive Modeling of Injury Severity Utilizing Predictive Modeling of Injury Severity Utilizing Pre PDF

58 Pages·2011·4.37 MB·English
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Preview Predictive Modeling of Injury Severity Utilizing Predictive Modeling of Injury Severity Utilizing Pre

"PPrreeddiiccttiivvee MMooddeelliinngg ooff IInnjjuurryy SSeevveerriittyy UUttiilliizziinngg Pre-hospital Trauma Triage and Mechanism of Injury Criteria for Advanced Automatic Crash Notification (AACN) Systems" SSeattttlle CCIIRREENN University of Washington Harborview Medical Center EEiilleen BBullger, CChhriis MMackk, Rob Kaufman, Giana Davidson NNHHTTSSAA PPrriioorriittiieess • Advanced Automatic Collision Notification (AACN) • Description: AACN provides early contact with emergency personnell andd GGPPSS posiitiion whhen a severe crash occurs. Examine potential benefits aanndd ttrriiaaggee ccaappaabbiilliittiieess ooff AAAACCNN aanndd EEMMSS connection to get serious injuries to a Level 1 trauma hospital. Determine whether a rullemakkiing iis warranttedd. Research conducted at Harborview Injjuryy Prevention and Research Center If you are severely injured, care at a Level I trauma center lowers the risk of death by 2255%%. McKenzie,, Rivara,, Jurkovich… NEJM, 2006 NNHHTTSSAA AAAACCNN AAccttiivviittiieess OOuuttlliinnee 11.. OOvveerrvviieeww 22.. NNHHTTSSAA aanndd NNHHTTSSAA//CCDDCC AAAACCNN WWoorrkk 3333.... 44.. IInnjjuurryy PPrreeddiiccttiioonn AAllggoorriitthhmmss 55.. AAAACCNN SSccoorreeccaarrdd//NNeexxtt SStteeppss Getting from Crash to TTrauma CCenter • FFiinnddiinngg tthhee ccaarr • Notifying 9-1-1 • AApppprroopprriiaattee EEMMSS rreessppoonnssee – Getting the right people there • TTrriiaaggee – Getting the right patient to the right hospital • CCaarree aanndd ttrraannssppoorrtt • Designated trauma centers • CCoonnssiisstteenntt ccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonn eesssseennttiiaall Current Need for Crash Notification Systems and GGPPSS llooccaattiioonnss – CCIIRREENN ccaassee ssttuuddiieess -Driver found after 8 days, departed roadway down into roadside ravine -Survived with critical injuries after very long treatment at the trauma center -Would have benefited greatly from initial EMS response Need for Crash Notification Systems for Notification aanndd GGPPSS llooccaattiioonnss – CCIIRREENN ccaassee ssttuuddiieess - Couple not found until next morning and passenger had died and driver was criticallyy injured An elderly couple struck a tree late evening and -Injuries appeared survivable if rotated into ditch out of site EMS response was initiated BBaacckkggrroouunndd NNHHTTSSAA//CCDDCC AAAACCNN WWoorrkk NNHHTTSSAA//CCDDCC AAAACCNN WWoorrkk Field Triagge Decision Scheme “Vehicle telematics consistent with hhiigghh rriisskk ooff injury” NNHHTTSSAA//CCDDCC AAAACCNN WWoorrkk

Research conducted at. Harborview Injury. Prevention and. Research Center. If you are severely injured, care at a Level I trauma center lowers the risk
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