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Preview Precise measurement of the 222Rn half-life: a probe to monitor the stability of radioactivity

Precise measurement of the 222Rn half-life: a probe to monitor the stability of radioactivity E.Bellottia,C.Brogginib,∗,G.DiCarloc,M.Laubensteinc,R.Menegazzob aUniversita`degliStudidiMilanoBicoccaandIstitutoNazionalediFisicaNucleare,SezionediMilano,Milano,Italy bIstitutoNazionalediFisicaNucleare,SezionediPadova,Padova,Italy cIstitutoNazionalediFisicaNucleare,LaboratoriNazionalidelGranSasso,Assergi(AQ),Italy 5 1 Abstract 0 2 Wegivetheresultsofastudyonthe222RndecayweperformedintheGranSassoLaboratory(LNGS)bydetectingthe gammaraysfromtheradonprogeny. Themotivationwastomonitorthestabilityofradioactivitymeasuringseveral r a times per year the half-life of a short lifetime (days) source instead of measuring over a long period the activity of M a long lifetime (tens or hundreds of years) source. In particular, we give a possible reason of the large periodical fluctuations in the count rate of the gamma rays due to radon inside a closed canister which has been described in 1 literature and which has been attributed to a possible influence of a component in the solar irradiation affecting the 1 nucleardecayrates.Wethenprovidetheresultoffourhalf-lifemeasurementsweperformedundergroundatLNGSin ] theperiodfromMay2014toJanuary2015withradondiffusedintooliveoil. Briefly,wedidnotmeasureanychange x of the 222Rn half-life with a 8·10−5 precision. Finally, we provide the most precise value for the 222Rn half-life: e - 3.82146(16)stat(4)syst days. l c Keywords: Radioactivity,Radon,GranSasso u n [ 1. Introduction particle being emitted from the Sun. In [4] the pos- 2 sibility that the coupling to a long range scalar field, v Apossibletimedependenceoftheradioactivenuclei 7 sourced by the Sun, might be the origin of the mod- decay constant has been searched for since the begin- 5 ulation has been quantitatively discussed. The labora- 7 ningofthescienceofradioactivity. Forinstance,inthe toryconstraintsonthevariationofα andoftheelec- em 7 Ph.D.ofM.Curie[1]onecanalreadyfindthedescrip- trontoprotonmassratioonanannualtimescaleturned 0 tion of the search for a difference in the radioactivity out to induce upper bounds to the relative variation of . 1 ofuraniumbetweenmiddayandmidnight. Recently,in thedecayconstantnineordersofmagnitudelowerthan 0 particular since the year 2009 [2], various experiments the claimed per mil effect. Solar neutrinos have also 5 havereportedevidenceofatimemodulationofthede- been proposed as responsible for the modulation, with 1 cay constant of several radioactive nuclei with period, : acrosssectionseveralordersofmagnitudehigherthan v inmostcases,ofoneyear(butalsoofaboutonemonth expected.Inparticular,thepossibilityforanti-neutrinos Xi oroneday)andamplitudeatthepermillevel. Thisan- affecting the β+ decay of 22Na has been very recently nualmodulation,withthemaximuminFebruaryandthe r studiedinareactorexperiment[6]. a minimuminAugust, hasbeencorrelatedtothechange Sincewebelievethatdedicatedexperimentsarestill oftheSun-Earthdistancebetweenaphelionandperihe- needed to clarify the somehow contradictory situation, lion;howeverdifferentmeasurementsexcludeanymod- in this letter we describe the results of a different ap- ulationaslargeasthereportedones(forrecentreviews proach we pursue to monitor the time dependence of onresultswithandwithoutmodulation[3,4]). radioactivity. In [2, 5] the existence of new and unknown parti- Generally,alonglifetimesource(tensorhundredsof cleinteractionhasbeenadvocatedtoexplaintheyearly years) is selected and its activity is measured for a pe- variationintheactivityofradioactivesources,withthe riod of at least one year. This way both the count rate andthedeadtimearealmostconstant.Wealsofollowed ∗Correspondingauthor this approach