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Practical Photovoltaic Cells And How They Work 1982 PDF

206 Pages·1982·2.32 MB·English
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Preview Practical Photovoltaic Cells And How They Work 1982

PRACTICAL PHOTOVOLTAICS Electricity from Solar Cells Richard J. Komp, PhD Skyheat Associates English, Indiana satec publications p.o.box 7119 ann arbor, michigan 48107 Sesoré Pinta 1982 Copyright > 155; by antec publoations P.O. Box 7118, om Arbon, Mivhipan 48397 ‘ibery ot Cargtets Catalog Ca: Nun ber 81-7082 Iu 0937048020 AU Rights Resered Munutictyca 1 the Usted States of Amrice simed and Reve by Braun hosil, Jn.,.19 Ao ae, Micha ase Toa by Ca Beaks TOREWORD Tor over a century people have knawr [nat sunlight can produce eleutivity, Ihe Preach physicist Edmond Reecverdl discoverec this cael in 1839. Like so miany’ of his scieniffe contemporaries, Recawerelslevoted rauch study te clesteiv.ty. As pact of a sones of sfcical experiments, he emer, ww natal plates iva corsduc live Puid and cxposee the apparatus co the sun. He observed a small vollaye zn another set of experiments, Willoughby Smith dissoveret it 1873, that selenium was soastive to light. Smith's discovery stint ‘ated Adams end Day to conduct further Wesls with se.eruust une light, provirg thac when ligt scrick selesiom, 99 eleetrical eurrenL ‘ap booeratal. "About the same time Uist ampe electrical peneating sans begs producing power foe facturies. Chars Falls vane up id fae fast Selene: soley cel, Acvonding to Frits, when exposed te tight the cell yeoerated “a current Cat #as continliols, constant, ze of considecable electramorive force.” Frits kl abitioes plavs For is gell. We predicced that chey “may ee Joag compete ‘wth the ynamovelectric “machine.” Due +o the compactness of the cell f felt tat cack: building COuIe be its own electriew” generating plant rather Ura be dependent au a ventea ized fic. Fasthenwore Pritts wots in 1486 har since “the sapely e'solar energy Is both vwitheut Hnuit wud without 2291," iL will eoebeue to pour dow uron us long alter we uu ou af Tussil fuels ‘The nascent solar cell industey af the R80, =owover, reve rook aif, Power engineen dosed that eolar cull could geno-ate Tange amenans af power They were accustomed lo warkitg wil dueat to prose energy. No systern could oxist, they argued, ion could generete usable anco.mts of energy wilhaul consuming sig: nitkant q@aantiies of wuterial substances. Anything ta che con tay, the enpineceng and seientGic establishment maincsiaed, Siglated the puirin’s of the eonseralion of energy. Sorandly, hey felt tat solss esergy could mol produce enough heat 16 feactale tage acsoutts of exeray. The measurement of the sala constant proved thi Centereporary solar uel promocers cothd rot rake thenretial ermumen's ayinst chece objectors, The veasou wip ular ex work the photovoluic #fece—lay beyond ie theureleu Tracke work of clusieal physics, Sueh knowledge was tay beyund ary one's roach at the Lime, They omuld ealy look ie ewe, did \Wemner Siemens. the renowned German industria st iaton aed seiontist, pranomncieg Critts' work as “9: the greatcet seiextiliy Signilicance since these .£ heve presets 9s, Hop ee st cme, the Greet eaersion of the eusigy of ligt sn eleotieul energy.” ‘Only alter the general acceptance a? quantum uieelamier—ohch ‘plained scisnnically haw solar cells eeoduceelecliily direct y Fram sunlighe—cid serioas intcvest iv solar wells z2commenes sarrong engineers ané sects. By Ute early 93s scincies had rediscovered the stien'an solar cell, renewing Frins' arsam of Produci:g Tuelless electricity for earamercil purpess. A 1931 selcle In Forudar Soin supgestoe that ance chest ells weve refed they might powe: Sa lage solur eloetre station at a cust fo greater chan would fe equi le kuFld » hyerostrie station fof the same capacity.” ina siilar rein, Qudloak and fafenenlen! Eropinesizr€ that dices cells were "wickin saage of prastaal frye seals paver poncration.” Unfortunately, hese nicw sen. velit > ied to tie sune low Wrearctical elec eal cUtput Ul Frits snd other eauly researczers Caced. Th Ws algo saw crew. oF lus interest in