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PREDCTIVE ASTROLOGY – THE NIRAYANA SYSTEM )PART I) AS TAUGHT BY PROF. ANTHONY WRITER 1 PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY THE NIRAYANA SYSTEM (SIDEREAL ASTROLOGY) WITH REFERENCE TO HINDU VEDIC ASTROLOGY Part I AS TAUGHT BY PROF. ANTHONY WRITER For the students of Jyotisha Bharati Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Mumbai Prof . Anthony Writer Jyotisha Bharati Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Mumbai Prof. Anthony Writer, Jyotisha Bharati, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY THROUGH THE NIRAYANA SYSTEM 2 WITH REFERENCE TO HINDU VEDIC ASTROLOGY - PART I TABLE OF CONTENT Chapter No. Description Page No. PREFACE 6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 8 I INTRODUCTION 9 II THE SIXTY SAUVATSARAS 12 III THE PANCHANG 14 - Tithi 15 - Vaar 15 - Yoga 16 - Nakshatra 19 - Karan 20 IV ELEMENTS AND VOCATIONS 21 V PERMANENT & TEMPORARY RELATIONSHIP 22 OF PLANETS VI QUALITIES OF SIGNS 22 VII IMPORTANT KEYWORDS DESCRIBING THE SIGNS 24 VIII THE TRAITS, CHARACTERISTICS AND PROFESSIONS 25 ETC. OF THE TWELVE SIGNS OR RASHIS (AS ASCENDANTS) IN BRIEF IX SIGNIFICATION OF HOUSES 31 X FRUCTIFICATION OF SIGNIFICATIONS 34 XI HOUSES (BHAVAS ) IN NIRAYANA ASTROLOGY 35 - Meanings of the Bhavas (Houses) 38 - Bhava Yogas of the Rashi Chart 39 - The Twelve Houses (Bhava) 41 - HOUSE 1 = (ascendant, lagna) Tanu Bhava 41 - HOUSE 2 =Dhana Bhava 44 - House 3 = Sahaja Bhava 47 - House 4 = Bandhu Bhava 52 - House 5 = Putra Bhava, 56 Notes for students of Jyotisha Bharati by Prof. Anthony Writer In the International Year of Astronomy PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY THROUGH THE NIRAYANA SYSTEM 3 WITH REFERENCE TO HINDU VEDIC ASTROLOGY - PART I Ch. No. Description Page No/ HOUSES (BHAVAS ) IN NIRAYANA ASTROLOGY - House 6 = Ari/ Ripu Bhava 61 - House 7 = Yuvati Bhava 65 - House 8 = Randhra Bhava 73 - House 9 = Dharma Bhava 80 - House 10 = Karma Bhava 88 - House 11 -Labha Bhava 95 - House 12 = Vyaya Bhava 100 XII THE EFFECTS OF THE LORDS OF VARIOUS HOUSES IN THE 12 HOUSES The Ascendant lord in the 12 houses 112 The Lord of the Second house in the various houses 114 The Third Lord in Various houses 116 The Fourth Lord in Various houses 118 The Fifth Lord in Various houses 120 The Sixth Lord in Various houses 121 The Seventh Lord in Various houses 123 The Eight Lord in Various houses 124 The Ninth Lord in Various houses 126 The Tenth Lord in Various houses 128 The Eleventh Lord in Various houses 130 The Twelfth Lord in Various houses 132 GRAHA - THE PLANETS 134 Qualities of the Planets 135 The list of nine graha 135 THE GRAHA OR THE PLANETS 136 IN THE SHASTRAS 1) SUN – SURYA : SELF, SOUL, 138 LIFE FORCE, ETERNAL CONSCIOUSNESS Vedic symbolism of Surya or The Sun 140 Some Basic significance of Surya 143 Surya in 12 Rashi 147 Surya in 12 Bhava 156 2) THE MOON OR CHANDRA 161 Vedic symbolism of Chandrama or The Moon 163 Some basic significance of the Moon 164 Sade Sati 167 Sade Sati effects in the 12 domains 168 Chandra - Mangala Yoga - Moon-conjunct-Mars 169 Chandra and the other Grahas 171 Chandra in 12 Rashi Bhava 176 Soma in 12 bhavas 181 Notes for students of Jyotisha Bharati by Prof. Anthony Writer In the International Year of Astronomy PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY THROUGH THE NIRAYANA SYSTEM 4 WITH REFERENCE TO HINDU VEDIC ASTROLOGY - PART I Ch. No. Description Page No. 3) MARS – MANGALA - ANGARAKA – KUJA 187 Vedic Symbolism of Mangala or Mars 188 Mars – Mangala Energy (Action 190 Mangala - Angaraka – Kuja in the 12 Rashis 191 Kuja in 12 Bhavas 199 Kuja Dosha - Angaraka Dosha 202 -Mangalika - "Manglik 4) MERCURY OR BUDHA 207 Vedic Symbolism of Budha or Mercury 208 The Twenty-three point profile of Budha 209 Budha in the Twelve Rashis 214 Mercury conjunct other planets 217 Budha in the 12 Bhavas 218 5) GURU – BRIHASPATI 222 Vedic Symbolism of Brihaspati or Jupiter 223 Guru (Jupiter) in the Twelve Rashis 226 Brihaspati in the 12 bhavas 232 6) SHUKRA OR VENUS 237 Vedic Symbolism of Shukra or Venus 238 Some Basic Significance of Venus 239 Shukra Mangal Yoga 241 Some Important Yogas of Shukra with other planets 242 Shukra: