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Powers Anchors Buyer's Guide PDF

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P o w e rs F a ste n e rs 2 0 1 C O N S T R U C T I O N 1 B u y F A S T E N E R S e r s G F O R C O N C R E T E u id e & S T E E L & S c r e w C a t a MECHANICAL ANCHORS lo g ADHESIVE ANCHORS HOLLOW WALL ANCHORS POWDER ACTUATED GAS FASTENING C a t N o ROOFING FASTENERS 4 9 1 3 6 1 /1 1 CARBIDE DRILL BITS INTRODUCTION AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION Powers Fasteners is the leading supplier of concrete and masonry anchors in NorthAmerica and has been a leader in the fastening industry since 1921. Founded as the Rawlplug Company Inc, the Powers family changed the name to Powers Fasteners in 1996 as the company expanded internationally with operations overseas. Powers expansion intoAustralia,Asia and Europe dictated the name change from Rawlplug to Powers, a name which the Powers family owns worldwide. Powers is an ISO-9001 international anchoring products company with extensive expertise in the following product groups: MechanicalAnchors,AdhesiveAnchoring Systems,Wall Anchors, Roofing Fasteners, Carbide Drill Bits, and powered forced-entry systems such as Powder Actuated, and Gas Fastening. Wearepleasedtopresenttoyouour2011BuyersGuide. This comprehensive catalog was developed for both distributors and contractors.This catalog contains the latest products and innovations in anchoring technology.This catalog should be used as a benchmark and quick reference for help in selecting the right anchor for your next fastening application. For technical data relating to any of the products contained in the catalog, we ask that you refer to our latest technical information or by visiting our website at www.powers.com. www.powers.com This site contains the most up-to-date product information including product approvals and listings, MSDS sheets, submittal packages, general product information, software tools, contact information, and copies of our newsletter ‘Concrete Evidence’. These resources and programs combined with over thirty stocking locations throughout NorthAmerica provide the best possible product and field support available in the post-installed anchoring industry. If you should have any questions or feedback, please contact customer service at 1(800) 524-3244 or (914) 235-6300 or by email at [email protected]. ProductWarrantyStatement LimitationofLiability PowersFasteners,Inc.willrepairorreplace,atitssoleoption,any PowersFasteners,Inc.shallnotbeliableforanyinjury,lossor productwithin30daysaftersalebyPowersFasteners,Inc.orits damage,direct,indirect,incidentalorconsequential,arisingoutof