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Power and Powerlessness: Quiescence and Rebellion in an Appalachian Valley PDF

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Preview Power and Powerlessness: Quiescence and Rebellion in an Appalachian Valley

POWER AND POWERLESSNESS QuiescaenndRc eeb ellion ina nA ppalacVhailalne y by JOHN GAVENTA CLAREND ON PRESS · OXFORD 1908 OxfoUrndi vePrrseWisatysl ,t onO xSftoorxr2e 6deD tP, OXFORD LONDON GLASGOW NEW YORK TORONTO MELBOURNE WELLINGTON KUALA LUMPUR SISGAPOR.E JAKARTA HONG KONG TOK\"0 DELHIB OMBAY CALCUTTA MADRAS KARACHI NAIROBI DAR ES SALAAM CAPE TOWN ©johGnaven1t89a0 AUr ighrtess erveNdo. p arotf t hisp ublicatiobne r meapyr oduced, storienda r etriesvyaslt eomr,t ransmittienad, n yf orm orb ya nym eans electronic, mechanical, photocoorpo ytihnegr,w iwrsieetc,ho orudti ng, thep riopre rmissioofnOx fordU niversiPtyr ess BriLtiibsrarhCy a taloguini Pnugb liDcaattai on Gavejnothan, Powearnp do wleerssness I.C oal-mi-nKeernst yu ck 2.A ppalacrheigiao-nn Soccioaln ditions I.T itle 301.4442' HD8039.M62U67 94-0519 ISB0N- 1-987223-67 SebtyH opSeerv ic,Ae bsingdon PrintienGd r eBarti tbayi n But&l Tearn ner Ltd. Fromea nLdo ndon PREFACE Neart heC umbelrnadG ap,s tretchbientgw eetnh eP inea nd Cumbernlda Mountainascr ossp artso fT ennseseaen d Ken­ tuck,yl ietshe Valelya boutw hicthh isb ooki sw ritteOnft. h e manye xpeirensc erememberferodm that sumwmheern I frisetn terde theV alle,oy nep ehrapsm arksm y intruocdtion tot he quesitonhse rep urseud.W itha communiyt oragnizer int hea rae,I h ad climabn eardr wo patht oa m ountaicnab in tot alkt oa retidr eminre aboutj oniinwgi tho thersi na lwa suicth lalengtihneg l owt axatioonf tchoer porcaotlaep rop­ ertwyh ichs urroundehdi hs ome.T hem iner lisattetneendt ­ iveltyot hea cconuto ft hel oclia jnustiwcheicsh s evearlo ther sutdentasn d hIa d' diosvceerd'H.es hoewdn os urpristeh,uo gh hisr esopnsem ighth aveb eena nitciaptde.T hel ando fh is fatehrh ad beent akenb y thec oall ordHse. k newo ft he inequititehes V ailnl esyi nce. In thiso pportunittoy m ove agasinto neo ft hel on­g santdingi nequiseit,t hough,t he minesrh owedn o particru la intesrteH.i sr esopnsdei dn ots eemo neo fa pathoyri gnorance. Its eemed tog rowf rmo pasetx peirencienst he Vall,e ays wellas f rom hiss ittuiaoinn t hep resnet.Th em inre unde­r sotod somehtingo fp owerlsesnseso,f p owera,n do fh ow the twoc oulds ervet om aintiani nactiuopnon inujsitc,ee veni n a 'demcorac'y.O f thatk nowldege, my ratehrt radiiotanl schooilnga tt hen earbyu niveiyrt shadt aught vmeer yl iltet. I had readt het hoerieosfd emocrac,ya bouth owv ictims ofi nujstiicnea n' oepns ysetm'a ref reteo t akea citon upon theicro necrns,ab out hocwon flisc etmegrea nda rer esvoedl throuhg compormiseasm ongscto mpetinign teesrt.s Over­ lookintgh eV allefyro m them ine'rsp orc,h whIas taw seemed to quesotni thel essoInh sa dl eranedL.i kmea nyt hrouoguht CentraAlp palahciat,he Valleiysr icihn n aturarle souersc, espiealclyc ola,y eti tpse oplree maipno or: estimatheesr e 70 suggesetdt hatu p to perc ento ft hef amilireesm anied 30 belotwh ep overtyn el,wi hiluep t o per cewenrte u nem­ ploeyd.T