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Prediction of Intracellular Amount of 1-Methyladenine Precursor in Ovarian Follicle Cells of the Starfish, Asterina pectinifera(Reproductive Biology) PDF

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Preview Prediction of Intracellular Amount of 1-Methyladenine Precursor in Ovarian Follicle Cells of the Starfish, Asterina pectinifera(Reproductive Biology)

ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 8: 57-62 (1991) 1991 Zoological SocietyofJapan Prediction of Intracellular Amount of 1-Methyladenine Precursor in Ovarian Follicle Cells of the Starfish, Asterina pectinifera Masatoshi Mita Department ofBiochemistry, Teikyo University School ofMedicine, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo 173, Japan — ABSTRACT Resumption of meiosis in starfish oocytes is induced by 1-methyladenine (1-MeAde) produced by overian follicle cells under the influence of gonad-stimulating substance (GSS). The present study was undertaken to determine whether 1-MeAde production in follicle cells following stimulationbyGSSisdue tothereleaseofstored 1-MeAdeortodenovosynthesisusingaprecursorof 1-MeAde. Although 1-MeAde produced by follicle cells in Asterina pectinifera was found in the extracellularmediumfollowingincubationwithGSS, 1-MeAdedidnotpreexistinthesecells. Also,the continualpresenceofGSSinthemediumdidnotmaintain1-MeAdeproduction:asincubationtimewas prolonged, the level of 1-MeAde production gradually declined and finally stopped. Although 1-MeAde production had already ceased in follicle cells after incubation for 12hrwith GSS, GSS still caused an increase in the intracellularlevelsofcyclic AMP. Ithas alsobeen reported thatmethionine and selenomethionine enhance the GSS-induced 1-MeAde production. In thisstudy itwasfound that the total amounts of 1-MeAde produced by follicle cells were almost the same regardless ofwhether methionine orselenomethionine waspresent. Eachfolliclecellwascapable ofproducingabout 1 fmol 1-MeAde. Theseresultsstronglysuggestedthat 1-MeAdeisnewlysynthesizedusingaprecursorstored in follicle cells. methylgrouptotheN] siteofthepurinenucleusof INTRODUCTION a 1-MeAde precursor [8, 9]. In contrast, it was In most animals, meiosis in fully grown oocytes reported recently that 1-MeAde production in is arrested at the prophase of the first maturation Pisaster ochraceus is due to the release of in- division. Hormonal control is required for the tracellular 1-MeAdestoredinfolliclecells[10]. To resumption of meiosis. In starfish, resumption of elucidatewhether 1-MeAdepreexistsinthefollicle maturation division is triggered by 1- cells ofA. pectinifera before GSS stimulation, the methyladenine (1-MeAde) [1-4], which is known present study was undertaken to determine the to be produced in follicle cells by the action of a intracellular 1-MeAde content. gonad-stimulating substance (GSS) secreted from It was shown recently that upon incubation of the neural system [5,6]. A previous in vitro study starfish follicle cells with GSS there is a dose- using follicle cells of Asterina pectinifera has de- related increase in cyclic adenosine 3',5'- monstrated that 1-MeAde produced under the monophosphate (cAMP) production, coincident influence of GSS is not a breakdown product of with an increase in 1-MeAde production [11-13]. some 1-MeAde-containing substance such as ribo- With respect to the increase in cAMP levels, GSS nucleic acid, but is synthesized de novo [7]. The causes activation of the adenylate cyclase system role of GSS in the production of 1-MeAde in A. involving guanine-nucleotide regulatory binding pectinifera and Asterias amurensis has also been proteins [14]. These results suggest that cAMP shown to involve activation of the transfer of a plays ah important role in mediating the action of GSSon 1-MeAdeproduction, although theregula- Accepted May 23, 1990 tory mechanism of 1-MeAde production by cAMP Received February 14. 