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Predicting short-transfer latency from TCP arcana: extended PDF

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Predicting short-transfer latency from TCP arcana: extended version Martin Arlitt, Balachander Krishnamurthy1, Jeffrey C. Mogul Internet Systems and Storage Laboratory HP Laboratories Palo Alto HPL-2005-137 September 30, 2005* TCP latency, In some contexts it may be useful to predict the latency for short TCP network transfers. For example, a Web server could automatically tailor its performance content depending on the network path to each client, or an "opportunistic networking” application could improve its scheduling of data transfers. Several techniques have been proposed to predict the latency of short TCP transfers based on online measurements of characteristics of the current TCP connection, or of recent connections from the same client. We analyze the predictive abilities of these techniques using traces from a variety of Web servers, and show that they can achieve useful accuracy in many, but not all, cases. We also show that a previously-described model for predicting short-transfer TCP latency can be improved with a simple modification. Ours is the first trace-based analysis that evaluates these prediction techniques across diverse user communities. * Internal Accession Date Only 1 AT&T Labs – Research, Florham Park, NJ 07932 This is an extended version of a paper original published in the Proceedings of the Internet Measurement Conference, 19-21 October 2005, Berkeley, CA, USA Approved for External Publication © Copyright 2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Predicting short-transfer latency from TCP arcana: extended version MartinArlitt BalachanderKrishnamurthy JeffreyC.Mogul HPLabs/UniversityofCalgary AT&TLabs–Research HPLabs PaloAlto,CA94304 FlorhamPark,NJ07932 PaloAlto,CA94304 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Abstract In some contexts it may be useful to predict the latency for short TCP transfers. For example, a Web server could automatically tailor its content depending on the network path to each client, or an “opportunisticnetworking”applicationcouldimproveitsschedulingofdatatransfers. SeveraltechniqueshavebeenproposedtopredictthelatencyofshortTCPtransfersbasedononline measurementsofcharacteristicsofthecurrentTCPconnection,orofrecentconnectionsfromthesame client. We analyze the predictive abilities of these techniques using traces from a variety of Web servers,andshowthattheycanachieveusefulaccuracyin many,butnot all,cases. Wealsoshowthat apreviously-describedmodelforpredictingshort-transferTCPlatencycanbeimprovedwithasimple modification. Ours is the first trace-based analysis that evaluates these prediction techniques across diverseusercommunities. 1 Introduction It is often useful to predict the latency (i.e., duration) of a short TCP transfer before deciding when or whethertoinitiate it. Networkbandwidths,round-triptimes(RTTs),andlossratesvaryovermany orders ofmagnitude,and sothe transferlatency fora givendataitemcanvary similarly. Exampleswhere suchpredictionsmightbe usefulinclude: (cid:0) a Web server could automatically select between “low-bandwidth” and “high-bandwidth” versions ofcontent,withthe aimofkeeping the user's downloadlatency below athreshold[11,20]. (cid:0) AWebserverusingshortest-remaining-processing-time(SRPT)scheduling[23]couldbetterpredict overallresponsetimesifitcanpredict network transferlatency,whichinmany casesis theprimary contributortoresponsetime. (cid:0) An application using opportunistic networking [25] might choose to schedule which data to send based on an estimate of the duration of a transfer opportunity and predictions of which data items can makethe mosteffective useofthatopportunity. Thereareseveralpossiblewaystodefine“short”TCPtransfers. ModelsforTCPperformancetypically distinguish between long flows which have achieved steady state, and short flows which do not last long enough to leave the initial slow-start phase. Alternatively, one could define short in terms of an arbitrary threshold on transfer length. While defining “short” in terms of slow-start behavior is less arbitrary, it is also less predictable (because the duration of slow-start depends on unpredictable factors such as