January/February 2016 $5.00 2016 Spring Conference Preview Green Energy and Green Money: Coincidence? EGSA Power Generation Market Pulse Survey EGSA Heads ‘South of the Border’ for the Generac Power Systems Annual Dealer Conference POWER-GEN International a Huge Success for the EGSA Power Pavilion in 2015! Sunbelt Transformer Ltd. Member Profile 23433 LF notaR acoB 004 etiuS ,yawhgiH eixiD htuoS 0561 noitaicoSSa SmEtSyS GnitarEnEG lacirtcElE The long-awaited 5th Edition of On-Site Power Generation: A Comprehensive Guide to On-Site Power is available for distribution and purchase! Newly Revised & Expanded FIFTH EDITION with Soft Cover GenPeurbaClTtiOisnhiohgnreep Sdd S yy bBes yttTr eooto hmYocedso kEk Aalue s!iyscrsot!rciciaatli on TH•h••eIe T fC r h5yeaiotsS hOlu4a loi v 7sEraf(e te d5rT crecH i 6hta7 oiiEa1on0v fpeOn 0)ett r hen 7r wpveer-5assS p br. g0ir vetuheese-assas5. i Pers3nv5dnoose9 7tw.cns sco56ses hav 0r oeao w0Gmfrpr Ohe pt-a venynlajiiroeg:-gssrSrhe i a(itit1smt et0 eEi(ro mp n GPanoreoronSw ebvwd Atsoeh ueeao.mbrnoak,j e1e rs.yc0g nioIt0estt u r!pt i)o oastsgvo heaed soclr ola au tdtwhrldhdreeeynd or 4lsewoint.hcan Ie t d Eat’hsd eac i a4toniltphol oiyEnnd!!ri tdoionen)er pfolarcme.. Powerline • January/February 2016 www.EGSA.org 2 contents Volume 51, No.1 • January/February 2016 Columns From the Top. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 January/February 2016 $5.00 2016 President Bob Hafich Education. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2016 Spring Is There Anybody Out There? Conference Preview Codes & Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Green Energy and Green Money: Coincidence? Snapshot for 2016 2015 EGSA Power Generation Market Pulse Survey EGSA Heads ‘South of the Border’ for the Generac Power Systems Annual Dealer Conference POWER-GEN International a Huge Success for the Features EGSAS uPnobweeltr TPraavnilsiofonr mine 2r 0L1td5.! Member Profile 2016 EGSA Spring Conference Preview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 We’re Back in the Saddle Again in 2016! Are You Ready to Join EGSA in Spurring on our 51st Year? Green Energy and Green Money: Coincidence?. . . . . . . . . 18 noitaicoSSa SmEtS 0y0S4 GetniuSit ,yaawrhEg2ni3HE4 3Ge3ix lLiDaF cnhotiurtaotRSc 0aEc5lo6EB1 On the Cover: 2016 Spring EGSA Power Generation Market Pulse Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Conference Preview; Page 13. EGSA Heads ‘South of the Border’ for the Generac Power Systems Annual Dealer Conference. . . . . . . . 33 POWER-GEN International a Huge Success for the EGSA Power Pavilion in 2015! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Market Pulse survey 2015 EGSA Power Generation SADEAIWAnunsvsdhsoeensooetonbch’spxict eea Wsirtolaa i toiChft nrn Tioa oAt o ralinmaudenn nrn dvN tsse hdeIefeirnaorstnwid rierisusms.stes so..usterrfe..s yr E... oeLGf...v tSPe...dAon....wt ...MsMe....rele...imnm...eb....ebr...e ...cro... mP...rp...oa...nf...iyle... p....r....ofi....l....es..... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..435628 MBraotTarnvoapMntcssscacwdwcssmtrfbgpctrittpymnohwhirereeeeeoosronootnireroyiaeoouuhoyehoiisdkgee e enefe en camnammmri no mnbiwne uierrlTSATpr snoatmlmim rhseenortpnNttoa uvvrd uehrge -lee rup pp th aaphe noons ntthrtntcerdccdeematanbbrd dettesp c iereeruleeawea eghl$ornedociti ilrc derriyy eete rstvuc saofiorpwlwcrtn heneaya2 e ahc moiitcm yEamrerp a he tvdw5 tdnnlmmertt iw ogei0 eMrlsa i o rhOetiGmoyherwfoeentpadlce7f,sevd oh al i ery.0 he esrlen ibyooev1ouso c nrolSsa2seif oia rbufenieiart Ec ieo omi ldt)rerdeis ai f pgmsrn tAlrmd0recs etirggtshtftgdje grGteorch ruiv teu esieeoe h kfosd1thtph wk d n idne i bfhnepgnaoee P faddrMlnhSuprncratetcne r5nrrccevot at u eyyraa tniay vhhAp owefeo rnesblacttgsro sftteid msrotl a.wstdnitodseutsosioir m.a amiaa l adhamsr nhisrev lcraiteie pdsaiyv teo.nr salnncro hurntokn n emdesti vaihieTnprd qsnlopt hsviaaetpsoiItpl ‐ oendeoroscedunii oe rgocssu ahhsnt nres2aogooant.svrtesoopmrt dye acei uonete sn yotceoteug deni,u2vu nEt,esk nSTa te. soism t0n