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Practical Handbook of Soil, Vadose Zone, and Ground-Water Contamination: Assessment, Prevention, and Remediation, Second Edition PDF

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Preview Practical Handbook of Soil, Vadose Zone, and Ground-Water Contamination: Assessment, Prevention, and Remediation, Second Edition

A APPENDIX Summary Information on Major Subsurface Characterization and Monitoring Techniques Table A.1 through Table A.13 in this appendix are method tables taken from EPA’sS ubsurface Characterization and Monitoring Techniques: A Desk Reference Guide (Boulding, 1993), which contains one- to two-page summary descriptions of more than 280 specific field methods. This two-volume guide was still in print as of early 2003 and can be obtained at no cost from U.S. EPA’s National Service Center for Environmental Publications (see Preface for information on how the obtain documents from the NSCEP). This appendix is intended to serve as a convenient summary of methods covered in that guide. All section numbers in tables and footnotes refer to locations in the EPA guide, where more detailed information about specific methods can be found. There have been a few new developments in instrumentation that are not covered in the EPA guide. Sections 6.5, 7.1.1, and 7.1.2 discuss recent developments in measuring matric potential, moisture content, and vadose zone hydraulic properties. Section 7.3.2 identifies recent developments in single- and multiple-well tests, including hydraulic tomography. Section 9.2.2 discusses recent enhancements to the hollow-stem auger and a variant of the air rotary called cryogenic drilling, and Section 9.5.4 discusses recent developments in multilevel ground water sampling, including diffusion samplers. Below is a list of the tables in this appendix and the pages on which they are located. Appendix B provides a listing and comprehensive index of more than 500 ASTM standards covering potential field and laboratory methods for sampling and characterization of soil, ground water, and waste materials. Table A.14 provides a shorter list of specific ASTM standards cited in this handbook. Table Page A.1Summary Information on Remote Sensing and Surface Geophysical Methods A.2Characteristics of Borehole Logging Methods A.3Summary Information on Vadose Zone Water State Measurement and Monitoring Methods A.4Summary Information on Vadose Hydraulic Conductivity Techniques A.5Summary Information on Vadose Zone Water Budget Characterization Methods A.6Summary Information on Ground Water Level/Pressure Measurement A.7Summary Information on Aquifer Test Methods A.8Summary Information on Drilling Methods A.9Summary of Handheld Soil Sampling Devices A.10Summary of Major Types of Power-Driven Samplers A.11Summary Information on Soil-Solute Monitoring and Sampling Methods A.12Summary Information on Ground-Water Sampling Devices A.13Summary Information on Sample Processing/Analytical Techniques A.14ASTM Standard Methods Cited in This Handbook ©2004 CRC Press LLC Table A.1 Summary Information on Remote Sensing and Surface Geophysical Methods Soils/ Penetration Depth Technique Geology Leachate Buried Wastes NAPLs (m)a Costb Section/Tables Airborne Remote Sensing and Geophysics Visible Photography + Yes Yesc Possiblyd Yesc Surf. only L 1.1.1/Tb 1.1.1 Infrared Photography + Yes Yesc Possiblyd Yesc Surf. only L-M 1.1.1/Tb 1.1.1 Multispectral Imaging Yes Yesc No Yesc Surf. only L 1.1.1/Tb 1.1.1 Ultraviolet Photography