cross traffic and packet loss), and so for this paper we use a definition based on transfer length. Similarly, while transfer length could be defined in terms of the number of data packets sent, this also depends 2 on unpredictable factors such as MTU discovery and the interactions between application buffering and socket-level buffering. So, for simplicity, in this paper we define “short” in terms of the number of bytes transferred. Several techniques have previously been proposed for automated prediction of the transfer time for a short TCP transfer. Some of these techniques glean their input parameters from characteristics of TCP connections, such as round-trip time (RTT) or congestion window size (cwnd), that are not normally exposed to the server application. We call these characteristics TCP arcana. These parameters can then be used in a previously-described model for predicting short-transfer latency [2]. Other techniques use observations ofthe actuallatency forpasttransfersto the sameclient (ortoclientsin asimilarlocation of thenetwork), andassume thatpastperformanceis agoodpredictoroffuture performance. Inthispaper,weusepacket-leveltracescapturednearavarietyofrealWebserverstoevaluatetheability oftechniquesbasedonbothTCParcanaandhistoricalobservations topredictshorttransferlatencies. We showthatthepreviously-describedmodeldoesnotquitefittheobservations,butthatasimplemodification tothe modelgreatly improvesthe fit. We alsodescribe an experiment suggesting(basedona limited data set) thatRTTobservations couldbe used to discriminate, withmodest accuracy, betweendialup and non- dialuppaths. 1.1 Relatedwork Our work complements previous work on predicting the throughput obtained by long TCP transfers. He et al. [9] characterized these techniques as either formula-based or history-based; our TCP arcana approachis formula-based. Lakshminarayanan and Padmanabhan [14] briefly discussed the relationship between RTT and TCP throughput, but for transfer lengths of 100KB, since their paper focuses on peer-to-peer systems. They found a poorcorrelation betweenlatency and throughput, which is not surprising, becausefor long trans- ferstheformula-basedmethodrequiresknowledgeofpacketlossrates,whichtheydidnotmeasure. They didremarkthat“latencymayinfactbeagoodpredictorofthroughputwhendial-uphosts... areincluded,” whichagreeswiththeresultswepresent in Section 5. Hall et al. [8] studied the effect of early packet loss on Web page download times. As with our work, they point out that download times are not always correlated with path bandwidth. They focused on packetlossesoccurringearlyenoughintheTCPconnectionthat“neitherclientnorserverhasseenenough packets to establish a usable round trip time estimation,” which leads to excessively long retransmission timeouts. 2 Latency prediction techniques We start with the assumption that an application wishing to predict the latency of a short transfer must do so as early as possible, before any data has been transferred. We also assume that prediction is being done at the server end of a connection that was initiated by a client; although the approaches could be extended to client-side prediction,wehave nodata to evaluate thatscenario. Weexamine two predictionapproachesin this paper: (cid:1) The initial-RTT approach: The server's first(cid:2) possible measurement of the connection RTT is provided by the interval betweenits initialSYN ACK packetand the client's subsequentACK. For short transfers, this RTT measurementis often sufficient to predict subsequentdata transfer latency to this client. This approach was first proposed by Mogul and Brakmo [19] and discussed in [20]. We describe itfurtherinSection2.1. (cid:1) Therecent-transfersapproach: A server canpredict the data transfer bandwidth to a givenrequest 3 basedon recentlymeasuredtransferbandwidthstothesameclient. Thisapproach,inthecontext of Webservers,wasproposedin[11]; wedescribe it further inSection2.2. 