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Precision Observables in the MSSM: Status and Perspectives PDF

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Preview Precision Observables in the MSSM: Status and Perspectives

DCPT/02/154 IPPP/02/77 LMU 01/03 hep-ph/0301062 3 0 Precision Observables in the MSSM: 0 2 Status and Perspectives∗ n a J 9 S. Heinemeyer1† and G. Weiglein2‡ 1 v 2 6 1Institut fu¨r theoretische Elementarteilchenphysik, LMU Mu¨nchen, Theresienstr. 37, 0 D-80333 Mu¨nchen, Germany 1 0 3 2Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology, 0 University of Durham, Durham DH1 3LE, U.K. / h p - p e h : v Abstract i X The current status of the theoretical predictions for the electroweak precision r a observables M , sin2θ and m within the MSSM is briefly reviewed. The impact W eff h of recent electroweak two-loop results to the quantity ∆ρ is analysed and the sensi- tivity of the electroweak precision observables to the top-quark Yukawa coupling is investigated. Furthermorethelevelofprecisionnecessarytomatchtheexperimental accuracy at the next generation of colliders is discussed. ∗Talk given by G. Weiglein at SUSY02, June 2002,DESY, Germany †email: [email protected] ‡email: [email protected] 1 Electroweak precision observables in the MSSM Electroweak precision tests, i.e. the comparison of accurate measurements with predic- tions of the theory at the quantum level, allow to set indirect constraints on unknown parameters of the model under consideration. Within the Standard Model (SM) precision observables like the W-boson mass, M , and the effective leptonic weak mixing angle, W sin2θ , allow in particular to obtain constraints on the Higgs-boson mass of the SM. In eff the Minimal Supersymmetric extension of the SM (MSSM), on the other hand, the mass of the lightest -even Higgs boson, m , can be predicted in terms of the mass of the h CP -odd Higgs boson, M , and tanβ, the ratio of the vacuum expectation values of the A CP two Higgs doublets. Via radiative corrections it furthermore sensitively depends on the scalar top and bottom sector of the MSSM. Thus, within the MSSM a precise measure- ment of M , sin2θ and m allows to obtain indirect information in particular on the W eff h parameters of the Higgs and scalar top and bottom sector. The status of the theoretical predictions for m within the MSSM has recently been h reviewed in Ref. [1]. The theoretical predictions, based on the complete one-loop and the dominant two-loop results, currently have an uncertainty from unknown higher-order corrections of about 3 GeV, while the parametric uncertainty from the experimental ± error of the top-quark mass presently amounts to about 5 GeV. ± Fortheelectroweak precisionobservables withintheSMveryaccurateresultsareavail- able. This holds in particular for the prediction for M , where meanwhile all ingredients W of the complete two-loop result are known. The remaining theoretical uncertainties from unknown higher-order corrections within the SM are estimated to be [2,3,4] SM : δMth 6 MeV, δsin2θth 7 10−5. (1) W ≈ ± eff ≈ ± × Theyaresmalleratpresentthantheparametricuncertaintiesfromtheexperimentalerrors of the input parameters m and ∆α . The experimental errors of δm = 5.1 GeV [5] t had t ± and δ(∆α ) = 36 10−5 [5] induce parametric theoretical uncertainties of had × δm : δMpara 31 MeV, δsin2θpara 16 10−5, t W ≈ ± eff ≈ ± × δ(∆α ) : δMpara 6.5 MeV, δsin2θpara 13 10−5. (2) had W ≈ ± eff ≈ ± × For comparison, the present experimental errors of M and sin2θ are [5] W eff δMexp 34 MeV, δsin2θexp 17 10−5. (3) W ≈ ± eff ≈ ± × At one-loop order, complete results for the electroweak precision observables M W and sin2θ are also known within the MSSM [6,7]. At the two-loop level, the leading eff corrections in (αα ) have been obtained [8], which enter via the quantity ∆ρ, s O Σ (0) Σ (0) Z W ∆ρ = . (4) M2 − M2 Z W It parameterises the leading universal corrections to the electroweak precision observables induced by the mass splitting between fields in an isospin doublet [9]. Σ (0) denote the Z,W transverse parts of the unrenormalised Z- and W-boson self-energies at zero momentum 1 transfer, respectively. The induced shifts