wwwwww..rraaddiiooeenntthhuussiiaasstt..ccoo..uukk AUGUST 2022 TTTHHHEEE UUUKKK’’’SSS NNNUUUMMMBBBEEERRR OOONNNEEE AAAMMMAAATTTEEEUUURRR RRRAAADDDIIIOOO MMMAAAGGGAAAZZZIIINNNEEE SSSIIINNNCCCEEE 111999333222 FIRST Details of Icom’s SHF-P1 LOOK concept model revealed Friedrichshafen Europe’s biggest show is back after long absence UPGRADING YOUR SHACK Antenna Project Advice on best value and most useful Building a small magnetic loop for restricted spaces gear to improve your home operating MORSE A round up of the PRACTICAL Build a retro latest news and products low voltage valve receiver A self-contained CW transceiver, an Comprehensive instructions to construct Autronic paddle and a Collins paddle a 12V two-valve reflex/regen receiver NEW PRODUCTS EVENT NEWS Latest gear and news across the hobby All the summer rallies listed Display until 11th August 2022 Contents August 2022 Vol.98 No 8 On sale: 14th July 2022 Next issue on sale: 11th August 2022 ISSN 0141-0857 Practical Wireless Warners Group Publications plc The Maltings, West Street Bourne, Lincs PE10 9PH www.warnersgroup.co.uk Tel 01778 391000 Editor Don Field G3XTT [email protected] Designer Mike Edwards [email protected] Advertisement Manager Kristina Green 01778 392096 [email protected] 7 Production Manager Nicola Glossop [email protected] Production Assistant 3 Keylines Charlotte Bamford [email protected] Don talks about remote operation and the solutions Marketing Manager available. Katherine Brown [email protected] Marketing Executive 5 News Luke Hider [email protected] PW’s monthly roundup of news from the UK and Publisher internationally, including new products, club news and Rob McDonnell recent events. [email protected] 64 Photocopies & Back Issues 7 Friedrichshafen 2022 We can supply back issues, but we only keep them for one year. If you are looking for an article Chris Duckling G3SVL gives a flavour of this year Ham ocar nre svtiiellw h ethlpa.t Iyfo wue m diosns’et dh afivrest t thiem aec aturoaul nisds, uwee Radio event in Germany, the first since 2019. 24 An Introduction to Topband DF we can always supply a photocopy or PDF file of Colin Merry G4CDM describes 160m Multi-Transmitter the article. 9 Radio Bookstore Direction Finding Events, how to have having fun track- Technical Help We regret that due to Editorial timescales, replies Your one-stop shop for hobby-related titles, biogra- ing down transmitters. to technical queries cannot be given over the phies, reference titles, historical accounts, technical treelceepivheo nime.m Aendyi atetec hantticeanlt iqoune srioe,s i fa yroeu u rneliqkueilrye t o advice and successful building projects. 26 HF Highlights help with problems relating to topics covered in Despite the onset of summer, Steve Telenius-Lowe PW, please either contact the author of the article 10 Out & About Al Fresco PJ4DX has reports of plenty of HF activity, but starts directly or write or send an email to the Editor and we’ll do our best to reply as soon as we can. Join Ray G4OWY/G6AUW with a light-hearted tale as with some useful news items. he visits the seaside! MAGAZINE & BROCHURE PRINTER Tbhy iWs paurnbelircsa Mtioind laisn pdrsi nPtLeCd 29 What Next WAMRidlanNds PELCRS Telephone: 01778 391000 16 The Marconi 2955 Radio Test Set Colin Redwood G6MXL looks at a way to map contacts Gary Clark G0BKR takes a look at the Marconi 2955 you’ve made and the JS8 data mode that combines the SUBSCRIBE TO PRACTICAL WIRELESS Radio Communications Test Set. weak signal capabilities of FT8 with the ability to have wwwwww..rraaddiiooeenntthhuussiiaasstt..ccoo..uukk For the latest offer call more free-format contacts that some readers might FLAUOIGURSOT 2S02K2T TTTHHHDcEEE UUUoKKKe’’’SSSn t NNNacUUUMMMieBBBlEEEpsRRR OO OtoNNN EEmEf AAA MMMIoAAAcTTTdEEEoUUURReRm RRRlAAA DD’DrIIsIOOOe MMMSvAAAGGHGeAAAZZZaFIIINNNl-EEE eP SSSIIINNdN1CCCEEE 111999333222 01778 395161 20 Moving Home and a Fresh Start prefer. 0000NL11lAA RMAAaauuu sUYAgggtttuueessreEOtto22lesd22fsn -tFFRc rritaoogvcWonn ttnS OneMMpPriaaEteaassa ctteedwtrirr ..niid nn oeAddaelddseP dn 11r aaioCdUGonemnW dnRund aetn r paCwb dpOnoRrs srelRul cooianepsdDscivv t roupeo earfcv,s d Uata tsAdhnays lt eSe hClo euu heTDroH bahSbnyoddmIA mEAeCalNPol o 1loRowVm 2tChVAspp vertECteweo h sGoTuleur-tNnvI maKassaCiglvevmtAeeTei f Lier nn veuros f a lgtBelrrNluxavuc/lrtleieiiEbFABlolEeg odruanuerosnecrsi npilo ak dtWlce t pire foi asenroede nfctgc’erstier eo enr vtaibiednrSvrnc a eissslegoohtm trrgPrrn isuecagrcshtl oleatt a mdbjse fshDsaisepeoclpagy nunwnanttil c1c1e t22hei A99etsu//gi00uss c66t 2 //022 22002222 1144::1144anSSyea devee pv uaicpge et,o af on2uy7rw% fh.oer rdee, taanilyst.ime wIn iPtahrt A1 omf aa nteewu sre Rrieasd, Riioch ard White G6NFE re- 32 The World of VHF at bit.ly/pw-sub22 counts the trials and tribulations of starting afresh. Tim Kirby GW4VXE reports on another busy month on the VHF and UHF bands. Keep up to date on Facebook 22 A Small Magnetic Loop www.facebook.com/radioenthusiasts for the HF Bands 38 Valved Radio Repair, Part III Follow us on Twitter Maurice Webb GW0UGQ describes a small magnetic Bernard Nock G4BXD gets to grips with an actual set, @REnthusiasts loop suitable for use by those with restricted space. describing the fault finding process. Sign up to our FREE email newsletter at www.radioenthusiast.co.uk 2 PRACTICAL WIRELESS August 2022 Keylines Well, I should have been completing this issue on my way back from the Ham Radio show in Friedrichshafen, along with preparing a show report. Unfortunately, EasyJet cancelled my flight from Bristol just as we were about to board. The good news is that my good friend Chris Duckling G3SVL kindly agreed to prepare a report at short notice. My thanks to Chris for stepping into the breach. 