2.1 PredictionfrominitialRTTs Supposeonewantstopredictthetransferlatency,foraresponseofagivenlengthoveraspecificHTTP connection, with no prior information about the client and the network path, and before having to make the very first decision about what content to send to the client. Let us assume that we do not want the server to generate extra networktraffic orcauseextra delays. What information could one gleanfrom the TCPconnection before it istoolate? Client Server SYN (P1) SYN|ACK (P2) 1 RTT ACK (P3) HTTP GET (P4) ACK (P5) HTTP REPLY (P6) T HTTFPI NR E(PP8L)Y (P7) ransfer latency ACK (P9) Figure 1: Timeline: typicalHTTPconnection Figure 1 shows a timeline for the packets sent over a typical non-persistent HTTP connection. (We assumethattheclientTCPimplementationdoesnotallowtheclientapplicationtosenddatauntilafterthe 3-wayhandshake;thisistrueofmostcommonstacks.) Inthistimeline,theserverhastomakeitsdecision immediately afterseeingtheGET-bearingpacket(P )fromtheclient. 4 It might be possible to infer network path characteristics from the relative timing of the client's first ACK-only(P )andGET(P )packets,usingapacket-pairmethod[13]. However,theinitial-RTTpredictor 3 4 (cid:3) instead uses the path's RTT, as measured between the server's SYN ACK packet (P ) and the client's 2 subsequentACK-onlypacket(P ). Sincethesetwopacketsarebothnear-minimumlength,theyprovidea 3 directmeasurementofRTT,inthe absenceofpacket loss. Why might this RTTbe a usefulpredictoroftransferlatency? (cid:4) Many last-hop network technologies impose both high delay and low bandwidth. For example, dialup modems almost always add about 100ms to the RTT [4, 5] and usually limit bandwidth to under 56Kb/s. If we observe an RTT much lower than 100ms, we can infer that the path does not involve a modem. (See Section 5 for quantitative evidence.) A similar inference might be made aboutsome(perhapsnot all)popularlow-bandwidthwirelessmedia. (cid:4) Even when the end-to-end bandwidth is large, the total transfer time for short responses depends mostly on the RTT. (Therefore, an HTTP request header indicating client connection speed would notreliably predictlatencyfor suchtransfers.) Cardwelletal.[2]showedthatfortransferssmallerthanthelimitingwindowsize,theexpectedlatency 4 totransferd segments viaTCP,whenthereare no packet losses,isapproximated by d(cid:10) g (cid:11) 1(cid:12) (cid:13) E(cid:5)latency(cid:6)(cid:8)(cid:7) RTT (cid:9) logg (cid:10) 1(cid:12) (1) w 1 (cid:14) where (cid:14) g dependson theclient's delayed-ACK policy; reasonablevaluesare 1.5or2(see [2] fordetails). (cid:14) (cid:15)(cid:17)(cid:16)(cid:19)(cid:18)(cid:21)(cid:20) w dependsontheserver'sinitialvaluefor ;reasonablevaluesare2,3,or4(see [2]fordetails). (cid:14) 1 d (cid:7)(cid:23)(cid:22) len (cid:24) (cid:14) MSS len isthe numberofbytessent. MSSis theTCPmaximumsegment sizefor theconnection. NotethatmedianWebresponsesizes(weusethedefinitionof“response”fromtheHTTPspecification[6]) aretypicallysmallerthanthe limitingwindow size;see Section3.4. End-to-end bandwidth limits and packet losses can only increase this latency. In other words, if we know theRTTandresponsesize,then we can predicta lowerbound forthetransferlatency. We would like to use the RTT to predict the transfer latency as soon as possible. Therefore, the first time a serverseesa requestfrom agiven client, it hasonly oneRTTmeasurementto use forthis purpose. But if the client returns again, which RTT measurement should the server use for its prediction? It could use the most recent measurement (that is, from the current connection), as this is the freshest; it could use the mean of all measurements, to deal with noise; it could use an exponentially smoothed mean, to reduce noisewhile favoring fresh values;it could usethe minimum measurement, to accountfor variable queueingdelays;orit couldusethe maximum measurement,tobe conservative. “Most recent,” which requires no per-client state, is the simplest to implement, and this is the only variant wehave evaluated. 2.2 Predictionfromprevioustransfers KrishnamurthyandWillsoriginallydescribedthenotionofusingmeasurementsfromprevioustransfers toestimatetheconnectivityofclients[11]. Aprimemotivationofthisworkwastoretainpoorlyconnected clients,whomightavoida Web siteifits pagestake toolongto download. Betterconnectedclients could bepresented enhancedversions ofthepages. This approach is largely passive: it examines server logs to measure the inter-arrival time between base-object (HTML) requests and the requests for the first and last embedded objects, typically images. Exponentiallysmoothedmeansofthesemeasurementsare thenusedto classifyclients. A network-aware