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Precision Temperature Sensors in CMOS Technology (Analog Circuits and Signal Processing) PDF

306 Pages·2006·2.77 MB·English
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PRECISION TEMPERATURE SENSORS IN CMOS TECHNOLOGY ANALOG CIRCUITS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING SERIES Consulting Editor: Mohammed Ismail. Ohio State University Related Titles: PRECISION TEMPERATURE SENSORS IN CMOS TECHNOLOGY Pertijs, Michiel A.P., Huijsing, Johan H. ISBN: 1-4020-5257-X RF POWER AMPLIFIERS FOR MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS Reynaert, Patrick, Steyaert, Michiel ISBN: 1-4020-5116-6 ADAPTIVE LOW-POWER CIRCUITS FOR WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Tasic, Aleksandar, Serdijn, Wouter A., Long, John R. ISBN: 1-4020-5249-9 IQ CALIBRATION TECHNIQUES FOR CMOS RADIO TRANCEIVERS Chen, Sao-Jie, Hsieh, Yong-Hsiang ISBN: 1-4020-5082-8 CMOS CURRENT-MODE CIRCUITS FOR DATA COMMUNICATIONS Yuan, Fei ISBN: 0-387-29758-8 ADVANCED DESIGN TECHNIQUES FOR RF POWER AMPLIFIERS Rudiakova, A.N., Krizhanovski, V. ISBN 1-4020-4638-3 CMOS CASCADE SIGMA-DELTA MODULATORS FOR SENSORS AND TELECOM del Río, R., Medeiro, F., Pérez-Verdú, B., de la Rosa, J.M., Rodríguez-Vázquez, A. ISBN 1-4020-4775-4 Titles in former series International Series in Engineering and Computer Science: SIGMA DELTA A/D CONVERSION FOR SIGNAL CONDITIONING Philips, K., van Roermund, A.H.M. Vol. 874, ISBN 1-4020-4679-0 CALIBRATION TECHNIQUES IN NYQUIST A/D CONVERTERS van der Ploeg, H., Nauta, B. Vol. 873, ISBN 1-4020-4634-0 ADAPTIVE TECHNIQUES FOR MIXED SIGNAL SYSTEM ON CHIP Fayed, A., Ismail, M. Vol. 872, ISBN 0-387-32154-3 WIDE-BANDWIDTH HIGH-DYNAMIC RANGE D/A CONVERTERS Doris, Konstantinos, van Roermund, Arthur, Leenaerts, Domine Vol. 871 ISBN: 0-387-30415-0 METHODOLOGY FOR THE DIGITAL CALIBRATION OF ANALOG CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS: WITH CASE STUDIES Pastre, Marc, Kayal, Maher Vol. 870, ISBN: 1-4020-4252-3 HIGH-SPEED PHOTODIODES IN STANDARD CMOS TECHNOLOGY Radovanovic, Sasa, Annema, Anne-Johan, Nauta, Bram Vol. 869, ISBN: 0-387-28591-1 LOW-POWER LOW-VOLTAGE SIGMA-DELTA MODULATORS IN NANOMETER CMOS Yao, Libin, Steyaert, Michiel, Sansen, Willy Vol. 868, ISBN: 1-4020-4139-X DESIGN OF VERY HIGH-FREQUENCY MULTIRATE SWITCHED-CAPACITOR CIRCUITS U, Seng Pan, Martins, Rui Paulo, Epifânio da Franca, José Vol. 867, ISBN: 0-387-26121-4 DYNAMIC CHARACTERISATION OF ANALOGUE-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS Dallet, Dominique; Machado da Silva, José (Eds.) Vol. 860, ISBN: 0-387-25902-3 ANALOG DESIGN ESSENTIALS Sansen, Willy Vol. 859, ISBN: 0-387-25746-2 DESIGN OF WIRELESS AUTONOMOUS DATALOGGER IC'S Claes and Sansen Vol. 854, ISBN: 1-4020-3208-0 