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Practical Insight into CMMI PDF

323 Pages·2004·2.041 MB·English
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 Practical Insight into CMMI ForalistingofrecenttitlesintheArtechHouseComputingLibrary, turntothebackofthisbook.  Practical Insight into CMMI Tim Kasse Artech House Boston • London www.artechhouse.com LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData AcatalogrecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheU.S.LibraryofCongress. BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData Kasse,Tim PracticalinsightintoCMMI.—(ArtechHousecomputinglibrary) 1.CapabilityMaturityModel(Computersoftware) I.Title 005.1’0685 ISBN1-58053-625-5 CoverdesignbyYekaterinaRatner ©2004TimKasse. Allrightsreserved ThefollowingareregisteredintheU.S.PatentandTrademarkOfficebyCarnegieMellonUniversity:Capability MaturityModel,CMM,andCMMI. Allrightsreserved.PrintedandboundintheUnitedStatesofAmerica.Nopartofthisbookmaybereproduced orutilizedinanyformorbyanymeans,electronicormechanical,includingphotocopying,recording,orbyany informationstorageandretrievalsystem,withoutpermissioninwritingfromthepublisher. Alltermsmentionedinthisbookthatareknowntobetrademarksorservicemarkshavebeenappropriately capitalized.ArtechHousecannotattesttotheaccuracyofthisinformation.Useofaterminthisbookshouldnot beregardedasaffectingthevalidityofanytrademarkorservicemark. InternationalStandardBookNumber:1-58053-625-5 10987654321 Totheprocessimprovementandqualitymanagementprofessionalswhotoilintheir respectivecompaniestopositivelyinfluencethedevelopmentanddeliveryofthehighest possibleproductandservicequalitythattheirprojectscanproduce . Contents Foreword by Bob Rassa . . . . . . . . . xix Foreword by Mike Phillips . . . . . . . . xxi Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxiii Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . xxviii Book overview. . . . . . . . . . . . xxix 1 Engineering Systems Think . . . . . . . . 1 CMMforSoftware 1 EstablishmentoftheSEI 1 CMMv1.0toCMMv1.1 1 SoftwareProductEngineering 2 TheneedforasystemsengineeringCMM 2 Theneedforanintegratedmodel 3 Systemsengineering 3 Softwareengineering 3 IntegratedProductandProcessDevelopment 3 Systemsengineeringandsystemsmanagement 4 Technology 5 Management 5 Managementoftechnology 5 Systemsengineeringdefinition 6 Engineeringsystemsthinking 6 GuidanceforActionPlanning 7 Systemsthinking 7 TheFifthDiscipline 8 Lawsofengineeringsystemsthinking 9 vii viii Contents Summary 11 References 12 2 Oriented-to-Business Results. . . . . . . . 13 Stateofthepracticeforsoftwareengineering 13 Today’ssituationinsoftwaresystems 13 Examplesofsoftwaresystemsproblems 13 Engineeringcompetency 14 Supportfortheorganization’sbusinessobjectives 15 Supportforseniormanagement’svision 16 Supportforprojectleaderstobettermanageandcontrol 17 End-to-endquality 17 Summary 18 References 19 3 Process Improvement Based on CMMI . . . . . 21 Theresultingquagmireofstandardsandmodelsdevelopedtogovern thesystems/softwareengineeringprocesses 21 CMMIandISO9001:2000 25 ISO9001:2000toCMMIcorrelation 26 CMMItoISO9001:2000correlation 26 Processimprovementforsoftware,systems,andbusinessbased onCMMI 27 CMMIandengineeringsystemsthinking 27 Summary 29 References 29 4 CMMI Speak . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Model 31 Modeloptions 32 Disciplines 32 Adequate,appropriate,asneeded 33 Establishandmaintain 33 Customer 34 Policy 34 Stakeholder 35 Relevantstakeholder 35 Projectmanager 36 Seniormanager 36 Organization 36 Contents ix Enterprise 37 Development 37 Product 37 Productcomponent 37 Workproduct:Life-cycleworkproduct 37 Project 39 Appraisal 39 Assessment 39 Tailoringguidelines 39 Verification 40 Validation 40 Goal 40 Objective 40 Document 40 Qualityandprocessperformanceobjectives 40 Operationalconceptandoperationalenvironment 41 Operationalscenarios 41 Systemsengineering 42 Summary 43 References 43 5 Roles and Responsibilities . . . . . . . . 45 Seniormanagement 45 Establishpolicies 45 Allocateorreallocateresources 46 Establishauthorityandresponsibility 46 Authorizetraining 46 Providevisiblesupport 47 Approveorganizationalcommitments 48 Seniormanagementoversight 48 Middlemanagement 49 Corporatebridge 49 Riskmanagementdecisionmaking 49 Processimprovementsteeringcommittee 49 Processowner 50 Projectmanager 52 Definitionofprojectmanagement 52 Theoldprojectmanagementrole 52 Thenewskillsrequiredofaprojectmanager 52 Estimation 53 Projectplanning 54

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