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Practical Guidelines for Lattice Design (particle physics) PDF

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Preview Practical Guidelines for Lattice Design (particle physics)

PAUL SCHERRER INSTITUT SLS-TME-TA-1999-0014 September 1999 Practical Guidelines for Lattice Design Andreas Streun Paul Scherrer Institut CH-5232 Villigen PSI Switzerland 2 Foreword This paper is based on the “Lattices” course held by Michel Martini (CERN) and the author at the Cern Accelerator School at Be´nodet (France) from Aug.30–Sep.9, 1999. The course consisted of seven units of each 90 minutes. Units 2,3,4 covering transverse dynamics,theBeamOpticscode,analyticandcomputeraideddesignoflatticesectionsas FODO cell, triplet, dispersion suppressor etc. were held by M.Martini, and the contents are well documented in refs.[32] and [2]. Units 1,5,6,7 covering introduction, magnets, globalquantities,acceptanceandlatticeerrorswereheldbytheauthorandthusaresubject ofthispaper. Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Intention Forabeginnertheproblemoflatticedesignappearsasajungleofmanyparametersnested in complicated ways with all kinds of constraints superimposed. It is difficult to obtain an overview, to sort the priorities and to develop a methodical design process. There exist many good lecture notes, articles and books on beam dynamics, but how to build a bridge across from theory to practical lattice design is not obvious for the beginner. It is the intention of this note to close that gap by taking a very pragmatic approach. We will largelydowithoutderivationsbutratherquotetheequationsweneedandtrustthosewho derivedthem. Howeverwe will always tryto be awareof the underlyingapproximations and limiationsof validity. We alsoinclude technologicalconstraintslike poletipfields or coilsizesof magnetsin orderto avoid unrealisticdesignsrightfromthe beginning. Thus wehopetoofferausefulcomplementto theoreticalbeamdynamics. 1.2 Lattice design 1.2.1 Task definition The arrangement of magnets and some other devices to guide and focus the beam is calledthelattice. Giventhepurposeofthemachine(particlefactory,lightsource...) and its desired performance(energy, luminosity,brightness, lifetime...) lattice design has to findasolutionwithinlimitationsofavailablearea,budgetandtechnology. Beyond performance and feasibility the basic requirements to lattice design are, that thesolutionsshouldbe simple: fewdifferentcomponenttypes,stadardization,high latticesymmetry robust: tolerancetoerrorsinalignmentandcomponentmanufacturing fail-safe: generallyconservative,takingtechnologicalrisks only when it is really neces- sarytoachieveunprecedentedperformance 3 4 CHAPTER1. INTRODUCTION cheap: concerningbothinstallationandoperationcosts reliable: thoroughlytestinginordertoenablesignificantperformancepredictions Of course all these requirements contradict performance and a careful weighting has to bedone. 1.2.2 Methodology Wemaydividethelatticedesignprocessintofourphases: (cid:0) 1. Preparation: Definition of performance issues ( sec.4.1) and boundary conditions. Acquisition of information on available building blocks (magnets) for composing (cid:0) thelatticeconcerningtheirpropertiesandtechnicallimitations( ch.2). 2. Linearlattice: Arrangementoflinearbuildingblocks(quadrupolesandbendingmag- nets) to obtain the desired global (i.e. concerning the lattice as a whole) quantities likecircumference,emittance,tune,etc. Thisphaseis mostcreativeanddealswith inventing periodic cells, matching sections, insertions etc. in linear approximation (cid:0) ( ch.3and4). 3. Nonlinearlattice: Introductionof sextupoles and RF cavities for stabilization of par- ticels with momentum deviations. Due to the nonlinearity of these elements dy- namic acceptance, i.e. stability limits for transverse and longitudinal deviations (cid:0) fromtheidealreferenceparticlebecomesthemaindesignissue( ch.5). 