Predicting short-transfer latency from TCP arcana: A trace-based validation MartinArlitt BalachanderKrishnamurthy JeffreyC.Mogul HPLabs/UniversityofCalgary AT&TLabs–Research HPLabs PaloAlto,CA94304 FlorhamPark,NJ07932 PaloAlto,CA94304 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Abstract effectiveuseofthatopportunity. Insomecontextsitmaybeusefultopredictthelatencyfor There are several possible ways to define “short” TCP shortTCPtransfers.Forexample,aWebservercouldauto- transfers. Models for TCP performance typically distin- maticallytailorits contentdependingonthe networkpath guishbetweenlongflowswhichhaveachievedsteadystate, toeachclient,oran“opportunisticnetworking”application and short flows which do not last long enough to leave couldimproveitsschedulingofdatatransfers. theinitialslow-startphase. Alternatively,onecoulddefine Several techniques have been proposed to predict the short in termsofanarbitrary threshold ontransferlength. latency of short TCP transfers based on online measure- While defining “short” in terms of slow-start behavior is mentsofcharacteristicsofthe currentTCPconnection, or lessarbitrary, it is also less predictable (because the dura- ofrecentconnectionsfromthesameclient. Weanalyzethe tionofslow-startdependsonunpredictablefactorssuchas predictiveabilitiesofthesetechniquesusingtracesfroma crosstrafficandpacketloss),andsoforthispaperweusea varietyofWebservers,andshowthattheycanachieveuse- definitionbasedontransferlength. Similarly, whiletrans- fulaccuracyinmany,butnotall,cases. Wealsoshowthat ferlengthcouldbedefinedintermsofthenumberofdata a previously-described model forpredicting short-transfer packets sent, this also depends on unpredictable factors TCPlatencycan be improvedwith asimplemodification. such as MTU discovery and the interactions between ap- Ours is the first trace-based analysis that evaluates these plicationbufferingandsocket-levelbuffering. So,forsim- predictiontechniquesacrossdiverseusercommunities. plicity,inthispaperwedefine“short”intermsofthenum- berofbytestransferred. 1 Introduction Several techniques have previously been proposed for Itisoftenusefultopredictthelatency(i.e.,duration)of automated prediction of the transfer time for a short TCP a short TCP transfer before deciding when or whether to transfer. Some of thesetechniques glean their input para- initiate it. Network bandwidths, round-trip times (RTTs), meters from characteristics of TCP connections, such as andlossratesvaryovermanyordersofmagnitude,andso round-trip time(RTT) or congestion window size (cwnd), thetransferlatencyforagivendataitemcanvarysimilarly. thatarenotnormallyexposedtotheserverapplication. We Examples where such predictions might be useful in- callthese characteristics TCP arcana. Thesecharacterist- clude: ics can then be used in a previously-described model for (cid:0) aWebservercouldautomaticallyselectbetween“low- predictingshort-transferlatency[2]. Othertechniquesuse bandwidth”and“high-bandwidth”versionsofcontent, observations of the actual latency for past transfers to the with the aim of keeping the user's download latency sameclient(ortosimilarlylocatedclients),andassumethat belowathreshold[9,16]. pastperformanceisagoodpredictoroffutureperformance. (cid:0) A Web server using shortest-remaining-processing- Inthispaper,weusepacket-leveltracescapturedneara time(SRPT)scheduling[19]couldbetterpredictover- variety of realWebserversto evaluatethe ability of tech- all response times if it can predict network transfer niques based on both TCP arcana and historical observa- latency, which in many cases is the primary contrib- tion to predict short transfer latencies. We show that the utortoresponsetime. previously-describedmodeldoesnotquitefitthe observa- (cid:0) An application using opportunistic networking [20] tions, but that a simple modification to the model greatly mightchoosetoschedulewhichdatatosendbasedon improves the fit. We also describe an experiment sug- an estimate of the duration of a transfer opportunity gesting (based on a limited data set) that RTT observa- andpredictionsofwhichdataitemscanmakethemost tionscouldbeusedtodiscriminate,withmodestaccuracy, betweendialupandnon-dialuppaths. Client Server Thisworkcomplementspreviousworkonpredictingthe SYN (P1) throughput obtained by long TCP transfers. He et al. [7] SYN|ACK (P2) characterized these techniques as either formula-based or 1 RTT ACK (P3) history-based;ourTCParcanaapproachisformula-based. HTTP GET (P4) 2 Latencypredictiontechniques ACK (P5) Westartwiththeassumptionthatanapplicationwishing topredictthelatencyofashorttransfermustdosoasearly HTTP REPLY (P6) aaaapssscppuoromonsanseceihbcthelteiaso,tncbpoetrufheloaddrtiecbwteaionaensyxtidiensanittbdaieaehitdneadgtsobbdceyoleinenaenttcar-lastiinetdhsnefete;prsrraeeelrdtdvhi.ecortWuioegennh,datwlhsooeef HTTFPI ANRC E(PKP8L ()PY9 ()P7) Transfer latency havenodatatoevaluatethatscenario. Weexaminetwopredictionapproachesinthispaper: (cid:1) Theinitial-RTTapproach: Theserver'sfirstpossible Figure1: Timeline: typicalHTTPconnection measurement of the connection RTT is provided by (cid:2) the interval between its initial SYNACK packet and Why might this RTT be a useful predictor of transfer the client's subsequent ACK. For short transfers, this latency? (cid:1) RTT measurement is often sufficient to predict sub- Manylast-hopnetworktechnologiesimposebothhigh sequent data transfer latency to this client. This ap- delay and low bandwidth. For example, dialup mo- proachwasfirstproposedbyMogulandBrakmo[15] demsalmostalwaysaddabout100mstotheRTT[4,5] and discussed in [16]. We describe it further in Sec- and usually limit bandwidth to under 56Kb/s. If we tion2.1. observe an RTT much lower than 100ms, we can in- (cid:1) The recent-transfers approach: A server can predict ferthatthepathdoesnotinvolveamodem. (SeeSec- thedatatransferbandwidthtoagivenrequestbasedon tion 5 for quantitative evidence.) A similar inference recentlymeasuredtransferbandwidthstothesamecli- might be made about some (perhaps not all) popular ent. Thisapproach,inthecontextofWebservers,was low-bandwidthwirelessmedia. (cid:1) proposedin[9];wedescribeitfurtherinSection2.2. Evenwhentheend-to-endbandwidthislarge,thetotal transfer time for short responses depends mostly on 2.1 PredictionfrominitialRTTs the RTT.