rt a sec iss )seii oee pyrtyttGhibt i puwCaew rvtsrwnree tm e0Feoni nnfod dntn peyi rr siivepieterao cS mhoEoc odoga0fpi,Etsinit e i.e ua n yvppaic t oocnAtsscenriw eniPraGttzen edraGdshr ihenpn.ayeae eoshmwnh tpderesna rnodk cy si rc rrwi e pSsa Smowi foddentraaeag l oteosvaAeetol ythwamOshAAu fCtyisuiin re dten yjra tpeere rfiecthmauae ecgtque ehr ntn d dsmn ohrame’Ntoihm radricnschgheiorspimup itesrn esinm ceaotnp nt eoearpudgo u-einoabr t soiies“aewbertssentt i tdoctPeo eor.ln pnrsumdetome nsam,osyeielyi EE tlgnmeeunc te locvotnrudiuecGs-r s nni l ddpG G psiwisossbsrooednsdees vaesawdddawoltbs .thae sarnaatrn rsmemt aSSen nnfinheieeenornoeoeoaetroeaioettsertttysAAdddpddddoooyeeeaeaesssssr”rr--------ff.,r TOI••••wttaei nnhran hfiic ecS dbteEe2riysd2is2cOowcas9etsazsE6mpds(ecz2tACl hhno5nhetupapapu p leerroe aen005u0 0GmeeaCaCiay o v 0alslmer r dtaomota11oan%11tnqnntes2eg2gfgneoepSor i2eno%orpig nfil4iun3n4u4esorsuee0ktc0tarco-nido Aep r)ocm0elm).e dderns tsod)nn nd(hm1r )1eioeangd oossnolae p10 pla si ewugesete5Me 5eyalm muet:r inarvkfs(-(dn4.) ofonmtla mnrrshnnr1r;reeve 42p odag re tlid )rteaetfaoyititoepiei7Thtdvoedsmtoa1ltrf9i otaoe taspntnmitsemtlv coson rt %o.lencw. .%rp itoi enivrs%n er2al s e tieoot(oercry’earr(to bpyFw2sFee ts(doe2.sr lse 0 nen)taa7na t2p1g i -sy fle paa0 ioeptd e2e n1rdmlfTito(Nt8vg -0oF r8morhtemd1fiadnnerero5eoo%oer4am tdaebwess1%fre%toert4csee di wtgntvy3s-n;p t o oy4soisir stua se ptl d ,tge(aoe.et-%v g euhreas-remSa e Ee m5n.uxiln-trrrraoPaftmaeal eer-elolttdrpi dy) ohk oeGgeplhpea ci tev tdxs elr st dne -l vTe r 3fiywlstssbgye ehhrderr arctslStfAvu aieog;aae ttumhete eeex-retc gutdvuo ei Aea tct c lllifwoniresnna9esetdesq eu rNh ss toinlolmbralt aop p matantvnlsoe i el.o %tau ir rnmnw(esrli2ywuy Sn wl(hsooaresid 4 etieoi staonee 2 ns 0 mfia(a npnesue nlnehn e3e5 tbfflus 1vmsttys1tt orim3td i rcnlrmogcd) % sh ti2nbee62aaenen(v cvo5r os)6cof ,i rniea2r tnf l0o )0deoreol go eedbmos y nne fe inli ngdouih91 ri1mf or ehmnenrtynnamereiancs tn( ( terhmy)6ep eam5cnuer,1h r ct1t ae esso2 o msn5v eal i e psw al 022nrge roe2i mpcpwapnups0ftlb ie5pwtnnl a7 )) 0asdnrfpeohahs0dos1 loodtoh oo tr4oiedioi t1n h d ilmrrra14na5wwninniheeenvntiaeniai4%myeeeesltssi’dnnhnddn55ggggeeesssss)------------tt; TTfmgamhvBatoaheemiiEpkcrttmMHtotsawntictpteonnnoeoeihhhet ondmnoseesrnehorGeacaoawoaorsr loe aga ea i enlinttnrgdtga esan aapaymtrowurscCBTEEcmte Ser irr ernfca eiledaSdtc crl nuh r ookcelrkpfkor mAs GtGmMdieyhodt eureash ctudeuio bgi n rershteeooem e fan yp lu nimioeegrsiS mSeracava iu ttaeyerlMgtmnet efctso fnnfia meh vmo t tto A narApitiirc t foC nafapfaot edthCTodr arhnseokgtuonifaeurorsdjoih arrll psdto fne.l mhnoynmrea eeerd e tomerdrgamr omy rwenon De ta dle,t tet mgolc se sm mtdcodebt i ett rm ohpapacay mniAbcph evste oehaaot i T2ecdsenepc trrmhm ohmcrroira baead eftk oi msesh,cemnr0esesayeoudtigepcirufts fri rki ey ss 1noel osicm1 issaaisonepin tnhcaosiursgoopcrzo Eteotn i 0 socfiosnsrsrfi s5aujutrogCoftoe srtw sseJ wa n b eiokGcsdumo [email protected] o gtonalntert bn o ico ienstoeeePaheseryor descnvvsTenStnlrhaaosht mrfig r tmtaslyeycg he otsren uetv uiloAebitedtpl hsisC ome nmoro h iinia io cywieetd,Ac qpecrortn kermrgicoea mrfcob no m eony’ troymlnre oteeuEispaoi useseessocenH san ut tmn nesC. tgml, adviilAsoumncriGootshtiiumnir .ehaact,l’enrsodd syoa osmai b.eoeae trmpmeemctsrtuetnvbdiGcS eApn t erucleitttcesenhrmjnsrs ev pbor eetmrAueddieesehiuniseiaeotdsaosbsfeori eoetetrallsmr ocrse,uot.n,n sntimt tnne dlanlc eenr, yts rs a i,edtrnh attirtys ntrtccEiyid iesE’nr oiidosea.s ayrrs goobtteuiaiev.avg nsCtaoftig r s orGtetyk st.Gmtinitrlmn rucosfhihseer ce t ilnigana synni otloeooeAeiea as opvsSyao Softsticit ehrgi gptprpsdt mptwoscecn.fntumcneiuni’AdnrAsuna o i snpe eo yrno rra . cysdmo scMrdckvd l fotfipd es roeta noe mctmtaao r enehmg wptrostem etdnsao stsadsienskal n rcoeaooecgor tlstn od.tpsMrhJursiorri nudaruandi darabodi ta o tt takwudeo aooaFcwkhdektgttttiheitmm s duae hanacaennithhheehnlinrenooneieeeeeetr stterrsltiltdndldnygaeeaeeeesssssssssrrrr--------tt,,‐l‐ Updates from EGSA. Powerline • January/February 2016 www.EGSA.org 25 EGSA Power Generation EGSA Membership Application. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Market Pulse Survey; Page 25. It pays to be a Member of EGSA. Join now! EGSA New Members. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Who has joined EGSA in the past few months? Job Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Looking for a new job? Industry News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 The latest reports. Powerline • January/February 2016 www.EGSA.org 3 ARE DIESEL COSTS SQUEEZING YOUR PROFITS? If your diesel engines are in continuous or peak shaving operation, GTI Bi-Fuel® delivers the power to reduce your fuel costs— substantially. This patented system draws low-pressure, clean burning, natural gas into the engine, substituting it for a large portion of the diesel fuel, lowering costs, and reducing the need to haul diesel fuel to the site. Proven in thousands of installations, GTI Bi- Fuel® is an easy retrofit requiring no engine modification. Find out more about the benefits of GTI Bi- Fuel® at www.gti-altronic.com. GTI Bi-Fuel® — A Product of the HOERBIGER Group Powerline • January/February 2016 www.EGSA.org 4 events calendar conferences eGsa 2016 George rowley schools of on-site Power Generation EGSA 2016 Spring Conference March 20-22, 2016; San Antonio, TX The most complete overview of an On-Site Power Generation System available. Gain valuable Continuing Education Units EGSA’s Annual Spring Conference features educational sessions (CEUs) by applying today! For information, visit www.EGSA.org on a broad range of issues impacting the On-Site Power Industry. or call (561) 750-5575. More information is available at www.EGSA.org/spring or by calling (561) 750-5575. Basic Schools February 9-11 ..........................................................Scottsdale, AZ EGSA 2016 Fall Conference June 7-9 ...................................................................Charlotte, NC September 11-13, 2016; Sacramento, CA August 16-18 ..............................................................Sterling, VA EGSA’s Annual Fall Conference features educational sessions on a December 12-14 .......................................................Orlando, FL* broad range of issues impacting the On-Site Power Industry. More *To be held concurrently with POWER-GEN International 2016 information will be available at www.EGSA.org or by calling (561) Advanced Schools 750-5575. April 4-7 .......................................................................Austin, TX July 11-14 ...........................................................New Orleans, LA October 17-20 .....................................Nashville (Brentwood) TN Industry trade shows POWER-GEN International 2016 December 13-15, 2016; Orlando, FL The world’s largest show for power generation, featuring the EGSA On-Site Power Pavilion. For exhibit information, con- tact Liz Bustamante at (561) 750-5575, ext 206 or via e-mail [email protected]. CRANKCASE EMISSIONS CONTROL! DON’T WAIT Eliminate Crankcase Emissions* ON STATIONARY ENGINES 300 HP+ *99.97% EFFICIENT AT .3 µm and BELOW 4500 + HOUR CARTRIDGE-CHANGE INTERVALS www.hilliardcorp.com Powerline • January/February 2016 www.EGSA.org 5 2016 eGsa officers advertIsers Index President Bob Hafich, Emergency Systems Service Company [email protected] President-Elect Aaron Equipment Company ......44 disclaimer Charlie Habic, Gillette Generators Inc. [email protected] Altronic, LLC (GTI Bi-Fuel) .......4 Powerline Magazine is wholly owned and operated by the Electrical Generating Systems Association (EGSA) and Vice President Anna, Inc.....................26 includes advertising, press releases, editorials, and other David Brown, Collicutt Energy Services Inc. materials and information submitted by third parties and [email protected] ASCO Power Technologies .......48 gathered by EGSA, its publisher, and its agents and from Secretary-Treasurer contributors. This information is passed along by EGSA for Todd