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Preaspirationin WesternY ugur monosyllables Marti Roos 1 Introduction Westem Yugur, or Yellow Uygur, is one of the smaller Turkic languages, spoken by some 4,500 people living primarily in Stni{n Yugur Autonomous County, in Gdnsil Province in the People'sR epublic of China. The Westem Yugur people are part of the Yugur nationality,o ne of China's 56 officially recognizedn ationalities,c onsistingo f 10,569p ersonsa ccording to the 1982 census. Within the Yugur nationality,f our different languagesa re spoken: West- em Yugur, a Turkic language,E astem Yugur, a Mongolic language,T ibet- an, and Chinese.C hinese is the languageo f conbactb etween the different linguistic groups, and functions as written medium. Westem Yugur is a non-written language. Westem Yugur can be classifieda s belonging to the North Eastem sub- group of Turkic languageso n the basis of the developmento f CT *-d- and *-igli'g (featuringa zaqh 'foot'andsari'y 'yellow').Itis most closely related to Khakas, Tuva, Tofalar, and Yakut. Apparently for geographicalr easons, Westem Yugur has sometimesb eenc onsidereda dialect of Modem Uygur, togetherw ith Salar. Salar and Modern Uygur, however, both belong to the *ayak branch of Turkic languages,S alar to the Oghuz subgroup and Mod- ern Uygur to the Chaghatays ubgroup. The first to report on the languageo f the Western Yugur were the ex- plorersP otanin( 1893)a nd Mannerheim( 1911).T he first linguist to visit the Yugur wasM alov; duringh is expeditionisn 1909-1911a nd 1913-1915h, e collected materials on Westem Yugur, a part of which was published in severala rticles before the publicationo f his vocabularya nd grammaticalo ut- line (1957)a nd a collectiono f texts (1967). A short survey of the Westem Yugur languagew as compiledb y Thomsen( 1959).I n the late 1950ss everal Sino-Russian researche xpeditions were organized in Gdnst and Qinghli provinces; the languagem aterials collected were published in subsequent years. Teni5ev and Todaeva jointly published a short survey of both Westerna nd EastemY ugur (1966).A more detailedm onographo n Westem Yugur, consisting of a grammar, vocabulary and texts was published by WestemY ugurp reaspiration 29 Teni5ev( 1976).In the 1980sC hinesel inguistss rarredr o publish on West- em Yugur, Ch6n and I.6i jointly published a grafirmar with vocabulary (1985),a nd Ch6nw rote severaal rticleso n this language( 1982, 1986, 1987, 1992, 1993). A Westem Yugur-Chinese dictionary was published by l.6i (r99D. 2 Phonemic system of Western Yugur The phonemic analysiso f Westem Yugur as will be presentedb elow starts out from the aforementionedw ritten sources.I t appears,h owever, that the number and quality of the phonemesa nd allophones,a nalysedb y the differ- ent authorsf or Westem Yugur, differ. For example, Teni5ev, Ch6n, and l-6i distinguish aspirated,r etroflex and alveo-palatalc onsonants,w hile Malov does not. Variant forms abound, part of which seem to be due to sandhi phenomena.M aterials recordedi n August 1994 fromMr. Zhong J)nw6n, a 3l-year-old natives peakerofW estemY ugur, have beent akeni nto consid- eration as well. The phonemics ystemo f WestemY ugur containse ight vowels a, e, i', i, c, 5, u, Dand twenty-eightc onsonantspp, h, t, th, k, kh, q, qh, q, qh, a, ah,f , w, s, S,{ , z, 4 