(Therefore,anHTTPrequestheaderindicat- Suppose one wants to predict the transfer latency, for a ingclientconnectionspeedwouldnotreliablypredict response of a given length over a specific HTTP connec- latencyforsuchtransfers.) tion,withnopriorinformationabouttheclientandthenet- Cardwelletal.[2]showedthatfortransferssmallerthan workpath,andbeforehavingtomaketheveryfirstdecision the limiting window size, the expected latency to transfer aboutwhatcontenttosendtotheclient. Letusassumethat (cid:9) segments via TCP, when there are no packet losses, is wedonotwanttheservertogenerateextranetworktraffic approximatedby or cause extra delays. What information could one glean (cid:9) )(cid:15)+-,/.’0 fromtheTCPconnectionbeforeitistoolate? (cid:10)(cid:12)(cid:11)(cid:13)(cid:15)(cid:14)(cid:17)(cid:16)(cid:19)(cid:18)(cid:21)(cid:20)(cid:23)(cid:22)(cid:25)(cid:24)(cid:27)(cid:26)(cid:23)(cid:28)(cid:30)(cid:29) (cid:31)!(cid:31)#"$(cid:13)(cid:15)%’&(cid:21)(*) .50 Figure 1 shows a timeline for the packets sent over a 132 4 (1) typicalnon-persistentHTTPconnection. (Weassumethat the client TCP implementation does not allow the client where (cid:1) + application to send data until after the 3-way handshake; dependsontheclient'sdelayed-ACKpolicy;reason- this is true of most commonstacks.) In this timeline, the ablevaluesare1.5or2(see [2]fordetails). (cid:1)61 2 server has to make its decision immediately after seeing dependsontheserver'sinitialvalueforcwnd;reas- theGET-bearingpacket((cid:3)(cid:5)(cid:4) )fromtheclient. onablevaluesare2,3,or4(see [2]fordetails). Itmightbepossibletoinfernetworkpathcharacteristics (cid:1) (cid:9) (cid:28)87:?(cid:12)9<;>@A= @(cid:5)B (cid:1) (cid:13)(cid:15)(cid:18)(cid:21)(cid:20) fromtherelativetimingoftheclient'sfirstACK-only((cid:3)(cid:5)(cid:6) ) isthenumberofbytessent. (cid:1)DCFEGE and GET ((cid:3) (cid:4) ) packets, using a packet-pair method [11]. istheTCPmaximumsegmentsizeforthecon- However, the initial-RTTpredictor insteaduses the path's nection. (cid:2) RTT, as measured betweenthe server's SYNACK packet NotethatmedianWebresponsesizes(weusethedefinition ((cid:3)(cid:8)(cid:7) ) and the client's subsequent ACK-only packet ((cid:3) (cid:6) ). of “response”from the HTTPspecification [6]) are typic- Since these two packets are both near-minimum length, allysmallerthanthelimitingwindowsize;seeSection3.4. theyprovideadirectmeasurementofRTT,in theabsence End-to-endbandwidthlimitsandpacketlossescanonly ofpacketloss. increasethislatency. Inotherwords, if weknow the RTT and response size, then we can predict a lower bound for 2.3 Definingtransferlatency thHetransferlatency. We have so far been vague about defining “transfer We would like to use the RTT to predict the transfer latency.”Onemightdefinethisasthetimebetweenthede- latency as soon as possible. Therefore, the first time a parture of the first response byte from the server and the server sees a request from a given client, it has only one arrival of the last response byte at the client. However, RTTmeasurementtouseforthispurpose. Butiftheclient without perfect clock synchronization and packet traces returns again, which RTT measurement should the server madeateveryhostinvolved,thisdurationisimpossibleto use for its prediction? It could use the most recent meas- measure. urement(thatis,fromthecurrentconnection),asthisisthe For this paper, we define transfer latency as the time freshest;itcouldusethemeanofallmeasurements,todeal between the departure of the first response byte from the with noise; it could useanexponentially smoothed mean, serverandthearrivalattheserveroftheacknowledgment toreducenoisewhilefavoringfreshvalues;itcouldusethe of the last response byte. (Figure 1 depicts this interval minimum measurement, to account for variable queueing forthecaseof anon-persistentconnection.) Thistendsto delays; or it could use the maximum measurement, to be inflateour latency measurementby approximatelyRTT/2, conservative. but becausepath delays can be asymmetric we do not at- “Mostrecent,” whichrequires no per-client state, is the tempttocorrectforthatinflation. Weareeffectivelymeas- simplesttoimplement,andthisistheonlyvariantwehave uringanupperboundonthetransferlatency. evaluated. 3 Methodology 2.2 Predictionfromprevioustransfers Wefollowedthisoverallmethodology: I Step 1: collect packet traces near a variety of Web KrishnamurthyandWillsoriginallydescribedthenotion serverswithdifferentanddiverseuserpopulations. of using measurements from previous transfers to estim- I Step 2: extract the necessary connection parameters, ate the connectivity of clients [9]. A prime motivation of including client IDs, from these raw traces to create thisworkwastoretainpoorlyconnectedclients,whomight intermediatetraces. avoidaWebsiteifitspagestaketoolongtodownload.Bet- I Step 3: evaluate the predictors using simple simu- terconnectedclientscouldbepresentedenhancedversions lator(s)drivenfromtheintermediatetraces. ofthepages. Although the prediction mechanisms analyzed in this This approach is largely passive: it examines server paper are not necessarily specific to Web traffic, we lim- logsto measuretheinter-arrivaltimebetweenbase-object ited our trace-basedstudy to Web trafficbecausewe have (HTML)requestsandtherequestsforthefirstandlastem- not obtained significant and diverse traces of other short- beddedobjects,typicallyimages. Exponentiallysmoothed transfer traffic. It might be useful to capture traffic near meansofthesemeasurementsarethenusedtoclassifycli- busy e-mail servers to get another relevant data set, since ents. Anetwork-aware clustering scheme[8]wasused as e-mailtransfersalsotendtobeshort[13]. aninitialclassificationmechanism,ifaclienthadnotbeen Giventhatwearedefining“short”TCPtransfersinterms seen before but another client from the same cluster had ofthenumberofdatabytessent,weanalyzedthreeplaus- alreadyused the site. KrishnamurthyandWills used adi- ible thresholds: 8K