in M and sin2θ are in leading order given W eff by (with 1 s2 c2 = M2 /M2) − W ≡ W W Z M c2 c2 s2 δM W W ∆ρ, δsin2θ W W ∆ρ. (5) W ≈ 2 c2 s2 eff ≈ −c2 s2 W − W W − W Forthe gluonic corrections, results in (αα ) have also been obtained for theprediction of s O M [10]. The comparison with the contributions entering via ∆ρ showed that in this case W indeed the full result is well approximated by the ∆ρ contribution. Contrary to the SM case, the two-loop (αα ) corrections turned out to increase the one-loop contributions, s O leading to an enhancement of up to 35% [8]. Recently the leading two-loop corrections to ∆ρ at (α2), (α α ), (α2) have been O t O t b O b obtained for the case of a large SUSY scale, M M [11,12]. These contributions SUSY Z ≫ involve the top and bottom Yukawa couplings and contain in particular corrections pro- portional to m4 and bottom loop corrections enhanced by tanβ. Since for a large SUSY t scale the contributions from loops of SUSY particles decouple from physical observables, the leading contributions can be obtained in this case in the limit where besides the SM particles only the two Higgs doublets of the MSSM are active. In the following section these results are briefly summarised. Comparing the presently available results for the electroweak precision observables M and sin2θ in the MSSM with those in the SM, the uncertainties from unknown W eff higher-order corrections within the MSSM can be estimated to be at least a factor of two larger than the ones in the SM as given in eq. (1). ∆ 2 Leading electroweak two-loop contributions to ρ The leading contributions of (α2), (α α ) and (α2) to ∆ρ in the limit of a large O t O t b O b SUSY scale arise from two-loop diagrams containing a quark loop and the scalar particles of the two Higgs doublets of the MSSM, see Ref. [12]. They can be obtained by extracting the contributions proportional to y2, y y and y2, where t t b b √2m √2m t b y = , y = . (6) t b v sinβ v cosβ The coefficients of these terms can then be evaluated in the gauge-less limit, i.e. for M ,M 0 (keeping c = M /M fixed). W Z W W Z → In this limit the tree-level masses of the charged Higgs boson H± and the unphysical scalars G0, G± are given by m2 = M2, m2 = m2 = 0. (7) H± A G G± Applying the corresponding limit also in the neutral -even Higgs sector would CP yield for the lightest -even Higgs-boson mass m2 = 0 and furthermore m2 = M2, CP h H A sinα = cosβ, cosα = sinβ, where α is the mixing angle of the neutral -even states. − CP However, in the SM the limit MSM 0 turned out to be only a poor approximation of the H → result for arbitrary MSM, and the same feature was found for the limit m 0 within the H h → 2 MSSM [11,12]. Furthermore, the neutral -even Higgs sector is known to receive very CP large radiative corrections. Thus, using the tree-level masses in the gauge-less limit turns out to be a very crude approximation. It therefore is useful to keep the parameters of the neutral -even Higgssector arbitraryasfaraspossible (ensuring acomplete cancellation CP of the UV-divergences), although the contributions going beyond the gauge-less limit of the tree-level masses are formally of higher order. In particular, keeping α arbitrary is necessary in order to incorporate non SM-like couplings of the lightest -even Higgs CP boson to fermions and gauge bosons. We first discuss the results for the (α2) corrections, which are by far the dominant O t subset within the SM, i.e. the (α α ) and (α2) corrections can safely be neglected O t b O b within the SM. The same is true within the MSSM for not too large values of tanβ. In this case no further relations in the neutral -even Higgs sector are necessary, i.e. the CP parameters m ,m andαcanbekept arbitraryintheevaluationofthe (α2)corrections. h H O t ForthesecontributionsalsothetopYukawacouplingy canbetreatedasafreeparameter, t i.e.it isnot necessary to useeq. (6). This allows tostudy thesensitivity of theelectroweak precision observables to variations in the top Yukawa coupling. -0.00010 -0.00010 tanβ = 3 tanβ = 40 α2 (SM, M = mno mix) α2 (SM, M = mno mix) -0.00012 H h -0.00012 H h α2 (MSSM, no mix.)) α2 (MSSM, no mix.)) α2 (SM, M = mmax) α2 (SM, M = mmax) H