x, y, h, m, n, 0, l, ,, y.Also operatingw ithin the systema s a distinguishing featurei s the phenomenono f preaspiration. Specialf eatureso f the historical phonology are the following. Although the usual eight CT vowels are distinguishedi n the sources,i t seemst hat CT xi and CT *u" have mostly merged with their back vocalic counterparts i and u in WesternY ugur, exceptw hen precededb y a palatal consonant. The plosivesa nd affricateso ccuri n a voicelesss eriesp t k qq.o which is in opposition with an aspirateds eriesp , th kh qh qh oh. The opposition is neutralized,h owever, in intervocalic position in favour of the unaspirated series, and in final position in favour of the aspirateds eries.2T his system cannot directly be connectedt o the CT opposition of a voiced versus a voiceless series, due to its distributional peculiarities. Apparently the CT plosives *b, *t, *k in initial position split into a voicelessa nd aspirateds eries p, ph, t, th, k, kh, and the CT plosives* p, *d, *g which only occurredn on- initially, becameW estem Yugur w, z, y.3 The quality and number of the CT affricate(s)a re uncertain. ' The data collectedf rom Mr. Zhong indicate that e is shifting to i; this processh as been completedi n suffixes. 2 In Mr. Zhong's material,p losivesi n final position are unreleased. 3 In Mr. Zhong's material,t he velar fricative occursw ith little or no friction. 30 Marti Roos The affricates and sibilants, apparentlyi nfluenced by Chinese, show an opposition ofa retroflex seriesc , qh, S versus an alveolo-palatals eries c, cr, f; occursm ainly in Chinesel oanwords. f andx are loan phonemesf rom Chinese. Westem Yugur featurest he developmenot f final CT *-J > WYu. -s, e.g. WYu. /ds 'stone' < CT *ta:i. Final CT *-d > WYu. -p, though q may sur- face in intervocalic position when a suffix with initial vowel is added, e.g. WYu. kop'power', kuql 'his power' < CT *kdi. CT *d > WYu. z e.g. WYu. kez- < CT *ked-'to dress',a nd CT final*-z > WYu. -s except in the first syllable,w here *-z is preservedC. T *y- is preservedi n WesternY ugur as such. Prostheticy - and aphaeresiso f the original *y- occur frequently. 3 Preaspiration: synchronic characteristics Preaspiration is a rather rare phenomenoni n languages; it is mainly de- scribed for Gaelic and Icelandic. Preaspirationp ossibly occurs et in lan- guagest hat havel ost voice as a distinguishingf eaturei n consonants( cf. O Murchri 1985: 197\, fuz a-d ,t,:c,utln of koat {ata). Phonetically, preaspirationc an be describeda s an ft-like element,o r as a palatal or velar fricative, occurring between a vowel and a consonant (cf. Shuken 1979:452, and O Dochartaigh1 981:2 35), typically a plosive, but also an affricate, or even a sibilant. In Westem Yugur, preaspiration generally occurs as an ft-like element [ft], but before [4] as a fricative [X]; it may be realised as [p] near the front high vowels, and as [g] near [u]. Preaspirationin Westem Yugur only oc- curs when followed by a plosive ftt, t, k, qf, afficate [q, p], or voiceless sibilant [s, p]; this consonant may be precededb y a liquid, which is then devoiced [g /].4 Preaspirationm ay spreado ver the entire vowel, resulting in a completelyw hisperedv owel, e.g.lql: especiallyh igh vowels when occur- ring between [s, p] and a velar or uvular plosive [k, q], e.g. sjxQ- 'to squeeze',t end to be