6m Band Like a lot of readers, I have been busy on the 6m band during the summer Sporadic E sea- son. You will read reports of activity in Tim 61 Kirby GW4VXE’s column. My personal observa- tions are that, other than a few very nice South trol applications running on a PC at his location, American openings during late April and May, including JTDX (for FT8), a program to control 41 Build the PW Paston, Part VII not a lot happened until June but then the band my Expert linear amplifier (when needed) and Mark Tuttle G0TMT completes the build of the Paston really came to life. I wanted to comment par- software to control an MFJ antenna rotator that by describing the antenna changeover circuit. ticularly on the North American opening of 12 replaces the Yaesu controller but offers PC con- June, which started shortly after lunch and trol facilities. I am still some way off being able 48 Doing it by Design went on until well after midnight. At times on to operate SSB or CW remotely. But it’s an inter- Eric Edwards GW8LJJ encourages a return to retro 50.323MHz FT8, the screen would fill with any- esting challenge and one that I hope to solve with a design for a low voltage valve receiver. thing from 30 to 50 decodes here, from all over eventually. I’d certainly like to hear from readers North America, from the east coast across to who have found solutions of their own. 52 Calculating L and C the KISS Way Arizona and California. And even 50.318MHz Corrections Dave Gordon-Smith G3UUR offers a simple, practical was buzzing with North American activity on way of calculating L and C values for a variety of ap- FT4 mode. Remarkable. Samuel Ritchie (SDR series) writes, “I have plications. found an error – all of my own design – I blame Remote Operation the rum cocktails while on that veranda. I gave 54 Valve & Vintage Back in the February 2016 issue we carried the wrong email address for Joe G8KAM. The ar- Tony Smith G4FAI relates a curious tale from the war an introductory article about remote opera- ticle gives his email as [email protected] years. tion. Since then the possible solutions have but it must be [email protected]. Sorry increased in number and many more opera- about this”. 58 On a Budget tors are taking advantage, whether to operate Mark Tuttle G0TMT (Paston project) writes, Daimon Tilley G4USI looks at some of the accessories their home stations when away or to operate a “My super-keen builder/follower pointed out an that you will probably need around the shack. remote station because of problems at home error in the parts list in the last article in which I (such as high noise levels). Indeed, the range of wrote that L1 & L2 are wound on FT37-43 ferrite 61 Data Modes possible solutions is such that a single article cores. This is incorrect and it should read T37-2. Mike Richards G4WNC compares the decoding perfor- could barely do them justice nowadays. There The circuit diagram has them correctly labelled”. mance of four FT8-capable programs before looking at are radios with a separate head unit (such as And unfortunately the two references were measuring network performance. the IC-7100 and TD-480), which can be separat- omitted from the most recent Microwaves arti- ed by the length of a car (for mobile operation) cle. They are: 64 The Morse Mode or the length of a continent. There are solutions [1] https://tinyurl.com/2p8bm53k Roger G3LDI has more interesting keys to discuss but from companies such as remoterig.com, which [2] MATLAB and CATAM (Computer-Aided starts with news of a self-contained CW transceiver. allow you to connect up pretty much any radio Teaching of All Mathematics) – find through and control it remotely. Daimon Tilley G4USI Google. 66 PW at 90 looked at running digital modes remotely in the Competition Winners A look back at PW’s eighth decade. May 2020 issue. There’s the MFJ-1234 RigPi, reviewed in the June 2020 issue or the Elecraft Finally, I am pleased to announce the winners 68 Rallies solution of using a K3/0 remote head to ape the of our June competition to win one of two Locate a rally or event near you; we have our usual operation of the K3. And many more, along with antennas kindly donated by Moonraker. They comprehensive list. solutions to control ancillary equipment such are Tristan Alwyn-Clark of Lincoln and as linear amplifiers, antenna rotators and more. Mr T Herbison of Ballymena, County Antrim. 69 Readers’ Letters In my case, I have taken a simple approach to CTCSS, shopping after Brexit and antenna modelling running FT8 remotely to the station at my son’s Don Field G3XTT are this month’s topics. house. I use Google Remote Desktop to con- Editor, Practical Wireless Magazine Read more radio news and reviews at www.radioenthusiast.co.uk/news 3 August 2022 PRACTICAL WIRELESS BEAT THE PRICE RISE Regrettably, to offset the increases in costs of energy, raw materials and postage charges the cover price of Practical Wireless has increased to £5.49; but you don’t have to pay that! We’ve frozen our subscription prices meaning you can save even more than before when subscribing to Practical Wireless! SAVE 27UP %TO Review Review VRMAAAY 2LD02V2 I E O THE UKEaE’Snxx NUdppM eeBrErreR ttOp NaaEa ddAiMrvvAiTiinEccUgRee R AovoDnnaIO l MrrvAeeGeAfwf ZuucINwrriEr bbSwcINii.CussrEhh ia1t9dii3snn2ioggenthusiast.co.uk HRpwpsojnlhdepbnIymitffelcHgtncsada(asi‘lrTwassobaSoinini’oahNroevsggeoeitllvartnttareeerruruoinfhioohitoois sbaar ao ec ooo rentWITSWIIGatevalrhhstarvaguvtetitwe uen ’f weoucha uulsinchhrjhet usmtuhv eordreetehhdttr rortasortn,ehetn4thramne ehs dditnn daoenebchionnoaaerorn fsa hoeeh atunir’dmiceiiuta0sa. tld es, cr iie iniuaymdvndvk suwn,gen p l erbian annne nsvkde dtTianK ,lpg0yrn a ,eheeatneest g nv t aotelte alaet r ggcggi2tirovmm ’ndoeiihirt whh+l he s tras C n d.ehn mosdgni lwratl ecsoheiaa ,e,e 0s’ rttdt ciuu s sl asy o es,ai tr naG gaoyiyi rhahsmyhy r hex afntlr