distributors,isfoundtobedefectiveinmaterialorworkmanship, theuseof,ortheabilitytouse,theproductsdescribedherein. normalwearandtearexcluded. Thiswarrantydoesnotapplytoproductsnotusedincompliance Indemnity withpublishedinstructions,specificapplications,installment Anyorallmodificationsmadebythecustomertoeithertheproduct procedures,modifiedproducts,defectivesubstratematerialsor itselfortheinstallationprocedures,shall,regardlessofspecific deteriorationduetoenvironmentalconditions. instructionstotheuser,indemnify,defend,andholdharmless, Allwarrantiesareexpressedinlieuofotherwarranties, PowersFasteners,Inc.foranyandallclaimedlossordamage expressedorimplied,includingwarrantiesofmerchantabilityor occasioned,inwholeorinpart,bythemodifiedproducts. fitnessforaparticularpurpose,allsuchotherwarrantiesbeing herebyexpresslyexcluded. Why sell code approved anchors? It's now the LAW. Power-Stud+™SD1 CODELISTED ICC-ESESR-2818&ICC-ESESR-2966 The2003,2006or2009InternationalBuildingorResidentialCodes(IBCorIRC)havebeen adoptedin49statesandhaveadoptionsbysomelocaljurisdictionsintheotherstate.Thebuilding codesservesasthebasicdesignandenforcementrequirementsthatanowner,engineer, contractor,inspectorandcodeofficialusetoproducesafestructurestoday.Italsoappliesto renovationstoexistantbuildingsrequiringconstructiontocurrentcode.Thesestructuresinclude Power-Stud+™SD2 everythingfromcondos,shoppingmalls,hospitals,schoolsandhigh-riseconstructiontoordinary homeconstruction. CODELISTED ICC-ESESR-2502 The2006and2009IBCandIRCspecificallyrequireanchorswhichmeetthecodeAC-193for MechanicalAnchorsandAC-308forAdhesiveAnchorsasanalternativetothebuildingcode through104.11intheIBC.InthenearfutureACIwillbevotingtoaddAdhesiveAnchorstoits standardsinadditiontomechanicalanchors. Sincenearlyallstateshaveadoptedthebuildingcodewithenforcement,thereareverysignificant Wedge-Bolt®+ ramificationsforanycontractorusingproductsnotcompliantwiththecode.Compliancewith CODELISTED thecodeisassimpleasprovidingaPowersICC-ESreportorknowingthatoneexistswhen ICC-ESESR-2526&ICC-ESESR-1678 selling,specifyingorusingourproduct.SincePowershassomanyICC-ESreportsforanchoring itishightlyadvantageousforadistributortosellandstockonlycodelistedproductsforstructural applications.PowersalsohasnumerousreportsonproductstestedusinganICC-ASlaboratory Snake+™ whichwithacceptancebyalocalinspectororbuildingofficialwillserveasproofof compliance. CODELISTED ICC-ESESR-2272 ConstructiondistributorsshouldbesellingonlyanchorsthatcomplywiththenewBuildingCodes sinceIBCandIRCarenationalcodes.Whilethecodedoesnotapplytonon-structuralanchoring applicationsuchaslightdutyfasteningtodrywall,itdoesapplytoapplicationswhichinvolve allthesteelanchorsandadhesiveanchorspurchasedwhichareusedeverydaybycontractors ofalltypesinstructuralapplications. Atomic+Undercut CODELISTED Thereareseveralkeyreasonswhyeveryoneshouldbeselling,specifyingandusing ICC-ESESR-3067 ONLYconcreteanchorsthatarecodelisted: 1.Codelistedanchorsnormallyofferssignificantlyhigherperformance. 