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CMYK Rs 10.00 P RABUDDHA B HARATA or AWAKENED INDIA A monthly journal of the Ramakrishna Order started by Swami Vivekananda in 1896 June 2010 The Tantra Way – II Vol. 115, No. 6 CMYK THE ROAD TO WISDOM Swami Vivekananda on MOTHER WORSHIP I t is my belief that the Tantras, in vogue the abominable things in the Tantras, such as amongst us, were the creation of the Bud- the Vamachara etc., the Tantras are not so bad dhists themselves. Those Tantrika rites are even as people are inclined to think. There are many more dreadful than our doctrine of Vamachara; high and sublime Vedantic thoughts in them. In for in them adultery got a free rein, and it was fact, the Brahmana portions of the Vedas were only when the Buddhists became demoralised modified a little and incorporated into the body through immorality that they were driven away of the Tantras. All the forms of our worship and by Kumarila Bhatta. As some Sannyasins speak the ceremonials of the present day, comprising of Shankara, or the Bauls of Shri Chaitanya, the Karma Kanda, are observed in accordance that he was in secret an epicure, a drunkard, with the Tantras. and one addicted to all sorts of abominable It is very difficult to understand why in this practices—so the modern Tantrika Buddhists country so much difference is made between speak of the Lord Buddha as a dire Vamachari men and women, whereas the Vedanta and give an obscene interpretation to the many declares that one and the same conscious Self beautiful precepts of the Prajnaparamita, such is present in all beings. You always criticise the as the Tattvagatha and the like. women, but say what have you done for their The real meaning of the word Tantra is uplift? Writing down Smritis etc., and binding Shastra, as for example, Kapila Tantra. But them by hard rules, the men have turned the the word Tantra is generally used in a limited women into mere manufacturing machines! sense. Under the sway of kings who took up If you do not raise the women, who are the Buddhism and preached broadcast the doctrine living embodiment of the Divine Mother, don’t of Ahimsa, the performances of the Vedic think that you have any other way to rise. … Yaga-yajnas became a thing of the past, and Without propitiating the Mother by worship no one could kill any animal in sacrifice for and obeisance, not even Brahma and Vishnu fear of the king. But subsequently amongst the have the power to elude Her grasp and attain Buddhists themselves—who were converts from to freedom. Hinduism—the best parts of these Yaga-yajnas were taken up, and practised in secret. From From The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, these sprang up the Tantras. Barring some of 1.232, 1.239, 7.46. P rabuddha b harata or AwAkened IndIA A monthly journal of the Ramakrishna Order started by Swami Vivekananda in 1896 Vol. 115, No. 6 Contents June 2010 Traditional Wisdom 361 This Month 362 Editorial: Embodying Shakti 363 Shakti Puja and Sri Ramakrishna 365 Swami Ishatmananda Tantra: Its Origin, Nature, and Contents 372 Amrita Kalasha Prof. Debabrata Sen Sharma Tantra and Kali: Some Reflections 377 Editorial Office Pandit Hemendra Nath Chakravarty Prabuddha Bharata The Crimson Hibiscus: 380 Advaita Ashrama Songs for the Divine Mother PO Mayavati, Via Lohaghat Srinjay Chakravarti Dt Champawat · 262 524 Uttarakhand, India Swami Abhedananda: 385 E-mail: [email protected] An Outstanding Personality [email protected] Prof. Haridas Mukherjee Swami Jagadananda at Vrindaban 387 Publication Office Swami Dhyanananda Advaita Ashrama 5 Dehi Entally Road The Poetic Philosophy of Ramcharitmanas 393 Kolkata · 700 014 A P N Pankaj Tel: 91 · 33 · 2264 0898 / 2264 4000 Vedanta-sara 398 2286 6450 / 2286 6483 Swami Bhaskareswarananda E-mail: [email protected] Mahendranath Gupta: 402 Intern et Edition at: From Death to Immortality www.advaitaashrama.org Swami Chetanananda Reviews 406 Cover photo: ‘Hibiscus’ Diana Lee Angstadt Photography Reports 407 Subscribe to Prabuddha Bharata  Become a Patron Subscriber and support the rich legacy left to all of us by Swami Vivekananda; patrons’ names are published in Prabuddha Bharata.  Prabuddha Bharata subscribers receive 10% discount on all Advaita Ashrama Publications.  Send remittances in favour of Prabuddha Bharata by bank draft or money order to Advaita Ashrama, 5 Dehi Entally Road, Kolkata 700 014, India. 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Come, sponsor as many libraries as you can and spread the ethos of Indian Culture. Prabuddha Bharata Patron Subscribers: 365. Prof O P N Calla, Jodhpur 368. A K Roy, Kolkata 366. Krishna Kumar Chaturvedi, Jabalpur 369. Hem Nath Jha, Ranchi 367. Dr Swarnalata Bhishikar, Pune SSeenndd mmyy ggiifftt ssuubbssccrriippttiioonnss ttoo:: PPLLEEAASSEE PPRRIINNTT IINN BBLLOOCCKK LLEETTTTEERRSS  10 CONTRIBUTE TO THE PRABUDDHA BHARATA CORPUS FUND! Contribute your mite to the Prabuddha Bharata Corpus Fund and actively participate in this venture to propagate Indian culture, values, philosophy, and spirituality. Could there be a better way to show your appreciation? You can send your contributions by cheque or drafts favouring ‘Prabuddha Name of the Donor: Amount 24. Kailash Behari Mathur, Lucknow Rs 2,000.00 Bharata’ to 5 Dehi Entally Road, Kolkata 25. Madhu Nirmala, Andhra Pradesh Rs 3,000.00 700014, India or make your donations 26. Sitanshu Shekhar Ganguly, Kolkata Rs 1,000.00 online at www.advaitaashrama.org. All 27. Anjan Bhise, Australia Rs 1,520.00 donations are exempt from Income tax 28. P K Ghosh, Kolkata Rs 1,001.00 under section 80G. 29. Dr Tanupriya Ghosh Rs 5,000.00 5 Traditional Wisdom Wrút²; std{; ŒtËg JhtrªtctuÆt; > Arise! Awake! And stop not till the goal is reached! Understanding the Mother June 2010 Vol. 115, No. 6 Who is there that can understand what Mother Kali is? Even the six darshanas are powerless to reveal her. It is she, the scriptures say, that is the inner Self Of the yogi, who in Self discovers all his joy; She that, of her own sweet will, inhabits every living thing. The macrocosm and microcosm rest in the Mother’s womb; Now, do you see how vast it is? In the Muladhara The yogi meditates on her, and in the Sahasrara: Who but Shiva has beheld her as she really is? Within the lotus wilderness she sports beside her mate, the Swan. When man aspires to understand her, Ramprasad must smile; To think of knowing her, he says, is quite as laughable As to imagine one swimming across the boundless sea. But while my mind has understood, alas! My heart has not; Though but a dwarf, it still would strive to make a captive of the moon. (Ramprasad) 361 PB June 2010

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