h H h -0.00014 α2 (MSSM, mmax) -0.00014 α2 (MSSM, mmax) h h ρ ρ ∆ ∆ -0.00016 -0.00016 -0.00018 -0.00018 -0.00020 -0.00020 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 100 150 200 250 300 M [GeV] M [GeV] A A Figure 1: The (α2) MSSM contribution to ∆ρ in the mmax and the no-mixing scenario O t h is compared with the corresponding SM result with MSM = m . The value of m is H h h obtained in the left (right) plot from varying M from 100 GeV to 3000 (300) GeV, while A keeping tanβ fixed at tanβ = 3 (40). In Fig. 1 the (α2) contribution to ∆ρ is shown as a function of M for tanβ = 3 O t A (left plot) and tanβ = 40 (right plot). The values of m , m , and α have been obtained h H using radiative corrections in the t/t˜sector up to two-loop order as implemented in the program FeynHiggs [13]. The MSSM parameters have been chosen according to the mmax h and no-mixing scenario benchmark scenarios [14]. For comparison, the SM result as given in Ref. [15] is also shown, where for the SM Higgs-boson mass the value of m has been h used. 3 The (α2) MSSM contribution is of (10−4). Its absolute value is always larger than O t O thecorresponding SMresult. ForlargevaluesofM theMSSMcontributionbecomesSM- A like. While for tanβ = 3 this decoupling proceeds rather slow andthe SM value is reached > only for M 3 TeV, for tanβ = 40 the MSSM contribution becomes SM-like already A for quite smal∼l M values. For very small values of M , on the other hand, the behaviour A A of the SM and the MSSM contributions is very different. While the SM contribution depends sensitively on MSM, in the MSSM for M > 100 GeV the dependence on the H A Higgs boson masses is much less pronounced, see in p∼articular the right plot of Fig. 1. The effect of the (α2) correction to ∆ρ on the electroweak precision observables M O t W and sin2θ amounts to about 10 MeV for M and +6 10−5 for sin2θ , see Ref. [12]. eff W eff − × The ‘effective’ change in M and sin2θ in comparison with the corresponding SM result W eff with the same value of the Higgs-boson mass is significantly smaller. It amounts up to 3 MeV for M and +2 10−5 for sin2θ . The effective change goes to zero for large W eff − × M as expected from the decoupling behaviour. A Since the top Yukawa coupling enters the predictions for the electroweak precision observables at lowest order in the perturbative expansion at (α2), these contributions O t allow to study the sensitivity of the precision observables to this coupling. This sensitivity is indicated in Fig. 2, where the top Yukawa coupling in the SM and the MSSM is treated as if it were a free parameter. For simplicity, the top Yukawa coupling entering the SM contribution is scaled compared to its SM value in the following way, y = xySM, 0 x 3, (8) t t ≤ ≤ and analogously in the MSSM. The corresponding variation of the theoretical prediction for M and sin2θ is compared with the current experimental precision. The allowed W eff 68% and 95% C.L. contours are indicated in the figure. For the evaluation of M and sin2θ in the SM and the MSSM, the complete one- W eff loop results as well as the leading two-loop (αα ) and (α2) corrections have been O s O t taken into account. Since the SM prediction deviates more from the experimental central value for increasing values of MSM, MSM = 114 GeV [16] has been chosen in the figure H H as a conservative value. The current 1σ uncertainties in m and ∆α are also taken t had into account, as indicated in the plots. Varying the SM top Yukawa coupling (upper plot) yields an upper bound of y < 1.3ySM for m = 174.3 GeV and of y < 2.2ySM t t t t t for m = 179.4 GeV, both at the 95% C.L. These relatively strong bounds are of course t related to the fact that the theory prediction in the SM shows some deviation from the current experimental central value. The lower plot of Fig. 2 shows the analogous analysis in the MSSM for one partic- ular example of SUSY parameters. We have chosen a large value of M , M = SUSY SUSY 1000 GeV, in order to justify the approximation of neglecting the (α2) contributions O t from SUSY loops. The other parameters are X = 2000 GeV, M = 175 GeV, tanβ = 3 t A and µ = 200 GeV, resulting in m 114 GeV (for comparison with the SM case). The h ≈ SUSY contributions to M and sin2θ lead to a somewhat better agreement between W eff the theory prediction and experiment and consequently to somewhat weaker bounds on y . In this example we find y < 1.7yMSSM for m = 174.3 GeV and y < 2.5yMSSM for t t t t t t m = 179.4 GeV, both at the 95% C.L. t 4 0.23225 m = 169.2 .. 