Precise predictions for charged Higgs boson 7 1 production 0 2 n a J 6 2 ] h Maria Ubiali∗† p CavendishLaboratory,J.J.ThomsonAve,Cambridge,CB30HE,UnitedKingdom - p E-mail: [email protected] e h [ We review some of the major progress in the accurate calculation of the cross section for the 1 productionofachargedHiggsbosoninagenerictwo-Higgsdoublemodel,byfocussingonthe v 5 high-mass region, for which new calculations have been made available in the past few years, 3 bothattheleveloftotalandofdifferentialcrosssections. Furthermore,weillustratesomerecent 6 7 progressinthecalculationofthetotalcrosssectionforachargedHiggsbosonwithmassinthe 0 intermediaterangemH± ∼mt,includingtop-resonantcontributions. . 1 0 7 1 : v i X r a ProspectsforChargedHiggsDiscoveryatColliders 3-6October2016 Uppsala,Sweden ∗Speaker. †FundedbytheRoyalSocietyasaRoyalSocietyDorothyHodgkinResearchFellow (cid:13)c Copyrightownedbytheauthor(s)underthetermsoftheCreativeCommons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives4.0InternationalLicense(CCBY-NC-ND4.0). MariaUbiali 1. Introduction ThedetectionofachargedHiggsbosonwouldinexorablypointtoabroaderHiggssectorthan theonepredicted bytheStandardModel(SM).Thus,itsdiscovery wouldbeanunmistakable sign of the presence of new physics. For this reason extensive searches have been carried out by the ATLASandCMScollaborations attheLHC.Theanalysesperformedatthecentre-of-massenergy of 7 TeV [1, 2, 3, 4], 8 TeV [5, 6, 7, 8] and more recently 13 TeV [9, 10, 11] set stringent limits on the parameter space of the models featuring the presence of charged scalars. Experimental searches so far focussed on thedetection ofalight charged Higgs, with massbelow the top quark mass (typically mH± < 160 GeV), or of a heavy charged Higgs, with mass above the top quark mass (typically mH± > 200 GeV). In the light-mass range the main charged Higgs production mechanism is via the production of top-antitop pairs, with the (anti)top quark decaying into a positively(negatively) charged Higgs and (anti)bottom quark. This region issuitably described by thetop-antitopproductioncrosssectionmultipliedwiththebranchingratioofthetopdecay,seefor exampleRefs.[13,14,15,16,17]. Intheheavy-massregion,thechargedHiggsbosonsaremostly produced in association with top (anti)quark, as we discuss in more details in Section 2. In the intermediate region both mechanisms contribute and their interference must be consistently taken intoaccount,asitisillustratedinSection3. Inthiscontribution,wefirstsummarisethemainrecent developmentsintheprecisecalculationofthetotalanddifferentialcrosssectionsfortheproduction ofaheavycharged Higgsboson. Wethenreviewrecentprogressintheprecisecomputation ofthe inclusive cross section in the intermediate-mass range. Although charged Higgs bosons appear in several BSM scenarios, here we focus on the simplest extension of the Standard Model, namely onatwo-Higgsdoublet model(2HDM),inwhichtwoisospin doubletsareintroduced tobreakthe SU(2)×U(1) symmetry, leading totheexistence offivephysical Higgsbosons, twoof whichare charged particles (H±). Imposing flavour conservation, there are four possible waysto couple the SMfermions tothetwoHiggsdoublets [12]. Eachofthesefourwaysgivesrisetoratherdifferent phenomenological scenarios. The results reviewed in this contribution are displayed for a type-II scenario, but are easily generalisable to all other scenarios, by suitably rescaling the couplings of thecharged Higgswithbottom andtopquarks. 2. Heavycharged Higgsbosonproduction Heavy charged Higgs bosons have mass larger than the top-quark mass and are dominantly produced in association with a top quark. Such a process, featuring bottom quarks in the initial ✖ ❜ t✖ t✖ ✖❜ (cid:0) ❍ ✰ (cid:0) ❲ ❍ t t ❜ t Figure1: Sampletree-leveldiagramsforlight(left)andheavychargedHiggsbosonproduction(right). 