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Poverty and Progress in the Caribbean, 1800–1960 PDF

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STUDIES IN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL HISTORY This series, specially commissioned by the Economic History Society, provides a guide to the current interpretations of the key themes of economic and social history in which advances have recently been made or in which there has been significant debate. Originally entitled 'Studies in Economic History', in 1974 the serieshad itsscope extended to include topics insocialhistory, and the new series title, 'Studies' in Economic and Social History', signalisesthis development. The seriesgivesreaders accessto the best work done, helpsthem to draw their own conclusions in major fields of study, and by means of the critical bibliography in each book guides them in the selection offurther reading. The aimisto provide aspringboard to further work rather than a set of pre-packaged conclusions or short-cuts. ECONOMIC HISTORY SOCIETY The Economic History Society, which numbers over 3000 mem bers, publishes the EconomicHistory Reviewfour timesayear (free to members) and holds an annual conference. Enquiries about membership should beaddressedto the AssistantSecretary, Econo mic History Society, Peterhouse, Cambridge. Full-time students may join at special rates. STUDIES IN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL HISTORY Editedfor the EconomicHistory Societyby L.A. Clarkson PUBLISHED BillAlbert Latin Americaand theWorld Economy from Independence to 1930 B. W.E.AlfordDepression andRecovery? British Economic Growth, 1918-1939 MichaelAnderson Approachesto the Historyofthe Western Family, 1500-1914 P.j. Cain Economic Foundations ofBritish Overseas Expansion, 1815-1914 S.D. Chapman The Cotton Industry inthe Industrial Revolution Neil Charlesworth BritishRuleand the Indian Economy, 1800-1914 j. A.ChartresInternal Trade inEngland, 1500-1700 R. A. Church The Great Victorian Boom, 1850-1873 L. A. Clarkson Proto-Industrialization:The First Phaseof Industrialization? D.C. Coleman Industry inTudorandStuart England P.L. CottrellBritish Overseas Investment inthe Nineteenth Century Ralph Davis EnglishOverseasTrade, 1500-1700 M.E.FalkusThe IndustrialisationofRussia, 1700-1914 PeterFearonThe Origins and Natureofthe Great Slump, 1929-1932 T.R. Gourvish Railwaysand the British Economy, 1830-1914 RobertGrayTheAristocracyofLabourinNineteenth-century Britain,c.1850-1900 John Hatcher Plague, Population andthe EnglishEconomy, 1348-1530 j. R.Hay The Origins ofthe LiberalWelfareReforms, 1906-1914 R.H.HiltonThe DeclineofSerfdom inMedievalEngland E. L.JonesThe DevelopmentofEnglishAgriculture, 1815-1873 John Lovell BritishTrade Unions, 1875-1933 Hugh McLeod Religionand theWorking Classin Nineteenth-Century Britain j. D.MarshallThe Old Poor Law, 1795-1834 Alan S.MilwardThe Economic EffectsoftheTwo World Warson Britain G. E. Mingay Enclosure and the Small Farmer in the Age of the Industrial Revolution Rosalind Mitchison BritishPopulation Change Since1860 R.j. MorrisClassandClassConsciousnessintheIndustrial Revolution, 1780-1850 J.ForbesMunro Britain inTropical Africa, 1880-1960 A.E. MussonBritishTrade Unions, 1880-1975 R. B. OuthwaiteInflation inTudorand Early Stuart England R.j. OveryThe Nazi EconomicRecovery, 1932-1938 P.L. Payne British Entrepreneurship inthe Nineteenth Century G.D.RamsayThe EnglishWoollen Industry, 1500-1750 MichaelE.RoseThe ReliefofPoverty, 1834-1914 MichaelSandersonEducation, EconomicChangeandSocietyinEngland1780-1870 S.B.SaulThe Myth ofthe Great Depression, 1873-1896 Arthurj. Taylor Laissez-faireandStateInterventioninNineteenth-century Britain Peter Temin Causal Factors in American Economic Growth in the Nineteenth Century Michael Turner EnclosuresinBritain, 1750-1830 Margaret WalshThe American FrontierRevisited j. R. Ward Poverty and Progress intheCaribbean, 1800-1960 OTHERTITLES ARE IN PREPARATION Poverty and Progress in the Caribbean 1800-1960 Preparedfor The EconomicHistory Societyby j.n. WARD Lecturer in Economic History University of Edinburgh M MACMILLAN ©The EconomicHistorySociety 1985 Allrights reserved. No reproduction, copyor transmissionofthispublicationmay bemade without written permission. No paragraph of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted save with writtenpermissionor in accordance with theprovisionsofthe CopyrightAct 1956(asamended). Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liableto criminal prosecution and civilclaimsfor damages. First published 1985 Published by Higherand FurtherEducationDivision MACMILLAN PUBLISHERS LTO Houndmills, Basingstoke, HampshireRG21 2XS and London Companiesand representatives throughout the world British Library Cataloguingin Publication Data Ward, J.R. Poverty and progress in the Caribbean 1800-1960. -(Studiesin economic and social history) 1. CaribbeanArea-Economicconditions I. Title II. Series 330.9182'1 HC151 ISBN978-0-333-37212-8 ISBN978-1-349-07395-5(eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-349-07395-5 Contents List ofTables, MapandGraph 6 Note onReferences 7 Editor'sPreface 11 1 Introduction 13 2 TheLastYearsofSlavery 17 3 Adjustmentsto Emancipation 31 4 ProblemsofEconomicDevelopment 46 5 GeneralConclusion 66 Notes 69 SelectBibliography 70 Index 79 5 ListofTables, Map andGraph Tables I Levelsof Gross Domestic Product per Head of Population 14 II AverageAnnual SugarProduction 27 III Land-Population Ratios and Changes in Sugar ProductionafterEmancipation 34-5 Map: The Caribbean 8 Graph: LondonPriceofRawSugar1800-1939 9 6 Note on References References inthe textwithinsquarebrackets relateto the numbered items in the SelectBibliography, followed, where necessary, by the page number in italics, for example (1:45]. The other references, numbered consecutively, relate to the items specified in the Notes section. 7 0 0 2 s ,mile 9 os d Vllii'llsIand1l••C~...St.Kill"l•Nevil.Croix.AntiguaMontaemlt'"GuatcupelDotrU1ica~Martin;que oSt.Lucia51.V,ncent."Barba 4IGrenada AN Puerto St E B B RI A C E H T ~ maica Ja 0 0 39 30 20 10 1900 R 0 A 9 G U S 60 W A R F .10 O E o C e RI P . N ~J ,SO O : D [2 LON Source: ,40 .30 .20 0 ShiUingsaterhngcwt.per(1I2Ibs.)eo 75 70 65 60 35 30 25 20 15 10 5I.soo' --0

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