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PRE-QUALIFICATION DOCUMENT KARACHI – LAHORE Issued to: ____________________________________ Gon ten ts PART1 - PrequalificatioPnr ocedures............ .............3 Sectioln. InstructiotnosA pplicants ...............4 Sectiolnl. P requalificaDtioanta S heet.,...,. ..............13 Sectiolnll .Q ualificatiCornit eriaan dR equirements.......... ............14 SectioInV .A pplicatioFno rms ............. .. .............20 PART2 - WorksR equiremen.t.s. ..... ..........35 SectioVn. Scopeo fW orks ............,36 I PART 1 Pr e-qu ali ficationP rocedu r es Sectionl . Instructionsto Applicants Tableo f Glauses A. General .................5 1. Scopeo fA pplication............. ....................5 2. Sourceo f Funds .......5 3. Frauda ndC orruptio..n. ..... .,......... 5 4. EligiblAep plicants .................6 B. Contentosf t heP requalificatDioonc ument............ .................7 5. Sectionosf PrequalificatDioonc ument .......................7 6. Clarificatioonf P requalificatiDoonc ument. ......................8 7, Amendmenotf PrequalificatiDoonc ument ............8 C. PreparatioonfA pplications............... ..........8 8. Costo fA pplicatio.n. .s. ..... .......8 9. Languagoef A pplication....... .............,......8 10. DocumentCso mprisinthge A pplicatio..n.. ....... ....,......8 11. ApplicatioSnu bmissioFno rm. ....... ....,......9 12. DocumentEss tablishinthge E ligibiliotyft heA pp|icant.............. ..................9 13. DocumentEs stablishinthge Qualificatioonfst heA pplicant.. .......................9 14. Signingo ft heA pplicatioann dN umbeor f Copies .......................9 D. SubmissioonfA pplications............... ,.................9 15. Sealinga ndl dentificatioofnA pplications............ .............9 16. Deadlinfeo rS ubmissioonf A pplications............... ......................9 17. LateA pplications ............ ... .1 0 18. Openingo fA pplications.......... ......10 E. Procedurefosr E valuatioonf A pplication..s. ....... .. . .. ....10 19.C onfidentiality ...............10 20.C larificatioofnA pplication..s.. ........... . ...1 0 21.R esponsiveneosfsA pplications........... . ....10 22.S ubcontractors ...................10 F. Evaluatioonf Applicationasn dP requalificatioofnA pplicants. .............11 23. Evaluatioonf A pplication..s. ....... ............'11 24. Employer'Rs ightt o Accepto r RejecAt pplication.s:. ........... .....11 25. PrequalificatoiofA n pplicants. .................11 26. Notificatioonf P requalification ,.................11 27. lnvitatioton Bid... ...................11 28. Changeisn QualificatioonfsA pplicants. ..................12 ?.\ r-+ (t Y Sectionl. Instructionsto Applicants A. General 1. Scopeo f Application 1.1 In connectiowni tht he Invitatiofno r Pre-qualificatiionnd icateidn Sectionll , Pre-qualificatDioant aS heet( PDS)t,h e Employear,s definedi n the PDS, issuest his Pre-qualificatioDno cument (POD)to applicantisn teresteidn biddingfo rt hew orksd escribed in SectionV , Scopeo f Works.T he nameo f Projectn, umbero f contractsa nd the name and identificatioonf each contract, correspondintog t hisp re-qualificatiaorne,p rovidedin theP DS. 2. Sourceo f Funds 2.1 Thes ourceo f fundss hallb e Governmenotf Pakistan(G OP). 3. Frauda nd Corruption 3.1 The Employerr equiresth at ApplicantsB, idders,S uppliers, Contractorasn, dC onsultanutsn dert hesec ontractso,b serveth e highesst tandardo f ethicsd uringth e procuremenatn de xecution ofs uchc ontractIsn.p ursuoitf t hisp olicyt,h eE mployer: (a) Definesf,o r the purposeso f this provisionth, e termss et forthb elowa sf ollows: (i) "corrupt practice"m eans the offering, giving, receiving,o r solicitingd, irectlyo r indirectlyo, f anythingo f valuet o influencteh e actiono f a public officiali n the procuremenptr ocesso r in contract execution; (ii) "fraudulenptr acticem" eansa mis-representatoiorn omissioonf factsi n ordert o influencae procurement processo r thee xecutioonf a contract; (iii) "collusivper acticem" eansa schemeo r arrangement betweent wo or more bidders,w ith or withoutt he knowledgoef the Employedr,e signetdo establisbhi d pricesa t artificianlo, ncompetitlievvee lsa; nd (iv) "coercivep racticem" eansh armingo r threatenintgo harm,d irectlyo r indirectlyp,e rsonso r theirp roperty to influenceth eir