2.Powerscanoffertheseproductsatacompetitivecostand inacompleterange. 3.Compliancewithstateandlocalbuildingauthorities'regulations. Vertigo®+ 4.Independentqualificationandcertificationofproductperformance. CODELISTED 5.Proofofusabilityandconformanceinall50states. ICC-ESESR-2989 6.UsabilityandconformanceinFloridaandCalifornia (windandseismicqualification). 7.Increasedproductsafety,reliabilityandconfidence. 8.Minimizeriskforallapplications(structuralornon-structural). Tapper+™ Specificationsforbuildingcodecompliantproductsarenowthenormandenforcements CODELISTED ofthecodesistakingplace.Thosecompanieswhodon'tsell,specifyorusecodecompliant ICC-ESESR-3068 anchorswillfindlessopportunitiesinthemarket. CSIDrivePin CODELISTED ICC-ESESR-1995 PE1000+® AC100+Gold® T308+™ Trak-It®C4Pins CODELISTED CODELISTED CODELISTED CODELISTED ICC-ESESR-2583 ICC-ESESR-2582 ICC-ESESR-3066 ICC-ESESR-2240 S T N MECHANICALANCHORS 4 Bang-It™ 22 NEW! PowerPatch™ 34 SelectionGuide 4-5 E Wood-Knocker™ 23 T WALLANCHORS (HOLLOWWALLANDLIGHTDUTY) 35 N EXPANSIONANCHORS SelectionGuide 35 O FACADE,PINANDNAILANCHORS Power-Bolt® 6 C Heli-Pin™ 21 METALANCHORS Power-Stud+™SD1 6 Wall-Dog® 36 Spike® 23 Power-Stud+™SD2 7 Scru-Lead 37 Drive® 24 Power-Stud® 7 Toggle-Bolt 37 NEW! ZamacHammer-Screw® 25 NEW! Lok-BoltAS™ 9 Polly 38 Safe-T+Pin 25 Set-Bolt 11 Legs 38 ZamacNailin® 25 UNDERCUTANCHORS Zip-All® 38 NylonNailin® 26 NEW! Atomic+Undercut 8 PLASTICANCHORS SCREWANCHORS ADHESIVES 27 SelectionGuide 27 Sharkie 39 Wedge-Bolt®+ 11 INJECTIONADHESIVES Strap-Toggle™ 39 NEW! Tapper+ 13 AC100+Gold® 28 Zip-It®andZip-It®Jr. 39 Tapper™ 14 PE1000+® 29 Zip-Toggle® 40 BOLTANDSHIELDANCHORS T308+™ 30 Poly-Toggle® 40 Snake+™ 18 GLASSCAPSULEADHESIVEANCHORS Pop-Toggle 40 SmartDI+ 19 Chem-Stud® 31 BantamPlug 40 Hollow-SetDropin™ 19 Hammer-Capsule® 32 FlutedPlasticAnchor 40 SteelDropin 19 ADHESIVEANCHORINGACCESSORIES MiniDropin 20 InstallationAccessories 32 POWDERACTUATEDFASTENING 41 SelectionGuide 41-42 Double 20 ScreenTubes 32 FASTENERS Single 20 EXPANSIONFOAMS 0.300"Head 43 DrivePins PowerFoam™ 33 Calk-In 20 BlueMagic®0.300"Head 43 LagShield 21 NEW! TriggerFoam™Pro 34 DrivePins BONDINGSEALANTS RODHANGINGSYSTEMSANDCONCRETEINSERTS 0.300"HeadDrivePins 43 PowerStick™ 34 Vertigo®/Vertigo™+ 21 withWashers 2 C ACQDrivePins 44 P35s 49 ROOFINGFASTENERS 60 O forPressureTreatedLumber SelectionGuide 60 N P7201 49 T E 8mmHeadDrivePins 44 Spike®Perma-Seal® 61 N P3500 50 T NEW! 8mmCSISpiralPins 44 Powerlite™ 61 S PA3500 50 8mmHeadDrivePins 