Institutionen för systemteknik Department of Electrical Engineering Master’s Thesis Power Efficient Digital Decimation Filters for Σ∆ -ADCs Master’s Thesis conducted in Electronic Devices at The Institute of Technology, Linköping University by Love Cederström LiTH-ISY-EX--09/4279--SE Linköping 2009 Department of Electrical Engineering Linköpings tekniska högskola Linköpings universitet Linköpings universitet SE-581 83 Linköping, Sweden 581 83 Linköping Power Efficient Digital Decimation Filters for Σ∆ -ADCs Master’s Thesis conducted in Electronic Devices at The Institute of Technology, Linköping University by Love Cederström LiTH-ISY-EX--09/4279--SE Supervisor: Atila Alvandpour isy, Linköping University Co-Supervisor: Ali Fazli Yeknami isy, Linköping University Examinator: Atila Alvandpour isy, Linköping University Linköping, 12 June, 2009 Avdelning, Institution Datum Division,Department Date DivisionofElectronicDevices DepartmentofElectricalEngineering 2009-06-12 Linköpingsuniversitet SE-58183Linköping,Sweden Språk Rapporttyp ISBN Language Reportcategory — (cid:3)Svenska/Swedish (cid:3)Licentiatavhandling ISRN ⊠(cid:3)Engelska/English (cid:3)⊠Examensarbete LiTH-ISY-EX--09/4279--SE (cid:3)C-uppsats Serietitel och serienummer ISSN (cid:3)D-uppsats Titleofseries,numbering — (cid:3) (cid:3)Övrigrapport (cid:3) URL för elektronisk version Titel EffektsnåladigitaladecimeringsfilterförΣ∆-ADC:er Title PowerEfficientDigitalDecimationFiltersforΣ∆-ADCs Författare LoveCederström Author Sammanfattning Abstract The development of integrated circuit technology seen in the last decades has enabled a large variety of battery operated equipment to emerge, such as small sensors and medical implants. These applications often has low requirementson sampling frequency but require a very low power consumption to achieve a long batterylife. This thesis investigates one aspect of implementing a low power and low fre- quencyanalogtodigitalconverter(ADC)usingatechniquecalledΣ∆-modulation. TheΣ∆-ADC usesfew analog componentsbut insteadit requiresa digital filter to extract the wanted resolution. It is this filter which is under investigation in thiswork. To investigate the power consumption under the presumption that the filter would be a custom circuit implemented on-chip, a simplistic approach has been taken. Based on a high-level algorithmic investigation and the fact that it is popularlyusedtogetherwithΣ∆-modulatorstheCascadedIntegratorComb(CIC) filterwaschosenforimplementation. TheCIC-filterusesonlyaddersanddelayelementswhichisagreatadvantage when aiming at a low power consumption. The drawback is that this filter has a poor passband which can introduce distortion within the signal band. Using the Spectre simulator provided in the Cadence Virtuoso suite the lowest power consumption achieved was 16 nW, extracting 80 % of the theoretically available resolution. Nyckelord Keywords DecimationFilter,Sigma-Delta,Low-Power,Low-Frequency,CIC Abstract The development of integrated circuit technology seen in the last decades has enabled a large variety of battery operated equipment to emerge, such as small sensors and medical implants. These applications often has low requirements on sampling frequency but require a very low power consumption to achieve a long battery life. This thesis investigates one aspect of implementing a low power and low fre- quencyanalogtodigitalconverter(ADC)usingatechniquecalledΣ∆-modulation. The Σ∆-ADC uses few analog components but instead it requires a digital filter to extract the wanted resolution. It is this filter which is under investigation in this work. To investigate the power consumption under the presumption that the filter would be a custom circuit implemented on-chip, a simplistic approach has been taken. Based on a high-level algorithmic investigation and the fact that it is popularlyusedtogetherwithΣ∆-modulatorstheCascadedIntegratorComb(CIC) filter was chosen for implementation. The CIC-filter uses only adders and delay elements which is a great advantage when aiming at a low power consumption. The drawback is that this filter has a poor passband which can introduce distortion within the signal band. Using the Spectre simulator provided in the Cadence Virtuoso suite the lowest power consumption achieved was 16 nW, extracting 80 % of the theoretically available resolution. v Acknowledgments I would like to thank Professor Atila Alvandpour for the opportunity to do my thesis at the Division of Electronic Devices. Further I would like to thank Ali Fazli Yeknami for all the technical discussions, and not to mention the other PhD students at the division. My thoughts also go to my office mates, Fahad and Saeed, thanks for being there for bouncing ideas, about everything between heaven and earth. I would also like to thank the annoying people who dragged me away on too long coffee breaks, you know who you are. Last, but not least, I thank my family for all the support through the years. vii