179.4 GeV 0.23200 t 0.23175 eff θ 2 n si y/ySM = 0 .. 3 t t 0.23150 current errors ∆α = -2 10-4 .. +2 10-4 had from LEP/SLD/Tev.: 0.23125 68% CL 95% CL 0.23100 80.25 80.30 80.35 80.40 80.45 80.50 80.55 M [GeV] W 0.23225 m = 169.2 .. 179.4 GeV t 0.23200 0.23175 eff θ 2n y/yMSSM = 0 .. 3 si t t 0.23150 ∆α = -2 10-4 .. +2 10-4 current errors had from LEP/SLD/Tev.: 0.23125 68% CL 95% CL 0.23100 80.25 80.30 80.35 80.40 80.45 80.50 80.55 M [GeV] W Figure 2: The effect of scaling the top Yukawa coupling in the SM (upper plot) and the MSSM (lower plot) for the observables M and sin2θ is shown in comparison with the W eff current experimental precision. The variation with m and ∆α is shown within their t had current experimental errors. For the SM evaluation, MSM has been set to the conservative H value of MSM = 114 GeV (see text). For the MSSM evaluation the parameters are H M = 1000 GeV, X = 2000 GeV, M = 175 GeV, tanβ = 3 and µ = 200 GeV, SUSY t A resulting in m 114 GeV. h ≈ 5 Including besides the (α2) corrections also the (α α ) and (α2) corrections to ∆ρ O t O t b O b into the analysis requires further symmetry relations as a consequence of the SU(2) struc- ture of the fermion doublet. Within the Higgs boson sector it is necessary, besides using eq. (7), also to use the relations for the heavy -even Higgs-boson mass and the Higgs CP mixing angle, m2 = M2, sinα = cosβ, cosα = sinβ. (9) H A − On the other hand, m can be kept as a free parameter. The couplings of the lightest h -even Higgs boson to gauge bosons and SM fermions, however, become SM-like, once CP the mixing angle relations, eq. (9), are used. Corrections enhanced by tanβ thus arise only from the heavy Higgs bosons, while the contribution from the lightest -even Higgs CP bosonresembles theSM one. Furthermore, the Yukawa couplings canno longer betreated as free parameters, i.e. eq. (6) has to be employed (and the corresponding relations for the SMcontribution), which ensures thattheHiggsmechanism governs theYukawa couplings. 0.0000 -0.00010 M = 300 GeV A -0.00012 α2 (SM, MH = mhno mix) α2 (MSSM, no mix.)) -0.0001 α2 (SM, M = mmax) H h -0.00014 α2 (MSSM, mmax) h 2αρt,b 2αρt,b ∆ ∆ -0.00016 tanβ = 40 -0.0002 α2 (SM) α2 (MSSM, no mix.)) -0.00018 α2 (MSSM, mmax) h -0.0003 -0.00020 90 100 110 120 130 140 10 20 30 40 50 m [GeV] tanβ h Figure 3: The (α2), (α α ), and (α2) MSSM contribution to ∆ρ in the mmax and O t O t b O b h the no-mixing scenario is compared with the corresponding SM result with MSM = m . H h In the left plot tanβ is fixed to tanβ = 40, while M is varied from 50 GeV to 1000 GeV. A In the right plot M is set to 300 GeV, while tanβ is varied. The bottom-quark mass is A set to m = 4.25 GeV. b In Fig. 3 the result for the (α2), (α α ), and (α2) MSSM contributions to ∆ρ O t O t b O b is shown in the mmax and the no-mixing scenario, compared with the corresponding SM h result with MSM = m . In the left plot tanβ is fixed to tanβ = 40 and M is varied H h A from 50 GeV to 1000 GeV. In the right plot M is fixed to M = 300 GeV, while tanβ A A is varied. For large tanβ the (α α ) and (α2) contributions yield a significant effect O t b O b from the heavy Higgs bosons in the loops, entering with the other sign than the (α2) O t corrections, while the contribution of the lightest Higgs boson is SM-like. As one can see in Fig. 3, for large tanβ the MSSM contribution to ∆ρ is smaller than the SM value. For large values of M the SM result is recovered. The effective change in the predictions for A theprecision observables fromthe (α α )and (α2)correctionscanexceed theonefrom O t b O b 6 the (α2) corrections. It can amount up to δM +5 MeV and δsin2θ 3 10−5 O t W ≈ eff ≈ − × for tanβ = 40. 