r2ya0lin‘tfhh ’,c’s etkttoy nesatial rb abmgd .v cot ythnntpua’i iasertrdtsr hgt0a cs ,roceaal n . n-anets n 0reai airssfohsoaeicoawtas onnfetacorwo koe hmth0voIll artfagdnrstoiteoag 0v dtetouel’ienitfncrdadt ngg 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asttsciDePpeobsbfhhaeyeqnnheun aCaiisTYNInrmslduot srrt ctlt dastoshsu’ ri noaseilnapeeu dsooouerio timnom.tteanpa s r h eaausmPd,ts d pn et a em elFesweo nhel l -baop n aineydvrorcaego ryanpit hndseoakpatpn,.r d l aato rkweF…cotti ti4eytcin hpsirsteiaohwo .non ga kes c?oscnWe nn niet., io n uodWid inaiwaeP5rtohtnstnii ’ l’ esc.sncspaneuh int julm ocua egrulsewnyecslaonnrl, tici tdlineottd.ntratnvch tasocoo, Iraos ecttnet,‘itu i ti Rsnne tanhIoueo dm s e anneni cspnnclicetsirdsve itasnsua boennwsieueitt oersocentaegairprdi, eont yt -sreun nboo Otlhes notiy pthicentdhss . iN ntht .earteneeei hhaoaesa’ lse- r Re,edi su ti stedfina C inhttmist xoocoorgthA eaote eipa mer atm sat hi lnha ,ae et ti c Higher Frequency Sign up to our FREE email newsletter at www.radioenthusiast.co.uk Read more radio news and reviews at www.radioenthusiast.co.uk/news InnovAntennas’ 4-Element 10 PRACTICAL WIRELESSMay 2022 May 2022PRACTICAL WIRELESS 11 50MHz LFA Yagi reviewed IIICCCOOOMMM IIIDDD---555222 Keep Soldering On We review the first handheld A handy artisan soldering to feature a waterfall display platform for home projects GEAR A Deeper Look TEST Protect Your Rig at Microwave Antennas from Lightning Strikes This month we focus on microwave, A dual antenna disconnector from millimetrewave & terahertz versions Paradan Radio given the once over NEW PRODUCTS YOUR LETTERS Latest releases from the manufacturers Three pages packed with opinions Display until 12th May 2022 Take out a digital subscription today https://pktmags.com/pw-sub22 wwwwww..rraaddiiooeenntthhuussiiaasstt..ccoo..uukk 4 PPAREPFEERR? HmvTeialsoevipnthe tob htnih.et Te.llin oyme /sfip aanwrgeda -o zsopiueunnbr eM 2l apo2nto deosasrty te ct odsa uF ldrlbi id0srae1cy c7r8it7ap mt8to i –3 o y6n9po5 muo1 fra6f nde1dro Ssoa rptu leredaaacyshse 9 NamTaGhitlEils iEMmm mIIIAeWPotiRrcnetwrCCCh oA a wvw PR eeVDR f–&ato00eWM A22AvRtco88eAOOOe uRRerYees p ammeLD f oo2hAOotteee05ee A nMMV2nrrraa 2tnnIma uuzt LeMaaD ll OeEi Ra vAAtc MMMyTTot vep tn hreUU2uth otteorT 0ottPPahhCs CC2 hhanUmtttwUUnHeei2ueeooik r ttss5oen dffhshsEnnemmabbaeehhWtePvveennee neeeaaeeeavaooa aaU ee w.RoorCm ttddrrsEEccs aasllsw ellm caacWttoppttKooeeffikkA ttCCaahhtttrrnnvvrr n,eeeerraa.oon. h iiiee’gg ttoeCoe h ha aggss trr rSrSaSaddahhttff txxqqheeaa a leeleenn55eeohh hruTruTttwttw e1e1mmuu i i teten cc a.a.dd 00aeeuussneantatNi di .I.uueeirim r mohokhk g0g0 Ω Ω r vvne en tpp titobCbi sseVrerllrnnssntntcc e n eneUUoeoUe e eettatttte o ou wwtmtmoohhwSiiAcddccceehihihh sos o mlltmht1ssdlrlroodvtvd ttttMooo .io. iuWurree e eesesLpt o7t oaaeeiieeeeooiee f 5rf5rrnnhhuounooiimenem m m ou ot sgg stn qnqnt tn rtRt5u5uBg1Wg1ieillnp,tpenthhIIIhht.ps .psdede e u u ememkMnoeMn so s aa. a .e eraraTamTeopoue u Ea1 a 1 ii rearaeiIaaetbibtnneuceucnInt htyeh yonnneHnceH5c5eRrerRcrtrtcde,e,ed0stdnsnt 1ett iaei pali rilw iri :tla:lteae5pzsrtetzsrtyteye et tc1c o1oioo Ei6hhmg gmdsohdh4so et tddfdd. . nuesOnus e e aiasa.iaasi . i ioeooLseeosresTssMT ssje sj DDD dpr odnpPnooPtaasu td sn duwwt oa tosv i Vi sv NV ohE i ho2a2aoa n actt v t vt so os tttCettt tedt dte etir eieN Net 4ntonh4ashSfDa ohshDhttho ttotEtowrwlrhrh ry hh h hidd wtVsttla tnVeus lanVS Aeue tAVetiC nC ttutetueeoe eotet1hee hae.uhut.h onhht t1nA thShe tS e tf nef nv 5 s ro Toh rehTlsr oeslmgcrfegmecrierr eerireee, ee W Wmt nanvvta taert eMuoraeheu ohno so ooo p .p. nh anh w awania a inadqa aqpd avepve upntR.riurno.Rorwgoetngen sn ans elaiuahlArepuihEhsprEslglgtrM owt towt tedriticsedtrscndrrtedeoere eolothneeolhn e ae T aye y t hRReat ihe eItieirlnct rilanc cnsslaIc chnscnhhno ndoohe ndAyInoheniovriovr.Eocfockuvnfku---ev in ae n,i if, nin aiolfa2feeosu fr ugsosrsyuoeeyseurce ar cPU dae aaetac0adttstlAdauell eueyel r tld othtrflab,iodthwib ca,dwan2ac don di uv vaaa pmu AsR apsaonote n taTent2 na it ngr s emdgnen mhhgnomphh ng5 op pf gdf nn n pnmdrdieo l dd9leso oe eooleccenvRcyltLoayltpeaoydmenld ym P edpu uhoEod55r5thlA karoo tglA gk eoEiw recaa pscee seA nM rtueeideeo nRTnpefotylTfyaDMiimt rh t ee h r Vssn rcicVm mtaP ioem tav o UrSDUasraybbLsaiaiArpn n s e d le ooowsnttpeSe roSnuasslmc n c, ooff ,hhooraninC nIpm inmmmngfobbTahWhndsatafWireiyoaattaOeerr froailcl eoaeio loopoccenToodobotb o ,lic tar enoatrrn p wwp oa suh RtLrlR ashasnfo.oiRDhvcaaaare dr w drwnuDvsaIan a r eftfoaoAA rltnrfMeiiaAtbt om iipe rtrCnniae rd reaFFao , cecieyClatllbCftrfnrmsh nhntnnltadd c llleifr af iantsina lea crc egawiwgPniaei . eianAupoacbooapw ipo o eoppe eteuttcF Ae eairisrehesceco(ine(icd22tsto2o66e nuun Tnnleltglty elil aiuunfLnnuuemnafsittseeterbir btiillsii,icecdiu 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awh esnT ttnantteor lles rorw daooilwwi5weLrenonor3pSnmnpSgi aevoner tameisn n ssnaeth.lsoc tsiIlh.sdFaiecei.s 9tidne ftnM y Ltmddecyt2d Ued do Ue a tHI ot i graiIso sosgtrefsoontrooeW.orHkhW r tokAh T ef iisa t iti iaeACiotcgoer n1t0wc t u uteea ,eb,ata reldoddee lnown aed3ttu rgpcoaiidAcrii enh f p dniAtraharemeowralfoeweflffee Ceeofmcai wocotrti wt-nhhosnndooonndan n nnn hestanktanaskindraRc sda nRLrsoiabepco rMrbuheebeurseem2misr wtdntrkybfR n mtw ttiiomana esoe smi)gen wL er t g2tae)n cteta n enr hcnln t hiethrRirat ei rttnciiunea pi.rne eahnoae uh.rs ns ruhenein,nurrio Cnpov1o ov s a 2t. e ma shmhrta rh d e h alag nho lteasSe‘doitaoeAts edddeoir AtoFnH ed gmrtstam w gt oHna 1wopa i o a sp0ocovaapHfedanFec feerfu n t1e r(teivra(frc iieriiar t s ein fl ae1sn,e lffd,7nnvdt ioiaif dd mcroc hnta oirchcoefo e hc oldruoitno ,tsFidn npu,/a:l4nn Fltnigbia 41riituthossermt7 tio tdethihs ndettvn ehhedeeA e teetnovintadod.hainageDodsnnIehhe .narzl1Ihhgs.Mrpethl3n eltheslten- helec. t 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hhhpn.sit fiuph D uomu heleow e hue cmhewoDeht t is e aA22secaaaah nbbgasf dtthuoeketTt usoVss Tdhsmicirs rtteeeciiseop6.r sruna ka t.p6eaue sant’ itptha 4 4rpptotiigltsXlf il iH tcn,ot uhnheleceihn qiahnno Hee ene egrssini tee srmtow vc mmnot s rvAe coSnovmSt lvA VVrrooer4rtat pH votN.ais mwnreos eW W ese zofett sx ms mgsCggsse . eCaeeyhsuitetsrai- crrhustemi-eTeaNMaM,,deiTiieIIeff itvonoAiriort.nhn ,, joeuh hn su0 lllww r g- u s sDdigepneitt ialn eo bpbfea nb pe tewwt l Al re iineU rwrrttTelsttsit itdUegts OirEhmmmeg wd .r lihwotete hlhlPihseasPeaLLrhiish iirhcehh ,tit nroroie,odbdei8 ayieiLdra .eaish vhf wwnutosIIti h. eteetroo ahbtht.sc nweLeswoi e rHH reLesarrt pCCettaecfWWe t’eSemS lm acIf r’r r(in e eacacfnosu i asmogoeeas gxf niti eeuehuee ei tnthloin.odnudb dlwpwnii ha tttdctvaiinaaiUtDDUetsaehhoisei eomprhhemimi df tu n uftwwtd hht rn lnltihdSendfunlesl.Su.intsi he acaci.t iaean amvvdtehdich sneesd dyloclpot m eep n leeecg hheg2cmmr eewT sesdssrdoyi ii dlidwSylM, aaaooMvvwaamiinndllddhthtt t rsnsdggeet mfdir dri uTulen nnatlal8hoath 0 u eI Is ubeuoo crnigriaaoeyuufeosoiss dbssbfrrfdaactTdh . a a h ww slfsg8aan a bb0a dlalceggh htddPati dPfp e estsidee ieb,stte sbrr2Tl dildvreusctte6cTtetd,cooa0o wloleoe-vvppmpela maitt leaaaln sainayeo tato e taa 2oetooavattmtvwce66emyleBI aSe)8weTTSiec-hc gcnt uc ut oyuAuenenatpdtie e e l hcslhntn2h.cwppw kklsnWnWsW 8orosooorev,sve-rVe ttVstlc uu ata tb tr saaahaahUh h hhUo sits2lt ocu oTea dnrl arh ry erEhota-basoeeddorasoiarartyritcctdedVewCuwnhreuucnriuochiu2yhllyh. SlSeldi ioienn HHe eeeWeeeeeea m. lfd,ifdd indhi eb tboodnscsv ufvg mrrotmobwCCao r ssaraasan waaner an sgarlniynestteo oe ngrgnte irtWdtWsdAsosi aoamomdt Cldvaaeveu e t enoeoev regidlehahtt.set sh nrhnl ee esdnbti boibnt l(lobio kinfenreeft fr itre e2y c ola trtcnn2 tul no aoot uanu de d yaea pei 0fVtwwfinetittiief dooieesrSienseiarnfdemftSbRRdbiv iee dolomEnl omn gwrsc sn hhnolhhotal4.hih ev cvi 4o ensotna.ienni if.tn use aal e nyd t ndwsta la asacntna,etdMte ud eMa8 mltt h l a da m h no ahnnetre eeieeee eerchreriVrhcia wtwathmdVa mmigaogmhhEtd cr areeebemn dutmdrin tttzndtadnaeEmtcomeeeeeenhasenn aioennar ee xr xa lehaaece hcnepebihaeee neePwsfnfwttP y wt tawwrtoeecgce a eeg t, ns,un nxnn anpatsede gao ad og psrroo pdeui mep et uropr pearn rpr re t8capsr r 8a r a sadiddcomI SIv ml Sskluoclust uYauo cauiuc sou hucto c iieo haecn ln lo teosfdtsolne tlfealnaaca gcdtcsace outntgtn,0nt sdu0nnsaie e e r t e ete Us p eUsnadn eutrunpee)htHdnatsHSdmoohcoashaofasutuo1tofsc r1ecidfEauedaodacfaeou csp ddemisp d cmomn os ks slarsei b etgp Saynf Saosnno pt ntsoenuu<o t ua uatt 0turatt0rrtvinsnMb t tiivnsnh ntstalas.hua o,bicfutci -i- ii 7nt ehi eeatc ehalh ohil ohdit 0iGao nbctmlrhGdsfrbeoAsleknm Alefaow e smabwasttomWo ittsaynooti nbctytc rr4gorrart roirmissfdtsnebdf enba ehdaehwdIej ar e. rees o senviia ofcnvi nuTinaf.T7nCo.Ce2iaesn.frguahtissr glhop11otsaoibobieioo .ca guf. r tcgeuert eedile eot t4 to Mtttmot 7bnetMp twmtbn tnuuew oUdUd vpiteuusst vti i 2 6ei 28 eie6.Weehuwle Wwwhiwpleu itiuaumeI.tλi2ue anIlun.te 0sehsn fhh w frv si epneabusirenb an pttt t e pitnod3?omtis?r3dimaT dsl7haita Tlma hs1 angpanvanpgih vndeo,i- npi oeeii tirpaeropt noplsohsCian Cahhligarpa ganp ssiip0st tvwscc9e8nv 9s hi u a ineshUehisuat2Uneih eiictter eis r a ceuasnwhhtesuttIISn antent w a1annrttstnecuaapnn1.netnl nn,l eooh.lhe eh’’ 4 evfes hh eddAv e ahAoy oegryh, ioasyto ,sbnatill0 isbna8s a ttsa.lrishI ahtra tdllcI l tgdrsstld.ara. gllne pptasededayhar eds d oh i0iy eseete u e .oT 1uie Tr e ni cc uAh nor ft m w hor a stsTfweIaTn8c-cuuIhntsti nanst 0g t.ht ndagpvy.y pnp v .ii pho e c.apigpi nhla lbsotn sahoo Utdh8asU-hd hmvtsrhs h-0 vnph ssaa oo.lopoh h ppghe rrraegriioeiebrao oodeoobwo8tueqiouwt0o mttecc0a ustwsc.se eaae iceai epee aaoep dnao tl noomommooutepp8ahh de lddgai mgu 0 wd0oludd.wigo .tltu - gutts-naa ootn tss hgon , ttshtm 8n,g aaa8 lvuel amvl la0WaweeiV r .koa.hlkodw’on ’Vhaeonhiidhaee edthiigadImssdmthr 8imIg 8gnnddgmh d dmppoir0 rhdd s oei.srrrrsherr srth nn scctheueem resrui8eesSt ht eydemesdmpSehap0ll ayeerelr e. oeNoee el oNro l hhltri m mroto etmmte eb8bcattiaieemaa Wevfe ate1iaeti.vf t1ci-ciabby/ W/krtdcarrtc kq Wrrmq r mwmmngii8niwooongmon iodoioi7dt t.bbea7e eav y y.acanctcectvn. ts tms.vi aaatta va mdsusa duttasngoa5eprTellaasng-5uiTi - De u eicemnidcDRueulolodnuaRrrcce eeuba teboTTtAaeoasnsnoAt o liltneipe .mg : aagSSc.c:noe o ?taaynrety?r tc lltwwpoo Ccpai 1 aiCay1 i i y nTTttnaTat SSesnantTaaiimaireminhesavrhvnancncoo aas dll ccehcsndnhecSShh wwpolorpun n rblnbru oo C n aCGtUat endGoe d Uimmlno i a llsiaasgtrariii goo atnd v ane , tpdpsvilieps,enpvovnoetCnnieeenwT enTtt ttsir rl lrns roo dn n mdssmsa3nts3tossaehh dlonhincn he.l eni eggdeere re yr8lly8.rsl mm uum sma ah T Tsdih sd ppogcgco c o i comis oW m Wlrorlcosoott ea0e rI0s eociIat ncincseItwwntIttn6e6elltitin tnseee eiel ilt ooo o o hity ostyat sttn-sahs - 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If so, then email [email protected] The XIEGU G106 New from ML&S ML&S have introduced the MyDEL JPC-7 (dipole Nevada Radio have announced the new Low cost XIEGU G106 entry level QRP transceiver. The unit version) & JPC-12 (vertical) Portable Shortwave is ideal for outdoor and portable operation, weighing just 720g and size 120 x 40 x 135 mm. Antennas. Both antennas cover 40- 6m, 100W PEP With 16-bit sampling SDR architecture and delivering 5W RF output, the transceiver covers the & contained in a small carry case for portable use. bands 80 to 10m, including the WARC bands. On CW there are three filter bandwidths for easy The JPC-7 & 12 are beautifully manufactured to reception of weak signals. The transceiver can also be used for digital modes with the optional a very