4. Reallattice: Investigation of lattice performance in presence of magnet misalign- ments, multipolar errors, vibrations etc. and development of correction schemes (cid:0) ( ch.6). This final design phase ends with a significant prediction on the perfor- manceofthelatticeincludingtheestimatedimperfectionsofreality. Little of lattice design can be done analytically, most tasks require the aid from a computer code. In phase 2 the designer needs a visual code to “play” with lattices and optimize them interactively. In phase 3 special tools for acceptance optimization and for tracking in order to check the results will be needed. Finally in phase 4 an extended trackingcodefor simulationofallkindsoferrorsisrequired. At the end of lattice design construction of the machine may start. Of course lattice design continues for existing machines too in order to improve them further or to under- standproblems. 1.2.3 Interfacing Lattice design provides the “skeleton” of the machine, telling how single particles move around the ring. However the “flesh” to be added is the beam current. The maximum beam current is a fuzzy subject to be shared between beam dynamics, vacuum and RF 1.2. LATTICEDESIGN 5 departments and difficult to predict precisely. In the framework of this paper we assume the beam current as given and do not consider it further. Instead we recommend that the lattice designer should be in contact with his/her colleagues from other departments for differentreasons: Vacuum: Impedance of vacuum chamber affects maximum beam current, pressure af- fectslifetime,pumpsabsorbersandflangesrequirespace. Radiofrequency: RF parameters determine momentum acceptance and other parame- tersaffectingdirectlythelatticedesign. Diagnostics: Beam position monitorshave to be inserted at the right locations and also requirespace. MagnetDesign: Technologicallimitsandgeometricalpropertiesofmagnetsdetermine maximum magnet strength to be used in lattice design, magnet coils need space, multipolarerrorsaffecttheacceptance. Alignment: Misalignmentscauseorbitdistortionsaffectingtheperformanceandrequir- ingcorrectionschemes. Mechanicalengineering: Groupingofmagnetsonstiffgirdersimprovestherobustness ofthelatticetomisalignmentsandvibrations. Construction: Devices to be installed by the different departments meet on the design engineersblueprintandconflictsrevealthere. Mostimportantforthelatticedesigneristoincludethespacerequirementsforalldevices rightfromthebeginning. Fig.1.1givesacomparisonofthelatticedesignersandthedesignengineersviewofa latticesection. 6 CHAPTER1. INTRODUCTION Figure 1.1: A lattice sections as seen by the lattice designer (top) and the design engi- neer (bottom). Note how the space between ideal magnets is consumed by coils, BPMs, absorbers,pumps,etc. Chapter 2 Lattice building blocks 2.1 Lattice composition Lattice design is the art of choosing the suitable building blocks and concatenate them in the appropriate way in order to obtain the desired machine performance within given limitations. It is important to make a clear distinction between local properties of the building blocksandglobalpropertiesofthelatticeaspronouncedbyForestandHirata[17]: “A quantity is called local if it is derivable from the individual magnet irre- spective of the magnet position in the ring and even irrespective of the ring itself. Forexampleatrajectoryofaparticlethroughthemagnetislocal. [...] Global information, on the contrary, is derivable only after the full ring is produced. For example the dynamic aperture has no meaning whatsoever if wecannotiteratetheone-turnmap(i.e. circulateparticlesin themachine).” Concatenation of building blocks is done by coordinate transformations, i.e. trans- lations and rotations. For example a vertical bending magnet is inserted by a horizontal (cid:1) bendingmagnetprecededbya90 rotationaroundthe (cid:2) -axis. A building block may have any coordinate system, however in practise it is either a cartesiangeometrywithparallelentranceandexitplanes(((cid:3) ,(cid:4) )planes,perpendicularto(cid:2) ) andlength(cid:5) oracylindricgeometrywithanangle(cid:6) betweentheentranceandaxisplanes andarclength (cid:5) . Obviouslycylindricgeometryismoreconvenientforthedescriptionof bendingmagnetsandcartesiangeometryforothermagnettypesanddriftspaces. After assembling all building blocks and closing the ring the one turn map can be (cid:8)(cid:10)(cid:9)(cid:12)(cid:11) calculated,it is just the mappingof theparticle vector (cid:7) (cid:3)(cid:14)(cid:13)(cid:16)(cid:15)(cid:18)(cid:17)(cid:19)(cid:13)(cid:20)(cid:4)(cid:21)(cid:13)(cid:16)(cid:15)(cid:18)(cid:22)(cid:23)(cid:13)(cid:20)(cid:24)(cid:23)(cid:13)(cid:20)(cid:25)(cid:26)(cid:2)(cid:23)(cid:27) from one (cid:8)(cid:29)(cid:28)(cid:31)#(cid:30)(cid:14)(cid:0) "! (cid:8)(cid:29)(cid:28)%$’& turn to the next (cid:7) (cid:7) with the order of the map corresponding to the highest power in the coordinates. Thus the closed orbit is a fixpoint of the one-turn map and the transfermatrixis alinearizationoftheone-turnmaparoundtheclosedorbit. Forthepracticallatticedesignassubjectofthisnotewewillneedonlyasmall,ideal- izedsubsetoftheformalismwithfollowingapproximations: 7 8 CHAPTER2. LATTICEBUILDINGBLOCKS ( Linear beam dynamics with convenient quantities: emittance (the Courant-Snyder invariant),betafunctions,betatronphases,etc. ( Decouplingofsubspaces: Synchrotronmotion,i.e. dynamicsin((cid:24) ,(cid:25)(cid:26)(cid:2) )subspaceis slowandthustreatedasconstantparametersoverthetimescalesofbetatronmotion. Coupling between horizontal ((cid:3) ,(cid:15))(cid:17) ) and vertical ((cid:4) ,(cid:15))(cid:22) ) subspaces is considered to (cid:0) besmall( sec.6.4). ( (cid:0) Nonlineartiesaretreatedasperturbations( ch.5). ( The so called “design orbit” is just a coincidence of the closed orbit with (most) magnets’symmetryaxisfortheideallatticebutisnotdefinedapriori. Itisimportanttobeawareofthesesimplifications. Eventuallyanylatticedesignhastobetestedbytrackingparticlesthroughthelattice, since tracking concatenates all local transformation of the particle vector from block entrance to block exit including the coordinate transformations between blocks and thus implicitelyappliesthefullone-turnmap. The properties of the building blocks and their limitations will be investigatedin this chapter,thepropertiesofthelatticearesubjectofthefollowingchapters. 2.2 Magnetic fields 2.2.1 Multipole definition Inthelocalcoordinatesystemofamagnetthefieldisgivenasmultipoleexpansionaround thelocalreferenceaxis((cid:3) =(cid:4) =0)by (cid:28):95& * (cid:11) * (cid:11) (cid:9)0(cid:11)1*32 (cid:11) (cid:28) (cid:28) (cid:11) (cid:22) (cid:3)(cid:14)(cid:13)+(cid:4)(cid:18)(cid:27)-,/. (cid:17) (cid:3)(cid:14)(cid:13)(cid:20)(cid:4))(cid:27) (cid:27)54 (cid:28) .(cid:16)6 ,87 (cid:27) (cid:3)(cid:29),/.(cid:16)(cid:4))(cid:27) (2.1) (cid:9)?> with ; themultipoleorder and <=; the number of polesin themagnet, i.e. ; (cid:13)@<A(cid:13)@B)(cid:13)DCECDC (cid:28) * (cid:9)?F indicating dipole, quadrupole, sextupole, etc. The 7 are the regular multipoles ( (cid:17) (cid:28) for (cid:3) =0) and 6 the skew multipoles, obtained through a rotation around the (cid:2) -axis by (cid:1) 90 /; . (cid:11)G*H2 The quantity (cid:27) is called the magnetic rigidity. From the Lorentz force equation it isdirectlyderivedasratioofmomentumovercharge: *32I(cid:9) (cid:15)J (cid:9)LKNMPO=Q (cid:9) K BACVBWBWXZY M [GeV] (2.2) ;SRUT ;’R (cid:9)\[ with ;SR the number of elementary charges per particle and K O T . For electrons and > positronsis K^] usually. Bydifferentiationofeq.2.1weobtainausefulexpressionforapure,regularmultipole: (cid:28):95&1c > > aSb * (cid:11) (cid:28)3(cid:9) (cid:28)=(cid:22)95&(cid:3)(cid:14)(cid:13)+(cid:4)(cid:18)(cid:27) d 7 *H2 (cid:11) > a d (2.3) ; # (cid:27)‘_ (cid:3) dd(cid:22)+e(cid:18)f d 2.3. BUILDINGBLOCKS 9 2.2.2 Pole tip field Theradiusofacylinderaroundthesymmetryaxistouchingthemagnetpolesiscalledthe pole inscribed radius or magnet aperture radius g . In case of dipoles instead the full gap h (cid:9) <Zg is used for characterization. The poletip field of a regular magnet is then given fromeqs.2.1and2.3by (cid:28)=95& (cid:28)=95&1c (cid:28)=95& a b * (cid:11) * (cid:9)0(cid:11)G*H2 (cid:28) (cid:9) g (cid:28):(cid:22)95&(cid:3)(cid:14)(cid:13)(cid:20)(cid:4))(cid:27) d !+i (cid:27)U7 g (cid:11) > a d (2.4) ; # (cid:27)j_ (cid:3) dd(cid:22)(cid:20)e(cid:18)f d 2.2.3 Conventions Unfortunately there are different definitions of multipole strength. The quadrupole (cid:9) (cid:9) # strength, also often called k is defined with different polarities: k 7jl or k 7@l . Forthesextupole(andhighermultipole)strength,called m or k(cid:19)n orother,definitonswith (cid:9) o (cid:9) o and without the factorial are used: m 7@p or m <Z7@p . In order to avoid mis- * l understandings it is safer to characterize sextupole strength in terms of !Ui O g . In our definition a quadrupole of positive strength provides horizontal focussing to a beam of positiveparticles. 