1990 is poorly understood. This study also investigated 58 M. MlTA the role of cAMP in 1-MeAde production by sedimented cells were quickly frozen in dry ice- starfish follicle cells. acetoneandusedfordeterminationofcAMP. The cAMP was measured as described previously [20] MATERIALS AND METHODS using a commercial radioimmunoassay kit (Yama- sa Shoyu Company, Chiba, Japan), following ex- traction of the cells with 6% trichloroacetic acid Animals (TCA). Starfish, Asterina pectinifera, were collected at Hashirimizu (Kanagawa, Japan) and Asamushi Measurement ofintracellular 1-MeAde content (Aomori, Japan). The animals were kept in Before and after incubation of 106 follicle cells laboratory aquaria with circulating artificial sea with GSS at a concentration of 0.1 mg nerve water, 'My Sea' (Jamarin Laboratory, Osaka, equivalent/ml for 2hr at 20°C, the cells were ASW Japan) at 15°C. washedtwicewith andhomogenizedwith 1.0 ml 6% TCA containing authentic 1-MeAde at a Reagents desired concentration. The homogenate was then 1-MeAdeandselenomethioninewerepurchased centrifuged at 5,000Xg for 5 min. The super- from Sigma Chemical Company (St. Louis, MO). natant was washed three times with water- All other reagents were of analytical grade. saturated diethylether, and the aqueous phase Theseawaterwasmodifiedvan'tHoffsartificial collected and lyophilized. The samples were dis- sea water (ASW) adjusted to pH8.2 with 0.02 M solved serially in ASW in a total volume of 1.0ml borate buffer [15]. GSS was prepared from the and assayed for 1-MeAde. lyophilized radial nerves of A. pectinifera as pre- viouslydescribedbyKanatanietal. [16] and Shirai RESULTS [17]. The amount of GSS was expressed as the original nerve weight (dry nerve weight equiva- When isolated follicle cells (1.0+0.1XlO6cells) lent). from 2x104 oocytes were incubated for 2hr with ASW containing GSS at a concentration of0.1 mg Preparation offollicle cells nerve equivalent/ml, about 0.47nmol 1-MeAde Follicle cells were isolated as described pre- produced was found in 1.0ml of incubation viously [12, 18]. The number of follicle cells was medium. An experiment wascarried out to deter- estimated from the number ofoocytes, since each mine if 1-MeAde preexists in follicle cells before oocyte is enclosed by approximately fifty follicle GSS treatment. One million follicle cells were cells (50+4 mean+SEM ofnine separate estima- homogenized with 6% TCA containing authentic : tions). 1-MeAde at a concentration of0.125, 0.25, 0.5 or 1.0/^M. After removal of TCA by diethylether Incubation offollicle cells partition, these extracts were used for 1-MeAde One million follicle cells isolated from 2xl04 determination. As shown in Figure 1, the added oocytes were incubated at 20°C with occasional 1-MeAde was completely recovered from the cell shaking in 1.0ml ASW containing GSS at a con- extracts. However, 1-MeAde could not be de- centration of 0.1 mg nerve equivalent/ml. The tected in the extract without added 1-MeAde. A detailed protocol of the experiment will be given similar standard curve was obtained from the under Results. After incubation, the cell suspen- extractsoffolliclecellsincubatedfor2hrwithGSS sion was centrifuged at l,000xg for 1 min and the at a concentration of 0.1 mg nerve equivalent/ml. supernatantassayedfor 1-MeAde. Theconcentra- It was shown clearly that neither non-GSS-treated tion of 1-MeAde was determined by a method nor treated follicle cells contained 1-MeAde. described previously [17, 19], using authentic 1- However, during incubation with the same MeAde as a standard reference. The amount of quantity of GSS, the amount of 1-MeAde pro- 1-MeAde was expressed in nmol/ml. The ducedbyfolliclecellsincreasedintheextracellular Prediction of 1-MeAde Precursor Content 59 incubation time was prolonged, the rate of 1- 1.25 MeAde production gradually declined. At 10hr, the total amount of 1-MeAde produced by follicle 1.00 cells reached a plateau. After incubation of 106 0.75 follicle cells for 12hr with GSS, 1.2+0.1 nmol 1-MeAde was accumulated in 1.0ml of medium. S 0.50 - Therefore, it was calculated that about 1 fmol 1-MeAde was produced by a follicle cell. 0.25 The cessation of 1-MeAde production byfollicle cells upon prolonged incubation might have been due to loss ofGSS activity and/orcell death. This 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.0 possibility was tested by preincubation of follicle ASW 1-MeAde added (uM) cells with in the absence and presence of Fig. 1. Intracellularconcentration of 1-MeAde in folli- GSS, before incubation with fresh GSS. When cle cellsofA. pectinifera. Before (•) and after(O) follicle cells were preincubated with GSS at a incubation with GSS (0.1 mg nerve equivalent/ml) concentration of 0.1 mg nerve equivalent/ml, the for 2hr at 20°C, 