high standard and available from stock at DE-19 Digital adaptor. Martin Lynch & Sons. Special introductory deals on The receiver covers 550kHz to 30 MHz and 88 to 108 MHz (WFM Commercial radio band). both. For more information and feature video see: The G106 was due to be available around the end of July and target price is expected to be around www.HamRadio.co.uk/JPC £399. The transceiver will be available from Nevada or Waters & Stanton: The cost of the JPC-7 Dipole kit is £339.95, the www.nevadaradio.co.uk JPC-12 vertical kit is £199.95. Prices include VAT. www.hamradiosstore.co.uk SOS RADIO WEEK 2022: Paul G1OVK in Worcester operated GB0SOS in the above CONSTRUCTION HUB/CLUB IN SE: A regional (cid:149) Inspiration for a new project event. Using a Yaesu FTdx101MP and a variety hub for makers and home brewers of radio (cid:149) Time and space to work on a project in company of antennas, Paul decided to concentrate on related projects is proposed by Eric Stammers with other like-minded people. phone operation, especially on 10m, where M0REQ and Graham Smith G4NMD. The idea is It is initially suggested that the group will have a he was using a three-element Yagi. His best for a club that co-operates with knowledge, ex- monthly evening meeting with perhaps a quarter- contacts on 28MHz phone this year were: perience and test gear to support those who are ly all-day meeting. The possibility of group builds VK5AVB Australia, 9W6EZ East Malaysia, already building or wishing to build radio related and buildathons are under consideration too. FR4QT Reunion Island, ZD7FT St Helena, projects. It is hoped that the group can mutually The inaugural meeting is set for Wednesday ZS1CJH South Africa, VP8LP Falkland Islands, support each other with: 7 September 1930-2130 at Grafham Rooms, VU2XO India, JY76FA, JY76CI Jordan, CX1AV (cid:149) Practical help with projects Grafham, Surrey GU5 0LJ (on A281 South of Uruguay, YC2DBW Indonesia, PZ1EL Suri- (cid:149) Access to experience and advice Bramley Village). name, HI8AT Dominican Republic, HP9SAM (cid:149) Access to tools and kit (some has already been Info from Graham or Eric via the club e-mail Panama, FY5KE French Guiana and KP4WQ donated by industry) [email protected] Puerto Rico. In total he made 747 QSOs. Read more radio news and reviews at www.radioenthusiast.co.uk/news August 2022 PRACTICAL WIRELESS 5 News Princess Elettra also spoke to Anne-Marie, aged 13, one of their youngest members, making this a truly a memorable occasion for them both. The club thanks everyone who helped out and also those stations from around the world for making this a truly remarkable event in the amateur radio calendar. New from Icom Icom’s SHF-P1 concept model and the IC-PW2 HF/50MHz 1kW linear amplifier were shown at the recent Dayton Hamvention, one of the world’s largest amateur radio events held in May. The event, which saw it celebrating its 70th anniversary, had the Icom team out in force with new products, including the forthcoming IC-T10 dual-band hand portable and glimpses into these LICENSED ARCHBISHOP: The Church of future products. Sweden has elected Martin Modeus SM5LVQ The ICOM stand was bustling with many radio amateurs asking questions about the SHF-P1, part (above) to be the 71st Archbishop of the Church of the development project called the ICOM SHF Project (Super High-Frequency Band Challenge) of Sweden. According to the Swedish Society aimed at developing a new amateur radio for use in the 2.4GHz and 5.6GHz bands. Visitors were of Radio Amateurs, Martin already serves the also excited to be getting a good look at the forthcoming IC-PW2. Both products were also on church as bishop of the Diocese of Linköping, display recently at Ham Radio 2022 in Friedrichshafen, Germany. the fifth largest city in Sweden, located in the To find out more, you can download the pre-release/concept information distributed at Dayton south of the country. Martin will be received as Hamvention 2022 from the Icom UK website: archbishop during a service to be held in Decem- https://tinyurl.com/25cvurhc ber at Uppsala Cathedral, which has been the SHF-P1 Concept Model Information (0.5MB) (PDF) see of the Church of Sweden’s archbishop since IC-PW2 Pre-release Information (0.5MB) (PDF) the 12th Century. Martin is to succeed Antje IC-PW2 Technical Information (0.5MB) (PDF) Jackelen, Sweden’s first female archbishop, who As to their launch date and pricing, Icom UK said, “we don’t have those details but rest assured we is retiring. will publish them on our website and social media channels when we have them. We will be showing https://tinyurl.com/3m3c7brw them later this year at the National Hamfest so make a note in your diary to come along and see them for yourself on our stand at Newark”. FIELDLOG: FieldLog is a new App for Android phones designed for easy logging when out and about, such as when operating SOTA, IOTA, etc. CORNISH RADIO CLUB SUPPORTS INTER- This year they were back to their normal venue of It also supports contest logging, general QSO NATIONAL MARCONI DAY: The last IMD event Stithians Showground, Stithians near Redruth, logging and export to ADIF, Cabrillo and CSV run by the Cornish Radio Amateur club properly Cornwall. The equipment used was two Ken- formats. It costs 79p: was in April 2019 and then in 2020 everything wood TS 570Ds (for voice) and a Yaesu 450D for went crazy We had Covid, lockdowns and various FT8. They also had an added VHF station run by restrictions so in 2020 the club’s IMD event was Rich 2E0TGK and Lisa 2E0PXI using the Club’s cancelled then in 2021 the club ran the event but Icom IC-910H. not to full capacity and not at the normal venue. 