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MISCELLANEOUSNOTES asmallglobular,shinymudpellet.Thewaspthen fully grown red and black coloured adult in a takes this pellet with its mandibles and forelegs periodof38 to 42 days (Fig. F). to a previously selected place to build a small One interesting fact as far as the mud cell potlike cell with a small funnel likemouth. The is concerned is that the parasitoid Rhipiphorid female wasp inserts the abdomen tip into the beetle, after the completion of its complicated mouth and deposits an egg inside the cell. Then life cycle, cannot escape out ofthe cell because the wasp goes foraging to provide paralyzed it cannot gnaw out ofthe hard mud cell due to caterpillars as foodforthehatchingyoung wasp the second layer of mud coated by the female grub. wasp brought from the termitarium. The beetle The Rhipiphorid beetles lay their eggs in escapes if the mud cell is broken accidentally, thesurroundingvegetation.Theeggsonhatching otherwiseitgetstrappedanddiesinsidethemud into triungulin larvae want to catch hold ofthe cell.Incaseofpaperwasps,sandwaspsandbees, legofwaspscomingintheirwayduringforaging. the young Rhipiphorid beetles can emerge The triungulin larva attaches itselfto the wasp becausetheirnestsareopeninnaturehencethey leg and reaches the mud cell. It passes into a survive. This is the firstrecord ofaRhipiphorid periodofwaiting stage about8 to 12 days inside parasitoidbeetle fromthe cells ofthe mudnests the cell. Duringthisperiodthewaspegghatches ofEumenid wasps in India. andbecomesafleshylemonyellowgrubinabout 8 to 10 days, forming a thin white membrane Acknowledgement lining the cell wall as a whole. The minute triungulin Rhipiphorid larva at this stage loses We thank Dr. S. Balasubramaniam, its legs and penetrates the wasp grub, feeds as Department of Botany, Bharathiar University an endoparasitoid for 3 to 4 days. Then it is for his ready co-operation in taking the ectoparasitoid for about 20 days, holding the photographs. anteriorpart ofthe head ofthe wasp grub like a collar (Fig. A andFig. B). Throughoutthe grub October27, 1997 G. SRINIVASAN stage, the parasitoid beetle grub secretes a K. SASIKALA digestive enzyme which it ejects at the point of Department ofZoology contact with the eumenid grub, keeping it from Bharathiar University decay for about 18-20 days. Within this period Coimbatore 641 046. MOHANASUNDARAM the Rhipiphorid grub completes its feeding and startspupatingwithinthesamecell(Fig. C). The Professor ofEntomology (Retd.) pupal stages (Fig. D & E) lasts between 7 to 9 T.N.A.U. daysandthenslowlychangestothecharacteristic Coimbatore 641 003 Reference Ayya.r,T.V.R.(1910): LifehistorynotesonthecaterpillarhuntingwaspEumenesconica.J.Bombaynat.Hist.Soc.20. PREDATION BY ANTS ON FROGS AND INVERTEBRATES 23. On November 29, 1995, while we were forestoneitherside ofthe stream. The ants were walkingalongaperennialstreambedinPhansad abouta centimetre inlengthandmade abuzzing Wildlife Sanctuary (Maharashtra), at around sound when we blew on the densely packed 10:30inthemorning,wenoticedsomearmyants columns. Though we were unable to identify moving incolumns alongthe ground. Therewas theseants,fromthedescriptionsgivenbyLefroy 338 JOURNAL, BOMBAYNATURAL HISTORYSOCIETY. 96(2) AUG. 1999 MISCELLANEOUS NOTES Srinivasan, G. etal.: Rhipiphoridparasitebeetle PLATE 1 A&B: SpinyRhipiphoridgrubfeedingonEumenidgrub,r- Rhipiphoridgrub, C. lastinstarRhipiphorid grubwithincellaftercompletelyfeedingEumenidgrub, D,justpupatingRhipiphorid, E. PupaofRhipiphorid,F.justemergedRhipiphoridbeetle JOURNAL, BOMBAY NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY, 96(2), AUG. 1999 339 MISCELLANEOUSNOTES (1984), Shivashankar and Veeresh (1987) and termite sheeting on the trunk and preyed on the Holldobler and Wilson (1990) wepresume they termites. The entire episode was like a well were army ants belonging to the genus organised army operation. The common name Leptogenys of the subfamily Ponerinae which armyantsisderivedfromthisbehaviour.Assoon inhabits tropical and subtropical regions. asanantgotitsprey,itturnedaroundandstarted Theantsweremovinginseparatecolumns descending while the ant behind came forward in the drier part ofthe stream bed, and no two and replaced it. The column went up the tree m columnsmerged though they were passing only trunk to a height of around 2.5-3 and then acentimetreaway.Thewholecolumnwouldstop, turned back and started descending. While they stand still and then change direction, each and weredescending, weplacedatwig with20to 30 everyantinthecolumnturningatthesametime. Cremastogaster ants (species unidentified) This clearly showedthat communicationamong among one ofthe driver ant columns, expecting the ants was very well coordinated. them to attack and devour the Cremastogaster While the ants were moving around, one antswhichweremuch smaller(aboutone fourth ofthecolumnsmovedtowardsaholeatthebase the size ofdriver ants). Surprisingly, the driver ofa smallboulderinthe streambed. The ants in ants avoided these Cremastogaster ants by thecolumnthenarrangedthemselvesaroundthe clearing offa circular area around the twig. hole in a semicircle (10 