Yes Yesc No Yesc Surf. only L 1.1.2/Tb 1.1.1 Thermal Infrared Scanning Yes Yes (T) Possiblyd Possibly Surf. only M 1.1.3 Active Microwave (Radar) + Yes Possibly No Possibly 0.1–2 M 1.1.4 Airborne Electromagnetics Yes Yes (C) Yes Possibly 0–100 M 1.1.5 Aeromagnetics Yes No Yes No 10s–100s M 1.1.6 Surface Electrical and Electromagnetic Methods Self Potential Yes Yes (C) Yes No S 10s L 1.2.1 Electrical Resistivity + Yes Yes (C) Yes (M) Possibly S 60 (km) L-M 1.2.2, 9.1.1/Tbs 1.2, 1.3, 1.2.1 Induced Polarization Yes Yes (C) Yes Possibly S km L-M 1.2.3 Complex Resistivity Yes Yes (C) Yes Yes S km M-H 1.2.3 Dielectric Sensors Yes Yes (C) No Possibly S 2e L-M 6.2.3/Tb 6.1 Time Domain Reflectometry Yes Yes (C) No Yes S 2e M-H 6.2.4/Tb 6.1 Electromagnetic Induction + Yes Yes (C) Yes Possibly S 60(200)/C 15(50) L-M 1.3.1/Tbs 1.2, 1.3, 1.3.1 Transient Electromagnetics Yes Yes (C) Yes No S 150 (2000+) M-H 1.3.2/Tb 1.3.1 Metal Detectors No No Yes No C/S 0–3 L 1.3.3/Tbs 1.2, 1.3 VLF Resistivity Yes Yes (C) Yes No C/S 20–60 M-H 1.3.4 Magnetotellurics Yes Yes (C) No No S 1000+ M-H 1.3.5 Surface Seismic and Acoustic Methods Seismic Refraction + Yes Yes No No S 1–30 (200+) L-M 1.4.1/Tbs 1.2, 1.3 Shallow Seismic Reflection + Yes No No No S 10–30 (2000+) M-H 1.4.2 ©2004 CRC Press LLC Continuous Seismic Profiling Yes No No No C 1–100 L-M 1.4.3 Seismic Shear/Surface Waves Yes No No No S 10s–100s M-H 1.4.4 Acoustic Emission Monitoring Yes No No No S 2e L 1.4.5 Sonar/Fathometer Yes Yes No No C no limit L-H 1.4.6 Other Surface Geophysical Methods Ground-Penetrating Radar + Yes Yes (C) Yes Yes C 1–25 (100s) M 1.5.1/Tbs 1.2, 1.3 Magnetometry + No No Yes (F) No C/S 0–20f L-M 1.5.2/Tbs 1.2, 1.3 Gravity Yes Yes No No S 100s+ H 1.5.3 Radiation Detection No No Yes (nuclear) No C/S near surface L 1.5.4 Near-Surface Geothermometry Soil Temperature Yes Yes (T) No No S 1–2e L 1.6.1 Ground-Water Detection Yes Yes (T) No No S 2e L 1.6.2 Other Thermal Properties Yes No No No S 1–2e L-M 1.6.3 Note: All ratings are approximate and for general guidance only. Boldface = most commonly used methods at contaminated sites; + = covered in Superfund Field Operations Manual (U.S. EPA, 1987a); (C) = plume detected when contaminant(s) change conductivity of ground water; (F) = ferrous metals only; (T) = plume detected by temperature rather than conductivity. a S = station measurement; C = continuous measurement. Depths are for typical shallow applications; () = achievable depths. b Ratings are very approximate: L = low, M = moderate, H = high. c If leachate or NAPLs are on the ground or water surface or indirectly affect surface properties, see Table 1.1.1; field confirmation required. d Disturbed areas that may contain buried waste can often be detected on aerial photographs. e Typical maximum depth; greater depths possible, but sensor placement is more difficult and cable lengths must be increased. f For ferrous metal detection, greater depths require larger masses of metal for detection; hundreds of meters depth can be sensed when using magnetometry for mapping geologic structure. ©2004 CRC Press LLC Table A.2 Characteristics of Borehole Logging Methods Radius of Log Type/Section Casinga Min. Diam.b Borehole Fluid Measurement Required Correction Electrical Logs Spontaneous Potential (3.1.1) Uncased only 1.5–3.0" Conductive fluid Near borehole surface Drilling fluid resistivity and borehole diameter for quantitative uses Single-Point Resistance (3.1.2) Uncased only 1.5–2.0" Conductive fluid Near borehole surface