hough theV alleiyse ndowewdi thl anadb udnant �eafce VI fori tss evearlt housnad residenttsh,ep eoplaer el anlde:s s 75 60,000 some perc ento f tlhaen d-eorv acreiss-o wned and conrtolledb y a singcloer opratoewn er,t he Amercian Assoctioian,L td.a, B rtiischom pany,c ontrloeld( tat het ime) byS ir DenLaywss on,a formeLro rdM ayoro f Londaondn oneo fB riitna'sw ealthiestme n.B lessedw itnh aturlab euaty, ther esourceosf t heV allye satndr aepd: unreacimled srtip (open cas)t mininignl yaesr alongt hem ounatinhsa sl eftthe ladnscaep scardr,te heh illsdiese rdoedt,he creekasn db ottom lnadsfi lledw iths i,la tciadn dc oal.A glancaett hem iner's gnarlheadn dsa ndt hes ounodf h isw eak lurnegmsni dedm e that dmeienpni g,t ooh,a dt akeint tso lIln.t heU niteSdt ates a mineirs k illeedv eroyt her doanye,i si jnuerde veyr ten mintue,sa ndt hoset hastu rvivset nada threien f oucrh ance ofg ettibnlga clku ng( ac hroincd isaese from inahlinmgi nute particleosfb lcakc oald ust.T )heries l itet clompenstaoini n thec ommunitfyo rw hati sl osatt w ork:s evricefsr omt he countyc ourotuhser,e ahcedv ia daa ngreousr oada,r ef ew. Alla ruondi neuqaliietasb ound. Butt hei neqauliiteisn t heV alely,es epcilaltyh oseb etween the communitayn dt he Company,s eemendo tt op rovoke challee.nT ghec heife xecuitveo ffciero ft he countyi nissted thatth erwee ren op articuplraorlb emsi nt he cola-pdruocing portoin of thec ount.y Neitehrd idt heo nces rtonga nd miltianutn oin,t heU niteMdi neW orkerosf A merica(U MWA), seem att het imteo bae s ourcoef c halelngteo t hes taqtuuos. Inf actm,an y oft hem inerisnt he Vallweeyr en on-uinono,r belongde toa s mal,lc ompanyd-ominatdew orke'ra sssociation. Againstc oroprtae exploaititona nd governmennte gle,c t nowheer in theV alledyi dt heer appear tob e organized prtoes. tbIe gant ow ondeirfI woulnd otd ob ettteort urn my tradointailp oliictaslc ienacre oundt:o ask notw hy rebelloicocnu risn a 'demorcac'yb utw hy,i nt he faceo f massiivnee qualsi,it tdi oesen o.t I begant or eadl iteratwuhirceh c hallegned some oft he more elitidsemto cratitch oeriest o wliich Ip revhiaodu sly beene xpoesd.S tiflrlse hf rmo my expeierncei nt he Valle,y I attempetd to deveolp a morea deuqatee xplaantiofno r whatI hads eenI.n sitautoinso fi nequa,l tithyep olitical resposneo f tdheep irvemda yb es eeasn af unctioonfp ower Preafce vii reloatnishsi.pP owerw orkst o devoepl and maintaint he queiscenocfet hep owelresRse.b lelioans,a corollamrayy, emegrea sp owerr eltaiosnhipasr ea lteedrT.o getehrp,a ttrnes ofp oweran d powelressnecsans keepi ssuferso ma rsiin,g griveancesf rom benig voic,e adnd inteesrtsfr mo being recgoniezd. To suggestt hta quisecence( or rebel)l miiognhbte r eleadt top owerw as tpolu ngei mmeditaeliyn taon e xtendaendd livedleyba tei np olitli sccaien. cWheati s tmheea ningo f power?H ow can we tewlhol h asi ta ndw hoh asn otW?h eni s ite xecirse,d and withw hate ffectsI?n P arIt oft his book Chaptre 1 picsk up thed ebateex,ma inintgh ree approaches tot he sutdyo fp owera nd arguintgh ta eachc arirewsi thi t a particuulnadre rstandoifpn ogl tiilci anactiionnt he facoef inqeualtiy.I nt het radointlai plulrias'ta sppraochp, oweri s