1 MariaUbiali state,canbedescribed inQCDeitherinafour-flavor (4FS)orfive-flavorscheme(5FS).Inthefor- mer, thebottom quark massisconsidered onthesamefootings astheother hardscalesofthepro- cessandbottomquarksdonotcontribute totheprotonwave-function. Theycanonlybegenerated as massive final states at the level of the short-distance cross section. A representative tree-level Feynmandiagraminthe4FSisdepictedintherightpanelofFig.1. Instead,infive-flavourscheme, thebottomquarkmassisconsideredtobeamuchsmallerscalethanthehardscalesinvolvedinthe process and bottom quarks are treated on the same footing as all other massless partons, thus the tree-leveldiagramisinitiatedbyabottom-quark. Next-to-leadingorder(NLO)calculations forthe total cross sections in the 5FS [20, 21, 22, 23] including super-symmetric corrections have been performed more than fifteen years ago. Threshold resummation effects have also be computed up to NNLL accuracy [24]. The NLO calculation for the total cross sections in the four-flavor schemeismoreinvolved, featuring anadditional massivefinalstateintheleading-order matrixel- ement. Itwascarriedoutabouttenyearsago[18,19]anditconsistently includeselectro-weakand super-symmetric corrections. In Ref. [27] an up-to-date comparison of the next-to-leading-order total cross section in the 4FS and 5FS was presented. A motivated choice of factorisation scale, m =(mt+mH±)/k withk intherange4-6, motivated bythestudyinRef.[28]brings thetwopre- dictionsmuchclosertoeachotherandreconcilethemwithintheestimatedtheoreticaluncertainties due to missing higher-order corrections, parton distribution functions and physical input parame- ters. A four- and five-flavour scheme matched prediction using the Santander Matching weighted average[29]isprovidedfortheinterpretationofcurrentandfutureexperimentalsearchesforheavy charged Higgs bosons at the LHC. The predictions have been recently updated by using the most recent PDFsets and parameter settings in theHiggs CrossSection Working Group Yellow Report 4[30]. Theresultsofthemostrecentcomparison andmatchingaredisplayed inFig.2. The four- and five-flavor scheme computations of the charged Higgs production cross sections could be consistently matched, as it has been recently done in the case of bottom-fusion-initiated Higgs production in Refs. [31, 32]. Instead of an interpolation between the four and five-flavor schemeresultsbymeanofaweightedaverage,asinthecaseoftheSantandermatching,onecould useamoresystematicapproachwhichpreservestheperturbativeaccuracyofbothcomputationsby expanding out the 5FS computation in powers of the strong coupling a , and replacing the terms s which also appear in the 4FS computation with their massive-scheme counterparts. The result would then retain the accuracy of both 4FS and 5FS: at the massive level, the fixed-order accu- racy corresponding to the NLO,and atthe massless level, the logarithmic accuracy of thestarting five-flavorschemecomputation (NLL).Thisisadirection tobepursuedinfuturestudies. As far as predictions at the fully differential level including parton shower (PS) effects are concerned, they were made available a few years ago in the POWHEG [26] and MC@NLO for- malisms [25]. Both computations were performed in the five-flavor scheme. Differential calcu- lations were made available for the first time in the four-flavor scheme in Ref. [33], where fully- differential resultsinthe4FSwerepresentedforthefirsttimeusingMG5_aMC@NLO[34]together withHerwig++[35]orPythia8[36]. Thepresence ofaNLO+PSfullydifferential calculation allows a detailed comparison to the one in the 5FS. It is interesting to observe that in Ref. [33] it is shown that a reduced shower scale (by a factor of four) with respect to the default one in MG5_aMC@NLO improves the matching between parton shower and fixed-order