clusteringscheme[10]wasusedasaninitialclassificationmechanism,ifaclienthadnotbeenseenbefore butanotherclientfromthesameclusterhadalreadyusedthesite. KrishnamurthyandWillsusedadiverse collectionofserverlogs frommultiple sitestoevaluate thedesign,and Krishnamurthyetal. presentedan implementation [12], using a modified version of the Apache server, to test the impact of various server actionson clientswithdifferentconnectivity. The recent-transfers approach that we study in this paper is a simplification of the Krishnamurthy and Wills design. Becausetheir measurementsuseWeb serverlogs,this gave themenoughinformationabout pagestructuretoinvestigatethealgorithm'sabilitytopredictthedownloadtimeforanentirepage,includ- ing embedded objects. We have not extracted object-relationship information from our packet traces, so we onlyevaluated per-responselatency,ratherthan per-page latency. On the otherhand,most server logs provide timing information with one-second resolution, which means that a log-based evaluation cannot provide thefine-grainedtimingresolution that wegotfrom ourpacket traces. 5 2.3 Definingtransferlatency Wehave so farbeenvagueaboutdefining“transferlatency.” Onemight define this asthetimebetween the departure of the first response byte from the server and the arrival of the last response byte at the client. However,withoutperfectclocksynchronizationandpackettracesmadeateveryhostinvolved,this durationis impossibleto measure. For this paper, we define transfer latency as the time between the departure of the first response byte from the server and the arrival at the server of the acknowledgment of the last response byte. (Figure 1 depictsthisintervalforthecaseofanon-persistentconnection.) Thistendstoinflateourlatencymeasure- ment by approximately RTT/2, but because path delays can be asymmetric we do not attempt to correct for that inflation. Weare effectively measuring anupperboundonthe transferlatency. 2.4 Predictingattheclient Thispaperfocusesonmakinglatencypredictions attheserverendofaconnection. Webelievethatthe techniques we describe should be usable at the client end. For example, Figure 1 shows how the server (cid:25) can obtain an RTT sample from the timestamps of the SYN ACK packet (P ) and the ACK-only packet 2 (P ). Butthe clientcanalsogetanearly RTTsample,fromthetimestamps oftheinitialSYN(P )andthe 3 1 (cid:25) SYN ACK(P ). 2 Similarly, a client could maintain historical information to drive a recent-transfers predictor. While a singleclientwouldnothavesufficienthistorywithrespecttomanyservers,a poolofclientsmightjointly obtain enough history (as in the throughput-oriented SPAND system [24]). Such an approach would probablyworkbestiftheclientsinthepoolwerelocatedneartoeachother,intermsofnetworktopology. Unfortunately,ourserver-centrictracesdonotallowus toevaluateclient-basedlatency prediction. 3 Methodology Wefollowed this overallmethodology: (cid:26) Step 1: collect packet traces near a variety of Web servers with different and diverse user popula- tions. (cid:26) Step 2: extract the necessary connection parameters, including client IDs, from these raw traces to createintermediate traces. (cid:26) Step3: evaluatethe predictorsusing simple simulator(s)drivenfromthe intermediate traces. Although the prediction mechanisms analyzed in this paper are not necessarily specific to Web traffic, welimitedourtrace-basedstudytoWebtrafficbecausewehavenotobtainedsignificantanddiversetraces of other short-transfer traffic. It might be useful to capture traffic near busy e-mail servers to get another relevantdata set,sincee-mail transfers alsotend to beshort[7, 17]. Giventhatwearedefining“short”TCPtransfersintermsofthenumberofdatabytessent,weanalyzed three plausible thresholds: 8K bytes, 16K bytes, and 32K bytes; this paper focuses on the 32K byte threshold. (The response-sizedistributions inFigure 3supportthis choice.) 