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Praise and Blame: Moral Realism and Its Applications (New Forum Books) PDF

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PRAISE AND BLAME ✣ NEW FORUM BOOKS Robert P. George, Series Editor Alistoftitlesintheseries appearsatthebackofthebook PRAISE AND BLAME MORAL REALISM AND ITS APPLICATIONS ✣ Daniel N. Robinson PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS PRINCETON AND OXFORD COPYRIGHT©2002BYPRINCETONUNIVERSITYPRESS PUBLISHEDBYPRINCETONUNIVERSITYPRESS,41WILLIAMSTREET, PRINCETON,NEWJERSEY08540 INTHEUNITEDKINGDOM:PRINCETONUNIVERSITYPRESS, 3MARKETPLACE,WOODSTOCK,OXFORDSHIREOX201SY ALLRIGHTSRESERVED LIBRARYOFCONGRESSCATALOGING-IN-PUBLICATIONDATA ROBINSON,DANIELN.,1937– PRAISEANDBLAME:MORALREALISMANDITSAPPLICATIONS/DANIELN.ROBINSON. P. CM.—(NEWFORUMBOOKS) INCLUDESBIBLIOGRAPHICALREFERENCESANDINDEX. ISBN0-691-05724-9(ALK.PAPER) 1.MORALREALISM.I.TITLE.IISERIES. BJ1500.M67R632002 170—DC21 2001051042 THISBOOKHASBEENCOMPOSEDINBERKELEYBOOKMODIFIEDTYPEFACE PRINTEDONACID-FREEPAPER.∞ WWW.PUPRESS.PRINCETON.EDU PRINTEDINTHEUNITEDSTATESOFAMERICA 1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2 For Ciny ✣ This page intentionally left blank ✣ CONTENTS ✣ Acknowledgments viii Preface ix CHAPTER 1 DefiningtheSubject 1 CHAPTER 2 ConstitutiveLuck:OnBeingDetermined 47 CHAPTER 3 MoralLuck,Morality,andtheFates 108 CHAPTER 4 Ignorance,Unconsciousness,andResponsibility 146 CHAPTER 5 PunishmentandForgiveness 179 Notes 205 Index 221 ✣ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ✣ ITHANKProfessorRobertGeorge,thegeneraleditoroftheseries,forinviting me to contribute a volume. He has been unstinting in his encouragement and support. The original prospectus for the book was commented on at lengthandmostusefullybyRogerCrisp.Hissuggestionshavebeenincorpo- ratedinthefinalversion.Thepenultimateversionofthebookwasclosely consideredbyEdwardPols,hiscomments,too,strengtheningthework. TentermsoflecturesforOxford’sSub-FacultyofPhilosophy,spreadover therecentdecade,couldonlysharpenmyunderstandingoftheissuesexam- inedinthisbook.TheatmosphereofthePhilosophyCentreandthesheer intellectual integrity of those privileged to teach and to learn there have beenasourceofnurturanceandinspiration.Forthepresentvolume,special thanksareowedtoRogerCrisp,JamesGriffin,RichardSorabji,GalenStraw- son,andRichardSwinburne.MyeditorsatPrinceton,ChuckMyersandSara Lerner,havebeenmorethanhelpfulateverystageoftheproject.Finally,to thesturdylegionofunnamedstudents,sopatientaslisteners,sogenerous asquestioners,Isaythankyou—andthankyouyetagain.

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