Not quantitative; hole diameter effects significant Fluid Conductivity (3.1.3) Uncased or 2.0–2.5" Conductive fluid Within borehole Calibration with fluid of known salinity; screened temperature correction Resistivity (3.1.4) Uncased only 2.0–5.5" Conductive fluid <1.0–60" Drilling fluid resistivity, borehole diameter, and temperature log for quantitative uses Dipmeter (3.1.5) Uncased only 6.0" Conductive fluid Near borehole surface Orientation; minimum of 6" diameter required for accurate joint/fracture characterization Induced Polarization (3.1.6) Uncased only 2.0" Conductive fluid 2.0–4.0' Hole diameter Cross-Well AC Voltage (3.1.6) Uncased only ? Wet or dry 10s to 100s of meters Borehole deviation Electromagnetic Logs Induction (3.2.1) Uncased or 2.0–4.0" Wet or dry 30" Effect of hole diameter and mud nonmetallic negligible Borehole Radar (3.2.2) Uncased or 2.0–6.0" Wet or dry Meters Borehole deviation (crosshole) nonmetallic Dielectric (3.2.3) Uncased or 5.0" Wet or dry 30" Conductive material skin depth; nonmetallic chlorine interference Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (3.2.4) Uncased only 7.0" Required 1.5' Borehole fluid Surface-Borehole CSAMT (3.2.4) Uncased only (?) ? Wet or dry(?) ? ? Nuclear Logs Natural Gamma (3.3.1) Uncased or cased 1.0–2.0" Wet or dry 6.0–12.0" None for qualitative uses; hole diameter, casing (thickness, composition, and size), and drilling fluid density for quantitative uses Gamma-Gamma (3.3.2) Uncased or cased 2.5" Wet or dry 6.0" Same as natural gamma with addition of formation fluid and matrix density corrections ©2004 CRC Press LLC Neutron (3.3.3) Uncased or cased 1.5–4.5" Wet or dry 6.0–12.0" Same as natural gamma with addition of temperature, fluid salinity, and matrix composition corrections Gamma Spectrometry (3.3.4) Uncased or cased 2.0–4.0" Wet or dry 6.0–12.0" Similar to natural gamma Neutron Activation (3.3.5) Uncased or cased 2.0–4.0" Wet or dry < Neutron ? Neutron Lifetime (3.3.6) Uncased or cased 2.0–4.0" Wet or dry < Neutron ? Acoustic and Seismic Logs Acoustic-Velocity/Sonicc (3.4.1) Uncased or bonded 2.0–4.0" Required Depends on frequency Hole diameter, formation fluid, and metallic and rock velocity; matrix velocity corrections for several feet quantitative uses Acoustic Waveformc(3.4.2) Uncased or bonded 2.5–3.0" Required > Sonic Same as sonic metallic Acoustic Televiewer (3.4.3) Uncased only 3.0" min., 16.0" max. Required Borehole surface Large number of equipment adjustments required during operation (calibration of magnetometer), borehole diameter response, borehole deviation Surface-Borehole Seismic (3.4.4) Uncased or bonded 2.5–4.0" Wet or dry Depends on geophone Borehole deviation, correction for cased configuration geometric spreading of source energy; geophones must be locked in dry holes Geophysical Diffraction Tomography Uncased or 2.5–4.0" Wet 100' Boreholedeviation (3.4.5) nonmetallic Cross-Borehole Seismic (3.4.6) Cased or uncased 2.0–3.0" Wet or dry Depends on borehole Borehole deviation spacing Miscellaneous Logging Methods Caliper (3.5.1) Uncased or cased 1.5"+ Wet or dry Arm limit (usually None 2.0–3.0') Temperature (3.5.2) Uncased or casedd 2.0" Required Within borehole Calibration to known standard Mechanical Flowmeter (3.5.3) e 2.0–4.0" Required e Borehole diameter for velocity and volumetric logging Thermal Flowmeter (3.5.4) e 2.0" Required e Borehole diameter for velocity and volumetric logging EM Flowmeter (3.5.5) e 2.0" Required e Borehole diameter for velocity and volumetric