in the study of 137Cs [7], 40K and 232Th PreprintsubmittedtoElsevier March12,2015 Table1:The222Rndecaychain[11].Gammarayswithrelativeprob- 0.05 abilitysmallerthan3%areomitted. Isotope Decay half-life Gamma Relative type energy[keV] probability 222Rn α 3.8d uals 0 221184PPob αβ 236..18mm 242 7% d resid 295 18% malize 214Bi β 19.9m 365029 3465%% Nor-0.05 768 5% 0.005 934 3% 0 1120 15% -0.005 1238 6% 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 1378 4% Time [h] 1764 15% Figure 1: Normalized deviations from the exponential trend of the 2204 5% measuredcountrateasfunctionoftimeforradoninair:without(up- 214Po α 164µs perpanel)andwith(lowerpanel)thepolystyreneparticlesinsidethe 210Pb β 22.3y 46.5 4% glassspherecontainingairchargedwithradon.Theshadedareaslimit 210Po α 138d theregionwherefluctuationsarewithin±2σ. 206Pb The set-up we used in the external Gran Sasso Lab- oratoryduringthepreparatoryphaseoftheexperiment [8,4]. However,duringsuchalongperiodoftimesev- (tostudythesourceproduction)israthersimple:aglass eralthingsmaychange,suchasthelaboratorypressure, sphere(130mmdiameter)isconnectedthroughapipe temperature and humidity, the radioactive background, toastainlesssteelcylindercontaininga0.3kgrockrich the electronic noise, and the performances of the elec- in uranium. The radon from the radium decays in the tronicchain.Itisnoteasytokeepalltheseundercontrol rock fills by diffusion the glass sphere which, after 5- iflookingforavariationatthepermillevel,orevenbe- 6 days, is isolated from the radon source by closing a low. Tomitigatetheeffectofallthesepossibleinstabil- Nupro(R)valve. itieswedecidedtomeasuretimeaftertimethehalf-life Gamma rays from radon progeny are detected by a ofashortlifetime(days)sourceandforthispurposewe selected 222Rn, a source relatively easy to produce. A 3”x3” NaI crystal placed at a few millimeter distance fromthespheresurface(thegeometricalcentersofthe similar approach has already been followed in [9] and [10]withthemeasurementofthe198Auand214Pohalf- sphereandofthecrystalarealigned). TheNaIispow- eredandreadoutthroughanOrtec(R)digiBASE(TM) life, respectively, with a precision of a few parts over 104. whichalsopre-amplifyanddigitizethesignal. Boththe detectorandtheglasssphereareenclosedinsidea5cm In the next section we describe the experiment we thickleadshield. Thedetectorcountrate,i.e. theinte- performed with radon in a confined air volume, before gralofthespectrumabove6keVthreshold,isofabout giving in section 3 the results of the measurements we performed underground at LNGS with radon diffused 1000 counts per second (cps) at the beginning of the measurement, to be compared to a background, before intooliveoil. fillingwithradon,ofabout5cps. The normalized residuals of the count rate, i.e. the 2. Radoninair difference between the measured rate and the expected one, divided by the expected rate as function of time 222Rn is a noble radioactive gas coming from the is shown in Figure 1 (upper panel). Instead of having decay of 226Ra (half-life: 1600(7) y [11] ) in the a statistical distribution around zero, there is clearly a 238U chain. The decay chain below 222Rn (half-life: 24 hour period. We have the same behavior if, instead 3.8232(8) d [12]) is given in Table 1, together with ofconsideringthewholeenergyspectrum,wetakeinto the energy and the relative probability of the emitted accountonlythepeaksdueto214Pband214Bidecay. A gamma rays. In our experiment we measure the 222Rn similar effect has already been observed in the gamma half-lifewithgammaspectroscopy:thiswaywearesen- radiationfromradonprogenywithinairinconfinedcon- sitivetovariationsbothinalphaandbetadecay. ditions [13, 14, 15] and it has been attributed to a pos- 2 sameeverywhereonthesurfaceoftheglasssphere. In addition,wehadaclearcorrelation(Figure2)between difference00..0024 