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Prairie Farmer's directory of Will and Southern Cook Counties, Illinois PDF

1918·21.7 MB·English
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Preview Prairie Farmer's directory of Will and Southern Cook Counties, Illinois

"^ PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY of FARMERS and BREEDERS WILLand SOUTHERN COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS Published By ^^^PRAIRIE FARMER-ch "go niinoia OldestandBestFatm Paper PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Some ReasonsWhyYou Should Go LEST-^^I to a "" ' Whe?i You Want to "^^^ Borrow fin a Mortgage 1 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, WILL & SOUTHERN COOK COUNTIES DO YOUR BANKING WITH THE STRONGEST BANK IN WILL COUNTY LOANS TO EARNERS The Joliet National Bankis preparedto make farm real estate loans on the most favorable terms. We loan money to farmers to buy stock to feed or to aidthemin puttingout their crops. DO NOT HESITATE TO CONSULT US. Bank Joliet TSfatJonal OFFICERS ROBT. T. KELLY, Pres. CHAS. G. PEARCE, Cashier. P. F. McMANUS, Vice President. WM. REDMOND, Assistant Cashier. PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY THE NEW Boston Store Complete Outfitters To Men, Women, Children and the Home Featuring at All Seasons of the Year The Newest Styles In Best Qualities At Lowest Prices S. ^f H. STAMPS FREE With Every Purchase The More You Trade at This Store the More You Save jJgLIETS GREATEST SttgPPING CEKTER ^ESTABLISHED1889.-MJ^.fELMANcV wJaeSftfrecrcstosn.and\fliPhoFntevc.TAnl.loDucspa.anrctim-en FARMERS AND BREEDERS, WILL & SOUTHERN COOK COUNTIES illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMllillMllllllllllllllllllllilMIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllll^ JlntrDJiuclt0n IN this directory we have endeavored to give Will and Southern Cook county farmers a complete and re- liable directory of the farmers, breeders, and mer- chants of the county, with such other information as will make the directory a valuable reference book. The task of calling on every farmer in a county and collecting the information for such a directory is a tre- mendous one. We have received splendid co-opera- tion from the farmers and business men of the county, without which the publication of such a directory would 1)e impossible. In a very few cases we have found farm- ers unwilling to give the information requested, which accounts for a few names that do not appear. A few mistakes are bound to occur in a directory that involves so large an amount of work, but we have spared no effort or expense to make the information complete and accurate, and we believe that the mistakes are very few. We want to speak a word of appreciation for the ad- vertisers whose liberal support has helped materially to bear the heavy expense of publishing this directory, and ask that you favor them with your patronage whenever possible. We hope and believe that the publication of this direc- tory will be a real servdce to Will and Southern Cook county farmers and in line with Prairie Farmer's policy of service to the farmers of Illinois. We hope that the increased circulation of Prairie Farmer in W^ill and Southern Cook counties which has resulted, will help in the movement for better farming, better farm living, and more prosperity for the counties, and that our many new friends will become permanent members of the big Prairie Farmer's family. BURRIDGE D. BUTLER, Publisher Prairie Farmer. ?1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllilIlllllllllllllllilllllllMlllllilllllllllililllllllllillllll7 5 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY ErnstWunderlich Granite Co. ESTABLISHED 1874 MEMORIALS I | = WE ARE THE EXCLUSIVE DEALERSforWILL COUNTYyir the FAMOUS = Montello and Westervik Granite I | E Manufacturers and Qyarry Owners. Now is the time to make a selection E E from ourlarge and beautifulstock which is to be had atthe old prices. = NOTAFRAID OF EMBARGOS I | E With our two new motortrucks we are now able to setupwork in any part E E ofthestate. = I 804-806-808 N. Hickory Street : Met, Illinois | PHONES BELL 949 INTERSTATE E Branchesat Chicago, Bethania, Resurrection and Fairmount Cemeteries E ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin Prairie Farmer's Directory of Will and Southern Cook Counties Illinois Complete Directory of the Farmers of Will and Southern Cook Counties, with valuable information about each farm. Breeder's Directory, giving full classified list of breeders of purebred livestock and poultry. Business Directory,giving list ofall business houses inWill and Southern Cook Counties. Valuable statistics and general information. Copyright, 1918 By PRAIRIE FARMER PUBLISHING COMPANY Compiled and Published by Prairie Farmer Puiblishiog; .Co. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS" - 643182 7 :..i; PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Chicago Heights Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital Vincennes Avenue and 16th Street T. J. H. Gorrell, N. D. Phone 160 Chicago Heights, 111. 6% GILT-EDGE MORTGAGES FOR SALE n. UESENFELT LAND CO. COR. OTTO BLVD. AND 16th ST. PHONE 2S6 REAL ESTATE, LOANS INSURANCE £f We have a fine list of investment property that will net you from 10 to 15%. We alsohave some ofthe finesthomes in the city for sale. Any time you w^ant to talk Chicago Heights Real Estate — «•SEEUS.^-- M. UESENFELT LAND COMPANY Cor. Otto Blvd. and 16th Street. Phone 256. CHICAGO HEIGHTS, ILL. 69J:JGmT^iEE|«GE I^ORT GAGES FOR SALE ^7 7/ ^ "/ FARMERS AND BREEDERS, WILL & SOUTHERN COOK COUNTIES ^MiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinumiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiii^ The Tires Without an Apology I | MILE 6000 TIRES MILLER PERFECTION VACUUM CUP WE DO OUR OWN ADJUSTING EXPERT VULCANIZING :: THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF AUTOMOBILE TIRES IN WILL COUNTY CHICAGO PHONE 4518 THE TIRE SHOP I | MASSEY & PFUNDSTEIN I | MASONIC TEMPLE JOLIET, ILLINOIS J I : ^lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll^llilllllllltlllilllllllll^ljUlmilu^^:!iHil:l]iulllllmilH^ 643182 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY 5H5H5HS^5ESHSHHSSE5E51SHS?Ji L. Stern & Sons RealEstate Insurance 1023 COLLINS ST. JOLIET, ILLS. HSBSi!SHSZSZSiSHSESHSHSZSHB"i! ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii£ & I Brown Fitzer m^^^''' General Merchandise | E rsuccessorstoH.N.DICKINSON Auto Accessories and Oils E = WesellandrecommendthefollowingTripleGGoods: S BALL BANDRUBBERGOODS .<;;: O.V. B. TOOLS and CUTLERY - CPHOERSTTEERRTTIIRREESS \* SUNSHTIENXEABCIOSCOUIILTSS == KLEMM OVERALLS POLARINE OIL = E ChicagoPhone27-J NEW LENOX, ILLINOIS : rilllllllllllllllllillllllllillliilllliilillllllllillllllllllllllllllllilllllilliliiiliilllllllillllllilllj RAU & COMPANY "Everything In DRY GOODS AND FORNITCRE" VICTOR TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS Victrolas $20.00 to $400.00. Records 85c to $7.00 CASH EASY PAYMENTS. NO INTEREST or WeSell and Guaranteethe Following Triple G Goods: Victrolas Bissell Carpet Sweepers EldredgeSewing Machines GarlandStoves Laurel Stoves Simmons Beds WaySaglessSprings Kroehler Davenports Perfection OilStoves WarnerCorsets Kabo Corsets Nemo Corsets PhoenixHosiery teS&'West EI^d;AY^n^e -CHICAGO HEIGHTS, ILLS. 10

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