undesrtoopdri mariilnyt ermosfw hop artiicpatwehso,g ains and who previalisn d ecisioank-imnagb oukte yi suses.T he pheonmenon ofq uiesecncei ss epraatedf romt hes tuyd of power. The pluarlsitsa'pp rocah hasb ene chlalendg bey a seconsdc oholw hicha rguetsh atp owerm ay workt ol imit thea citonosf t her elatipvoewleyr letshsr ouag 'hm obliiziaotn ofb iast'ht a prevnetsc eritnai ssuaends actofrrso mg aining accetsost hed ecsiio-nmakinpgr oecssT.h es econvdi ewh as beene xtendd bey a thirvdie ww hichs uggetshttasp owern ot onlym ayl miita ctoinu poni nequtaliieist,a lsom ays erve to shapceo ncepitonso f thpeow erleasbso tu the nataunrde extenotf t he ineqluiatitehse meslveIsn.h isb ook,( Setven LukesP,o weAr :R adicViaelw th)e p roponnteo ft hivsi ew sketchesa 'thremee-ndsiioln'aa pproatcohp ower,w hichh e claims' offertsh e opsrepcto fa seriouss ocioliocgaaln dn ot merelyp ersnaolziede xplnaationo f hopwo ltiicasly smtse prevte dnemandfsro m beocmingp olitiicsaslu oerse vefnr om 38). beingm ade'(.p. Thes ecnoda ndt hirvdi ewosf p owers eemde toc ontain theb eignninogfsa theyo rrelatpionwge rt op articitpoiano r nonpatricitpiaonb,u ti tw asu nclera exactlhyow thimsi ght occuirn t hel ifoef a givecno mmunitIy d.e cdiedt or eturn tot he Valleyw itha twofoltda s:kf irsttos, e eif tthhee ories of power coulbde a ppldi ueseuflltyo b etteurn dertsanding ther ealiiteso fp oliticaaclto in and belieoff t he primarily vm Praecfe whitea nd ruraplo, or anwdo rkinpge oploef a placlei ke CentraAlp plaaciha;a nd seocndlyt,o s eei ft he empiircal examniatioinst elcfo ulidlu lmiantef urtehrt het hoerteilc a inetrrelationsohfi pposw er and powerlensess,s quiescence andr ebelliinso int uatoifoi nnse qlutiay. Thet askh asb een avoideidn tphaes att l easptar tlilay becuaseo ft hem ethdooolgicla dififcutlieist w ast houhgt top resenHto.w canw e stuyd thawth ichd oenso to cucr? How canw e seet hes o-lclaed' hiddenf aecs'o fp ower?W hat aboutp roblemosf o bjectiviotfym ,a kinags sumptiaobonust whatp eoplmei ghtw ant?T houghd ififcultaireeps r eseIn t, shalla rguteh atth eY.ar en oti nsmuoruntalbeI.n P art II, a hisotrciala pprocah helptso doucmentt he shapiinngt he pasto f roleosr r outinoefsp owerw hichc ontinuien t he prese,nw titohutv isibclonefl icItn.P arItI I,tmhaei ntenncae ofq uiescceeni nt hec ontemoprarVya lelyi se xaminbedy identyiifngs peicfimce chnaismso f power from 'below', i.ef.ro m thep erspteicvoef t hep owerlse.Is nP art pIaVr,t ici­ panto bservaotni int he proceosfsc hlalegneo ra ttetmped chllaenghee lpst oc onifrmt he extteonw hti chp atetrnso f powera ndp owerlsesnespsr elcudei ssuferosm arisinogr acotrsf roma ctingT.h rouhgoutd,i fferriesnpgo nsoefst he Valyles' peopel tov aroiuso pprotunitfioeras c tioonr i n­ actioinn their' booma ndb us't hisrtyoh elpt op rovide evdiencef ora ssseisntgh ei mpcato fp oweru pont hem. Chaptre 2a rgeus thtahteq ueisceen ocft heC enrtalA p­ palachiaVna lleiys n otu niquien A mericRaa.t h,e rthe strakness of itesq ualiintiaends thee xaggereadt charcater oft hep owerr elationmsahyi mpask em orev isibplatet erns ofb ehvaiouarnd beliwehfi hc aref ounadm ongsnto n-elites elsewheArse i.t i nvolvaense xtremeplyoo rc