Lathrop, Eaton Diesel Gas & Turbine the interest of its members only. With regard to products, [email protected] Publications ..................41 services and information mentioned, advertised, or printed, Immediate Past President EGSA, its publisher, and its agents, do not investigate the Generator Solutions, Inc..........21 merit, accuracy or value of the material or information, Ed Medu@rpphoyw, eProsewaercrh Sineca.rccohm, Inc. and make no representations, warranties or endorsements Hilliard Corp...................5 of any kind, and hereby disclaim any responsibility to par- Phoenix Products ..............47 ties using such products, services or information. Readers’ 2016 eGsa dIrectors Bob Hafich activities are at their own risk. Paul Feld, Penn Power Systems Power & Compression Sales......26 With regard to editorials, letters to the editor, columns Ole E. Haaland, Anna Inc. 2016 EGSA President and any other opinions expressed herein, EGSA, its pub- Bill Kaewert, SENS (Stored Energy Systems LLC) bob.hafich@ Pritchard Brown ...............22 lisher and its agents, do not ratify, adopt, endorse or verify Dennis Pearson, Woodward emergencysystems-inc.com Ring Power Corp........... 9 & 26 such opinions, and hereby state that any opinions, express Bob Piske, Arizona Generator Technology or implied, are solely those of the speaker. No information Steve Sappington, Caterpillar Robinson Enclosures............26 is to be regarded as legal advice and reliance thereon and David J. Stringer, DEIF, Inc. accuracy of statements is hereby disclaimed. Russelectric, Inc................11 Kurtiss E. Summers, Load Banks of America With regard to information contained herein gener- Tom Wein, Generac Power Systems, Inc. Showmen Supplies Inc...........22 ally, EGSA, its publisher and its agents, do not guarantee, represent or verify the accuracy of any information. EGSA, eGsa staff Sunbelt Transformer ............35 its publisher and its agents, endeavor to provide accurate information, but cannot guarantee the accuracy and hereby Jalane Kellough, Executive Director Thomson Power Systems.........34 disclaim liability for any reliance on the information con- Liz Bustamante, Manager of Membership & Technology tained herein. Peter A. Catalfu, Manager of Communications United Alloy, Inc. ..............17 Herb Daugherty, Manager of the Rowley School EGSA, its publisher and its agents, make no representa- tions, warranties or endorsements of any kind of the infor- Kim Giles, Marketing Manager mation, opinions, and advertisements contained herein, do Michael Pope, Director of Education not assert the accuracy of any statements and all reliance Carla Powers, Manager of Conferences & Meetings thereon is hereby disclaimed. Debby Amaral-Robinson, Accounting Manager Herbert V. Whittall, Technical Advisor Kelly Wilson, Office Manager servIce InformatIon For Subscriber orders, change of address, reprints, and back issues (when available), contact: Editor, Powerline magazine 1650 S. Dixie Hwy, Suite 400 • Boca Raton, FL 33432 561/750-5575 • Fax 561/395-8557 [email protected] • www.EGSA.org Powerline is published six times per year on a bi-monthly basis. Articles and information submitted for publication should be forwarded to the attention of the Editor at the address above 30 days prior to publication. Technical articles and articles of general interest to the electrical generation industry are actively sought and encouraged. Powerline reserves the right to limit information appearing in its pages to that which, in its sole discretion, will reflect positively on EGSA and the industry which it serves. Throughout every issue of Powerline, trademark names are used. Rather than place a trademark symbol at every single such occurrence, we aver here that we are using the names in an editorial fashion only. EGSA has no intention of infringing on these trademarks. Electrical Generating Systems Association 1650 S. Dixie Hwy, Suite 400 • Boca Raton, FL 33432 561/750-5575 • Fax 561/395-8557 [email protected] • www.EGSA.org 6 www.EGSA.org