44 DeckScrews 62 withWashers P3801 51 TwinFastScrews 62 NEW! 8mmHead 45 P3600 51 StressPlates 62 CollatedSpiralCSIPins PA351 52 NEW! 8mmHeadCollatedDrivePins 45 CARBIDEDRILLBITS 63 NEW! P60 52 SelectionGuide 63 10mmHeadDrivePins 45 NEW! Sniper™PoleTool 53 NEW! Fat-Head™ 64 BallisticPoint™DrivePins 45 POWDERLOADS S-4PlusSDS 64 ThreadedStuds 45 .22CaliberSingles 53 NEW! Accu-Bits™ 65 3/8"HeadDrivePins 46 .25CaliberSingles 53 NEW! IndustrialGradeBits(ValuePaks) 65 HammerDrivePins 46 .27CaliberSingles 53 QuatroHeadSDSPlus 65 ACCESSORIES .25CaliberStrips 54 4-XCutterSDS-MaxShank 65 CeilingClipAssemblies 46 .27CaliberStrips 54 4-XCutterSplineShank 66 BX&EMTConduitClipAssemblies 46 .27CaliberSafetyStrip® 54 SingleTipSplineShank 66 RodHangingClipAssemblies 47 GASFASTENING 55 HDStraightShank 66 CSIClipAssemblies 47 SelectionGuide 55 IGStraightShank 67 RebarBasketAssemblies 47 TOOLSANDFASTENERS Trak-It®C3/C4 56 “A”Taper 67 FormingPins 47 NEW! Trak-It®C4EX 56 RotaryCarbideBits 67 FastenerAccessories 47 NEW! CoatedC4Trak-It®Pins 57 RebarCutter 68 TOOLS P1000 48 Trak-It®C3Stick-E 58 HeavyDutyChisels 68 NEW! T1000 48 NEW! Trak-It®C4CZSingleShot 59 OneandTwoPieceCoreBits 68 P2201 48 Trak-It®W3 59 3 SELECTIONGUIDE L MechanicalAnchorSelectionGuides A C I N A H C E M -Suitable -MayBeSuitable 4 SELECTIONGUIDE MechanicalAnchorSelectionGuides M E C H A N I C A L please provide data for -Suitable smart -MayBeSuitable dropin 5 POWER-BOLT•POWER-STUD+ L CAT. DRILL MIN. STD. STD. NO. SIZE DIA. DEPTH BOX CTN. A 5930 1/2"x2-3/4" 1/2" 2-1/2" 50 200 C 5934 1/2"x4-3/4" 1/2" 2-1/2" 25 150 I **Thissizedoesnothaveacompressionring. N Power-Bolt® Thepublishedlengthismeasuredfrombelowthewashertotheendoftheanchor. A H Heavy-DutySleeveAnchor BASEMATERIAL C Concrete,Block,Brick,Stone E SIZERANGE CARBONSTEELFLATHEADPOWER-BOLT® M 1/4"x1"to3/4"x8-1/4" TheflatheadPower-Boltanchorhasahexkeyinsertformedintheheadofthebolt. ANCHORMATERIAL CarbonSteel&Type304StainlessSteel EachboxcontainsanAllenwrenchwhichmatchestheinsertsize. ThePower-Boltanchorisaheavydutysleevestyleanchorwhichisvibration CAT. DRILL MIN. STD. STD. resistantandremovable.Itisavailablewithafinishedhexheadorflatheadwitha NO. SIZE DIA. DEPTH BOX CTN. hexkeyinsertandcanbeusedinconcrete,block,brick,orstone 6981 3/8"x3-3/4" 3/8" 2" 50 300 6982 3/8"x5" 3/8" 2" 50 300 CARBONSTEELHEXHEADPOWER-BOLT® 6983 3/8"x6" 3/8" 2" 50 300 CarbonsteelPower-BoltanchorsaremanufacturedusingaGrade5bolt.Theyare 6984 1/2"x5" 1/2" 2-1/2" 25 150 platedwithacommercialbrightzincfinishandhaveasupplementarychromate 6987 5/8"x5-1/2" 5/8" 2-3/4" 15 90 treatmentinaccordancewithASTMSpecificationB633. Thepublishedlengthistheoveralllengthoftheanchor. CAT. DRILL MIN. STD. STD. NO. SIZE DIA. DEPTH BOX