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S QuestionBookletCode S Question Booklet Code AIPMT All India Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Entrance Test 4 Practice Set Duration:3Hours Max.Marks:720 1. Thetestisof3hoursdurationandTestBookletcontains180questions.Eachquestioncarries4marks.Foreachcorrect response,thecandidatewillget4marks.Foreachincorrectresponse,onemarkwillbedeductedfromthetotalscores.The maximummarksare720. 2. ThequestionpapercontainsthreepartsA,BandCofPhysics,ChemistryandBiologyrespectively. 3. PartAcontains45QuestionsfromPhysicssection.PartBcontains45QuestionsfromChemistrysection.PartCcontains90 QuestionsfromBiology. 4. RoughworkistobedoneonthespaceprovidedforthispurposeintheTestBookletonly. 5. On completion of the test, the candidate must handover the Answer Sheet to the invigilator in the Room/Hall. The candidatesareallowedtotakeawaythisTestBookletwiththem. 6. Immediatelyfilltheparticularsonthispageofthetestbookletwithblue/blackballpointpen.Useofpencilisstrictly prohibited. 7. Blankpapers,clipboards,logtables,sliderules,calculators,cameras,cellularphones,pagersandelectronicgadgetsarenot allowed. 8. Youarenotallowedtogoanywherebeforetheendofthetest. 9. Writeyournameandrollnumberinthespaceprovidedonthebottomofthispage. Name of the Candidate Roll Number (in Capital Letters) (in Figures) in Words S QuestionBookletCode PHYSICS PART A 1. The source S of unknown frequency produces 8 beats with a source of 250 Hz and 12 beats with a source of 270Hz.ThefrequencyofsourceS is a. 248 Hz b. 258 Hz c. 272 Hz d. 262 Hz 2. Foracoilhaving L=2 mH,current flowsthroughit isi =t2 e-t then,thetime at which emfbecomezero a. 1 s b. 3 s c. 4 s d. 2 s 3. Theenergyrequiredtochargeaparallelplatecapacitorhavingplateseparationd andplateareaofcross-section Aand theuniformelectric fieldE betweenplates is given by 1 1 a. e E2 Ad b. e E2 Ad c. e E2/Ad d. e E2 /Ad 2 0 0 2 0 0 4. Toget anoutputO =1inthegiven circuit, which ofthefollowinginput willbecorrect? Z Y O X a. 1 0 0 b. 1 0 1 c. 1 10 d. 0 1 0 5. Ifaconcavemirroroffocallength f isplacedatadistanceofd fromaconvexlensoffocallength f .Alightray 1 2 coming frominfinity is fallingonthis combination and returns toinfinity. Thedistanced mustequal a. - f + f b. f + f c. -2f + f d. 2f + f 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 6. Thewavelengthoffrequencyofelectromagneticwavesemployedinspacecommunicationvaryoverarangeof a. 1Hz to1011Hz b. 1Hz to104 Hz c. 10Hzto107 Hz d. 104 Hz to1011Hz 7. If a monochromatic light of frequency 6.0´1014 Hz is produced by a source and the power emitted is 2.0´10-3W,thenthenumberofphotonsemitted per second bythesource is a. 3´1010 b. 5´1015 c. 7 ´1012 d. 9´1012 8. Forthegiven network (figure).Theequivalent resistance betweenpointsC and D is 1 5Ω Ω 1Ω Ω 1 C D 1Ω a. 1W b. 4W c. 5W d. None of these 9. Inthefollowingfigure,thedirection ofinduced current infigure inthecoilis I I a. anit-clockwise b. clockwise c. zero d. None of these 4 105 PRACTICE SET S QuestionBookletCode 10. Inthenetwork showninfigure,C =6mFandC =9mF.Theequivalent capacitance betweenpoints P andQ is 1 C C C P C C C C 1 1 1 Q C C C a. 3mF b. 6mF c. 9mF d. 12mF 11. Forthegiven velocity-time graph,velocity thecorresponding displacement-time graph