participatioinn the procurement processo r affectt hee xecutiono f a contract; (b) will rejecta proposaflo r awardi f it determinetsh at the Bidderre commendefodr a wardh as,d irectlyo r througha n agente, ngagedin corruptf,r audulenct,o llusivoer coercive practiceisn competinfgo rt heC ontracint question; (c) wills anctioan firmo r individuainl,c ludindge clarintgh em ineligiblee,i therin definiteolyrf ora statedp eriodo f time,t o be awardeda contracitf it at anyt imed eterminetsh att hey have,d irectlyo r througha n agent,e ngagedi,n corrupt, fraudulenct,o llusivoer coercivep racticeisn competinfgo r, or in executinga, c ontracat;n d gt'1-"- (d) willh avet her ightto requireth ata provisiobne includeidn BiddingD ocumentsa nd requiringb idders,s uppliers, contractorasn d consultanttso permitt he Employetro inspectth eira ccountsa nd recordsa nd otherd ocuments relatingto the bid submissioann d contracpt erformance and to havet hem auditedb y auditorsa ppointedb y the Employer. 4. EligibleA pplicants 4,1 An Applicansth allb e a privatep,u blico r governmeonwt nedle gal entitys, ubjectto ITA4 .6,o r anyc ombinatioonf t hemi n thef orm of association(isn)c ludinJgo intV enture( JV)w ith the formal intent,a s evidencedb y a lettero f intent,t o enter into an agreemenotr undera n existinagg reemenItn. t hec aseo f a JV, unlesso theruuissep ecifiedin the PDS, (i) all partiess hallb e jointlya nds everalllyia blea, nd( ii)t heres hallb e no limito n the numbeor f partners. 4.2 The eligibilitcyr iteriali stedi n this Clause4 shalla pplyt o the Applicanitn, cludintgh e partiesc onstitutintgh eA pplicanti.,e ., its proposedp artnerss,u bcontractoorsr supplierfso r any part of the Contracitn cludinrge lateds ervices. 4.3 An Applicanatn d all parliesc onstitutinthge applicansth allh ave beenr egisterewdi thP akistaEn ngineerinCgo unc(ilP EC)a nds hall havea validr egistratioCne rtificatien Categorya s mentionedin PDS. 4.4 Applicantasn d all partiesc onstitutintgh e Applicansth alln ot havea conflicot f interestA. pplicantssh allb e consideretdo havea conflicot f interesitf, t heyp articipateads a consultanint the preparatioonf the designo r technicaslp ecificatioonfs t he Worksth ata ret hes ubjecot ft hisp requalificatiWonh.e rea firm, or a firmf romt hes amee conomiocr financiaglr oupi,n addition to consultinga,l soh as the capabilittyo manufacturoer supply goodso r to construcwt orks,t hat firm,o r a firm from the same economico r financiagl roup,c annotn ormallyb e a supplieor f goodso r works,if it providecdo nsultinsge rvicefso rt he contract correspondintgo this prequalificationu,n less it can be demonstratethda tt herei s nota significandte greeo f common ownershipin, fluencoer control. 4.5 An Applicansth alls ubmito nly one applicatioinn the same Prequalificatpiorno cesse,i theirn dividualalys anA pplicanotr as a partnero f a joint ventureN. o Applicanct an be a subcontractor whiles ubmittinagn applicatioinn dividualolyr as a partneor f a jointv enturein thes ameP requalificatiporno cessA. Subcontractor in any applicatiomna y participatien moret hano ne application, buto nlyi nt hatc apacityA.n A pplicanwt hos ubmitso,r participates in, moret hano ne applicatiowni ll causea ll the applicationins whicht heA pplicanhta sp articipatetod b ed isqualified. (r#lQ 4.6 Applicantss hall not be under executiono f a Bid-Securing Declaration. 4.7 Applicantsa nd all partiesc onstitutintgh e Applicants hallp rovide such evidenceo f their continuede ligibilitys atisfactoryto the Employer,a s the Employers hall reasonablyr equesti ncluding legal and financiala utonomya nd compliancew ith Commercial Lawi n caseo f Governmenotw nede ntitieso f Pakistan. 