bytes, 16Kbytes, and32Kbytes; this versecollectionofserverlogsfrommultiplesitestoevalu- paper focuses on the 32K byte threshold. (The response- atethedesign, andKrishnamurthyetal. presentedanim- sizedistributionsinFigure2supportthischoice.) plementation[10],usingamodifiedversionoftheApache server,totesttheimpactofvariousserveractionsonclients 3.1 Tracesets withdifferentconnectivity. We collected trace sets from several different environ- Therecent-transfersapproachthatwestudyinthispaper ments,allinNorthAmerica.Forreasonsofconfidentiality, isasimplificationoftheKrishnamurthyandWills design. weidentifythesesetsusingshortnames: I BecausetheirmeasurementsuseWebserverlogs,thisgave C2:Collectedonacorporatenetwork I themenoughinformationaboutpagestructuretoinvestig- U2,U3,U4: CollectedataUniversity I atethealgorithm'sabilitytopredictthedownloadtimefor R2:Collectedatacorporateresearchlab an entire page, including embedded objects. Wehavenot In all cases, the traces were collected on the public Inter- extracted object-relationship information from our packet net(not on an Intranet) and were collected relatively near traces, so we only evaluated per-response latency, rather exactlyonepublicly-accessibleWebserver. thanper-pagelatency. Ontheotherhand,mostserverlogs Wecollectedfull-packettraces,usingtcpdump,andlim- provide timing information with one-second resolution, itedthetracestoincludeonlyTCPconnectionstoorfrom whichmeansthatalog-basedevaluationcannotprovidethe thelocalWebserver. fine-grainedtimingresolutionthatwegotfromourpacket While we wanted to collect traces covering an entire traces. week at each site, storage limits and other restrictions meant that we had to collect aseries of shorter traces. In Whentheclient'sSYNpacketisreceived, adatastructure orJder to cover representative periods over the course of a is created to retain information on the connection, which week(May3–9,2004),wechosetogathertracesfortwoto startsinthenot establishedstate.Whenthecorresponding fourhourseachday:9:00AM-11:00AMMonday,Wednes- SYNKACKpacketisreceivedfromtheserver,themodeled day, andFriday; 2:00PM-4:00PM TuesdayandThursday; connection enters the timing SYN ACK state, and then and10:00AM-2:00PMSaturdayandSunday(allarelocal to the establishedstate whenthe client acknowledges the timeswithrespecttothetracesite: MSTforC2,MDTfor SYNKACK. U2, and PDT for R2). We additionally gathered two 24- Wethenwaitforhttp request()eventstooccuronthat hour (midnight to midnight) traces at the University: U3 connection. When a request is received, a data struc- onThursday,Aug. 26,2004,andU4onTuesday,Aug. 31, ture is created to retain information on that HTTP trans- 2004. action, which starts in the waiting for reply transaction state. On an http reply() event, that state becomes wait- 3.2 Arethesetracesrepresentative? ing for end of reply. Once the server has finished send- Wecertainly wouldprefertohavetracesfromadiverse ing the response, the transaction state is set to wait- sample of servers, clients, and network paths, but this is ing for ack of reply. OncetheentireHTTPresponsehas not necessaryto validateourapproach. Our goalis not to beenacknowledgedbytheclient,thatstateissettotrans- predict the latencies seen by all client-server pairs in the action complete. Thisdesignallowsourscripttoproperly Internet, but tofindamethodforagivenserverto predict handlepersistentandpipelinedHTTPconnections. thelatenciesthatititself(andonlyitself)willencounterin Our analysis uses an additional state, er- thenearfuture. ror has occurred, which is used, for example, when It is true that some servers or client populations might a TCP connection is reset, or when a packet is missing, differ so much from the ones in our traces that our res- causingagapin the TCPdata. Allsubsequentpacketson ults do not apply. Although logistical and privacy con- a connection in an error has occurred state are ignored, straints prevent us from exploring a wider set of traces, although RTT and bandwidth estimates are still recorded our analysis tools are available at forallHTTPtransactionsthatcompletedontheconnection contrib/network-analysis/akm-imc05/ so that others can beforetheerroroccurred. testouranalysesontheirowntraces. Foreachsuccessfullycompletedandsuccessfullytraced TheresultsinSection4.6implythatourequation-based HTTPrequest/responseexchange,thescriptgeneratesone predictorworkswellforsomesitesandnotsowellforoth- tuplethatincludesthetimestampofthearrivaltimeofthe ers. One could use our trace-based methodology to dis- client'sacknowledgementofalloutstandingresponsedata; cover if a server's response latencies are sufficiently pre- theclient'sIPaddress;theresponse'slength,content-type, dictablebeforedecidingtoimplementprediction-basedad- andstatuscode;thepositionoftheresponseinapersistent aptationatthatserver. connection (if any); and estimates of the initial RTT, the 3.3 Traceanalysistools MSS,theresponsetransferlatency,andtheresponsetrans- Westartbyprocessingtheraw(full-packetbinary)traces fer bandwidth. The latency is estimated as described in togenerateonetupleperHTTPrequest/responseexchange. Section 2.3, andthe bandwidth estimateis then computed Ratherthanwriteanewprogramtoprocesstherawtraces, fromthelatencyestimateandthelength. wetookadvantageofBro,apowerfultooloriginallymeant Thesetuplesform anintermediatetrace, convenientfor fornetworkintrusiondetection[17]. Broincludesapolicy further analysis and several orders of magnitude smaller scriptinterpreterforscriptswritteninBro'scustomscript- than the original raw packet trace. For almost all of our inglanguage,whichallowedustodothisprocessingwitha subsequentanalysis,weexamineonlyresponseswithstatus relativelysimplepolicyscript–about800lines,including code LNM(cid:27)O(cid:21)O , since theseare the only ones that should al- comments. Wecurrentlyuseversion0.8a74ofBro. wayscarryfull-lengthbodies. Bro reduces the network stream into a series of higher levelevents. Ourpolicyscriptdefineshandlersfortherel- 3.3.1 Proxiesandrobots evant events. We identify four analysis states for a TCP connection: not established, timing SYN