3.1 Tracesets We collected trace sets from several different environments, all in North America. For reasons of confidentiality,we identifythesesetsusing shortnames: (cid:26) C2: Collectedona corporate network (cid:26) U2,U3,U4: Collectedata University (cid:26) R2: Collectedat acorporate researchlab 6 In all cases, the traces were collected on the public Internet (not on an Intranet) and were collected relat- ivelynearexactly onepublicly-accessibleWebserver. Wecollectedfull-packettraces,usingtcpdump,andlimitedthe tracestoincludeonlyTCPconnections toorfromthe localWeb server. While we wanted to collect traces covering an entire week at each site, storage limits and other re- strictions meant that we had to collect a series of shorter traces. In order to cover representative peri- ods over the course of a week (May 3–9, 2004), we chose to gather traces for two to four hours each day: 9:00AM-11:00AM Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; 2:00PM-4:00PM Tuesday and Thursday; and 10:00AM-2:00PM Saturday and Sunday (all are local times with respect to the trace site: MST for C2, MDTforU2,andPDTforR2). Weadditionallygatheredtwo24-hour(midnighttomidnight)tracesatthe University: U3onThursday,Aug. 26,2004,andU4 onTuesday,Aug. 31,2004. 3.2 Arethesetracesrepresentative? We certainly would prefer to have traces from a diverse sample of servers, clients, and network paths, butthisisnotnecessarytovalidateourapproach. Ourgoalisnottopredictthelatenciesseenbyallclient- serverpairs intheInternet,buttofindamethodfora givenservertopredictthelatenciesthatititself(and onlyitself)will encounter in the nearfuture. It is true that some servers or client populations might differ so much from the ones in our traces that ourresults donotapply. Althoughlogisticalandprivacyconstraintspreventusfromexploringawiderset oftraces,ouranalysistoolsareavailableathttp://bro-ids.org/bro-contrib/network-analysis/akm-imc05/ so thatotherscantest ouranalysesontheirown traces. Theresultsin Section4.6imply thatourequation-basedpredictorworks wellfor somesitesandnot so wellforothers. Onecoulduseourtrace-basedmethodologytodiscoverifaserver'sresponselatenciesare sufficientlypredictablebefore deciding toimplement prediction-basedadaptationatthat server. 3.3 Traceanalysistools Westartbyprocessingtheraw(full-packetbinary)tracestogenerateonetupleperHTTPrequest/response exchange. Ratherthanwriteanewprogramtoprocesstherawtraces,wetookadvantageofBro,apower- ful tool originally meant for network intrusion detection [21]. Bro includes a policy script interpreter for scriptswritteninBro'scustomscriptinglanguage,whichallowedustodothisprocessingwitharelatively simplepolicy script –about800lines,includingcomments. Wecurrently useversion 0.8a74ofBro. Bro reduces the network stream into a series of higher level events. Our policy script defines hand- lers for the relevant events. We identify four analysis states for a TCP connection: not established, timing SYN ACK, established, and error has occurred. We also use four analysis states for each HTTP transaction: waiting for reply, waiting for end of reply, waiting for ack of reply, and trans- action complete. (OurscriptfollowsexistingBropractice ofusingtheterm“reply”inlieuof“response” for statenames.) Progression through these states occurs as follows. When the client's SYN packet is received, a data structure is created to retain information on the connection, which starts in the not established state. (cid:27) WhenthecorrespondingSYN ACKpacketis receivedfromtheserver,themodeledconnectionentersthe (cid:27) timing SYN ACKstate,andthentothe establishedstatewhenthe clientacknowledgesthe SYN ACK. We then wait for http request() eventsto occur on that connection. When a request is received, a data structure is created to retain information on that HTTP transaction, which starts in the waiting for reply transactionstate. Onanhttp reply()event,thatstatebecomeswaiting for end of reply. Oncetheserver hasfinishedsendingtheresponse,thetransactionstateissettowaiting for ack of reply. Oncetheentire HTTP response has been acknowledged by the client, that state is set to transaction complete. This 7 designallowsourscript toproperlyhandlepersistentandpipelinedHTTPconnections. Our analysis uses an additional state, error has occurred, which is used, for example, when a TCP connectionisreset,orwhenapacketismissing,causingagapintheTCPdata. Allsubsequentpacketson a connection in anerror has occurredstate are ignored, althoughRTTand bandwidth estimatesare still recorded forallHTTPtransactions thatcompletedonthe connection beforethe error occurred. For each successfully completed and successfully traced HTTP request/response exchange, the script generatesone tuple that includes the timestamp of the arrival time of the