MATCHING PROPERTIES OF DEEP SUB-MICRON MOS TRANSISTORS Croon, Sansen, Maes Vol. 851, ISBN: 0-387-24314-3 LNA-ESD CO-DESIGN FOR FULLY INTEGRATED CMOS WIRELESS RECEIVERS Leroux and Steyaert Vol. 843, ISBN: 1-4020-3190-4 SYSTEMATIC MODELING AND ANALYSIS OF TELECOM FRONTENDS AND THEIR BUILDING BLOCKS Vanassche, Gielen, Sansen Vol. 842, ISBN: 1-4020-3173-4 PRECISION TEMPERATURE SENSORS IN CMOS TECHNOLOGY by Michiel A.P. Pertijs National Semiconductor, Delft, The Netherlands and Johan H. Huijsing Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands AC.I.P. Catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. ISBN-10 1-4020-5257-X (HB) ISBN-13 978-1-4020-5257-6 (HB) ISBN-10 1-4020-5258-8 (e-book) ISBN-13 978-1-4020-5258-3 (e-book) Published by Springer, P.O. Box 17, 3300 AADordrecht, The Netherlands. www.springer.com Printed on acid-free paper All Rights Reserved © 2006 Springer No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording or otherwise, without written permission from the Publisher, with the exception of any material supplied specifically for the purpose of being entered and executed on a computer system, for exclusive use by the purchaser of the work. Contents Acknowledgment xi 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 MotivationandObjectives 1 1.2 BasicPrinciples 3 1.3 ContextoftheResearch 5 1.4 Challenges 6 1.5 OrganizationoftheBook 7 References 8 2. CHARACTERISTICSOFBIPOLARTRANSISTORS 11 2.1 Introduction 11 2.1.1 TheIdealDiodeCharacteristic 11 2.1.2 Non-IdealitiesofDiodes 13 2.2 BipolarTransistorPhysics 14 2.2.1 SignConventions 14 2.2.2 TheIdealI −V Characteristic 15 C BE 2.2.3 Non-IdealitiesoftheI −V Characteristic 16 C BE 2.2.4 Non-IdealitiesoftheI −V Characteristic 18 E BE 2.3 TemperatureCharacteristicsofBipolarTransistors 20 2.3.1 TemperatureDependencyoftheSaturationCurrent 21 2.3.2 TemperatureDependencyoftheCurrentGain 23 2.4 BipolarTransistorsinStandardCMOSTechnology 24 2.4.1 LateralpnpTransistors 24 2.4.2 SubstratepnpTransistors 26 2.5 ProcessingSpread 28 2.5.1 SpreadoftheSaturationCurrent 29 v vi Contents 2.5.2 SpreadoftheCurrentGain 31 2.6 SensitivitytoMechanicalStress 32 2.6.1 CausesofMechanicalStress 33 2.6.2 Stress-InducedChangesintheSaturationCurrent 34 2.6.3 Stress-InducedChangesintheCurrentGain 35 2.7 EffectofSeriesResistancesandBase-WidthModulation 36 2.7.1 SeriesResistances 36 2.7.2 ForwardEarlyEffect 37 2.7.3 ReverseEarlyEffect 38 2.8 EffectofVariationsintheBiasCurrent 40 2.8.1 ResistorsinStandardCMOSTechnology 40 2.8.2 TemperatureDependencyoftheBiasResistor 41 2.8.3 SpreadoftheBiasResistor 43 2.8.4 Stress-InducedChangesintheBiasResistor 45 2.9 Conclusions 46 References 48 3. RATIOMETRIC TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT USING BIPOLARTRANSISTORS 51 3.1 