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681.3.02 Button Functions Help Buttons Region Help Button Duplicate CAS Help Button —SH — onthe Regions sub-form.Displays a onthe Specimen ID page. Displays a help - screen explainingthe buttons onthat formwith instructions on howto dupli- form cate a record Locality Keywords Help Button onthe LocalityKeywords sub-form. Displays a screen explainingthe buttons onthatform Form Operation Buttons Exit Button \ Clear Form Button + C- Closesthe currentform orsubform and Clears informationfrom allfields on cur- returnsto previousform rentform Record Operation Buttons First Record Button Save Record Button Displaysfirst record in table >/ Saves currentrecord Prior Record Button Undo Button X Displays priorrecord intable Returns record to its original state priorto editing Next Record Button Displays next record intable ^ Remember Button Remembers certain information,which Last Record Button can be inserted in subsequentrecords Displays last record intable aa Find Button Insert Record Button EPtI Allowsyouto searchfora specific record + Inserta newblank record Flag Button Delete Record Button Flags all records as having been checked/ Deletes current record undergone qualitycontrol Edit Record Button ^ Places record into editmode, allowing changesto be made Other Operation Buttons New Collector Button Write To File Button 1 Allows newcollector's nametobe Writes informationto afile addedto'Collectors'table Information Button Insert Collector Button 1 Provides definitions ofterms ontheHabi- Insertcollector(s) name remembered/ tats sub-form seeAppendix2 savedfromwithinthe Specimen Collec- tors subform Specimen Count Button Counts and displaysthetotal numberof Preview and Print Button specimens inthe database Allows information to be previewed priorto printing Record Set Selection Button To selecta range (subset) ofspecimensto workwith PRECIS.pc National Herbarium, Pretoria (PRE) Computerised Information System SPECIMEN DATABASE USER GUIDE Trevor H.Arnold & Hester M.Steyn MARY GUNN LIBRARY 0000014250 National _Sou,t.hh AHtfrriican ulofc Biodiversity national biodiversity institute S A N B I 2005 Southern African Botanical Diversity Network Report No. 39 Citation ARNOLD,T.H. & STEYN, H.M. 2005.PRECIS.pcSpecimenDatabase UserGuide. SouthernAfrican Botanical DiversityNetworkReportNo.40. SABONET, Pretoria. Address for Correspondence PRECIS Information Manager National Herbarium SouthAfricanNational BiodiversityInstitute 661 3. 02. fjRKj . PrivateBagX101 Pretoria 0001 SOUTHAFRICA Issued by TheProjectCoordinator SouthernAfrican Botanical DiversityNetwork c/oSouthAfrican NationalBiodiversityInstitute Private BagX101 Pretoria 0001 SOUTHAFRICA Printed in2005intheRepublicofSouthAfricabyCapturePress, Pretoria, (27) 12349-1802 ISBN 1-919976-24-8 ©SABONET.Allrightsreserved. Nopartofthispublication maybe reproducedortransmitted inanyformorby anymeanswithoutthepermissionofthecopyrightholder. TheSABONETProjectCoordinatorandtheAuthor(addressesabove)wouldappreciateeachreceivingacopyof anypublicationthatusesthisreportasasource. Technical editor: CeceliaBelgraverdeVos Text design and layout:Antoinette Burkhardt, Pretoria, SouthAfrica(27)82888-8438. Coverdesign: SandraTurck, Pretoria, SouthAfricanNationalBiodiversityInstitute, SouthAfrica(27) 12843-5000. SABONETwebsite:www.sabonet.org ThisreportisajointproductoftheNational Botanical Research InstituteofNamibiaandtheSouthernAfrican Botanical DiversityNetwork(SABONET).Thesupportprovided bytheGlobal EnvironmentFacility(GEF)/United NationsDevelopmentProgramme(UNDP)andtheUnited StatesAgencyforInternationalDevelopment(USAID)/ WorldConservationUnion-RegionalOfficeforsouthernAfrica(IUCN-ROSA)(Plotno. 