Predictions on the second-class current decays τ− → π−η((cid:48))ν τ 6 R. Escribano∗a,b, S. Gonza`lez-Sol´ıs†b, and P. Roig‡c 1 0 2 aGrup de F´ısica Te`orica, Departament de F´ısica, Universitat Aut`onoma de Barcelona, l u E-08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona), Spain J b Institut de F´ısica d’Altes Energies (IFAE), The Barcelona Institute of Science and 4 2 Technology, Campus UAB, 08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona), Spain ] cDepartamento de F´ısica, Centro de Investigaci´on y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto h p Polit´ecnico Nacional, Apartado Postal 14-740, 0700 M´exico D.F., M´exico - p e h July 26, 2016 [ 2 v 9 8 9 Abstract 3 0 We analyze the second-class current decays τ− → π−η((cid:48))ντ in the framework of . Chiral Perturbation Theory with resonances. Taking into account π0-η-η(cid:48) mixing, 1 0 the π−η((cid:48)) vector form factor is extracted, in a model-independent way, using exist- 6 ing data on the π−π0 one. For the participant scalar form factor, we have considered 1 different parameterizations ordered according to their increasing fulfillment of ana- : v lyticity and unitarity constraints. We start with a Breit-Wigner parameterization i X dominated by the a (980) scalar resonance and after we include its excited state, 0 r the a (1450). We follow by an elastic dispersion relation representation through the a 0 Omn`es integral. Then, we illustrate a method to derive a closed-form expression for the π−η, π−η(cid:48) (and K−K0) scalar form factors in a coupled-channels treatment. Fi- nally, predictions for the branching ratios and spectra are discussed emphasizing the error analysis. An interesting result of this study is that both τ− → π−η((cid:48))ν decay τ channels are promising for the soon discovery of second-class currents at Belle-II. We ((cid:48)) also predict the relevant observables for the partner η decays, which are extremely (cid:96)3 suppressed in the Standard Model. ∗[email protected] †[email protected] ‡ 1 Contents 1 Introduction 2 2 Hadronic matrix element and decay width 4 3 π−η((cid:48)) Vector Form Factor 5 4 π−η((cid:48)) Scalar Form Factor 8 4.1 Breit-Wigner approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 4.2 Elastic dispersion relation: Omn`es integral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 4.3 Two coupled channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 4.4 Three coupled channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 5 Spectra and branching ratio predictions 18 5.1 τ− → π−ην . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 τ 5.2 τ− → π−η(cid:48)ν . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 τ 5.3 η((cid:48)) → π+(cid:96)−ν¯ ((cid:96) = e,µ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 (cid:96) 6 Conclusions 24 A Form factors in coupled channels analyses 26 1 Introduction AccordingtoWeinberg[1],non-strangeweak(V−A)hadroniccurrentscanbedivided into two types depending on their G-parity: i) first class currents, with the quantum numbers JPG = 0++,0−−,1+−,1−+; ii) second class currents (SCC), which have JPG = 0+−,0−+,1++,1−−. The former completely dominate weak interactions since there has been no evidence of the later in Nature so far. In the Standard Model (SM) SCC come up with an isospin-violating term which heavily suppresses the interaction and the eventual sensitivity to new physics (i.e. by a charged Higgs contribution to the πη((cid:48)) scalar form factors) may be enhanced. One tentative scenario to look for such kind of currents is through the rare hadronic decays of the τ lepton τ− → π−ην and τ− → π−η(cid:48)ν [2] for which some τ τ experimental upper bounds already exist. For the π−η decay mode, BaBar, Belle and CLEO collaborations have reported the branching ratio upper limits of 9.9·10−5 at 95% CL [3], 7.3 · 10−5 at 90% CL [4] and of 1.4 · 10−4 at 95% CL [5], respec- tively. Actually, τ− → π−ην belongs to the discovery modes list of the near future τ super-B factory Belle II [6] for which we advocate the measurement. Regarding the π−η(cid:48) channel, BaBar obtained a new upper bound, 4.0·10−6 at 90% CL [7], that slightly improved its previous value 7.2·10−6 at 90% CL [8]. Also CLEO quoted the upper limit 7.4·10−5 at 90% CL [9] in the nineties. Historically, τ− → π−ην decays τ attracted a lot of attention at the end of the eighties when existing measurements hinted at abnormally large branching fractions into final states containing η mesons, andapreliminaryannouncementbytheHRSColl.advocatedforanO(%)decayrate 2 into the π−η decay mode, which was against theoretical expectations [10]. Later on, the situation settled [11] and these decays remained undiscovered even at the first generation B-factories BaBar and Belle, where the background from other competing modes such as τ− → π−π0ην [12, 13] veiled the SCC signal. According to our re- τ sults, their discovery (through either of the τ− → π−η((cid:48))ν decay channels) should be τ finally possible at Belle-II, thanks to the fifty times increased luminosity of Belle-II [14] with respect to its predecessor. The implementation of theory predictions for these modes in the TAUOLA version used by the Belle [15] Collaboration will help to accomplish this task. Fromthetheoreticalperspective,thespin-parityoftheπ−η((cid:48)) system,JP,is0+ or 1− depending whether the system is in S- or P-wave, respectively. However, the G- parityofthesystemis−1,whichisopposedtothevectorcurrentthatdrivesthedecay in the SM. Therefore, the S(P)-wave of the π−η((cid:48)) system gives JPG = 0+−(1−−), which can only be realized through a SCC independently of possible intermediate resonant states. Previous theoretical analysis estimated the branching ratio to be of the order of 10−5 and within the range 10−8 to 10−6 for the π−η and π−η(cid:48) modes, respectively. In this work, we revisit these processes benefited from our previous experiences in describing dimeson τ decays data [16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22]. Here, the main subject of our study is the theoretical construction of the participant vector and scalar form factors. Our initial approach is carried out within the framework of the Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT) [23] including resonances (RChT) [24]. On a second stage, we take advantage of the global analysis of the U(3) ⊗ U(3) one-loop meson-meson scattering in the frame of RChT performed in Ref. [25] to calculate the scalar form factors from dispersion relations based on arguments of unitarity and analyticity. In particular, we will first take into account elastic final state interactions through the Omn`es solution [26] for describing the π−η and π−η(cid:48) scalar form factors (SFF), respectively. Then, we consider the effect of coupled channels in the former system for studying inelasticities. Afterwards, we will also consider the K−K0 threshold, whose coupling to the intermediate scalar resonance is presumably large [25], and couple it to both π−η and π−η(cid:48) SFFs independently. Finally, the three coupled-channels case will we addressed. Several ways of solving coupled channels form factors have been considered in literature; some use iterative methods [27, 28, 29, 30], while others employ closed algebraic expressions [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38]. The second alternative will be followed in this work. See also Ref. [39] for a recent description based on dispersive techniques. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we define the hadronic matrix element in terms of the vector and scalar form factors and give the expression for the differential decay width. In Section 3, we derive the π−η((cid:48)) vector form factor (VFF) within RChT by considering mixing within the π0-η-η(cid:48) system. In our approach, the VFFs appear to be an isospin-violating factor times the π−π0 form factor for which we will employ its experimental determination arising from the well-known first-class current τ− → π−π0ν decay. We devote Section 4 to the computation τ of the corresponding scalar form factors. We start with a simple Breit-Wigner pa- rameterization and then consider a dispersion relation obeying unitarity, first in the elastic single channel case through the Omn`es solution and then taking into account 3 coupled-channel effects. The spectra and predictions for the branching ratios are given in Section 5. Also in this section, we will briefly discuss the crossing symmetric η((cid:48)) decays, η((cid:48)) → π+(cid:96)−ν¯ ((cid:96) = e,µ), for which branching ratio predictions will be (cid:96)3 (cid:96) given as well. Finally, we present our conclusions in Section 6. 2 Hadronic matrix element and decay width The amplitude of the decay τ− → π−η((cid:48))ν in terms of the hadronic matrix element τ reads G M = √FV u¯(p )γ (1−γ )u(p )(cid:104)π−η((cid:48))|d¯γµu|0(cid:105) , (1) 2 ud ντ µ 5 τ where the π−η((cid:48)) matrix element of the vector current follows the convention of Ref. [40], (cid:104) (cid:105) (cid:104)π−η((cid:48))|d¯γµu|0(cid:105) = cV (p −p )µFπ−η((cid:48))(s)−(p +p )µFπ−η((cid:48))(s) , (2) π−η((cid:48)) η((cid:48)) π− + η((cid:48)) π− − √ with cV = 2, s = q2 = (p +p )2 and Fπ−η((cid:48))(s) the two Lorentz-invariant π−η((cid:48)) η((cid:48)) π− +(−) vector form factors. However, instead of Fπ−η((cid:48))(s), the scalar form factor Fπ−η((cid:48))(s) − 0 is usually employed, which arises as a consequence of the non-conservation of the vector current. That is, taking the divergence on the left-hand side of Eq. (2) we get (cid:104)π−η((cid:48))|∂ (d¯γµu)|0(cid:105) = i(m −m )(cid:104)π−η((cid:48))|d¯u|0(cid:105) ≡ i∆QCD cS Fπ−η((cid:48))(s) , (3) µ d u K0K+ π−η((cid:48)) 0 √ (cid:112) with cS = 2/3, cS = 2/ 3 and ∆ = m2 −m2, while on the right-hand π−η π−η(cid:48) PQ P Q side we have (cid:104) (cid:105) iq (cid:104)π−η((cid:48))|d¯γµu|0(cid:105) = icV (m2 −m2 )Fπ−η((cid:48))(s)−sFπ−η((cid:48))(s) . (4) µ π−η((cid:48)) η((cid:48)) π− + − Then, by equating Eqs. (3) and (4), we link Fπ−η((cid:48))(s) with Fπ−η((cid:48))(s) through − 0 ∆ (cid:34)cS ∆QCD (cid:35) Fπη((cid:48))(s) = − π−η((cid:48)) πη((cid:48)) K0K+Fπη((cid:48))(s)+Fπ−η((cid:48))(s) , (5) − s cV ∆ 0 + πη((cid:48)) π−η((cid:48)) and the hadronic matrix element finally reads (cid:20) ∆ (cid:21) (cid:104)π−η((cid:48))|d¯γµu|0(cid:105) = cV (p −p )µ+ π−η((cid:48))qµ Fπη((cid:48))(s) πη((cid:48)) η((cid:48)) π s + (6) ∆QCD +cS K0K+qµFπ−η((cid:48))(s) . π−η((cid:48)) s 0 The advantage of the parameterization as given in Eq. (6) is that the vector(scalar) form factor Fπ−η((cid:48))(s) is in direct correspondence with the final P(S)-wave state, +(0) respectively. Moreover, the finiteness of the matrix element at the origin imposes1 cS ∆QCD Fπ−η((cid:48))(0) = − π−η((cid:48)) K0K+Fπ−η((cid:48))(0) . (7) + cV ∆ 0 π−η((cid:48)) π−η((cid:48)) 1We will come back to Eq. (7) in Sect. 5 in order to check the consistency of our input values. 4 Therefore, the differential decay width of the τ− → π−η((cid:48))ν decay as a function of τ the invariant mass of the π−η((cid:48)) system can be written as dΓ(cid:0)τ− → π−η((cid:48))ν (cid:1) G2M3 (cid:18) s (cid:19)2 √ τ = F τ S |V Fπ−η((cid:48))(0)|2 1− d s 24π3s EW ud + M2 τ (cid:34)(cid:18) (cid:19) 3∆2 (cid:35) (8) 2s × 1+ q3 (s)|F(cid:101)π−η((cid:48))(s)|2+ π−η((cid:48))q (s)|F(cid:101)π−η((cid:48))(s)|2 , M2 π−η((cid:48)) + 4s π−η((cid:48)) 0 τ (cid:113) √ where q (s) = s2−2sΣ +∆2 /2 s, Σ = m2 +m2 and PQ PQ PQ PQ P Q Fπ−η((cid:48))(s) F(cid:101)π−η((cid:48))(s) = +,0 , (9) +,0 Fπ−η((cid:48))(0) +,0 arethetwoformfactorsnormalizedtounityattheorigin. Theyencodetheunknown strongdynamicsoccurringinthetransition. TheirdescriptionswillbegiveninSecs.3 and 4, respectively. Regarding the global pre-factors, we employ S = 1.0201 [41], EW accounting for short-distance electroweak corrections, and V = 0.97425(8)(10)(18) ud [42], while the normalization Fπ−η((cid:48))(0) is an isospin-violating quantity of O(m − + d m ), whose value will be deduced in the next section, which brings an overall sup- u