results at large transversemomenta. Moreoverthereductionofthematchingscalechoicealsoimprovestheagree- 2 MariaUbiali s [pb]-fi tHpp 101 m45FFaSStched LHC HIGGS XS WG 2016s [pb]-fi tHpp 10-2 m45FFaSStched LHC HIGGS XS WG 2016 10-3 10-1 s= 13 TeV s= 13 TeV mH-=600 GeV 10-4 mH-=2000 GeV 10-2 10-5 10 20 30 40 50 60 10 20 30 40 50 60 tan b tan b Figure2: CrosssectionfortH−+X production,aftermatchingthe4FS(red)and5FS(blue)results. The resultisgivenfordifferentvaluesoftanb intherang(0.1,...,60)formH± =600GeV(left)and2000GeV (right)attheLHC13TeV.Theuncertaintybandincludesscaleuncertaintyassociatedwithmissinghigher orders in the computation, PDF+a uncertainty, m and m uncertainties, m being the pole mass of the s b b b bottom quark in the 4FS calculation and m being the threshold at which the bottom PDF is dynamically b generatedoffgluonsandquarksinthe5FS. ment between the 4FS and 5FS calculations. It is interesting to notice that also in this case, as in the case of the choice of scales in the total cross section, a softer scale with respect to the naive hard scale is physically motivated and its employment improves the comparison between results in the two schemes. Theinclusion of NLO(+PS)corrections further improves their mutual agree- ment at the level of shapes. Details of the comparison between schemes are illustrated in Fig. 3 for tworepresentative observables. Onthe left panel the transverse momentum distribution of the charged Higgs boson is plotted. In this case, as for all inclusive observables in the kinematics of the finalbottom quark, the shapes ofthe four- and five-flavor scheme predictions agree very well. The difference in normalisation iscompatible withthe one observed in Ref. [27], although in this caseitismoresignificantduetoaslightlydifferentchoiceofscaleinthe5FS.Differencesremain, however, and they are particularly sizeable for observables related to b jets and B hadrons, as it is displayed in the right panel of Fig. 3, in which the transverse momentum of the second-hardest B hadron isplotted inthetwoschemes: atsmall p the4FSprediction issuppressed withrespect to T the5FSone. Thisisduetomasseffects: thebquarkiscollinear tothebeam. Suchconfigurations are enhanced in a 5FS because of the collinear singularities, while in the 4FS such a singularities are screened by the b-quark mass. Given these differences, it is important to assess which are the mostreliablepredictionsforthisclassofobservables, giventhatthepropersimulationofthesignal iscrucial tofully exploit thepotential ofthedata collected incharged Higgssearches atthe LHC. The recommendation of the authors of [33], reiterated in the YR4 [30] is that 4FS predictions shouldbeadoptedforanyrealistic signalsimulation inexperimentalsearches. Suchrecommenda- tion is motivated by the fact that the 4FS prediction provides a better description of the final state kinematics and that the dependence on PSissmaller for the4FS than for5FS predictions. This is probably duetothefactthatthe4FShasmoredifferential information atthematrix-element level, which reduces the effects of the shower. For the normalisation of the cross section one could use theSantander-matched predictions ofRef.[27]. 3 MariaUbiali Figure3: LO andNLO predictionsmatchedwith Pythia8[36] in the 4FSand5FS, separatelyforthe termsproportionaltoYukawacouplingofthechargedHiggswiththebottomquark(y2)andthetopquark b (y2). Left panel: transverse momentum of the charged Higgs boson. Right panel: transverse momentum t distributionof the secondhardestB hadron. Rescaling factorsare introducedin the main frame forbetter visibility. ThefirstfoursmallerframesatthebottomshowtheratioovertheNLOpredictioninthe5FSfor they2 andy2 terms,andthescaleandPDFuncertaintybandsfortheNLOcurves. Thebottomframeshows b t the differentialK factor (NLO/LO) for the four predictions. A charged Higgs boson mass of mH± =200 GeVisassumed. 