in the Twelve Rashi 245 Shukra: in Twelve Bhava 251 7) SHANI OR SATURN 258 Vedic Symbolism of Shani or Saturn 259 The Karmic Portfolio of a dignified Shani: 261 Shani the ruler of obstacles 263 Shani in the 12 Rashis 264 Shani in the 12 bhavas 269 Notes for students of Jyotisha Bharati by Prof. Anthony Writer In the International Year of Astronomy PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY THROUGH THE NIRAYANA SYSTEM 5 WITH REFERENCE TO HINDU VEDIC ASTROLOGY - PART I Notes for students of Jyotisha Bharati by Prof. Anthony Writer In the International Year of Astronomy PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY THROUGH THE NIRAYANA SYSTEM 6 WITH REFERENCE TO HINDU VEDIC ASTROLOGY - PART I PREFACE Jyotisa is the science of astronomy and astrology. The Yajur and Rig Vedas have sections attached to them dealing with astronomy, whereas the Atharva Veda has a section dealing with astrology. Aside from the Vedas, many rishis such as Parasara, Garga, Narada, Sukadeva, Bhrugu, et. al. wrote on this science and preserved it in their sampradayas (disciplic successions serving as a spiritual channel and providing a delicate network of relationships that lends stability of religious identity being clarified precisely when that network becomes unstable). Jyotisa is given the epithet "vedacaksus", the eye of the Veda, because it allows us to see through opaque time and to understand how the gunas (modes of material nature) are working. These notes on Predictive Astrology Through the Nirayana System have been prepared due to request made by our students from time to time. Efforts have been made to make them very comprehensive so that they would be useful while interpreting charts in the Nirayana system in the class room. Niryana System has its links with Vedic Astrology, which is very complicated due to its symbolic expressions. To make things easier, references have been made to various texts and a glossary has been appended at the end in part II. There are limitations to these notes and student should bear this in mind: 1. Extra-Saturnine planets have not been mentioned in these notes. 2. The Sayana aspects have not been discussed. 3. Cases studies to substantiate the theories have not been given. The above threo topics would require a lot of research and shall definitely be touched upon in future updates or separately. In the meantime, I am confident that students would use the extra-Saturnine planets based on the findimgs of Sayancharya, Shri Shridhar Govind Joshi, in his collections published under the title: “Meditation upon certain principles from Brihat Parashari”, which is popularly known as Pratinavamsha. So far as the Sayana aspects, along with the declinations, are concerned, Shri Chandrakant Bhatt has done a commendable job in his book “Nirayan Horoscope and Western Aspects.” At the moment case-studies are done in the class room. I thank all my teachers and guides who have assisted me time and again to reach so far. I have to acknowledge with deep gratitude that Ms. Barabar Pijan Lama, who has been magnanimous enough to permit me to incorporate her material for the benefit of our students. I agree that preparing notes on such a vast and complicated subject is very difficult and cannot be foolproof. The chances of errors are many. For all errors of omission and commission, I am solely responsible. In the meantime, happy reading for further research. Astrologically yours, Notes for students of Jyotisha Bharati by Prof. Anthony Writer In the International Year of Astronomy PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY THROUGH THE NIRAYANA SYSTEM 7 WITH REFERENCE TO HINDU VEDIC ASTROLOGY - PART I 27th March 2009 Anthony Writer ACKNOWLEDGEMENT G U R U : :KNOWLEDGE OF THE LIGHT OF BRAHMA DESTROYS DARKNESS DEEP GRATITUDE TO MY TEACHERS AND GUIDES IN THE DIVINE SCIENCE With the guiance, prayers and blessings of the Acharyas and Gurus a student will learn and progress Prof. Chandulal Patel Prof. Gopal D. Modi Prof. Jinabai G. Lad who taught me the use who instilled a Principal, Jyotisha Bharati of the Vargas and scientific temperament Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Asthakavarga in the study of Astrology Prof. G.B. Forbes Prof. D.V. Thakur Prof. Sharad C. Joshi Co-Principal, J.B. Member, M.C., J.B. Member, M.C., J.B. Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan My first teacher who taught me the Nirayana System and Ms. Barabara Pijan Lama Krishnamurthy Padathi who enlightened me on Mr. K.B.S. Mani Vedic Astrology Guru Gita: “Guru is verily Brahama itself, it is the truth. O Beauteous One, Nothing else is the truth!!I It is the duty of all human beings to strive to achieve that knowledge.” As the years roll on, it is very difficult to write about one’s teacher, guru or acharya. Words do fail me to express the impact created on the mind. The best thing is to go to the scriptures which appropraitely does the job : Gurparsaad - The Grace of the Guru: “The Guru or 'Teacher' is He who removes that darkness of ignorance. The Lord or the Reality which is all-pervasive and ever-present in each and every thing in this universe is veiled due to our ignorance. He who is the Kartaa Purakh, the one Doer, or Creator, Sustainer and Destroyer, He alone takes the form of the Guru to liberate us from the bondage of samsaara. Therefore we say, "Guru Brahmaah, Guru Vishnuh, Guru Devo Maheshwarah, Gurureva Param Brahma, Tasmai Shri Gurave Namah. Guru is the Creator, Brahma. Guru is the Sustainer, Vishnu. Guru is the Destroyer, Shiva. Guru is the Lord of the Universe. Guru alone is the Absolute Reality, the Param Brahma. Unto that noble Teacher, my humble prostrations." Notes for students of Jyotisha Bharati by Prof. Anthony Writer In the International Year of Astronomy PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY THROUGH THE NIRAYANA SYSTEM 8 WITH REFERENCE TO HINDU VEDIC ASTROLOGY - PART I ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In this interdependent world, it is difficult to do any type of activity in total isolations. As human beings, we need the support of our fellow men in various ways. In this regard, I would frankly state that I did take assistance and support in some form or the other. Therefore, I would like to express my deep gratitude to the following persons, who were very kind to offer my their assistance and support all throughout: - Shri Satish Sawant, P.A. to the Chief Minister of Maharashtra. Our friendship during the last two decades has been maintained very cordially and he had assisted me many a times. Even the printing of this book would not see the light of the days without his support and generosity. - Ms. Alka Chaturvedi, a very successful Jotisha Visharadha student, and consultant in many ways. She has been generous and kind to me and many others. - Mr. Raosaheb Shinde, D.C.P., Vashi, and IPS, who has helped many a persons in dire need and distress with just a telephone call. - Mr. Shashikant E. Shinde, D.C.P. , a friend in need is a friend in deed, with a very humane approach. - Dr. Bindya Kalantari Shah, Jyotirvid and Child Care development. She and her husband, Mr. Dharmesh Shah, have been kind, humane and generous to the undfortunate. - Ms. Maya Maghnani, Chairperson, Muktangan International Foundation and a Feng Shui expert with astrological background. She is a woman of crisis and and has been helping thousands, and her hands of generosity is ever-stretched during period s of natural calamities like floods and earthquakes. - Dr. Lizia Batla, Jyotisha Visharada and a Feng Shui expert. - Mr. Vijay Kumar, Company Secretary, CPA (USA) Business Management. His approach to life is rather a practical one with a humane approach. - Mr. Simon Rebello, Educationist and publisher. He uses simple and practical way of teaching and writing his material. - Mr. Prashant Sawant & family and his brother, Mr. Prashana Sawant. Their friendship will be cherished for long. - Mr. Sundeep Arora, Jyotisha Visharada, and a research student in astrology and Vastu. He is the Secretary of Rotary Cub, North Thane and proprietor of Jet Scan Printer. He is a social worker in his own right. - Mr. Shivanand Karkera, Jyotisha Visharada, doing research in astrology, astronomy and vastu. He is also a computer scientist and deeply religious. - Mr. Jayshankar Natarajan and family. Mr. Jayashankar is Marketing Manager of Sahara News Agency, Mumbai. He is also a consultant and