logging Single-borehole flow tracing (3.5.6) e 1.75"+ Required e Changes in flow field with time Colloidal Boroscope (3.5.7) e 2.0" Required e None Television/Photography (3.5.7) Uncased or cased 2.0"+ Wet or dry Borehole surface None ©2004 CRC Press LLC Table A.2 Characteristics of Borehole Logging Methods (Continued) Radius of Log Type/Section Casinga Min. Diam.b Borehole Fluid Measurement Required Correction Gravity (3.5.8) Uncased best 6.0" Wet or dry 10s to 100s of meters Borehole diameter/inclination; other usual gravity corrections Magnetic/Magnetic Susceptibility Uncased or ? Wet or dry 1.0–2.0' Hole diameter correction (3.5.8) nonmetallic Well Construction Logs Casing Collar Locator (3.6.1) Steel casing 2.0"+ Wet or dry Casing collar, None thickness Cement and Gravel Pack Logs Cased See specific logging (3.6.2) methods discussed in Section 3.6.2 Borehole Deviation (3.6.3) Uncased Varies Wet or dry Borehole surface Magnetic declination Fluid/Gas Chemical Sensors Eh, Ph Probes (5.5.4) Uncased/screened 1.0" Required Within borehole Calibration to known standards Ion-Selective Electrodes (5.5.5) Uncased/screened 1.0" Required Within borehole Calibration to known standards Fiber-Optic Chemical Sensors Uncased/screened <2.0" Wet or dry Within borehole Calibration to known standards (5.5.6) Other Chemical Sensors (10.6.5) Uncased/screened <1.0"–2.0" Wet or dry Within borehole Calibration to known standards Note: Information for general guidance only. Boldface = most frequently used techniques in ground-water investigations. a Unless otherwise specified, either plastic or steel casing is possible. b Indicates the range of minimum diameters for commercially available probes based on best available information. Various sources were used, with the survey by Adams et al. (1983) being the main source. c Wheatcraft et al. (1986) indicate that acoustic logs are suitable only for uncased boreholes. However, Thornhill and Benefield (1990) report using them for mechanical integrity tests of steel-cased injection wells. d Wheatcraft et al. (1986) indicate that casing is allowable for temperature logs; Benson (1991) indicates that casing should not be used. Uncased holes are required for identification of high-permeability zones. Cased hole uses would include measurement of geothermal gradient and cement bond logs (see Section 3.6.2). e Flow measurements are usually made in uncased holes or screened intervals of cased holes. Radius of measurement depends on the permeability and whether natural or induced flow is measured. Natural flow will measure the properties of several well diameters; pumping will measure properties up to 25 to 35 well diameters (Taylor, 1989). ©2004 CRC Press LLC Table A.3 Summary Information on Vadose Zone Water State Measurement and Monitoring Methods Method Property Measured Accuracy/Range Sections Vadose Zone Soil Water Potential Measurementa Porous Cup Tensiometers Capillary pressure 0 to –85 kPab 6.1.1 0 to –80 kPac Thermocouple Psychrometers Relative humidity –200 to –8000 kPab 6.1.2 –100 to –5000 kPac Resistance Sensors Resistance –50 to –1500 kPac 6.1.3 Gypsum Blocks Resistance 0 to –30 kPab 6.1.3 Fiberglass/Nylon Cells Resistance No limitsb 6.1.3 Electrothermal Methods Heat transfer 0 to –200 kPa 6.1.4 Osmotic Tensiometers Osmotic + pressure 0 to –1500 kPab 6.1.5 potential Filter Paper Method Water content –10 to –100,000 kPa 6.1.6 Electro-Optical Sensors Optical properties 0 to –2400 kPa 6.2.6 Water Activity Meter Relative humidity 0 to –31,600 kPa 