14818LebatlaneRoad, GaboroneWest,Extension6Gaborone, Botswana)madethisreportpossibleunderthetermsofGrantNo.690- 0283-A-00-5950. SABONETisaGEFProjectimplemented bytheUNDPandco-funded byUSAID/IUCN ROSA.The opinionsexpressedhereinarethoseoftheauthoranddonotnecessarilyreflecttheviewsofUSAID,theGEF/UNDP, the SABONETSteeringCommitteeorSABONETNationalWorkingGroups. MARYGUNNLIBRARY 2 SCETHAFRICANNATIONALBIODIVERSITY!fJ5TmJII ;A. , PRIVATEBAGXICl ?M?': PRETORIA0CC1 REPUBLICOFSOUTHAFRICA IUCN national biodiversity institute TheWorld ConservationUnion S A N B I Contents Acknowledgements viii Introduction 1 Chapter 1. Installingthe MySQL service and specimen database 3 1.1 First-time installation : 4 2.11.2 Re-installation aftera system crash 15 1.3 Creating a Desktop shortcut 15 1.4Startingthe databaseforthefirsttime 16 Chapter 2. System overview 19 NewSpecimens 20 2.2 Existing Specimens 20 2.3 Reports 21 2.4Export/Import 21 2.5 Look-UpTables 21 2.6 Print Labels 21 2.7 Extract Records 21 2.8Local Settings 21 Chapter 3. New Specimens 23 3.1 Add Specimens 26 3.1.1 New Specimens: Specimen ID page 26 3.1.2 New Specimens: Collector(s) page 30 3.1.3 New Specimens: Localitypage 32 3.1.4New Specimens: Habitatpage 35 3.1.5 New Specimens: Description page 38 3.1.6New Specimens: Otherpage 43 3.2Transfer Batch 48 3.3TransferOne 48 3.4 PrintLabels 48 3.5 Delete Specimens 48 Chapter 4. Existing Specimens 49 4.1 Specimens: Specimen ID page 50 4.2 Specimens: Collector(s) page 54 4.3 Specimens: Localitypage 56 4.4Specimens: Habitatpage 59 4.5 Specimens: Descriptionpage 62 4.6NewSpecimens: Otherpage 66 Chapter 5. Reports 71 5.1 Mappit Output 72 5.2 No Grids 74 , 5.3 Not Checked 76 5.4Specimen Details 77 5.5 Species perRegion 80 5.6Accession Register 82 5.7 Species perGrid 83 5.8 Species List 84 5.9 Special/API Reports 85 Chapter 6. Import/Export 89 6.1 PRECIS 90 6.2 HISPID3 91 1 Chapter 7. Look-upTables (Data Dictionaries) 93 7.1 Authors 94 7.2 Biotic Effects 96 7.3 Collectors 97 7.4Colours (Flower/Fruit) 98 7.5 DetNames 99 7.6 Exposure 100 7.7 Families 101 7.8 Genera 102 7.9 Growth Forms 103 7.10 Habitats 104 7.11 Herbaria 105 7.12 Lithology 106 7.13 LocalityKeywords 107 7.14Materials 108 7.15 Moisture Regimes 109 7.16 Occurrence 110 7.17 Regions 110 7.18SoilTypes 112 7.19 Special Collections 113 7.20 Species 114 7.21 Substrate 117 7.22Type Categories 118 7.23 VegetationTypes 119 7.24Vouchers 120 Chapter 8. PrintLabels 121 8.1 Option 'N' (NewSpecimens) 122 8.2 Option 'E' (Existing Specimens) 124 Chapter 9. ExtractRecords 125 9.1 CopySpecimens 127 9.2View Specimens 129 9.3 Delete Specimens 129 9.4Print Labels 129 9.5Utilities 129 Chapter 10 Local Settings 131 . Chapter 1 Backing upthe database 135 . 