4.8 In case of JVs, one of the partnersw ho is responsiblefo r performinga key function in contract managemento r is executinga majorc omponento f the proposedc ontracts hall be nominateda s beingi n charged uringt he Pre-qualificatioann d biddingp eriodsa nd in the event of a successfulb id, during contracte xecutionT. he partneri n charges hall be authorizedto incurl iabilitieas nd receivei nstructionfso r and on behalfo f any and all partnerso f the joint venture;t his authorizatiosnh allb e evidencedb y submittinga power of attorneys igned by legally authorizedsi gnatorieosf allt he partners. B. Contentso f the PrequalificatioDno cument Sectionso f 5.1 The documentf or the prequalificatioonf Applicants( hereinafte-r Prequalification "prequalificatiodno cument")c onsistso f parts 1 and 2 which Document comprisea llt he sectionsin dicatedb elow,a nd shouldb e readi n conjunctiown itha nyA ddendumis suedi n accordancew ithI TA7 . PART1 PrequalificatioPnr ocedures . Sectionl . Instructiontso Applicants( lTA) . Sectionl l. PrequalificatioDna taS heet( PDS) . Sectionl ll. QualificatioCn riteriaa nd Requirements . Sectionl V. ApplicationF orms PART2 WorksR equirements . SectionV . Scopeo f Works 5.2 The "lnvitationf or PrequalificatioAnp plications"is sued by the Employeirs notp arto f the prequalificatidoonc ument. The Employera cceptsn o responsibilitfyo r the completenesos f the prequalificatiodno cumenta nd its addendau nlesst hey were obtainedd irectlyfr omt he Employer. 5.4 TheA pplicanist expectetdo examinea ll instructionfso,r ms,a nd terms in the PrequalificatioDno cumenta nd to furnish all informatioonr documentatiorne quiredb y the Prequalification Document. Clarificationo f 6.1 A prospectiveA pplicantr equiringa ny clarificationo f the Prequalification PrequalificatiDono cumensth allc ontactth e Employeirn writing Document at the Employer'asd dressin dicatedin the PDS.T he Employer willr espondin writingto anyr equesfto rc larificatiopnro videtdh at suchr equesits receivedn o latert hanf ive (05)d aysp riort o the deadlinefo r submissioonf applicationTsh. e Employesr hall fonruardco pieso f its responseto all applicantsw ho have acquiredt he prequalificatiodno cumentd irectly from the Employeirn cludinga descriptioonf the inquiryb ut without identifyinigts s ourceS. houldth e Employedre emi t necessartyo amendth ep requalificatdioonc umenats a resulot f a clarificatioitn, shall do so followingt he procedureu nder ITA 7 and in accordancweit ht hep rovisionosf I TA1 6.2. 7. Amendmento f 7.1 At anyt imep riort o thed eadlinfeo r submissioonf applications, Prequalification the Employemr ay amendt he PrequalificatiDono cumenbt y Document issuinagd denda. 7.2 Any addendumis sueds hall be part of the Prequalification Documenatn ds hallb e communicatiend w ritingto allw hoh ave obtainetdh ep requalificatdioonc umenfrto mt heE mployer. C. Preparatioonf Applications 8. Cost of Applications 8.1 The Applicanst hallb ear all costsa ssociatedw ith the preparation and submissiono f its applicationT.h e Employewr ill in no case be responsibloer liablefo rt hosec osts,r egardlesosf the conducot r outcomeo f the prequalificatiopnr ocess. 9. Languageo f 9.1 The applicationa s well as all correspondencaen d documents Application relatingt o the prequalificatioenx changedb y the Applicanta nd the Employers, hallb e writteni n the languages pecifiedin the PDS. Supporlingd ocumentsa nd printedl iteratureth at are parl of the applicatiosnh alla lsoi n samel anguage. 10.1 The applicatiosnh allc ompriseth ef ollowing: 10. Documents (a) ApplicatioSnu bmissioFno rm,i n accordancwe ithI TA1 1; Comprisingth e (b) documentary evidence establishing the Applicant's Application eligibilittyo pre-qualifyin, accordancew ith ITA 12; (c) documentary evidence establishing the Applicant's qualificationisn, a ccordancwe ithI TA 13;a nd (d) any otherd ocumentr equireda s specifiedin the PDS. 59KS 11.1 The Applicants hall preparea n ApplicationS ubmissionS heet usingt he form furnishedi n Sectionl V, ApplicationF orms.T his 11. Application Formm ustb e completedw ithouta ny alterationto its format. SubmissionF orm 12. Documents 12.1T o establishit s eligibilitiyn accordancwe ith ITA 4, the Applicant Establishingth e shall completet he eligibilityd eclarationsin the Application Eligibilityo f the SubmissioFn orma nd FormsE LI (eligibility1). 1 and1.2,i ncluded Applicant in SectionlV ,A pplicationF orms. 13. Documents 13.'1 To establish its qualificationst o perform the contract(s)i n Establishingth e accordance with Section lll, Qualification Criteria and Qualificationso f Requirementst,h e Applicant shall provide the information the Applicant requestedin the correspondinIgn formatioSn heetsi ncludedin Sectionl V,A pplicationF orms. 14. Signingo f the 14.1 The Applicants hall prepare one originalo f the documents Applicationa nd comprisingth e applicationa s describedin ITA 10 and clearly Numbero f Copies marki t "ORIGINALT".h e originaol f the applicatiosnh allb e typed or writteni n indeliblein k and shallb e signedb y a persond uly authorizetdo signo n behalfo f theA pplicant. 