CTN. 6900* 1/4"x 1" 1/4" 7/8" 100 600 6902* 1/4"x 1-3/4" 1/4" 1-1/4" 100 600 6906* 1/4"x 3" 1/4" 1-1/4" 100 600 6907* 5/16"x 1-3/4" 5/16" 1-1/2" 100 600 6908* 5/16"x 2-1/2" 5/16" 1-1/2" 50 300 CODE LISTED CODE LISTED 6909* 5/16"x 3-1/2" 5/16" 1-1/2" 50 300 ICC-ESESR-2818 ICC-ESESR-2966 6910 3/8"x2-1/4" 3/8" 2" 50 300 6911** 3/8"x1-7/8" 3/8" 1-1/4" 50 300 CITYOFLOSANGELES CITYOFLOSANGELES LARR-25787(Concrete) LARR-25864(Masonry) 6913 3/8"x3" 3/8" 2" 50 300 6914 3/8"x3-1/2" 3/8" 2" 50 300 Power-Stud+™SD1 6916 3/8"x4" 3/8" 2" 50 300 WedgeTypeExpansionAnchor 6930 1/2"x2-3/4" 1/2" 2-1/2" 50 200 BASEMATERIAL 6932 1/2"x3-3/4" 1/2" 2-1/2" 25 150 Normal-WeightConcrete,StructuralSand-LightweightConcrete,Concreteover 6934 1/2"x4-3/4" 1/2" 2-1/2" 25 150 MetalDeck,Grout-FilledMasonry 6936 1/2"x5-3/4" 1/2" 2-1/2" 25 150 SIZERANGE 6940 5/8"x3" 5/8" 2-3/4" 20 120 1/4”diameter(uncrackedconcrete),3/8”diameterthrough1-1/4”diameter 6942 5/8"x4" 5/8" 2-3/4" 15 90 (crackedanduncrackedconcrete) 6944 5/8"x5" 5/8" 2-3/4" 15 90 ANCHORMATERIAL ZincPlatedCarbonSteelBodyandExpansionClip,withNutandWasher 6945 5/8"x6" 5/8" 2-3/4" 15 90 ThePower-Stud+SD1anchorisafullythreaded,torque-controlled,wedgeexpansion 6947 5/8"x8-1/2" 5/8" 2-3/4" 10 40 anchorwhichisdesignedforconsistentperformanceincrackedanduncracked 6950 3/4"x3-1/4" 3/4" 3" 15 90 concrete.Suitablebasematerialsincludenormal-weightconcrete,structuralsand- 6952 3/4"x4-1/4" 3/4" 3" 10 60 lightweightconcreteandconcreteovermetaldeck.Theanchorismanufactured 6954 3/4"x5-1/4" 3/4" 3" 10 60 withazincplatedcarbonsteelbodyandexpansionclip. 6956 3/4"x7-1/4" 3/4" 3" 10 40 Patented&AdditionalPatentsPending 6957 3/4"x8-1/4" 3/4" 3" 10 40 Thepublishedlengthismeasuredfrombelowthewashertotheendoftheanchor. POWER-STUD+™SD1CARBONSTEELBODY&EXPANSIONCLIP CAT. THREAD STD. STD. *1/4”and5/16"Power-Bolt®utilizeagrade8bolt NO. SIZE LENGTH BOX CTN. **Thissizedoesnothaveacompressionring. 7400SD1 1/4"x1-3/4" 3/4" 100 600 7402SD1 1/4"x2-1/4" 1-1/4" 100 600 304STAINLESSSTEELHEXHEADPOWER-BOLT® 7404SD1 1/4"x3-1/4" 2-1/4" 100 600 StainlesssteelPower-Boltanchorsaremanufacturedfrom300series 7410SD1 3/8"x2-1/4" 7/8" 50 300 stainlesssteel(passivated). 7412SD1 3/8"x2-3/4" 1-3/8" 50 300 7413SD1 3/8"x3" 1-5/8" 50 300 CAT. DRILL MIN. STD. STD. NO. SIZE DIA. DEPTH BOX CTN. 7414SD1 3/8"x3-1/2" 2-1/8" 50 300 5900** 1/4"x1" 1/4" 7/8" 100 600 7415SD1 3/8"x3-3/4" 2-3/8" 50 300 5902 1/4"x1-3/4" 1/4" 1-1/4" 100 600 7416SD1 3/8"x5" 3-5/8" 50 300 5906 1/4"x3" 1/4" 1-1/4" 100 600 7417SD1 3/8"x7" 5-5/8" 50 200 5910 3/8"x2-1/4" 3/8" 2" 50 300 7420SD1 1/2"x2-3/4" 1" 50 200 6 5916 3/8"x4" 3/8" 2" 50 300 POWER-STUD+•POWER-STUD CAT. THREAD STD. STD. CAT. THREAD STD. STD. M NO. SIZE LENGTH BOX CTN. NO. SIZE LENGTH