11.1 MySQL Backup and Restore procedure 136 11.2 Using "Copy"to backup and restore database 138 11.3Whatconstitutes a backup 139 11.4Howoftento backup 140 11.5 Backup storage location 140 References 141 Appendix 1. Database Help Buttons 143 Appendix 2. Definitions 147 Appendix 3. Specimendatabasetables 149 Appendix 4. Procedureforcapturingandstoringnewspecimendataandprintingspecimen labels...153 Appendix 5. Howthe SpmnDbfront-end linkstothe MySQL database 155 Appendix 6. Folderstructurewith importantfiles andtheirlocation 157 ) Appendix 7. AddingtheWinMySqlAdmintooltothe Startupand Start/Programs/SpmnDbfolders...159 1. Addto Startupfolder 160 2. Addto Start/Programs/SpmnDbfolder 160 Appendix 8. Where MySQL storesthe specimen database 161 Appendix 9. Usingthe reconstitute (recon.exe) program 163 Appendix 10. Creating a MS-Access SpmnReports database 167 1. Create SpmnReports database in PRECISfolder 168 2. Link SpmnReports databaseto MySQL SpmnData database and linktables 170 List of Figures Fig. 1. MySQL software and Specimen database Installation Menu 4 Fig. 2. Stand-alone PC showingfourcomponentsto be installed 4 Fig. 3. Peer-to-peernetwork showing componentsto be installed onthe Serverand PCs 5 Fig. 4. Client/Servernetwork showingthe componentsto be installed on the Serverand PCs ...5 Fig. 5. MySQLServersand Clientsinstallationwindow 6 Fig. 6. MySQLServersand Clientsinstallation "Welcome"window 6 Fig. 7. MySQLServersand Clients installation "Information"window 7 Fig. 8. MySQLServersand Clientsinstallation "Choose Destination Location"window 7 Fig. 9. MySQLServersand Clientsinstallation "SetupType"window 8 Fig. 10. MySQLServersand Clientsinstallation "Setup Complete"window 8 Fig. 11. MySQL Connector/ODBCDriverinstallationwindow 9 Fig. 12. MySQL Connector/ODBCDriverinstallation "Welcome"window 9 Fig. 13. MySQL Connector/ODBCDriverinstallation "Readme!"window 10 Fig. 14. MySQL Connector/ODBCDriver"Start Installation!"window 10 Fig. 15. MySQL Connector/ODBCDriverinstallation "Finished!!"window 11 Fig. 16. MySQL Connector/ODBCDriverinstallation "Create ODBC Connection"window 11 Fig. 17. MySQL Connector/ODBCDriverinstallation "Create ODBC Connection"windowwithtwo additional data entryfields 12 Fig. 18. SpmnDb Delphifront-end installation/setupwindow 12 Fig. 19. SpmnDb Delphifront-end installation "Welcome"window 13 Fig. 20. SpmnDb Delphifront-end installation "UserInformation"window 13 Fig. 21. SpmnDb Delphifront-end installation "StartCopying Files"window 14 Fig. 22. SpmnDb Delphifront-end installation "Setup Complete"window 14 Fig. 23. CreateShortcutdialogue box 15 Fig. 24. Selecta TitlefortheProgram dialogue box 16 Fig. 25. StandardKewHerbarium Code prompt 16 Fig. 26. Highestaccession numberprompt 16 Fig. 27. Herbarium labelheaderprompt 17 Fig. 28. Specimen Database menu 20 Fig. 29. NewSpecimens:Batch Headerform 24 Fig. 30. NewSpecimensdata entryform: Specimen ID page 26 Fig. 31. NewSpecimensdataentryform: Collectors page 30 Fig. 32. Collectorssub-form 31 Fig. 33. NewSpecimensdataentryform: Localitypage 32 Fig. 34. LocalityKeywordssub-form 34 Fig. 35. NewSpecimensdata entryform: Habitatpage 35 Fig. 36. Habitatssub-form 36 Fig. 37. NewSpecimensdata entryform: Description page 38 Fig. 38. Growth Formssub-form 39 Fig. 39. FlowerColours sub-form 40 Fig. 40. FruitColours sub-form 41 Fig. 41. NewSpecimens data entryform: Otherpage 