3. Intermediate charged Higgsbosonproduction The region in which the mass of the charged Higgs is close to the mass of the top quark has notbeenexploredsofarbytheexperimentsattheLHC.Themainreasonforthatisthelackofpre- cise theoretical predictions for the charged Higgs production in that specific mass region. Indeed, the treatment of the intermediate region between resonant top quark decays and the continuum contribution for large charged Higgs masses has been an open problem for some time. This has beenrecently tackledbythefullNLOcalculation inthefour-flavor schemepublished inRef.[37]. The calculation, performed in the complex-mass scheme, for the intermediate top quarks allows to fully include double- and single-resonant top contributions. Previous calculations performed in several schemes were either done at leading order [39, 40] or by combining two processes with- out including the full interference contributions between the two [38, 25, 26]. As it is shown in Fig. 4, the NLO QCD corrections computed in Ref. [37] turn out to be large in this mass regime, withK-factors about 1.5-1.6. Thecentral prediction inthemainframedevelop aprominent struc- ture with a kink at the threshold m ≃m −m . Results nicely interpolate between the low- and H± t b high-mass regimes. The effect of the single-resonant contributions (pp→tW− and pp→t¯H+) is visible when comparing the intermediate-mass result withthe low-mass prediction. Indeed, the 4 MariaUbiali Figure4: NLOtotalcrosssections,K-factorsanduncertaintiesforchargedHiggsbosonproductionatthe 13 TeV LHC. The inputparametershave beenchosenconsistently acrossall the mass range, in particular allcrosssectionsarecomputedinthe4FS,thecentralscaleforlow-massrangeisalsosettom =125GeV, whilethescalem =(mt+mH±+mb)/3isusedfortheheavychargedHiggscase. single-resonant contributions aremissinginthelow-massprediction andamountto10%−15%of the pp→tt¯cross section depending on the specific value of tanb . Finally, looking at the match- ing of the intermediate-mass predictions to the heavy charged Higgs cross section, a 5%−10% gap can be observed for tanb =8 and tanb =30, originating from the non-resonant part of the pp→H±W∓bb¯ amplitude,which,becauseofthechiralstructureoftheH+tbandWtbvertices, is enhanced (suppressed) forlarge(small)valuesoftanb . 4. Conclusions Important progress has been made in the past few years in the simulation of heavy and inter- mediate mass charged Higgs boson events, also thanks to the joint work of experimentalists and theorists in the Higgs Cross Section Working Group. Forheavy charged Higgs boson, Santander- matched predictions for wide range of masses and tanb in type-II 2HDM, generalisable to other types, have beenmadeavailable forexperimental searches. Furthermore fully differential calcula- tions atNLOandNLO+PSareavailable bothinthe5FSandinthe4FS.Thecomparison between 4FS versus 5FS comparison at the level of total and differential cross sections show that compat- ible results can be achieved for observables inclusive in bottom quark kinematics, also thanks to thechoiceofalowershowerandfactorisation scales. Finally, thenovelcomputation oftotalcross section calculation forsimulation ofsignal inintermediate massregion isthefirststeptowards an 5 MariaUbiali improvedsimulationofthedifferentialdistributions inthatspecificrange,forwhichRun-IIresults willbesoonmadeavailable. References [1] G.Aadetal.[ATLASCollaboration],JHEP1206(2012)039doi:10.1007/JHEP06(2012)039 [arXiv:1204.2760[hep-ex]]. [2] G.Aadetal.[ATLASCollaboration],JHEP1303(2013)076doi:10.1007/JHEP03(2013)076 [arXiv:1212.3572[hep-ex]]. [3] G.Aadetal.[ATLASCollaboration],Eur.Phys.J.C73(2013)no.6,2465 doi:10.1140/epjc/s10052-013-2465-z[arXiv:1302.3694[hep-ex]]. 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