willbe y cit o el V Time nt nt e e m m e e a. ac b. ac pl pl s s Di Di Time Time nt me nt e e m c a e c. Displ Time d. splac Di Time 12. Figuresshowsfourpathsforakickedfootballignoringtheeffectsofairontheflightrankthepathsaccordingto theinitial horizontal velocity componenthighest first 1 2 3 4 a. 1, 2, 3, 4 b. 2, 3, 4, 1 c. 3, 4, 1, 2 d. 4, 3, 2, 1 SpaceforRough Work 106 AIPMT Practice Sets S QuestionBookletCode 13. Whichoneofthefollowingstatement is nottrue ofde-Broglie waves? a. All atomic particles in motion have waves of a definite wavelength associated with them b. The higher the momentum, the larger is the wavelength c. The faster the particle, the shorter is the wavelength d. For the same velocity, a heavier particle has a shorter wavelength 14. Ifaparticle ofmassm andchargeqisthrownataspeedu against auniformelectric fieldE.Thedistance thatit willtravel beforecoming tomomentaryrest is mu2 mu qE a. b. c. d. None of these 2qE qE m 15. A thermodynamic system is taken through the cycle ABCD as shown in figure. Heat rejected by the gas during thecycleis D C 2p e ur s s e Pr p A B O V 3V Volume pV a. 4pV b. 2pV c. d. pV 2 16. SandisbeingdroppedonaconveyerbeltattherateofMkg/s.Theforcenecessarytokeepthebeltmovingwitha constant velocity ofv m/swillbe Mv a. b. zero c. 2Mv d. Mv 2 17. If one end of wire of length 4.5 m of radius 3 mm is fixed to a tree limb and a body weighing 100 N is tied to it, thentheelongation inthewire is(Y =4.8´1011 N/m2) a. 2.22 ´10-5 m b. 3.22´10-5 m c. 5.5´ 10-7 m d. 9.2´ 10-12 m 18. Sound waves travels at a speed of 350 m/s through a warm air and at 3500 m/s through gold. What will be the wavelength ofa700Hzacoustic waveasit enters goldfromwarmair? a. increases by a factor 20 b. decreases of a factor 20 c. increases by a factor 10 d. decreases by a factor 10 19. Iftwoelectricaldevices,whoseresistancesareintheratioof1:2andconnectedinseries,thepowerdissipatedin themhastheratio of a. 1:1 b. 1:4 c. 2:1 d. 1:2 20. IfforceF isgivenbyrelationF =M x +Nt2,wherex isdistanceandt istime,thenthedimensionsofM/N will be a. [L2T2] b. [L1/2 T2] c. [L-1/2 T2] d. [MLT-2] 21. An artificial satellite moving in a circular orbit around the earth has a total (kinetic +potential) energy E . Its 0 potential energy is a. - E b. 1.5E c. 2 E d. E 0 0 0 0 4 107 PRACTICE SET S QuestionBookletCode 22. Adiscisrolling(withoutslipping)onahorizontalsurface.C isitscentreandQ andP aretwopointsequidistant fromC.Letv ,v andv bethemagnitudes ofvelocities of points P,Q andC respectively, then P Q C Q C P a. v > v > v b. v < v < v Q C P Q C P 1 c. v = v ,v = v d. v < v > v Q P C P Q C P 2 23. AthinsphericalshellofradiusRhaschargeQ spreaduniformlyoveritssurface.Whichofthefollowinggraphs, mostcloselyrepresentstheelectricfieldE (r)producedbytheshellintherange0£r <¥,wherer isthedistance fromthecentre oftheshell? E(r) E(r) a. b. r r R R E(r) E(r) c. d. r r R R 24. Abulletlosses19%ofitskineticenergywhenpasseesthroughanobstacle.Thepercentagechangeinitsspeedis a. increase by10% b. decrease by10% c. increase by20% d. decrease by20% 25. Thespring constant ofaspring K,whenit is divided intonequalparts, thenthespring constant ofonepiece is a. K/n b. nK c. nK d. (n+1)K (n+1) n 26. Ifmass-energyequivalence is taken into account, whenwater is