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Preview Precision-Aware application execution for Energy-optimization in HPC node system

Precision-Aware application execution for Energy-optimization in HPC node system Radim Vavrik Antoni Portero Stepan Kuchar IT4InnovationsNational IT4InnovationsNational IT4InnovationsNational SupercomputingCenter SupercomputingCenter SupercomputingCenter VSB-TechnicalUniversityof VSB-TechnicalUniversityof VSB-TechnicalUniversityof Ostrava Ostrava Ostrava Ostrava,CzechRepublic Ostrava,CzechRepublic Ostrava,CzechRepublic [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 5 Martin Golasowski Simone Libutti Giuseppe Massari 1 IT4InnovationsNational PolitecnicodiMilano PolitecnicodiMilano 0 2 SupercomputingCenter DipartimentodiElettronica, DipartimentodiElettronica, VSB-TechnicalUniversityof InformazioneeBiongegneria InformazioneeBiongegneria n Ostrava (DEIB) (DEIB) a Ostrava,CzechRepublic Milano,Italy Milano,Italy J [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 6 2 ABSTRACT touseamulti-nodesolution. Theoptimaltrade-offbetween ] Power consumption is a critical consideration in high per- precisionvs. executiontimeiscomputedbytheRTRMwith C formancecomputingsystemsanditisbecomingthelimiting thetimeoverheadlessthan10%againstanativeexecution. D factortobuildandoperatePetascaleandExascalesystems. . When studying the power consumption of existing systems CategoriesandSubjectDescriptors s runningHPCworkloads,wefindthatpower,energyandper- c [HPCsystems,disastermanagement,reliabilitymod- [ formancearecloselyrelatedwhichleadstothepossibilityto els, computing resource management, many-cores, optimize energy consumption without sacrificing (much or parallel systems]: [PACS: 89.20.Ff, 47.50.Cd, 92.40.-t, 2 at all) the performance. In this paper, we propose a HPC 07.05.Bx, 07.05.Tp, 89.20.Ff] v system running with a GNU/Linux OS and a Real Time 7 ResourceManager(RTRM)thatisawareandmonitorsthe 5 Keywords healthy of the platform. On the system, an application for 5 HPCsystems,disastermanagement,runtimeresourceman- disaster management runs. The application can run with 4 agement different QoS depending on the situation. We defined two 0 mainsituations. Normalexecution,whenthereisnoriskof 1. a disaster, even though we still have to run the system to 1. INTRODUCTION 0 look ahead in the near future if the situation changes sud- Applicationrequirements,power,andtechnologicalconstrain- 5 denly. Inthesecondscenario,thepossibilitiesforadisaster tsaredrivingthearchitecturalconvergenceoffutureproces- 1 are very high. Then the allocation of more resources for sors towards heterogeneous many-cores. This development v: improving the precision and the human decision has to be is confronted with variability challenges, mainly the sus- i takenintoaccount. Thepapershowsthatatdesigntime,it ceptibility to time-dependent variations in silicon devices. X ispossibletodescribedifferentoptimalpointsthataregoing Increasing guard-bands to battle variations is not scalable, r to be used at runtime by the RTRM with the application. duetotoolargeworst-casecostimpactfortechnologynodes a This environment helps to the system that must run 24/7 around10nm. Thegoalofnextgenerationfirmwareistoen- in saving energy with the trade-off of losing precision. The able next-generation embedded and high-performance het- paper shows a model execution which can improve the pre- erogeneousmany-corestocost-effectivelyconfrontvariations cisionofresultsby65%inaveragebyincreasingthenumber byprovidingDependable-Performance: correctfunctionality of iterations from 103 to 104. This also produces one order and timing guarantees throughout the expected lifetime of ofmagnitudelongerexecutiontimewhichleadstotheneed a platform under thermal, power, and energy constraints. An optimal solution should employ a cross-layer approach. Amiddle-wareimplementsacontrolenginethatsteerssoft- ware/hardware knobs based on information from strategi- cally dispersed monitors. This engine relies on technology models to identify/exploit various types of platform slack - performance, power/energy, thermal, lifetime, and struc- tural (hardware) - to restore timing guarantees and ensure the expected lifetime and time-dependent