Powerline • January/February 2016 2016 President Bob Hafich Meet our 51st EGSA President, Bob Hafich! An serving Central and Eastern Pennsylvania, South- active member of EGSA since 1997, when ern and Central New Jersey and Northern Dela- Bob, (along with his brother Joe Hafich), attended ware. Bob is President of Sales and Administration, their first EGSA Conference at the insistence of while Joe is President of Service and Operations. Tom Richards, EGSA President 1988 (Katolight) We welcome Bob as our 2016 EGSA President and Al Prosser (Katolight then, MTU now). and wish him much success in his role this year. Bob has been a spokesperson for EGSA Mem- Here is a chance to get to know him better, with bership from almost day one. His leadership our annual presidential interview. Take a look! strengths and his passion for the Membership “Who is the most influential person in Committee to succeed with their goals have eGsa during your years of active partici- Bob Hafich served the Association well. pation? Why do you think that it is true?” 2016 EGSA President Bob served as the Membership Chair from 2008 bob.hafich@ until 2011. During this time, he is remembered Bob Hafich: “Tom Richards. Tom took me, along emergencysystems-inc.com fondly for thinking ‘out of the box’ and engaging with my brother Joe and Al Prosser to our first fellow members with the “Hafich Challenge,” a EGSA meeting in Baltimore 1997. I am not sure if it membership contest that Bob championed while was Al’s first EGSA event or not? I saw the respect Chair to extend our branding message and en- that Tom received from everyone that he came into courage fellow members to engage their peers to contact with during the 3-day event. I observed consider EGSA membership. Overall, we gained the personal and professional relationships that he 24 new members from the contest, with the ma- developed there. I thought ‘what a great organiza- jority still active in EGSA business! Bob has also tion’ and ‘how good this could be for Joe and me.’ earned several accolades in EGSA, including the Tom went out of his way to introduce us to every- Carpenter Award (2010), the Timmler (2012) and one and we were welcomed with open arms. He the President’s Award (2012). Coincidentally, both also strongly urged us to get involved as the next Bob and Joe have served on the EGSA Board of generation of EGSA. I am so glad that we listened.” Directors, with Bob serving twice. “What was your first impression of eGsa?” Bob, together with his brother Joe are the lead- ership team at Emergency Systems Service Com- Bob Hafich: “I was so impressed with the profes- pany (ESSCO) of Quakertown, PA. Established in sionalism of the organization and the camaraderie 1974 by Joseph A. Hafich and his wife and busi- and relationships that I saw members sharing. Ev- ness partner, Lillian, ESSCO had humble begin- eryone was so welcoming. I saw the potential and nings as a sole proprietorship engaged in the busi- I wanted to be part of it!” ness of selling, servicing and repairing gensets. “Where would you like to see eGsa head- Above: (l to r) Joe M., ESSCO has also been an authorized distributor ed in the next 50 years?” Lillian and Bob Hafich. of Katolight since 1987 and remained such until Emergency Systems Service Katolight was purchased by Tognum, the parent Bob Hafich: “I want to see EGSA continue the Co. was established in 1974 company for MTU Onsite Energy in 2007. Today, current path and truly become the dominant voice in Quakertown, PA. ESSCO remains an authorized distributor for MTU, of the On-Site Power Industry globally. I want to see all end users educated on our Technician Certification Program and require their generators be serviced by EGSA Certified Technicians. Continued on page 12 Bottom Left: The Gang’s all here! (from l to r: Kenny (son-in-law), daughter Shelby, grandson Arlo, Kim and Bob Hafich) Bottom Right: Fun photo at the Fountain Hotel in Wildwood, NJ. According to Bob, when he and Kim were first married, they vacationed there every summer with their