ommunitiyn them idsotf a bundantw ealtthh,e c asoef t he Appalachni a Vallepyos eqsu estionasbo utt hep olitiocfps o vertrye lenvta toA merical'osw ecrl assg enealrlyA.s i ti sa boumti nerasnd theifra mili,e sthseut dyc osndierebsr oadqeure sitonsa bout workings-scc loancsioussn,ea nsd unioann d indutsripaolw er. As mucho ft heu nder-depveedlao rae iso wneda ndd omi­ natebdy a Bristhi-sbeadc orportaino,a nu nderstanodfi ntgh e sitatuioinn vvoelse xaminintgh ec ontmeporaryr oloef t he multinatiiontn hale a ffaiorfas l ocal communitya,sw elals Praefce ix them eanst hruoghw hichp rotemsaty emergea giansltna d­ hodlesrw ho arec orporataend absentee. The empiricsatlu dbyeg inisn C hapt3e rb ye xmainintgh e impacto fi ndurisatlp owera tt hee ndo ft hen ineteenth centuruyp ona tradointali,r urapleo plein a nda roundt he CumberlanGda po fK entucaknyd Tennessee. 4, InC hapter theh istiocrals tuyd continuweist ha n ex­ aminatioofnp owerr elantsihoipisnt hec ola camps oft he 1920asn d1 930sf oollwedb ya studoyf m ine'rm sovements towi n theirrih gtst oo rganizae u nio,na ndt oh avet heri voic·eehsar dw ithiint . Int heV alle,yt hei neqlutiaieasn d tphoewe rr eliaotnisphs surrounditnhge mc ontniuet odya verym ucha st heyw ere 5. hisrtiocalelstya blhiesda,s i ss uggesteidnC hapter Chapters 7 6 and looka tt her epsonsetso t hosien eqluiatiaests h ey occuirn t wop otenitamlo deso fc hlalnegel:oc apl olitiacnds thel ocalu nio.nI nt hel oclap olitli caarenvai,e w'ar f omt he botto'im ndicattheatsth e' vulneirlai'bto yft hen on-elitmeay acocuntf or tfhaei luorfei ssuoefsi neuqalittoya ppera on thed ecins-imoakiangegn da. Int heU MWA ,c orruptiaonnd a utocracwye rec hlalenged int hel at1e9 60sb y a ranka ndf iloer gaznaitioknn owna s theM inerfso rD emorcac,yl edb yJ ockY abolnskwih,o w as murdeerdf orh isp rtoes.tU ssinpgr eviouusnlayv ailatbrliea l 7 andu nionr ecdosr,C hapter exmainetsh eo ppoistioonf them inerisnt heV alelyt ot her eformm ovementI.ts uggests thatth ec asper odviesf urtheirl slrtuatioonft hem eansb y whichp owerm ay servet op rotect twhereoh lpdo,ee rvent o thee xtenotfs hpaingt hep erceptioofnt sh ep owerlesasbo ut ag ivecnon flict. 8, In Chapter the emergenocfec hallengaeg ainstt he Brtiischo mpany whichm inesa ndm insd theV alely'rse ­ sourcebse gintsoi nditceta hee lemnetso fp owera ndp ower­ lessnwehsisc hm ustb eo vecrome forp rotetsoot c ucrW.h ile thep ossibiliftoiree ffsec tivaec tiboyna relatipvoewleyrl ess groupm ay bel imtiedi na nys ittuiaonC,h atper9 suggests thatth ed ififuclitemsa yb ee veng reatfeorr t hen oll-leitoef a ruraclom munitayt teptmnigt ob ypsast he loclae lite and toi nlfunecea na bsentetear get. Int hatth efyo cuusp ond ifferinags pecotfts h ec ommunity Praecfe x atd ifferipnogi ntinsi thsi sotrye,a cho f tehmep riiclca hap­ termsa y bes eent oa ne xtneta ss epraaet casseut dieTsh.i s allosw ac omparatiavpep raochw ithitnh es inlges iutation itseYleft.i ti sa lsol iketlhya otn lyi nt hea ccumulation of powera mongstth ev airousas petcsa ndm omentisn c om­ munitlyie f wililt fsu lelff ectu pont hea ctioannds concep­ tionosf thpeow erlesbse cmoe undertsoodT.h esei nt­er reltaionshaispw se lla st hec onsqeuenceosf