variations. Dependable-Performance is critical for embedded applica- tions to provide timing correctness; for high-performance 2. THESTATEOFTHEART applications, it is paramount to ensure load balancing in OneofthegoalsforfutureHPCsystemsistodevelopauto- parallelphasesandfastexecutionofsequentialphases. The matedframeworksthatusepowerandperformancetomake lifetime requirement has ramifications on the manufactur- applications-aware energy optimizations during an execu- ing process cost and the number of field-returns. The fu- tion. Techniqueslikedynamicvoltageandfrequencyscaling turefirmwarenoveltymustrelyinseekingsynergiesintech- (DVFS)forreducingthespeed(clockfrequency)inexchange niquesthathavebeenconsideredvirtuallyexclusivelyinthe for reduced power consumption are used [11]. And power embedded or high-performance domains (worst-case guar- gating technique that allows reducing power consumption anteed partly proactive techniques in embedded, and dy- by shutting off the current to blocks of the circuit that are namic best-effort reactive techniques in high-performance). not in use. Different computations have different power re- This possible future solutions will demonstrate the benefits quirements. ForcomputationswheretheCPUiswaitingfor of merging concepts from these two domains by evaluating resourcesthefrequencycanbereducedtolowerpowerwith key applications from both segments running on embedded minimal performance impact [2]. System scenarios classify andhigh-performanceplatforms. Theintentofthispaperis systembehavioursthataresimilarfromamultidimensional todescribethecharacteristicsandtheconstraintsofdisaster cost perspective, such as resource requirements, delay and management(DM)applicationsforindustrialenvironments. energy consumption, in such a way that the system can be Whendefiningtherequirementsandtheirevaluationproce- configured to exploit this cost. At design-time, these sce- dure, a first analysis of the DM applications modules (HW narios are individually optimized. Mechanisms for predict- platform,OSandRTengines,monitorsandknobs,reliabil- ing the current scenario at run-time and for switching be- itymodels)isprovided. Powerconsumptionisacriticalcon- tweenscenariosarealsoderived. Thesearederivedfromthe sideration in high performance computing systems and it is combinationofthebehaviouroftheapplicationandtheap- becomingthelimitingfactortobuildandoperatePetascale plicationsmappingonthesystemplatform. Thesescenarios and Exascale systems. When studying the power consump- areusedtoreducethesystemcostbyexploitinginformation tion of existing systems running HPC workloads, we find about what can happen at run-time to make better design power,energyandperformancearecloselyrelatedleadingto decisionsatdesign-time,andtoexploitthetime-varyingbe- thepossibilitytooptimizeenergywithoutsacrificing(much haviour at run-time. While use-case scenarios classify the or at all) performance. In this paper, we propose a HPC application’sbehaviourbasedonthedifferentwaysthesys- system running with an RTRM that is aware and monitors tem can be used in its over-all context, system scenarios the healthy of the platform. On the system, an application classify the behaviour based on the multi-dimensional cost for disaster management is running. The application can trade-off during the implementation [9]. run with different QoS depending on the situation. We de- fined two main situations. Normal execution when there is Togetpreciseresultsasfastaspossibleisthemainrequire- noriskofdisaster,eventhoughwestillhavetorunthesys- ment for our testing application with the risk of disaster temtolookaheadinthenearfutureifthesituationchanges scenario. Runing applications with such requirements is suddenly. And the second scenario where the possibilities called urgent computing [12]. There are plenty of specifics for a disaster are very high. Then the allocation of more for such kind of computing, e.g. need for infrequent, but resources for improving the precision and human decision massivecomputationalperformance(HPC).Sincereserving has to be taken into account. The paper shows that at de- computingcapacityonlyforurgentcasesiseconomicallyin- sign time, it is possible to describe different optimal points efficient, the usage of cloud computing can be the solution. that are going to be used at runtime by the RTRM with Ontheotherhand,therearelimitationsforcommunication- the application. This environment helps to the system that intensive applications and guarantee the availability of the must run 24/7 in saving energy with the trade-off of losing resources may be problematic. precision. 