ACK, estab- MostWebserversreceiverequestsfrommulti-clientproxy lished, and error has occurred. We also use four ana- servers, and from robots such as search-engine crawlers; lysisstatesforeachHTTPtransaction: waiting for reply, both kinds ofclientstend to makemore frequentrequests waiting for end of reply, waiting for ack of reply, and than single-human clients. Requests from proxies and ro- transaction complete. (Our script follows existing Bro botsskewthereferencestreamtomaketheaverageconnec- practiceofusingtheterm“reply”inlieuof“response”for tion's bandwidth more predictable, which could bias our statenames.) resultsinfavorofourpredictionmechanisms. Progression through these states occurs as follows. We therefore “pruned” our traces to remove apparent proxiesandrobots(identifiedusingaseparateBroscript); total response bytes, response count, and mean response P wethenanalyzedboththeprunedandunprunedtraces. size for just the status-200 responses on which most sub- In order to avoid tedious, error-prone, and privacy- sequentanalysesarebased. disrupting techniques for distinguishing robots and prox- We add “p” to the names of trace sets that have been ies,wetestedafewheuristicstoautomaticallydetectsuch pruned (e.g., apruned version of trace set “C2” is named cliQents: “C2p”). Pruningreducesthenumberofclientsby5%(for Any HTTP request including a Via header probably traceC2)to13%(forR2);thenumberofHTTPresponses comes from a proxy. The converse is not true; some by7%(forC2)to23%(forR2,U3,andU4);andthepeak Q proxiesdonotinsertViaheaders. requestrateby6%(forC2)to11%(forR2). AnyrequestincludingaFromheaderprobablycomes Q fromarobot. NotallrobotsinsertFromheaders. 1 1460 0.9 IfagivenclientIPaddressgeneratesrequestswithsev- n 0.8 eraldifferentUser-Agentheadersduringashortin- ctio 0.7 terval, it is probably a proxy server with multiple cli- ve fraR 00..56 32768 ents that use more than one browser. It could also ulati 0.4 TTrraaccee sseett CR22 be a dynamic IP address that has been reassigned to um 0.3 16384 Trace set U2 C 0.2 Trace set C2p adifferentclient,sothetimescaleaffectstheaccuracy Trace set R2p 0.1 8192 Trace set U2p of this heuristic. Weignore User-Agent: con- 0 type headers, since this is an artifact of a particular 100 1000 10000 100000 1e+06 1e+07 1e+08 HTTP response size (bytes) browser[12,14]. TheresultsofthesetestsrevealedthattheFromheader Figure2: CDFofstatus-200responsesizes isnotwidelyused,butitisareasonablemethodforidenti- fying robots in our traces. Our test results also indic- 1 atedthatsimply excluding allclientsthatissuedaViaor 0.9 User-Agentheaderwouldresultinexcessivepruning. n 0.8 AnanalysisoftheViaheaderssuggestedthatcompon- ctio 0.7 entssuchaspersonalfirewallsalsoaddthisheadertoHTTP ve fraS 00..56 requests. Asaresult,wedecidedtoonlypruneclientsthat ulati 0.4 includeaViaheaderthatcanbeautomaticallyidentifiedas um 0.3 Trace set C2 C 0.2 Trace set R2 amulti-clientproxy: forexample,thoseaddedbyaSquid, Trace set R2p 0.1 Trace set U2 NetAppNetCache,orInktomiTraffic-Serverproxy. 0 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 We adopted a similar approach for pruning clients that Response latency (seconds) sentmultipledifferentUser-Agentheaders.First,were- Figure3: CDFofstatus-200responselatencies quirethattheUser-Agentheadersbe fromwell-known browsers (e.g., IE or Mozilla). These browsers typically The mean values in Table 1 do not convey the whole formtheUser-Agentheaderinaverystructuredformat. story. InFigures2and3, respectively,weplotcumulative Ifwecannotidentifythetypeofbrowser,thebrowserver- distributions for response size and latency for status-200 sion,andtheclientOS,wedonotusetheheaderintheana- responses(TheseplotsexcludetheU3andU4traces,since lysis. Ifwethenseerequestsfromtwodifferentbrowsers, these CDFs are nearly identical to thosefor the U2 trace; browserversions, or client OSs coming from the same IP Figure3alsoexcludesC2pandU2p,sincetheseCDFsare addressinthelimiteddurationofthetrace,weconsiderthis nearlyidenticaltothosefortheunprunedtraces.) tobeaproxy,andexcludethatclientfromtheprunetrace. The three traces in Figure 2 show quite different re- Weoptedtoerr(slightly)onthesideofexcessiveprun- sponse sizedistributions. Theresponsesin traceC2seem ing,ratherthanstrivingforaccuracy,inordertoreducethe somewhatsmallerthanhastypicallybeenreportedforWeb chancesofbiasingourresultsinfavorofourpredictors. traces;theresponsesintraceR2arealotlarger. (Thesedif- ferencesalsoappearinthemeanresponsesizesinTable1.) 3.4 Overalltracecharacteristics TraceR2isunusual,inpart,becausemanyusersofthesite Table1showsvariousaggregatestatisticsforeachtrace download entire technical reports, which tend to be much set,toprovidesomecontextfortherestoftheresults. For largerthanindividualHTMLorembedded-imagefiles. reasonsofspace,weomitday-by-daystatisticsforC2,R2, Figure 2 includes three vertical lines indicating the 8K and U2; these show the usual daily variations in load, al- byte, 16K byte, and32Kbyte thresholds. Note that8K is though C2 and R2 peak on the weekend, while U2 peaks below the median size for R2, but above the median size duringtheworkweek. Thetable alsoshows totalsforthe forC2andU2, but themedianforalltracesis wellbelow prunedversions ofeachtraceset. Finally, thetableshows 32Kbytes. AllHTTPstatuscodes statuscodeT 200 Total Total Total Total meanresp. mean peak Total Total meanresp. Tracename Conns. Clients Resp.bytes Resps. size(bytes) req.rate req.rate Resp.bytes Resps. size(bytes) C2 323141 17627 3502M 1221961 3005 2.3/sec 193/sec 3376M 576887 6136 C2p(pruned) 281375 16671 3169M 1132030 2935 2.1/sec 181/sec 3053M 533582 5999 R2 33286 7730 1679M 50067 35154 0.1/sec 35/sec 1359M 40011 35616 R2p(pruned) 23296 6732 1319M 38454 35960 0.1/sec 31/sec 1042M 31413 34766 U2 261531 36170 5154M 909442 5942 1.7/sec 169/sec 4632M 580715 8363 U2p(pruned) 203055 33705 4191M 744181 5904 1.4/sec 152/sec 3754M 479892 8202 U3 278617 29843 5724M 987787 6076 11.4/sec 125/sec 5261M 637380 8655 U3p(pruned) 197820 26697 4288M 756994 5939 8.8/sec 117/sec 3940M 491497 8405 U4 326345 32047 6800M 1182049 6032 13.7/sec 139/sec 6255M 763545 8589 U4p(pruned) 230589 28628 5104M 902996 5926 10.5/sec 139/sec 4689M 588954 8347 Table1: Overalltracecharacteristics Figure3showsthatresponsedurations aresignificantly Thiscancausepacketstoappearinthetraceinadiffer- longerinthe R2tracethanin theothers,possiblybecause entorderthantheyarrivedonthemonitoredlink.Such ofthelongerresponsesizesinR2. reorderingtypicallyaffectspacketsthatoccurredclose together in time. For example, in the U2 trace, 10% 0.06 ofconnectionshadtheSYNandSYNWACKpacketsin Trace set C2 0.05 TTrraaccee sseett RU22 V reverseorder. OurBroscriptcorrectsforthis. clientsU 0.04 Pmoorntitmorierrdorliinnkgutnemtilptohreayriclyanbbueffseernstpoavcekretthsefmroimrrortehde n of 0.03 link. This buffer can overflow, causing packets to be o Fracti 0.02 V dSreovpepraeld.of our environments have multiple network 0.01 links that transfer packets to or from the Web server. 