client's acknowledgement of all outstandingresponsedata;theclient'sIPaddress;theresponse'slength,content-type,andstatuscode;the position of the responsein a persistentconnection(if any); and estimates ofthe initial RTT,the MSS,the response transfer latency, and the response transfer bandwidth. The latency is estimated as described in Section2.3,andthe bandwidth estimate is thencomputed fromthelatencyestimateandthelength. Thesetuplesformanintermediatetrace,convenientforfurtheranalysisandseveralordersofmagnitude smaller than the original raw packet trace. For almost all of our subsequent analysis, we examine only (cid:28) responseswithstatuscode 200,sincethesearetheonlyonesthatshouldalwayscarryfull-lengthbodies. 3.3.1 Proxiesandrobots MostWebserversreceiverequestsfrommulti-clientproxyservers,andfromrobotssuchassearch-engine crawlers; both kinds of clients tend to make more frequent requests than single-human clients. Requests from proxies and robots skew the reference stream to make the average connection's bandwidth more predictable,whichcould biasourresultsin favorofourpredictionmechanisms. Wetherefore“pruned”ourtracestoremoveapparentproxiesandrobots(identifiedusingaseparateBro script); wethenanalyzedboth theprunedandunprunedtraces. In order to avoid tedious, error-prone, and privacy-disrupting techniques for distinguishing robots and proxies,wetestedafewheuristicsto automaticallydetectsuchclients: (cid:29) (cid:30)(cid:8)(cid:31)! Any HTTP request including a header probably comes from a proxy. The converseis not true; (cid:30)(cid:21)(cid:31)(cid:17) someproxies donotinsert headers. (cid:29) "$#&%(’ "$#(cid:8)%)’ Any request including a header probably comes from a robot. Not all robots insert headers. (cid:29) *,+$-.#0/(cid:17)1$2(cid:21)-(3&4 If a given client IP address generates requests with several different headers during a short interval, it is probably a proxy serverwith multiple clientsthat use more than one browser. It could also be a dynamic IP address that has been reassigned to a different client, so the time scale *5+(cid:19)-(cid:17)#(cid:21)/.162(cid:8)-.3(cid:8)487 9$%(cid:19)3&46:(cid:19);,- affects the accuracy of this heuristic. We ignore headers, since this is an artifactofaparticularbrowser[16, 18]. "<#&%.’ Theresultsofthesetests revealedthatthe headeris notwidelyused,butitisa reasonable method for identifying robots in our traces. Our test results also indicated that simply excluding all clients that (cid:30)(cid:8)(cid:31)! *,+$-(cid:19)#(cid:8)/(cid:17)162(cid:8)-.3=4 issueda or headerwouldresultin excessivepruning. (cid:30)0(cid:31)(cid:17) An analysis of the headers suggested that components such as personal firewalls also add this (cid:30)(cid:21)(cid:31)(cid:17) header to HTTP requests. As a result, we decided to only prune clients that include a header that can be automatically identified as a multi-client proxy: for example, those added by a Squid, NetApp NetCache,orInktomiTraffic-Serverproxy. *5+$-.#0/(cid:17)1$2(cid:21)-(3&4 We adopted a similar approach for pruning clients that sent multiple different headers. *>+$-.#0/.1&20-)3=4 First, we require that the headers be from well-known browsers (e.g., IE or Mozilla). These *>+(cid:19)-(cid:19)#(cid:21)/.162(cid:8)-.3=4 browserstypicallyformthe headerinaverystructuredformat. Ifwecannotidentifythetype 8 Table1: Overall trace characteristics ? AllHTTPstatuscodes statuscode 200 Total Total Total Total meanresp. mean peak Total Total meanresp. Tracename Conns. Clients Resp.bytes Resps. size(bytes) req.rate req.rate Resp.bytes Resps. size(bytes) C2 323141 17627 3502M 1221961 3005 2.3/sec 193/sec 3376M 576887 6136 C2p(pruned) 281375 16671 3169M 1132030 2935 2.1/sec 181/sec 3053M 533582 5999 R2 33286 7730 1679M 50067 35154 0.1/sec 35/sec 1359M 40011 35616 R2p(pruned) 23296 6732 1319M 38454 35960 0.1/sec 31/sec 1042M 31413 34766 U2 261531 36170 5154M 909442 5942 1.7/sec 169/sec 4632M 580715 8363 U2p(pruned) 203055 33705 4191M 744181 5904 1.4/sec 152/sec 3754M 479892 8202 U3 278617 29843 5724M 987787 6076 11.4/sec 125/sec 5261M 637380 8655 U3p(pruned) 197820 26697 4288M 756994 5939 8.8/sec 117/sec 3940M 491497 8405 U4 326345 32047 6800M 1182049 6032 13.7/sec 139/sec 6255M 763545 8589 U4p(pruned) 230589 28628 5104M 902996 5926 10.5/sec 139/sec 4689M 588954 8347 ofbrowser,thebrowserversion,andtheclientOS,wedonotusetheheaderintheanalysis. Ifwethensee requestsfromtwodifferentbrowsers,browserversions,orclientOSscomingfromthesameIPaddressin the limited duration of the trace, we consider this to be a proxy, and exclude that client from the pruned trace. We opted to err (slightly) on the side of excessive pruning, rather than striving for accuracy, in order to reduce the chances of biasing our results in favor of our predictors. In Section 7.1, we discuss how an actual server implementation might detect proxies and robots, since the criteria could be different in that setting. 