2.1 RTRM:Run-TimeResourceManager The paper shows a model execution which can improve the The framework [1],[3] is the core of a highly modular and precisionofresultsby65%inaveragebyincreasingthenum- extensible run-time resource manager which provides sup- ber of iterations from 103 to 104. This also produces one port for an easy integration and management of multiple orderofmagnitudelongerexecutiontimewhichleadstothe applicationscompetingontheusageofone(ormore)shared need to use a multi-node solution. The optimal trade-off MIMDmany-corecomputationdevices. Theframeworkde- between precision vs. execution time is computed by the sign,whichexposesdifferentplugininterfaces,providessup- RTRM with the time overhead less than 10% against a na- port for pluggable policies for both resource scheduling and tive execution. the management of applications coordination and reconfig- uration. Applications integrated with this framework get a The paper is divided into nine sections, after the introduc- suitableinstrumentationtosupportDesign-Space-Explorati- tion the state-of the art follows. In section three, we intro- on (DSE) techniques, which could be used to profile appli- duce our driving disaster management example named the cation behaviours to either optimize them at design time uncertainty modelling of rainfall-runoff model. Section four or support the identification of optimal QoS requirements describes the Real Time Resource Manager (RTRM) that goals as well as their run-time monitoring. Suitable plat- monitors the sensors and knobs of the platform. Section form abstraction layers, built on top of GNU/Linux kernel five shows results of possible optimal computation points interfaces, allow an easy porting of the framework to differ- that are obtained at the design time. They are going to be entplatformsanditsintegrationwithspecificexecutionen- usedbytheRTRMatruntimeinnearfuture. Finally,there vironments. WeuseacommonGNU/Linuxwithanefficient is a section of conclusion and future work. Run-TimeResourceManager(RTRM)[1],[3]thatexploitsa Design-TimeExploration(DSE),whichperformsanoptimal and one of the quantiles selected from the Monte Carlo re- quantization of the configuration space of run-time tunable sults. TheN-Scoefficientisoftenusedforestimatingpreci- applications,identifyingasetofconfigurations. Theconfig- sionofgivenmodelbycomparingitsoutputwithmeasured urationofarun-timetunableapplicationisdefinedbyaset databutcanbesuccessfullyusedforcomparisonofanytwo of parameters. Some of them could impact the application model outputs. behaviour (for example the uncertainty of Rainfall-Runoff (RR) models can produce different accuracy for different situations) while other have direct impact on the amount (cid:80)T (Qt −Qt )2 of required resources. For example, the amount of Monte E =1− t=1 0 m (1) Carlo iterations in uncertainty modelling and the time be- (cid:80)Tt=1(Qt0−Qt0)2 tween batches of simulations lead to different requirements for allocating system resources. Where: Q0 isthemeasuredflowinonetimestep. 3. DISASTERMANAGEMENTMODEL Qm isthesimulatedflowinonetimestep. EistheNash-Sutcliffemodelefficiencycoefficient. ThemodelunderstudyisamodularpartoftheFLOREON+ E=1meansthatthesimulationmatchesobserveddataperfectly. project[4,5]. ThemainobjectiveoftheFLOREON+project E=0simulationmatchesmedianoftheobserveddata. istocreateaplatformforintegrationandoperationofmon- E<0simulationislessprecisethanthemedianoftheobserved itoring, modelling, prediction and decision support for dis- data. astermanagement. ModularityoftheFLOREON+system, which is developed for this science and research project, al- Section 5 presents our study about the precision that the model lows for simple integration of different thematic areas, re- providesanditsrelationwiththeamountofcomputation. Aswe gions and data. This system is meant to be used for