2022 was extremely special as they had the The Cornish Radio Amateur Club is an extremely greatest of pleasure to have had a prearranged well established club with history dating back telephone call between Steve G7VOH and Prin- to the 1940s. International Marconi Day was cess Elettra, Gulielmo Marconi’s daughter. The founded and organised by Norman Pascoe conversation lasted for over 20 minutes where G4USB, sadly now silent key, and since 2016 she expressed her sincere gratitude to Steve and has been organised by the Club’s Chairman the Cornish Radio Amateur Club for organising Steve G7VOH. Steve has worked extremely hard this event each year to celebrate the birth and on IMD, usually starting in November and then works of her father. They spent a great deal of continues right up to the start time of the event the time talking about her father and of course making sure everything was in place to allow it to Cornwall where Princess Elettra was reminisc- run as smoothly as previous years. For 2022 he ing over the time she had spent there with the ended up with 62 official stations from around Cornish Radio Amateur Club visiting places her the world registering to take part. father had been. Before the phone call ended Sign up to our FREE email newsletter at www.radioenthusiast.co.uk 6 PRACTICAL WIRELESS August 2022 Feature Chris Duckling G3SVL [email protected] There are a number of Hamventions (amateur radio conventions) each year around the world, but the biggest one in Europe takes place on the last weekend of June in Friedrichshafen, Germany. The town lies on the banks of Lake Constance and the show is held in a modern exhibition centre three miles from the centre, next to the airport. The show runs for three days, Friday to Sunday, and attracts thousands of visitors. This year’s event was the first in three years due to the previous two events being cancelled for Covid reasons. We all wondered whether the enthusiasm to meet up again would overcome travel nervousness and recent travel disruptions – here’s what happened. Getting There and Staying There Although there is an airport at Friedrichshafen (FHN) there are currently no direct flights from 1 the UK. I’ve previously flown to Munich and taken a train, flown to Zürich and taken a train to Friedrichshafen Romanshorn then caught a ferry across the lake to Friedrichshafen or flown to Basel and rented a car. Others fly to Frankfurt and get a connecting flight Ham Radio Show 2022 while a few cross the Channel and drive the 500 mile journey from Calais. I met some from the UK who were adding on additional days to explore the area. Phil G4OBK along with Victor GI4ONL was The Ham Radio event at Friedrichshafen returned in June planning to activate over 30 summits in the Czech after a three year hiatus. Chris Duckling G3SVL has a Republic, the Allgau Alps and Bavaria as part of report on the show. the Summits on the Air (SOTA) programme. This year I was meeting up with Ian G3YBY and Tony G4LDL at Basel and hiring a car. The three of us minutes to clear. The flea market boom came their own complex radio and experiment with rented a three-bedroomed Airbnb, which was very as Europe expanded and Russian new old the open-source software. Their product looked comfortable but was a 30 minute walk each way stock (NoS) parts appeared at very reasonable professionally made. to the lakeside restaurants. prices. Over the years the number of traders Reuter Electronik were showing their RDR54 – a There are plenty of hotels, guest houses has reduced but the big three (Yaesu, Icom and compact SDR receiver, which consists of a basic and Airbnbs to choose from in the town and Kenwood) as well as Elecraft and Wimo (the large unit with a bus board and pluggable modules to surrounding villages and it was noticeable this German agent for many brands) were always in allow direct sampling to 2m. I particularly liked year that rooms that would usually be booked attendance. This year only Icom had a presence another product of theirs, the sPocket radio, up months in advance were still available a few and Elecraft was shown on their German dealer’s which links directly to a tablet to produce an weeks before the show. On show days there are stand. Wimo did not attend. Bhi were showing easily transportable radio. But at €2,500 for a fully frequent, free, buses to and from the town centre their range of noise cancelling devices and configured sPocket C4 device to cover up to 2m to the exhibition. It’s all rather easy and organised, seemed busy every time I passed by. with 2 x 16bit DACs, I’m not sure I’m their target although the buses can get full in the mornings. Major product releases are usually timed for market. US or Japanese events, but Friedrichshafen often The exhibition hall was not fully used with The Show provides the first opportunity to see new kit in perhaps one third commercial traders, one For me the event comprises a number of Europe. After extensive touring of the exhibition third clubs and national societies and one elements: traders showing and selling new kit, a hall I could find no new releases other than some third cordoned off and not used. I was told that ‘flea market’, Club stands, a lecture programme software defined radios (SDR) developments. manufacturers felt Covid restrictions and general and socialising. Catering facilities include snack The Charly 25 RADIOlab range from Smart uncertainty made it difficult for them to commit bars, a restaurant and a beer garden (this is Radio Concepts was a case in point. They have to exhibiting when asked earlier in the year. southern Germany after all!). developed a modular SDR transceiver based on Hopefully they will return next year. By contrast, I’ve been going to the show on and off for the RF assemblies, cases and displays and which use the clubs and societies area appeared to be as past 15 years and in the early days the large a STEMlab 14/16 from Slovenian company Red occupied as usual. The RSGB had