t hec asfeo ra more genealru nderstandoifnp go wera nd powerlessn,e ss quiesceanndc er eeblilonw ill tbhees ujbecotf t he Conlcusi,o n Chapt1e0r. In the prcoessof r elatitnhge eorticla notioonfss ocila scientcoev aroiusa spcetso fe verdyay communiltiyef ,m uch isl efutn done. TheoertilclayI, have notc onsidertehed dififculqute sitono ft heb oundarietsh aste praatpeo wera nd structMuerteh.od oloigclalyt,h es rtesso np rocessoefps o wer ast heym ilitaagtiaen scth nagem ay havel edm e tou nderplay thes ignicianfce oft hec hlalengtehsah ta voec crrued.E mpiri­ callyI,h ave neoxptl orefdu llyt hei mpacto fc eritnas ocializ­ atoin intsiuttoins-escpiealelydu catioannd reloing-iupon powerr elantsihopis. Whilteh esaer ec lera limittoianst ot hes utdy,I hopet hat thei ntpelrya ofp erspeicvetsw ilhlav ef aciitlatoetdh ecro n­ tirbutioFnrso.m t hec onseiradtioonf t hes peciiccf asIeh ope wilclo mea more genrealt hoeryo ft hei mpcato fp owera nd powerlsensesusp ont hep olitlia ccatioannds conceptioofn s a depridv egroup.F rom tihluels tratioofna methodf or exmainintgh e' thrdeiem ensniso'of p oweIrh opew ilclo me stimulfuosr f urtheexrp laotriono ft het heyo rino thre sittuianos. And,f romt hea pplitcaiono fb otht hoerya nd methoda betteru ndernsdtiangh as beenb roughttom yslef, andI h opet oo therosf,t hep ersispteolnitts i ocfi nequatlyi in tohfitse onv elrooekdr egioonfC enrtaAlp palacah.i Along thew ay,I haveb eneiftefdr omt hea sstiasncoef manyp epolet,o w hom Ia m graetfulW.i thitnh eA ppalachian regioIn h,a vel eranedf romt hosew hosewi sdomg rowsf rom experienceisn confrontipnogwe r, and powelrensesssi,n srtivifnogrs ocilac hang;ae sw elals f rom thea dvcieo fs oicla scientwihsot hsav eu ndertakmeonre formalr eesarchi nt he arae.F ora rchivaensdr eserachm ateirlast,h anksg ot ot he Praefce xi FinlC slouobfL ouiielsK,lve ntyuf copkrem rissnit oop esrue anqdu ottehep apeorfCs .B . R oebr;!t sot hUeni tdMe ine WorrkseR'ee sracDhe arptmneti nW asihngDt.onCf .oa rc cess tot huen nir oecoarnddf soa rs tsnaicsiene pxlroitnhgme ;t o thMeo edlVal leOyr aHli stVoidreyPo r joecftop,re rmission tov eiwt,ar nscirbaen qdu ote tptaehtseo;it rhH ei hglander Reseracahn Eddu ciaotCne nttehKree,n tuycS katte vAser,c hi thTee nsnseeSaett Lei braanrAdyr cvhseia,s w elalst op e­r sonisnn umerootuhsce uorn tcyuo rtsheogsuo,rnv meent ofifceasnc,dmo muintoyr ngiatziaons. InO xfo,rI db neefiftruetdhf errot mehc ommeonftt ohss e whor eaadnd di usssceedra lrpi eoritonosrd raofft stw hoirks, esplelcPyiet aeBrac hcrhaJ,u eltMi errlidCf,lid yeeM itcehll, DavPirdi ,Jc ieSmh rapaen Pdh iWliilpml siI.a a m rptaicularly gratteofm uylO xforsdu piesrvoSrtv,ee Lnu kesf,ot rh e comibnanto ifeo nthusisausoptrpaitnc td oh ugtuhflc riictism whichhep orvidaeldot nhgwe a yF.or f nianacnefd a icitiels, It hkanN ufifeCloldl ,et geheR hodeSsc lhaorsThrusitpa, nd thHei ghlaCnendteeVrre .rs yp elct aihnakgsot oA nnaB aer foprta ienatnuldny ls ifeshtlyyp tihnmega nuistpc.r Mosto fal lI,a mi ndeibntt ehdsiu tsdy t ot ehp oeploef thCel eFaorrkV aelylS.i ntchtesa ummeirn1 9 7t1h,eh yva e cnotintuotea edc, ih nm oerw aytshn at hekyn ow.

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