BOX CTN. 7422SD1 1/2"x3-3/4" 2" 50 200 7415SD2 3/8"x3-3/4" 2-1/2" 50 300 E 7423SD1 1/2"x4-1/2" 2-3/4" 50 200 7416SD2 3/8"x5" 3-3/4" 50 300 C 7424SD1 1/2"x5-1/2" 3-3/4" 50 150 7422SD2 1/2"x3-3/4" 2-1/8" 50 200 H 7426SD1 1/2"x7" 5-1/4" 25 100 423SD2 1/2"x4-1/2" 2-7/8" 50 200 A 7427SD1 1/2"x8-1/2" 6-3/4" 25 100 7424SD2 1/2"x5-1/2" 3-7/8" 50 150 N 7428SD1 1/2"x10" 8-1/4" 25 100 7426SD2 1/2"x7" 5-3/8" 25 100 I 7430SD1 5/8"x3-1/2" 1-1/2" 25 100 7427SD2 1/2"x8-1/2" 6-7/8" 25 100 C 7432SD1 5/8"x4-1/2" 2-1/2" 25 100 7435SD2 5/8"x4-3/4" 2-7/8" 25 100 A 7433SD1 5/8"x5" 3" 25 100 7433SD2 5/8"x5" 3-1/8" 25 100 L 7434SD1 5/8"x6" 4" 25 75 7434SD2 5/8"x6" 4-1/8" 25 75 7436SD1 5/8"x7" 5" 25 75 7436SD2 5/8"x7" 5-1/8" 25 75 7438SD1 5/8"x8-1/2" 6-1/2" 25 50 7438SD2 5/8"x8-1/2" 6-5/8" 25 75 7439SD1 5/8"x10" 8" 25 50 7442SD2 3/4"x5-1/2" 3-1/4" 20 60 7440SD1 3/4"x4-1/4" 1-3/4" 20 60 7444SD2 3/4"x6-1/4" 4" 20 60 7441SD1 3/4"x4-3/4" 2-1/4" 20 60 7446SD2 3/4"x7" 4-3/4" 20 60 7442SD1 3/4"x5-1/2" 3" 20 60 7448SD2 3/4"x8-1/2" 6-1/4" 10 60 7444SD1 3/4"x6-1/4" 3-3/4" 20 60 Thepublishedlengthistheoveralllengthoftheanchor.Allowforfixturethickness 7446SD1 3/4"x7" 4-1/2" 20 60 plusoneanchordiameterforthenutandwasherthicknesswhenselectingalength. 7448SD1 3/4"x8-1/2" 6" 10 40 Allanchorsarepackagedwithnutsandwashers. 7449SD1 3/4"x10" 7-1/2" 10 40 7451SD1 3/4"x12" 9-1/2" 10 40 7450SD1 7/8"x6" 2-3/4" 10 20 INSTALLATIONACCESSORIES 7452SD1 7/8"x8" 4-3/4" 10 40 (FORADDITIONALLENGTH) 7454SD1 7/8"x10" 6-3/4" 10 30 CAT. STD. NO. SIZE BOX 7461SD1 1"x6" 2-3/8" 10 30 08465 Adjustabletorquewrenchwith1/2”squaredrive(10to150ft.-lbs.) 1 7463SD1 1"x9" 5-3/8" 10 20 7465SD1 1"x12" 8-3/8" 5 10 7473SD1 1-1/4"x9" 4-3/4" 5 15 Power-Stud® 7475SD1 1-1/4"x12" 7-3/4" 5 15 Thepublishedlengthistheoveralllengthoftheanchor.Allowforfixturethickness WedgeTypeExpansionAnchor plusoneanchordiameterforthenutandwasherthicknesswhenselectingalength. BASEMATERIAL Allanchorsarepackagedwithnutsandwashers. Concrete,GroutedCMU SIZERANGE 1/4"x1-3/4"to1-1/4"x12" ANCHORMATERIAL CarbonSteel,Type304or316StainlessSteel,&MechanicallyGalvanized CarbonSteel ThePower-Studanchorisaonepiecefullythreaded,wedgestyleanchoravailable incarbonsteelandstainlesssteel.Threaded,RodHangerandTie-Wireversionsare CODE LISTED CITYOFLOSANGELES ICC-ESESR-2502 LARR-25831(Concrete) designedforuseinsolidconcrete.Thedrillbitdiameterneededforproper installationisthesamenominalsizeastheanchordiameter. Power-Stud+™SD2 WedgeTypeExpansionAnchor BASEMATERIAL Normal-WeightConcrete,StructuralSand-LightweightConcrete, ConcreteoverMetalDeck, Grout-FilledMasonry MECHANICALLYGALVANIZEDPOWER-STUD® SIZERANGE MechanicallyGalvanizedPower-Studanchorsaremanufacturedfromcarbonsteel 