tahnedctohuenttermatpeedraifftuerreendcieffeorfetnhceetwbeotwdeeteencttohresDtw1oapnodiDnt2s malized 0 opfertahteursepThe1reanindfTro2nwt oerfethmeedaesutercetdor(sTw1haenrde Tth2ewteemre- Nor-0.02 taken in front of D1 and D2, respectively). The count 0.06 rateofthedetectorclosetothehighertemperaturepoint waslowerthantheoneofthedetectorclosetothelower K]0.04 temperaturepoint(themaximumtemperaturedifference T [ amounted to 0.05 K, while the maximum temperature 0.02 D excursion was from 13.5 to 17 ◦C). Finally, we were 0 abletoreproducethecountratemodulationbyswitch- 0 50 100 150 200 ingonandoffaheaterplacedat1mdistancefromthe Time [h] leadshield. Figure2: Normalizeddifferenceofdetectorcountrates(D1-D2)as Our conclusion is that large changes in the count functionoftimewiththetwodetectorsplacedonoppositesidesof theglassspherefilledwithradon(toppanel).Typical2σfluctuations rateinadditiontotheexponentialdecayareduetothe amounttoabout0.001. Thetimedependenceofthetemperaturedif- displacement of radon and its progeny inside the glass ference(T2-T1)measuredonthespheresurfaceisshowninthelower spherevolumetriggeredbyasmalltemperaturegradient panel. Thehoursfrom100to150correspondtoaweek-end,when amongdifferentpointsonthespheresurface(asshown laboratorytemperatureisverystable. inFigure2,adifferenceof0.01Kisenoughtoproduce asizableeffectonthecountrate). Thedisplacementof sible influence of a component in the solar irradiation the radioactive atoms gives then rise to a different de- affectingthenucleardecayrates. Inouropinion,allthis tectionefficiency. couldsimplybeattributedtothedisplacementofthera- dioactivenucleiinsidethegasvolume,withavariation 3. Radoninliquid inthedetectionefficiency. We triedto verifyour hypothesis bycompletely fill- For a precise study of the 222Rn half-life it is nec- ingtheglassspherewithsphericalpolystyreneparticles essary to suppress the temperature effect described in (diameter: 0.7-0.9 mm). This way the atoms cannot the previous section. Therefore, we selected an option movefreelywithintheentirevolumebuttheyareessen- ableto’immobilize’radonanditsprogenybutallowing tiallyconfinedtothesmallvolumewithintheinterstitial at the same time for a rather high radon concentration space among polystyrene particles. The background, and,asaconsequence,ahighcountrate. Asamatterof measuredduring20daysbeforefillingwithradon,had fact, astatisticalanalysisshowsthataprecisiononthe still a stable rate of about 5 cps. The glass sphere was lifetimebetterthanonepartover104requiresaninitial thenchargedwithradonfortwoweekstogiveaninitial count rate of at least 400 cps and a measuring time of count rate of about 1500 cps. Spectra taken with this about 2 months. To achieve this we diffused radon in configuration do not exhibit any modulation, as shown olive oil which has much higher viscosity than air and in Figure 1 (lower panel). As a consequence, we con- which permits in equilibrium conditions a radon con- clude that the displacement of radioactive atoms is the centration29timeshigherthaninair[16]. reasonoftheeffect. For the half-life measurement we minimized the Searching for the trigger of this displacement, we background and its fluctuations by running the exper- modified the experimental set-up by adding a second imentundergroundatLNGS,wherethemuonandneu- 3”x3” NaI detector (the two detectors were symmetri- tronfluxaresuppressedbysixandthreeordersofmag- callyplacedonoppositesideoftheglasssphere).Inad- nitude, respectively, and by having a copper cube (10 dition,wemeasuredthetemperatureatdifferentplaces cm side, 2 mm thick walls) to contain the olive oil onthespherebyusingprecisionintegrated-circuittem- chargedwithradon. Inparticular,thecoppercubefilled perature sensors with output voltage linearly propor- with olive oil was charged with radon in the external tional to the Centigrade temperature. In particular, we laboratory by slowly