pression explaining the smallness of the corresponding decay widths. In fact, in the limit of exact isospin, m = m and e = 0, Fπ−η((cid:48))(0) = 0 and these processes would u d + be forbidden in the SM. 3 π−η((cid:48)) Vector Form Factor We derive the π−η((cid:48)) vector form factor within the context of resonance chiral theory (RChT) [24], which extends chiral perturbation theory [23] by adding resonances as explicit degrees of freedom. A short introduction to the topic can be found in Ref. [43], where references concerning its varied phenomenological applications are given. In Refs. [19, 20] we have also provided a short review of the theory as applied tothecomputationofthevectorandscalarK−η((cid:48)) formfactorsdescribingthedecays τ− → K−η((cid:48))ν . In the present analysis, we would occasionally refer the interested τ reader to the former references though some comments will be given in the following for consistency. It is not straightforward to incorporate the dynamics of the η and η(cid:48) mesons in a chiral framework (see, for instance, Ref. [44]). The pseudoscalar singlet η is absent 0 in SU(3) ChPT and their effects are encoded in the next-to-leading order low-energy constant L . To take into account consistently the effects of the singlet in an explicit 7 way one must perform a simultaneous expansion not only in terms of momenta (p2) and quark masses (m ) but also in the number of colors (1/N ). In this framework, q c known as Large-N ChPT [45], the singlet becomes a ninth pseudo-Goldstone boson c and the η-η(cid:48) mixing can be understood in a perturbative manner2. At lowest order, 2Inthissimultaneousexpansionthechiralloopsarecountedasnext-to-next-to-leadingordercorrections and thus considered negligible [45]. This fact is in part corroborated numerically. 5 the physical states (η,η(cid:48)) are related to the mathematical states (η ,η ) in the so- 8 0 called octet-singlet basis by a simple two-dimensional rotation matrix involving one single mixing angle. At the same order, the four different decay constants related to theη-η(cid:48) systemareallequaltothepiondecayconstantinthechirallimit. Atnext-to- leading order, however, besides mass-matrix diagonalization one requires to perform first a wave-function renormalisation of the fields due to the non-diagonal form of the kinetic term of the Lagrangian. This two-step procedure makes the single mixing angle at lowest order to be split in two mixing angles at next-to-leading order3. The magnitude of this splitting is given in the octet-singlet basis by the difference of the F and F decay constants, that is, a SU(3)-breaking correction [46]. At this order, K π now, thedecay constants areall different due to these wave-function–renormalisation corrections. Beingthistwo-mixingangleschemeunavoidableatnext-to-leadingorder inthelarge-N chiralexpansion,onecanexpresstheirassociatedparameterseitherin c the form of two mixing angles (θ ,θ ) and two decay constants (f ,f ) or one mixing 8 0 8 0 angle, the one appearing at lowest order, and three wave-function–renormalisation corrections, appearing only at next-to-leading order. In this work, we will follow the second option. Needless to say, the mixing so far involves only the η and η(cid:48) mesons in the isospin limit, but if isospin symmetry is broken, as it is our case, the π0 is also involved, and instead of using one mixing angle and three wave-function– renormalisation corrections we will need to use three lowest order mixing angles, θ for the η-η(cid:48), θ for the π-η and θ for the π-η(cid:48) systems, respectively, and ηη(cid:48) πη πη(cid:48) the corresponding six wave-function–renormalisation corrections. Since we are in the context of RChT, these wave-function–renormalisation corrections are assumed to be saturated by the exchange of a nonet of scalar resonances and therefore expressed in terms of the associated c and c coupling constants (see below). d m Because the size of isospin-breaking corrections due to the light-quark mass dif- ference