6.1.7 Vadose Zone Soil Water Content Measurementa Gravimetric Weight d 6.2.1 Gamma-Gamma Radiation d 6.2.2, 3.3.2 Neutron Moisture Probe Radiation d 6.2.2, 3.3.3 Dielectric Sensors Dielectric d 6.2.3 Time Domain Reflectometry Dielectric d 6.2.4 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Magnetic field d 6.2.5, 3.2.4, 10.6.3 Electro-Optical Sensors Optical properties d 6.2.6 CAT Scan Radiation d 6.2.7 Thermal Infrared Remote sensing d 1.1.3 Active Microwave Remote sensing d 1.1.4 Four-Electrode Method Resistivity d 9.1.1 Salinity Sensors Conductivity d 9.1.3 Electromagnetic Induction Conductivity d 9.1.4 Other Vadose Zone Hydrologic Properties Soil Moisture–Potential–Conductivity 6.3.1 Relationships Water Sorptivity/Diffusivity 6.3.2 Available Water Capacity 0.1–1% 6.3.3 Note: Boldface = most commonly used methods. a Moisture content can be determined from measurement of soil water potential and vice versa by the use of a moisture characteristic curve, which relates matric potential to water content (Section 6.3.1). The pascal is the Standard International unit for measuring pressure used by the Soil Science Society of America. The bar is commonly used as a pressure unit in vadose zone investigations: 1 kPa = 1 cbar. b Indicated by Rehm et al. (1985). c Indicated by Bruce and Luxmoore (1986). d Most methods for measuring moisture content are accurate to around 1%. Gravimetric methods and nuclear methods can be accurate to 0.1% or less. ©2004 CRC Press LLC Table A.4 Summary Information on Vadose Hydraulic Conductivity Techniquesa Other Parameters Technique K or K K Directionb Measured Section Tables fs unsat Infiltration (see also Sections 7.2.3, 7.2.5, 7.2.6, 7.3.1, 7.3.4) Seepage Meters Saturated Undefined I 7.1.1 Instantaneous Rate Saturated Undefined I 7.1.1 Impoundment Water Budget Saturated Undefined I 7.1.1 Sprinkler Infiltrometer Saturated Vertical I 7.1.2 Infiltration Test Basins Saturated Undefined I 7.1.2 Watershed Average Undefined Undefined I 7.1.3 Watershed Empirical Relations Undefined Undefined I 7.1.3 Infiltration Equations Both Vertical I 7.1.4 7.5 Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity Instantaneous Profile Unsaturated Vertical D, F, K(f), R 7.2.1 7.3 Draining Profile Methods Unsaturated Vertical D, F, K(f), R, S 7.2.2 7.3 Tension Infiltrometers Both Vertical I, D, F, K(f), R, S 7.2.3 7.3 Crust-Imposed Steady Flux Unsaturated Vertical I, F, K(f) 7.2.4 7.3 Sprinkler/Dripper Methods Unsaturated Vertical I, F, K(f), R, S 7.2.5 7.3 Entrapped Air Method Unsaturated Vertical I, F 7.2.6 7.3 Parameter Identification Both Undefined R 7.2.7 7.3 Empirical Equations Both Undefined Varies 7.2.8 7.5 Column-Crust Both Vertical F, K(f) 7.3.8 7.4 Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity above Shallow Water Tablec Cylinder Infiltrometers Saturated Vertical I, S 7.3.1 7.4 Constant Head Borehole Saturated Horizontal S 7.3.2 7.4 Infiltration Guelph Permeameter Both Vertical/Horizontal K(f), S 7.3.3 7.4 Air-Entry Permeameter Both Vertical I, K(f), S 7.3.4 7.2, 7.4 Double Tube Saturated Vertical — 7.3.5 7.2, 7.4 Cylinder Permeameter Saturated Vertical — 7.3.6 7.2, 7.4 Infiltration Gradient Saturated Verticald — 7.3.7 7.4 Cube Saturated Vertical/Horizontal — 7.3.8 7.2, 7.4 Column/Monoliths Saturated Vertical — 7.3.8 7.2, 7.4 Boutwell Method Saturated Vertical/Horizontal — 7.3.9 Velocity Permeameter Saturated Vertical — 7.3.10 Percolation Test — e — e — 7.3.11 7.4 CP Porous Probe Saturated Horizontal — 2.2.2 Collection Lysimeter