pumping and diffusing through it measuredthetemperatureinthetwopointsonthesur- the air coming from the cylinder containing the ura- facejustfacingthetwodetectors. niumrichrock. Afteraboutoneweekthecubewasiso- We noticed that the temperature change is not the lated, detached from the cylinder, hermetically closed 3 ordertoimprovethestatistics. Spectra are collected during consecutive time win- 1 dows of 3600 s each, with the timing provided by the internalquartzoscillatorofthedigiBASE(TM).Itspre- cisionandstability(betterthan5ppm/year)areenough 0.1 V] forourpurposes. Thetimestampofeach3600smea- ke nts/s/ surement is then converted into the UTC (Coordinated ou0.01 UniversalTime)timescaleusingaperiodiccheckofthe Rate [c internal time of the data acquisition PC (free running) with respect to the UTC itself. This conversion gives 10-3 risetoarelativesystematicuncertaintyonthelifetime measurementoflessthan2·10−6. 10-40 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 IntheperiodfromMay2014toJanuary2015wetook Eg [keV] fourdifferentmeasurementsofthe222Rnactivitytoex- Figure3:Spectracollectedundergroundbeforechargingtheoilwith tract the half-life and to measure its stability. Before radon(lowergraph)andduringaradonrun(uppergraph). chargingwith222Rnwetooka20daylongbackground runwiththecopperboxfilledwitholiveoilandclosed inside the lead shield underground. We took this mea- andmovedunderground. Thedetectorwasa3”x3”NaI surementtopreliminarycheckthebackgroundstability poweredandreadoutbyadigiBASE(TM).Theshield- overtime. ing to absorb the external gamma rays was made of at Deadtime,providedbythedigiBASE(TM)with20 least15cmofleadandthelaboratorytemperaturewas keptbetween12and13◦C. msresolution,amountsto0.2%atthebeginningofthe radonmeasurement, linearlydecreasingwiththecount rate,asshowninFigure4. FromthelowerpanelinFig. 4weseethat,foraconstantcountrate,thereisamaxi- 0.2 mumrelativefluctuationofthedeadtimeof4·10−3. As aconsequence,themaximumrelativesystematicuncer- 0.15 tainty on the life time measurement due to dead time %] me [ fluctuations amounts to at most 8·10−6, one order of Ti 0.1 magnitudesmallerthanthestatisticalerror. d Dea 0.185 0.05 0.18 410 420 430 30 0 1 x 0.5 uals 0 100 Resid-0.50 100 200 300 400 500 unts/s] Figure4: DeadtimeasfuncRtiaoten [coofunctos/us]ntrateforthehalf-lifemea- Rate [co 10 surements.Adetailedviewatthebeginningoftherunsisgiveninthe insert.Absolutedeviationsfromalineardependenceareshowninthe 1 lowerpanel. Figure3showsthespectracollectedundergroundbe- duals0.05 forechargingtheoilwithradonandduringaradonrun. Resi-0.5 AllthepeaksduetothegammaraysgiveninTable1or 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Time [h] to their sum are clearly visible. In addition, there is a Figure5:Countrateasfunctionoftimeandnormalizedresidualsfor small bump at 511 keV due to e+e − annihilation from thesecondhalf-lifemeasurement.Theshadedareacorrespondstothe gammaraysinteractingintheleadshield. Intheanaly- ±2σuncertaintyregion. sisweconsidertheentireenergyspectrumabove6keV and not only the full energy peaks. This because we Thecountrateasfunctionoftimeandthenormalized want to avoid any inaccuracy coming from the fitting residualsforthesecondmeasurementareshowninFig- procedureandwealsowanttoincreasethetotalratein ure 5 (for the other three measurements the figures are 4 Table2:TheparametersfromthefitA+B·e−t/Ctothecountrateasfunctionoftime. Run Runningtime[h] A[cps] B[cps] C[d] reducedχ2 1 1301 1.0209(9) 452.98(5) 5.51335(46) 1.13 2 1462 1.0239(7) 457.98(5) 5.51302(44) 1.06 3 1185 1.0247(10) 463.16(5) 5.51352(46) 1.09 4 1357 1.0241(9) 354.82(4) 5.51289(50) 1.03 essentiallythesame). Foreachmeasurementwefitthe From the four measurements we obtain the follow- countrate,afterdeadtimecorrection,withthefunction ingvaluesforthehalf-life: 3.82157(32)d,3.82134(30) A+B·e−t/C. InTable2thevaluesoftheparametersand