3/8”through3/4”diameter(CrackedandUncrackedConcrete) whichhaveamechanicallygalvanizedcoating(zinc)inaccordancewithASTM ANCHORMATERIAL SpecificationB695,Class65,TypeI. ZincPlatedCarbonSteelBodywithStainlessSteelExpansionClip ThePower-Stud+SD2anchorisafullythreaded,torque-controlled,wedge CAT. MIN. THREAD STD. STD. NO. SIZE EMBED. LENGTH BOX CTN. expansionanchorwhichisdesignedforconsistentperformanceincrackedand 7720 1/2"x2-3/4" 2-1/4" 1-3/8" 50 200 uncrackedconcrete.Suitablebasematerialsincludenormal-weightconcrete, 7723 1/2"x4-1/2" 2-1/4" 3-1/8" 50 200 structuralsand-lightweightconcreteandconcreteovermetaldeck.Theanchoris 7724 1/2"x5-1/2" 2-1/4" 4-1/8" 50 150 manufacturedwithazincplatedcarbonsteelbodyandstainlesssteelexpansion 7726 1/2"x7" 2-1/4" 5-5/8" 25 100 clipforpremiumperformance. 7730 5/8"x3-1/2" 2-3/4" 2" 25 100 Patented&AdditionalPatentsPending 7734 5/8"x6" 2-3/4" 4-1/2" 25 75 POWER-STUD+™SD2CARBONSTEELBODY&SSEXPANSIONCLIP 7741 3/4"x4-3/4" 3-3/8" 2-7/8" 20 60 CAT. THREAD STD. STD. 7742 3/4"x5-1/2" 3-3/8" 3-5/8" 20 60 NO. SIZE LENGTH BOX CTN. 7413SD2 3/8"x3" 1-5/8" 50 300 7748 3/4"x8-1/2" 3-3/8" 6-5/8" 10 40 7414SD2 3/8"x3-1/2" 2-1/4" 50 300 7750 7/8"x6" 3-7/8" 2-3/4" 10 40 7 POWER-STUD•ATOMIC+UNDERCUT L MECHANICALLYGALVANIZEDPOWER-STUD®CONTINUED A CAT. MIN. THREAD STD. STD. NO. SIZE EMBED. LENGTH BOX CTN. C 7752 7/8"x8" 3-7/8" 4-3/4" 10 40 I 7763 1"x9" 4-1/2" 5-3/8" 10 30 N TYPE316STAINLESSSTEELPOWER-STUD™ CAT. MIN. THREAD STD. STD. A NO. SIZE EMBED. LENGTH BOX CTN. 7600 1/4"x1-3/4" 1-1/8" 3/4" 100 500 H 7602 1/4"x2-1/4" 1-1/8" 1-1/4" 100 500 C 7604 1/4"x3-1/4" 1-1/8" 2-1/4" 100 500 E TIE-WIREPOWER-STUD® 7610 3/8"x2-1/4" 1-5/8" 1-1/4" 50 250 CAT. TIE-WIRE MIN. STD. STD. M NO. SIZE HOLESIZE EMBED. BOX CTN. 7612 3/8"x2-3/4" 1-5/8" 1-5/8" 50 250 7409 1/4"x2" 9/32" 1-1/8" 100 500 7613 3/8"x3" 1-5/8" 1-7/8" 50 250 7614 3/8"x3-1/2" 1-5/8" 2-3/8" 50 250 7615 3/8"x3-3/4" 1-5/8" 2-5/8" 50 250 7616 3/8"x5" 1-5/8" 3-7/8" 50 250 RODHANGERPOWER-STUD® 7620 1/2"x2-3/4" 2-1/4" 1-3/8" 50 200 CAT. ROD ANCHOR DRILL MIN. THREAD STD. STD. NO. SIZE SIZE DIA. EMBED. DEPTH BOX CTN. 7622 1/2"x3-3/4" 2-1/4" 2-3/8" 50 200 7806 3/8" 1/2"x2-3/8" 1/2" 2-1/4" 9/16" 50 250 7623 1/2"x4-1/2" 2-1/4" 3-1/8" 50 200 7624 1/2"x5-1/2" 2-1/4" 4-1/8" 50 150 7626 1/2"x7" 2-1/4" 5-5/8" 25 100 7630 5/8"x3-1/2" 2-3/4" 2" 25 100 7632 5/8"x4-1/2" 2-3/4" 3" 25 100 TYPE304STAINLESSSTEELPOWER-STUD® 7633 5/8"x5" 2-3/4" 3-1/2" 25 100 7634 5/8"x6" 2-3/4" 4-1/2" 25 75 StainlessSteelPower-Stud™anchorsaremanufacturedfromAISIType304/304 7636 5/8"x7" 2-3/4" 5-1/2" 25 75 CuandType316stainlesssteelwhichispassivated. 