43 Fig. 42. Special Collections sub-form 44 Fig. 43. Voucherfor: sub-form 45 Fig. 44. DuplicateDistribution sub-form 46 Fig. 45. TypeSpecimen of: sub-form 47 Fig. 46. Specimens dataentryform: Specimen ID page 50 Fig. 47. Specimens data entryform: Collector(s) page 54 Fig. 48. Collectorssub-form 55 Fig. 49. Specimens data entryform: Localitypage 56 Fig. 50. LocalityKeywords sub-form 58 Fig. 51. Specimens data entryform: Habitatspage 59 Fig. 52. Habitats sub-form 60 Fig. 53. Specimens data entryform: Description page 62 Fig. 54. Growth Forms sub-form 63 Fig. 55. FlowerColours sub-form 64 Fig. 56. FruitColourssub-form 65 Fig. 57. Specimensdata entryform: Otherpage 66 Fig. 58. Special Collectionssub-form 67 Fig. 59. Voucherfor:sub-form 68 Fig. 60. DuplicateDistribution sub-form 69 Fig. 61. TypeSpecimen of: sub-form 70 Fig. 62. Reports menu 72 Fig. 63. OutputforMappitform 72 Fig. 64. Formatofoutputfrom 'Print listofgrids' Mappit Reportoption 74 Fig. 65. SpecimenswithoutGridsform 75 Fig. 66. NewSpecimensnotcheckedform 76 Fig. 67. Specimen Detailsform 78 Fig. 68. Resultofa reportto generate specimen detailsforall specimens collected bya specific col- lector 79 Fig. 69. SpeciesperRegionform 80 Fig. 70. Accession Registerform 82 Fig. 71. SpeciesperGridform 83 Fig. 72. SpeciesListform 84 Fig. 73. APIReportsform 86 Fig. 74. ListBarCodesforPrintingform 86 Fig. 75. XML outputform 87 Fig. 76. Import/Exportmenu 90 Fig. 77. PrecisImport/Exportmenu 90 Fig. 78. Look-Up Tablesmenu 94 Fig. 79. Authorsform 95 Fig- 80. BioticEffectsform 96 Fig. 81. Collectorsform 97 Fig. 82. Colours (Flower/Fruit)form 98 Fig. 83. DetNamesform 99 Fig. 84. Exposureform 100 Fig. 85. Familiesform 101 Fig. 86. Generaform 102 Fig. 87. Growth Formsform 103 Fig. 88. Habitatsform 104 Fig. 89. Herbariaform 105 Fig. 90. Lithologyform 106 Fig. 91. LocalityKeywordsform 107 Fig. 92. Materialsform 108 Fig. 93. MoistureRegimesform 109 Fig. 94. Occurrenceform 110 Fig. 95. Regionsform Ill Fig. 96. SoilTypesform 112 Fig. 97. Special Collectionsform 113 Fig. 98. Speciesform 114 Fig. 99. CurrentName sub-form 116 Fig. 100. Substratesform 117 Fig. 101. Type Categoriesform 118 Fig. 102. Vegetation Typesform 119 Fig. 103. Vouchersform 120 Fig. 104. Example ofa PrintLabels Preview 123 Fig. 105. ExistingSpecimens:Batch Headerform 126 Fig. 106. CopySpecimenstobatch sub-form: Stage l 127 Fig. 107. CopySpecimenstobatch sub-form: Stage2(Selection byCAS) 127 Fig. 108. CopySpecimenstobatch sub-form: Stage2(Selection byFamily) 128 Fig. 109. Utilities sub-form 130 Fig. 110. LocalSettingsform 132 Fig. 111. PRECIS Specimen databaseMaintenance Menu 136 Fig. 112. Windowshowing contents ofBackupfolderwith eightfiles created bySpmnBackup program 136 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Acknowledgements WethanksouthernAfrican botanistsfortheircomments and suggestions onthe design ofthe database. Compiled by T.H. Arnold and H.M. Steyn South African National BiodiversityInstitute Private BagX101 Pretoria 0001 Database design TrevorArnold and Carole deWet SouthAfricanNational BiodiversityInstitute Private BagX101 Pretoria 0001 Database development Carole deWet SouthAfricanNational BiodiversityInstitute Private BagX101 Pretoria 0001

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