e4pr0u8 oxite‘copper solar zells, bus the ells were Inefficient because of ta location af the active juetion “Theough che early 1950e seleciise ev" remained rhe mast effecive anu rebable of Ce solar ees, The hesl cells ould rans farm 1 of et incoming sanliaht ints cleineity hardly enougt to be esed a6 a power sour. AL this tim: Telephone Lanoralariee were sccking a dependsh: nergy sousce to power communizatiet: syScems in Isocuted areas Darryl Chapin, the leer af Mis rowarct eet, concuded tat a soleepowered ovice sould he the esl snlction ané tried © ddovela> a more clfeiee eau cell, bul to uo aval Meats ie, anolke> Bell sientist, Cal Fuller, nd hoon explor ing ways of aking sear, & material similar to selenium, mio a ‘nove elliceat seotifier=w device which permits eleutcical eustsat to travel in une clisenion. Fuller increased elficencies by addirs inpuritise ta the silicon; whon ar outside voltage wos appli, sirongsr curren: Sow gevulted ‘The daector of te retier prow zzim. Gordan Seursun, tortuiteusly eeposed one uf Fuller's improved rectifiers ta lighs, Ts tes suipisey Pearson recalled, “T noticed chat i: vas very Tighceensuire.” A comdershle amount of lectrioal quecon. was geuevated Pearse roeagrased the obstacles Ckayin faced and brouxh: ks discovery to Las fritsd's attertion. Suou Fuller ata Chagia aed therelves wfrieg the new solse x2, Penson remicisced ‘Altsougs at dio stait Wo woren’ xolng acter a solar oe at a ‘par. this Cbcovory, we tumed Ic into a sola= ell prove.” Chapin and Culler found chat this “rectifie®” 207s ‘of all incoming Sunlighe iio slovtrciy. Thus, the solar cell works! fonr times better shar chs tt selenite oes Wat cantem with tre 4% canversioa Cautor, they worked far sevstal months tying, ca make the solar cll ever. more efficient, bed ths gracovs as the “usual vut and lry research, hey annourced tte development uf aula oell with ap efliceney of #2, Pigtures of Cksnin, Fallsrunel Peason ith a secc-powered tninislor radio were Fasheé acrom dhe nation aad delentatigral borden, econ ina to Chapin, their divsc ery "shook the wale works.” dusinesy Week relic such eattusasm, oe dicung that Tnase salar convertess Would coun powes Phanagrants, Tans and Jawnimawers, The mayazine ovea tiked of asolar voutert. fnle car hae W013 use “a solar esll to aulde it dowe a white ine 2 contral.* Since there wacld he na need for steering, t bly in the bask oy nem sntiste concluded, “all the riders could sie vam seat amd, perhaps, wate. colur-powered TY. yen though fuer and Chapin began bundling ces wich ell <iencies a5 high a8 15%, they took v auore aber view. “We iri 10 avoid making too each slain for it," Chapin explained, “becmse 1x2 karew itwas in the fuberatory stage, i uae an expensive proves ard there was a fot ta bs dous bofoce we could speak af Ines af power.” L-fortunately, highpurity sicon, costing 880 pe: pout seas required for ellivient cells. Ferthermare, 8 good cel sad i he andsra‘ted. Each vell had to be sized oranally Many envisioned acces of solac cells supplying the world wiih cheap, clean exerey, However. Tae cust of these celle Kept this vsior. bv the teal oF stivace Ciction. Instead, as Chapin pointed oul, “Beeuss we didn’s want te claim s¢0 much and embarras ‘ourselves with Howe Tittle we liad, we eraphasized serall uses." The Firs pruetizal appeation of these vets was 20 power a telephone repenter system it mural Geonga. Ths system, cortined with battery storage or nighitine sepply, worked without preblers. However, after an evusumic analysis, it was shown not ta Petitive with conventional snurees of ence. Just as these cals were shout to Ve vausiuned Ia the eariosity heap, ths spave race -esascitated Lieieuility. Suletites ané ether space voces required a ing 2erm power source, and power li bf cour, coud net he called lato serviee. The only wltematives fo the solar cell wore cueabersbene feel systerss or hatteues. Sular sslls i spaze require nv storage heoause of tke causal tanlghl In this special niche, solar cells pruved vel effective-and tey ‘were the lightest per watt source uf energy. The Aricsigan space programm crealod the solar eel. enduscry. Virtually all be satelltes, Tram