to 15 cm radius). The Wewatchedtheentireactivityofthedriver entire semicircle was filled up by ants. Most of ants for around two hours, after which they left them stood still, while some near the mouth of thestreambedandstartedmovingintotheforest. the hole went in and attacked the frogs, which As soon as they went in we could see . were resting inside (holes being moist). grasshoppers, frogs, crickets and other The frogs (Philautus sp., Euphlyctis invertebratesjump and try to move out oftheir cyanophlyctis and Limnonectes limnocharis) way.CertainspeciesofbirdsfromSouthAmerica jumped out and fell amidst the waiting ants. are known to follow columns ofarmy ants and Within seconds, the ants in the semicircle feed on the insects flushed out by them (Willis overpowered the struggling frogs, which were and Oniki 1978). Though we saw many insects completely coveredbythe ants. The ants started being flushed outbythe ants we did not see any biting off flesh from the live frogs and ripped bird following the ant columns. theirbodiesopen. Withinthirtyminutesonlythe We have visited Phansad Sanctuary on skeletons ofthe frogs were left. Some ants from many occasions but never seen such an event this column thenproceeded to another hole and again. The proficiency with which the ants carried out the same operation. Two to three went about their work was truly impressive. columns were operating simultaneously on the streambed. One ofthe columns also consumed January 11, 1999 SHOMEN MUKHERJEE aMygalomorphspider(speciesunidentified). A Wildlife Institute ofIndia, crab, which emerged out ofaburrow, remained Post Box #18, Chandrabani, quite unaffectedby the attacking ants. Dehra Dun 248001. YetanothercolumnclimbedaKadambtree VIVEKGOURBROOME (Anthocephalus inciica = kadamba = chinensis) J.E.Fanns, Marunji, and as the ants moved up, they broke off the Pune411027. References Holldobler, B. & E.O. Wilson (1990): The Ants. Lefroy. H. M. (1984): ManualofEntomology. Agricole Springer-Verlag,Berlin Heidelberg. ReprintsCorporation,NewDelhi.541 pp. JOURNAL, BOMBAYNATURAL HISTORYSOCIETY. 96(2), AUG. 1999 341 MISCELLANEOUSNOTES Shivashankar, T. & G.K. Veeresh(1987): Nesting and ofSocialInsects,VerlagJ.Pepemy,MUnchen.544pp. ForagingBehaviouroftheTermitePredatorLeptogenys Willis,E.O.&Y. Oniki. (1978): BirdsandArmyAnts. processionalis(Jerdon)(Formicidae:Ponerinae).In: AnnualReviewofEcologyandSystematics. 9:243 - J.EderandH.RemboldAds.)ChemistryandBiology 263. 24. MASS FEEDING OF BARONET BUTTERFLY SYMPHAEDRA NAISFOSTE.v ON HONEY DEW DROPS In the month of November we observed young shoots and leaves ofBombax ceiba. The several individuals ofSymphaedra nais feeding nymphs exude a copious amount ofhoney dew on the secretion fallen on the ground from the andalsoproduceawaxysecretion. Usually,4 to silk cotton tree (Bombay ceiba). The secretion 5butterflieswereseenfeeding,withamaximum appeared like oil drops sprinkled on the ground number upto 10 at a time. The number ofindi- and the butterflies were rubbing their proboscis viduals visiting the site was greater in the morn- on it. On subsequent visits, the same phenom- ing, and the activity continued till late noon. enon was observed under a Bridelia retusa tree We are thankful to Dr. C.A. Viraktamatl overhanging the roof of a building. The secre- DepartmentofEntomology, University ofAgri- tion had fallen from the branches growing over cultural Sciences, GKVK, Bangalore for identi- the roof. fying the psyllid. On taking a closer look, we observed that the leaves ofBrideliawereheavilyinfestedwith September22, 1998 NARESHCHATURVEDI various stages ofnymphs and adult insects. The V. SHUBHALAXMI insects were collected and subsequently identi- Bombay NaturalHistory Society, fied as Tenaphalara acutipennis Kuwayama, HornbillHouse, S.B. Singh Road, Family Psyllidae. They are known to feed on Mumbai 400 023. 25. POLYMORPHISM INTHE IMMATURE STAGES OF OTHREISFULLONIA CLERCK (With twoplates) Seasonal colour variation in adult (1940). However, there is no mention ofits life Lepidoptera is a known fact. It has also been cycle and colour variation in different seasons. recorded that early instars ofa few hawk moths Hence,astudyofthelifecycleofOthreisfullonia show seasonal colour variation (Sevastopulo, was undertaken. The data was collected over a 1940). periodoftwoyears fromJuly 1995 toDecember During a survey ofthe lepidopteran fauna 1997. of Sanjay Gandhi National Park (SGNP), The early instars are common during the Mumbai, I made some remarkable observations peak monsoon period and feed exclusively on on the genus Othreis. The genus is well Cocculus hirsutus, commonly called as Vasan represented in SGNP. Othreis fullonia, Vel. The early instars were collected from the commonlycalledthe OrangeUnderwing, isalso study site and reared at home in rearing tanks. well represented in this area. The adult of the Detailed observations were made, which are species has beendescribedby Hampson(1894), describedlater.Atotalof173 larvaewerereared Barlow(1981)anditsearlystagesbySevastopulo during the study period. 342 JOURNAL, BOMBAYNATURAL HISTORYSOCIETY, 96(2) AUG. 1999

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