Introduction 51 3.1.1 CombiningV and∆V 51 BE BE 3.1.2 ErrorBudgeting 54 3.1.3 ErrorsinV ,∆V andα 55 BE BE 3.1.4 PTATErrorsinV 56 BE 3.2 GeneratinganAccurateCurrent-DensityRatio 58 3.2.1 ErrorsduetoMismatch 58 3.2.2 DynamicElementMatching 59 3.2.3 ErrorsduetoFiniteOutputImpedance 62 3.3 GeneratinganAccurateBiasCurrent 63 3.3.1 StructureofBiasCircuits 63 3.3.2 PTAT/RBiasCircuit 66 3.3.3 CompensationforProcessingSpread 67 3.4 Trimming 69 3.4.1 CalculatingTrimmingParameters 69 3.4.2 TrimmingCircuits 70 3.4.3 TrimmingafterPackaging 74 3.4.4 Non-VolatileMemoryTechnology 76 3.5 CurvatureCorrection 78 Contents vii 3.5.1 ErrorsduetoCurvature 78 3.5.2 ComparisontoVoltageReferences 79 3.5.3 Curvature-CorrectionTechniquesforBandgapVoltage References 80 3.5.4 RatiometricCurvatureCorrection 88 3.5.5 Higher-OrderRatiometricCurvatureCorrection 89 3.5.6 OtherCurvature-CorrectionTechniques 91 3.6 CompensationforFiniteCurrent-Gain 92 3.6.1 ErrorsduetoFiniteCurrent-Gain 92 3.6.2 Current-Gain-DependentBiasing 92 3.7 Series-ResistanceCompensation 95 3.7.1 ErrorsduetoSeriesResistances 95 3.7.2 InstantaneousCompensation 96 3.7.3 SequentialCompensation 98 3.8 Conclusions 99 References 102 4. SIGMA-DELTAANALOG-TO-DIGITALCONVERSION 107 4.1 Introduction 107 4.1.1 Requirements 107 4.1.2 DirectversusIndirectConversion 110 4.1.3 ChargeBalancing 111 4.1.4 SynchronousversusAsynchronousModulation 112 4.2 OperatingPrinciplesofSigma-DeltaADCs 115 4.2.1 SamplingandQuantization 115 4.2.2 Oversampling 116 4.2.3 NoiseShaping 117 4.2.4 LinearModel 118 4.2.5 IncrementalOperation 120 4.3 First-OrderSigma-DeltaModulators 121 4.3.1 Topology 121 4.3.2 NoiseShaping 121 4.3.3 Resolution 121 4.3.4 Leakage 125 4.3.5 Initialization 128 4.4 Second-OrderSigma-DeltaModulators 129 4.4.1 CascadingversusHigher-OrderLoopFilters 129 4.4.2 Topology 131 4.4.3 Stability 132 viii Contents 4.4.4 NoiseShaping 134 4.4.5 Resolution 134 4.4.6 Leakage 136 4.5 DecimationFilters 137 4.5.1 FiltersMatchedtotheLoopFilter 138 4.5.2 FiltersBasedonWindowFunctions 139 4.5.3 LinearScalingoftheConversionResult 142 4.5.4 CompensatingforNon-Linearity 143 4.6 FilteringofDynamicErrorSignals 146 4.6.1 Normal-ModeRejection 146 4.6.2 Bitstream-ControlledTimingofDynamicErrorSignals 149 4.7 Conclusions 153 References 155 5. PRECISIONCIRCUITTECHNIQUES 159 5.1 Introduction 159 5.1.1 MethodsofVoltage-to-ChargeConversion 159 5.1.2 MaximumPowerConsumptionBasedonSelf-Heating 160 5.1.3 Per-CycleAnalysisofNoise 162 5.1.4 NoiseoftheBipolarFront-End 163 5.2 Continuous-TimeCircuitry 165 5.2.1 ImplementationofChargeBalancing 165 5.2.2 Accuracy 167 5.2.3 Noise 172 5.2.4 PowerConsumption 174 5.2.5 Chopping 175 5.2.6 DynamicElementMatching 180 5.3 Switched-CapacitorCircuitry 182 5.3.1 ImplementationofChargeBalancing 182 5.3.2 Accuracy 