ie POWDER TECHNOLOGY ELSEVIER Author Index of Volume 96 Elsevier Science S.A POWDER TECHNOLOGY ELSEVIER plant studies teady-state continuou nydrod bution profil disc olume volume modc i r point ation on the theoretical filtration eth ciency of a transversal high gradient magnetic fill rcell with bounded flow fi ines the productiono f fin irticles of metal complexes fluids, 158 ot-plant studies of non-steady-state continuous sedimentation radial profiles of solids concentration and velocity in a very fine parti hydrodynamics and solids distribution profiles, 267 cle (36 2m) riser 6 ¥Turbule Uniform particle synthesi synthesiso f uniform cobalt from al } suspenofs Bi-FoeOnOH a 3-Co(OH particle Vacuum filtration influenceo f surfactan lypoplast tion of flocculated Vibrated beds bubble motion state transitions ina vibt 1 granular be¢ le nor ess distribution around a rising bubblei n a fluidize Vil ywalion an elastic shell model for particulate solids nea X e * a Csae rre