3 Prospects for the next generation of colliders The experimental determination of the electroweak precision observables will improve in the future at the LHC and even more at a LC with a GigaZ option, see Ref. [3] for a detailed discussion. The prospects for the measurements of sin2θ , M , m and the eff W t Higgs-boson mass are summarised in Table 1 [3,17]. now Tev. Run IIA Run IIB Run IIB∗ LHC LC GigaZ δsin2θ ( 105) 17 78 29 20 14–20 (6) 1.3 eff × δM [MeV] 34 27 16 12 15 10 7 W δm [GeV] 5.1 2.7 1.4 1.3 1.0 0.2 0.13 t δM [MeV] — — (2000) 100 50 50 H O Table 1: Current and anticipated future experimental uncertainties for sin2θ , M , m eff W t and M , see Ref. [3] for a detailed discussion and further references. H The improvement in the measurement of m and prospective future improvements t in the determination of ∆α will furthermore lead to a drastic reduction of the para- had metric theoretical uncertainties induced by the experimental errors of the input param- eters. In Table 2 the current parametric theoretical uncertainties are compared with the prospective situation after several years of LC running, for which we have assumed δmfuture = 0.13 GeV. For the uncertainty in ∆α at this time we have assumed t had δ(∆α )future = 5 10−5. At this level of accuracy also the experimental uncertainty had × of the Z-boson mass, δM = 2.1 MeV, will be non-negligible, which is not expected to im- Z prove in the foreseeable future. In the scenario discussed here the parametric theoretical uncertainty in M will be significantly smaller than the prospective experimental error, W while for sin2θ the parametric theoretical uncertainty will be slightly larger than the eff prospective experimental error. Similarly as for M and sin2θ , the parametric theoretical uncertainty of the lightest W eff -even Higgs-boson mass in the MSSM induced by the experimental error of the top- CP quark mass will drastically improve. The prospective accuracy for m at the LC will t reduce this uncertainty to the level of (100) MeV. O In order not to be limited by the theoretical uncertainties from unknown higher-order corrections, electroweak precision tests after several years of LC running will require to reduce the latter uncertainties to the level of about 3 MeV for M and 1 10−5 for W ± ± × sin2θ . Achieving this level of accuracy within the MSSM or further extensions of the eff SM will clearly require a lot of effort. For the prediction of the lightest -even Higgs- CP boson mass in the MSSM an improvement of the theoretical uncertainties from unknown higher-order corrections by about a factor of 30 compared to the present situation will be 7 now future δMpara [MeV] δsin2θpara( 105) δMpara [MeV] δsin2θpara( 105) W eff × W eff × δm 31 16 1 0.5 t δα 6.5 13 1 1.8 had δM 2.5 1.4 2.5 1.4 Z Table 2: Current and anticipated future parametric uncertainties for sin2θ and M . eff W today For the experimental error of the top-quark mass, δm , we have assumed δm = t t 5.1 GeV, δmfuture = 0.13 GeV, for δ(∆α ) we have used δ(∆α )today = 3.6 10−4, t had had × δ(∆α )future = 5 10−5, while the experimental error of the Z-boson mass, δM = had Z × 2.1 MeV, is not expected to improve in the foreseeable future. necessary in order to match the experimental accuracy achievable at the next generation of colliders. Acknowledgements G.W.thankstheorganisersofSUSY02fortheinvitationandtheverypleasantatmosphere at the conference. This work has been supported by the European Community’s Human Potential Programme under contract HPRN-CT-2000-00149 Physics at Colliders. References [1] G. Degrassi, S. Heinemeyer, W. Hollik, P. Slavich and G. Weiglein, hep-ph/0212020. [2] A. Freitas, W. Hollik, W. Walter and G. Weiglein, Nucl. Phys. B 632 (2002) 189. [3] U. Baur, R. Clare, J. Erler, S. Heinemeyer, D. Wackeroth, G. Weiglein and D. R. Wood, hep-ph/0111314, in Proc. of the APS/DPF/DPB Summer Study on the Future of Particle Physics (Snowmass 2001) eds. R. Davidson and C. Quigg. [4] A. Freitas, S. Heinemeyer and G. Weiglein, hep-ph/0212068. [5] M.W. Gru¨newald, hep-ex/0210003, talk given at ICHEP02, Amsterdam, July 2002. [6] R. Barbieri and L. Maiani, Nucl. Phys. B 224 (1983) 32; C. S. Lim, T. Inami and N. Sakai, Phys. Rev. D 29 (1984) 1488; E. Eliasson, Phys. Lett. B 147 (1984) 65; Z. Hioki, Prog. Theo. 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