0 Since wecould not monitor allof these links, wedid 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1e+06 1e+07 not capture all of the HTTP request/response transac- Mean bandwidth per client (bits/sec) tions. Insomecaseswecaptureonlyhalfofthetrans- Figure4: PDFofmeanbandwidthperclient action (about 48% of the connections are affected by Wecalculated,foreachdistinctclient,ameanbandwidth thisinonetrace). V acrossalltransfersforthatclient. Figure4showsthedis- Ideally, a traced packet would be timestamped at the tributions; the pruned traces had similar distributions and precise instant it arrives. However, trace-collection arenotshown. TraceC2hasamuchlargerfractionoflow- systems buffer packets at least briefly (often in sev- bandwidthusersthanR2orU2. Theapparentslightexcess eralplaces)beforeattachingatimestamp,andpackets ofhigh-bandwidthclientsinR2mightresultfromthelarger are often collected at several nearby points (e.g., two responsesin R2; largertransfersgenerallyincreaseTCP's packetmonitorsonbothmembersofapairofsimplex efficiencyatusingavailablebandwidth. links), which introduces timestamp errors due to im- WealsolookedatthedistributionoftheTCPMaximum perfect clock synchronization. Erroneous timestamps SegmentSize(MSS)valuesinourtraces. IntraceR2,vir- couldcauseerrorsinouranalysisbyaffectingeitheror tually allof the MSS valueswereatorcloseto the stand- bothofourRTTestimatesandourlatencyestimates. ardEthernetlimit(about1460bytes);intracesC2andU2, We estimated the number of packets lost within our about 95% of the MSS values were near the limit, with measurement system by watching for gaps in the TCP the rest mostly close to 512 bytes. Figure 2 shows a ver- sequence numbers. This could overestimate losses (e.g., ticallineat1460bytes,indicatingapproximatelywherethe due to reorderedpackets) but theestimates,asreportedin dominantMSSvalueliesontheresponse-sizedistribution. Table2,arequitelow. 3.5 Traceanomalies Table 2 also shows our estimates (based on a separ- ate Bro script) for packet retransmission rates on the path The monitoring architectures available to us differed at between client and server, implied by packets that cover eachofthecollectionsites.Forexample,atoneofthesites part of the TCP sequence space we have already seen. portmirroringwasusedtocopypacketsfromamonitored Retransmissions normally reflect packet losses in the In- link to the mirrored link. At another site, separate links ternet, which would invalidate the model used in equa- weretapped,oneforpacketsboundfortheWebserver,the tion 1. Knowing these rates could help understand where secondforpacketssentbytheserver. Thesemonitoringin- theinitial-RTTapproachisapplicable. frastructuresaresubjecttoavarietyofmeasurementerrors: V Port mirroring multiplexes bidirectional traffic from NotethatTable1onlyincludesconnectionswithatleast themonitoredlinkontotheunidirectionalmirrorlink. one complete HTTP response, while Table 2 includes all Total Total Measurement Retransmitted Conns.w/ Conns.w/nopkts Tracename packets Conns. systemlostpkts. packets retransmittedpackets inonedirection C2 40474900 1182499 17017(0.04%) 114911(0.3%) 53906(4.6%) 572052(48.4%) R2 2824548 43023 1238(0.04%) 27140(1.0%) 4478(10.4%) 460(1.1%) U2 11335406 313462 5611(0.05%) 104318(0.9%) 26815(8.6%) 17107(5.5%) U3 11924978 328038 2093(0.02%) 89178(0.7%) 26371(8.0%) 14975(4.6%) U4 14393790 384558 5265(0.04%) 110541(0.8%) 30638(8.0%) 18602(4.8%) Table2: Packetlossrates oconnlyneacbtlieontos,uinsecl2u7d%ingotfhtohseectohnanteecntdioinnselirsrtoerds.inWTeabwleer2e bits/sec) 1e+07 forC2,partlybecauseweonlysawpacketsinonedirection dth ( 1e+06 wi for48%oftheconnections. Ouranalysisscriptflaggedan- Ynd poothsesribXly20d%ueotoftuhnekCno2wconnpnreocbtlieomnssaisnethrreomrohnaitsoroicncguirnrferad-, nsfer ba 100000 structure. ured tra 10000 Sampling ratio = 0.01 4 Predictions basedoninitial RTT:results Meas 100 00.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 Measured RTT (sec) In this section, we summarize the results of our exper- Figure6: BWvs.RTT,traceC2,1MSSZ lengthZ 32KB iments on techniques to predict transfer latency using the initialRTT.Weaddressthesequestions: ratios are shown in the figures.) The graph shows an ap- 1. DoesRTTpersecorrelatewellwithlatency? parent weak correlation between initial RTT and transfer 2. Howwelldoesequation1predictlatency? bandwidth. Corresponding scatter plots for R2, U2, U3, 3. Canweimproveonequation1? andU4showevenweakercorrelations. 4. Whatistheeffectofmodemcompression? Wefoundastrongercorrelationifwefocusedontransfer 5. How sensitive are the predictions to parameter lengthsaboveoneMSSandbelow32Kbytes,asshownin choices? Figure6. Ourtechniqueformeasuringlatencyisprobably Thereisnosinglewaytodefinewhatitmeansforalatency leastaccurateforresponsesbelowoneMSS(i.e.,thosesent predictor to provide“good” predictions. Weevaluatepre- injustonepacket). Also,single-packetresponsesmaysuf- diction methods using several criteria, including the cor- ferexcessapparentdelay(asmeasuredbywhentheserver relationbetweenpredictedandmeasuredlatencies,andthe receives the final ACK) because of delayed acknowledg- meanandmedianofthedifferencebetweentheactualand mentattheclient. Inoursubsequentanalyses,weexclude predictedlatencies. responseswithlengthsofoneMSSorlessbecauseofthese measurement difficulties. The 32KB threshold represents 4.1 DoesRTTitselfcorrelatewithlatency? oneplausiblechoicefordefininga“short”transfer. h (bits/sec) 11ee++0067 TnCar2amcee 140234iS(n2ac4mlu.3pd%leeds) wC/boarnrde-wl0a.it3di5otn2h Cwor/rleal0tae.t5nio1cn1y widt C2p 129661(24.3%) -0.370 0.508 Ynd 100000 R2 7500(18.7%) -0.112 0.364 ba R2p 5519(17.6%) -0.054 0.418 nsfer 10000 UU22p 211881218800((3377..68%%)) --00..116738 00..444588 d tra 1000 Sampling ratio = 0.01 U3 234591(36.8%) -0.181 0.421 ure U3p 181276(36.9%) -0.228 0.427 Meas 10 00.