Saturated Vertical F 9.3.1 Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity above Deep Water Tablec USBR Single Well Saturated Undefined — 7.4.1 USBR Multiple Well Saturated Horizontal — 7.4.2 Stephens–Neuman Single Well Saturated Undefined — 7.4.3 Air Permeability Saturated Undefined — 7.4.4 Packer Tests Saturated Vertical/Horizontal — 4.3.3 Note: D = diffusivity; F = flux; I = infiltration; K(f) = hydraulic conductivity-pressure head relationship; R = retention (pressure-moisture relationship); S = sorptivity. a Most methods for measuring or estimating unsaturated hydraulic conductivity also can be used to measure water flux in the vadose zone. Section 7.5 discusses the application of these and other methods for measuring soil water flux. b Directional ratings are qualitative in nature. Different references might give different ratings depending on site conditions and criteria used to define directionality. c These methods measure field-saturated or satiated hydraulic conductivity (K ), which is lower than saturated fs hydraulic conductivity, due to the presence of entrapped air. d Differentiation of vertical and horizontal is possible when used with double-tube method. e The percolation test does not provide an accurate measure of saturated hydraulic conductivity. See Table 7.4 for sources on information on the relationship between percolation test results and K . sat ©2004 CRC Press LLC Table A.5 Summary Information on Vadose Zone Water Budget Characterization Methods Parameters Manual/ Technique Measured Automatic S/A/R Section Tables Water-Related Hydrometeorological A Measurements Sacramento Gauge Rain Manual ±1 mma 8.1.1 8.2 Storage Gauge Rain Manual ±1 mma 8.1.1 8.2 Automatic Wet/Dry Collectors Rain/Snow Either ±1 mma 8.1.1 8.2 Weighing Gauge Rain/Snow Automatic ±1 mma 8.1.2 8.2 Tipping Bucket Gauge Rain Automatic ±1 mma 8.1.2 8.2 Float Gauge Rain Automatic ±1 mma 8.1.2 8.2 S/A/R Sling Psychrometer Humidity Manual 0.1/0.5/— 8.1.3 8.2 Aspirated Psychrometer Humidity Either 0.02/0.1/— 8.1.3 8.2 Thermocouple Psychrometer Humidity Either ? 6.1.2 6.1, 6.3 Mechanical Hygrometers Humidity Either 1.0/5.0/20–100% 8.1.4 8.2 Dew-/Frost-Point Hygrometer Humidity Either 0.05/0.25/— 8.1.4 8.2 Dew Cell/Probes Humidity Automatic 0.5/2.0/10–100% 8.1.4 8.2 Electric Hygrometers Humidity Either 0.5/2.0/5.0–98% 8.1.4 8.2 Diffusion Hygrometers Humidity ? ? 8.1.4 8.2 Absorption Spectra Humidity ? ? 8.1.4 8.2 Hygrometers Other Hydrometeorological Measurements A/R Liquid-in-Glass Thermometer Temperature Manual ±0.5˚C/–40 to +60b 8.2.1 Bi-Metal Thermometer Temperature Either ±0.5˚C/–40 to +60b 8.2.1 Bourdon Tube Thermometer Temperature Either ±0.5˚C/–40 to +60b 8.2.1 Thermocouple Temperature Either ±0.5˚C/–40 to +60b 8.2.2 Metallic Resistance Bulb Temperature Either ±0.5˚C/–40 to +60b 8.2.2 Thermistor Temperature Either ±0.5˚C/–40 to +60b 8.2.2 Cup Anemometers H wind speed Either 1.0–50/±0.5m/seca 8.2.3 8.2 Windmill Anemometers V-H wind speed Either 1.0–50/±0.5m/seca 8.2.3 8.2 Pressure Anemometers H wind speed Manual 1.0–50/±0.5m/seca 8.2.3 8.2 Hot-Wire Anemometer V-H wind speed Automatic 1.0–50/±0.5m/seca 8.2.3 8.2 Acoustic Anemometer V-H wind speed Automatic 1.0–50/±0.5m/seca 8.2.3 8.2 Wind Vanes Direction Either 0.5–50/±5˚ 8.2.4 8.2 Wind Cones Direction Manual 1.0–50/±0.5m/seca 8.2.4 8.2 S/A Mercury Barometer Air pressure Manual ? 8.2.5 Altimeter Air pressure Manual 2 hPa/±0.2% 8.2.5 Precision Aneroid Air pressure Either 0.5 hPa/? 