whispered. Phonemically,t he phenomenono f preaspirationi s ambiguous; it can be interpretede ither as a componento f the precedingv owel or of the following consonant,a s a separatep honeme,o r asp rosodic. a AccordingtoChin&L6i1 9851: 2,lllprecededbypreaspirationisrealisedas[f]. WestemYu gupr reaspiration 31 Figure I . Vowel phonemeso f WesternY ugur; allophones are placed in parentheses Front Central Back (4il Closed t High Open IU Closed e Open Closed lnw Open Figure 2. Consonanpt honemeso f WesternY ugur Labial Apico- Retroflex Front- Centro- Velar Uvular Glottal alveolar prepalatalp alatal Pfosives Aspiratedp fr 7h kh qh Voicelessp t kq FricativesVoiceless/ s p J Voiced z 1 v Affricates Aspirated { Ch Voiceless q I Nasals m n Liquids Vibrants r Lateral I approx. Approxi- yw mants The transcriptions ystemu sedh erei s basedo n IPA, with some adaptationsS. pecial symbolsh aveb eeni ntroducedfo r thea ffricateas ndf ricativest;h esei ncludes ingleg raph- emesJ , t, q c for IPA doubleg raphemesld 3, tI, tS,o l, and Z, .i, g for lPA $, l, el. JZ Marti Roos Ch6n (1986) analysesp reaspirationa s belonging to the vowel system. Apart from the above-mentionesde rieso f eightv owels, he discemsa series of six aspiratedv owels.5H e further assumest hat the vowel and the aspira- tion elementm ay undergo metathesisw, ith subsequentd evoicing of the vowel;6 no conditionsf or this phenomenona re formulated.P erhaps this metathesism ay simply be interpreteda s a spreading of the preaspiration overt he vowel,e .g.ah> q. Teni5ev( 1976: I 1-18)a nalysesp reaspirationa s belongingt o the conso- nant system,i n which e.g.l tl is distinctivef rom 1n1nD1.e pendingo n its posi- tion in a word, lhthl is realiseda s [tr] initially, as [rt] medially, and as flty - nynli n final position. In three cases,i p 'inside', ip- 'to drink', and up 'three', preaspiration occursi n obliquef orms only, but not in the isolateds tems. 4 Preaspiration: diachronic characteristics Preaspirationi n Westem Yugur monosyllablesc an be explained historically, in that it comespondsw ith CT short vowels, and Tuva and Tofalar pharyngealizedv owels.A bsenceo f preaspirationc orrespondsw ith CT and Yakut long vowels. Note that preaspiration,p haryngealizationa nd vowel length are distinctive.T he phenomenono f preaspirationd oes not occur in mono-syllabicl oanwords. The first to observep reaspirationin WestemY ugur was Malov; he also pointed to a correspondenceb etweenW estem Yugur preaspirationa nd Yakut short vowels on the one hand,a nd absenceo f preaspirationin West- em Yugur and Yakut long vowelso n the other( Malov 1957: 163). Janhunene stablisheda relationshipb etweenT uva and Tofalar pharyngeal- ized (or glottalized)v owels and Yakut short vowels, and on the other hand betweent he absenceo f pharyngealizatioann d Yakut long vowels (Janhunen le80). Regularc orrespondencebse tweent he languagesa re demonstratedin the tables below; the only generale xceptioni s formed by *yu:rt 'dwelling place', in which preaspirationa ndp haryngealizatiocno nespondw ith a long vowel. ApparentlyC T *yu:rt > +yurt in this subgroupo f Turkic languages. In Westem Yugur words featuringa n initial or final voicelesss ibilant, however, this historicalc orrespondencies less consistent;e speciallyh igh vowels in this positiont endt o be whispered. s Accordingt o Ch6n ( I 986), preaspiratiodno esn ot occur neart he high front vowels in WesternY ugur. 6 According to Ch6n & L6i (1985:8 ) VtC > llVC , e.g. chsh- hcth 'grass',a h/1 - hath 'horse',a nd CVrC > CrtVC,e .g.t uhph=- thgph- 'to kick'. WestemY ugurp reaspiration JJ Ini'gn'dog',i'gh-'to push', and pilpth'louse't,h e phonemelS l is found insteado f the expectedp reaspiration. Preaspirationa nd pharyngealizationc orrespondingw ith short vowelsT WYU Metathesis Tuva Tofa Yakut CT Meaning a'qh/q-8 ohqlB- unq/fr- *ak- to flow; cf. Tkm a4- anryu * hark dung; cf. Khal harq ahrth/t- ahrtlt ahrt- crt- *art- to remaln ahth hgn ahtld ahtlt at *hat horse;c f. Sal aht ahthlF hat- ahtld- aht- it- *hat- to shoot ThPh/w- qnq,n' iaplv- cahp- *taP- to dig, to cut down, to -qaph- hit; cf. Tkm iap- 7 The sourceso f the presentedw ord material are as follows: the Westem Yugur material stems from the sourcesm entioned in the introduction; Tuvan material from TeniSev (1968), and Janhunen (1980); ToZu dialect material from Cadamba (1974); Tofa material from Rassadin (1971, 1978); Yakut material from Slepcov (19'12) and Pekarskij( 1959); Modem Uygur (NUyg.) materialf rom NadZip (1968); Salar (Sal.) material from Lin (1985); Turkmen (Tkm.) material from Baskakov (1968); Khalaj (Khal.) material from Doerfer & Tezcan (1980); Azerbayjan (Azb.) material from OrudZev( 1966-1983). 8 Cf. the data recordedf rom Mr. Zhong: 4xq1 'to flow'; ag- 'excrementsf rom grain eaters, such as humans, dogs, cats, chickens', in contrast to grass eaters, such as bovines, horses, sheepa nd camels, the dung of which is denoted by special terms)'; ap-'toremain';aht- - 4c-'horse'; aht-='to shoot'; irtl-- yi4- - Lrf -'meat,f lesh'; j7q- 'prophecy';j pr-'dog'; j.st--- itr--'to push'; 1r5hp-'man!'i ?/q-'anow'; ?t- 'grass'; pi,st-'louse';p l'hf- 'to finish'; qahr--'toadd'; qi:gq--'tos have';q cfl-- 'to feu'; sat-- 'to sell';sirh-'to squeeze's; r4--'to hit';pr7q--'tog lue'; ,ozq--( sic)'to find'; w{='to drag';ti'nq--'to sew'; ti'hk--'to erect';a 'hq-- 'to stick into'; rgr--'to hold'; yont--'to lie down'; Tirtp-'thread;it -- - 9t--'to arrive, to reach'; pryt-- 'to load'; ycp- 'abandoned camp';a hs-- as- 'to change';q s 'meal'; oh7-- aS-'to open'; ip 'inside'; i,s- 'to drink'; kis- 'to cut dough'; t.Jp 'to migrate';p ahs-'to press';p a.s' head';p js- 'to boil; to be ripe';pcs'loose'; qahs'few'; qjs 'winter'; qus-- qqs-'to vomit'; ggs 'bird'; ras - rals'outside'; tqs-'to fall'; "bp 'three',g gun'thirty'; yaxs-'tohide'; gaq'hair'; paq- 'to sprinkle'; aqh'white'; art-'back, west';4 s- - ahs-'to cross';4 / 'name'; it- 'to do'; i.s 'smoke, fog'; is '(manual)w ork'; kit 'late'; ktikn'blue'; cl-'fire'; yut-'gall'; pi.s 'five'; pi't-'leg'; qttqp-'bag'; s-rc-' milk'; tas - tars'stone'; mhs1-' to flood'; ri7- 'base'; ri.r- tj.r'tooth'; /rJrI-'four'; lr5.s' chest';y as 'age;t ear;s oft; yovng'; zit-'to -'there leada long a reign';y cg is not'. 34 Marti Roos WYu Metathesis Tuva Tofa Yakut CT Meaning qdqhlq- iaqlr-l iah|- sal- *tak- to make fire; Tofa: to lahsar bite; Tuva: to scratch; cf. ToZu:i aq- tahrar ehth ;fih Eqld eh! Et *d meat -yeht -eth ilhrkh hi'rkn *erk power, wi| cf. Tkm erk -yehrfth -hftn i:hrqh hirqh i'ht:! *i'rk divination symbol, -hno omen,p rophecy i'gn pth |htld i4 i:t * i't/*it dog; cf. Sal iJt, NUyg t.tr i'gn- ihtld- lht- iit- *it- to push; cf. Sal iit-, NUyg i.it- kehrt- kherth_ kertlt_ kehyy_ ken_ * kert_ to carve kShphlw knSph kihp kihpltp * k5p much/many; cf. Tkm -kehph kheph kip -k;pn -kePn chth hQth ctttld clrt il *ct grass c4.