cooledtoformice,themassofwater should a. increase b. remain unchanged c. decrease d. first increase then decrease SpaceforRough Work 108 AIPMT Practice Sets S QuestionBookletCode 27. Thenuclei 14Nand 13Ccan bedescribed as 7 6 a. isobars b. isotones c. isotopes of carbon d. isotopes of nitrogen 28. Foramplification byatriode, thesignal tobeamplifiedis given to a. the grid b. the cathode c. the glass envelope d. the anode 29. Inthephenomenonofelectricdischargethroughgasesatlowpressure,thecolouredglowinthetubeappearsas aresult of a. excitation of electron in atoms b. collision between the atom of gas c. collision between the charged particles emitted from the cathode and the atoms of the gas d. collision between different electron of the atoms of the gas 30. AthinrodoflengthLandmassM isbentatthemiddlepointO atanangle60°.Themomentofinertiaoftherod aboutanaxis passing throughO and perpendicular totheplaneoftherod willbe O 60° L/2 L/2 ML2 ML2 ML2 ML2 a. b. c. d. 6 12 24 3 31. If3bulbsP,Q and R are connected asshownin figure. What changes occur inbrightness ofthebulbs,whenthe switch is closed? +V– P Q R a. Brightness ofPincreases but that ofRdecreases. b. Brightness ofPremains the same but that ofRdecreases. c. Brightness of bothPandRdecreases. d. Brightness ofPincrease but that ofRremains same. 32. Inthefollowingarrangement asshowninfigure,themagnetic fieldat pointO is given by Y θ 1 i φ 2 P O a φ 1 θ 2 X a. B= m0 i (sinq +sinq ) b. B= m0 i (sinf +sinf ) 4p a 1 2 4p a 1 2 c. Both of(a)and(b) d. None of these 4 109 PRACTICE SET S QuestionBookletCode 33. Infollowingfigure,fourcurves A,B,C and D are given. Thecurves are A p p C B D V V a.isothermal for AandDwhile adiabatic forBandC b.adiabatic for AandCwhile isothermal forBandD c.isothermal for A andBwhich adiabatic forCandD d.isothermal for AandCwhile adiabatic forBandD 34. Fromthegiven figure describing thephotoelectric effectit maybeinferred that A B Stoppingpotential θ θ 5 10 Frequency a. AandBboth have the same threshold frequency b.Maximum kinetic energy for both metals depend linearly on frequency both A c.Stopping potential are different for AandBfor some change in frequency d.Bis better photosensitive material than A 35. A stone is dropped into a well which is H metre deep, then the time after which the splash of sound is heard (letspeed ofsoundinair isv) 2H 2H 2H 2H H a. b. + c. + d.None of these g g v g v 36. Forthegiven systemasshowninfigure,thepulleyare light and frictionless. Thetension inthestring is M M θ 1 2 3 a.2Mgsinq b. Mgsinq c. Mgsinq d. Mgsinq 2 3 2 SpaceforRough Work 110 AIPMT Practice Sets S QuestionBookletCode 37. A particle of massm=5units is moving with a uniform speedv =3 2 m in the XOY plane along they =x +4. What willbethemagnitude oftheangular momentumabouttheorigin? a.0 units b.30 units c.60 units d.None of these 38. Two balls of masses M and M are placed on a horizontal frictionless table connected by a spring as shown in 1 2 figure,howmassM ispulledtotherightwithaforceF?IftheaccelerationofmassM isa,thenaccelerationof 2 1 massM willbe 2 M1 M2 F a. F b. F - M1a c. F d.None of these M M M 1 2 2 39. Ablockisattachedtothethreeidentical springsasshowninfigure.Eachspringhasspringconstantkandmass ofblockis M.Ifspring 1is compressed byasmalldistance x,thentime period ofoscillation ofblockis? 