8.2.5 A Thermopile Pyranometers Global rad. Automatic ±0.1–0.5 mW/cm2 8.2.6 8.2 Bimetallic Pyranometer Global rad. Either ±1.0 mW/cm2 8.2.6 8.2 Photovoltaic Pyranometer Global rad. Either ? 8.2.6 8.2 Net Radiometers Net flux Either ? 8.2.7 8.2 Pyrheliometers Direct rad. Either ? 8.2.7 8.2 Evapotranspiration (Water Balance Methods) Accuracy Lysimeters WE, SE, ET, T Either Moderate to highc 8.3.1 8.3 Soil Moisture Monitoring SE, ET, T Manual Moderate to highc 8.3.2 8.3 Water Budget Methods WE, SE, ET, T Manual Low to high 8.3.3 8.3 Evaporation Pans WE Manual Moderate 8.3.4 8.3 Evaporimeter SE Manual Highc 8.3.5 Atmometers SE, T Manual Moderate 8.3.5 8.3 Chloride Tracer SE, ET, T Manual Moderate 8.3.6 Ground-Water Fluctuation SE, ET Manual Moderate 8.3.7 8.3 ©2004 CRC Press LLC Table A.5 Summary Information on Vadose Zone Water Budget Characterization Methods (Continued) Parameters Manual/ Technique Measured Automatic S/A/R Section Tables Other Transpiration Methods T Manual Moderate to highc 8.3.8 8.3 Thermal Infrared WE, SE, ET Either Low to moderate 1.1.3 1.3 Evapotranspiration (Micrometeorological) Empirical Equations WE, SE, ET, T Manual Moderate to high 8.4.1 8.3 Physically Based Equations WE, SE, ET Either Moderate to high 8.4.2 8.3 Mass Transfer Methods WE, ET, T Either Moderate to high 8.4.3 8.3 Energy Budget Methods WE, SE, ET, T Either Moderate to high 8.4.4 8.3 Profile/Gradient Method WE, SE, ET Either Low to moderate 8.4.5 8.3 Eddy Correlation WE, ET Either High 8.4.6 8.3 Note: Boldface = most commonly used methods. Abbreviations for hydrometeorological methods: S = sensitivity = the smallest fraction of a division on a scale on which a reading can be made directly or by estimation; A = accuracy = the closeness with which an observation approaches the true value; R = range of relative humidity that can be measured. Abbreviations for evapotranspiration methods: WE = water evaporation; SE = bare soil evaporation; ET = evapotranspiration; T = transpiration. a Recommended accuracy by World Meteorological Organization. Less precise measurements might be accept- able, depending on the purpose of measurements. b Range and accuracy of specific thermometers can range considerably; value shown is the recommended specification in U.S. EPA (1987b). c For high accuracy, numerous measurements at different locations might be required to adequately characterize the variability of evapotranspiration. Table A.6 Summary Information on Ground Water Level/Pressure Measurement Method Property Measured Accuracya Section Monitoring Well Water Level Measurement Steel Tape Water surface 0.01' 4.1.1 Electric Probe Water surface 0.02–0.1' 4.1.2 Air Line Pressure head 0.25' 4.1.3 Pressure Transducers Pressure head 0.01–0.1' 4.1.4 Popper/Acoustic Probe Water surface 0.1' 4.1.5 Ultrasonic Water surface 0.02–0.1' 4.1.6 Mechanical Float Water surface 0.02–0.5' 4.1.7 Potentiometer Float Water surface 0.01–0.1'b 4.1.7 Electromechanical Water surface 0.02–0.5' 4.1.8 Flowing Well Head Measurement Casing Extensions Water surface 0.1' 4.1.9 Manometer/Pressure Gauge Pressure head 0.1–0.5' 4.1.9 Transducers Pressure head 0.02' 4.1.9 In Situ Piezometers Pressure head 0.02–0.5'c 4.1.10 Note: Boldface = most commonly used methods. a Water level measurement accuracy in wells taken from Dalton et al. (1991). b Reported by Rosenberry (1990) as having accuracy similar to that of pressure transducers. c Lower range for measurements with transducers and upper range for pressure gauge. ©2004 CRC Press LLC

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