106 follicle cells were washed with amount of 1-MeAde produced during a further AmlSW6%twTicCe,Aancodntsauisnpienngde1d-aMnedAdheomaotgetnheizienddiicnat1e.d0 2-hr incubation with fresh GSS decreased marked- concentrations. After centrifugation, the super- ly as the preincubation time was prolonged (Fig. natant was partitioned with water-saturated dieth- 3). After 12-hr preincubation with GSS, the ylethertoremoveTCA, andthe aqueousphasewas follicle cells failed to produce 1-MeAde under the cinol1l.e0ctmeldaAnSdWlyoapnhdilaizsesda.yeTdhfeorsa1m-pMleeAwdaes.dissolved influence of fresh GSS. In contrast, when follicle cells were preincubated for 2, 6 or 12hr without GSS, 1-MeAde production by follicle cells occur- 1.5 - red upon addition of GSS. Amounts of 1-MeAde 1.0 - 7 0.5 •I. 2 4 6 8 10 12 Incubation time (hr) 4 6 8 10 12 Fig. 2. EffectofGSSon 1-MeAdeproductioninfollicle cells. One million follicle cells were incubated with Preincubation time (hr) 1.0ml ASW containing GSS (0.1 mg nerve Fig. 3. Effect ofpreincubation with GSS on 1-MeAde equivalent/ml) at 20°C. After incubation for the production in folliclecells. Onemillion folliclecells indicated times, the cell suspension was centrifuged werepreincubatedwith 1.0mlASWcontainingGSS and the supernatant assayed for 1-MeAde. Each (0.1 mg nerve equivalent/ml) at 20°C. After prein- point represents the mean±SEM of three separate cubation for the indicated times, the cells were experiments. washed twice with ASW and resuspended in 1.0ml ASW containing fresh GSS (0.1 mg nerve medium (Fig. 2). The continual presence of GSS equivalent/ml). Incubation wascarriedout for2hr in the medium induced almost linear 1-MeAde at 20°C. After centrifugation, the supernatant was assayed for 1-MeAde. Each point represents the production at least for the first 4hr. As the mean±SEM ofthree separate experiments. 60 M. MlTA 0.6 (a) MeAde production by follicle cells was not unli- mited (Fig. 2). It was therefore of interest to determine whether the total amount of 1-MeAde a2 <c 0.4 produced by follicle cells depended on the size of 2CD Eo an intracellular pool of 1-MeAde precursor. A previous study showed that the role of GSS in i ,M 1-MeAde production was stimulation of methyla- (b) X tion [8]. It has also been shown that GSS-induced i 1-MeAde production is enhanced by methionine CD JH [8, 9] and selenomethionine [21]. These findings 8 1 suggest that 1-MeAde is synthesized from an un- known precursor through methylation. As shown ^ 2 rii previously[8, 9,21], duringthefirst2hrofincuba- tion, methionine (5 mM) and selenomethionine 2 6 12 Preincubation time (hr) Fig. 4. Effects of preincubation time on 1-MeAde (a) andcAMP(b)productioninducedbyGSSinfollicle cells. One million follicle cells were preincubated with 1.0ml ASW at 20°C in the absence (M) or presence of GSS (0.1 mg nerve equivalent/ml) (W.)- Afterpreincubationfor2,6or12hr,thecells were washed twice with ASW and resuspended in 1.0ml ASW containing fresh GSS (0.1 mg nerve equivalent/ml). Incubationwasthencarriedoutfor another 2hr at 20°C. After centrifugation, the supernatant was assayed for 1-MeAde, and the sedimented cells were used for determination of cAMP. Each point represents the mean+SEM of threeseparateexperiments. ( ), Levelsincontrol experiments, involving incubation without GSS. similar to those without preincubation were pro- duced by the follicle cells (Fig. 4a). These results ASW indicated that prolonged incubation with alone did not prevent follicle cells from producing 2hr 12hr 1-MeAde. Previous studies have shown that following in- Fig. 5. Effectsofmethionine and selenomethionine on cubation with GSS, intracellular cAMP levels are c1e-llMs.eAAdfeterpr1o0d6ufcotlliiocnlecienldlsucheaddbbeyenGpSrSeinincubfoeldlifcolre increased, coincidentwith an increasein 1-MeAde 30min with ASW at 20°C in the absence ( ) or production [11-13]. In the next experiment, the presenceofeithermethionine (5mM) (SSi)orsele- effect of GSS on cAMP production was examined nomethionine (0.5mM) (ffl), incubation was initi- during prolonged incubation. Afterpreincubation ated by addition of GSS (0.1 mg nerve equivalent /ml). At 2 and 12hr, the cell suspension was of 106 follicle cells for2, 6or 12hrwith orwithout centrifuged and the supernatant assayed for 1- GSS at a concentration of 0.1 mg nerve MeAde. Each point represents the mean+SEM of