2 3 90° M 1 M M 2M a.T =2p b.T =2p c.T =2p d.None of these k 2k k 40. ThefigureshowsvariationofelectricpotentialV asafunctionofx.Arrangethefourregionindescendingorder according tothemagnitude ofn-componentoftheelectric fieldE within them? V 1 2 3 4 x a.E = E > E = E b.E = E > E > E 2 4 1 3 1 2 3 4 c.E > E = E > E d.E > E > E > E 4 1 3 2 1 2 3 4 41. IfaparallelplatecapacitorwithairasdielectrichascapacitanceC.Aslabofdielectricconstantkandhavingsame thickness as the separation between the plates is introduced so as to fill one-fourthofthe capacitor as shown in figure,thennewcapacitance willbe k d C C kC kC a.(4+ k) b.(3+ k) c. d. 4 4 2 4 4 111 PRACTICE SET S QuestionBookletCode 42. Inthegiven distribution, what is thevalueofi? 1W i 1W 4A 1W 2A 5A 3A 1W 1W a.8 A b.0 c.2 A d.5 A 43. If minimum angle of deviation for a glass prism is equal to its refracting angle. The refractive index of glass is 1.5thentheangleofprism is a.2sin-1æç3ö÷ b.sin-1æç3ö÷ è4ø è4ø c.cos-1æç3ö÷ d.2cos-1æç3ö÷ è2ø è4ø 44. If a body falls in air, the resistance of air depends to a great extent on the shape of body. Three different shapes are given. Identify the combination of air resistances which truly represents the physical situation? (Cross sectional areas are thesame) R R R W W W (1)Disc (2)Bell (3)Cigar a.1<2 < 3 b.2 < 3<1 c.3<2 <1 d.3<1<2 45. AsmallspherecarryingachargeqishavinginbetweentwoparallelplatesbyastringoflengthL.Timeperiodof pendulumisT .Whenparallelplates are charged, thetimeperiod changes toT,theratio ofT /T is equalto 0 0 ++++++++++++++++ L m –––––––––––––––––––––– 1/2 3/2 1/2 æ qEö æ ö æ ö a.ççg + m ÷÷ b.çç g ÷÷ c.çç g ÷÷ d.None of these g qE qE ç ÷ çg + ÷ çg + ÷ è ø è m ø è m ø SpaceforRough Work S QuestionBookletCode CHEMISTRY PART B 46. Arrange followingincorrect sequenceofbasic strength O N N N N II H H H I III IV a. IV > I > III > II b. III > I > II > IV c. II > I > III > IV d. I > III > II > IV 47. Strength of acid increases with the attachment of group showing–I effect and decreases with the attachment of group showing +Ieffect.Whichofthefollowingis correct sequenceofbasic strength inaqueoussolution? a. CH NH <(CH ) NH<(CH ) N 3 2 3 2 3 3 b. (CH ) NH<CH NH <(CH ) N 3 2 3 2 3 3 c. (CH ) N<(CH ) NH<CH NH 3 3 3 2 3 2 d. (CH ) N<CH NH <(CH ) NH 3 3 3 2 3 2 48. IUPACnameof CH CH 3 3 and CH CH 3 3 a. 1, 2-dimethylcyclobutaneand 2,3-dimethylbutene b. 1, 2-dimethylcyclobut1-eneand 3, 4-dimethylcyclo-but-1-ene c. 2, 3-dimethylcyclobuteneand 2,3-dimethylcyclobutane d. 2, 3-dimethylbutene and 1, 2-dimethylcyclobut-1-ene 49. Phosphorousinanyorganic compoundcan beestimated bytheformula formed´62 %ofP=wt.ofMg PO ´100´222 2 2 7 wt. ofcompound Thisformulais related to a. Cariusmethod b. Lassaigne’s method c. Kjeldahl’smethod d. Duma’s method CH CH 2 50. reacts with B H inpresence ofH O produces 2 6 2 2 a. COCH b. CHOHCH OH 3 2 c. d. CH —CH OH RCH CHO 2 2 2

2H g. H v. 36. (b) The FBD of both the block is shown. For 1st block,. T Ma. = …(i). For 2nd block,. Mg. T Ma sinθ − = (ii). From Eqs. (i) and (ii). 2T Mg. = sinθ ⇒ T. Mg. = sinθ. 2. 37. (c) Angular momentum about origin is. | | |. L r v. = ×m | = rmv. = × ×. (. ) (. ) 2 2. 5. 3 2 = 60
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