daughter, Shelby. Now that Shelby has a child of her own, it remains a place of fond memories! Powerline • January/February 2016 www.EGSA.org 7 educatIon is there anybody out there? Michael Pope You are giving it your all; the group is sitting could your presentations be improved? EGSA Director in front of you and you are well into your Some of Our Instructor’s Opinions of Education presentation. But just a minute... some folks are [email protected] looking at their handhelds, you can tell that oth- “Bill Heacock’s training kept my attention and ers have mentally left the room by their glazed helped me learn how to keep the attention of eyes, only a few are taking notes and you realize those that I train. I feel that Bill’s training was that you have lost most of them. Is this session extremely useful and not only did I change my turning out to be a waste of everybody’s time, presentations for the EGSA Rowley Schools including yours? but also changed how I put together my pre- EGSA volunteer instructors teach a total of sentations for my current employer!” about 200 hours every year at the George Row- Todd Lathrop, Eaton ley Schools of On-Site Power Generation. Com- (Transfer Switches) panies that send their people to these schools expect professional, knowledgeable and effective “I did a series of web activities with Bill and instructors that are able to increase the knowl- EGSA some years ago. It was a very help- edge of their staff. ful exercise. I really liked Bill’s feedback on the taped session - it changed the way I do teaching the teacher presentations and PowerPoint. It can be dif- Our Rowley School instructors are all experts ficult to get feedback that is not subject mat- in the topics they teach. And they have a wide variety of backgrounds that include electrical and ter based, but Bill did an excellent job of mechanical engineering as well as technical sales. critiquing instructors on their presentations. We have some business owners, a manufacturer’s His suggestions really help me reach my au- rep., consultants and some who are professional dience, and I believe retention has improved power generation instructors. because of it.” Very few of them had any training on training. Walter Chrysam, Alban CAT Power Systems They became presenters because of their techni- (Basic Electricity, Generators/Alternators) cal knowledge and the need to communicate that knowledge. “I think the knowledge I gained was invalu- able, especially concerning the delivery of are your “presenters” in this category? technical instruction.” Your Board of Directors recognized the impor- Tim Hinde, Woodward tance of making our Rowley Schools as effective (Governors, Voltage Regulators) as possible. We started an Instructor Enhance- ment Program several years ago. All Rowley “The webinar was very insightful and was School instructors are required to participate. packed with valuable information, not only Our consultant, Bill Heacock, specializes in tech- nical training techniques; his webinars for our on common missteps that I was already com- instructors have been instrumental in improving mitting, but also ways to enhance the presen- our presentations at the Rowley Schools. tation for more effective learning.” Jim McDonald, PowerSecure, Inc. (Engine Exhaust Emissions) Continued on page 24 8 www.EGSA.org Powerline • January/February 2016 GENSETSAND GENERATOR ENDS PRE-OWNED GENSETS GENERATOR ENDS • 20 THROUGH 2500KW • NEW & PRE-OWNED • LOW-HOUR • 100 THROUGH 4000KW • COMPLETE REBUILDS • 50 & 60 HERTZ • IMMEDIATE DELIVERY • WORLDWIDE WARRANTY We purchase surplus and pre-owned gensets and engines, too! Call today for a complete listing of available generators, power systems & engines from Caterpillar & other leading manufacturers. w w w . r i n g p o w e r - s y s t e m s . c o m INQUIRIES PLEASE CONTACT [email protected] ........904.494.1278 [email protected] ............904.494.1268 Powerline • January/February 2016 www.EGSA.org 9 rpc_psd_egsa_fpa.indd 1 6/13/2014 11:17:06 AM codes & standards Snapshot for 2016 Unfortunately, due