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CERN 90-07 23 Juiy 1W ORGANISATION EUROPÉENNE POUR LA RECHERCHE NUCLÉAIRE CERN EUROPEAN ORGANIZATION FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH m CERN ACCELERATOR SCHOOL POWER CONVERTERS FOR PARTICLE ACCELERATORS Hyatt Conference Centre, Montreux, Switzerland 26-30 March 1990 PROCEEDINGS Editor: S. Turner GENEVA 1990 © Copyright CE R N, Genève, 1990 Propriété Littéraire et scientifique réservée pour Literary and identifie copyrights reserved in ail tous les paya, du monde. Ce document ne peut countries of the world. This report, or any part être; reproduit ou (radurt eu tout ou en partie of it, may not be reprinted or translated without sans l'autorisai ion écrite du Directeur générai du written permission of (he copyright holder, lise CERN. titulaire du droit cTtuteur. Pans les cas Direelor-Cieneral or CERN- However, permis appropriés, cl s'il s'agit d'utiliser le document à sion will be freely granted for appropriate des fins non commerciales, cette autorisation non-commercial use. sera volontiers accordée. II any patentable invention or registrable design Le CERN ne revendique pas la propriété des is described in I he report, CERN makes no ctaim inventions brevelables et dessins on modèles to property rights in it but offers it for the free susceptibles de dépôt qui pourraient cire décrits use of research institutions, manufacturers and dans le present document; ceumd peuvent être others, CERN, however, may appose any librement utilisés par tes instituts de recherche, attempt by a user lo claim any proprietary or 1st industriels et autres intéressés. Cependant, le patent lights in such Inventions Of designs CKRN se réserve le droit de s'opposer a louis may be described in the present document. revendication qu'un usager pourrait faire de la propriété scientifique au industrielle de toute invention el toul dessin ou modèle décrits darts te présent document ISSN 0OO7-8328 ISBN 92-9083-026-3 CERN 90-07 23 July 1990 ORGANISATION EUROPÉENNE POUR LA RECHERCHE NUCLÉAIRE CERN EUROPEAN ORGANIZATION FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH CERN ACCELERATOR SCHOOL POWER CONVERTERS FOR PARTICLE ACCELERATORS Hyatt Conference Centre, Montreux, Switzerland 26-30 March 1990 PROCEEDINGS Editor: S. Turner GENEVA 1990 CERN —Service d'Information scientifique —RD/803-2500-juillet 1990 - iii - ABSTRACT This volume presents the proceedings of the fifth specialized course organized by the CERN Accelerator School, the subject on this occasion being power converters for particle accelerators. The course started with Lectures on the classification and topologies of converters and on the guidelines for achieving high performance. It then went on to cover the more detailed aspects of feedback theory, simulation, measurements, components, remote control, fault diagnosis and equipment protection as well as systems and grid-related problems. The important topics of converter specification, procurement contract management and the likely future developments in semiconductor components were also covered. Although the course was principally directed towards DC and slow-pulsed supplies, lectures were added on fast converters and resonant excitation. Finally the programme was rounded off with three seminars on the related fields of Tokamak converters, battery energy storage for electric vehicles, and the control of shaft generators in ships. - iv - CERN ACCELERATOR SCHOOL will organize a course on POWER CONVERTERS FOR PARTICLE ACCELERATORS 26-30 March 1990 at the Hyatt Conference Centre, Montreux, Switzerland Lectures: Performance requirements for accelerators Classification of converters DC and slow-pulsed converter topologies Fast-pulsed power converters Achieving high performance Feedback theory Transducers and measurement technology Simulation Switch-mode Wound components Power devices and drivers System aspects Remote control and fault diagnosis Protection interlocks Grid-related and interference problems Resonant excitation Procurement Development of new ideas Seminars: Tokamak plasma control using thyristor power converters Simulation model for thyristor-controUed shaft generators Battery energy storage for electric vehicles Visit: CERN, European Organization for Nuclear Research General information This course will mainly be of interest to staff in accelerator laboratories, university departments, and manufacturing companies specializing in power converters and their electronics. It will concentrate on d.c. and slow-pulsed converters via lectures, seminars, and a visit 10 CERN. Persons wishing to attend this School can obtain further information and application forms from: Mrs. S. von Warihurg, CERN Accelerator School, LEP Division, CH-12M Geneva 23, or by electronic mail CASPOWER@CERNVM CXRN.CH Application forms must be returned no later than 15 December 1989. The registration fee is CHF 1300 per person if sharing a double room, and includes full board and lodging. For rates for single rooms, local students, and for non-participating accompanying persons (space permitting), please see the application form. All participants will receive a copy of the proceedings of this course. Administration Head of school: P.J. Bryant. Programme Committee: W. Bothe, P.J. Bryant, D. Fiander, C. Oates, J.