is well-versed in the Sayana, Nirayana and Krishnamurthy padathis of Astrology. With his sharp grasping power and gift of the gab, I only earnestly pray that he uses this Divine knowledge for the benefit of mankind. - Ms. Meena Thaker, for her support and encouragement, time and again. She is Jyotisha Visharada, Vastu consultant, Graphologist and Tarot Card Reader. - Mr. Naresh Dulhani, an astrologer and Vastu consultant - Mr. Vilas Gangan, Worker Teacher, legal expert and a social worker in his own right. - Ms. Neomi Writer, my daughter. My research in the Sayana and Nirayana systems has been augmented and accelerated because of her case study, which included daily observation and monitoring for the last nine years. Her unfortunate times, in the reverse,(during her Ketu mahadasha from Feb 2002 onwards), when she was floored down by the incessant thunderbolts from the blue, did prove that astrology is true. I only pray to the Almighty: O Lord, let none suffer. It is also true that a swagrahi shukra in Tula (at the 4th bhava madhya) is bringing in changes for the better. - As always, my deep gratitude to the student community at large, who have always encouraged me in my work, given me suggestions and ideas, and are always looking out for change and improvement to study better. Notes for students of Jyotisha Bharati by Prof. Anthony Writer In the International Year of Astronomy PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY THROUGH THE NIRAYANA SYSTEM 9 WITH REFERENCE TO HINDU VEDIC ASTROLOGY - PART I - My deep gratitude to Prof. D.V. Thakur for being kind enough to go through the two volumes, edit, correct errors and also give his valuable suggestions. I INTRODUCTION Astrolgy is a scientific study and application of the language of the cosmic bodies, determined on the basis of astronomy and mathematics, and mapped in the form of a horoscope. Their specific locations in the horoscope indicate specific happenings in the case of individuals, of multitudes and of geographical regions. Whether the Sun, the Moon, the planets and the stars themselves influence the terrestrial phenomena, or they only indicate such phenomena by their various dispositions is a controversial issue. What is important to us is that variations in their disposition determine variations in the events on the earth; the correlations are only too strong to be brushed aside by the critics of astrology. Encyclopedia Jyotisha (Nation Master.com) states the following : Jyotisha (jyotiṣa, in Hindi and English usage Jyotish; sometimes called Hindu astrology, Indian astrology, and/or Vedic astrology) is the Hindu system of astrology, one of the six disciplines of Vedanga, and regarded as one of the oldest schools of ancient astrology to have had an independent origin, affecting all other schools in and around India. The Sanskrit word derives from jyótis or which means "light, brightness", but in the plural also "the heavenly bodies, planets and stars". Natal astrology is based upon the concept that each individuals personality or path in life can be determined by constructing a natal chart for the exact date, time, and place of a persons birth. Electional astrology (called Muhurt or Muhurtha in Hindu astrology) concerns itself with finding the best time to do a particular activity. ... Horary astrology is a very old branch of astrology by which an astrologer will try to answer a question by drawing up an astrological chart or horoscope for the exact time and place at which that question came to mind or when it was put to them. ... Mundane Astrology (also known as political astrology) is the application of astrology to world affairs and world events, taking its name from the Roman word Mundus, meaning the World. Mundane astrology is branch of Judicial astrology and is widely believed by astrological historians to be the most ancient branch of astrology. Jyotish has historically been part of a continuous "holistic" approach to living and to spiritual practice within the life of Hindus predominant in India. Jyotish is often discussed as the instructional element of the Rig Veda, and as such is a Vedanga, or "body part" of the Vedas, namely called the Eye of the Veda, for its alleged ability to view