- 54ld- 5ht- 5t- *5t- to penetrate, to cross lqAq Xcq chq chqlfr 2X *ck arrow; Tuva, Tofa: bullet pahthlt- phqth- Pa,\/d- Qahl- *bat- to go down; WYu: to lose; cf. Tkm bat- pehrlah phi:rk4k ha't Vehft hut *berk power, health; very well -phghilch phi'khlk hek l/ehklfrv - *bek power, health; Tuva: chains; cf. Tkm bek pi€th hit bih! bit *bill*bil louse; cf. Sal pi.it, -phi1tn NUyg pr.il pi'\n- phith- l?iihtld- hilh! bilt- *b6F to finish, complete _phi'\h_ _Phu$_ -pit- -*th- phikh- hiihk hilhk- hiik *bhk- to bend; Tuva: valley Yakut: a bending; cf.Tkm biik- qahqhlq- Iaq- Xaq-l qahQlfr *kak- to hit; WYu: to bite; to qarar oppose; cf. ToZu yaq-l WestemY ugurp reaspiration 35 WYu Metathesis Tuva Tofa Yakut CT Meaning qayar, cf.Tkm qaq- qahPhlw- qnapn- qap- qahplg- xap- *kap- to seize with the hands or teeth qahth qhaht qaq qah! )(at *kat layer, row; Yakut: again qahh/r Qhath- qant/d- q(t\- xat' *kat- to be hard, firm qahthlt- Qhath- qantld- qi't-i'n- *kat- to add qixrqhlq- qhirqh- _ qi'rt- *ki'rk- to shave _qhirrqh- -qLrq- qczrqL qh"Itqh- qchn-l qt\l-l Tcrt-/ *kcrk- to fear qcruar qcrhar Icrsor saph/w ti'ttp/v si'hp/e *sap handle; cf.Tkm 9ap sath/t satld- saht- at-i::la:- rsat- to sell; cf. Tkm 9at- si'qqn- ti'hqlr- si:h|- q- *sik- to squeeze -zt4h- _zixqh- si'rth sirtlt sirt *si't't spine; cf. Tkm 1ij-t scqhlq- scqlu- schqlfr- t8-us- *sck to mow, to slaughter cf. Tkm 1cq- to sting gtka/ k- e2h4- *yuk- to glue; cf. Tkm ycq- -pq- tahph/w- thaphlw- ,ttilhplv- tuhp- tap' *top- to find; cf. ToZu thitp-/ -tupn' _ti.hpte_ di'hvar tahrthlr fiahy1h_ cri:hrt/t_ dhq- tart- *tart- to draw, to haul tehph- thgph- ,ntnplv- tehplrp- tq- *t€p- to kick -tupn' tihkhtk- th.!:khlk_ trk- *tik- to sew, to seam -fi'kh- ti'hkh- thi.kh/k- tniklT- tik- *tik- to erect tirqUq- tnikty- *ti:k to thrust into; cf. Tkm di:q' 6hkh- thickh- FihAT 6hklfry- trx- *6k- to pour out; WYu: id.; -ticnkhlk- to topple down tuhthlt- thu\h- thuhy'd- tuh!- tut- *tut- to hold; cf. ToZu thut-l (uhdar - (uhmr uhrkhlk- ilrt/y- *hurk- to be frightened -5hrkh - -chkh- yant/t- tlhtld- cIhf si:t- *yat- to lie down yehph ;iph iehp cep sap *yipl*yep ttuead -zehph -Dp -tep 36 Marti Roos WYu Metathesis Tuva Tofa Yakut CT Meaning yentnlt- hE- ft4ld- cehl- sit- *yet- to reach,t o arrive -ehth- -hit- -Yeth- luhkh pkh iiihk cuhk silk- *yuk burden; Yakut: to carry a burden Preaspiration and pharyngealization corresponding with long vowel WYu MetathesisT uva Tofa Yakut CT Meaning yuhrlh tuhrtlt cuhr! su:rt *yu:rt dwellingp lace;c f. -Ychrlh -surt Tkm yu:rt Wu final voicelesssi bilants- s < *-s/x-.ai nd- S < *-i WYu Metathesis Tuva Tofa Yakut CT Meaning ahs--as- ahslz- ah$l$-- *as- to suspendc; f. Tkm a0- ahs-as ahi-tan ai- as *ai food; feast ntm ahplq--ap-h a7- ahili- ahilfrva s- *had- to open ip/C ii-in iti-ti is *it inside ithti-t ii-t-i inside+ POS3 hi'q-t hic-i hec-i t19-1 i:p-ker Ftker ihi-ke:ri iti- *it-ka'ti into, to the inside I{e:ri iS- hic iil|- i.i- is- *it- to drink _rr,i/i kyes_ kehslz_ lrtshgl _ *k€J- to cut; cf. Tkm kes_ {- kep- kei- kvehi-k es- *ket- to cross k,htlq- khd€- kdhilZ- kihi- kis- *kit- to migrate -ki s' -kic p-

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