are given in terms of the ratio (m − m )/m and hence very small, the d u s two former mixing angles involving the π0 can be well approximated by their Taylor expansion at first order. Then, the orthogonal matrix connecting the mathematical and physical states at lowest order can be written as π0 1 ε cθ +ε sθ ε cθ −ε sθ π πη ηη(cid:48) πη(cid:48) ηη(cid:48) πη(cid:48) ηη(cid:48) πη ηη(cid:48) 3 η = −επη cθηη(cid:48) −sθηη(cid:48) · η8 , (10) η(cid:48) −ε sθ cθ η πη(cid:48) ηη(cid:48) ηη(cid:48) 0 where ε are the approximated π0-η((cid:48)) mixing angles and (c,s) ≡ (cos,sin). Using πη((cid:48)) this parametrization for the rotation matrix, we preserve the common η-η(cid:48) mixing description, when both ε are fixed to 0, and the one for π-η((cid:48)) mixing, when both πη((cid:48)) θ and ε are set to 0. A detailed illustration of this π0-η-η(cid:48) mixing can be found ηη(cid:48) πη(cid:48)() in Ref. [53], from where we borrow the numerical values εˆ ≡ ε (z = 0) = 0.017(2) πη πη and εˆ ≡ ε (z = 0) = 0.004(1) as a check of our results. For the η-η(cid:48) mixing angle πη(cid:48) πη(cid:48) 3For a detailed explanation of the two-mixing angle scheme in the large-N ChPT at next-to-leading c order in the octet-singlet basis, see, for instance, the appendix B in Ref. [47]. Several phenomenological analyses using this basis or the so-called quark-flavour basis are Refs. [48, 49, 50]. Other comprehensive reviews are Refs. [51, 52]. 6 we take θ = (−13.3±0.5)◦ [54]4. ηη(cid:48) As stated before, the π−η((cid:48)) VFFs will be calculated in the framework of RChT. There are four different types of contributions in total. At leading order, there is the contribution from the lowest order of large-N ChPT. At next-to-leading order, there c are, in addition, the contribution from the exchange of explicit vector resonances, theso-calledvacuuminsertionsandthewave-function–renormalisationcontributions. The latter two are written in terms of the explicit exchange of scalar resonances and seen to cancel each other [38]. As a result, we obtain (cid:32) (cid:33) Fπ−η((cid:48))(s) = ε 1+(cid:88) FVGV s , (11) + πη((cid:48)) F2 M2 −s V V where the prefactor denotes it occurs via π0-η-η(cid:48) mixing and the parenthesis includes the direct contact term plus the exchange of an infinite number of vector resonances organized in nonets5 (F and G are the two coupling constants of the Lagrangian V V ofonenonetofvectorscoupledtopseudoscalars, M thecommonnonetvectormass, V and F the pion decay constant in the chiral limit). Interestingly, the term in parenthesis appearing in Eq. (11) is nothing but what onewouldhaveobtainediftheπ−π0VFFhadbeencomputedinstead. Hence,written in this way, the π−η((cid:48)) VFFs are given in terms of the well-known π−π0 VFF (see, for instance, Refs. [18, 56] for a review). Their value at the origin are Fπ−η((cid:48))(0) = ε , + πη((cid:48)) and as a consequence the normalized form factors are both the same and equal to the normalized π−π0 one, that is F(cid:101)π−η(s) = F(cid:101)π−η(cid:48)(s) = F(cid:101)π−π0(s) . (12) + + + The above relation allows us to implement the well-known experimental data on the π−π0 VFF to describe the π−η((cid:48)) decay modes we are interested in. In particular, we employ the latest experimental determination obtained by the Belle Collaboration from the measurement of the decay τ− → π−π0ν 6, which is shown in Fig. 1 (the set τ of data is borrowed from the Table VI of Ref. [58]). In this manner, we are not only taking into account the dominant vector resonant contribution given by the ρ(770), whose effect is clearly seen from the neat peak around 0.6 GeV2, but also the effects ofhigherradialexcitationssuchastheρ(cid:48)(1450)andρ(cid:48)(cid:48)(1700)(seetheirmanifestation in the form of a negative interference with the ρ in the energy region between 2 and 3 GeV2). An interesting check would be then to compare these data with theoretical descriptions of this form factor, such as the ones given by dispersion relations, where the contributions of the different states can be switched on and off, to discern the number of participating resonances [18, 30]. 