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Power system planning and operation methods integrating the controllability of HVDC PDF

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ETH Library Power system planning and operation methods integrating the controllability of HVDC Doctoral Thesis Author(s): Chatzivasileiadis, Spyridon Publication date: 2013 Permanent link: https://doi.org/10.3929/ethz-a-010025661 Rights / license: In Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Permitted This page was generated automatically upon download from the ETH Zurich Research Collection. For more information, please consult the Terms of use. Diss. ETH No. 21460 Power System Planning and Operation Methods Integrating the Controllability of HVDC A dissertation submitted to ETH ZURICH for the degree of Doctor of Sciences presented by SPYRIDON (SPYROS) CHATZIVASILEIADIS Dipl.-Ing., Nat. Tech. Univ. of Athens (NTUA) born February 19, 1985 citizen of Greece accepted on the recommendation of Prof. Dr. G¨oran Andersson, examiner Dr. Brian Stott, co-examiner 2013 To my family Preface This thesis summarizes a significant part of my research activities at the Power Systems Laboratory (PSL) of ETH Zurich. Spending about five years at PSL, there are a lot of people I wish to thank. First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my advisor ProfessorG¨oranAnderssonforgivingmetheopportunitytopursuemy PhD studies at ETH Zurich. I appreciate the freedom he gave me to exploredifferentresearchdirections,his supportto mywork,hisadvice whenever I needed it. In the German-speaking world, as he told me when we first met, they refer to the PhD advisor as “Doktorvater”. I feel G¨oran has truly been that to me, setting an example not only as a scientist, but also as a person. Special thanks goes to Dr. Brian Stott for accepting to be the co- examiner of this thesis and for the time he devoted in reading the manuscript. I highly appreciate the discussions we had during this process. If G¨oranis my Doktorvater,then Dr. Thilo Krauseshould be my older Doktorbrother. Beingmyclosestcollaboratorduringthelastfiveyears, I would like to thank him for his friendship and support during all the phases of this work. I really appreciate the numerous discussions we had not only about work and research, but also for introducing me to the world of german and english literature. During my PhD studies I spent two months at the University of Li`ege, working with Prof. Damien Ernst. I would like to thank Damien for giving me the opportunity to deal with much broader questions con- cerning power systems. Together we had the opportunity to introduce two new concepts. I highly appreciate his enthusiasm, his belief in am- v vi Preface bitiousideasand,mostimportantly,hisout-of-the-boxwayofthinking, which, following his example, I also try to apply in my own work. Within my PhD, I was involved in the IRENE-40 European project. For four years I enjoyed a close collaboration with power system ex- perts acrossEurope. I have greatlybenefited from these interactions. I wouldliketo thank allthe consortiumpartnersforthe excellentcollab- oration, the interesting and long discussions during our meetings and the memorable time we had after the meetings. I would also like to thank AndreasUlbig formakingupa strongteaminrepresentingETH in this project. I would also like to thank the students that I supervised during their masterorsemesterthesesforallowingmetoinvestigatedifferentideasor aspectsofmywork. ThankstoMatthiasBucher,YvesReckinger,Maria Zerva, Florian Schmidt, Tobias Rinke, Marina Katsampani, Ektor Sotiropoulos, Raffael Bu¨hler, Lucas Friedrich and Matthias Gautschi. Spending a significantpartofmy dayatthe office,I verymuchenjoyed thecompanyofmyofficemates. IwouldliketothankDr. FlorianKien- zleandDr. Mich`eleArnoldfortheirwarmestwelcomeinthe“bathtub” G23, for the amusing discussions, for all their advice. As Florian and Mich`eleobtainedtheirPhDandleftPSLforgreenerpastures,Ihadthe bestoflucktoshareofficewithTobiasHaringandMatthiasBucher;and for a shorttime with EvangelosVrettos. I would like to thank them all forthe mostentertainingdiscussionsabouteverypossible topic,forthe long coffee breaks, for making G23 “the” place to be...when someone was looking for something to eat! Certainly, a day at the office could not pass without the most enter- taining interactions with the rest of the PSL group. Thanks to Maria, Stephan, Theo, Marcus, Marina, Johanna, Martin K., Marija, Marek, Monika, Matthias G., Line, Frauke, Roger, Markus, Olivier, Philipp, Antonis,Emil,Olli,Hubert,Turhan,Yang,andRitaforallthewonder- ful moments. I hadthe best oftime with younot onlyat PSL,butalso outside of it: havingbeers atbqm, in our excursions,our ski-weekends, during sailing! Of course life progresses not only within ETH, but also outside of it. I would like to very much thank Sofia, for her love, support and un- derstanding during most of the years of my PhD. Her advice has often helped me see things from a different perspective. Preface vii IwouldalsoliketothankmyflatmatesFelix,Olli,andespeciallyCharis ToloumisandGiorgosSiafis,withwhomIspentmostoftheyearsliving in Zurich. Charis thank you for all the after-work entertaining discus- sions and your close friendship. Giorgos, thank you for being a good friend, for taking care of almost everything at home during the last months of my PhD, for your valuable advice and support. Certainly my close friends over all these years have been a non- depletablesourceofenergythroughmyPhD.Itisbecauseofmyfriends in Zurich, that I feel Zurich like home. And it is because of my friends back in Greece, that I know there are always people that I can share my joy with, that I can trust and turn to. I would like to thank them all for being part of my life. For proofreading parts of this thesis, I would like to thank Line Roald and Thilo Krause. Finally, my warmest thanks goes to my family. My parents, John and Maria, and my sister Katerina. For their unconditional support in all phases of my life, for inspiring me to dream, and for motivating me to follow my dreams. And for bearing with the fact that I am away from home for several years and probably for some years to come. Spyros Chatzivasileiadis September 2013 Abstract Agingpowersysteminfrastructure andincreasingintegrationofrenew- ableenergysourcescallforsubstantialinvestmentsinpowersystems,in ordertoensurepowersystemsecurityandcompetitiveness. Investments onnewlines,suchasACorHigh-VoltageDirectCurrent(HVDC)lines, are among the options. This thesis develops methods in order to incor- porate HVDC lines based on the Voltage-Source Converter technology (VSC-HVDC) in power system operation and planning. Themaincontributionslieintheintroductionofnewalgorithmsandthe derivationof analyticalrelationships inresponse to questions regarding power system planning and operation in case of contingencies. Focussing on VSC-HVDC lines, two Security Constrained OPF prob- lems are formulated which can be used either for planning or for oper- ation studies. Both take into account the VSC-HVDC lines and their abilitytoreactfastofferingcorrectivecontrolactions. The“CostofSe- curity”indexisalsointroducedforrankingdifferentexpansionmeasures in planning studies. Inordertoidentifywhichformoftransmissionexpansionismoreprefer- able, analytical relationships are derived so as to examine if an overlay networkwith long lines, or localreinforcements by shorter AC line seg- ments result in higher utilization. Relationships are also extracted in orderto estimate (and appropriatelymodel) reactivepower series com- pensation of AC lines, when dealing with simplified networks. The need for increased power flow controllability in highly meshed sys- tems,suchastheEuropeannetwork,isidentifiedinseveralcasestudies inthisthesis. Inthisrespect,theconcept“TowardsaFullyControllable PowerSystem” is introduced, whichaims at decoupling the marketop- erationsfromthesecurityconsiderations. Alowerboundonthenumber ix

phases of my life, for inspiring me to dream, and for motivating me to T. Krause, S. Chatzivasileiadis, M. Katsampani, G. Andersson. (2012).
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