both phenomenal reality and wisdom itself. Part of a larger Vedic curriculum including mathematics, architecture, medical and military applications. Jyotish has its own sophisticated reference to the noumenal: the planets are "grahas", which are thought to seize or act upon created beings and influence their actions and life. As Hindus believe that humans have fortune and misfortune in life because of karma, many use Jyotish to understand the downs in life due to the influence of planets, i.e. Navagraha, and perform religious ceremonies to mitigate bad karma. Karma (Sanskrit , act, action, performance is the concept of action or deed in Dharmic religions understood as denoting the entire cycle of cause and effect described in Hindu, Jain and Buddhist philosophies. In Hindu astrology, the Navagraha are the nine chief celestial beings: Surya Notes for students of Jyotisha Bharati by Prof. Anthony Writer In the International Year of Astronomy PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY THROUGH THE NIRAYANA SYSTEM 10 WITH REFERENCE TO HINDU VEDIC ASTROLOGY - PART I (Sun) Chandra (Moon) Chevaai (Mars) Budhan (Mercury) Guru (Jupiter) Shukran (Venus) Shani (Saturn) Rahu (Head of Demon Snake) Ketu (Tail of Demon Snake). ... BRANCHES OF VEDIC / HINDU ASTROLOGY Vedic astrology (Aagam Shaastra / Jyotisha- futurity sciences) has three main branches: Siddhanta (Astronomy): Siddhanta or Tantra or Ganita: This deals with the mathematical aspects of astrology. There are several treatises on Siddhanta astrology but five, among them, are considered as particularly important. They are : - Surya Siddhanta - Paulisha Siddhantra - Romaka (or Lomasha) Siddhanta - Vasishtha Siddhanta - Paitamaha Siddhanta - Samhita (Mundane astrology): A proficiency in these is considered as a prerequisite for a good astrologer, according to the celebrated Varahamihira. It covers Mundane astrology, predicting important events related to countries such as war, earth quakes, political events, astro - meteorology, financial positions, electional astrology; house & construction related matters (Vaastu Shaastra), animals, portents & omens etc. Hora (Predictive astrology): This branch has the following different styles / sub branches:- Mundane Astrology (also known as political astrology) is the application of astrology to world affairs and world events, taking its name from the Roman word Mundus, meaning the World. Mundane astrology is branch of Judicial astrology and is widely believed by astrological historians to be the most ancient branch of... Electional astrology (called Muhurt or Muhurtha in Hindu astrology) concerns itself with finding the best time to do a particular activity. - Jaatak Shaastra / Hora Shaastra (Natal Astrology / horoscopy): Prediction based on individual horoscope. - Muhurt or Muhurtha (Electional astrology): Selection of beneficial time to initiate an activity to get maximum fruition from the life activities. Muhurta or electional astrology, which concerns itself with the election of favourable planetary dispositions to achieve specific accomplishments in day-to-day lifeAlthough it is essential to have the knowledge of arithmetical calculations to understand Indian Astrology, but for the benefit of the common people, astrologers have devised a calendar (Panchang) with the help of which, and simple arithmetical calculations, one can have knowledge about planets, good or bad for him. - Swar Shaastra (Phonetical astrology): Predictions based on name & sounds. - Prashna (Horary astrology): Predictions based on time when a question is asked by querent / querist. - Ankjyotisha / Kabala (Numerology): A branch of astrology based on numbers. - Nadi Astrology: An ancient treatise having detailed predictions for individuals. - Tajik Shaastra / Varsha Phal (Annual Horoscopy): Astrology based on annual solar returns. - Jaimini Sutras: A non-conventional method of timing of events based on Notes for students of Jyotisha Bharati by Prof. Anthony Writer In the International Year of Astronomy

Famous Indian astrologer, Acharya Jaimini. - Nastjaatakam (Lost Dr. K.N. Rao's views on Vedic astrology (published by sulekha.com May 30, 2005):.
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