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Prediction of Amine Corrosion in Refinery and Gas Processing Rich Amine Circuits Predict-Amine 2.0 PDF

23 Pages·2011·1.77 MB·English
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Preview Prediction of Amine Corrosion in Refinery and Gas Processing Rich Amine Circuits Predict-Amine 2.0

Prediction of Amine Corrosion in Refinery and Gas Processing Rich Amine Circuits Predict-Amine 2.0 FFaaiilluurree PPrreevveennttiioonn Risk Mitigation Optimized Material Selection By Sridhar Srinivasan Vishal Lagad PRELMINARY VERSION Outline • Introduction to Amine Corrosion • Overview of Rich Amine Joint Industry Program • Predict-Amine 2.0: Functionality Description •• PPrreeddiicctt--AAmmiinnee 22..00:: IInntteerrffaaccee // AApppplliiccaattiioonn • Questions and Discussion 2 Impact of Amine Corrosion • Amine units provide gas treating capabilities that remove acid gases (CO and H S) from feed gas 2 2 • Most piping in amine units built from carbon steel - some higher alloy utilization in re-boilers and heat exchangers • There are limited data and guidelines in industry to quantify amine corrosion with respect to velocity (wall shear stress) and acid gas loadings •• DDiiffffeerreenntt aammiinneess aarree uusseedd iinn tthhee iinndduussttrryy wwiitthh vvaarriieedd operating conditions and limits • Loss of production in Amine Units can cost upwards of $400,000 per day 3 Corrosion Problem Areas in Typical Amine Units TREATED GAS LEAN AMINE C RICH AMINE O N ACID T FILTER GASES A S C ACCUM T O R S T A Lean To RR BB RRiicchh I S Amine O P Heat Exch. R P B E E SOUR GAS R R FEED Amine Make-up 4 Amine Corrosion – Overview • H S and CO from feed gases are absorbed into the amine 2 2 solvent by chemical reaction • Amines with dissolved CO and H S from the contactor are 2 2 called Rich Amines • Corrosion in Rich Amine circuits is caused due to dissolved acid gases and presence of impurities •• AAcciidd ggaasseess aarree rreemmoovveedd ffrroomm aammiinneess iinn rreeggeenneerraattoorrss aatt hhiigghh tteemmppeerraattuurree oorr llooww pprreessssuurree • Amine from regenerator contains low dissolved acid gases and is called Lean Amine • Predict-Amine 2.0 focuses on Rich Amine Corrosion 5 Amine JIP Inception • Absence of quantified data made corrosion prediction / prevention of failure difficult • Need for a sound engineering basis to quantify corrosion in amine systems • In 2003 Honeywell along with major refiners and gas processors formed a Joint Industry Program designed to ggeenneerraattee ddaattaa ffoorr aammiinnee ccoorrrroossiioonn - Program sponsored by twelve leading operating companies • Purpose: To create a definitive, engineering basis for dealing with amine corrosion for MEA, DEA and DGA® ® DGA is a registered trademark of Huntsman Corporation 6 Corrosion Prediction using Predict-Amine 2.0 • Key Variables for assessing Amine Corrosion - Acid Gas Loading - Velocity (Wall Shear Stress) - Temperature - Impurities and HSAS - CO / H S Ratio 2 2 • Types of Amines - MEA - DEA -- DDGGAA - Phase II of Amine JIP focuses on MDEA • Materials evaluated - CS - 304L - 316L - Alloy 2205 - Alloy 825 7 Predict-Amine 2.0 • Incorporates - Large database of quantitative corrosion data developed by Amine JIP from simulated lab tests - Flow modeling calculations for wall shear stress - Algorithms/rule sets to address effect of the key variables that affect corrosion •• PPrreeddiiccttss aammiinnee ccoorrrroossiioonn rraattee ffoorr ffiivvee ((55)) ccoommmmoonnllyy uusseedd mmaatteerriiaallss iinn MMEEAA,, DDEEAA aanndd DDGGAA sseerrvviicceess • Provides tools for sensitivity and multipoint analysis • Provides access to 3D Piping tools for modeling • Provides secure access to all JIP data, presentations, trends and correction factors 8 Predict-Amine 2.0: How does it work? 1. Calculate shear stress at pipe wall for process flow conditions 2. Convert the field shear stress into an equivalent lab flow loop velocity 33.. UUssiinngg llaabb vveelloocciittyy aanndd aacciidd ggaass llooaaddiinngg,, pprreeddiicctt ccoorrrroossiioonn rates for all materials using respective iso-corrosion diagrams developed from JIP DATA 4. Correct corrosion rates for the effect of temperature, impurities and CO loading based on trends developed 2 from JIP DATA 9 Iso-Corrosion plots in Predict-Amine 2.0 • Ability to predict corrosion rates for all relevant data ranges • Facilitates easy quantification of amine corrosion ISOCORROSION DIAGRAM FOR COMBINED AVG CS-CS HAZ (72 Hour Laboratory Test, 18 wt% MEA, 130 F) 90 65.8 15.6 18.4 25.1 80 > 50 mpy 70 13.2 20 - 50 mpy 42.7 16.1 6600 1199..55 c) < 5 mpy e 15 - 20 mpy s (ft/ 50 5 - 10 mpy ty 11.5 10 - 15 mpy 14.4 16.5 10 - 15 mpy ci 40 19.9 o l 15 - 20 mpy e 5 - 10 mpy V 30 20 - 50 mpy 7.5 11.8 11.5 12.0 20 > 50 mpy < 5 mpy 10 0.2 0.1 1.0 1.3 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 H2S Loading (mole H2S/mole MEA) Confidential CONFIDENTIAL Honeywell –Rich Amine JIP InterCorr Amine JIP 10

Amine units provide gas treating capabilities that remove acid gases (CO. 2 . To support inspection planning, and allocation of resources towards
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