4In Ref. [54], the value φ = (41.4±0.5)◦ is obtained in the quark-flavor basis. However, at lowest ηη(cid:48) √ order, this value is equivalent in the octet-singlet basis to θ =φ −arctan 2=(−13.3±0.5)◦. ηη(cid:48) ηη(cid:48) 5At leading order in 1/N at this stage, i.e., with an infinite number of zero-width resonances [55]. c 6The contribution of the scalar form factor entering into the π−π0 decay mode is weighted by ∆2 , π−π0 thus heavily suppressed by isospin [57] and usually neglected. 7 100 Belledata (cid:232)(cid:232)(cid:232) (cid:232) (cid:232) 10 (cid:232) (cid:232)(cid:232) (cid:232) (cid:232) (cid:232) (cid:232) (cid:232) (cid:232) Π2(cid:72)(cid:76)s 1 (cid:232)(cid:232)(cid:232)(cid:232) (cid:232)(cid:232)(cid:232)(cid:232)(cid:232)(cid:232)(cid:232)(cid:232)(cid:232)(cid:232)(cid:232)(cid:232)(cid:232)(cid:232)(cid:232)(cid:232)(cid:232)(cid:232)(cid:232)(cid:232)(cid:232) (cid:232) Π(cid:200)F(cid:43) 0.1 (cid:232)(cid:232)(cid:232)(cid:232) (cid:232)(cid:232)(cid:232)(cid:232)(cid:232)(cid:232)(cid:232) (cid:232) (cid:232) (cid:232) (cid:232) (cid:232) (cid:232) (cid:232) (cid:232)(cid:232)(cid:232)(cid:232) 0.01 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 s (cid:64)GeV2(cid:68) Figure 1: π−π0 vector form factor as obtained by the Belle Collaboration [58] (black circles). The red solid curve is an interpolation of these data. 4 π−η((cid:48)) Scalar Form Factor Anydescriptionofaphysicalobservableinvolvinglightscalarmesonshasbeenalways controversial7, and simple model parameterizations do not typically succeed. In this work, in order to construct a reasonable description of the participant scalar form factors we will basically exploit two powerful theoretical arguments: the required analytical structure of the form factor and the unitarity of the scattering matrix. In what follows, we will tackle three different parameterizations in increasing degree of completeness. 4.1 Breit-Wigner approach Our initial approach for describing the required π−η((cid:48)) scalar form factor (SFF) is, as in the case of the VFF, the RChT framework. In the large-N limit, the octet of c scalarresonancesandthesingletbecomedegenerateinthechirallimit(withcommon mass M ), and all them are collected in a nonet. The calculation of these SFFs is S performed again at next-to-leading order in the simultaneous expansion in terms of momenta and the number of colors, and the different contributions to them are the lowest order one from large-N ChPT and the three next-to-leading order ones from c RChT, which are, in order, the explicit exchange of scalar resonances, the vacuum insertions, and the wave-function–renormalisation contributions. The resulting SFFs 7See e.g. the “Note on scalar mesons below 2 GeV” in Ref. [42] for a review. 8 are8 (cid:20) 8c (c −c )2m2 −m2 Fπ−η((cid:48))(s) = cπ−η((cid:48)) 1− m m d K π 0 0 F2 M2 S (cid:16) (cid:17) (13) (c −c )2m2 +c s+m2 −m2 4cm m d π d π η((cid:48)) + , F2 M2 −s S √ √ wherecπ−η = cosθ − 2sinθ andcπ−η(cid:48) = cosθ +sinθ / 2fortheπηandπη(cid:48) 0 ηη(cid:48) ηη(cid:48) 0 ηη(cid:48) ηη(cid:48) channels, respectively, and c are the couplings appearing in the derivative(mass) d(m) terms of the Lagrangian involving the nonets of scalar and pseudoscalar mesons. A similar analysis was done in Ref. [29] for the Kπ, Kη and Kη(cid:48) SFFs. Once the QCD asymptotic behavior of the form factors is imposed, that is, they are O(1/s) for large s, which implies c −c = 0 and 4c c = F2, and hence c = c = F/2 [29], these d m d m d m can be finally written as [59] (cid:18) ∆ (cid:19) M2 Fπ−η((cid:48))(s) = cπ−η((cid:48)) 1+ π−η((cid:48)) S , (14) 0 0 M2 M2 −s S S and their value at the origin are (cid:18) ∆ (cid:19) Fπ−η((cid:48))(0) = cπ−η((cid:48)) 1+ π−η((cid:48)) . (15) 0 0 M2 S These normalizations can now be incorporated into Eq. (7) to give a prediction of the normalizations of the related VFFs: √ cosθ − 2sinθ ∆QCD (cid:18) ∆ (cid:19) Fπ−η(0) = − ηη(cid:48) √ ηη(cid:48) K0K+ 1+ π−η + 3 ∆π−η MS2 (16) (cid:32) (cid:33) m2 −m2 −m2 +m2 m2 −m2 = cosφ K0 K+ π0 π+ 1− η π− , ηη(cid:48) m2 −m2 M2 η π− S and √ sinθ + 2cosθ ∆QCD (cid:18) ∆ (cid:19) Fπ−η(cid:48)(0) = − ηη(cid:48) √ ηη(cid:48) K0K+ 1+ π−η(cid:48) + 3 ∆π−η(cid:48) MS2 (17) (cid:32) (cid:33) m2 −m2 −m2 +m2 m2 −m2 = sinφ K0 K+ π0 π+ 1− η(cid:48) π− , ηη(cid:48) m2 −m2 M2 η(cid:48) π− S where the η-η(cid:48) mixing has been expressed for simplicity in the quark-flavor basis, √ √ √ √ cosφ = (cosθ − 2sinθ )/ 3 and sinφ = (sinθ + 2cosθ )/ 3, and ηη(cid:48) ηη(cid:48) ηη(cid:48) ηη(cid:48) ηη(cid:48) ηη(cid:48) 8As a starting point, we assume there is only a nonet of scalar resonances. Later on, we will include a second one. Moreover, we use in the calculation of the form factors isospin-averaged π(K) masses m π(K) which will be in the following identified as their corresponding charged masses, being the differences higher-order isospin-breaking corrections. 9 ∆QCD = m2 −m2 −∆m2 = m2 −m2 −m2 +m2 has been estimated K0K+ K0 K+ Kelm K0 K+ π0 π+ from the K0-K+ mass difference corrected for mass contributions of electromagnetic originaccordingtoDashen’stheorem[60,61]. ComparingtheseVFFsnormalizations with those obtained after Eq. (11), one finally gets m2 −m2 −m2 +m2 (cid:32) m2 −m2 (cid:33) ε = cosφ (sinφ ) K0 K+ π0 π+ 1− η((cid:48)) π− , (18) πη((cid:48)) ηη(cid:48) ηη(cid:48) m2 −m2 M2 η((cid:48)) π− S for the πη and πη(cid:48) cases, respectively. It is worth noticing that the former equation is equivalent up to higher-order isospin corrections to Eq. (31) in Ref. [53] after the identification z ≡ (f − f )/(f + f ) = −(m2 − m2 − m2 + m2 )/M2. u d u d K0 K+ π0 π+ S The former equality allows for an estimate of this parameter, z (cid:39) −5 × 10−3 for M = 980 MeV, in agreement with the conclusion in Ref. [53] that z < 0.015. From S Eq. (18), we can also provide a numerical determination of the πη((cid:48)) mixing angles, ε = (9.8±0.3)×10−3 and ε = (2.5±1.5)×10−4, which are far, specially in πη πη(cid:48) the latter case, from their infinite scalar mass limit, εˆ ≡ ε (M → ∞) = 0.014 πη πη S and εˆ ≡ ε (M → ∞) = 0.0038, in accordance with Ref. [49]. These values were πη(cid:48) πη(cid:48) S calculated using φ = (41.4±0.5)◦ [54]. As seen, ε is one order of magnitude ηη(cid:48) πη(cid:48) smaller than εˆ caused by the strong suppression due to m (cid:39) M . πη(cid:48) η(cid:48) S The description of the SFFs in the form of Eq. (14) begins to fail in the vicinity of the resonance region. It breaks down for s = M2 which corresponds to an on-shell S intermediate scalar resonance. A common and simple way to cure this limitation is by promoting the scalar propagator 1/(M2−s) to 1/(M2−s−iM Γ (s)), where the S S S S corresponding energy-dependent width computed within RChT in this case reads (cid:18) s (cid:19)3/2 h(s) Γ (s) = Γ (M2) , (19) S S S M2 h(M2) S S √ with (σ (s) = 2q (s)/ s×Θ(s−(m +m )2) is a kinematical factor) PQ PQ P Q (cid:18) ∆ (cid:19)2 h(s) = σ (s)+2cos2φ 1+ π−η σ (s) K−K0 ηη(cid:48) s π−η (20) (cid:18) ∆ (cid:19)2 +2sin2φ 1+ π−η(cid:48) σ (s) , ηη(cid:48) s π−η(cid:48) forthea (980)resonancecasecouplingdominantlytotheπη system9. Inthisway,we 0 haveincorporatedintoourdescriptionsomeelasticandinelasticunitaritycorrections through resumming the imaginary part of the π−η((cid:48)) and K−K0 self-energy loop insertions into the propagator, accounting for rescattering effects of the final state hadrons. Nonetheless,thisdescriptionisnotstrictlyunitaryneitherinitselasticform (since we have accommodated inelasticities into the description) nor in an inelastic fashion which would require to couple the channels in a more elaborated way. In 9Current understanding favors that the meson multiplet including this resonance does not survive in the large-N limit (see e.g. Refs. [62, 63, 64, 65]). However, since this Breit-Wigner–like model is only c considered for illustrative purposes this fact will be ignored as it is usually done in this approach. 10