2.2.4 Elementary particle tracking A particle traversing the magnetic field is deflected. If we assume that the motion is paraxial (small angle of inclination (cid:3)5q, (cid:4)rq with the axis), that the magnet is short and not too strong (i.e. (cid:3) , (cid:4) ] constant during passage) we obtain for the kick applied to the particlefromintegrationofLorentzforce > > (cid:9) * (cid:9) * (cid:25)P(cid:3) q # *H2Is (cid:22)Dtvu (cid:25)I(cid:4) q *H2Hs (cid:17)(cid:23)tvu (2.5) Examplesofkicksfrompureregularmultipoleswitheffectivelength (cid:5) : (cid:9) (cid:9) # Quadrupole: (cid:25)P(cid:3)5q 7@l‘(cid:5)w(cid:3) (cid:25)I(cid:4)vq 7@lj(cid:5)x(cid:4) (cid:9) # (cid:11) l # l (cid:9) (2.6) Sextupole: (cid:25)P(cid:3)5q 7@p‘(cid:5) (cid:3) (cid:4) (cid:27) (cid:25)I(cid:4)vq <Z7@pj(cid:5)y(cid:3)z(cid:4) Dividing a magnet in manythin slices and applyinga series of kicks and drifts would be a first order symplectic integrator of the particle’s motion through the magnets. Higher order symplecticintegrators apply kicks and drifts in a deliberate way in order to reduce theintegrationerror. 2.3 Building blocks The elementary building blocks for linear lattice design are bending magnets and quadrupoles for guiding and focusing the beam. The nonlinear lattice design also in- cludessextupolesusedforcorrectionofthequadrupoles’chromaticaberrations. Thereal 10 CHAPTER2. LATTICEBUILDINGBLOCKS lattice with alignment and other errors also includes small corrector dipoles and skew quadrupoles. In addition every ring needs injection devices (kickers and septa) and one ormoreRFcavities foraccelerationandlongitudinalfocusing. Special devices not used in every machines are undulators in light sources, electro- static beam separators in some colliders, and seldom solenoids for focussing and beam rotation. 2.3.1 Bending magnet The bending magnet is a block of cylindrical symmetry with a curvature, resp. radius {)|~}(cid:128)(cid:127) (cid:9)(cid:129)> 2 |~}(cid:130)(cid:127) (cid:9) {)|(cid:132)}(cid:130)(cid:127) O ,arclength (cid:5) andbendangle (cid:131) (cid:5) . &(cid:133)(cid:9)(cid:134)* (cid:11)G*H2 { (cid:9) & The dipole moment 7 (cid:22) O (cid:27) provides a curvature 7 of a particle’s trajec- { (cid:9) {)|(cid:132)}(cid:130)(cid:127) tory. Themagneticfieldisadjustedthat fortheparticularenergyofthereference particle. Forparticlesatotherenergiesthetrajectories’curvaturesdonotmatchthecoor- dinate system’s curvature, they thus leave the bend off-axis even if they entered on-axis, {(cid:18)|~}(cid:130)(cid:127) aneffectcalleddispersion. Itisimportantnottomix whichisgivenbygeometryand { whichisafunctionofmagnetcurrent. In a pure sector bend the entrance and exit edges of the magnet are orthogonal to & the arc, in the general case the edges may be rotated by angles (cid:135) , (cid:135)‘l to be included in the coordinate transformation. Rectangular bends have parallel entrance and exit edges, &x(cid:9) (cid:9) (cid:135) (cid:135)(cid:136)l (cid:131) O < . Laminatedmagnetslikeusedinsynchrotronsforreasonsofeddycurrent suppressionarealwaysrectangularsincemanufacturingisdonebystackingthelaminates. If the bendingmagnet also has a quadrupole moment 7@l it is called a combinedfunc- tionmagnet. Weakfocusingsynchrotronsusedcombinedfunctionmagnets,thedefinition ofthe“fieldindex” 2 a * (cid:9) (cid:22) ; # * a (2.7) (cid:22) (cid:3) goes back to these times. Recently combined function magnets became again attractive forlowemittanceboostersynchrotrons[34]. h The magnet gap has most impact on magnet design (see below) and also affects slightlythefringefieldoptics[8]. Summarizingtheparametersfordescriptionofa bendingmagnetare {)|(cid:132)}(cid:130)(cid:127)(cid:138)(cid:9) (cid:137) & & h (cid:5) , 7 , (cid:135) , (cid:135)‘l , ,[ 7@lNCDCDC ]. 2.3.2 Quadrupole Quadrupolesareusedforfocusing,theyaretreatedinthenextchapters. Thefieldgradient (cid:9) a * a (cid:9)?(cid:11)G*H2 isgivenby (cid:139) (cid:22) O (cid:3)w(cid:140)(cid:22)+e(cid:18)f (cid:27)U7@l . Parameters: (cid:5) , 7@l , g .

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