a large stand 10,000 square metre exhibition hall was full Pitaya for its SDR core. Edwin DC9OE told me their and were doing a roaring trade in selling their and there were five or six 6,000 square metre approach is to sell anything from an assembly extensive collections of books. Other national flea market halls. Multiple lecture streams ran or kit right through to built and tested radios. societies were also present with DARC (German in parallel and queues to get in could take 20 This will surely appeal to those who want to build Amateur Radio society) unsurprisingly having Read more radio news and reviews at www.radioenthusiast.co.uk/news August 2022 PRACTICAL WIRELESS 7 Feature 2 3 Photo 1: Icom were the only one of the ‘big three’ to exhibit. Photo 2: The Charly 25 (see text). Photo 3: As always, the beer garden proved popular for some catching up. Photo 4: Some ‘classic’ gear on sale in the flea market. Photo 5: Crowds in the flea market. Photo 6: An antenna, anyone? the largest representation. European DX Clubs were to be found in the enlarged DX Plaza with CDXC and IOTA (Islands on The Air) from the 4 5 UK receiving a steady stream of visitors. In total there were 394 participants, including 129 commercial exhibitors, in the main hall. equipment and lectures, there is a huge social The flea market this year was down to one scene that goes on around it. During the day the and a half halls but the official press release beer garden is packed. The food franchises serve says there were still 265 exhibitors from 27 traditional German food with rarely a green leaf countries in those halls. It remains the place to or piece of fruit in sight! This year it poured with find anything from an egg insulator to a solid- rain on the Friday but under the umbrellas the state linear, a vacuum relay, second-hand radios, socialising was as evident as usual. If you are 1960s and 70s Heathkit and Drake products, relatively well known, it can take a fair amount of second-hand laptops, cables, connectors as well time to weave your way through the crowds as you as some stuff that I cannot see anyone would meet friends, many of whom you haven’t seen in ever want! I bought a few odds and ends at what I three years. Over lunch there are newly acquired 6 thought were bargain prices. items to be shown and discussed and it is not Lectures were reduced to just two lecture uncommon for the beer to make a purchasing streams this year and seemed to be poorly decision become far easier! Of course, those who enthusiasts from 52 countries. This is about 30% attended most times I dropped by. travelled with only cabin baggage allowances are down on 2019 attendance numbers. Attendance on the Friday was noticeably down at a distinct disadvantage here. Final Thoughts on previous years and it was easy to get close Socialising doesn’t end at the show. There up to exhibits and to talk with traders. Saturday are organised dinners, the Bavarian Contest If I were to sum up Friedrichshafen 2022, I always attracts more day visitors and while the Club event being the biggest, and the lakefront would say that the social element was as good exhibition hall was never overly crowded the restaurants are full of amateurs and their as or maybe even better than 2019, that the flea market was its normal three deep in places. partners. I often feel as if I am walking through an lack of major dealers and new products was a Noticeable by their absence, both in the flea international callbook with some of my contest disappointment, that the reduced attendance market and general attendance, were Russian and DX heroes sitting at the restaurant tables. made things a little easier but that the lecture traders and visitors. They have been a significant If the show itself seemed smaller and less well stream was underwhelming. Nevertheless, I had presence over the years but the current political attended, the socialising element appeared to be a great time and despite a rail strike and reported situation appears to have reduced their numbers undiminished. airport chaos, my travel worked as planned. The to almost zero. The official press release from the show said dates for 2023 are 23 to 25 June and I plan to be Friedrichshafen has never been only about the the weekend attracted 10,200 amateur radio there. I think that says it all. PW Sign up to our FREE email newsletter at www.radioenthusiast.co.uk 8 PRACTICAL WIRELESS August 2022 Visit our Book Store at www.radioenthusiast.co.uk RADIO ENTHUSIAST BOOKSHOP The Magic Bands Building on Don's earlier books the 6 Metre Handbook and Six and Four, The Magic Bands adds lots lots of material on data modes operation, which has grown enormously in popularity in recent years with the advent of FT8. There is detail of the many new radios that have appeared in recent years with 6m and, increasingly, 4m capabilities. Readers will fi nd two new antenna designs from Justin Johnson, G0KSC, of InnovAntennas especially produced for this book. There is detail of software too, not just for data modes but for remote operation, tracking of achievements and much else. There is even material highlighting the achievements of several of the leading operators on the 6m band. The 6m band is now almost universally available across the amateur radio world, while in recent years 4m access has been granted to many more countries, often on a permanent basis. So OUR PRICE why miss out on the 'Magic bands'? The Magic £15.99 Bands is recommended for anyone who wants to try these bands out and is a comprehensive guide for those who are already hooked on these fascinating pieces of spectrum. PPLLUUSS PP&&PP R2A2£SAu0ll04llab2 iis127ssdcss ra.1iiuubov9eee assAUr9i l pooa srrbpfficc elRReelh aaur £oddi2sniiv3oo .ae p9UU 9h &ss aCpeenlprruDd sppy uup C&bbDplliiss Rhhoeemdd .iinn