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Precision tests of the J/psi from full lattice QCD: mass, leptonic width and radiative decay rate to eta_c PDF

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Preview Precision tests of the J/psi from full lattice QCD: mass, leptonic width and radiative decay rate to eta_c

Precision tests of the J/ψ from full lattice QCD: mass, leptonic width and radiative decay rate to η c C. T. H. Davies , G. C. Donald, R. J. Dowdall, J. Koponen ∗ 3 1 UniversityofGlasgow 0 2 E-mail: [email protected] n E. Follana a J UniversidaddeZaragoza 0 3 K. Hornbostel ] SouthernMethodistUniversity t a l G. P. Lepage - p e CornellUniversity h [ C. McNeile 1 UniversitätWuppertal v 3 HPQCD collaboration 0 2 7 We show results from calculations in full lattice QCD of the mass, leptonic width and radiative . 1 decayratetoη oftheJ/ψmeson.Theseprovidefew%testsofQCD.Another(1.5%)testcomes c 0 3 fromcomparisonoftime-momentsofthevectorcharmoniumcorrelatorwithresultsderivedfrom 1 theexperimentalvaluesofR(e+e hadrons)inthecharmregion. − : → v i X r a XthQuarkConfinementandtheHadronSpectrum, October8-12,2012 TUMCampusGarching,Munich,Germany ∗Speaker. (cid:13)c Copyrightownedbytheauthor(s)underthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlikeLicence. http://pos.sissa.it/ J/ψ fromfulllatticeQCD C.T.H.Davies 0.50 V) 0.48 Ge 0.120 V) 0.46 ( e Mηc 0.115 (G 0.44 − /ψ 0.42 ψ fJ M/J 0.110 0.40 0.38 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 (amc)2 (amc)2 Figure 1: The charmonium hyperfinesplitting on theleft and decay constantof the J/ψ on the rightas a functionoflatticespacing. Thegreybandisourfittothecalculatedbluepoints. Ata=0itagreeswellwith theexperimentalvaluegivenbytheblackpoint. 1. Introduction Precision tests of lattice QCD against experiment are critical to provide benchmarks against which to calibrate the reliability of predictions from lattice QCD [1]. Many of these tests are also important tests of QCD itself because frequently lattice QCD provides the only method for precisioncalculation. Mosttestscarriedoutsofarhavebeenbasedonthespectrumofgold-plated hadron masses. It is important to have tests that also involve decay matrix elements but, for weak decays, uncertainties in CKM elements are a limiting factor (indeed, the lattice calculations are usedtodeterminetheCKMelements). Electromagneticdecayratesthereforehavethepotentialto providegoodtestsbecausetheirnormalisation,relatedtoα ,iswell-known. QED Here we provide such tests for the J/ψ including the full effect of u, d and s quarks in the sea for the first time. We are able to do this because we have developed a particularly accurate formalismfordiscretisingthequarkpieceoftheQCDLagrangianontoalattice,knownasHighly ImprovedStaggeredQuarks(HISQ)[2]. Theworkdescribedherehasnowbeenpublished[3]and werefertothatpaperforalldetails. Herewesimplygivehighlightsfromtheresults. Forasimilar calculationusingtwistedmassquarksandincludinguandd quarksinthesea,see[4]. Forearlier workinthequenchedapproximationsee[5]. 2. Results Figure1showsresultsontheleftforthehyperfinesplitting(M M )andontherightfor J/ψ− ηc theJ/ψ decayconstant, f ,asafunctionoflatticespacing,a(giveninunitsofthecquarkmass, J/ψ m ). Thebluepointsshowourresultsatfourdifferentwidelyspacedvaluesofaandthegreyband c showsourfit,includingthe1σ errorbar,whichallowsextrapolationtotherealworldata=0. The blackpointata=0.0istheexperimentalvalue. For f thisisderivedfromΓ(J/ψ e+e ). J/ψ − → Our value for the hyperfine splitting is 116.5(2.1)(2.4) MeV where the first error is from our calculationandfitandthesecondisfromuncertaintiesintheη massfromelectromagneticeffects c and η annihilation, neither of which are included in our lattice QCD calculation. The current c 2 J/ψ fromfulllatticeQCD C.T.H.Davies 1.4 2.2 n=10 1.2 ) 1 − V 2 Ge 1.0 n=8 ( )2 1.8 /(n−0.8 1 V(0) )ent 0.6 n=6 m 1.6 o m thn 0.4 ( 1.4 n=4 0.2 1.2 0.0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 (mca)2 (amc)2 Figure 2: On the left is the value of the vector form factor between J/ψ and η at squared 4-momentum c transferequaltozero,andontherightthenthtime-momentsofthevectorcharmoniumcorrelatorforn=4, 6,8,and10. SymbolsareasinFigure1. experimentalaverageis115.9(1.1)MeV[6]. Ourvaluefor f is405(6)(2)MeVtobecompared J/ψ to407(5)MeVfromexperiment[6]. Figure2showsontheleftresultsforV(0), thevectorformfactoratq2 =0betweentheJ/ψ and η , which is related the decay rate for J/ψ γη . Our final result for V(0) is 1.90(7)(1) c c → givingΓ(J/ψ e+e γη )=2.49(18)(7)keV.Thisistobecomparedtotheexperimentalvalueof − c → 1.84(30) keV [6]. Agreement is acceptable, but an improvement in the experimental error would allowamuchmorestringenttestofQCD. The righthand plot of Figure 2 shows results for the 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th time-moments of the charmonium vector correlator. These moments test the short time behaviour of the correlator, wherethelargetimebehaviourgivesthepropertiesoftheground-statecharmoniumvectormeson, the J/ψ, discussed above. The continuum limit of the time-moments can be compared to q2- derivative moments of the charm quark vacuum polarisation function derived from experimental resultsforR [7]. Goodagreementwiththeexperimentalresultsisseenwitherrorsat1.5%. e+e − References [1] C.Daviesetal(HPQCD,UKQCD,MILC,FermilabLatticeCollaborations),Phys.Rev.Lett. 92:022001(2004),hep-lat/0304004. [2] E.Follanaetal(HPQCDCollaboration),Phys.Rev.D75:054502(2007),hep-lat/0610092. [3] G.C.Donaldetal(HPQCDCollaboration),Phys.Rev.D86:094501(2012),arXiv:1208.2855. [4] D.BecirevicandF.Sanfilipo,arXiv: 1206.1445;F.Sanfilippo,theseProceedings. [5] J.J.Dudek,R.G.EdwardsandD.G.Richards,Phys.Rev.D73:074507(2006),hep-ph/0601137. [6] J.Beringeretal(ParticleDataGroup),Phys.Rev.D86:010001(2012). [7] J.H.Kuhn,M.SteinhauserandC.Sturm,Nucl.Phys.B778:192(2007),hep-ph/0702103. 3

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