de- explainlater,atdesigntime,itispossibletosimulatesituations cision support in operative and predictive disaster manage- with different trade-offs in terms of quality of services (QoS), ment processes. The central thematic area of the project executiontimeandpower-consumption. ThentheRTRMchoose is hydrologic modelling and prediction. The system focuses theoptimalworkingpointdependingontheapplicationscenarios. onacquisitionandanalysisofrelevantdatainrealtimeand application of prediction algorithms with this data. The 3.1 ApplicationScenarios results are then used for decision support in disaster man- Application scenarios [10] describe different triggers and states agementprocessesbyprovidingpredicteddischargevolumes of the application that influence the system responsiveness and on measuring stations and prediction and visualization of operation (e.g. critical flooding level, critical state of patient’s health,voice&data,etc.). Basedonthesescenarios,thesystem floodlakesinthelandscape. Modelinthisstudy[7]isused canbeindifferentstateswithdifferentservicelevelrequirements forshorttermpredictionsofhydrologicalsituationongiven thatcanalsobetranslatedtotheparametersoftheuncertainty rivers. Rainfall-runoff (RR) model is a dynamic mathemat- modelling and its required resources. Shorter response time in ical model which transforms rainfall to flow at the catch- criticalsituationscanforexamplebeacquiredbydecreasingthe ment outlet. The main purpose of the model is to describe number of Monte Carlo iterations (also decreasing the precision rainfall-runoff relations of a catchment area. Common in- of the results), or by allocating more computational resources (maintaining the same precision level if the load is rebalanced puts of the model are precipitations on given stations and appropriately). Weidentifiedtwomainapplicationscenariosthat spatial and physical properties of the river catchment area. support the different workload of the system based on the flood Commonoutputsaresurfacerunoffhydro-graphswhichde- emergencysituation. pict relations between discharge (Q) and time (t). Catch- mentareasforthemodelusedinthispaperforexperiments 3.1.1 StandardOperation are parametrized by following values. Manning’s roughness Inthisscenario,weatherisfavourableandthefloodwarninglevel coefficent(N)whichapproximatesphysicalpropertiesofthe isbelowthecriticalthreshold. Thecomputationcanberelaxed; river basin and CN curve number which approximates ge- some level of errors and deviations can be allowed. The system ological properties of the river catchment area. Rainfall- shouldonlyuseasmuchpowerasneededforstandardoperation; runoff models are usually used for predicting behaviour of onebatchofRRsimulationswithuncertaintymodellingonlyhas river discharge and water level and one of the inputs of to be finished before the next batch starts. The results do not have to be available as soon as possible, so no excess use of re- rainfall-runoffmodelsistheinformationaboutweathercon- sourcesisneeded. ditions in the near future. These data are provided by nu- merical weather prediction models [7] and can be affected 3.1.2 EmergencyOperation by certain inaccuracy. Such inaccuracy can be projected Severaldaysofcontinuousrainraisethewaterinriversoravery into output of the model by constructing confidence inter- heavy rainfall on a small area creates new free-flowing streams. valswhichprovideadditionalinformationaboutpossibleun- Theseconditionsaresignalledbythedischargevolumeexceeding certainty of the model output. The confidence intervals are thefloodemergencythresholdsorprecipitationamountexceeding constructed by using iterative Monte Carlo method. Data the flash flood emergency thresholds. Much more accurate and sets are sampled from the model input space and used as frequentcomputationsareneededinthisscenarioandresultshas input for a large number of simulations. Quantiles selected to be provided as soon as possible even if excess resources have tobeallocated. fromthesimulationsoutputaremergedwiththeoriginalhy- drograph. Precision of modelling of the model uncertainty 4. RTRMMETHODS:ABSTRACTEXECU- can be positively affected by increasing the number of per- formedsimulations. Theprecisionofthesimulationscanbe TIONMODEL determined by estimating the