7638 5/8"x8-1/2" 2-3/4" 7" 25 75 CAT. MIN. THREAD STD. STD. 7640 3/4"x4-1/4" 3-3/8" 2-3/8" 20 60 NO. SIZE EMBED. LENGTH BOX CTN. 7641 3/4"x4-3/4" 3-3/8" 2-7/8" 20 60 7300 1/4"x1-3/4" 1-1/8" 3/4" 100 500 7642 3/4"x5-1/2" 3-3/8" 3-5/8" 20 60 7302 1/4"x2-1/4" 1-1/8" 1-1/4" 100 500 7644 3/4"x6-1/4" 3-3/8" 4-3/8" 20 60 7304 1/4"x3-1/4" 1-1/8" 2-1/4" 100 500 7646 3/4"x7" 3-3/8" 5-1/8" 20 60 7310 3/8"x2-1/4" 1-5/8" 1-1/4" 50 250 7648 3/4"x8-1/2" 3-3/8" 6-5/8" 10 40 7312 3/8"x2-3/4" 1-5/8" 1-5/8" 50 250 Thepublishedlengthistheoveralllengthoftheanchor.Allowforfixture 7313 3/8"x3" 1-5/8" 1-7/8" 50 250 thicknessplusoneanchordiameterforthenutandwasherthicknesswhen 7314 3/8"x3-1/2" 1-5/8" 2-3/8" 50 250 selectingalength. 7315 3/8"x3-3/4" 1-5/8" 2-5/8" 50 250 7316 3/8"x5" 1-5/8" 3-1/8" 50 250 NEW! 7320 1/2"x2-3/4" 2-1/4" 1-3/8" 50 200 7322 1/2"x3-3/4" 2-1/4" 2-3/8" 50 200 7323 1/2"x4-1/2" 2-1/4" 3-1/8" 50 200 7324 1/2"x5-1/2" 2-1/4" 4-1/8" 50 150 CODE LISTED ICC-ESESR-3067 7326 1/2"x7" 2-1/4" 5-5/8" 25 100 7330 5/8"x3-1/2" 2-3/4" 2" 25 100 Atomic+Undercut 7332 5/8"x4-1/2" 2-3/4" 3" 25 100 7333 5/8"x5" 2-3/4" 3-1/2" 25 100 HeavyDutyUndercutAnchor 7334 5/8"x6" 2-3/4" 4-1/2" 25 75 BASEMATERIAL Normal-WeightConcrete,StructuralSand-LightweightConcrete 7336 5/8"x7" 2-3/4" 5-1/2" 25 75 SIZERANGE 7338 5/8"x8-1/2" 2-3/4" 7" 25 75 3/8"diameterthrough3/4"diameter 7340 3/4"x4-1/4" 3-3/8" 2-3/8" 20 60 ANCHORMATERIAL 7341 3/4"x4-3/4" 3-3/8" 2-7/8" 20 60 ZincPlatedA36CarbonSteel,ZincPlatedHighStrengthA193GradeB7Steel, Type316StainlessSteel 7342 3/4"x5-1/2" 3-3/8" 3-5/8" 20 60 7344 3/4"x6-1/4" 3-3/8" 4-3/8" 20 60 TheAtomic+Undercutanchorisaheavydutyundercutanchorwhichisdesigned 7346 3/4"x7" 3-3/8" 5-1/8" 20 60 forconsistentperformanceincrackedanduncrackedconcrete.Atomic+Undercut 7348 3/4"x8-1/2" 3-3/8" 6-5/8" 10 40 anchorsareavailableforstandardinstallationsandforthroughboltapplications wherethefixtureisalreadyinplace.TheAtomic+Undercutanchorisinstalledintoa 7349 3/4"x10" 3-3/8" 8-1/8" 10 30 pre-drilledholewhichhasbeenenlargedatthebottomintheshapeofareversed 7352 7/8"x8" 3-7/8" 4-3/4" 10 40 coneusingthePowersUndercutDrillBit.Theresultisananchorwhichtransfers 7361 1"x6" 4-1/2" 2-3/8" 10 30 loadmainlythroughbearing,andunlikeatypicalexpansionanchorisnot 7363 1"x9" 4-1/2" 5-3/8" 10 30 dependentuponfrictionbetweentheexpansionsleeveandtheconcrete. 7365 1"x12" 4-1/2" 8-3/8" 5 15 Thepublishedlengthistheoveralllengthoftheanchor.Allowforfixture thicknessplusoneanchordiameterforthenutandwasherthicknesswhen 8 selectingalength.

While the code does not apply to non-structural anchoring application such as light duty fastening to drywall, it does apply to applications which involve all the steel anchors and adhesive anchors purchased which are used every day by contractors of all types in structural applications. There are
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