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 UU44p 228139949732((3377..23%%)) --00..127393 00..346114 Measured RTT (sec) (a)1MSS[ length[ 8KB Figure5: Scatterplotofbandwidthvs.RTT,traceC2 Trace Samples Correlation Correlation name included w/bandwidth w/latency C2 261931(45.4%) -0.325 0.426 Perhaps it is unnecessary to invoke the full complexity C2p 238948(44.8%) -0.339 0.426 of equation 1 to predict latency from RTT. To investigate R2 20546(51.4%) -0.154 0.348 R2p 15407(49.0%) -0.080 0.340 this,weexaminedthecorrelationbetweenRTTperseand U2 312090(53.7%) -0.165 0.392 eitherbandwidthorlatency. U2p 258049(53.8%) -0.179 0.401 U3 336443(52.8%) -0.162 0.263 Forexample,Figure5showsascatterplotofbandwidth U3p 259028(52.7%) -0.215 0.276 vs. initial RTT, for all status-200 responses in trace C2. U4 414209(54.2%) -0.167 0.287 U4p 320613(54.4%) -0.215 0.343 (Inordertoavoidoversaturatingourscatterplots, weran- (b)1MSS[ length[ 32KB domly sampled the actualdata in each plot; the sampling Table3: Correlations:RTTvs.eitherbandwidthorlatency For a more quantified evaluation of this simplistic ap- 100 pprr\oogacrahm, w. eThdiedreassutlattsisatriecaslhaonwanlysinisTuasbinleg3a(as)imanpdle(Rb),[1f8o]r y (sec) 10 Sy a=m xp l+in 1g. 0ratio = 0.01 lenTghthestalibmleistesdhtoow8rKowansdfo3r2bKotbhypterus,nreedspaencdtiuvneplyr.unedver- ured latencb 0. 11 sionsofthefivebasictraces. Weincludedonlystatus-200 Meas 0.01 responseswhoselengthwasatleastoneMSS;the“samples y = x included”columnshowsthatcountforeachtrace.Thelast 0.001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 two columns show the computed correlation between ini- Predicted latency per response (sec) tialRTT andeither transferbandwidth ortransfer latency. c ^/dfehg ,i3jk^/l (The bandwidth correlations are negative, because this is Figure7: Realvs.predictedlatency,traceC2 aninverserelationship.) For the data set including response lengths up to 32K predictionoflatency;underpredictionsaregenerallyworse bytes,noneofthesecorrelationsexceeds0.426,andmany thanoverpredictions,if(forexample)wewanttoavoidex- are much lower. If we limit the response lengths to 8K posing Web users to unexpectedly long downloads. Most bytes, the correlations improve, but this also eliminates of the points in the plot are above that line, but most are mostofthesamples. belowthecurve](cid:12)^/‘:mon(cid:21)ehg(cid:21)p’q’r ,implyingthatmostofthe We tried excluding samples with an initial RTT value overpredictions(inthisexample)arelessthan1secinex- abovesomequantile, onthetheorythathighRTTscorrel- cess. However,asignificantnumberaremanysecondstoo ate with lossy network paths; this slightly improves RTT high. vs.bandwidthcorrelations(forexample,excludingrecords WeextendedourRprogramtocomputestatisticsforthe withanRTTabove281msecreducesthenumberof32K- predictive ability ofequation 1. For eachstatus-200 trace or-shortersamples for R2 by10%, andimprovesthatcor- record with a length between one MSS and 32K bytes, relation from -0.154to -0.302) but itactually worsens the we used the equation to predict a latency, and then com- latencycorrelations (for the sameexample,from 0.348 to pared this to the latency recorded in the tracerecord. We 0.214). thencomputedthecorrelationbetweentheactualandpre- Notethat,contrarytoourexpectationthattracespruned dictedlatencies. Wealsocomputedaresidualerrorvalue, ofproxiesandrobotswouldbelesspredictable,inTable3 as the difference between the actual and predicted laten- this seems true only for the R2 trace; in general, prun- cies. Table 4 shows the results from this analysis, using ingseemstoslightlyimprovepredictability. Infact,while c ^sntehu and i jv^sn ,aparameterassignmentthatworked we present results for both pruned and unpruned traces fairlywellacrossallfivetraces. throughout the paper, we see no consistent difference in predictability. Trace Samples Correlation Median Mean name included w/latency residual residual 4.2 Doesequation1predictlatency? C2 261931(45.4%) 0.581 -0.017 0.164 C2p 238948(44.8%) 0.584 -0.015 0.176 Although wedid not expectRTTto correlatewell with R2 20546(51.4%) 0.416 -0.058 0.261 latency, we might expect better results from the sophist- R2p 15407(49.0%) 0.421 -0.078 0.272 U2 312090(53.7%) 0.502 -0.022 0.110 icated model derived by Cardwell et al. [2]. They valid- U2p 258049(53.8%) 0.519 -0.024 0.124 atedtheirmodel(equation 1is asimplifiedversion) using U3 336443(52.8%) 0.334 -0.018 0.152 U3p 259028(52.7%) 0.353 -0.016 0.156 HTTPtransfersovertheInternet,butapparentlyusedonly U4 414209(54.2%) 0.354 -0.013 0.141 “well-connected”clientsandsodidnotprobeitsutilityfor U4p 320613(54.4%) 0.425 -0.010 0.136 Residualvaluesaremeasuredinseconds;1MSSw lengthw 32KB poorly-connected clients. They also used RTT estimates Table4: Qualityofpredictionsbasedonequation1 thatincludedmoresamplesthanjusteachconnection'sini- tialRTT. InTable4,themedianresidualsarealwaysnegative,im- We therefore analyzed the ability of equation 1 to pre- plying that equation 1 overestimates the transfer latency dict transfer bandwidths and latencies using only the ini- more often than it underestimates it. However, the mean tial RTT, and with the belief that our traces include some residuals are always positive, because the equation's un- poorly-connectedclients. derestimates are more wrong (in absolute terms) than its Figure 7 shows an example scatter plot of measured overestimates. ThesamplesinFigure7generallyfollowa latencyvs. predicted latency, for traceC2. Again, wein- linewithasteeperslopethan]-^(cid:30)‘ ,suggestingthatequa- cludeonlystatus-200responsesatleastoneMSSinlength. tion1especiallyunderestimateshigherlatencies. Wehavesuperimposedtwocurvesontheplot. (Sincethis One possible reason is that, for lower-bandwidth links, is a log-log plot, most linear equations result in curved RTT depends on packet size. For a typical 56Kb/s mo- lines.)Anypointabovetheline]_^a‘ representsanunder- demlink, aSYNpacketwillseeanRTTsomewhatabove 100 msec, while a1500 bytedatapacketwill see an RTT Trace Samples Correlation Median Mean x name included w/latency residual residual severaltimeslarger. Thiseffectcouldcauseequation1to C2 261931(45.4%) 0.417 0.086 -0.002 underestimatetransferlatencies. C2p 238948(44.8%) 0.423 0.092 -0.006 R2 20546(51.4%) 0.278 0.015 0.002 4.3 Canweimproveonequation1? R2p 15407(49.0%) 0.311 0.019 0.013 U2 312090(53.7%) 0.386 0.053 0.010 Given that equation 1 seems to systematically underes- U2p 258049(53.8%) 0.402 0.056 0.001 timate higher latencies, exactly the error that we want to U3 336443(52.8%) 0.271 0.034 0.011 U3p 259028(52.7%) 0.302 0.036 -0.020 avoid, we realized that we could modify the equation to U4 414209(54.2%) 0.279 0.035 0.003 reducetheseerrors. U4p 320613(54.4%) 0.337 0.038 -0.033 We experimented with several modifications, including Residualvaluesaremeasuredinseconds;1MSS⁄ length⁄ 32KB alinearmultiplier,butonesimpleapproachis: Table5: Predictionsbasedonmodifiedequation1 functionModifiedEqnOne(RTT,MSS,Length,ykz , 4.4 Textcontentandmodemcompression { ,CompWeight) Many people still use dialup modems. It has been ob- { temp=EquationOne(RTT,MSS,Length,y z , ); served thatto accuratelymodelpath bandwidth, one must return(temp+(temp*temp*CompWeight)); accountforthecompressiontypicallydonebymodems[3]. That is, we “overpredict” by a term proportional to the However, most image Content-Types are already com- squareoftheoriginalprediction. Thisisaheuristic,notthe pressed, so this correction should only be done for text resultofrigoroustheory. content-types. We found by trial and error that a proportionality con- HTTPresponsesnormallycarryaMIME Content-Type stant, or “compensation weight,” | }(cid:21)~(cid:12)(cid:127)(cid:129)(cid:128)a(cid:130)’(cid:131)(cid:15)(cid:132)(cid:129)(cid:133)(cid:17)(cid:134)(cid:136)(cid:135)(cid:138)(cid:137)(cid:17)(cid:139)(cid:140)(cid:137)(cid:17)(cid:141) label,whichallowedustoanalyzetracesubsetsfor“text/*” worked best for C2, but | }(cid:21)~(cid:142)(cid:127)*(cid:128)a(cid:130)$(cid:131)(cid:143)(cid:132)(cid:129)(cid:133)(cid:17)(cid:134)(cid:144)(cid:135)(cid:146)(cid:145)’(cid:139)(cid:140)(cid:147)(cid:17)(cid:141) worked and “image/*” subsets. Table 6 shows the distribution of betterforR2U2, and |3}(cid:21)~_(cid:127)*(cid:128)a(cid:130)$(cid:131)(cid:148)(cid:132)(cid:149)(cid:133)f(cid:134)v(cid:135)8(cid:145)’(cid:139)(cid:140)(cid:137)(cid:17)(cid:141) workedbest thesecoarseContent-Typedistinctionsforthetraces. for U3andU4. For alltraces, (cid:150)(cid:151)(cid:135)(cid:152)(cid:137) got the best results, Wespeculatedthatthelatency-predictionmodelofequa- andweset(cid:153)3(cid:154)k(cid:135)o(cid:155) forC2andU2,and(cid:153)3(cid:154)k(cid:135)a(cid:156) forR2,U3, tion 1, which incorporates the response length, could be and U4. We discuss the sensitivity to these parametersin furtherimprovedbyreducingthislengthvaluewhencom- Section4.5. pressionmight beexpected. (Aservermakingpredictions knowstheContent-Typesoftheresponsesitplanstosend. 100 Some servers might use a compressed content-coding for y (sec) 10 Sampling ratio = 0.01 dteixcttiroensspofonrsetsh,owsehircehspwoonusledsofbovrimateodtheemneceodmtporecossriroenct.pWree- ncb 1 y = x + 0.5 ured late 0.1 fouWndencoansnuocthdreirsepcotnlysepsriendoicutretritahceers.t)he compression ra- Meas 0.01 tio (which varies among responses and among modems) y = x nor can we reliably determine which clients in our traces 0.001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 used modems. Therefore, for feasibility of analysis our Predicted latency per response (sec) model assumes a constant compressibility factor for text (cid:150)(cid:157)(cid:135)(cid:30)(cid:137)(cid:158)(cid:139)(cid:159) ,(cid:153) (cid:154) (cid:135)o(cid:155) ,|3}(cid:21)~(cid:160)(cid:127)(cid:129)(cid:128)a(cid:130)’(cid:131)(cid:148)(cid:132)(cid:158)(cid:133)(cid:158)(cid:134)¡(cid:135)a(cid:137)f(cid:139)h(cid:137)(cid:21)(cid:141) responses, and we tested several plausible values for this Figure8: Modifiedpredictionresults,traceC2 factor. Also,weassumedthatanRTTbelow100msecim- pliedanon-modemconnection,andRTTsabove100msec Figure 8 shows how the modified prediction algorithm implied the possible use of a modem. In a real system, systematically overpredicts at higher latencies, while not informationderivedfromtheclientaddressmightidentify significantly changing the accuracy for lower latencies. modem-usersmorereliably. (InSection 5weclassifycli- (For example, in this figure, | }(cid:21)~(cid:12)(cid:127)(cid:129)(cid:128)a(cid:130)’(cid:131)(cid:15)(cid:132)(cid:129)(cid:133)(cid:158)(cid:134)¢(cid:135)£(cid:137)(cid:17)(cid:139)h(cid:137)(cid:17)(cid:141) ; if ents using hostnames; but this might add too much DNS- equation 1 predicts a latency of 0.100 seconds, the mod- lookupdelaytobeeffectiveforlatencyprediction.) ified prediction will be 0.1225 seconds). However, even Table 7 shows results for text content-types only, using the modified algorithm significantly underpredicts a few themodifiedpredictionalgorithmbasedonequation1,but samples; we do not believe we can avoid this, especially without correcting for possible modem compression. We forconnectionsthatsufferpacketloss(seeTable2). set(cid:150)(cid:151)(cid:135)¥(cid:137)f(cid:139)(cid:159) for C2and U2, and (cid:150)¢(cid:135)8(cid:145)(cid:21)(cid:139)h(cid:141) forR2, U3, and Table5showsthatthemodificationstoequation1gener- U4; (cid:153) (cid:154) (cid:135)(cid:152)(cid:137) for C2 and (cid:153) (cid:154) (cid:135)ƒ(cid:156) for the other traces; and allyworsenthecorrelations,comparedtothoseinTable4, | }(cid:21)~(cid:12)(cid:127)(cid:129)(cid:128)a(cid:130)’(cid:131)(cid:15)(cid:132)(cid:149)(cid:133)f(cid:134)-(cid:135)§(cid:145) for