Vanguard rn Skylab, wete powered by solar ecg. eprestial apptizations of solar celle remained untrisd aa€ wie xplored, As enya the raid-SOr, tne New York Yinws suppested thot “It nay well 3e,., we OUEh€ to transfer zam af nur intsiest in atowie pusive to calor power.” Why gavermment never funded reseatch of cheaper, more efficient ects mystitied some. Peraaps the complacency of y nation hypnesized by the spell of limites, cheap fel made government ianore this potentiny valusbie nergy sauna? Cr wus une ease of ily dhinlerest on aimvaat in ueizst ag the evergy sevior vie Ture? Tata, Sal fs na longer zhoap,.and we anim that nuclece energy will aot save us. Llectre-ty trom solar cells ba ste3 towaed energy Ristard homp's pructival puids le plislavostaias he sun's powar 9 us in iadvvene: tellg as how we ean effectively put aenezeting electricity John Pertin Santa Burhara, Calsornia Co-Author, The Golden Tiread. 2590 Your of Solar Architecture & Technuton, PREFAC nergy irdependenes has aecame a national goa" It isiraperanive lal we gain detect soncrol over our enelgy sources, ther Ura ely an Jwindkag f1el supplies aad uncestuin po.tseal alfances. Te only truly ‘dependent sources o enengy are Une cumslanlly rerowed sources sucocnding us: Le wind, Bowing water, grosing plants, ané the cex—the ulrimzle energy soarce. More anu manne, Tuning 29 te renewable resnurces for our eoany sne:gy us. ‘Toy iL i raive'y cummion to lew. us homes aed the sus, Be have cso éevelaped salar sectniques lo dry erops, rake soem For industal aenseses, east even nm oi) ulldiaes Bac the mast desiable ase of the sua"s snecay, und che eue mist importance 70 ear furuse, is tae production of electricity. Photo wollaiz cells, or solar cells, can capture the sue. end convert it ico slectristy, They are rugged, reisble, “ons2usiing, have ne moving perts, and give aff ne ehemisal ay-penduets, Fusthermors, tacy ernbe aed almost wayehere, sath me diseage to Lae environment Many peaple arsrtcrested ir phatavoltsie cells. hut ape deterred Iy the high pie aud by theic kek of knowledge wn how te use Lert, Suave have te apres al wala eos ars wn exoliesourne Gl poser best left te the space program ar the distant furore. This ig not 30, Photavaltaic oats ae pretcal rigit now For cany pu ests, aud iT $ gbite simple 10 ieatn How To use them). Saywhere with lecuricty ic needed ard not avaiable ftom s cents uty, solar celig my be the host wey 10 fovnisl: hat eleelneity ‘Te idea for this book wre Cut of ny series of oar all work- stoops, the Fist of whick were held at Skyeat, a small nonpaotit research foundation in Souther Tndigna, Workshop Tertisipants avtually assemble their own salar atiays Hom: surplus solae ces ard commonly available construction mstarie's it became uppurent thet a mantal would be very usefut for these ongoing workshops, This book is the res, Practical Pactcvotuies is ore thon 8 workscop marcial or 3 ityoareal hoo. It serves bath the technical end the noalechmice! reader, The dist sestion is Uevatod Lo w genera: eseriptian of clas calls aud modules. Then a tec=nical wetion dateils how te use solar eells and affers slep-ny-siep instnictions for csseuibling solar errays. Chaplers on ow solar eclls work und how they are made follow. Fine, a sotiue on dis phaturolic industey, now oe. tifle developrsents and flare prospects giver an ovecview o. las Jascinating appkeation of soar onciay Richard 3, Komp Richard J. Komp received his PRD in physicel chemistry from Wayne State University. He hhevan his research on photovoltaics ata phys cist with Xerox Corporation and Yas since tought physics and conducted research at Western Kentucky Unversity and Wayne Stat University. Research interests have included 2 4 the mechanism: of dye photosensitization of selenium and tine oxide; imaging systems, organic dye semiconductors and cuprous oxide sola cell Dr. Komp designed and built Skyheat, a nonprofit solar researc: complex in Southern Indigna, In addition to research and consulting, the author conducts haad+on solar work: shops, both at Skyheat and nationwide, including a seres on photovoltaic cas

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