to some medical problems make sure that the Standard does not include any requirements such as Voltage and frequency Ride I was unable to attend the EGSA Fall Confer- Through that would preclude the use of syn- ence in Denver, so we have some catching up to do! chronous rotating engine driven generator sets. An informal count of the attendees shows the Here’s a snapshot of where we are following: Test Labs – 4; Academia – 5; Utilities heading into 2016: – 31; Manufacturers – 24. Of the Manufacturers, The UL 2200 Review/Revise Work Group met several were from the Inverter Industry except in Denver with Jeff Jonas (Generac Power Sys- for these EGSA members: Marcelo Algrain (Cat- tems), Steve Oxtoby (Kohler Power Systems), erpillar, Inc.), Ken Gebauer (ASCO Power Tech- Herb Whittall Steve Sappington (Caterpillar, Inc.), Steve Stoy- nologies), Dennis Pearson (Woodward) and Rich EGSA Technical Advisor anac (Chillicothe Metal Co., Inc.) and Mike Wit- Scroggins (Cummins Power Generation). Luck- [email protected] kowski (Pritchard Brown, LLC) in attendance. ily, Herb Daugherty is also a member of the IEEE This EGSA Working Group is partnering with Conformance Assessment Program Steering UL to try and make UL 2200 safe and also more Committee, which is responsible for establishing user-friendly, especially in regards to genset en- requirements for certification of systems to the closures. If you are interested in helping this IEEE 1547 Standard. We really need additional group, please contact Steve Sappington at sap- EGSA Members to attend these meetings in order [email protected] or, plan on attending the next to protect our industry from a bad standard. EGSA Conference, March 20-22 in San Antonio, The July/August issue of IEEE Industry Appli- TX and attend their Working Group meeting on cations magazine has two articles that should be Sunday morning at 11:00 a.m. (March 20th). of interest to EGSA Members. On page 36, there The Codes & Standards Surveillance Com- is an article titled “Striving for Zero Planned mittee met on Monday afternoon with 50 people Outages” and on page 56, an article titled “An in attendance. They had a presentation from Erik Overview of IEEE 3007 Series Standards” which, Reynolds (Intertek ETL) concerning “Functional when published, will replace the IEEE Color Safety.” The presentation covered such items as Books. Global Trends and Requirements, how to prop- Herb Daugherty attended the November 9 -13 erly assess a Safety Integrity Level rating, Failure meeting (San Diego, CA) of the NEC Code mak- Mode and HAZOP analysis and IEC 61508. The ing panel 13, which covers Articles 445, 480, Committee also discussed the status of NFPA 70, 695, and 700’s. 99, 110 and 111, which are all of interest to our membership and we have members on each of Here is a summary of his report: those standards committees. Article 445 added the requirement to mark IEEE 1547 and its various sections were dis- generators with Subtransient Reactance, Syn- cussed, along with Herb Daugherty’s summary of chronous and Zero-Sequence Reactance, Insula- the IEEE 1547 meeting (October 27- 29th),where tion Class and Maximum Short Circuit rating. they were working on a rewrite of IEEE 1547 Article 480 added the requirement that Bat- Standard for Interconnection and Interoperabil- teries and battery Systems be “Labeled”. Article ity of Distributed Energy resources with Associ- 700 added Section 700.3(F) that when Emer- ated Electric Power Systems interfaces. There was gency Systems have only a single source of alter- also discussion by various subgroups on subjects nate power, then a permanent switching system such as Voltage Regulation, Voltage and frequen- to add another source when the single system is cy Ride Through, Anti Islanding, Energy Storage down the other source must be installed. A new and Communication Monitoring and Control. Article 712– Direct Current Microgrids - Defini- We need to be as involved as we can in order to tion was added. Continued on page 12 10 www.EGSA.org Powerline • January/February 2016