equivalent/ml, they were washed and reincubated three separate experiments. Levels of 1-MeAde with the same quantity of GSS. cAMP levels in production in control experiments, in which follicle cells were incubated without GSS, were not detect- tGhSeSse(Ffoilgl.ic4lbe).cells increased in response to fresh aabnlde.coPmpvaalrueedswweirthectahlecurleastuletdsusoibntgaiSnteuddewnitt'hstGtSesSt The present study had already shown that 1- alone: *P<0.1, **P<0.05. Prediction of 1-MeAde Precursor Content 61 (0.5 mM) significantly increased the level of 1- When follicle cells were incubated with GSS in MeAde production induced by GSS (0.1 mgnerve the presence of either methionine or sele- equivalent/ml) (Fig. 5). Despite this, addition of nomethionine, the extracellularlevelsof 1-MeAde either methionine or selenomethionine did not during first 2hr of incubation were higher than alter the total amounts of 1-MeAde produced by with GSS alone. This result is in accord with an follicle cells after incubation for 12hr. Similarly, earlier suggestion that a methylation process is the total amount of 1-MeAde produced by 106 involved in GSS-dependent 1-MeAde biosynthesis follicle cells was about 1.2 nmol/ml. [8, 9, 21]. The present study also showed that, during 12hr of incubation, the total amounts of 1-MeAde produced in the presence of GSS plus DISCUSSION methionine or selenomethionine are comparable The present results provide further evidence to to the values obtained with GSS alone. These support the previous proposal [7] that 1-MeAde is results suggest that the amount of 1-MeAde pro- synthesized de novo in follicle cells of A. pecti- duced by follicle cells maydepend on the pool size niferaundertheinfluenceofGSS. TheroleofGSS of a precursor of 1-MeAde as an acceptor of in 1-MeAde production is not merely induction of methyl radicals. If so, the concentration of this the release of intracellular 1-MeAde stored in unknown 1-MeAde precursor stored in follicle follicle cells. The present study also showed that cellsisalmostequal tothat of 1-MeAde produced. 1-MeAde production by follicle cells does not Since a limited amount of 1-MeAde production, continue indefinitely even in the presence ofGSS. about 1 fmol 1-MeAde per follicle cell, was mea- Afterprolonged incubationwith GSS, follicle cells sured precisely in the present study, the same stopped producing 1-MeAde. The induction of quantity of precursor may be stored in each cell. 1-MeAde production by GSS is mediated through The identify of this precursor of 1-MeAde is elevation ofthe second messengercAMP [11-13]. currently under investigation. In contrast, after preincubation for a long period with GSS, an increase in intracellularcAMPlevels ACKNOWLEDGMENTS was found following further incubation with GSS. These resultsindicate thatupon prolongedincuba- The author is grateful to Dr. N. Ueta, Teikyo Uni- tion with GSS, although follicle cells still retain versity School of Medicine, for his encouragement and their ability to respond to GSS, cAMP fails to vInasltuiatbultee faodrviBcaes,icaBnidoltoogyDarn.dYD.r.NHa.gaShhiarmaai,,ONkaatyioanmaal induce 1-MeAde synthesis. It seems that the University, for their critical reading of the manuscript. failure of 1-MeAde production is due to exhaus- Thanks are also extended to the staff of Asamushi tion of 1-MeAde precursors during incubation. Marine Biological Station, Tohoku University, for their Exogenous 1-methyladenosine (1-MeAde-R) help in collecting the starfish. This studywassupported by a grant (62740435) from the Ministry of Education, and 1-methyladenosine monophosphate (1- Science and Culture ofJapan. MeAMP) have been shown to be as effective as GSS in evoking 1-MeAde production [22, 23]. 1-MeAde-R and 1-MeAMP seem to be precursors REFERENCES of 1-MeAde. However, follicle cells possess activ- ity of 1-MeAde-R ribohydrolase, the enzyme that 1 oKoacnyatteanim,atuHr.at(i1o9n69b)y 1I-nmduectthiyolnadeonfinsepaiwnnisntgarfiasnhd. converts 1-MeAde-R to 1-MeAde [24, 25]. If Exp. Cell Res., 57: 333-337. 1-MeAde-R and 1-MeAMP preexist in follicle 2 Kanatani, H., Shirai, H., Nakanishi, K. and Kuro- cells, they should be converted into 1-MeAde. kawa, T. (1969) Isolation and identification of Thus, 1-MeAde-Rand 1-MeAMPappearnottobe meiosis-inducing substance in starfish, Asterias amurensis. 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