Nash-Sutcliffe (N-S) model Thedevelopmentoftheruntimereconfigurableapplicationisfa- efficiency coefficient between the original simulation output cilitated using a real time library (RTLIB). RTLIB provides the Figure 2: Precision vs. number of iterations. gionunderstudyreceivedfromtheweatherstations. New dataisreceivedfromthereeachtenminutestoonehour. Figure 1: Diagram of the RTRM methods for un- • Threadsforuncertainty: Thenumberof(OpenMP)threads certainty Application. equivalenttothenumberofMonteCarloexecutionsofthe rainfall-runoff model that runs in parallel to simulate the uncertainty. Abstract Execution Model (AEM). The AEM encapsulates the execution flow of the application in a way that let the real time Threads for rainfall-runoff model: The number of (OpenMP) resource manager RTRM [1] to govern its life-cycle. Generally, threadsthatparallelizethemainloopsoftherainfall-runoffmodel wecanstructureanapplicationbysplittingitinmoreExecution itself. Contexts(EXC).FromtheRTRMpointofviewanEXCisseen as an schedulable task. Having more EXC in the same applica- tioncancomefromtheneedofschedulepartsoftheapplication MethodonConfigure withdifferentprioritiesandresourceusages. Thisismadepossi- CalledwhentheRTRMisassignedforthefirsttime,ortheAp- bleusingtherecipethatisassociatedtotheExecutionContexts plication Working Mode (AWM) has changed, i.e., the set of [8]. resources allocated for the application/EXC. The code of this method is related to whatever is required to reconfigure the ap- Fromtheapplicationside,themandatoryrequirementtoexploit plication(numberofthreads,applicationparameters,datastruc- the RTRM is to provide an implementation that allows it to be tures,etc.) toproperlyrunaccordingtoresourcesassignedthrough run-time reconfigurable. From the RTRM side, the configura- theAWM. tionofanapplicationischaracterizedintermsofsetofresource requirements, and is called Application Working Mode (AWM). TheapplicationmustdeclaretotheRTRMthelistofitsAppli- MethodonRun cationWorkingModes. Suchlistmustbeprovidedthroughafile This is the entry point of the task. In our case the uncertainty called, in jargon, Recipe which basically is an XML file. Fig. 1 simulation. Thereisacalltoourwrapped’main’methodcalled summarizes the Abstract Execution Model, where the Applica- ’floreon-model’. It has a structure ( named val) as an input, tion,onConfigure,WorkloadTerminated? andQoS-OK?boxes whichprovidesinputparametersthatcanvary(modify)theper- are related to the member methods of the derived class. As we formanceofthemodel. can see, the AEM configures a sort of state diagram. Thus the methods must implement what our Execution Context must do wheneverreachthecorrespondingexecutionstate. (Result,Quality)=f[floreon-model(val)]; (2) MethodonSetup Where Quality=f(E,t); (3) InitializationoftheframeworkisperformedintheonSetup func- tion. In order to allow the RTRM to perform a correct initial- E-Precision(Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency coefficient), t-time izationofthestructuressupportingthecollectionoftheruntime statistics, this method performs the initialization of the struc- turenamed”val”. Ithasalltheinputvaluesthatcanmodifythe MethodonMonitor uncertaintysimulation. Thedescriptionofthevaluesis: After a computational run, the application may check whether the level of QoS/performance/accuracy is acceptable or not. In the second case, some action could be taken. This method is • CN, N range and precision: Probabilitydistributionfunc- in charge to monitor the results received from the uncertainty tionanditsparametersusedforgeneratingsamplesofthe model. ItdecidesifthecurrentAWMisenoughtocomputenext CNnumberandManning’srougnesscoefficientvalues. uncertaintyiterationortheAWMandinputdata(valstruct)has • Input Rain Data: The data about rainfall on the land re- tobemodifiedtocorrespondthenewsituationatruntime. MethodonRelease Optional,butrecommendedmemberfunction. Thisenvironment shouldeventuallycontainclean-upoftheframeworkandapplica- tions. Thisistheexitmethodtoexecutewhenthecomputation finalizes. It is the end of the program and the use must be an user decision. The system eventually does not have to arrive to thispointsincethesystemrunning24/7isexpected. 