dePdunbelimshmeodcebryevWoarbAna2er dscnaoGr0m0o.7upprel2PdeuatbeleiR1c PattaiDob nAFosr ,cATAhreecRbhMoiadvlAtCein gosf,H WReeansdtizISCiaootgprapUeaaicVynprecrmftpirso egtoiersr,phetemnh itgetnetBocs o cafrlxian ueonwootitpue rgiE ruoueenartm2daeirn vlore l tlsa ren ath0nrdpestrenasesi,raluio ysdtal 2,gdb an pw tfuLerrlh ogoie1eaasirienrnnnps rhrib teglsa caraleiio issdndskbtded, htd.ev rsi elpuoeoeiinPtctelhcsnny isEe baeto i.etit1 f byo t aohAcb0ao lnnirRelunsg sl9 d’ .ira idtr rPnCrn W.eaide d H waaPDpwintaeoishrre tt hUiio cascsB iocnnas - egalfa eranesu2nienrbv n sl0o adlneUylto2eonro ion t d1 d, at R. £SP2Ainul 04rlb2 sia027sc2scr.1iu1b9te e aiAsr9cv poa arrpificlc laPel hb urW£alie2scv 3ito .irep9nce9a &a Cllp heWlpuDassinr pesd&lyep sCsD p Ruobmlis.hed dednemmocerPeuvbolibsaheddnaby0.7Warren22dearesRGtra00obuoprcPAu22beloibAcofad t11icPAonorsa,mT chpAAte2ilM3ce9aa1tltelRRien c WgPnsi,sDiWrCCeeeFnsilzt eaASCgHHspotprraarpeeasicyncmtcprecorftairo e tgoiheusr,p2ohtmnth iteitnBetioso oi cadflx0i ueIIonnovwottpaegris ruuoeearrm2da eern avlr l tlrsa n re arhrdpe1esuVVternaei,ral uo eysdtta,gdtba n pw tfLuerklah ooieaasiireenrnnpsmrhrbn egsa carea iio issdnbsdbtdd, htdg.yEEv ri elpuoeo neiiPPtcielhcslnyniEle raeto i.aet1it f bo t aohAcsc0aolnnirettlusng li9 ds .cir idtr rPnCer Wa.eae d H bwlaPDpw naeWssh’re tt hiio ncascsi iiocnrnaa etegalfia anersu2lnineBbv n l0oadl-nseylo2esnr son st 1 ed,lt e r. i WlacitcarP OOOOORRRRRDDDDDEEEEERRRRRIIIIINNNNNGGGGG IIIIISSSSS EEEEEAAAAASSSSSYYYYY or call 01778 395161 at: www.radioenthusiast.co.uk/store/bookshop Browse our best sellers at: bit.ly/bestsellers21 August 2022 PRACTICAL WIRELESS 9 Feature Ray Howes G4OWY/G6AUW [email protected] I was going to begin with a quick chat about art. However, I didn’t think you’d be interested in that? Instead, I’m going to regale you all with my al fresco amateur radio misadventures into the big wide fresh-air outdoors. So, I’d better mention the exotic equipment I took with me. An FT-817, an HF whip, a counterpoise, a VHF/UHF antenna of dubious quality and a microphone to stir up some excitement on 20m, or so I hoped. I also brought an old military type Morse key along, just in case a stint on CW might help tempt the weak signals out of the on-air woodwork. Before I get into the action of contacts and that sort of thing, my partner was eager to get away but had other ideas on how we would spend the time away. For a start, she told me she “wanted to breathe in the sea air, sit in a deckchair and watch the waves hit the shoreline and just chill out with a ‘99’ and a G&T”. But that also meant no phone activity (only for emergencies), no excursions or fancy candle-lit dinners. And definitely no “amateur radio racket disturbing the peace”. As you may imagine, it was going to be an uphill struggle to dissuade my other half from her perfect get-away. Anyhow, a couple of bribes later the other half relented. She packed her bag and I packed mine. And of course, I packed my radio gear. Yippee! Some Exotic Hideaway Where did we go, I hear you ask? Sidmouth, on the sunny south Devon coast. When we arrived and parked up the car, we both breathed in at least eight pints of fresh sea bracing air. We waved at the doorman and he happily waved back. We’ve stayed at the same hotel in Sidmouth for yonks, 1 so Paul, the doorman, knew a good thing when he saw it. Another tip was heading his way. Out & About Al Fresco Once inside our usual room, my unpacking took minutes. My partner’s unpacking seemed to take a lifetime to complete. I quickly unpacked the radio gear and was ready to go out and begin CQing, Join Ray G4OWY/G6AUW with a light-hearted tale as he or as is usually the case running flea power, tail- ending QSOs, and hoping the bloke at the other visits the seaside! end, heard you! Luckily, Sidmouth is blessed with a few high DX that afternoon was France, and a bloke on the going to put both oars in but thought better of it. hills just minutes from our hotel. After a liquid Isle of Mull doing what I was doing in Sidmouth. I Besides, it was 5.30pm, and we were both gagging lunch I set off for a spell of amateur radio. The guessed that Sidmouth to anywhere up North is a for a plate of fish & chips and mushy peas, or XYL brought along a few magazines that she’d big hop. So, I congratulated myself. maybe a posh meal at the hotel. We chose the ‘borrowed’ from the hotel foyer. I quickly set up I switched bands and alighted on 40m. More fish & chips. A posh meal at the hotel would have the rig, plugged in the HF whip etc and spun the action there. I worked a few G stations and a meant a plate of fish & chips afterwards anyway. tuning knob to see what rare DX I could snag on station in Northern Ireland. Can’t remember his A Quick Stroll 20m. Zilch. All I could hear were a few Italian location, it was unpronounceable. I wrote it down stations doing what they do best, over-driving but lost the bit of paper. Feeling depressed, I After the food, we went for a stroll along the their outboard linear amplifiers and talking Italian. went to 2m to see what was happening there. Not promenade. I took the rig. I hid it in a carrier bag There was a Norwegian station calling CQ, but much. A couple of stations on the local repeater (I prefer to be incommunicado). Again, not a lot his signal was so weak and watery that he may were bitching about the RSGB and giving all and heard on the local repeater. Put out a few calls as well have been located on the other side of the sundry who happened to be listening their views here and there until I was hoarse but no takers. Milky Way, rather than somewhere in Norway. The on why amateur radio is “going to the dogs”. I was Then, as we were walking back to the hotel, I had a Sign up to our FREE email newsletter at www.radioenthusiast.co.uk 10 PRACTICAL WIRELESS August 2022