all traces. (We have not tested a but definitely improvestheresiduals –the median erroris widerangeof |3}(cid:21)~(cid:160)(cid:127)(cid:129)(cid:128)a(cid:130)’(cid:131)(cid:148)(cid:132)(cid:158)(cid:133)(cid:158)(cid:134) valuestoseeiftextcontent- alwayslessthan100msec,andthemeanerrorislessthan typeswouldbenefitfromadifferent| }(cid:21)~(cid:12)(cid:127)(cid:129)(cid:128)a(cid:130)’(cid:131)(cid:15)(cid:132)(cid:129)(cid:133)(cid:158)(cid:134) .)Com- 15 msec, except for traces U3p and U4p (our parameter paredto theresults forallcontent types (seeTable 5), the choicesweretunedfortheunprunedtraces). residualsfortext-onlysamplesaregenerallyhigher. Content-type C2 R2 U2 U3 U4 Unknown 3(0.00%) 26(0.06%) 178(0.03%) 157(0.02%) 144(0.02%) TEXT/* 122426(21.22%) 23139(57.83%) 85180(14.67%) 92108(14.45%) 107958(14.14%) IMAGE/* 454458(78.78%) 13424(33.55%) 465160(80.10%) 507330(79.60%) 607520(79.57%) APPLICATION/* 0(0.00%) 3410(8.52%) 29733(5.12%) 37581(5.90%) 47765(6.26%) VIDEO/* 0(0.00%) 4(0.01%) 17(0.00%) 10(0.00%) 5(0.00%) AUDIO/* 0(0.00%) 8(0.02%) 446(0.08%) 194(0.03%) 140(0.02%) Table6: Countsandfrequencyofcontent-types(excludingsomerarely-seentypes) Trace Samples Correlation Median Mean designersaremorelikelytohavechoicesbetweenrichand name included w/latency residual residual simplecontentforimagetypesthanfortexttypes.(Design- C2 118217(96.6%) 0.442 0.142 0.002 C2p 106120(96.4%) 0.449 0.152 -0.003 ersoftenincludeoptional“Flash”animations,butwefound R2 12558(54.3%) 0.288 0.010 0.066 almostnoFlashcontentinC2andR2,andrelativelylittle R2p 8760(50.2%) 0.353 0.017 0.105 U2 70924(83.3%) 0.292 0.100 0.073 inU2,U3,andU4.) Wethereforecomparedthepredictab- U2p 56661(83.0%) 0.302 0.110 0.066 ilityoftransferlatenciesforimagecontent-types,butfound U3 76714(83.3%) 0.207 0.063 -0.021 U3p 56070(83.2%) 0.198 0.072 -0.099 no clear differencecomparedto the results for allcontent U4 90416(83.8%) 0.281 0.065 -0.034 ingeneral. U4p 65708(83.8%) 0.359 0.078 -0.122 Residualvaluesaremeasuredinseconds;1MSS¤ length¤ 32KB 4.5 Sensitivitytoparameters Table7: Predictionsfortextcontent-typesonly How sensitive is prediction performance to the para- Trace Samples Compression Correlation Median Mean meters ' , – † , and · (cid:181)(cid:27)¶_•*‚a„$”(cid:148)»(cid:149)…f‰ ? That question can be name included factor w/latency residual residual framedin several ways: how dothe results for one server C2 118217 1.0 0.442 0.142 0.002 varywithparametervalues?Ifparametersarechosenbased C2p 106120 1.0 0.449 0.152 -0.003 R2 12558 4.0 0.281 0.013 0.002 on traces from server X, do they work well for server R2p 8760 4.0 0.345 0.021 0.044 Y? Are the optimal values constant over time, client sub- U2 70924 3.0 0.295 0.083 0.008 U2p 56661 3.0 0.306 0.096 -0.004 population, content-type, or response length? Do optimal U3 76714 4.0 0.208 -0.002 0.001 parameter values depend on the performance metric? For U3p 56070 4.0 0.201 0.003 -0.063 U4 90416 4.0 0.277 -0.000 -0.011 reasonsof space, wefocus on the first two of these ques- U4p 65708 4.0 0.353 0.007 -0.083 Residualvaluesaremeasuredinseconds;1MSS¤ length¤ 32KB tions. Table8: Predictionsfortextwithcompression Figure 9 shows how the absolute values of the mean andmedianresidualsvarywith' ,–3† , and ·(cid:192)(cid:181)(cid:21)¶(cid:12)•*‚a„$”(cid:143)»(cid:129)…f‰ for traces C2, R2, andU2. Theoptimalparameterchoice Table8showsresultsfortextcontent-typeswhenweas- depends on whether one wants to minimize the mean or sumed that modems compress these by the factor shown the median; for example, for R2, '(cid:30)“`«ffi(cid:176)¿ , – † “`´ , and in the third column. Note that for C2 and C2p, we got · (cid:181)(cid:21)¶(cid:12)•(cid:129)‚a„’”(cid:15)»(cid:149)…f‰k“›‹’fihˆ(cid:27)fl yieldsanoptimalmeanof1.5msec thebestresultsusingacompressionfactorof1.0–thatis, (andamedianof15msec). Themediancanbefurtherre- without correcting for compression. For the other traces, ducedto0.2msec,butatthecostofincreasingthemeanto correctingforcompressiondidgivebetterresults.Herewe overhalfasecond. settheotherparametersas: '(cid:144)“F« (exceptforU3andU4, Figure 9 also shows how the optimal parameters vary where'(cid:157)“›‹(cid:21)fi(cid:176)fl workedbest),–3†k“‡‹ (exceptforC2,where across several traces. (Results for traces U3 and U4 are – † “N« worked best), and · (cid:181)(cid:21)¶(cid:142)•*‚a„$”(cid:143)»(cid:158)…(cid:158)‰-“(cid:190)‹(cid:21)fi¿ (except similar to those for U2, and are omitted to reduce clut- for R2, where ·3(cid:181)(cid:21)¶_•*‚a„$”(cid:148)»(cid:149)…f‰(cid:157)“(cid:190)«(cid:158)fi(cid:140)«(cid:21)fl worked best). We ter.) It appears that no single choice is optimal across all experimentedwithassumingthatthepathdidnotinvolvea traces, although some choices yield relatively small mean modem(andthusshouldnotbecorrectedforcompression) andmediansformanytraces.Forexample,'(cid:157)“a« ,– † “/´ , iftheinitialRTTwasunder 100msec, but for R2andU2 and ·3(cid:181)(cid:21)¶(cid:12)•(cid:149)‚a„(cid:21)”(cid:15)»(cid:149)…f‰v“¥‹(cid:21)fi«(cid:17)fl yieldsoptimalornear-optimal itturnedoutthatwegotthebestresultswhenweassumed meanresidualsforU2, U3, andU4, anddecentresultsfor thatalltextresponsesshouldbecorrectedforcompression. C2. Table 8 shows that, except for trace C2, correcting for modem compression improves the mean residuals over 4.6 Trainingandtestingondifferentdata those in Table 7. We have not evaluated the use of com- The results we have presented so far used parameter pression factors other than integers between 1 and 4, and choices“trained”onthesamedatasetsasourresultswere we did not evaluate a full range of ·3(cid:181)(cid:21)¶(cid:12)•(cid:129)‚o„(cid:21)”(cid:15)»(cid:149)…f‰ values tested on. Since any real prediction system requires ad- forthissection. vancetraining,wealsoevaluatedpredictionswithtraining andtestingondifferentdatasets. Imagecontent AsshowninTable6,imagecontent-types Our trace collection was not carefully designed in this dominatemostofthetraces,exceptforR2. Also,Website regard; we have no pairs of data sets that are completely