-D. Pahud, J. Pett. Local Organizing Committee: C. Buraud, H.W. Isch, S. Turner, S. von Wartburg. Sponsored by: H O L EC HH P.O. Box 258, Hengelo, Holland. Tel: 31.74.469111 projects - v - POWER CONVERTERS FOR PARTICLE ACCELERATORS Hyatt Continental, Montreux, 26-30 March 1990 Time Mo nda y Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 26 March 27 March 28 March 29 March 30 March BREAKFAST 09.00 WELCOME Achieving Switch-Mode Procurement Power Devices Performance High and Drivers Requirements Performance for Accelerators 10.00 P.J. Bryant P. Proudlock P. Proudlock H.W. Isch J.-M. Peter COFFEE 10.20 Classification Feedback System Remote Control Resonant of Converters* Theory Aspects and Fault Excitation Diagnostics 11.20 S. Oliver A. Beurct J.-D. Pahud J. Pett W. Bothe BREAK 11.30 DC and Slow Transducers and Wound Protection Development of Pulsed Converter Measurement Components Interlocks New Ideas Topologies Technology 12.30 H. Foch M. Groenenboom V. Richter B. Godenzi J.-M. Peter 12.45 LUNCH 14.00 Fast-Pulsed Simulation Grid-Related and Power VVVVVVIIIIIISSSSSSIIIIIITTTTTT TTTTTTOOOOOO CCCCCCEEEEEERRRRRRNNNNNN Interference Converters PPPPPPOOOOOOWWWWWWEEEEEERRRRRR Problems CCCCCCOOOOOONNNNNNVVVVVVEEEEEERRRRRRTTTTTTEEEEEERRRRRR 15.00 J, Riimmler F. Bordry IIIIIINNNNNNSSSSSSTTTTTTAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAATTTTTTIIIIIIOOOOOONNNNNNSSSSSS G. Fernqvist AAAAAANNNNNNDDDDDD TEA ''''''MMMMMMIIIIIICCCCCCRRRRRROOOOOOCCCCCCOOOOOOSSSSSSMMMMMM111111 •TEA EEEEEEXXXXXXHHHHHHIIIIIIBBBBBBIIIIIITTTTTTIIIIIIOOOOOONNNNNN 15.30 Seminar Seminar Seminar Tokamak Plasma Battery Energy Simulation Model Control Using Storage for for Thyristor- Thyrislor Power Electric Vehicles Controllcd Shaft Converters Generators 17.00 F, Schneider C.-H. Dustmann J.-P. Jensen VVIISSIITT TTOO TTHHEE CCHHAATTEEAAUU DDEE CCHH11LLLLOONN 19.00 COCKTAIL 20.00 DINNER BANQUET * Paper by H. Bilhler - vi - i:(;-"' ••'*^i^;4i *3h : ;;;;;:::';;:':':;;: :;vM* frt. :•« «rs . 'wmÊ.vsjNit Wi "- -^,?*-* : >* •*<*» W*-ii jti. .••>•• •"• •*••••.:•*'-&• Sir*- •";'•* ». •;•,>*••''••• ^ - Vil - FOREWORD Particle accelerators touch many disciplines and technologies and the CERN Accelerator School (CAS) tries to reflect this diversity through its specialized courses. The most recent of these was held in Montreux, 26-30 March 1990, and focused on DC and slow-pulsed power converters for particle accelerators. Accelerators and power converters have always been closely associated. In fact the first accelerator capable of nuclear physics research, built by Cockcroft and Walton, was mainly an exercise in building a high-voltage power converter. Such was the success of their solution that the Cockcroft and Walton Generator became the preferred pre-injeetor for large accelerators for many decades after. Today, power converters have diversified into all the subsystems of large accelerators and proliferated, until in a machine like LEP there are literally hundreds of independent converters powering the guide field alone. The consequent demands made on reliability and performance have been a major driving force in the development of these devices. The course presented in these proceedings is the result of a serious effort by the very many people involved. The continued support of the CERN Directorate for the CAS courses and the guidance of the CAS Advisory and Programme Committeesp are both essential and much appreciated. The Local Organizing Committee ensured that the course ran smoothly, and many of the CERN services contributed in one way or another to its success and the publication of these proceedings. Very special thanks are due to the lecturers, for the tremendous effort they put into preparing, presenting and writing up their topics. The sponsorship of Holec Innovation and Technology, Holland, was most appreciated as was the efficiency of the Hyatt's Conference Centre staff. Finally, the greatest encouragement to all concerned came from the fact that some 80 students attended the course, representing the accelerator laboratories, universities and industrial firms of no less than 16 different countries. P.J. Bryant, Head of CAS S. Turner, Editor

Accelerator School, the subject on this occasion being power converters for . Internal protection of a conventional thyristor-conlrolled rectifier. 226 . Even so, the diodes and capacitors were at the limit of their in-house technology.
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