14.2 The Applicants hall submit copies of the signed original applicationin, the numbers pecifiedin the PDS,a ndc learlym ark them "COPY". In the event of any discrepancyb etweent he originaal ndt he copiest,h e originasl hallp revail. D.S ubmissiono f Applications 15. Sealinga nd 15.1 TheA pplicansth alel ncloseth eo riginaal ndt hec opieso f the ldentificationo f applicatioinn a sealede nvelopeth ats hall: Applications (a) beart he namea nd addresso f the Applicant; (b) be addressetdo the Employeri,n accordancwe ithI TA1 6.1; and (c) bear the specific identificationo f this pre-qualification orocessin dicatedin the PDS1 .1. 15.2 The Employewr ill acceptn o responsibilitfyo r not processinga ny envelopeth atw as noti dentifieda s required. '16.1 16. Deadlinefo r Applicationssh allb e receivedb y the Employera t the address Submissiono f and no latert han the deadlinei ndicatedin the PDS.A receipt will be given for all applicationss ubmitted.A pplicantsm ay Applications alwayss ubmitt heira pplicationbs y mail or by hand.W hen so specifiedin the PDS.A pplicantss halla lsos ubmita n electronic copy of their applicationsa s specifiedi n PDS. Applications shallb e receivedb y the Employera t the addressa nd no later thant he deadlinein dicatedin the PDS.A receiptw ill be given fora lla pplicationsus bmitted. i{fif 'l.l \ -)i$ '.i$b!j... 10 16.2 The Employemr ay,a t its discretione,x tendth ed eadlinefo r the submissioonf applicationbsy amendingth e Prequalification Documenitn accordancwei th ITA 7, in whichc asea ll rightsa nd obligationosf the Employear nd the Applicantssu bjectt o the shallt hereaftebre subjectto the deadlinea s Bl?Ji"o5od"adline 17. LateA pplications 17.1T heE mployemr aya t its discretiona,c ceptth e applicatioanft er thed eadlinfeo rs ubmissioonf applicationpsr escribeidn ITA1 6. 18. Openingo f 18.1 Employers hall open the applicationsa s per its standard Applications oprocedures aanndd sshhaallll oprreeppaarree aa rreeccoorrdd ooff tthhee ooppeenniinnqg ooff applicationthrsa att ss hhaallllii nncclluuddeeaa., ss aa mmiinniimmuumm.,tt hhee nnaammee of the Applicant.A copy of the record may be distributedt o all Applicants. E. Proceduresfo r Evaluationo f Applications 19. Confidentialitv 19.1Informatiorne latingt o the evaluationo f applicationsa,n d recommendatifoonr pre-qualificatisohna, lln otb e disclosetdo Applicantosr any otherp ersonsn ot officiallcyo ncernewd ith suchp rocessu ntilt he notificatioonf resultso f pre-qualification is madeto allApplicants. 19.2Fromt he deadlinefo r submissioonf applicationtos the timeo f notificatioonf the resultso f the prequalificatioinn a ccordance with ITA 26, anyA pplicantth atw ishest o contactth e Employer on anym atterr elatedto the prequalificatiporno cessm, ayd o so buto nlyi nw riting. 20. Glarificationo f 20.1To assistin thee valuatioonf applicationtsh,e Employemr ay,a t Applications its discretiona, sk any Applicantf or a clarificationo f its applicatiownh ichs hallb e submittewd ithina statedr easonable periodo f time.A ny requesfto r clarificatioann d all clarifications shalbl ei nw riting. 20.2 lf an Applicandt oesn ot providec larificationosf the information requestebdy thed atea ndt imes et in the Employerr'se quesfto r clarificatioints,a pplicatiomna yb e rejected. 21. Responsivenesosf 21.1The Employemr ayr ejecta nya pplicatiownh ichi s notr esponsive Applications tot her equiremenotfst hep requalificatdioonc ument. 22. Subcontractors 22.1 Applicantsp lanningto subcontracat ny of the key activities indicateidn Sectionll l, QualificatioCnr iterias,h alls pecifyth e activity(ieso)r partso f the workst o be subcontracteind the ApplicatioSnu bmissioFno rmA. pplicanstsh alcl learliyd entiftyh e proposeds pecialisstu bcontractoirns FormsE LI-1.2a nd EXP (experience)-4.in2 Section lV. Such proposeds pecialist subcontractor(ss)h all meet the correspondinqgu alification requirementssp ecifiedin Sectionll l, QualificatioCnr iteriaa nd Requirements.

been registered with Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) and shall have a valid .. Participation as contractor, in at least one [01] EPC / Turnkey Must.
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