3.4 Overalltracecharacteristics Table 1 shows various aggregate statisticsfor each trace set,to provide somecontext for the rest ofthe results. Forreasonsofspace,weomitday-by-daystatisticsforC2,R2,andU2;theseshowtheusualdaily variations in load,although C2 and R2 peak on the weekend, while U2 peaksduring the work week. The table also shows totals for the pruned versions of each trace set. Finally, the table shows total response bytes,responsecount,andmeanresponsesizeforjustthestatus-200responsesonwhichmostsubsequent analysesarebased. We add“p” to thenames of tracesetsthathave beenpruned(e.g.,a pruned version oftrace set“C2”is named “C2p”). Pruning reduces the number of clients by 5% (for trace C2) to 13% (for R2); the number ofHTTPresponsesby7%(forC2)to23%(forR2,U3,andU4);andthepeakrequestrateby6%(forC2) to11%(forR2). Themean values inTable 1 donot convey the whole story. InFigures 2,3,and 4, respectively, we plot cumulative distributions for request rate, response size, and latency for status-200responses (These plots exclude the U3 and U4 traces, since these CDFs are nearly identical to those for the U2 trace; Figure 4 alsoexcludesC2pand U2p,sincetheseCDFsare nearly identicaltothoseforthe unprunedtraces.) Figure 5 shows a histogram of request counts per client address. One might expect that our pruning wouldchangethesedistributions,ifthe proxiesand robotsremovedbypruningdoindeedgeneratean un- usuallyhighnumberofrequests. However,theresultsinFigure5donotstronglysupportthisexpectation. We are not sure if this reflects a flaw in our pruning approach, or simply that most proxies and robots do notvisitthe tracedsitesveryoften. Thethree tracesin Figure 3 show quite different response sizedistributions. The responsesin trace C2 seem somewhat smaller than has typically been reported for Web traces; the responses in trace R2 are a lot larger. (These differences also appear in the mean response sizes in Table 1.) Trace R2 is unusual, in 9 1 0.9 0.8 n o 0.7 cti a 0.6 r@ f ve 0.5 ulati 0.4 Trace set C2 m 0.3 Trace set R2 u C Trace set U2 0.2 Trace set C2p Trace set R2p 0.1 Trace set U2p 0 1 10 100 1000 HTTP request rate per second Figure2: CDFofrequestrates 1 1460 0.9 0.8 n o cti 0.7 raA 0.6 f ve 0.5 32768 ati 0.4 Trace set C2 ul Trace set R2 m 0.3 16384 Trace set U2 u C 0.2 Trace set C2p Trace set R2p 0.1 8192 Trace set U2p 0 100 1000 10000 100000 1e+06 1e+07 1e+08 HTTP response size (bytes) Figure3: CDFofstatus-200responsesizes part, because many users ofthe site download entire technicalreports, which tend to be much larger than individualHTMLorembedded-imagefiles. Figure 3 includes three vertical lines indicating the 8K byte, 16K byte, and 32K byte thresholds. Note that 8K is below the median size for R2, but above the median size for C2 and U2, but the median for all tracesis well below32K bytes. Figure4showsthatresponsedurationsaresignificantlylongerintheR2tracethanintheothers,possibly becauseofthelongerresponsesizesinR2. We calculated, for each distinct client, a mean bandwidth across all transfers for that client. Figure 6 showsthedistributions;theprunedtraceshadsimilardistributionsandarenotshown. TraceC2hasamuch largerfractionoflow-bandwidthusersthanR2orU2. Theapparentslightexcessofhigh-bandwidthclients in R2 might result from the larger responsesin R2; larger transfers generally increase TCP's efficiency at usingavailablebandwidth.

This is an extended version of a paper original published in the Proceedings a Web server could automatically select between Client Server Transfer latency
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Most books are stored in the elastic cloud where traffic is expensive. For this reason, we have a limit on daily download.