d, 3.82169(32) d and 3.82124(35). They are perfectly ofthereducedchisquaredaregiven,withχ2 computed compatible and, as a consequence, the 222Rn half-life bytakingintoaccountonlystatisticaluncertaintiesfrom hasbeenconstant, within8partsover105 (1sigmaer- thePoissondistribution. ror for each measurement) during 9 months from May The fit parameter A corresponds to the background 2014toJanuary2015. Wearenowplanningtocontinue which, as shown in Table 2, is slightly increasing dur- thesehalf-lifemeasurementsforatleastanotheryear. ing the measurements. Figure 6 shows the lowest en- Finally, if we average the results of the four in- ergypartofthebackgroundspectrumtakeninonehour dependent and mutually consistent measurements we before starting the radon measurement and during the obtain the most precise value for 222Rn half-life: last hour of the third radon measurement, when radon 3.82146(16)stat(4)syst d, wherethevalueofthesystem- hascompletelydecayed. Itisinterestingtonotethatthe aticuncertaintyisthesuminquadratureofallthepre- 46.5 keV peak due to 210Pb, which is the background viously described systematic uncertainties which are component expected to increase with time during the given in Table 3. Our value has to be compared to the radonmeasurementbecauseofitslonghalflife,hasin- most precise recent measurement of 3.8224(18) d, ob- creasedbylessthan3·10−3cps(the46.5keVpeakinthe tainedwitha222Rnaqueoussolutioninliquidscintilla- backgroundspectrumbeforefillingwithradonisdueto tor [17], and to the world average of 3.8232(8) d [12]. 210Pbdecayintheleadshield). Ifweimposeintothefit Weobservethattheworldaverageisaweightedaverage aslopeonthebackgroundof10−3 cps/60dayswethen of seven measurements [18], several of which are very have a relative variation of the half life of 7·10−6, one old,withlimiteddescriptionofthesystematicsbutwith orderofmagnitudesmallerthanthestatisticalerror. verysmallerror,muchsmallerthanin[17]. Table3: Therelativesystematicuncertaintiesonthe222Rnhalf-life (in10−6units). 100 Timeconversion Deadtimefluctuations 210Pb Total 80 2 8 7 10.8 60 nts u o C 4. Conclusions 40 We have studied the decay of 222Rn at the Gran 20 SassoLaboratorybydetectingthegammaraysfromits progeny.Thepurposehasbeenthesearchfortimemod- 0 ulationsofradioactivitybypreciselymeasuringseveral 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Eg [keV] times per year the half-life of a short lifetime (days) Figure6: Thelowestenergypartofthebackgroundspectrumtaken sourceinsteadofmeasuringoveralongperiodoftime inonehourbeforestartingtheradonmeasurement(shadedarea)and theactivityofalonglifetime(tensorhundredsofyears) during the last hour of the third radon measurement (points). Sta- source. As source we have used radon diffused into tisticaluncertaintiesareshownonlyfortheradonmeasurement. In addition to the 46.5 keV peak from 210Pb decay, the L (around 12 olive oil: this way we removed the large fluctuations keV)andK(around75keV)X-raysofleadareclearlyvisible. inthecountratetriggeredbyatemperaturegradientat 5 the surface of the volume containing air charged with radon(adifferenceof0.01Kisenoughtoproduceasiz- ableeffectonthecountrate). Ourresultsdonotsupport the hypothesis of a possible influence of a component inthesolarirradiationaffectingthenucleardecayrate. Inparticular,weperformedfourhalf-lifemeasurements in the period from May 2014 to January 2015 which provide a constant 222Rn half-life with a 8·10−5 preci- sion. Finally, we improve by one order of magnitude the precision on 222Rn half-life providing the value of 3.82146(16) (4) d. stat syst Acknowledgments We thank Prof. F. Borghesani of Padova University for several enlightening discussions. The Director of LNGS and the staff of the Laboratory are warmly ac- knowledgedfortheirsupport. References [1] M. 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