184 5.3.3 Noise 187 5.3.4 PowerConsumption 190 5.3.5 Autozeroing 191 5.3.6 DynamicElementMatching 194 5.4 AdvancedOffsetCancellationTechniques 196 5.4.1 Charge-InjectionCompensation 196 5.4.2 AdvancedChoppingTechniques 199 5.4.3 AdvancedAutozeroingTechniques 201 Contents ix 5.4.4 System-LevelTechniques 204 5.5 Conclusions 207 References 209 6. CALIBRATIONTECHNIQUES 213 6.1 Introduction 213 6.1.1 DefinitionofCalibration 213 6.1.2 ExtrapolationfromCalibrationPoints 215 6.2 ConventionalCalibrationTechniques 217 6.3 BatchCalibration 217 6.4 Calibrationbasedon∆V Measurement 218 BE 6.4.1 Principle 218 6.4.2 Implementation 219 6.4.3 Accuracy 220 6.5 VoltageReferenceCalibration 221 6.5.1 Principle 221 6.5.2 Implementation 222 6.5.3 Accuracy 223 6.6 Conclusions 223 References 224 7. REALIZATIONS 227 7.1 ABatch-CalibratedCMOSSmartTemperatureSensor 227 7.1.1 Overview 227 7.1.2 Charge-BalancingOperation 229 7.1.3 CurvatureCorrection 231 7.1.4 SinkingV-IConverterfor∆V 232 BE 7.1.5 SourcingV-IConverterforV 234 BE 7.1.6 ExperimentalResults 235 7.2 A CMOS Smart Temperature Sensor with a 3σ Inaccuracy of ±0.5◦Cfrom−50◦Cto120◦C 236 7.2.1 Overview 236 7.2.2 Sigma-DeltaModulator 238 7.2.3 ExperimentalResults 240 7.3 A CMOS Smart Temperature Sensor with a 3σ Inaccuracy of ±0.1◦Cfrom−55◦Cto125◦C 244 7.3.1 Overview 244 7.3.2 Charge-BalancingOperation 246 7.3.3 DynamicElementMatching 248 x Contents 7.3.4 ModulatedBiasCurrentTrimming 249 7.3.5 PrecisionBiasCircuit 250 7.3.6 Sigma-DeltaModulator 252 7.3.7 TimingandDecimationFilter 257 7.3.8 Calibration 258 7.3.9 ExperimentalResults 260 7.4 Benchmark 268 References 268 8. CONCLUSIONS 271 8.1 MainFindings 271 8.2 OtherApplicationsofthisWork 272 8.3 FutureWork 272 References 274 Appendices 275 A DerivationofMismatch-RelatedErrors 275 A.1 Errorsin∆V 275 BE A.1.1 WithoutDEM 275 A.1.2 WithDEM 276 B ResolutionLimitsofSigma-DeltaModulatorswithaDCInput 277 B.1 First-OrderModulator 277 B.1.1 Time-DomainDescription 277 B.1.2 ResolutionLimitwithoutLeakage 277 B.1.3 ResolutionLimitwithLeakage 278 B.2 Second-OrderSingle-LoopModulator 279 B.2.1 Time-DomainDescription 279 B.2.2 ResolutionLimitwithoutLeakage 279 B.2.3 ResolutionLimitwithLeakage 281 References 281 C Non-ExponentialSettlingTransients 283 C.1 ProblemDescription 283 C.2 SettlingTransientsfromV (cid:1)= 0toV 284 BE1 BE2 C.3 SettlingTransientsfromV = 0toV 286 BE1 BE2 Summary 291 AbouttheAuthors 295 Index 297

This book describes the analysis and design of precision temperature sensors in CMOS IC technology, focusing on so-called smart temperature sensors, which provide a digital output signal that can be readily interpreted by a computer. The text shows how temperature characteristics can be used to obta
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