5. RESULTS Therearetwoplatformsthatservefordevelopment,testingand integration of the example application exposed above. First is a 48coreSMPmachineHPProLiantDL785G6[6]. AGNU/Linux version 3.13.0-36-generic with a gcc version 4.8.2 is installed on thismachine. Itconsistsof8socketswithSix-CoreAMDOpteron(tm) Processor 8425 HE 64bits 2.1@GHz clock frequency. Each core hasaL1cachememorysizeof64KBdataand64KBforinstruc- tionsand512KBL2cachememoryandaTLBof1024KB.Each CPUsockethasanembeddedmemory5118KBL3. Themachine isequippedwith256GBDDR2533MHzwithECCmemory. The RTRMsystemusesresourcesoftheplatform,8socketseachwith six cores in total. One of the cores of each socket, six in total, named hosts, are allocated to monitor the system and the sen- sorsoftheplatform(i.e. power,temperatureetc.) bytheRTRM system and to run all non-managed applications and processes. Therefore,therearejust42realcoresforexecutingmanagedap- plicationswiththeRTRMsupport. Second platform is HPC cluster Anselm, which consists of 209 compute nodes, totaling 3344 compute cores. Each node is a Figure3: Uncertaintyexecutednatively,timeversus powerful x86-64 computer, equipped with 16 cores and at least energy consumption, on SMP machine. 64GBRAM.Nodesareinterconnectedbyfullynon-blockingfat- tree Infiniband network and equipped with Intel Sandy Bridge processors. TheclusterrunsbullxGNU/Linuxoperatingsystem, whichiscompatiblewiththeRedHatGNU/Linuxfamily. There isnoRTRMsupportmeantime,butitispartoffuturework. After integration of the uncertainty modelling module into the RTRM on SMP machine, we first computed how the coefficient to compute the precision of the simulations decrease with the numberofiterations. Thiscoefficientiscomputedandcumulated ineachiterationandheadstothezeroatinfinity. Lowervalueof thecoefficientmeanshigherprecision. Theseprecisionsforgiven numbersofiterationsasFig. 2depictsareresourcesindependent andwillbeusedtoidentifyoptimalworkingmodes. Fig. 3 presents energy consumption of native, which means un- managed by RTRM, executions of uncertainty simulations with agalaxyofpoints. Valuesareonlyestimatedbecauseofabsence ofHWsupportforpowerconsumptionmeasurementoftheSMP machine. Thesepointsrepresentsimulationswithdifferentpreci- sion-numberofiterations(e.g. 100lowprecision,1000medium precisionor10000highprecision),differentCPUfrequenciesand variousnumberofcoreswhichresultsindifferentexecutiontimes and appropriate consumed energy. This leads to trade-offs for runningthesystemwithvariousamountofresources(cores,fre- quencies). Fig. 4 shows similar results but instead of native executionthesimulationsrunwiththeRTRM. Dynamicpart(onlyusedcores)ofestimatedpowerconsumption wascomputedusingoriginalformula: n Pn=(Pmax−Pidle)100 +Pidle (4) Where: n is a system load, Pn is a power consumption at this load, Pmax is a maximum power consumption, Pidle is a power consumptioninanidle. Figure 4: Uncertainty executed with RTRM, time versus energy consumption, on SMP machine. EstimatedenergyconsumptionE isthencomputedfromthefor- mula: E=Pt (5) Where: P is estimated power consumption and t is time of exe- cution. Figure 5: Comparison of RTRM time overheads for Figure6: Uncertaintyexecutednatively,timeversus different configurations. energy consumption, on HPC cluster. 8. ADDITIONALAUTHORS We have observed that the overhead of RTRM in time is below 10% in average, which is shown by Fig. 5. We have to take Additional authors: William Fornaciari (Politecnico di Milano, intoaccountthatfromeachsocket(sixx86-64cores)oftheplat- email: [email protected]) and Vit Vondrak (IT4 form,onecoreisusedtomonitorthehealthyofthesystem. So, InnovationsNationalSupercomputingCenter,email: from48possiblecoresonly42areenabledtorunouruncertainty [email protected]). module. From these points is possible to extract which are the optimal-paretopointsthataregoingtobeinsertedintheRTMR 9. REFERENCES recipe. Forcomparison,powerconsumptionofnativeexecutions [1] BellasiP.etal.: Artrmproposalformulti/many-core of uncertainty simulations on HPC cluster (multi-node solution platformsandreconfigurableapplications.InReCoSoC, usingMPI+OpenMP,10000iterations)areshownonFig. 6. Val- 2012. uesweremeasuredusingtheLikwid(likwid-powermeter)toolfor different numbers of nodes. 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